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A pure Node.js client for the Android Debug Bridge.

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adbkit is a pure Node.js client for the Android Debug Bridge server. It can be used either as a library in your own application, or simply as a convenient utility for playing with your device.

Most of the adb command line tool's functionality is supported (including pushing/pulling files, installing APKs and processing logs), with some added functionality such as being able to generate touch/key events and take screenshots. Some shims are provided for older devices, but we have not and will not test anything below Android 2.3.

Internally, we use this library to drive a multitude of Android devices from a variety of manufacturers, so we can say with a fairly high degree of confidence that it will most likely work with your device(s), too.

Incompatible changes since 1.x.x

Previously, we made extensive use of callbacks in almost every feature. While this normally works okay, ADB connections can be quite fickle, and it was starting to become difficult to handle every possible error. For example, we'd often fail to properly clean up after ourselves when a connection suddenly died in an unexpected place, causing memory and resource leaks.

In version 2, we've replaced nearly all callbacks with Promises (using Bluebird), allowing for much more reliable error propagation and resource cleanup (thanks to .finally()). Additionally, many commands can now be cancelled on the fly, and although unimplemented at this point, we'll also be able to report progress on long-running commands without any changes to the API.

Unfortunately, some API changes were required for this change. client.framebuffer()'s callback, for example, previously accepted more than one argument, which doesn't translate into Promises so well. Thankfully, it made sense to combine the arguments anyway, and we were able to do it quite cleanly.

Furthermore, most API methods were returning the current instance for chaining purposes. While perhaps useful in some contexts, most of the time it probably didn't quite do what users expected, as chained calls were run in parallel rather than in serial fashion. Now every applicable API method returns a Promise, which is an incompatible but welcome change. This will also allow you to hook into yield and coroutines in Node 0.12.

However, all methods still accept (and will accept in the future) callbacks for those who prefer them.

Test coverage was also massively improved, although we've still got ways to go.


  • Node.js >= 0.10
  • The adb command line tool

Please note that although it may happen at some point, this project is NOT an implementation of the ADB server. The target host (where the devices are connected) must still have ADB installed and either already running (e.g. via adb start-server) or available in $PATH. An attempt will be made to start the server locally via the aforementioned command if the initial connection fails. This is the only case where we fall back to the adb binary.

When targeting a remote host, starting the server is entirely your responsibility.

Alternatively, you may want to consider using the Chrome ADB extension, as it includes the ADB server and can be started/stopped quite easily.

Getting started

Install via NPM:

npm install --save adbkit

We use debug, and our debug namespace is adb. Some of the dependencies may provide debug output of their own. To see the debug output, set the DEBUG environment variable. For example, run your program with DEBUG=adb:* node app.js.

Note that even though the module is written in CoffeeScript, only the compiled JavaScript is published to NPM, which means that it can easily be used with pure JavaScript codebases, too.


The examples may be a bit verbose, but that's because we're trying to keep them as close to real-life code as possible, with flow control and error handling taken care of.

Checking for NFC support
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var adb = require('adbkit')
var client = adb.createClient()

  .then(function(devices) {
    return Promise.filter(devices, function(device) {
      return client.getFeatures(
        .then(function(features) {
          return features['android.hardware.nfc']
  .then(function(supportedDevices) {
    console.log('The following devices support NFC:', supportedDevices)
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack)
Installing an APK
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var adb = require('adbkit')
var client = adb.createClient()
var apk = 'vendor/app.apk'

  .then(function(devices) {
    return, function(device) {
      return client.install(, apk)
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Installed %s on all connected devices', apk)
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack)
Tracking devices
var adb = require('adbkit')
var client = adb.createClient()

  .then(function(tracker) {
    tracker.on('add', function(device) {
      console.log('Device %s was plugged in',
    tracker.on('remove', function(device) {
      console.log('Device %s was unplugged',
    tracker.on('end', function() {
      console.log('Tracking stopped')
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack)
Pulling a file from all connected devices
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var fs = require('fs')
var adb = require('adbkit')
var client = adb.createClient()

