Access meta data about an application.
A common feature that I include in my client side apps is meta information about the application itself. Three common values are:
- the version of the app
- the commit SHA that is deployed
- the environment that the app is running in
This library provides a simple method to store and access those bits of data that you can use across all of your apps.
Getting Started
Set up your server to send over the meta data as data
attributes on the html
element. This might look like:
data-version='<%= version %>'
data-sha='<%= sha %>',
data-env='<%= env %>'
Then, require in this library.
import meta from 'path/to/app-meta';
'Got some data:',
Browser Support
Should work in IE6+
Module Support
It exports UMD, so it's compatible with AMD, CJS, and as a browser global (window.meta