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apollo-link-http - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4


@@ -5,2 +5,6 @@ # Change log

### 1.5.4
- Update apollo-link [#559](
- Check for signal already present on `fetchOptions` [#584](
### 1.5.3

@@ -7,0 +11,0 @@ - updated dependency on `apolloLink.httpCommon` [#522](


(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('apollo-link'), require('apollo-link-http-common')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'apollo-link', 'apollo-link-http-common'], factory) :
(factory((global.apolloLink = global.apolloLink || {}, global.apolloLink.http = {}),global.apolloLink.core,global.apolloLink.httpCommon));
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('apollo-link'), require('apollo-link-http-common')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'apollo-link', 'apollo-link-http-common'], factory) :
(factory((global.apolloLink = global.apolloLink || {}, global.apolloLink.http = {}),global.apolloLink.core,global.apolloLink.httpCommon));
}(this, (function (exports,apolloLink,apolloLinkHttpCommon) { 'use strict';
var __extends = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var __extends = (undefined && undefined.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var __rest = (undefined && undefined.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0)
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var __rest = (undefined && undefined.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0)
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var createHttpLink = function (linkOptions) {
if (linkOptions === void 0) { linkOptions = {}; }
var _a = linkOptions.uri, uri = _a === void 0 ? '/graphql' : _a, fetcher = linkOptions.fetch, includeExtensions = linkOptions.includeExtensions, useGETForQueries = linkOptions.useGETForQueries, requestOptions = __rest(linkOptions, ["uri", "fetch", "includeExtensions", "useGETForQueries"]);
if (!fetcher) {
fetcher = fetch;
var linkConfig = {
http: { includeExtensions: includeExtensions },
options: requestOptions.fetchOptions,
credentials: requestOptions.credentials,
headers: requestOptions.headers,
var createHttpLink = function (linkOptions) {
if (linkOptions === void 0) { linkOptions = {}; }
var _a = linkOptions.uri, uri = _a === void 0 ? '/graphql' : _a,
// use default global fetch is nothing passed in
fetcher = linkOptions.fetch, includeExtensions = linkOptions.includeExtensions, useGETForQueries = linkOptions.useGETForQueries, requestOptions = __rest(linkOptions, ["uri", "fetch", "includeExtensions", "useGETForQueries"]);
// dev warnings to ensure fetch is present
//fetcher is set here rather than the destructuring to ensure fetch is
//declared before referencing it. Reference in the destructuring would cause
//a ReferenceError
if (!fetcher) {
fetcher = fetch;
var linkConfig = {
http: { includeExtensions: includeExtensions },
options: requestOptions.fetchOptions,
credentials: requestOptions.credentials,
headers: requestOptions.headers,
return new apolloLink.ApolloLink(function (operation) {
var chosenURI = apolloLinkHttpCommon.selectURI(operation, uri);
var context = operation.getContext();
var contextConfig = {
http: context.http,
options: context.fetchOptions,
credentials: context.credentials,
headers: context.headers,
//uses fallback, link, and then context to build options
var _a = apolloLinkHttpCommon.selectHttpOptionsAndBody(operation, apolloLinkHttpCommon.fallbackHttpConfig, linkConfig, contextConfig), options = _a.options, body = _a.body;
var controller;
if (!options.signal) {
var _b = apolloLinkHttpCommon.createSignalIfSupported(), _controller = _b.controller, signal = _b.signal;
controller = _controller;
if (controller)
options.signal = signal;
// If requested, set method to GET if there are no mutations.
var definitionIsMutation = function (d) {
return d.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && d.operation === 'mutation';
if (useGETForQueries &&
!operation.query.definitions.some(definitionIsMutation)) {
options.method = 'GET';
if (options.method === 'GET') {
var _c = rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body), newURI = _c.newURI, parseError = _c.parseError;
if (parseError) {
return apolloLink.fromError(parseError);
chosenURI = newURI;
else {
try {
options.body = apolloLinkHttpCommon.serializeFetchParameter(body, 'Payload');
catch (parseError) {
return apolloLink.fromError(parseError);
return new apolloLink.Observable(function (observer) {
fetcher(chosenURI, options)
.then(function (response) {
operation.setContext({ response: response });
return response;
.then(function (result) {
// we have data and can send it to back up the link chain;
return result;
.catch(function (err) {
// fetch was cancelled so its already been cleaned up in the unsubscribe
if ( === 'AbortError')
// if it is a network error, BUT there is graphql result info
// fire the next observer before calling error
// this gives apollo-client (and react-apollo) the `graphqlErrors` and `networErrors`
// to pass to UI
// this should only happen if we *also* have data as part of the response key per
// the spec
if (err.result && err.result.errors && {
// if we dont' call next, the UI can only show networkError because AC didn't
// get andy graphqlErrors
// this is graphql execution result info (i.e errors and possibly data)
// this is because there is no formal spec how errors should translate to
// http status codes. So an auth error (401) could have both data
// from a public field, errors from a private field, and a status of 401
// {
// user { // this will have errors
// firstName
// }
// products { // this is public so will have data
