Arweave Mnemonic Keys
This library allows Arweave wallets/keys to be generated/loaded from BIP39-compliant 12 word mnemonics. This is as an alternative to the current default Arweave dapp behavior of requiring a JSON keyfile to be provided to sign transactions and interact with Arweave dapps.
See ArMob 2.0 for an example use case
This package is also served through OpenBits (
Note: It takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to generate an RSA key using this library cuz well...Javascript can be slow.
🎉 Features
- Generate BIP39 compliant 12 word mnemonics
- Generate Arweave compliant wallets from 12 word mnemonics
⚙ Install
npm install arweave-mnemonic-keys
openbits install arweave-mnemonic-keys
📖 Usage
▸ generateMnemonic(): Promise‹any›
Defined in arweaveMnemonicKeys.ts:8
Generate a 12 word mnemonic for an Arweave key
Returns: Promise‹any›
- a promise resolving to a 12 word mnemonic seed phrase
▸ getKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonic
: string): Promise‹any›
Defined in arweaveMnemonicKeys.ts:30
Generates a JWK object representation of an Arweave key
Generate an Arweave key and get its public address
let key = getKeyFromMnemonic('jewel cave spy act loyal solid night manual joy select mystery unhappy')
//returns qe741op_rt-iwBazAqJipTc15X8INlDCoPz6S40RBdg
Name | Type | Description |
mnemonic | string | a 12 word mnemonic represented as a string |
Returns: Promise‹any›
- returns a Javascript object that conforms to the JWKInterface required by Arweave-js