  .then(function(devices) {
    return, function(device) {
      return client.pull(, '/system/build.prop')
        .then(function(transfer) {
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            var fn = '/tmp/' + + '.build.prop'
            transfer.on('progress', function(stats) {
              console.log('[%s] Pulled %d bytes so far',
            transfer.on('end', function() {
              console.log('[%s] Pull complete',
            transfer.on('error', reject)
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Done pulling /system/build.prop from all connected devices')
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack)
Pushing a file to all connected devices
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var adb = require('adbkit')
var client = adb.createClient()

  .then(function(devices) {
    return, function(device) {
      return client.push(, 'temp/foo.txt', '/data/local/tmp/foo.txt')
        .then(function(transfer) {
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            transfer.on('progress', function(stats) {
              console.log('[%s] Pushed %d bytes so far',
            transfer.on('end', function() {
              console.log('[%s] Push complete',
            transfer.on('error', reject)
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Done pushing foo.txt to all connected devices')
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack)
List files in a folder
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var adb = require('adbkit')
var client = adb.createClient()

  .then(function(devices) {
    return, function(device) {
      return client.readdir(, '/sdcard')
        .then(function(files) {
          // Synchronous, so we don't have to care about returning at the
          // right time
          files.forEach(function(file) {
            if (file.isFile()) {
              console.log('[%s] Found file "%s"',,
  .then(function() {
    console.log('Done checking /sdcard files on connected devices')
  .catch(function(err) {
    console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack)




Creates a client instance with the provided options. Note that this will not automatically establish a connection, it will only be done when necessary.

  • options An object compatible with Net.connect's options:
    • port The port where the ADB server is listening. Defaults to 5037.
    • host The host of the ADB server. Defaults to 'localhost'.
    • bin As the sole exception, this option provides the path to the adb binary, used for starting the server locally if initial connection fails. Defaults to 'adb'.
  • Returns: The client instance.


client.clear(serial, pkg[, callback])

Deletes all data associated with a package from the device. This is roughly analogous to adb shell pm clear <pkg>.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • pkg The package name. This is NOT the APK.
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true
client.forward(serial, local, remote[, callback])

Forwards socket connections from the ADB server host (local) to the device (remote). This is analogous to adb forward <local> <remote>. It's important to note that if you are connected to a remote ADB server, the forward will be created on that host.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • local A string representing the local endpoint on the ADB host. At time of writing, can be one of:
    • tcp:<port>
    • localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
    • localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
    • localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
    • dev:<character device name>
  • remote A string representing the remote endpoint on the device. At time of writing, can be one of:
    • Any value accepted by the local argument
    • jdwp:<process pid>
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true
client.framebuffer(serial[, format][, callback])

Fetches the current raw framebuffer (i.e. what is visible on the screen) from the device, and optionally converts it into something more usable by using GraphicsMagick's gm command, which must be available in $PATH if conversion is desired. Note that we don't bother supporting really old framebuffer formats such as RGB_565. If for some mysterious reason you happen to run into a >=2.3 device that uses RGB_565, let us know.

Note that high-resolution devices can have quite massive framebuffers. For example, a device with a resolution of 1920x1080 and 32 bit colors would have a roughly 8MB (1920*1080*4 byte) RGBA framebuffer. Empirical tests point to about 5MB/s bandwidth limit for the ADB USB connection, which means that it can take ~1.6 seconds for the raw data to arrive, or even more if the USB connection is already congested. Using a conversion will further slow down completion.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • format The desired output format. Any output format supported by GraphicsMagick (such as 'png') is supported. Defaults to 'raw' for raw framebuffer data.
  • callback(err, framebuffer) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • framebuffer The possibly converted framebuffer stream. The stream also has a meta property with the following values:
      • version The framebuffer version. Useful for patching possible backwards-compatibility issues.
      • bpp Bits per pixel (i.e. color depth).
      • size The raw byte size of the framebuffer.
      • width The horizontal resolution of the framebuffer. This SHOULD always be the same as screen width. We have not encountered any device with incorrect framebuffer metadata, but according to rumors there might be some.
      • height The vertical resolution of the framebuffer. This SHOULD always be the same as screen height.
      • red_offset The bit offset of the red color in a pixel.
      • red_length The bit length of the red color in a pixel.
      • blue_offset The bit offset of the blue color in a pixel.
      • blue_length The bit length of the blue color in a pixel.
      • green_offset The bit offset of the green color in a pixel.
      • green_length The bit length of the green color in a pixel.
      • alpha_offset The bit offset of alpha in a pixel.
      • alpha_length The bit length of alpha in a pixel. 0 when not available.
      • format The framebuffer format for convenience. This can be one of 'bgr', 'bgra', 'rgb', 'rgba'.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: framebuffer (see callback)
client.getDevicePath(serial[, callback])