// cost
// }
// }
// the result of above *could* look like this:
// {
// data: { products: [{ cost: "$10" }] },
// errors: [{
// message: 'your session has timed out',
// path: []
// }]
// }
// status code of above would be a 401
// in the UI you want to show data where you can, errors as data where you can
// and use correct http status codes;
return function () {
// XXX support canceling this request
if (controller)
return new apolloLink.ApolloLink(function (operation) {
var chosenURI = apolloLinkHttpCommon.selectURI(operation, uri);
var context = operation.getContext();
var contextConfig = {
http: context.http,
options: context.fetchOptions,
credentials: context.credentials,
headers: context.headers,
// For GET operations, returns the given URI rewritten with parameters, or a
// parse error.
function rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body) {
// Implement the standard HTTP GET serialization, plus 'extensions'. Note
// the extra level of JSON serialization!
var queryParams = [];
var addQueryParam = function (key, value) {
queryParams.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value));
var _a = apolloLinkHttpCommon.selectHttpOptionsAndBody(operation, apolloLinkHttpCommon.fallbackHttpConfig, linkConfig, contextConfig), options = _a.options, body = _a.body;
var _b = apolloLinkHttpCommon.createSignalIfSupported(), controller = _b.controller, signal = _b.signal;
if (controller)
options.signal = signal;
var definitionIsMutation = function (d) {
return d.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && d.operation === 'mutation';
if (useGETForQueries &&
!operation.query.definitions.some(definitionIsMutation)) {
options.method = 'GET';
if ('query' in body) {
addQueryParam('query', body.query);
if (options.method === 'GET') {
var _c = rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body), newURI = _c.newURI, parseError = _c.parseError;
if (parseError) {
return apolloLink.fromError(parseError);
if (body.operationName) {
addQueryParam('operationName', body.operationName);
if (body.variables) {
var serializedVariables = void 0;
try {
serializedVariables = apolloLinkHttpCommon.serializeFetchParameter(body.variables, 'Variables map');
chosenURI = newURI;
catch (parseError) {
return { parseError: parseError };
addQueryParam('variables', serializedVariables);
else {
if (body.extensions) {
var serializedExtensions = void 0;
try {
options.body = apolloLinkHttpCommon.serializeFetchParameter(body, 'Payload');
serializedExtensions = apolloLinkHttpCommon.serializeFetchParameter(body.extensions, 'Extensions map');
catch (parseError) {
return apolloLink.fromError(parseError);
return { parseError: parseError };
addQueryParam('extensions', serializedExtensions);
return new apolloLink.Observable(function (observer) {
fetcher(chosenURI, options)
.then(function (response) {
operation.setContext({ response: response });
return response;
.then(function (result) {;
return result;
.catch(function (err) {
if ( === 'AbortError')
if (err.result && err.result.errors && {;
return function () {
if (controller)
function rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body) {
var queryParams = [];
var addQueryParam = function (key, value) {
queryParams.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value));
if ('query' in body) {
addQueryParam('query', body.query);
if (body.operationName) {
addQueryParam('operationName', body.operationName);
if (body.variables) {
var serializedVariables = void 0;
try {
serializedVariables = apolloLinkHttpCommon.serializeFetchParameter(body.variables, 'Variables map');
// Reconstruct the URI with added query params.
// XXX This assumes that the URI is well-formed and that it doesn't
// already contain any of these query params. We could instead use the
// URL API and take a polyfill (whatwg-url@6) for older browsers that
// don't support URLSearchParams. Note that some browsers (and
// versions of whatwg-url) support URL but not URLSearchParams!
var fragment = '', preFragment = chosenURI;
var fragmentStart = chosenURI.indexOf('#');
if (fragmentStart !== -1) {
fragment = chosenURI.substr(fragmentStart);
preFragment = chosenURI.substr(0, fragmentStart);
catch (parseError) {
return { parseError: parseError };
addQueryParam('variables', serializedVariables);
var queryParamsPrefix = preFragment.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';
var newURI = preFragment + queryParamsPrefix + queryParams.join('&') + fragment;
return { newURI: newURI };
if (body.extensions) {
var serializedExtensions = void 0;
try {
serializedExtensions = apolloLinkHttpCommon.serializeFetchParameter(body.extensions, 'Extensions map');
var HttpLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(HttpLink, _super);
function HttpLink(opts) {
return, createHttpLink(opts).request) || this;
catch (parseError) {
return { parseError: parseError };
addQueryParam('extensions', serializedExtensions);
var fragment = '', preFragment = chosenURI;
var fragmentStart = chosenURI.indexOf('#');
if (fragmentStart !== -1) {
fragment = chosenURI.substr(fragmentStart);
preFragment = chosenURI.substr(0, fragmentStart);
var queryParamsPrefix = preFragment.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&';
var newURI = preFragment + queryParamsPrefix + queryParams.join('&') + fragment;
return { newURI: newURI };
var HttpLink = (function (_super) {
__extends(HttpLink, _super);
function HttpLink(opts) {
return, createHttpLink(opts).request) || this;
return HttpLink;
return HttpLink;
exports.createHttpLink = createHttpLink;
exports.HttpLink = HttpLink;
exports.createHttpLink = createHttpLink;
exports.HttpLink = HttpLink;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

