Easy Config Debugging!!
Journaling-Hash records the history of where keys are set for easy debugging.
Maintains private (closured) name, history and data objects to help you be honest =).
JH = require('journaling-hash');
var jh = new JH({"color": "blue", "width": "900px"});
jh.set({"color": "gray"}, "company settings");
jh.set({"color": "#f0f", "width": "100px"}, "user settings");
// "#f0f"
// Gets the full history for the property
// [ [ '"blue"', 'default' ],
// [ '"gray"', 'company settings' ],
// [ '"#f0f"', 'user settings' ] ]
// Note that it only shows the changes
// [ [ '"900px"', 'default' ],
// [ '"100px"', 'user settings' ] ]
jh.set({"color": "black"});
//throw('someone called set() without passing in debugInfo!');
// JS Object with *copy* of properties
Always returns a copy
Nested objects and arrays also work the way you want, so you can't have a consumer accidentally changing the source (thereby messing up your hash without a journaled event.)
jh = new JH("config", {nested:{opt:"val"}});
jh.get("nested").opt = "val2";
// { opt: 'val' }
You can push values onto arrays as well.
jh = new JH("favorite numbers", {a:[1,2], b:[99]});
jh.push({a:3, b:100, c:3.14}, "more favorites");
// '{"a":[1,2,3],"b":[99,100],"c":[3.14]}'
You can also perform a deep merge
This merges objects (recursively), concats arrays and overrides everything else, using the type of the existing value.
jh = new JH("config", {a:[1, 2], o:{k: "v", n:{a:[2]}}, i:4});
jh.merge({a:[99], o:{k:"s", b:5, n:{a:[4]}}, i:false}, "testing merge");
// '{"a":[1,2,99],"o":{"k":"s","b":5,"n":{"a":[2,4]}},"i":false}'
Real-World Use
function read(fname){return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fname));}
jh = new JH("config", read(defaults));
jh.merge(read(appConfig), appConfig);
envConfig = "./environments/"+(process.env.APP_ENV||"development")+".json"
jh.merge(read(envConfig), envConfig);
overrides = {};
"PORT LOGFILE LOGLEVEL APP_ROOT TMPDIR AWSKEY".split(" ").forEach(function(key){
overrides[key] = process.env[key];
jh.set(overrides, "overridden from command line");
//10 seconds of confusion.
//enlightenment, and easy fix!
var jh = new JH([name], [properties]);
jh.set(properties, debugInfo)
- properties is a {} of properties to override on the jh, debugInfo is the information you want to put in the history for each of the properties that you are overriding. Each value is stored after being JSON-encoded so the reference in the history is immutable. properties is filtered with hasOwnProperty
- returns a copy of the value for the given key
- returns the full history for the given key as an array of [value, source] tuples, sorted from oldest to newest.
- returns all of the data, without history.
- returns the JSON string for the object, discarding all history information.
jh.push(properties, debugInfo)
- concat
's the values of properties onto the appropriate keys.