Gets the device path of the device identified by the given serial number.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, path) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • path The device path. This corresponds to the device path in client.listDevicesWithPaths().
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: path (see callback)
client.getFeatures(serial[, callback])

Retrieves the features of the device identified by the given serial number. This is analogous to adb shell pm list features. Useful for checking whether hardware features such as NFC are available (you'd check for 'android.hardware.nfc').

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, features) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • features An object of device features. Each key corresponds to a device feature, with the value being either true for a boolean feature, or the feature value as a string (e.g. '0x20000' for reqGlEsVersion).
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: features (see callback)
client.getPackages(serial[, callback])

Retrieves the list of packages present on the device. This is analogous to adb shell pm list packages. If you just want to see if something's installed, consider using client.isInstalled() instead.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, packages) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • packages An array of package names.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: packages (see callback)
client.getProperties(serial[, callback])

Retrieves the properties of the device identified by the given serial number. This is analogous to adb shell getprop.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, properties) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • properties An object of device properties. Each key corresponds to a device property. Convenient for accessing things like 'ro.product.model'.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: properties (see callback)
client.getSerialNo(serial[, callback])

Gets the serial number of the device identified by the given serial number. With our API this doesn't really make much sense, but it has been implemented for completeness. FYI: in the raw ADB protocol you can specify a device in other ways, too.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, serial) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • serial The serial number of the device.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: serial (see callback)
client.getState(serial[, callback])

Gets the state of the device identified by the given serial number.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, state) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • state The device state. This corresponds to the device type in client.listDevices().
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: state (see callback)
client.install(serial, apk[, callback])

Installs the APK on the device, replacing any previously installed version. This is roughly analogous to adb install -r <apk>.

Note that if the call seems to stall, you may have to accept a dialog on the phone first.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • apk When String, interpreted as a path to an APK file. When Stream, installs directly from the stream, which must be a valid APK.
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true
client.isInstalled(serial, pkg[, callback])

Tells you if the specific package is installed or not. This is analogous to adb shell pm path <pkg> and some output parsing.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • pkg The package name. This is NOT the APK.
  • callback(err, installed) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • installed true if the package is installed, false otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: installed (see callback)

This kills the ADB server. Note that the next connection will attempt to start the server again when it's unable to connect.

  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true

Gets the list of currently connected devices and emulators.

  • callback(err, devices) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • devices An array of device objects. The device objects are plain JavaScript objects with two properties: id and type.
      • id The ID of the device. For real devices, this is usually the USB identifier.
      • type The device type. Values include 'emulator' for emulators, 'device' for devices, and 'offline' for offline devices. 'offline' can occur for example during boot, in low-battery conditions or when the ADB connection has not yet been approved on the device.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: devices (see callback)

Like client.listDevices(), but includes the "path" of every device.

  • callback(err, devices) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • devices An array of device objects. The device objects are plain JavaScript objects with the following properties:
      • id See client.listDevices().
      • type See client.listDevices().
      • path The device path. This can be something like usb:FD120000 for real devices.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: devices (see callback)
client.listForwards(serial[, callback])

Lists forwarded connections on the device. This is analogous to adb forward --list.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, forwards) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • forwards An array of forward objects with the following properties:
      • serial The device serial.
      • local The local endpoint. Same format as client.forward()'s local argument.
      • remote The remote endpoint on the device. Same format as client.forward()'s remote argument.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: forwards (see callback)
client.openLog(serial, name[, callback])

Opens a direct connection to a binary log file, providing access to the raw log data. Note that it is usually much more convenient to use the client.openLogcat() method, described separately.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • name The name of the log. Available logs include 'main', 'system', 'radio' and 'events'.
  • callback(err, log) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • log The binary log stream. Call log.end() when you wish to stop receiving data.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: log (see callback)
client.openLogcat(serial[, callback])

Calls the logcat utility on the device and hands off the connection to adbkit-logcat, a pure Node.js Logcat client. This is analogous to adb logcat -B, but the event stream will be parsed for you and a separate event will be emitted for every log entry, allowing for easy processing.

