Advanced tools
Comparing version 1.0.13 to 1.0.14
@@ -785,3 +785,3 @@ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { | ||
// module | ||
exports.push([, ".listingsFlexContainer {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n flex-wrap: wrap;\n}\n.flexListingMixin {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n}\n.flexListingImageMixin {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 0px) {\n .flexListing {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n width: 94%;\n margin: 10px 3% 0 3%;\n }\n .flexListingSm {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n width: 94%;\n margin: 10px 3% 0 3%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n width: 94%;\n margin: 10px 3% 0 3%;\n }\n .flexListingImage {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n height: 160px;\n }\n .flexListingSm > .flexListingImage {\n height: 120px;\n }\n .flexListingLg > .flexListingImage {\n height: 220px;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 300px) {\n .flexListing {\n width: 48%;\n margin: 10px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 31%;\n margin: 10px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 600px) {\n .flexListing {\n width: 31%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 24%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 48%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 900px) {\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 19%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListing {\n width: 24%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 31%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingImage {\n height: 200px;\n }\n .flexListingSm > .flexListingImage {\n height: 140px;\n }\n .flexListingLg > .flexListingImage {\n height: 240px;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 1300px) {\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 16%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListing {\n width: 19%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 24%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 1800px) {\n .flexListing {\n width: 16%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 19%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n}\n.flexShadow {\n box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n}\n.flexListingFooter {\n position: relative;\n height: 56px;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.transactionFooter {\n position: relative;\n height: 106px;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.listingUsername {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 100;\n bottom: 10px;\n color: #b0b0b0;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-align: left;\n left: 69px;\n right: 49px;\n line-height: 36px;\n font-size: 16px;\n white-space: nowrap;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.listingEditTitle {\n position: relative;\n height: 49px;\n width: 100%;\n color: #6e6e6e;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n padding: 11px 12px 0 12px;\n overflow: hidden;\n font-size: 15px;\n line-height: 19px;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle {\n position: relative;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;\n border: 0;\n outline: none;\n width: 100%;\n height: 56px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-color: #89c201;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 16px;\n z-index: 100;\n transition: background 0s ease-out;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle::-webkit-input-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle:-moz-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle::-moz-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle:-ms-input-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle:focus {\n outline: none;\n background-image: linear-gradient(#89c201, #89c201), linear-gradient(#d2d2d2, #d2d2d2);\n background-size: 100% 2px,100% 1px;\n box-shadow: none;\n background-position: center bottom, center calc(99%);\n background-color: #fff;\n transition-duration: .3s;\n color: #333333;\n line-height: 19px;\n padding: 11px 12px 0 12px;\n}\n.listingEditCircle {\n position: absolute;\n top: 8px;\n left: 8px;\n height: 35px;\n width: 35px;\n background-size: 40%;\n background-image: url(" + __webpack_require__(16) + ");\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-position: center;\n border-radius: 25px;\n z-index: 100;\n}\n.listingEditCircle:hover {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);\n}\n.listingThumbImageFadeIn {\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: cover;\n background-position: center;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n -ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n.listingTitleFaceFlex {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n -ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n overflow: hidden;\n visibility: hidden;\n opacity: 0;\n z-index: 2;\n}\n.listingTitleFaceFlexActive {\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n -ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n opacity: 1;\n visibility: visible;\n}\n.listingTitleBehind {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 1;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n color: #fff;\n text-align: center;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n overflow: hidden;\n height: 100%;\n line-height: 19px;\n font-size: 15px;\n padding: 10px 20px 0 20px;\n}\n", ""]); | ||
