#Storm Adaptive Background
Find the dominant colours in an image and set one as the background colour of a DOM element
npm install storm-adaptive-background
var StormAdaptiveBackground = require('storm-adaptive-background')
StormAdaptiveBackground.init('js-equal-height', {minWidth: 768});
- target, String, CSS selector denoting target elements to apply the background colour
- normaliseTextColour, boolean, default: false, to normalise the color of the parent text if background color is too dark or too light
- normalisedTextColours, Object, default: {dark: '#000', light: '#fff'} text colors used when background is either too dark/light
- lumaClasses
- callback, Function, called after colour background is set
A browserify object compsitional refactoring of [https://github.com/briangonzalez/jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js (https://github.com/briangonzalez/jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js)