For more information, check out the adbkit-logcat documentation.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, logcat) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • logcat The Logcat client. Please see the adbkit-logcat documentation for details.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: logcat (see callback)
client.openMonkey(serial[, port][, callback])

Starts the built-in monkey utility on the device, connects to it using client.openTcp() and hands the connection to adbkit-monkey, a pure Node.js Monkey client. This allows you to create touch and key events, among other things.

For more information, check out the adbkit-monkey documentation.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • port Optional. The device port where you'd like Monkey to run at. Defaults to 1080.
  • callback(err, monkey) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • monkey The Monkey client. Please see the adbkit-monkey documentation for details.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: monkey (see callback)
client.openProcStat(serial[, callback])

Tracks /proc/stat and emits useful information, such as CPU load. A single sync service instance is used to download the /proc/stat file for processing. While doing this does consume some resources, it is very light and should not be a problem.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, stats) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • stats The /proc/stat tracker, which is an EventEmitter. Call stat.end() to stop tracking. The following events are available:
      • load (loads) Emitted when a CPU load calculation is available.
        • loads CPU loads of online CPUs. Each key is a CPU id (e.g. 'cpu0', 'cpu1') and the value an object with the following properties:
          • user Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent on user programs.
          • nice Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent on niced user programs.
          • system Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent on system programs.
          • idle Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent idling.
          • iowait Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent waiting for IO.
          • irq Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent on hardware interrupts.
          • softirq Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent on software interrupts.
          • steal Percentage (0-100) of ticks stolen by others.
          • guest Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent by a guest.
          • guestnice Percentage (0-100) of ticks spent by a niced guest.
          • total Total. Always 100.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: stats (see callback)
client.openTcp(serial, port[, host][, callback])

Opens a direct TCP connection to a port on the device, without any port forwarding required.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • port The port number to connect to.
  • host Optional. The host to connect to. Allegedly this is supposed to establish a connection to the given host from the device, but we have not been able to get it to work at all. Skip the host and everything works great.
  • callback(err, conn) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • conn The TCP connection (i.e. net.Socket). Read and write as you please. Call conn.end() to end the connection.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: conn (see callback)
client.pull(serial, path[, callback])

A convenience shortcut for sync.pull(), mainly for one-off use cases. The connection cannot be reused, resulting in poorer performance over multiple calls. However, the Sync client will be closed automatically for you, so that's one less thing to worry about.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • path See sync.pull() for details.
  • callback(err, transfer) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • transfer A PullTransfer instance (see below)
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: transfer (see callback)
client.push(serial, contents, path[, mode][, callback])

A convenience shortcut for sync.push(), mainly for one-off use cases. The connection cannot be reused, resulting in poorer performance over multiple calls. However, the Sync client will be closed automatically for you, so that's one less thing to worry about.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • contents See sync.push() for details.
  • path See sync.push() for details.
  • mode See sync.push() for details.
  • callback(err, transfer) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • transfer A PushTransfer instance (see below)
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: transfer (see callback)
client.readdir(serial, path[, callback])

A convenience shortcut for sync.readdir(), mainly for one-off use cases. The connection cannot be reused, resulting in poorer performance over multiple calls. However, the Sync client will be closed automatically for you, so that's one less thing to worry about.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • path See sync.readdir() for details.
  • callback(err, files) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise. See sync.readdir() for details.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: See sync.readdir() for details.
client.remount(serial[, callback])

Attempts to remount the /system partition in read-write mode. This will usually only work on emulators and developer devices.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true
client.screencap(serial[, callback])

Takes a screenshot in PNG format using the built-in screencap utility. This is analogous to adb shell screencap -p. Sadly, the utility is not available on most Android <=2.3 devices, but a silent fallback to the client.framebuffer() command in PNG mode is attempted, so you should have its dependencies installed just in case.