@@ -7,2 +7,7 @@ import { ApolloLink, RequestHandler } from 'apollo-link';

interface Options extends HttpOptions {
* If set to true, use the HTTP GET method for query operations. Mutations
* will still use the method specified in fetchOptions.method (which defaults
* to POST).
useGETForQueries?: boolean;

@@ -9,0 +14,0 @@ }

@@ -24,4 +24,10 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {

if (linkOptions === void 0) { linkOptions = {}; }
var _a = linkOptions.uri, uri = _a === void 0 ? '/graphql' : _a, fetcher = linkOptions.fetch, includeExtensions = linkOptions.includeExtensions, useGETForQueries = linkOptions.useGETForQueries, requestOptions = __rest(linkOptions, ["uri", "fetch", "includeExtensions", "useGETForQueries"]);
var _a = linkOptions.uri, uri = _a === void 0 ? '/graphql' : _a,
// use default global fetch is nothing passed in
fetcher = linkOptions.fetch, includeExtensions = linkOptions.includeExtensions, useGETForQueries = linkOptions.useGETForQueries, requestOptions = __rest(linkOptions, ["uri", "fetch", "includeExtensions", "useGETForQueries"]);
// dev warnings to ensure fetch is present
//fetcher is set here rather than the destructuring to ensure fetch is
//declared before referencing it. Reference in the destructuring would cause
//a ReferenceError
if (!fetcher) {

@@ -45,6 +51,12 @@ fetcher = fetch;

//uses fallback, link, and then context to build options
var _a = selectHttpOptionsAndBody(operation, fallbackHttpConfig, linkConfig, contextConfig), options = _a.options, body = _a.body;
var _b = createSignalIfSupported(), controller = _b.controller, signal = _b.signal;
if (controller)
options.signal = signal;
var controller;
if (!options.signal) {
var _b = createSignalIfSupported(), _controller = _b.controller, signal = _b.signal;
controller = _controller;
if (controller)
options.signal = signal;
// If requested, set method to GET if there are no mutations.
var definitionIsMutation = function (d) {

@@ -80,2 +92,3 @@ return d.kind === 'OperationDefinition' && d.operation === 'mutation';

.then(function (result) {
// we have data and can send it to back up the link chain;

@@ -86,5 +99,38 @@ observer.complete();

