isomorphic-ws is jank
and basically does a dumb switch on platform without trying to do any sort of compat
behaviour between ws
and the Brower's WebSocket
this is a very thing comptability shim around both WebSockets that
satisfies a common subset of the two APIs
npm i agnostic-ws
in code
import WebSocket from 'agnostic-ws';
the type definition is as follows:
export interface AgnosticWebSocket {
readyState: ReadyState;
readonly binaryType: "arraybuffer";
onopen: OpenHandler | null;
onclose: CloseHandler | null;
onerror: ErrorHandler | null;
onmessage: MessageHandler | null;
send(data: BufferLike): void
close(code?: number, reason?: string): void
export type BufferLike =
| Buffer
| Uint8Array;
export type OpenEvent = {
target: AgnosticWebSocket;
type: "open";
export type CloseEvent = {
target: AgnosticWebSocket;
type: "close";
code: number;
reason: string;
wasClean: boolean;
export type MessageEvent = {
target: AgnosticWebSocket;
type: "message";
data: BufferLike;
export type ErrorEvent = {
target: AgnosticWebSocket;
type: "error";
error: Error;
export type OpenHandler = (ev: OpenEvent) => void;
export type CloseHandler = (ev: CloseEvent) => void;
export type MessageHandler = (ev: MessageEvent) => void;
export type ErrorHandler = (ev: ErrorEvent) => void;