AB-interchange is a small, dependencie free and vanilla JavaScript component that conditionnaly load things depending on media queries and it also has a lazy-loading option:
- img
- picture
- background-image
- HTML content (Ajax)
It's damn small: about 1800 bytes (uglyfied and GZipped). It is used in the French website of ENGIE.
Have a look at the Codepen demonstration.
Install with npm:
npm install --save ab-interchange
Install with yarn:
yarn add ab-interchange
You can then import it in your JS bundle (webpack, ES6, browserify...):
import abInterchange from 'ab-interchange';
Or loading the js right before </body>
if you are not using a builder.
Because of the usage of matchMedia
and requestAnimationFrame
, compatibility start with IE 10. To rise compatibility up to IE 9, you can add matchMedia polyfill and requestAnimationFrame polyfill.
Follow AB-mediaQuery readme to configure it the way you like depending on your needs. For exemple:
bp: {
smallOnly: 'screen and (max-width: 767px)',
mediumOnly: 'screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px)',
medium: 'screen and (min-width: 768px)',
largeOnly: 'screen and (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1280px)',
large: 'screen and (min-width: 1025px)'
Then you only need to initialize with AB.interchange()
or with some options:
lazy : true,
offscreen : 1.5,
Then use data-ab-interchange
attribute to pass options.
attribute is where you define different sources and breakpoints defined with AB-mediaQuery.
It should contain a list of arrays with the path to the asset and the breakpoint name. Beware to respect mobile first order. Order is VERY important!
data-ab-interchange='{"lazy": false}"'
data-ab-interchange-src="[xxx, smallOnly], [xxx, medium]"/>
<source srcset="xxx" media="(min-width: 80em)"/>
<source srcset="xxx" media="(min-width: 64em)"/>
<source srcset="xxx" media="(min-width: 48em)"/>
<source srcset="xxx"/>
data-ab-interchange='{"lazy": false}"'
data-ab-interchange-src="[xxx, smallOnly], [xxx, medium]"/>
data-ab-interchange='{"mode": "background", "lazy": true, "offscreen": 1.5}"'
data-ab-interchange-src="[xxx, smallOnly], [xxx, medium]">
XMLHttpRequest content (Ajax)
data-ab-interchange='{"mode": "ajax", "lazy": false}'
data-ab-interchange-src="[xxx, smallOnly], [xxx, mediumOnly]">
JS event
event is automatically triggered when an IMG (or else) changed. For IMG and HTML, it's fired only when the new content is loaded, for background-image, immediatly, because it does not impact the layout:
window.addEventListener('replaced.ab-interchange', function(e){