Admission Curriculum
Note: Before going ahead, have a look at the admission documentation about typeform.
- Copy
file to .typeformrc
- Set the typeform ids in
The Typeform ids required are:
"TYPEFORM_ID_TESTS_READING": "your-typeformid",
"TYPEFORM_ID_TESTS_LOGIC": "your-typeformid",
Heads-up: There are two main keys: es-ES, pt-BR, for each available language, along with three sub-keys: development, staging and production, for each possible environment. Make sure you are setting up the right keys with the right values.
Build 🏗
You can pass 2 arguments: --env
, --locale
- --env
| staging
| production
- --locale
| pt-BR
, default es-ES
The built topic will be stored in build/*
npm run build -- --env=production --locale=pt-BR
Testing 🧪
- To validate the course content
npm run validate
- To run markdown linter
npm run mdlint
- To run tests and pretest
npm run test
Upload 🚀
Once the topic is built, the next step is creating a new topic by making a request to Laboratoria API so that the new topic is available to be used by any cohort. You can use any HTTP Client tool, e.g. Postman, Insomnia, or if you love cli tools 🤟, I recommend using httpie
Note: The endpoint to create new topics requires authentication as well as the admin role. So, you should get an auth token before.
Example using httpie
http POST password=xxxxxxx
http POST 'Authorization:Bearer <token>' < ./build/admission.json