Re routing event emitter events for great good
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
emitter = new EventEmitter(),
atc = require('air_traffic_controller').createController(emitter);
function handleThis(arg1, arg2) {
atc.route('1', '2');
emitter.on('2', handleThis);
emitter.emit('1', 'Brandon', 'Farmer');
handleThis will be called and receive the arguments 'Brandon' and 'Farmer'
Example 2:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
emitter = new EventEmitter(),
atc = require('air_traffic_controller').createController(emitter);
function handleThis(arg1, arg2) {
function handleThat(arg1, arg2) {
atc.route('1', ['2', '3']);
emitter.on('2', handleThis);
emitter.on('3', handleThat);
emitter.emit('1', 'Brandon', 'Farmer');
handleThis and handleThat will be called and receive the arguments 'Brandon' and 'Farmer'
Example 3:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
emitter = new EventEmitter(),
atc = require('air_traffic_controller').createController(emitter);
function handleThis(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
options = {
prefix: ['prefix'],
suffix: ['suffix']
atc.route('1', '2', options);
emitter.on('2', handleThis);
emitter.emit('1', 'Brandon', 'Farmer');
handleThis will be called and receive the arguments 'prefix', 'Brandon', 'Farmer', and 'suffix' in that order
I am planning on using this module to connect other event based modules and for fanning out events