Advanced tools
Comparing version 0.0.9 to 0.0.10
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
{"app.ln":"/**\n * @std/app - The entrypoint for CLI apps\n */\n\n// The `start` event with a signature like `event start` but has special meaning in the runtime\nexport start\n\n// The `stdout` event\nexport event stdout: string\n\n// `@std/app` has access to a special `stdoutp` opcode to trigger stdout writing\non stdout fn (out: string) = stdoutp(out)\n\n// The `print` function converts its input to a string, appends a newline, and sends it to `stdout`\nexport fn print(out: Stringifiable) {\n emit stdout out.toString() + \"\\n\"\n}\n\n// The `exit` event\nexport event exit: int8\n\n// `@std/app` has access to a special `exitop` opcode to trigger the exit behavior\non exit fn (status: int8) = exitop(status)\n\n","cmd.ln":"/**\n * @std/cmd - The entrypoint for working with command line processes.\n */\n\nexport fn exec(n: string) = execop(n)","datastore.ln":"/**\n * @std/datastore - Shared mutable state with controlled access\n */\n\n// Just syntactic sugar to seem less stringly-typed than it is\nexport fn namespace(ns: string) = ns\n\n// The set function to store shared data\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: any) = dssetv(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int8) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int16) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int32) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int64) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: float32) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: float64) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: bool) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\n\n// The has function to test if a shared key exists\nexport fn has(ns: string, key: string): bool = dshas(ns, key)\n\n// The del function to remove a shared key\nexport fn del(ns: string, key: string): bool = dsdel(ns, key)\n\n// The getOr function to get a value or the return the provided default\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: any) {\n return dsgetv(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int8) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int16) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int32) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int64) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: float32) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: float64) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: bool) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\n","deps.ln":"from @std/app import start, print, exit\nfrom @std/cmd import exec\n\n/**\n * @std/deps - The entrypoint to install dependencies for an alan program\n */\n\n// The `install` event\nexport event install: void\n\n// The `add` function takes a string that describes a .git repository and install it in /dependencies\nexport fn add(remote: string) {\n // TODO implement proper error handling\n const parts = remote.split('/')\n const repo = parts[length(parts) - 1] || ''\n const group = parts[parts.length() - 2] || ''\n const dest = '/dependencies/' + group + '/' + repo\n const rm = exec('rm -rf .' + dest)\n const git = exec('git clone ' + remote + ' .' + dest)\n print(git.stderr) \n const rm2 = exec('rm -rf .' + dest + '/.git')\n}\n\n// The `commit` function takes no arguments. Currently just causes the application to quit, but\n// eventually would be the point where the dependencies defined by the calls to `add` could be\n// compared against the currently-installed dependencies, and a faster install would be possible\nexport fn commit() {\n emit exit 0\n}\n\n// Emit the `install` event on app `start`\non start {\n // TODO: optimize to parse the existing dependencies tree, if any, to build up a list of dependencies\n // that are already installed so calls by the user to install them again (assuming the version is identical)\n // are skipped, calls to upgrade or install new dependencies are performed, and then the remaining list\n // of dependencies at the end are removed.\n exec('rm -rf dependencies')\n exec('mkdir dependencies')\n emit install\n}\n","http.ln":"/**\n * @std/http - Built-in client (and eventually server) for http\n */\n\n/**\n * HTTP Client\n */\n\nexport fn get(url: string) = httpget(url)\nexport fn post(url: string, payload: string) = httppost(url, payload)\n\n/**\n * HTTP Server\n */\n\n// The InternalRequest type for inbound http requests\ntype InternalRequest {\n url: string\n headers: Array<KeyVal<string, string>>\n body: string\n connId: int64\n}\n\n// The InternalResponse type for inbount http requests\ntype InternalResponse {\n status: int64\n headers: Array<KeyVal<string, string>>\n body: string\n connId: int64\n}\n\n// The exposed Request type\nexport type Request {\n url: string\n headers: HashMap<string, string>\n body: string\n}\n\n// The exposed Response type\nexport type Response {\n status: int64\n headers: HashMap<string, string>\n body: string\n connId: int64\n}\n\n// The roll-up Connection type with both\nexport type Connection {\n req: Request\n res: Response\n}\n\n// The connection event\nexport event connection: Connection\n\n// The special connection event with a signature like `event __conn: InternalConnection`\n// This wrapper function takes the internal connection object, converts it to the user-friendly\n// connection object, and then emits it on a new event for user code to pick up\non __conn fn (conn: InternalRequest) {\n emit connection new Connection {\n req = new Request {\n url = conn.url\n headers = toHashMap(conn.headers)\n body = conn.body\n }\n res = new Response {\n status = 200 // If not set by the user, assume they meant it to be good\n headers = newHashMap('Content-Length', '0') // If not set by the user, assume no data\n body = '' // If not set by the user, assume no data\n connId = conn.connId\n }\n }\n}\n\n// The listen function tells the http server to start up and listen on the given port\n// For now only one http server per application, a macro system is necessary to improve this\n// Returns a Result with either an 'ok' string or an error\nexport fn listen(port: int64) = httplsn(port)\n\n// The body function sets the body for a Response, sets the Content-Length header, and retuns the\n// Response for chaining needs\nexport fn body(res: Response, body: string) {\n res.body = body\n const len = body.length()\n set(res.headers, 'Content-Length', len.toString())\n return res\n}\n\n// The status function sets the status of the response\nexport fn status(res: Response, status: int64) {\n res.status = status\n return res\n}\n\n// The send function converts the response object into an internal response object and passed that\n// back to the HTTP server. A Result type with either an 'ok' string or an error is returned\nexport fn send(res: Response): Result<string> {\n const ires = new InternalResponse {\n status = res.status\n headers = res.headers.keyVal\n body = res.body\n connId = res.connId\n }\n return httpsend(ires)\n}","root.ln":"/**\n * The root scope. These definitions are automatically available from every module.\n * These are almost entirely wrappers around runtime opcodes to provide a friendlier\n * name and using function dispatch based on input arguments to pick the correct opcode.\n */\n\n// TODO: See about making an export block scope so we don't have to write `export` so much\n\n// Export all of the built-in types\nexport void\nexport int8\nexport int16\nexport int32\nexport int64\nexport float32\nexport float64\nexport bool\nexport string\nexport function // TODO: Make the function type more explicit than this\nexport Array\nexport Error\nexport Maybe\nexport Result\nexport Either\n\n// Type aliasing of int64 and float64 to just int and float, as these are the default types\nexport type int = int64\nexport type float = float64\n\n// Default Interfaces\nexport interface any {}\nexport interface anythingElse = any // Same as `any` but doesn't match with it\nexport interface Stringifiable {\n toString(Stringifiable): string\n}\n\n// Type conversion functions\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int8) = i8f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int16) = i16f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int32) = i32f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int64) = i64f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: float32) = f32f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: float64) = n\nexport fn toFloat64(n: string) = strf64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: bool) = boolf64(n)\n\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int8) = i8f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int16) = i16f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int32) = i32f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int64) = i64f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: float32) = n\nexport fn toFloat32(n: float64) = f64f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: string) = strf32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: bool) = boolf32(n)\n\nexport fn toInt64(n: int8) = i8i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: int16) = i16i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: int32) = i32i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: int64) = n\nexport fn toInt64(n: float32) = f32i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: float64) = f64i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: string) = stri64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: bool) = booli64(n)\n\nexport fn toInt32(n: int8) = i8i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: int16) = i16i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: int32) = n\nexport fn toInt32(n: int64) = i64i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: float32) = f32i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: float64) = f64i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: string) = stri32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: bool) = booli32(n)\n\nexport fn toInt16(n: int8) = i8i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: int16) = n\nexport fn toInt16(n: int32) = i32i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: int64) = i64i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: float32) = f32i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: float64) = f64i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: string) = stri16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: bool) = booli16(n)\n\nexport fn toInt8(n: int8) = n\nexport fn toInt8(n: int16) = i16i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: int32) = i32i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: int64) = i64i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: float32) = f32i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: float64) = f64i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: string) = stri8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: bool) = booli8(n)\n\nexport fn toBool(n: int8) = i8bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: int16) = i16bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: int32) = i32bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: int64) = i64bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: float32) = f32bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: float64) = f64bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: string) = strbool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: bool) = n\n\nexport fn toString(n: int8) = i8str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: int16) = i16str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: int32) = i32str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: int64) = i64str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: float32) = f32str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: float64) = f64str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: string) = n\nexport fn toString(n: bool) = boolstr(n)\n\n// Arithmetic functions\nexport fn add(a: int8, b: int8) = addi8(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: int16, b: int16) = addi16(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: int32, b: int32) = addi32(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: int64, b: int64) = addi64(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: float32, b: float32) = addf32(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: float64, b: float64) = addf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn sub(a: int8, b: int8) = subi8(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: int16, b: int16) = subi16(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: int32, b: int32) = subi32(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: int64, b: int64) = subi64(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: float32, b: float32) = subf32(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: float64, b: float64) = subf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn negate(n: int8) = negi8(n)\nexport fn negate(n: int16) = negi16(n)\nexport fn negate(n: int32) = negi32(n)\nexport fn negate(n: int64) = negi64(n)\nexport fn negate(n: float32) = negf32(n)\nexport fn negate(n: float64) = negf64(n)\n\nexport fn abs(n: int8) = absi8(n)\nexport fn abs(n: int16) = absi16(n)\nexport fn abs(n: int32) = absi32(n)\nexport fn abs(n: int64) = absi64(n)\nexport fn abs(n: float32) = absf32(n)\nexport fn abs(n: float64) = absf64(n)\n\nexport fn mul(a: int8, b: int8) = muli8(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: int16, b: int16) = muli16(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: int32, b: int32) = muli32(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: int64, b: int64) = muli64(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: float32, b: float32) = mulf32(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: float64, b: float64) = mulf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn div(a: int8, b: int8) = divi8(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: int16, b: int16) = divi16(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: int32, b: int32) = divi32(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: int64, b: int64) = divi64(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: float32, b: float32) = divf32(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: float64, b: