Land every request to it's destination. Works great with koa.
What is it
airline is a generic javascript HTTP router.
It features nested routes, and scoped middlewares.
Current implementation provides koa bindings, and support for generator middlewares (koa-style). Express bindings could follow if someone needs them !
The airline
package provides two functions : route
and Router
. The latter runs routes built using the former.
To define a route, just use the route
function, and pass it your path string, and controller function, like so:
var home = route('/', homeController);
The path can contain named parameters, noted with a prefixing ':':
var detail = route('/document/:id', docDetailController);
The path can also contain dynamic segments :
var catchAllUnderMusic = route('/music/**');
You can nest routes as needed:
var routes = route('/',
route('/todo', apiTodoController),
route('/users', apiUsersController),
By default, the HTTP method associated with a route is GET
. You can specify an HTTP method for each route by providing a string as the second parameter, instead of a function:
var postroute = route('/', 'POST', myController);
var putroute = route('/', 'PUT', myController);
For convenience, airline provides alternative syntax for the methods GET
, and DELETE
var getroute = route().get('/', myController);
var postroute = route().post('/', myController);
var putroute = route().put('/', myController);
You can specify middlewares to be executed before running your route by providing an array of middlewares as the second parameter (or the third, if you provide the HTTP method of the route as seconf parameter).
Here, the two middlewares assertAuthenticated
and assertAdmin
will be executed before reaching the url /api/users
var routes =
route('/api', [assertAuthenticated],
route('/todo', apiTodoController),
route('/users', [assertAdmin], apiUsersController),
Once your routes are defined, you have to load them in a Router:
var router = Router(routes);
You can add routes to an existing router using Router.load()
var router = Router(routes);
If needed, you can mount routes on specific prefixes before load:
var router = Router(route('/',
route('/mountprefix', otherroutes)
### Koa bindings
Airline is shipped with koa bindings :
var router = Router(routes);
const app = koa()
This binding will inject a route matcher/runner middleware in the koa middleware stack. You probably want this middleware as one of the last middlewares in your stack, since route controllers are usually request endpoints (they don't usually yield next
, although they could if needed).
The matched route will be made available in your controller through this.route
. Parameters, if present, will be accessible by name under this.route.params
If you need to know which route is matched earlier in the middleware stack (before executing the route controller), airline provides another koa binding as a route matcher middleware, that does only set the current route on the koa ctx
in your middlewares and controllers):
var router = Router(routes);
const app = koa()
$ npm install airline
Example with koa
'use strict';
const koa = require('koa');
const bodyparser = require('koa-bodyparser');
const Router = require('airline').Router;
const route = require('airline').route;
const todos = {
1: { id: 1, todo: "Buy milk" },
2: { id: 2, todo: "Drink milk" }
const uxroutes = route('/',
route('/', function*() { this.body = "Homepage !"; }),
route('/hello/:name', function*() { this.body = "Hello, " + + "!"; })
const fetchTodoMw = function* (next) {
if( in todos) {
this.todo = todos[];
yield next;
} else { }
const apiroutes =
route().get('/', function*() { this.body = todos; }),
route().post('/', function*() {
const todo = this.request.body; = Object.values(todos).length + 1;
this.body = todos[] = todo;
route('/:id', [fetchTodoMw],
route().get('/', function*() { this.body = this.todo; }),
route().put('/', function*() { todos[] = this.request.body; this.body = todos[]; }),
route().delete('/', function*() { delete todos[]; this.body = this.todo; })
const approutes = route('/',
route('/', uxroutes),
route('/api', apiroutes)
const app = koa()
Build for distribution
$ npm run build