alerts-api — API wrapper for Donation Alerts written in NodeJS with promises support
There was no library so I did it myself. Fuck and their developers.
Feature matrix:
✅ Latest donations with pagination
✅ Retreiving user profile information
✅ Recursive searching through donations messages
✅ Custom alerts (reusable)
✅ Refreshing tokens
✅ Access token generation
✅ OAuth link generation
❌ Merchandise API
❌ Centrifugo & Polls updates
$ npm i alerts-api
$ yarn add alerts-api
const AlertsAPI = require('alerts-api')
import AlertsAPI from 'alerts-api'
const donationAlerts = new AlertsAPI({ access_token: '' })
async function getUserPictureURL() {
let user = await donationAlerts.getUser()
API reference
Constructor config object
Constructor accepts exactly 1 argument: config object
access_token: 'def502...e8d',
version: 1
All methods
STATIC ASYNC generateOauthLink(config)
STATIC ASYNC getAccessToken(config)
- Exchanges authorization code on access token needed for every API request
- Method accepts exactly 1 argument: config object
- Config object example:
clientID: 690,
clientSecret: '7N...RDY',
redirectURI: '',
code: 'def502...e8d',
- Returned object example:
token_type: 'Bearer',
expires_in: 61235,
access_token: 'RDY...7N',
refreshToken: 'd50...bc'
ASYNC refreshToken(config)
- Refreshes access token to prevent expiring by exchanging refresh_token
- Method accepts exactly 1 argument: config object
- Config object example:
clientID: 690,
clientSecret: 'd50...bc',
refreshToken: '',
scopes: ['oauth-user-show'],
- Returned object example:
token_type: 'Bearer',
expires_in: 61235,
access_token: 'RDY...7N',
refreshToken: 'd50...bc'
ASYNC getUser()
- Method returns user information (endpoint:
- Returned object example:
data: {
id: 918237,
code: 'vityaschel',
name: 'VityaSchel',
avatar: '',
email: '',
language: 'en_US',
socket_connection_token: 'sfysjdhgaskduqhtwldiqdguaskdajsd'
ASYNC getDonations(page, raw)
- Method returns latest donations (endpoint:
- page is optional; defaults to 1; must be a number;
- raw is optional; defaults to false; must be a boolean;
- use raw = true if you want to get raw response from donation alerts api
- returns an object; below is an example of it
- data will always be array
- use .next() and .prev() functions to fetch new pages (use with await/.then)
- if there is no next/previous page, no function will be in response
- Returned object example:
data: [
id: 123456,
name: 'donation',
username: 'user name',
recipient_name: 'your name',
message: 'most valuable in donations',
message_type: 'text',
payin_system: { title: 'Bank card RUB' },
amount: 24,
currency: 'RUB',
is_shown: 1,
amount_in_user_currency: 24,
created_at: '2019-01-17 17:17:09',
shown_at: null
page: 1
next: Function,
prev: Function
ASYNC searchWithinMessage(term, pageLimit, caseSensetive)
- Method searching through every donation and returns the ones with term included() in message field
- pageLimit is optional; defaults to 0 (no limit)
- caseSensetive is optional; defaults to true!!
- Returned object example:
id: 123456,
name: 'donation',
username: 'donator`s name',
recipient_name: 'your name',
message: 'most valuable in donations',
message_type: 'text',
payin_system: { title: 'Bank card RUB' },
amount: 24,
currency: 'RUB',
is_shown: 1,
amount_in_user_currency: 24,
created_at: '2019-01-17 17:17:09',
shown_at: null
ASYNC sendCustomAlert(alert)
class CustomAlert inside AlertsAPI class
- Use it for sendCustomAlert method (see above)
- Constructor accepts exactly 1 argument: object
- external_id is generated automatically from 0 up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
header: 'Text',
message: 'Text',
is_shown: 1,
image_url: '',
sound_url: ''
- Example of creation instance:
let myAlert = new AlertsAPI.CustomAlert({ header: 'My Alert', message: 'Hello world!' })
More examples
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