Generating the PNG on the device naturally requires considerably more processing time on that side. However, as the data transferred over USB easily decreases by ~95%, and no conversion being required on the host, this method is usually several times faster than using the framebuffer. Naturally, this benefit does not apply if we're forced to fall back to the framebuffer.

For convenience purposes, if the screencap command fails (e.g. because it doesn't exist on older Androids), we fall back to client.framebuffer(serial, 'png'), which is slower and has additional installation requirements.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, screencap) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • screencap The PNG stream.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: screencap (see callback), command[, callback])

Runs a shell command on the device. Note that you'll be limited to the permissions of the shell user, which ADB uses.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • command The shell command to execute. When String, the command is run as-is. When Array, the elements will be rudimentarily escaped (for convenience, not security) and joined to form a command.
  • callback(err, output) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • output An output Stream in non-flowing mode. Unfortunately it is not possible to separate stdout and stderr, you'll get both of them in one stream. It is also not possible to access the exit code of the command. If access to any of these individual properties is needed, the command must be constructed in a way that allows you to parse the information from the output.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: output (see callback)
client.startActivity(serial, options[, callback])

Starts the configured activity on the device. Roughly analogous to adb shell am start <options>.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • options The activity configuration. The following options are available:
    • action The action.
    • component The component.
    • extras Any extra data.
      • When an Array, each item must be an Object the following properties:
        • key The key name.
        • type The type, which can be one of 'string', 'null', 'bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'uri', 'component'.
        • value The value. Optional and unused if type is 'null'. If an Array, type is automatically set to be an array of <type>.
      • When an Object, each key is treated as the key name. Simple values like null, String, Boolean and Number are type-mapped automatically (Number maps to 'int') and can be used as-is. For more complex types, like arrays and URIs, set the value to be an Object like in the Array syntax (see above), but leave out the key property.
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true
client.stat(serial, path[, callback])

A convenience shortcut for sync.stat(), mainly for one-off use cases. The connection cannot be reused, resulting in poorer performance over multiple calls. However, the Sync client will be closed automatically for you, so that's one less thing to worry about.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • path See sync.stat() for details.
  • callback(err, stats) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise. See sync.stat() for details.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: See sync.stat() for details.
client.syncService(serial[, callback])

Establishes a new Sync connection that can be used to push and pull files. This method provides the most freedom and the best performance for repeated use, but can be a bit cumbersome to use. For simple use cases, consider using client.stat(), client.push() and client.pull().

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err, sync) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • sync The Sync client. See below for details. Call sync.end() when done.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: sync (see callback)

Gets a device tracker. Events will be emitted when devices are added, removed, or their type changes (i.e. to/from offline). Note that the same events will be emitted for the initially connected devices also, so that you don't need to use both client.listDevices() and client.trackDevices().

Note that as the tracker will keep a connection open, you must call tracker.end() if you wish to stop tracking devices.

  • callback(err, tracker) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • tracker The device tracker, which is an EventEmitter. The following events are available:
      • add (device) Emitted when a new device is connected, once per device. See client.listDevices() for details on the device object.
      • remove (device) Emitted when a device is unplugged, once per device. This does not include offline devices, those devices are connected but unavailable to ADB. See client.listDevices() for details on the device object.
      • change (device) Emitted when the type property of a device changes, once per device. The current value of type is the new value. This event usually occurs the type changes from 'device' to 'offline' or the other way around. See client.listDevices() for details on the device object and the 'offline' type.
      • changeSet (changes) Emitted once for all changes reported by ADB in a single run. Multiple changes can occur when, for example, a USB hub is connected/unplugged and the device list changes quickly. If you wish to process all changes at once, use this event instead of the once-per-device ones. Keep in mind that the other events will still be emitted, though.
        • changes An object with the following properties always present:
          • added An array of added device objects, each one as in the add event. Empty if none.
          • removed An array of removed device objects, each one as in the remove event. Empty if none.
          • changed An array of changed device objects, each one as in the change event. Empty if none.
      • end Emitted when the underlying connection ends.
      • error (err) Emitted if there's an error.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: tracker (see callback)
client.uninstall(serial, pkg[, callback])

Uninstalls the package from the device. This is roughly analogous to adb uninstall <pkg>.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • pkg The package name. This is NOT the APK.
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true

Queries the ADB server for its version. This is mainly useful for backwards-compatibility purposes.

