For older Apple devices supporting Apple Wallet (e.g., iPhone 6, iPhone 5, etc), but no longer supporting OS updates (iOS < 13), users are unable to export their Apple Card statements as CSV.
To support these older devices, this package reads and parses exported statement PDFs for subsequent CSV generation.
var parse = require( 'apple-card-csv' );
parse( src, clbk )
Parses one or more statements.
var resolve = require( 'path' ).resolve;
var cwd = require( '@stdlib/process/cwd' );
var readFileSync = require( '@stdlib/fs/read-file' ).sync;
var fpath = resolve( cwd(), 'path', 'to', 'statement.pdf' );
var src = readFileSync( fpath );
parse( src, done );
function done( error, data ) {
if ( error ) {
return console.error( error.message );
console.log( data );
To parse more than one statement, provide an Array
of statements, where each element is a Uint8Array
containing statement binary data.
Returned data has the following format:
- Date: transaction date. The field value has the following format:
. - Type transaction type; e.g.,
, 'Payments'
, 'Interest Charged'
. - Description: transaction description.
- Daily Cash (%): daily cash percentage.
- Daily Cash ($): daily cash amount.
- Amount: transaction amount.
'Date': '10/03/2019',
'Type': 'Transactions',
'Description': 'FOO BAR',
'Daily Cash (%)': '2%',
'Daily Cash ($)': '$1.29',
'Amount': '$64.31'
'Date': '10/04/2019',
'Type': 'Transactions',
'Description': 'BEEP BOOP',
'Daily Cash (%)': '2%',
'Daily Cash ($)': '$0.68',
'Amount': '$33.98'
var join = require( 'path' ).join;
var readFileSync = require( '@stdlib/fs/read-file' ).sync;
var parse = require( 'apple-card-csv' );
var fpath = join( __dirname, 'examples', 'fixtures', 'statement.pdf' );
var src = readFileSync( fpath );
parse( src, done );
function done( error, data ) {
if ( error ) {
return console.error( error.message );
console.log( data );
Usage: apple-card-csv [options] [<file1> <file2> ...]
-h, --help Print this message.
-V, --version Print the package version.
- File paths may be either absolute or relative and are resolved relative to the current working directory.
$ apple-card-csv ./path/to/statement.pdf
Date,Type,Description,Daily Cash (%),Daily Cash ($),Amount
"10/03/2019","Transactions","FOO BAR","2%","$1.29","$64.31"
"10/04/2019","Transactions","BEEP BOOP","2%","$0.68","$33.98"
To use as a standard stream,
$ cat ./path/to/statement.pdf | apple-card-csv
"10/03/2019","Transactions","FOO BAR","2%","$1.29","$64.31"
"10/04/2019","Transactions","BEEP BOOP","2%","$0.68","$33.98"