float64) = divf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn mod(a: int8, b: int8) = modi8(a, b)\nexport fn mod(a: int16, b: int16) = modi16(a, b)\nexport fn mod(a: int32, b: int32) = modi32(a, b)\nexport fn mod(a: int64, b: int64) = modi64(a, b)\n\nexport fn pow(a: int8, b: int8) = powi8(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: int16, b: int16) = powi16(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: int32, b: int32) = powi32(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: int64, b: int64) = powi64(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: float32, b: float32) = powf32(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: float64, b: float64) = powf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn sqrt(n: float32) = sqrtf32(n)\nexport fn sqrt(n: float64) = sqrtf64(n)\n\n// Boolean and bitwise functions\nexport fn and(a: int8, b: int8) = andi8(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: int16, b: int16) = andi16(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: int32, b: int32) = andi32(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: int64, b: int64) = andi64(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: bool, b: bool) = andbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn or(a: int8, b: int8) = ori8(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: int16, b: int16) = ori16(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: int32, b: int32) = ori32(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: int64, b: int64) = ori64(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: bool, b: bool) = orbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn xor(a: int8, b: int8) = xori8(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: int16, b: int16) = xori16(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: int32, b: int32) = xori32(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: int64, b: int64) = xori64(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: bool, b: bool) = xorbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn not(n: int8) = noti8(n)\nexport fn not(n: int16) = noti16(n)\nexport fn not(n: int32) = noti32(n)\nexport fn not(n: int64) = noti64(n)\nexport fn not(n: bool) = notbool(n)\n\nexport fn nand(a: int8, b: int8) = nandi8(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: int16, b: int16) = nandi16(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: int32, b: int32) = nandi32(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: int64, b: int64) = nandi64(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: bool, b: bool) = nandboo(a, b)\n\nexport fn nor(a: int8, b: int8) = nori8(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: int16, b: int16) = nori16(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: int32, b: int32) = nori32(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: int64, b: int64) = nori64(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: bool, b: bool) = norbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn xnor(a: int8, b: int8) = xnori8(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: int16, b: int16) = xnori16(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: int32, b: int32) = xnori32(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: int64, b: int64) = xnori64(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: bool, b: bool) = xnorboo(a, b)\n\n// Equality and order functions\nexport fn eq(a: int8, b: int8) = eqi8(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: int16, b: int16) = eqi16(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: int32, b: int32) = eqi32(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: int64, b: int64) = eqi64(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: float32, b: float32) = eqf32(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: float64, b: float64) = eqf64(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: string, b: string) = eqstr(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: bool, b: bool) = eqbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn neq(a: int8, b: int8) = neqi8(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: int16, b: int16) = neqi16(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: int32, b: int32) = neqi32(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: int64, b: int64) = neqi64(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: float32, b: float32) = neqf32(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: float64, b: float64) = neqf64(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: string, b: string) = neqstr(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: bool, b: bool) = neqbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn lt(a: int8, b: int8) = lti8(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: int16, b: int16) = lti16(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: int32, b: int32) = lti32(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: int64, b: int64) = lti64(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: float32, b: float32) = ltf32(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: float64, b: float64) = ltf64(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: string, b: string) = ltstr(a, b)\n\nexport fn lte(a: int8, b: int8) = ltei8(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: int16, b: int16) = ltei16(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: int32, b: int32) = ltei32(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: int64, b: int64) = ltei64(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: float32, b: float32) = ltef32(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: float64, b: float64) = ltef64(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: string, b: string) = ltestr(a, b)\n\nexport fn gt(a: int8, b: int8) = gti8(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: int16, b: int16) = gti16(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: int32, b: int32) = gti32(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: int64, b: int64) = gti64(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: float32, b: float32) = gtf32(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: float64, b: float64) = gtf64(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: string, b: string) = gtstr(a, b)\n\nexport fn gte(a: int8, b: int8) = gtei8(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: int16, b: int16) = gtei16(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: int32, b: int32) = gtei32(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: int64, b: int64) = gtei64(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: float32, b: float32) = gtef32(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: float64, b: float64) = gtef64(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: string, b: string) = gtestr(a, b)\n\n// Wait functions\nexport fn wait(n: int8) = waitop(i8i64(n))\nexport fn wait(n: int16) = waitop(i16i64(n))\nexport fn wait(n: int32) = waitop(i32i64(n))\nexport fn wait(n: int64) = waitop(n)\n\n// String functions\nexport fn concat(a: string, b: string) = catstr(a, b)\nexport split // opcode with signature `fn split(str: string, spl: string): Array<string>`\nexport fn repeat(s: string, n: int64) = repstr(s, n)\n// export fn template(str: string, map: Map<string, string>) = templ(str, map)\nexport matches // opcode with signature `fn matches(s: string, t: string): bool`\nexport fn index(s: string, t: string) = indstr(s, t)\nexport fn length(s: string) = lenstr(s)\nexport trim // opcode with signature `fn trim(s: string): string`\n\n// Array functions\nexport fn concat(a: Array<any>, b: Array<any>) = catarr(a, b)\nexport fn repeat(arr: Array<any>, n: int64) = reparr(arr, n)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<any>, val: any) = indarrv(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int8>, val: int8) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int16>, val: int16) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int32>, val: int32) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int64>, val: int64) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<float32>, val: float32) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<float64>, val: float64) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<bool>, val: bool) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn has(arr: Array<any>, val: any) = indarrv(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int8>, val: int8) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int16>, val: int16) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int32>, val: int32) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int64>, val: int64) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<float32>, val: float32) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<float64>, val: float64) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<bool>, val: bool) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn length(arr: Array<any>) = lenarr(arr)\nexport fn push(arr: Array<any>, val: any) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 0)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int8>, val: int8) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int16>, val: int16) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int32>, val: int32) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int64>, val: int64) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<float32>, val: float32) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<float64>, val: float64) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<bool>, val: bool) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn pop(arr: Array<any>) = poparr(arr)\nexport each // parallel opcode with signature `fn each(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): void`\nexport fn eachLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): void = eachl(arr, cb)\nexport map // parallel opcode with signature `fn map(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Array<any>`\nexport fn mapLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Array<anythingElse> = mapl(arr, cb)\n/**\n * Unlike the other array functions, reduce is sequential by default and parallelism must be opted\n * in. This is due to the fact that parallelism requires the reducer function to be commutative or\n * associative, otherwise it will return different values on each run, and the compiler has no way\n * to guarantee that your reducer function is commutative or associative.\n *\n * There are four reduce functions instead of two as expected, because a reducer that reduces into\n * the same datatype requires less work than one that reduces into a new datatype. To reduce into a\n * new datatype you need an initial value in that new datatype that the reducer can provide to the\n * first reduction call to \"get the ball rolling.\" And there are extra constraints if you want the\n * reducer to run in parallel: that initial value will be used multiple times for each of the\n * parallel threads of computation, so that initial value has to be idempotent for it to work. Then\n * you're left with multiple reduced results that cannot be combined with each other with the main\n * reducer, so you need to provide a second reducer function that takes the resulting datatype and\n * can combine them with each other successfully, and that one *also* needs to be a commutative or\n * associative function.\n *\n * The complexities involved in writing a parallel reducer are why we decided to make the sequential\n * version the default, as the extra overhead is not something most developers are used to, whether\n * they hail from the functional programming world or the imperative world.\n *\n * On that note, you'll notice that the opcodes are named after `reduce` and `fold`. This is the\n * naming scheme that functional language programmers would be used to, but Java and Javascript\n * combined them both as `reduce`, so we have maintained that convention as we expect fewer people\n * needing to adapt to that change, it being a change they're likely already familiar with, and\n * noting that an extra argument that makes it equivalent to `fold` is easier than trying to find\n * the 3 or 4 arg variant under a different name.\n */\nexport fn reduce(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): any = reducel(arr, cb)\nexport fn reducePar(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): any = reducep(arr, cb)\n/**\n * This type is used to reduce the number of arguments passed to the opcodes, which can only take 2\n * arguments if they return a value, or 3 arguments if they are a side-effect-only opcode, and is an\n * implementation detail of the 3 and 4 arg reduce functions.