exports.push([, ".listingsFlexContainer {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n flex-wrap: wrap;\n}\n.flexListingMixin {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n}\n.flexListingImageMixin {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 0px) {\n .flexListing {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n width: 94%;\n margin: 10px 3% 0 3%;\n }\n .flexListingSm {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n width: 94%;\n margin: 10px 3% 0 3%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n position: relative;\n background-color: #ffffff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n width: 94%;\n margin: 10px 3% 0 3%;\n }\n .flexListingImage {\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n height: 160px;\n }\n .flexListingSm > .flexListingImage {\n height: 120px;\n }\n .flexListingLg > .flexListingImage {\n height: 220px;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 300px) {\n .flexListing {\n width: 48%;\n margin: 10px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 31%;\n margin: 10px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 600px) {\n .flexListing {\n width: 31%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 24%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 48%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 900px) {\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 19%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListing {\n width: 24%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 31%;\n margin: 18px 1% 0 1%;\n }\n .flexListingImage {\n height: 200px;\n }\n .flexListingSm > .flexListingImage {\n height: 140px;\n }\n .flexListingLg > .flexListingImage {\n height: 240px;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 1300px) {\n .flexListingSm {\n width: 16%;\n margin: 18px 0.3% 0 0.3%;\n }\n .flexListing {\n width: 19%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 24%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n}\n@media all and (min-width: 1800px) {\n .flexListing {\n width: 16%;\n margin: 18px 0.3% 0 0.3%;\n }\n .flexListingLg {\n width: 19%;\n margin: 18px 0.5% 0 0.5%;\n }\n}\n.flexShadow {\n box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n}\n.flexListingFooter {\n position: relative;\n height: 56px;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.transactionFooter {\n position: relative;\n height: 106px;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.listingUsername {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 100;\n bottom: 10px;\n color: #b0b0b0;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-align: left;\n left: 69px;\n right: 49px;\n line-height: 36px;\n font-size: 16px;\n white-space: nowrap;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.listingEditTitle {\n position: relative;\n height: 49px;\n width: 100%;\n color: #6e6e6e;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n padding: 11px 12px 0 12px;\n overflow: hidden;\n font-size: 15px;\n line-height: 19px;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle {\n position: relative;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;\n border: 0;\n outline: none;\n width: 100%;\n height: 56px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-color: #89c201;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 16px;\n z-index: 100;\n transition: background 0s ease-out;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle::-webkit-input-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle:-moz-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle::-moz-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle:-ms-input-placeholder {\n color: #fff;\n}\n.listingEditAddTitle:focus {\n outline: none;\n background-image: linear-gradient(#89c201, #89c201), linear-gradient(#d2d2d2, #d2d2d2);\n background-size: 100% 2px,100% 1px;\n box-shadow: none;\n background-position: center bottom, center calc(99%);\n background-color: #fff;\n transition-duration: .3s;\n color: #333333;\n line-height: 19px;\n padding: 11px 12px 0 12px;\n}\n.listingEditCircle {\n position: absolute;\n top: 8px;\n left: 8px;\n height: 35px;\n width: 35px;\n background-size: 40%;\n background-image: url(" + __webpack_require__(16) + ");\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-position: center;\n border-radius: 25px;\n z-index: 100;\n}\n.listingEditCircle:hover {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);\n}\n.listingThumbImageFadeIn {\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: cover;\n background-position: center;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n -ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n.listingTitleFaceFlex {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n -ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0.2s;\n overflow: hidden;\n visibility: hidden;\n opacity: 0;\n z-index: 2;\n}\n.listingTitleFaceFlexActive {\n -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n -ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in, visibility 0s ease-in 0s;\n opacity: 1;\n visibility: visible;\n}\n.listingTitleBehind {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 1;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n color: #fff;\n text-align: center;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n overflow: hidden;\n height: 100%;\n line-height: 19px;\n font-size: 15px;\n padding: 10px 20px 0 20px;\n}\n", ""]); | ||
@@ -788,0 +788,0 @@ // exports |
{ | ||
"name": "antengo-listings", | ||
"version": "1.0.13", | ||
"version": "1.0.14", | ||
"description": "React module to render listings", | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "./dist/main.js", |
License Policy Violation
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Found 1 instance in 1 package
Long strings
Supply chain riskContains long string literals, which may be a sign of obfuscated or packed code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Long strings
Supply chain riskContains long string literals, which may be a sign of obfuscated or packed code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package