.catch(function (err) {
// fetch was cancelled so its already been cleaned up in the unsubscribe
if ( === 'AbortError')
// if it is a network error, BUT there is graphql result info
// fire the next observer before calling error
// this gives apollo-client (and react-apollo) the `graphqlErrors` and `networErrors`
// to pass to UI
// this should only happen if we *also* have data as part of the response key per
// the spec
if (err.result && err.result.errors && {
// if we dont' call next, the UI can only show networkError because AC didn't
// get andy graphqlErrors
// this is graphql execution result info (i.e errors and possibly data)
// this is because there is no formal spec how errors should translate to
// http status codes. So an auth error (401) could have both data
// from a public field, errors from a private field, and a status of 401
// {
// user { // this will have errors
// firstName
// }
// products { // this is public so will have data
// cost
// }
// }
// the result of above *could* look like this:
// {
// data: { products: [{ cost: "$10" }] },
// errors: [{
// message: 'your session has timed out',
// path: []
// }]
// }
// status code of above would be a 401
// in the UI you want to show data where you can, errors as data where you can
// and use correct http status codes;

@@ -95,2 +141,4 @@ }

return function () {
// XXX support canceling this request
if (controller)

@@ -102,3 +150,7 @@ controller.abort();

// For GET operations, returns the given URI rewritten with parameters, or a
// parse error.
function rewriteURIForGET(chosenURI, body) {
// Implement the standard HTTP GET serialization, plus 'extensions'. Note
// the extra level of JSON serialization!
var queryParams = [];

@@ -134,2 +186,8 @@ var addQueryParam = function (key, value) {

// Reconstruct the URI with added query params.
// XXX This assumes that the URI is well-formed and that it doesn't
// already contain any of these query params. We could instead use the
// URL API and take a polyfill (whatwg-url@6) for older browsers that
// don't support URLSearchParams. Note that some browsers (and
// versions of whatwg-url) support URL but not URLSearchParams!
var fragment = '', preFragment = chosenURI;

@@ -145,3 +203,3 @@ var fragmentStart = chosenURI.indexOf('#');

var HttpLink = (function (_super) {
var HttpLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(HttpLink, _super);

@@ -148,0 +206,0 @@ function HttpLink(opts) {

"name": "apollo-link-http",
"version": "1.5.3",
"version": "1.5.4",
"description": "HTTP transport layer for GraphQL",

@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ "author": "Evans Hauser <>",

"dependencies": {
"apollo-link": "^1.2.1",
"apollo-link-http-common": "^0.2.3"
"apollo-link": "^1.2.2",
"apollo-link-http-common": "^0.2.4"

@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ "peerDependencies": {

"devDependencies": {
"@types/graphql": "0.12.4",
"@types/jest": "21.1.10",
"@types/graphql": "0.12.6",
"@types/jest": "22.2.2",
"apollo-fetch": "0.7.0",
"browserify": "16.1.0",
"browserify": "16.1.1",
"fetch-mock": "6.0.0",
"graphql": "0.13.1",
"graphql-tag": "2.7.3",
"jest": "21.2.1",
"graphql": "0.13.2",
"graphql-tag": "2.8.0",
"jest": "22.4.3",
"object-to-querystring": "1.0.8",
"rimraf": "2.6.1",
"rollup": "0.56.2",
"rollup": "0.57.1",
"ts-jest": "21.2.4",
"tslint": "5.9.1",
"typescript": "2.7.2",
"uglify-js": "3.3.11"
"uglify-js": "3.3.16"
"jest": {
"transform": {
".(ts|tsx)": "<rootDir>/node_modules/ts-jest/preprocessor.js"
".(ts|tsx)": "ts-jest"

@@ -71,0 +71,0 @@ "testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|\\.(test|spec))\\.(ts|tsx|js)$",

@@ -80,4 +80,8 @@ import { ApolloLink, Observable, RequestHandler, fromError } from 'apollo-link';

const { controller, signal } = createSignalIfSupported();
if (controller) (options as any).signal = signal;
let controller;
if (!(options as any).signal) {
const { controller: _controller, signal } = createSignalIfSupported();
controller = _controller;
if (controller) (options as any).signal = signal;

@@ -84,0 +88,0 @@ // If requested, set method to GET if there are no mutations.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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