\n */\ntype InitialReduce<T, U> {\n arr: Array<T>\n initial: U\n}\nexport fn reduce(arr: Array<any>, cb: function, initial: anythingElse): anythingElse {\n const args = new InitialReduce<any, anythingElse> {\n arr = arr\n initial = initial\n }\n return foldl(args, cb)\n}\nexport fn reducePar(arr: Array<any>, transformer: function, merger: function, initial: anythingElse): anythingElse {\n const args = new InitialReduce<any, anythingElse> {\n arr = arr\n initial = initial\n }\n const intermediate = foldp(args, transformer)\n return reducep(intermediate, merger)\n}\nexport filter // opcode with signature `fn filter(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Array<any>`\nexport find // opcode with signature `fn find(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Result<any>`\nexport fn findLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Result<any> = findl(arr, cb)\nexport every // parallel opcode with signature `fn every(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool`\nexport fn everyLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool = everyl(arr, cb)\nexport some // parallel opcode with signature `fn some(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool`\nexport fn someLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool = somel(arr, cb)\nexport join // opcode with signature `fn join(arr: Array<string>, sep: string): string`\nexport fn set(arr: Array<any>, idx: int64, val: any) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytov(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int8>, idx: int64, val: int8) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int16>, idx: int64, val: int16) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int32>, idx: int64, val: int32) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int64>, idx: int64, val: int64) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<float32>, idx: int64, val: float32) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<float64>, idx: int64, val: float64) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<bool>, idx: int64, val: bool) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\n\n// Ternary functions\nexport fn pair(trueval: any, falseval: any) = new Array<any> [ trueval, falseval ]\nexport fn cond(c: bool, options: Array<any>) = getR(options[1 - c.toInt64()])\nexport fn cond(c: bool, optional: function): void = condfn(c, optional)\n\n// \"clone\" function useful for hoisting assignments and making duplicates\nexport fn clone(a: any) = copyarr(a)\nexport fn clone(a: Array<any>) = copyarr(a)\nexport fn clone(a: void) = copyvoid(a) // TODO: Eliminate this, covering up a weird error\nexport fn clone() = zeroed() // TODO: Used for conditionals, eliminate with more clever compiler\nexport fn clone(a: int8) = copyi8(a)\nexport fn clone(a: int16) = copyi16(a)\nexport fn clone(a: int32) = copyi32(a)\nexport fn clone(a: int64) = copyi64(a)\nexport fn clone(a: float32) = copyf32(a)\nexport fn clone(a: float64) = copyf64(a)\nexport fn clone(a: bool) = copybool(a)\nexport fn clone(a: string) = copystr(a)\n\n// Error, Maybe, Result, and Either types and functions\nexport error // opcode with signature `fn error(string): Error`\nexport noerr // opcode with signature `fn noerr(): Error`\nexport fn toString(err: Error) = errorstr(err)\n\nexport fn some(val: any) = someM(val, 0)\nexport fn some(val: int8) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: int16) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: int32) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: int64) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: float32) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: float64) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: bool) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn none() = noneM()\nexport isSome // opcode with signature `fn isSome(Maybe<any>): bool`\nexport isNone // opcode with signature `fn isNone(Maybe<any>): bool`\nexport fn getOr(maybe: Maybe<any>, default: any) = getOrM(maybe, default)\n\nexport fn ok(val: any) = okR(val, 0)\nexport fn ok(val: int8) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: int16) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: int32) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: int64) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: float32) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: float64) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: bool) = okR(val, 8)\nexport err // opcode with signature `fn err(string): Result<any>`\nexport isOk // opcode with signature `fn isOk(Result<any>): bool`\nexport isErr // opcode with signature `fn isErr(Result<any>: bool`\nexport fn getOr(result: Result<any>, default: any) = getOrR(result, default)\nexport fn getOr(result: Result<any>, default: string) = getOrRS(result, default)\nexport getErr // opcode with signature `fn getErr(Result<any>, Error): Error`\nexport fn toString(n: Result<Stringifiable>): string {\n if n.isOk() {\n return n.getR().toString()\n } else {\n return n.getErr(noerr()).toString()\n }\n}\n\nexport fn main(val: any) = mainE(val, 0)\nexport fn main(val: int8) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: int16) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: int32) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: int64) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: float32) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: float64) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: bool) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: any) = altE(val, 0)\nexport fn alt(val: int8) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: int16) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: int32) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: int64) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: float32) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: float64) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: bool) = altE(val, 8)\nexport isMain // opcode with signature `fn isMain(Either<any, anythingElse>): bool`\nexport isAlt // opcode with signature `fn isAlt(Either<any, anythingElse): bool`\nexport fn getMainOr(either: Either<any, anythingElse>, default: any) = mainOr(either, default)\nexport fn getAltOr(either: Either<any, anythingElse>, default: anythingElse) = altOr(either, default)\n\n// toHash functions for all data types\nexport fn toHash(val: any) = hashv(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int8) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int16) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int32) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int64) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: float32) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: float64) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: bool) = hashf(val)\n\n// HashMap implementation\nexport type KeyVal<K, V> {\n key: K\n val: V\n}\n\nexport interface Hashable {\n toHash(Hashable): int64\n eq(Hashable, Hashable): bool\n}\n\nexport type HashMap<K, V> {\n keyVal: Array<KeyVal<K, V>>\n lookup: Array<Array<int64>>\n}\n\nexport fn keyVal(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>) = hm.keyVal\nexport fn keys(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>): Array<Hashable> = map(hm.keyVal, fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>): Hashable = kv.key)\nexport fn vals(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>): Array<any> = map(hm.keyVal, fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>): any = kv.val)\nexport fn length(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>): int64 = length(hm.keyVal)\n\nexport fn get(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>, key: Hashable): any {\n const hash = key.toHash().abs() % length(hm.lookup)\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n const index = list.find(fn (i: int64): Array<int64> {\n const kv = getR(hm.keyVal[i])\n return eq(kv.key, key)\n })\n if index.isOk() {\n const i = index.getOr(0)\n const kv = getR(hm.keyVal[i])\n return ok(kv.val)\n } else {\n return err('key not found')\n }\n}\n\nexport fn set(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>, key: Hashable, val: any): HashMap<Hashable, any> {\n const kv = new KeyVal<Hashable, any> {\n key = key\n val = val\n }\n const index = length(hm.keyVal)\n push(hm.keyVal, kv)\n const hash = key.toHash().abs() % length(hm.lookup)\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n if list.length() == 8 {\n // Rebucket everything\n const lookupLen = length(hm.lookup) * 2\n hm.lookup = new Array<Array<int64>> [ new Array<int64> [], ] * lookupLen\n eachl(hm.keyVal, fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>, i: int64) {\n const hash = toHash(kv.key).abs() % lookupLen\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n list.push(i)\n })\n } else {\n list.push(index)\n }\n return hm\n}\n\nexport fn newHashMap(firstKey: Hashable, firstVal: any): HashMap<Hashable, any> { // TODO: Rust-like fn::<typeA, typeB> syntax?\n let hm = new HashMap<Hashable, any> {\n keyVal = new Array<KeyVal<Hashable, any>> []\n lookup = new Array<Array<int64>> [ new Array<int64> [] ] * 128 // 1KB of space\n }\n return hm.set(firstKey, firstVal)\n}\n\nexport fn toHashMap(kva: Array<KeyVal<Hashable, any>>) {\n let hm = new HashMap<Hashable, any> {\n keyVal = kva\n lookup = new Array<Array<int64>> [ new Array<int64> [] ] * 128\n }\n kva.eachl(fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>, i: int64) {\n const hash = toHash(kv.key).abs() % length(hm.lookup)\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n list.push(i)\n })\n return hm\n}\n\n// Operator declarations\nexport infix add as + precedence 2\nexport infix concat as + precedence 2\nexport infix sub as - precedence 2\nexport prefix negate as - precedence 1\nexport infix mul as * precedence 3\nexport infix repeat as * precedence 3\nexport infix div as / precedence 3\nexport infix split as / precedence 3\nexport infix mod as % precedence 3\n// export infix template as % precedence 3\nexport infix pow as ** precedence 4\nexport infix and as & precedence 3\nexport infix and as && precedence 3\nexport infix or as | precedence 2\nexport infix or as || precedence 2\nexport infix xor as ^ precedence 2\nexport prefix not as ! precedence 4\nexport infix nand as !& precedence 3\nexport infix nor as !| precedence 2\nexport infix xnor as !^ precedence 2\nexport infix eq as == precedence 1\nexport infix neq as != precedence 1\nexport infix lt as < precedence 1\nexport infix lte as <= precedence 1\nexport infix gt as > precedence 1\nexport infix gte as >= precedence 1\nexport infix matches as ~ precedence 1\nexport infix index as @ precedence 1\nexport prefix length as # precedence 4\nexport prefix trim as ` precedence 4\nexport infix pair as : precedence 5\nexport infix push as : precedence 6\nexport infix cond as ? precedence 0\nexport infix getOr as | precedence 2\nexport infix getOr as || precedence 2\n","trig.ln":"export const e = 2.718281828459045\nexport const pi = 3.141592653589793\nexport const tau = 6.283185307179586\n\nexport fn exp(x: float64) = e ** x\nexport fn exp(x: float32) = toFloat32(e) ** x\n\nexport fn ln(x: float64) = lnf64(x)\nexport fn ln(x: float32) = toFloat32(lnf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn log(x: float64) = logf64(x)\nexport fn log(x: float32) = toFloat32(logf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sin(x: float64) = sinf64(x)\nexport fn sin(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn sine(x: float64) = sinf64(x)\nexport fn sine(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cos(x: float64) = cosf64(x)\nexport fn cos(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn cosine(x: float64) = cosf64(x)\nexport fn cosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn tan(x: float64) = tanf64(x)\nexport fn tan(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn tangent(x: float64) = tanf64(x)\nexport fn tangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sec(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosf64(x)\nexport fn sec(x: float32) = toFloat32(sec(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn secant(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosf64(x)\nexport fn secant(x: float32) = toFloat32(secant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn csc(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinf64(x)\nexport fn csc(x: float32) = toFloat32(csc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn cosecant(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinf64(x)\nexport fn cosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cot(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanf64(x)\nexport fn cot(x: float32) = toFloat32(cot(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn cotangent(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanaf64(x)\nexport fn cotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(cotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asin(x: float64) = asinf64(x)\nexport fn asin(x: float32) = toFloat32(asinf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcsine(x: float64) = asinf64(x)\nexport fn arcsine(x: float32) = toFloat32(asinf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acos(x: float64) = acosf64(x)\nexport fn acos(x: float32) = toFloat32(acosf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccosine(x: float64) = acosf64(x)\nexport fn arccosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(acosf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn atan(x: float64) = atanf64(x)\nexport fn atan(x: float32) = toFloat32(atanf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arctangent(x: float64) = atanf64(x)\nexport fn arctangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(atanf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asec(x: float64) = acosf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn asec(x: float32) = toFloat32(asec(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcsecant(x: float64) = acosf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn arcsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acsc(x: float64) = asinf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn acsc(x: float32) = toFloat32(acsc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccosecant(x: float64) = asinf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn arccosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acot(x: float64) = pi / 2.0 - atanf64(x)\nexport fn acot(x: float32) = toFloat32(acot(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccotangent(x: float64) = pi / 2.0 - atanf64(x)\nexport fn arccotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ver(x: float64) = 1.0 - cosf64(x)\nexport fn ver(x: float32) = toFloat32(ver(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn versine(x: float64) = 1.0 - cosf64(x)\nexport fn versine(x: float32) = toFloat32(versine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn vcs(x: float64) = 1.0 + cosf64(x)\nexport fn vcs(x: float32) = toFloat32(vcs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn vercosine(x: float64) = 1.0 + cosf64(x)\nexport fn vercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(vercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cvs(x: float64) = 1.0 - sinf64(x)\nexport fn cvs(x: float32) = toFloat32(cvs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn coversine(x: float64) = 1.0 - sinf64(x)\nexport fn coversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(coversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cvc(x: float64) = 1.0 + sinf64(x)\nexport fn cvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(cvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn covercosine(x: float64) = 1.0 + sinf64(x)\nexport fn covercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(covercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hav(x: float64) = versine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hav(x: float32) = toFloat32(hav(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn haversine(x: float64) = versine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn haversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(haversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hvc(x: float64) = vercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(hvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn havercosine(x: float64) = vercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn havercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(havercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hcv(x: float64) = coversine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hcv(x: float32) = toFloat32(hcv(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hacoversine(x: float64) = coversine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hacoversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hacoversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hcc(x: float64) = covercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hcc(x: float32) = toFloat32(hcc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hacovercosine(x: float64) = covercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hacovercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hacovercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn exs(x: float64) = secant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn exs(x: float32) = toFloat32(exs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn exsecant(x: float64) = secant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn exsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(exsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn exc(x: float64) = cosecant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn exc(x: float32) = toFloat32(exc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn excosecant(x: float64) = cosecant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn excosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(excosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn crd(x: float64) = 2.0 * sine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn crd(x: float32) = toFloat32(crd(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn chord(x: float64) = 2.0 * sine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn chord(x: float32) = toFloat32(chord(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn aver(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn aver(x: float32) = toFloat32(aver(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcversine(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn arcversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn avcs(x: float64) = arccosine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn avcs(x: float32) = toFloat32(avcs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcvercosine(x: float64) = arccosine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn arcvercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcvercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acvs(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn acvs(x: float32) = toFloat32(acvs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccoversine(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn arccoversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccoversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acvc(x: float64) = arcsine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn acvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(acvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccovercosine(x: float64) = arcsine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn arccovercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccovercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahav(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn ahav(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahav(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archaversine(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn archaversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archaversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahvc(x: float64) = arccosine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn ahvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archavercosine(x: float64) = arccosine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn archavercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archavercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahcv(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn ahcv(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahcv(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archacoversine(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn archacoversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archacoversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahcc(x: float64) = arcsine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn ahcc(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahcc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archacovercosine(x: float64) = arcsine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn archacovercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archacovercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn aexs(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn aexs(x: float32) = toFloat32(aexs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcexsecant(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn arcexsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcexsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn aexc(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn aexc(x: float32) = toFloat32(aexc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcexcosecant(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn arcexcosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcexcosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acrd(x: float64) = 2.0 * arcsine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn acrd(x: float32) = toFloat32(acrd(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcchord(x: float64) = 2.0 * arcsine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn arcchord(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcchord(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sinh(x: float64) = sinhf64(x)\nexport fn sinh(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinhf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicSine(x: float64) = sinhf64(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicSine(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinhf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cosh(x: float64) = coshf64(x)\nexport fn cosh(x: float32) = toFloat32(coshf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicCosine(x: float64) = coshf64(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicCosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(coshf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn tanh(x: float64) = tanhf64(x)\nexport fn tanh(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanhf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicTangent(x: float64) = tanhf64(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicTangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanhf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sech(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosh(x)\nexport fn sech(x: float32) = toFloat32(sech(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicSecant(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosh(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicSecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicSecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn csch(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinh(x)\nexport fn csch(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicCosecant(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinh(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicCosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicCosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn coth(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanh(x)\nexport fn coth(x: float32) = toFloat32(coth(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicCotangent(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanh(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicCotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicCotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asinh(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn asinh(x: float32) = toFloat32(asinh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsine(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArcsine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acosh(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 - 1.0))\nexport fn acosh(x: float32) = toFloat32(acosh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosine(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 - 1.0))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArccosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn atanh(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn atanh(x: float32) = toFloat32(atanh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArctangent(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn hyperbolicArctangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArctangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asech(x: float64) = ln((1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - x ** 2.0)) / x)\nexport fn asech(x: float32) = toFloat32(asech(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsecant(x: float64) = ln((1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - x ** 2.0)) / x)\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArcsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acsch(x: float64) = ln((1.0 / x) + sqrt(1.0 / x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn acsch(x: float32) = toFloat32(acsch(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosecant(x: float64) = ln((1.0 / x) + sqrt(1.0 / x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArccosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acoth(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn acoth(x: float32) = toFloat32(acoth(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccotangent(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn hyperbolicArccotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArccotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n"} | ||
{"app.ln":"/**\n * @std/app - The entrypoint for CLI apps\n */\n\n// The `start` event with a signature like `event start` but has special meaning in the runtime\nexport start\n\n// The `stdout` event\nexport event stdout: string\n\n// `@std/app` has access to a special `stdoutp` opcode to trigger stdout writing\non stdout fn (out: string) = stdoutp(out)\n\n// The `print` function converts its input to a string, appends a newline, and sends it to `stdout`\nexport fn print(out: Stringifiable) {\n emit stdout out.toString() + \"\\n\"\n}\n\n// The `exit` event\nexport event exit: int8\n\n// `@std/app` has access to a special `exitop` opcode to trigger the exit behavior\non exit fn (status: int8) = exitop(status)\n\n","cmd.ln":"/**\n * @std/cmd - The entrypoint for working with command line processes.\n */\n\nexport fn exec(n: string) = execop(n)","datastore.ln":"/**\n * @std/datastore - Shared mutable state with controlled access\n */\n\n// Just syntactic sugar to seem less stringly-typed than it is\nexport fn namespace(ns: string) = ns\n\n// The set function to store shared data\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: any) = dssetv(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int8) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int16) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int32) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: int64) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: float32) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: float64) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\nexport fn set(ns: string, key: string, val: bool) = dssetf(ns, key, val)\n\n// The has function to test if a shared key exists\nexport fn has(ns: string, key: string): bool = dshas(ns, key)\n\n// The del function to remove a shared key\nexport fn del(ns: string, key: string): bool = dsdel(ns, key)\n\n// The getOr function to get a value or the return the provided default\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: any) {\n return dsgetv(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int8) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int16) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int32) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: int64) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: float32) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: float64) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\nexport fn getOr(ns: string, key: string, default: bool) {\n return dsgetf(ns, key).getOr(default)\n}\n","deps.ln":"from @std/app import start, print, exit\nfrom @std/cmd import exec\n\n/**\n * @std/deps - The entrypoint to install dependencies for an alan program\n */\n\n// The `install` event\nexport event install: void\n\n// The `add` function takes a string that describes a .git repository and install it in /dependencies\nexport fn add(remote: string) {\n // TODO implement proper error handling\n const parts = remote.split('/')\n const repo = parts[length(parts) - 1] || ''\n const group = parts[parts.length() - 2] || ''\n const dest = '/dependencies/' + group + '/' + repo\n const rm = exec('rm -rf .' + dest)\n const git = exec('git clone ' + remote + ' .' + dest)\n print(git.stderr) \n const rm2 = exec('rm -rf .' + dest + '/.git')\n}\n\n// The `commit` function takes no arguments. Currently just causes the application to quit, but\n// eventually would be the point where the dependencies defined by the calls to `add` could be\n// compared against the currently-installed dependencies, and a faster install would be possible\nexport fn commit() {\n emit exit 0\n}\n\n// Emit the `install` event on app `start`\non start {\n // TODO: optimize to parse the existing dependencies tree, if any, to build up a list of dependencies\n // that are already installed so calls by the user to install them again (assuming the version is identical)\n // are skipped, calls to upgrade or install new dependencies are performed, and then the remaining list\n // of dependencies at the end are removed.