  • callback(err, version) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • version The version of the ADB server.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: version (see callback)
client.waitBootComplete(serial[, callback])

Waits until the device has finished booting. Note that the device must already be seen by ADB. This is roughly analogous to periodically checking adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed.

  • serial The serial number of the device. Corresponds to the device ID in client.listDevices().
  • callback(err) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null if the device has completed booting, Error otherwise (can occur if the connection dies while checking).
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: true



Closes the Sync connection, allowing Node to quit (assuming nothing else is keeping it alive, of course).

  • Returns: The sync instance.

Pulls a file from the device as a PullTransfer Stream.

  • path The path to pull from.
  • Returns: A PullTransfer instance. See below for details.
sync.push(contents, path[, mode])

Attempts to identify contents and calls the appropriate push* method for it.

  • contents When String, treated as a local file path and forwarded to sync.pushFile(). Otherwise, treated as a Stream and forwarded to sync.pushStream().
  • path The path to push to.
  • mode Optional. The mode of the file. Defaults to 0644.
  • Returns: A PushTransfer instance. See below for details.
sync.pushFile(file, path[, mode])

Pushes a local file to the given path. Note that the path must be writable by the ADB user (usually shell). When in doubt, use '/data/local/tmp' with an appropriate filename.

  • file The local file path.
  • path See sync.push() for details.
  • mode See sync.push() for details.
  • Returns: See sync.push() for details.
sync.pushStream(stream, path[, mode])

Pushes a Stream to the given path. Note that the path must be writable by the ADB user (usually shell). When in doubt, use '/data/local/tmp' with an appropriate filename.

  • stream The readable stream.
  • path See sync.push() for details.
  • mode See sync.push() for details.
  • Returns: See sync.push() for details.
sync.readdir(path[, callback])

Retrieves a list of directory entries (e.g. files) in the given path, not including the . and .. entries, just like fs.readdir. If given a non-directory path, no entries are returned.

  • path The path.
  • callback(err, files) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • files An Array of fs.Stats-compatible instances. While the* methods are available, only the following properties are supported (in addition to the name field which contains the filename):
      • name The filename.
      • mode The raw mode.
      • size The file size.
      • mtime The time of last modification as a Date.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: files (see callback)
sync.stat(path[, callback])

Retrieves information about the given path.

  • path The path.
  • callback(err, stats) Optional. Use this or the returned Promise.
    • err null when successful, Error otherwise.
    • stats An fs.Stats instance. While the* methods are available, only the following properties are supported:
      • mode The raw mode.
      • size The file size.
      • mtime The time of last modification as a Date.
  • Returns: Promise
  • Resolves with: stats (see callback)

A simple helper method for creating appropriate temporary filenames for pushing files. This is essentially the same as taking the basename of the file and appending it to '/data/local/tmp/'.

  • path The path of the file.
  • Returns: An appropriate temporary file path.


A simple EventEmitter, mainly for keeping track of the progress.

List of events:

  • progress (stats) Emitted when a chunk has been flushed to the ADB connection.
    • stats An object with the following stats about the transfer:
      • bytesTransferred The number of bytes transferred so far.
  • error (err) Emitted on error.
    • err An Error.
  • end Emitted when the transfer has successfully completed.

Cancels the transfer by ending both the stream that is being pushed and the sync connection. This will most likely end up creating a broken file on your device. Use at your own risk. Also note that you must create a new sync connection if you wish to continue using the sync service.

  • Returns: The pushTransfer instance.


PullTransfer is a Stream. Use fs.createWriteStream() to pipe the stream to a file if necessary.

List of events:

  • progress (stats) Emitted when a new chunk is received.
    • stats An object with the following stats about the transfer:
      • bytesTransferred The number of bytes transferred so far.
  • error (err) Emitted on error.
    • err An Error.
  • end Emitted when the transfer has successfully completed.

Cancels the transfer by ending the connection. Can be useful for reading endless streams of data, such as /dev/urandom or /dev/zero, perhaps for benchmarking use. Note that you must create a new sync connection if you wish to continue using the sync service.

  • Returns: The pullTransfer instance.

More information





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Package last updated on 12 Mar 2014

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