While responsive image loading is not really an easy task even today, here is a solution to manage conditional (based on breakpoints) loading of img, background-image or even HTML content.
Heavily inspired by https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites.
Demo: Codepen
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ab-interchange
npm install ab-interchange
The plugin is CommonJS and AMD compliant, in vanilla JS, with no dependencies.
Because of the usage of matchMedia
, compatibility start with IE 10. To rise compatibility up to IE 9, you can add https://github.com/paulirish/matchMedia.js/ polyfill.
You will need jQuery (https://jquery.com/), but I have plan to remove that dependency in the future.
The other dependency is AB-mediaQuery (https://github.com/lordfpx/AB-mediaQuery).
Install AB-mediaQuery following your needs (or only abMediaQuery()
for default configuration).
The you only need to initialize with abInterchange()
data-ab-interchange attribute should contain a list of arrays with your needed breakpoints as defined in AB-mediaQuery. Defaults values are :
<img src="" data-ab-interchange="[img/cat-1x.jpg, small], [img/cat-2x.jpg, medium], [img/cat-3x.jpg, large]">
<div data-ab-interchange="[img/cat-1x.jpg, small], [img/cat-2x.jpg, medium], [img/cat-3x.jpg, large]"></div>
and even other XMLHttpRequest content!
If the data-ab-interchange is neither an image format nor on an img tag, that will send and http request and put the response inside the element.
<div data-ab-interchange="[small-content.html, small], [medium-content.html, medium], [large-content.html, large]"></div>