\n exec('rm -rf dependencies')\n exec('mkdir dependencies')\n emit install\n}\n","http.ln":"/**\n * @std/http - Built-in client (and eventually server) for http\n */\n\n/**\n * HTTP Client\n */\n\nexport fn get(url: string) = httpget(url)\nexport fn post(url: string, payload: string) = httppost(url, payload)\n\n/**\n * HTTP Server\n */\n\n// The InternalRequest type for inbound http requests\ntype InternalRequest {\n url: string\n headers: Array<KeyVal<string, string>>\n body: string\n connId: int64\n}\n\n// The InternalResponse type for inbount http requests\ntype InternalResponse {\n status: int64\n headers: Array<KeyVal<string, string>>\n body: string\n connId: int64\n}\n\n// The exposed Request type\nexport type Request {\n url: string\n headers: HashMap<string, string>\n body: string\n}\n\n// The exposed Response type\nexport type Response {\n status: int64\n headers: HashMap<string, string>\n body: string\n connId: int64\n}\n\n// The roll-up Connection type with both\nexport type Connection {\n req: Request\n res: Response\n}\n\n// The connection event\nexport event connection: Connection\n\n// The special connection event with a signature like `event __conn: InternalConnection`\n// This wrapper function takes the internal connection object, converts it to the user-friendly\n// connection object, and then emits it on a new event for user code to pick up\non __conn fn (conn: InternalRequest) {\n emit connection new Connection {\n req = new Request {\n url = conn.url\n headers = toHashMap(conn.headers)\n body = conn.body\n }\n res = new Response {\n status = 200 // If not set by the user, assume they meant it to be good\n headers = newHashMap('Content-Length', '0') // If not set by the user, assume no data\n body = '' // If not set by the user, assume no data\n connId = conn.connId\n }\n }\n}\n\n// The listen function tells the http server to start up and listen on the given port\n// For now only one http server per application, a macro system is necessary to improve this\n// Returns a Result with either an 'ok' string or an error\nexport fn listen(port: int64) = httplsn(port)\n\n// The body function sets the body for a Response, sets the Content-Length header, and retuns the\n// Response for chaining needs\nexport fn body(res: Response, body: string) {\n res.body = body\n const len = body.length()\n set(res.headers, 'Content-Length', len.toString())\n return res\n}\n\n// The status function sets the status of the response\nexport fn status(res: Response, status: int64) {\n res.status = status\n return res\n}\n\n// The send function converts the response object into an internal response object and passed that\n// back to the HTTP server. A Result type with either an 'ok' string or an error is returned\nexport fn send(res: Response): Result<string> {\n const ires = new InternalResponse {\n status = res.status\n headers = res.headers.keyVal\n body = res.body\n connId = res.connId\n }\n return httpsend(ires)\n}","root.ln":"/**\n * The root scope. These definitions are automatically available from every module.\n * These are almost entirely wrappers around runtime opcodes to provide a friendlier\n * name and using function dispatch based on input arguments to pick the correct opcode.\n */\n\n// TODO: See about making an export block scope so we don't have to write `export` so much\n\n// Export all of the built-in types\nexport void\nexport int8\nexport int16\nexport int32\nexport int64\nexport float32\nexport float64\nexport bool\nexport string\nexport function // TODO: Make the function type more explicit than this\nexport Array\nexport Error\nexport Maybe\nexport Result\nexport Either\n\n// Type aliasing of int64 and float64 to just int and float, as these are the default types\nexport type int = int64\nexport type float = float64\n\n// Default Interfaces\nexport interface any {}\nexport interface anythingElse = any // Same as `any` but doesn't match with it\nexport interface Stringifiable {\n toString(Stringifiable): string\n}\n\n// Type conversion functions\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int8) = i8f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int16) = i16f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int32) = i32f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: int64) = i64f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: float32) = f32f64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: float64) = n\nexport fn toFloat64(n: string) = strf64(n)\nexport fn toFloat64(n: bool) = boolf64(n)\n\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int8) = i8f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int16) = i16f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int32) = i32f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: int64) = i64f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: float32) = n\nexport fn toFloat32(n: float64) = f64f32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: string) = strf32(n)\nexport fn toFloat32(n: bool) = boolf32(n)\n\nexport fn toInt64(n: int8) = i8i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: int16) = i16i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: int32) = i32i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: int64) = n\nexport fn toInt64(n: float32) = f32i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: float64) = f64i64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: string) = stri64(n)\nexport fn toInt64(n: bool) = booli64(n)\n\nexport fn toInt32(n: int8) = i8i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: int16) = i16i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: int32) = n\nexport fn toInt32(n: int64) = i64i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: float32) = f32i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: float64) = f64i32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: string) = stri32(n)\nexport fn toInt32(n: bool) = booli32(n)\n\nexport fn toInt16(n: int8) = i8i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: int16) = n\nexport fn toInt16(n: int32) = i32i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: int64) = i64i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: float32) = f32i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: float64) = f64i16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: string) = stri16(n)\nexport fn toInt16(n: bool) = booli16(n)\n\nexport fn toInt8(n: int8) = n\nexport fn toInt8(n: int16) = i16i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: int32) = i32i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: int64) = i64i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: float32) = f32i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: float64) = f64i8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: string) = stri8(n)\nexport fn toInt8(n: bool) = booli8(n)\n\nexport fn toBool(n: int8) = i8bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: int16) = i16bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: int32) = i32bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: int64) = i64bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: float32) = f32bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: float64) = f64bool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: string) = strbool(n)\nexport fn toBool(n: bool) = n\n\nexport fn toString(n: int8) = i8str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: int16) = i16str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: int32) = i32str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: int64) = i64str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: float32) = f32str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: float64) = f64str(n)\nexport fn toString(n: string) = n\nexport fn toString(n: bool) = boolstr(n)\n\n// Arithmetic functions\nexport fn add(a: int8, b: int8) = addi8(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: int16, b: int16) = addi16(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: int32, b: int32) = addi32(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: int64, b: int64) = addi64(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: float32, b: float32) = addf32(a, b)\nexport fn add(a: float64, b: float64) = addf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn sub(a: int8, b: int8) = subi8(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: int16, b: int16) = subi16(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: int32, b: int32) = subi32(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: int64, b: int64) = subi64(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: float32, b: float32) = subf32(a, b)\nexport fn sub(a: float64, b: float64) = subf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn negate(n: int8) = negi8(n)\nexport fn negate(n: int16) = negi16(n)\nexport fn negate(n: int32) = negi32(n)\nexport fn negate(n: int64) = negi64(n)\nexport fn negate(n: float32) = negf32(n)\nexport fn negate(n: float64) = negf64(n)\n\nexport fn abs(n: int8) = absi8(n)\nexport fn abs(n: int16) = absi16(n)\nexport fn abs(n: int32) = absi32(n)\nexport fn abs(n: int64) = absi64(n)\nexport fn abs(n: float32) = absf32(n)\nexport fn abs(n: float64) = absf64(n)\n\nexport fn mul(a: int8, b: int8) = muli8(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: int16, b: int16) = muli16(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: int32, b: int32) = muli32(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: int64, b: int64) = muli64(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: float32, b: float32) = mulf32(a, b)\nexport fn mul(a: float64, b: float64) = mulf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn div(a: int8, b: int8) = divi8(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: int16, b: int16) = divi16(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: int32, b: int32) = divi32(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: int64, b: int64) = divi64(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: float32, b: float32) = divf32(a, b)\nexport fn div(a: float64, b: float64) = divf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn mod(a: int8, b: int8) = modi8(a, b)\nexport fn mod(a: int16, b: int16) = modi16(a, b)\nexport fn mod(a: int32, b: int32) = modi32(a, b)\nexport fn mod(a: int64, b: int64) = modi64(a, b)\n\nexport fn pow(a: int8, b: int8) = powi8(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: int16, b: int16) = powi16(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: int32, b: int32) = powi32(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: int64, b: int64) = powi64(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: float32, b: float32) = powf32(a, b)\nexport fn pow(a: float64, b: float64) = powf64(a, b)\n\nexport fn sqrt(n: float32) = sqrtf32(n)\nexport fn sqrt(n: float64) = sqrtf64(n)\n\n// Boolean and bitwise functions\nexport fn and(a: int8, b: int8) = andi8(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: int16, b: int16) = andi16(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: int32, b: int32) = andi32(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: int64, b: int64) = andi64(a, b)\nexport fn and(a: bool, b: bool) = andbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn or(a: int8, b: int8) = ori8(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: int16, b: int16) = ori16(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: int32, b: int32) = ori32(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: int64, b: int64) = ori64(a, b)\nexport fn or(a: bool, b: bool) = orbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn xor(a: int8, b: int8) = xori8(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: int16, b: int16) = xori16(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: int32, b: int32) = xori32(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: int64, b: int64) = xori64(a, b)\nexport fn xor(a: bool, b: bool) = xorbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn not(n: int8) = noti8(n)\nexport fn not(n: int16) = noti16(n)\nexport fn not(n: int32) = noti32(n)\nexport fn not(n: int64) = noti64(n)\nexport fn not(n: bool) = notbool(n)\n\nexport fn nand(a: int8, b: int8) = nandi8(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: int16, b: int16) = nandi16(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: int32, b: int32) = nandi32(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: int64, b: int64) = nandi64(a, b)\nexport fn nand(a: bool, b: bool) = nandboo(a, b)\n\nexport fn nor(a: int8, b: int8) = nori8(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: int16, b: int16) = nori16(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: int32, b: int32) = nori32(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: int64, b: int64) = nori64(a, b)\nexport fn nor(a: bool, b: bool) = norbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn xnor(a: int8, b: int8) = xnori8(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: int16, b: int16) = xnori16(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: int32, b: int32) = xnori32(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: int64, b: int64) = xnori64(a, b)\nexport fn xnor(a: bool, b: bool) = xnorboo(a, b)\n\n// Equality and order functions\nexport fn eq(a: int8, b: int8) = eqi8(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: int16, b: int16) = eqi16(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: int32, b: int32) = eqi32(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: int64, b: int64) = eqi64(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: float32, b: float32) = eqf32(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: float64, b: float64) = eqf64(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: string, b: string) = eqstr(a, b)\nexport fn eq(a: bool, b: bool) = eqbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn neq(a: int8, b: int8) = neqi8(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: int16, b: int16) = neqi16(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: int32, b: int32) = neqi32(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: int64, b: int64) = neqi64(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: float32, b: float32) = neqf32(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: float64, b: float64) = neqf64(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: string, b: string) = neqstr(a, b)\nexport fn neq(a: bool, b: bool) = neqbool(a, b)\n\nexport fn lt(a: int8, b: int8) = lti8(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: