#And Bang API Client
Makes it dead simple to build web apps on the And Bang API.
- All API functionality becomes a function call.
- Couldn't be any simpler
Just include the script in your HTML
<script src="andbang.js"></script>
Then write some JS
var api = new AndBang();
api.validateToken('your access token', function (err, yourUser) {
window.me = yourUser;
api.on('ready', function () {
api.getMyTeams(function (err, myTeams) {
window.teams = myTeams;
It uses socket.io under the covers so you get realtime, seemless API access that's as easy as AJAX.
Have fun!
You can see all available API methods on the developer docs: https://developer.andbang.com
andbang.js is generated from the provided API specification, spec.json. This
allows automation allows for rapid expansion of the API across many platforms.
To generate andbang.js, run the provided build script, which depends on spec.json
and andbang.template.js.
node ./build