Akita Firebase
Simplify connection between Akita and Firebase
Connect Firebase and Akita :
Toolkit :
ng add @angular/fire
ng add @datorama/akita
npm install akita-firebase
Create a new feature Akita :
ng g akita-schematics:feature todos/todos
Update the service :
import { CollectionService, CollectionConfig } from 'akita-firebase';
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
@CollectionConfig({ path: 'todos' })
export class TodosService extends CollectionService<TodosState, Todo> {
constructor(db: AngularFirestore, store: TodosStore) {
super(db, store);
In your component you can now start listening on Firebase :
selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<li *ngFor="let todo of todos$ | async">{{ todo.label }}</li>
<button (click)="add()">Add todo</button>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public isAlive = true;
public todos$: Observable<Todo[]>;
constructor(private service: TodosService, private query: TodosQuery) {}
ngOnInit() {
.pipe(takeWhile(_ => this.isAlive))
this.todos$ = this.query.selectAll();
add() {
this.service.add({ checked: false, label: 'New Todo' });
ngOnDestroy() {
this.isAlive = false;