int16, b: int16) = lti16(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: int32, b: int32) = lti32(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: int64, b: int64) = lti64(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: float32, b: float32) = ltf32(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: float64, b: float64) = ltf64(a, b)\nexport fn lt(a: string, b: string) = ltstr(a, b)\n\nexport fn lte(a: int8, b: int8) = ltei8(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: int16, b: int16) = ltei16(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: int32, b: int32) = ltei32(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: int64, b: int64) = ltei64(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: float32, b: float32) = ltef32(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: float64, b: float64) = ltef64(a, b)\nexport fn lte(a: string, b: string) = ltestr(a, b)\n\nexport fn gt(a: int8, b: int8) = gti8(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: int16, b: int16) = gti16(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: int32, b: int32) = gti32(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: int64, b: int64) = gti64(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: float32, b: float32) = gtf32(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: float64, b: float64) = gtf64(a, b)\nexport fn gt(a: string, b: string) = gtstr(a, b)\n\nexport fn gte(a: int8, b: int8) = gtei8(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: int16, b: int16) = gtei16(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: int32, b: int32) = gtei32(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: int64, b: int64) = gtei64(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: float32, b: float32) = gtef32(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: float64, b: float64) = gtef64(a, b)\nexport fn gte(a: string, b: string) = gtestr(a, b)\n\n// Wait functions\nexport fn wait(n: int8) = waitop(i8i64(n))\nexport fn wait(n: int16) = waitop(i16i64(n))\nexport fn wait(n: int32) = waitop(i32i64(n))\nexport fn wait(n: int64) = waitop(n)\n\n// String functions\nexport fn concat(a: string, b: string) = catstr(a, b)\nexport split // opcode with signature `fn split(str: string, spl: string): Array<string>`\nexport fn repeat(s: string, n: int64) = repstr(s, n)\n// export fn template(str: string, map: Map<string, string>) = templ(str, map)\nexport matches // opcode with signature `fn matches(s: string, t: string): bool`\nexport fn index(s: string, t: string) = indstr(s, t)\nexport fn length(s: string) = lenstr(s)\nexport trim // opcode with signature `fn trim(s: string): string`\n\n// Array functions\nexport fn concat(a: Array<any>, b: Array<any>) = catarr(a, b)\nexport fn repeat(arr: Array<any>, n: int64) = reparr(arr, n)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<any>, val: any) = indarrv(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int8>, val: int8) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int16>, val: int16) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int32>, val: int32) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<int64>, val: int64) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<float32>, val: float32) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<float64>, val: float64) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn index(arr: Array<bool>, val: bool) = indarrf(arr, val)\nexport fn has(arr: Array<any>, val: any) = indarrv(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int8>, val: int8) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int16>, val: int16) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int32>, val: int32) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<int64>, val: int64) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<float32>, val: float32) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<float64>, val: float64) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn has(arr: Array<bool>, val: bool) = indarrf(arr, val).isOk()\nexport fn length(arr: Array<any>) = lenarr(arr)\nexport fn push(arr: Array<any>, val: any) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 0)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int8>, val: int8) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int16>, val: int16) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int32>, val: int32) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<int64>, val: int64) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<float32>, val: float32) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<float64>, val: float64) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn push(arr: Array<bool>, val: bool) {\n pusharr(arr, val, 8)\n return arr\n}\nexport fn pop(arr: Array<any>) = poparr(arr)\nexport each // parallel opcode with signature `fn each(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): void`\nexport fn eachLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): void = eachl(arr, cb)\nexport map // parallel opcode with signature `fn map(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Array<any>`\nexport fn mapLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Array<anythingElse> = mapl(arr, cb)\n/**\n * Unlike the other array functions, reduce is sequential by default and parallelism must be opted\n * in. This is due to the fact that parallelism requires the reducer function to be commutative or\n * associative, otherwise it will return different values on each run, and the compiler has no way\n * to guarantee that your reducer function is commutative or associative.\n *\n * There are four reduce functions instead of two as expected, because a reducer that reduces into\n * the same datatype requires less work than one that reduces into a new datatype. To reduce into a\n * new datatype you need an initial value in that new datatype that the reducer can provide to the\n * first reduction call to \"get the ball rolling.\" And there are extra constraints if you want the\n * reducer to run in parallel: that initial value will be used multiple times for each of the\n * parallel threads of computation, so that initial value has to be idempotent for it to work. Then\n * you're left with multiple reduced results that cannot be combined with each other with the main\n * reducer, so you need to provide a second reducer function that takes the resulting datatype and\n * can combine them with each other successfully, and that one *also* needs to be a commutative or\n * associative function.\n *\n * The complexities involved in writing a parallel reducer are why we decided to make the sequential\n * version the default, as the extra overhead is not something most developers are used to, whether\n * they hail from the functional programming world or the imperative world.\n *\n * On that note, you'll notice that the opcodes are named after `reduce` and `fold`. This is the\n * naming scheme that functional language programmers would be used to, but Java and Javascript\n * combined them both as `reduce`, so we have maintained that convention as we expect fewer people\n * needing to adapt to that change, it being a change they're likely already familiar with, and\n * noting that an extra argument that makes it equivalent to `fold` is easier than trying to find\n * the 3 or 4 arg variant under a different name.\n */\nexport fn reduce(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): any = reducel(arr, cb)\nexport fn reducePar(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): any = reducep(arr, cb)\n/**\n * This type is used to reduce the number of arguments passed to the opcodes, which can only take 2\n * arguments if they return a value, or 3 arguments if they are a side-effect-only opcode, and is an\n * implementation detail of the 3 and 4 arg reduce functions.\n */\ntype InitialReduce<T, U> {\n arr: Array<T>\n initial: U\n}\nexport fn reduce(arr: Array<any>, cb: function, initial: anythingElse): anythingElse {\n const args = new InitialReduce<any, anythingElse> {\n arr = arr\n initial = initial\n }\n return foldl(args, cb)\n}\nexport fn reducePar(arr: Array<any>, transformer: function, merger: function, initial: anythingElse): anythingElse {\n const args = new InitialReduce<any, anythingElse> {\n arr = arr\n initial = initial\n }\n const intermediate = foldp(args, transformer)\n return reducep(intermediate, merger)\n}\nexport filter // opcode with signature `fn filter(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Array<any>`\nexport find // opcode with signature `fn find(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Result<any>`\nexport fn findLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): Result<any> = findl(arr, cb)\nexport every // parallel opcode with signature `fn every(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool`\nexport fn everyLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool = everyl(arr, cb)\nexport some // parallel opcode with signature `fn some(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool`\nexport fn someLin(arr: Array<any>, cb: function): bool = somel(arr, cb)\nexport join // opcode with signature `fn join(arr: Array<string>, sep: string): string`\nexport fn set(arr: Array<any>, idx: int64, val: any) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytov(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int8>, idx: int64, val: int8) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int16>, idx: int64, val: int16) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int32>, idx: int64, val: int32) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<int64>, idx: int64, val: int64) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<float32>, idx: int64, val: float32) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<float64>, idx: int64, val: float64) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\nexport fn set(arr: Array<bool>, idx: int64, val: bool) {\n if (idx < 0) | (idx > arr.length()) {\n return err('array out-of-bounds access')\n } else {\n copytof(arr, idx, val)\n return some(arr)\n }\n}\n\n// Ternary functions\nexport fn pair(trueval: any, falseval: any) = new Array<any> [ trueval, falseval ]\nexport fn cond(c: bool, options: Array<any>) = getR(options[1 - c.toInt64()])\nexport fn cond(c: bool, optional: function): void = condfn(c, optional)\n\n// \"clone\" function useful for hoisting assignments and making duplicates\nexport fn clone(a: any) = copyarr(a)\nexport fn clone(a: Array<any>) = copyarr(a)\nexport fn clone(a: void) = copyvoid(a) // TODO: Eliminate this, covering up a weird error\nexport fn clone() = zeroed() // TODO: Used for conditionals, eliminate with more clever compiler\nexport fn clone(a: int8) = copyi8(a)\nexport fn clone(a: int16) = copyi16(a)\nexport fn clone(a: int32) = copyi32(a)\nexport fn clone(a: int64) = copyi64(a)\nexport fn clone(a: float32) = copyf32(a)\nexport fn clone(a: float64) = copyf64(a)\nexport fn clone(a: bool) = copybool(a)\nexport fn clone(a: string) = copystr(a)\n\n// Error, Maybe, Result, and Either types and functions\nexport error // opcode with signature `fn error(string): Error`\nexport noerr // opcode with signature `fn noerr(): Error`\nexport fn toString(err: Error) = errorstr(err)\n\nexport fn some(val: any) = someM(val, 0)\nexport fn some(val: int8) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: int16) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: int32) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: int64) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: float32) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: float64) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn some(val: bool) = someM(val, 8)\nexport fn none() = noneM()\nexport isSome // opcode with signature `fn isSome(Maybe<any>): bool`\nexport isNone // opcode with signature `fn isNone(Maybe<any>): bool`\nexport fn getOr(maybe: Maybe<any>, default: any) = getOrM(maybe, default)\n\nexport fn ok(val: any) = okR(val, 0)\nexport fn ok(val: int8) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: int16) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: int32) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: int64) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: float32) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: float64) = okR(val, 8)\nexport fn ok(val: bool) = okR(val, 8)\nexport err // opcode with signature `fn err(string): Result<any>`\nexport isOk // opcode with signature `fn isOk(Result<any>): bool`\nexport isErr // opcode with signature `fn isErr(Result<any>: bool`\nexport fn getOr(result: Result<any>, default: any) = getOrR(result, default)\nexport fn getOr(result: Result<any>, default: string) = getOrRS(result, default)\nexport getErr // opcode with signature `fn getErr(Result<any>, Error): Error`\nexport fn toString(n: Result<Stringifiable>): string {\n if n.isOk() {\n return n.getR().toString()\n } else {\n return n.getErr(noerr()).toString()\n }\n}\n\nexport fn main(val: any) = mainE(val, 0)\nexport fn main(val: int8) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: int16) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: int32) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: int64) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: float32) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: float64) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn main(val: bool) = mainE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: any) = altE(val, 0)\nexport fn alt(val: int8) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: int16) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: int32) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: int64) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: float32) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: float64) = altE(val, 8)\nexport fn alt(val: bool) = altE(val, 8)\nexport isMain // opcode with signature `fn isMain(Either<any, anythingElse>): bool`\nexport isAlt // opcode with signature `fn isAlt(Either<any, anythingElse): bool`\nexport fn getMainOr(either: Either<any, anythingElse>, default: any) = mainOr(either, default)\nexport fn getAltOr(either: Either<any, anythingElse>, default: anythingElse) = altOr(either, default)\n\n// toHash functions for all data types\nexport fn toHash(val: any) = hashv(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int8) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int16) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int32) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: