AngularJS 1.x directive that provides support for Google's ReCaptcha v2 Checkbox validation.
- Install with npm
npm install --save angular1-recaptcha
- Include on your app definition and put your site key
.module('app', [
- Use the directive on your template
<recaptcha ng-model="ctrl.recaptcha"></recaptcha>
You can optionally provide data-theme="dark" (the default is light) or data-site-key="YOUR-SITE-KEY" (the default is the one you provided as a constant on Step 1).
ng-model is where the token received from the recaptcha library is stored. You can set it to null to reset the recaptcha, or you can put ng-disabled="!ctrl.recaptcha" on your button to prevent the form beign submitted without a valid captcha token.
Recaptcha Library Dependency
You do not have to include Google's Recaptcha script. This library includes asynchronous & deffered way to include it if the library itself is not found. Multiple instances of the directive does not lead to recaptcha library is beign included twice.
Server-Side validation
Please see the Google's documentation about the validation that needs to be occur in the server-side.