int64) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: float32) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: float64) = hashf(val)\nexport fn toHash(val: bool) = hashf(val)\n\n// HashMap implementation\nexport type KeyVal<K, V> {\n key: K\n val: V\n}\n\nexport interface Hashable {\n toHash(Hashable): int64\n eq(Hashable, Hashable): bool\n}\n\nexport type HashMap<K, V> {\n keyVal: Array<KeyVal<K, V>>\n lookup: Array<Array<int64>>\n}\n\nexport fn keyVal(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>) = hm.keyVal\nexport fn keys(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>): Array<Hashable> = map(hm.keyVal, fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>): Hashable = kv.key)\nexport fn vals(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>): Array<any> = map(hm.keyVal, fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>): any = kv.val)\nexport fn length(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>): int64 = length(hm.keyVal)\n\nexport fn get(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>, key: Hashable): any {\n const hash = key.toHash().abs() % length(hm.lookup)\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n const index = list.find(fn (i: int64): Array<int64> {\n const kv = getR(hm.keyVal[i])\n return eq(kv.key, key)\n })\n if index.isOk() {\n const i = index.getOr(0)\n const kv = getR(hm.keyVal[i])\n return ok(kv.val)\n } else {\n return err('key not found')\n }\n}\n\nexport fn set(hm: HashMap<Hashable, any>, key: Hashable, val: any): HashMap<Hashable, any> {\n const kv = new KeyVal<Hashable, any> {\n key = key\n val = val\n }\n const index = length(hm.keyVal)\n push(hm.keyVal, kv)\n const hash = key.toHash().abs() % length(hm.lookup)\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n if list.length() == 8 {\n // Rebucket everything\n const lookupLen = length(hm.lookup) * 2\n hm.lookup = new Array<Array<int64>> [ new Array<int64> [], ] * lookupLen\n eachl(hm.keyVal, fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>, i: int64) {\n const hash = toHash(kv.key).abs() % lookupLen\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n list.push(i)\n })\n } else {\n list.push(index)\n }\n return hm\n}\n\nexport fn newHashMap(firstKey: Hashable, firstVal: any): HashMap<Hashable, any> { // TODO: Rust-like fn::<typeA, typeB> syntax?\n let hm = new HashMap<Hashable, any> {\n keyVal = new Array<KeyVal<Hashable, any>> []\n lookup = new Array<Array<int64>> [ new Array<int64> [] ] * 128 // 1KB of space\n }\n return hm.set(firstKey, firstVal)\n}\n\nexport fn toHashMap(kva: Array<KeyVal<Hashable, any>>) {\n let hm = new HashMap<Hashable, any> {\n keyVal = kva\n lookup = new Array<Array<int64>> [ new Array<int64> [] ] * 128\n }\n kva.eachl(fn (kv: KeyVal<Hashable, any>, i: int64) {\n const hash = toHash(kv.key).abs() % length(hm.lookup)\n const list = getR(hm.lookup[hash])\n list.push(i)\n })\n return hm\n}\n\n// Operator declarations\nexport infix add as + precedence 2\nexport infix concat as + precedence 2\nexport infix sub as - precedence 2\nexport prefix negate as - precedence 1\nexport infix mul as * precedence 3\nexport infix repeat as * precedence 3\nexport infix div as / precedence 3\nexport infix split as / precedence 3\nexport infix mod as % precedence 3\n// export infix template as % precedence 3\nexport infix pow as ** precedence 4\nexport infix and as & precedence 3\nexport infix and as && precedence 3\nexport infix or as | precedence 2\nexport infix or as || precedence 2\nexport infix xor as ^ precedence 2\nexport prefix not as ! precedence 4\nexport infix nand as !& precedence 3\nexport infix nor as !| precedence 2\nexport infix xnor as !^ precedence 2\nexport infix eq as == precedence 1\nexport infix neq as != precedence 1\nexport infix lt as < precedence 1\nexport infix lte as <= precedence 1\nexport infix gt as > precedence 1\nexport infix gte as >= precedence 1\nexport infix matches as ~ precedence 1\nexport infix index as @ precedence 1\nexport prefix length as # precedence 4\nexport prefix trim as ` precedence 4\nexport infix pair as : precedence 5\nexport infix push as : precedence 6\nexport infix cond as ? precedence 0\nexport infix getOr as | precedence 2\nexport infix getOr as || precedence 2\n","seq.ln":"/**\n * @std/seq - Tools for sequential algorithms. Use if you must.\n */\n\n// The `Seq` opaque type used by these algorithms to guarantee halting\nexport Seq\n\n// The `seq` constructor function\nexport fn seq(limit: int64): Seq = newseq(limit)\n\n// A basic iterator function, unlikely to be useful outside of these functions\nexport fn next(seq: Seq): Result<int64> = seqnext(seq)\n\n// An automatic iterator that executes the provided function in sequence until the limit is reached\nexport fn each(seq: Seq, func: function): void = seqeach(seq, func)\n\n// A while loop with an initial conditional check\nexport fn while(seq: Seq, condFn: function, bodyFn: function): void = seqwhile(seq, condFn, bodyFn)\n\n// A do-while loop that returns the conditional check\nexport fn doWhile(seq: Seq, bodyFn: function): void = seqdo(seq, bodyFn)\n\n// Recursive functions in Alan require a \"trampoline\" outside of the grammar of the language to work\n// so a special \"Self\" type exists that internally references the Seq type and the relevant function\n// and provides the mechanism to re-schedule the recursive function to call with a new argument.\nexport Self\n\n// There are two `recurse` functions. The first is on the `self` object that has an internal\n// reference to the relevant seq and recursive function to be called and is meant to be used within\n// the recursive function. The second sets it all off with a sequence operator, the recursive\n// function in question, and the query argument, and is using the first function under the hood.\nexport fn recurse(self: Self, arg: any): Result<anythingElse> = selfrec(self, arg)\nexport fn recurse(seq: Seq, recurseFn: function, arg: any): Result<anythingElse> {\n let self = seqrec(seq, recurseFn)\n return selfrec(self, arg)\n}\n\n// TODO: Add the generator piece of the seq rfc\n","trig.ln":"export const e = 2.718281828459045\nexport const pi = 3.141592653589793\nexport const tau = 6.283185307179586\n\nexport fn exp(x: float64) = e ** x\nexport fn exp(x: float32) = toFloat32(e) ** x\n\nexport fn ln(x: float64) = lnf64(x)\nexport fn ln(x: float32) = toFloat32(lnf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn log(x: float64) = logf64(x)\nexport fn log(x: float32) = toFloat32(logf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sin(x: float64) = sinf64(x)\nexport fn sin(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn sine(x: float64) = sinf64(x)\nexport fn sine(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cos(x: float64) = cosf64(x)\nexport fn cos(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn cosine(x: float64) = cosf64(x)\nexport fn cosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn tan(x: float64) = tanf64(x)\nexport fn tan(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn tangent(x: float64) = tanf64(x)\nexport fn tangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sec(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosf64(x)\nexport fn sec(x: float32) = toFloat32(sec(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn secant(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosf64(x)\nexport fn secant(x: float32) = toFloat32(secant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn csc(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinf64(x)\nexport fn csc(x: float32) = toFloat32(csc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn cosecant(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinf64(x)\nexport fn cosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cot(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanf64(x)\nexport fn cot(x: float32) = toFloat32(cot(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn cotangent(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanaf64(x)\nexport fn cotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(cotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asin(x: float64) = asinf64(x)\nexport fn asin(x: float32) = toFloat32(asinf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcsine(x: float64) = asinf64(x)\nexport fn arcsine(x: float32) = toFloat32(asinf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acos(x: float64) = acosf64(x)\nexport fn acos(x: float32) = toFloat32(acosf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccosine(x: float64) = acosf64(x)\nexport fn arccosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(acosf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn atan(x: float64) = atanf64(x)\nexport fn atan(x: float32) = toFloat32(atanf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arctangent(x: float64) = atanf64(x)\nexport fn arctangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(atanf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asec(x: float64) = acosf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn asec(x: float32) = toFloat32(asec(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcsecant(x: float64) = acosf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn arcsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acsc(x: float64) = asinf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn acsc(x: float32) = toFloat32(acsc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccosecant(x: float64) = asinf64(1.0 / x)\nexport fn arccosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acot(x: float64) = pi / 2.0 - atanf64(x)\nexport fn acot(x: float32) = toFloat32(acot(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccotangent(x: float64) = pi / 2.0 - atanf64(x)\nexport fn arccotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ver(x: float64) = 1.0 - cosf64(x)\nexport fn ver(x: float32) = toFloat32(ver(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn versine(x: float64) = 1.0 - cosf64(x)\nexport fn versine(x: float32) = toFloat32(versine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn vcs(x: float64) = 1.0 + cosf64(x)\nexport fn vcs(x: float32) = toFloat32(vcs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn vercosine(x: float64) = 1.0 + cosf64(x)\nexport fn vercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(vercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cvs(x: float64) = 1.0 - sinf64(x)\nexport fn cvs(x: float32) = toFloat32(cvs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn coversine(x: float64) = 1.0 - sinf64(x)\nexport fn coversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(coversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cvc(x: float64) = 1.0 + sinf64(x)\nexport fn cvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(cvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn covercosine(x: float64) = 1.0 + sinf64(x)\nexport fn covercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(covercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hav(x: float64) = versine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hav(x: float32) = toFloat32(hav(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn haversine(x: float64) = versine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn haversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(haversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hvc(x: float64) = vercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(hvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn havercosine(x: float64) = vercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn havercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(havercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hcv(x: float64) = coversine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hcv(x: float32) = toFloat32(hcv(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hacoversine(x: float64) = coversine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hacoversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hacoversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn hcc(x: float64) = covercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hcc(x: float32) = toFloat32(hcc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hacovercosine(x: float64) = covercosine(x) / 2.0\nexport fn hacovercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hacovercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn exs(x: float64) = secant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn exs(x: float32) = toFloat32(exs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn exsecant(x: float64) = secant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn exsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(exsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn exc(x: float64) = cosecant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn exc(x: float32) = toFloat32(exc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn excosecant(x: float64) = cosecant(x) - 1.0\nexport fn excosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(excosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn crd(x: float64) = 2.0 * sine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn crd(x: float32) = toFloat32(crd(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn chord(x: float64) = 2.0 * sine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn chord(x: float32) = toFloat32(chord(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn aver(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn aver(x: float32) = toFloat32(aver(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcversine(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn arcversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn avcs(x: float64) = arccosine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn avcs(x: float32) = toFloat32(avcs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcvercosine(x: float64) = arccosine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn arcvercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcvercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acvs(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn acvs(x: float32) = toFloat32(acvs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccoversine(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - x)\nexport fn arccoversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccoversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acvc(x: float64) = arcsine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn acvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(acvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arccovercosine(x: float64) = arcsine(x - 1.0)\nexport fn arccovercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(arccovercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahav(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn ahav(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahav(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archaversine(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn archaversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archaversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahvc(x: float64) = arccosine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn ahvc(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahvc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archavercosine(x: float64) = arccosine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn archavercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archavercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahcv(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn ahcv(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahcv(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archacoversine(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 - 2.0 * x)\nexport fn archacoversine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archacoversine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn ahcc(x: float64) = arcsine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn ahcc(x: float32) = toFloat32(ahcc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn archacovercosine(x: float64) = arcsine(2.0 * x - 1.0)\nexport fn archacovercosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(archacovercosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn aexs(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn aexs(x: float32) = toFloat32(aexs(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcexsecant(x: float64) = arccosine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn arcexsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcexsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn aexc(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn aexc(x: float32) = toFloat32(aexc(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcexcosecant(x: float64) = arcsine(1.0 / (x + 1.0))\nexport fn arcexcosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcexcosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acrd(x: float64) = 2.0 * arcsine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn acrd(x: float32) = toFloat32(acrd(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn arcchord(x: float64) = 2.0 * arcsine(x / 2.0)\nexport fn arcchord(x: float32) = toFloat32(arcchord(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sinh(x: float64) = sinhf64(x)\nexport fn sinh(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinhf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicSine(x: float64) = sinhf64(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicSine(x: float32) = toFloat32(sinhf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn cosh(x: float64) = coshf64(x)\nexport fn cosh(x: float32) = toFloat32(coshf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicCosine(x: float64) = coshf64(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicCosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(coshf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn tanh(x: float64) = tanhf64(x)\nexport fn tanh(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanhf64(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicTangent(x: float64) = tanhf64(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicTangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(tanhf64(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn sech(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosh(x)\nexport fn sech(x: float32) = toFloat32(sech(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicSecant(x: float64) = 1.0 / cosh(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicSecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicSecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn csch(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinh(x)\nexport fn csch(x: float32) = toFloat32(cosh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicCosecant(x: float64) = 1.0 / sinh(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicCosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicCosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn coth(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanh(x)\nexport fn coth(x: float32) = toFloat32(coth(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicCotangent(x: float64) = 1.0 / tanh(x)\nexport fn hyperbolicCotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicCotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asinh(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn asinh(x: float32) = toFloat32(asinh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsine(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArcsine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acosh(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 - 1.0))\nexport fn acosh(x: float32) = toFloat32(acosh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosine(x: float64) = ln(x + sqrt(x ** 2.0 - 1.0))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosine(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArccosine(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn atanh(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn atanh(x: float32) = toFloat32(atanh(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArctangent(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn hyperbolicArctangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArctangent(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn asech(x: float64) = ln((1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - x ** 2.0)) / x)\nexport fn asech(x: float32) = toFloat32(asech(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsecant(x: float64) = ln((1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - x ** 2.0)) / x)\nexport fn hyperbolicArcsecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArcsecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acsch(x: float64) = ln((1.0 / x) + sqrt(1.0 / x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn acsch(x: float32) = toFloat32(acsch(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosecant(x: float64) = ln((1.0 / x) + sqrt(1.0 / x ** 2.0 + 1.0))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccosecant(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArccosecant(toFloat64(x)))\n\nexport fn acoth(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn acoth(x: float32) = toFloat32(acoth(toFloat64(x)))\nexport fn hyperbolicArccotangent(x: float64) = ln((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)) / 2.0\nexport fn hyperbolicArccotangent(x: float32) = toFloat32(hyperbolicArccotangent(toFloat64(x)))\n"} |
@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@ "use strict"; | ||
} | ||
outText += `(${argnames.join(', ')}) => {\n`; | ||
outText += `async (${argnames.join(', ')}) => {\n`; | ||
outText += functionbodyToJsText(assignable.get('functions').get('functionbody'), indent + " "); | ||
@@ -60,0 +60,0 @@ outText += indent + ' }'; // End this closure |
@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ "use strict"; | ||
'void', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'bool', 'string', 'function', | ||
'operator', 'Error', 'Maybe', 'Result', 'Either', 'Array', 'ExecRes', 'InitialReduce', 'InternalResponse' | ||
'operator', 'Error', 'Maybe', 'Result', 'Either', 'Array', 'ExecRes', 'InitialReduce', | ||
'InternalResponse', 'Seq', 'Self', | ||
].map(addBuiltIn)); | ||
@@ -28,2 +29,3 @@ Type_1.Type.builtinTypes['Array'].solidify(['string'], opcodeScope); | ||
Type_1.Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['any'], opcodeScope); | ||
Type_1.Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['anythingElse'], opcodeScope); | ||
Type_1.Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['int64'], opcodeScope); | ||
@@ -110,2 +112,6 @@ Type_1.Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['string'], opcodeScope); | ||
} | ||
else if (['selfrec'].includes(opcodeName)) { | ||
// TODO: This is absolute crap. How to fix? | ||
return inputs[0].inputNames[1] ? Microstatement_1.default.fromVarName(inputs[0].inputNames[1], scope, microstatements).closureOutputType : returnType; | ||
} | ||
else { | ||
@@ -415,4 +421,11 @@ // Path 2: the opcode returns solidified generic type with an interface generic | ||
dsgetv: [{ ns: t('string'), key: t('string'), }, t('Result<any>')], | ||
newseq: [{ limit: t('int64'), }, t('Seq')], | ||
seqnext: [{ seq: t('Seq'), }, t('Result<int64>')], | ||
seqeach: [{ seq: t('Seq'), func: t('function'), }, t('void')], | ||
seqwhile: [{ seq: t('Seq'), condFn: t('function'), bodyFn: t('function'), }], | ||
seqdo: [{ seq: t('Seq'), bodyFn: t('function'), }, t('void')], | ||
selfrec: [{ self: t('Self'), arg: t('any'), }, t('Result<anythingElse>')], | ||
seqrec: [{ seq: t('Seq'), recurseFn: t('function'), }, t('Self')], | ||
}); | ||
exports.default = opcodeModule; | ||
//# |
@@ -508,2 +508,13 @@ "use strict"; | ||
}), | ||
Seq: new Type("Seq", true, false, { | ||
counter: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
limit: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
}), | ||
Self: new Type("Self", true, false, { | ||
seq: new Type("Seq", true, false, { | ||
counter: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
limit: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
}), | ||
recurseFn: new Type("function", true), | ||
}), | ||
"function": new Type("function", true), | ||
@@ -510,0 +521,0 @@ operator: new Type("operator", true), |
@@ -311,3 +311,9 @@ "use strict"; | ||
} | ||
else { | ||
replacementStatements.push(s); | ||
} | ||
} | ||
else { | ||
replacementStatements.push(s); | ||
} | ||
} | ||
@@ -314,0 +320,0 @@ else { |
{ | ||
"name": "alan-compile", | ||
"version": "0.0.9", | ||
"version": "0.0.10", | ||
"description": "Compile of alan to amm and javascript", | ||
@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ "scripts": { | ||
"@types/uuid": "^8.0.0", | ||
"alan-js-runtime": "0.0.3", | ||
"alan-js-runtime": "0.0.4", | ||
"antlr4": "^4.8.0", | ||
@@ -34,0 +34,0 @@ "commander": "^5.1.0", |
@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ import { asyncopcodes, } from 'alan-js-runtime' | ||
} | ||
outText += `(${argnames.join(', ')}) => {\n` | ||
outText += `async (${argnames.join(', ')}) => {\n` | ||
outText += functionbodyToJsText(assignable.get('functions').get('functionbody'), indent + " ") | ||
@@ -62,0 +62,0 @@ outText += indent + ' }' // End this closure |
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ import { v4 as uuid, } from 'uuid' | ||
'void', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'bool', 'string', 'function', | ||
'operator', 'Error', 'Maybe', 'Result', 'Either', 'Array', 'ExecRes', 'InitialReduce', 'InternalResponse' | ||
'operator', 'Error', 'Maybe', 'Result', 'Either', 'Array', 'ExecRes', 'InitialReduce', | ||
'InternalResponse', 'Seq', 'Self', | ||
].map(addBuiltIn)) | ||
Type.builtinTypes['Array'].solidify(['string'], opcodeScope) | ||
opcodeScope.put('any', new Type('any', true, false, {}, {}, null, new Interface('any'))) | ||
opcodeScope.put('anythingElse', new Type('anythingElse', true, false, {}, {}, null, new Interface('anythingElse'))) | ||
opcodeScope.put( | ||
'anythingElse', | ||
new Type('anythingElse', true, false, {}, {}, null, new Interface('anythingElse')), | ||
) | ||
Type.builtinTypes['Array'].solidify(['any'], opcodeScope) | ||
@@ -29,2 +33,3 @@ Type.builtinTypes['Array'].solidify(['anythingElse'], opcodeScope) | ||
Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['any'], opcodeScope) | ||
Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['anythingElse'], opcodeScope) | ||
Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['int64'], opcodeScope) | ||
@@ -135,3 +140,8 @@ Type.builtinTypes.Result.solidify(['string'], opcodeScope) | ||
return newReturnType | ||
} else { | ||
} else if (['selfrec'].includes(opcodeName)) { | ||
// TODO: This is absolute crap. How to fix? | ||
return inputs[0].inputNames[1] ? Microstatement.fromVarName( | ||
inputs[0].inputNames[1], scope, microstatements | ||
).closureOutputType : returnType | ||
} else { | ||
// Path 2: the opcode returns solidified generic type with an interface generic | ||
@@ -443,4 +453,11 @@ // that mathces the interface type of an input | ||
dsgetv: [{ ns: t('string'), key: t('string'), }, t('Result<any>')], | ||
newseq: [{ limit: t('int64'), }, t('Seq')], | ||
seqnext: [{ seq: t('Seq'), }, t('Result<int64>')], | ||
seqeach: [{ seq: t('Seq'), func: t('function'), }, t('void')], | ||
seqwhile: [{ seq: t('Seq'), condFn: t('function'), bodyFn: t('function'), }], | ||
seqdo: [{ seq: t('Seq'), bodyFn: t('function'), }, t('void')], | ||
selfrec: [{ self: t('Self'), arg: t('any'), }, t('Result<anythingElse>')], | ||
seqrec: [{ seq: t('Seq'), recurseFn: t('function'), }, t('Self')], | ||
}) | ||
export default opcodeModule |
@@ -580,2 +580,13 @@ import Scope from './Scope' | ||
}), | ||
Seq: new Type("Seq", true, false, { | ||
counter: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
limit: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
}), | ||
Self: new Type("Self", true, false, { | ||
seq: new Type("Seq", true, false, { | ||
counter: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
limit: new Type("int64", true, true), | ||
}), | ||
recurseFn: new Type("function", true), | ||
}), | ||
"function": new Type("function", true), | ||
@@ -582,0 +593,0 @@ operator: new Type("operator", true), |
@@ -361,3 +361,7 @@ import { v4 as uuid, } from 'uuid' | ||
} | ||
} else { | ||
replacementStatements.push(s) | ||
} | ||
} else { | ||
replacementStatements.push(s) | ||
} | ||
@@ -364,0 +368,0 @@ } else { |
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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
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+ Addedalan-js-runtime@0.0.4(transitive)
- Removedalan-js-runtime@0.0.3(transitive)