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Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK

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Aspose.PDF Cloud

Aspose.PDF Cloud is a true REST API that enables you to perform a wide range of document processing operations including creation, manipulation, conversion and rendering of Pdf documents in the cloud.

Our Cloud SDKs are wrappers around REST API in various programming languages, allowing you to process documents in language of your choice quickly and easily, gaining all benefits of strong types and IDE highlights. This repository contains new generation SDKs for Aspose.PDF Cloud and examples.

These SDKs are now fully supported. If you have any questions, see any bugs or have enhancement request, feel free to reach out to us at Free Support Forums.



From the command line:

$ npm install asposepdfcloud --save


APIs of this SDK can be called as follows:

const { PdfApi } = require("asposepdfcloud");

let pdfApi = new PdfApi(AppSid, AppKey);

let pageNumber = 1;
let pdfDocName = "example.pdf";
let remoteFolder = "folderName"; 

pdfApi.getPageAnnotations(pdfDocName, pageNumber, null, remoteFolder)
.then((result) => {

Unit Tests

Aspose PDF SDK includes a suite of unit tests within the "test" subdirectory. These Unit Tests also serves as examples of how to use the Aspose PDF SDK.


All Aspose.PDF Cloud SDKs are licensed under MIT License.


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

ClassMethodHTTP requestDescription
PdfApideleteAnnotationDELETE /pdf/{name}/annotations/{annotationId}Delete document annotation by ID
PdfApideleteDocumentAnnotationsDELETE /pdf/{name}/annotationsDelete all annotations from the document
PdfApideleteDocumentLinkAnnotationsDELETE /pdf/{name}/linksDelete all link annotations from the document
PdfApideleteFieldDELETE /pdf/{name}/fields/{fieldName}Delete document field by name.
PdfApideleteImageDELETE /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}Delete image from document page.
PdfApideleteLinkAnnotationDELETE /pdf/{name}/links/{linkId}Delete document page link annotation by ID
PdfApideletePageDELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}Delete document page by its number.
PdfApideletePageAnnotationsDELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotationsDelete all annotations from the page
PdfApideletePageLinkAnnotationsDELETE /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/linksDelete all link annotations from the page
PdfApideletePropertiesDELETE /pdf/{name}/documentpropertiesDelete custom document properties.
PdfApideletePropertyDELETE /pdf/{name}/documentproperties/{propertyName}Delete document property.
PdfApigetCircleAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/circle/{annotationId}Read document page circle annotation by ID.
PdfApigetDocumentGET /pdf/{name}Read common document info.
PdfApigetDocumentAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotationsRead documant page annotations. Returns only FreeTextAnnotations, TextAnnotations, other annotations will implemented next releases.
PdfApigetDocumentAttachmentByIndexGET /pdf/{name}/attachments/{attachmentIndex}Read document attachment info by its index.
PdfApigetDocumentAttachmentsGET /pdf/{name}/attachmentsRead document attachments info.
PdfApigetDocumentBookmarksGET /pdf/{name}/bookmarksRead document bookmark/bookmarks (including children).
PdfApigetDocumentCircleAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/circleRead document circle annotations.
PdfApigetDocumentFreeTextAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/freetextRead document free text annotations.
PdfApigetDocumentLineAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/lineRead document line annotations.
PdfApigetDocumentPolygonAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polygonRead document polygon annotations.
PdfApigetDocumentPolyLineAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polylineRead document polyline annotations.
PdfApigetDocumentPropertiesGET /pdf/{name}/documentpropertiesRead document properties.
PdfApigetDocumentPropertyGET /pdf/{name}/documentproperties/{propertyName}Read document property by name.
PdfApigetDocumentSquareAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/squareRead document square annotations.
PdfApigetDocumentTextAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/textRead document text annotations.
PdfApigetDownloadGET /storage/fileDownload a specific file
PdfApigetDownloadDocumentAttachmentByIndexGET /pdf/{name}/attachments/{attachmentIndex}/downloadDownload document attachment content by its index.
PdfApigetEpubInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/epubConvert EPUB file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetFieldGET /pdf/{name}/fields/{fieldName}Get document field by name.
PdfApigetFieldsGET /pdf/{name}/fieldsGet document fields.
PdfApigetFreeTextAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/freetext/{annotationId}Read document page free text annotation by ID.
PdfApigetHtmlInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/htmlConvert HTML file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetImageGET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}Read document image by ID.
PdfApigetImageExtractAsGifGET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/gifExtract document image in GIF format
PdfApigetImageExtractAsJpegGET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/jpegExtract document image in JPEG format
PdfApigetImageExtractAsPngGET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/pngExtract document image in PNG format
PdfApigetImageExtractAsTiffGET /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/tiffExtract document image in TIFF format
PdfApigetImagesGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/imagesRead document images.
PdfApigetLaTeXInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/latexConvert LaTeX file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetLineAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/line/{annotationId}Read document page line annotation by ID.
PdfApigetLinkAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/links/{linkId}Read document link annotation by ID.
PdfApigetListFilesGET /storage/folderGet the file listing of a specific folder
PdfApigetMhtInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/mhtConvert MHT file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}Read document page info.
PdfApigetPageAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotationsRead documant page annotations. Returns only FreeTextAnnotations, TextAnnotations, other annotations will implemented next releases.
PdfApigetPageCircleAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/circleRead document page circle annotations.
PdfApigetPageConvertToBmpGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/bmpConvert document page to Bmp image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageConvertToEmfGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/emfConvert document page to Emf image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageConvertToGifGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/gifConvert document page to Gif image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageConvertToJpegGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/jpegConvert document page to Jpeg image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageConvertToPngGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/pngConvert document page to Png image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageConvertToTiffGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/tiffConvert document page to Tiff image and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPageFreeTextAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/freetextRead document page free text annotations.
PdfApigetPageLineAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/lineRead document page line annotations.
PdfApigetPageLinkAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/links/{linkId}Read document page link annotation by ID.
PdfApigetPageLinkAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/linksRead document page link annotations.
PdfApigetPagePolygonAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polygonRead document page polygon annotations.
PdfApigetPagePolyLineAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polylineRead document page polyline annotations.
PdfApigetPagesGET /pdf/{name}/pagesRead document pages info.
PdfApigetPageSquareAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/squareRead document page square annotations.
PdfApigetPageTextGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/textRead page text items.
PdfApigetPageTextAnnotationsGET /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/textRead document page text annotations.
PdfApigetPclInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/pclConvert PCL file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToDocGET /pdf/{name}/convert/docConverts PDF document (located on storage) to DOC format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToEpubGET /pdf/{name}/convert/epubConverts PDF document (located on storage) to EPUB format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToHtmlGET /pdf/{name}/convert/htmlConverts PDF document (located on storage) to Html format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToLaTeXGET /pdf/{name}/convert/latexConverts PDF document (located on storage) to LaTeX format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToMobiXmlGET /pdf/{name}/convert/mobixmlConverts PDF document (located on storage) to MOBIXML format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToPdfAGET /pdf/{name}/convert/pdfaConverts PDF document (located on storage) to PdfA format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToPptxGET /pdf/{name}/convert/pptxConverts PDF document (located on storage) to PPTX format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToSvgGET /pdf/{name}/convert/svgConverts PDF document (located on storage) to SVG format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToTiffGET /pdf/{name}/convert/tiffConverts PDF document (located on storage) to TIFF format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToXlsGET /pdf/{name}/convert/xlsConverts PDF document (located on storage) to XLS format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToXmlGET /pdf/{name}/convert/xmlConverts PDF document (located on storage) to XML format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPdfInStorageToXpsGET /pdf/{name}/convert/xpsConverts PDF document (located on storage) to XPS format and returns resulting file in response content
PdfApigetPolygonAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polygon/{annotationId}Read document page polygon annotation by ID.
PdfApigetPolyLineAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/polyline/{annotationId}Read document page polyline annotation by ID.
PdfApigetPsInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/psConvert PS file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetSquareAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/square/{annotationId}Read document page square annotation by ID.
PdfApigetSvgInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/svgConvert SVG file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetTextGET /pdf/{name}/textRead document text.
PdfApigetTextAnnotationGET /pdf/{name}/annotations/text/{annotationId}Read document page text annotation by ID.
PdfApigetVerifySignatureGET /pdf/{name}/verifySignatureVerify signature document.
PdfApigetWebInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/webConvert web page to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetWordsPerPageGET /pdf/{name}/pages/wordCountGet number of words per document page.
PdfApigetXfaPdfInStorageToAcroFormGET /pdf/{name}/convert/xfatoacroformConverts PDF document which contatins XFA form (located on storage) to PDF with AcroForm and returns resulting file response content
PdfApigetXmlInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/xmlConvert XML file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetXpsInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/xpsConvert XPS file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApigetXslFoInStorageToPdfGET /pdf/create/xslfoConvert XslFo file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response.
PdfApipostAppendDocumentPOST /pdf/{name}/appendDocumentAppend document to existing one.
PdfApipostCreateFieldPOST /pdf/{name}/fieldsCreate field.
PdfApipostDocumentTextReplacePOST /pdf/{name}/text/replaceDocument's replace text method.
PdfApipostInsertImagePOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/imagesInsert image to document page.
PdfApipostMovePagePOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/movePageMove page to new position.
PdfApipostOptimizeDocumentPOST /pdf/{name}/optimizeOptimize document.
PdfApipostPageCircleAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/circleAdd document page circle annotations.
PdfApipostPageFreeTextAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/freetextAdd document page free text annotations.
PdfApipostPageLineAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/lineAdd document page line annotations.
PdfApipostPageLinkAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/linksAdd document page link annotations.
PdfApipostPagePolygonAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polygonAdd document page polygon annotations.
PdfApipostPagePolyLineAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/polylineAdd document page polyline annotations.
PdfApipostPageSquareAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/squareAdd document page square annotations.
PdfApipostPageTextAnnotationsPOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/annotations/textAdd document page text annotations.
PdfApipostPageTextReplacePOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/text/replacePage's replace text method.
PdfApipostSignDocumentPOST /pdf/{name}/signSign document.
PdfApipostSignPagePOST /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/signSign page.
PdfApipostSplitDocumentPOST /pdf/{name}/splitSplit document to parts.
PdfApiputAddNewPagePUT /pdf/{name}/pagesAdd new page to end of the document.
PdfApiputAddTextPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/textAdd text to PDF document page.
PdfApiputCircleAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/circle/{annotationId}Replace document circle annotation
PdfApiputCreatePUT /storage/fileUpload a specific file
PdfApiputCreateDocumentPUT /pdf/{name}Create empty document.
PdfApiputEpubInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/epubConvert EPUB file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputFieldsFlattenPUT /pdf/{name}/fields/flattenFlatten form fields in document.
PdfApiputFreeTextAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/freetext/{annotationId}Replace document free text annotation
PdfApiputHtmlInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/htmlConvert HTML file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputImageExtractAsGifPUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/gifExtract document image in GIF format to folder
PdfApiputImageExtractAsJpegPUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/jpegExtract document image in JPEG format to folder
PdfApiputImageExtractAsPngPUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/pngExtract document image in PNG format to folder
PdfApiputImageExtractAsTiffPUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}/extract/tiffExtract document image in TIFF format to folder
PdfApiputImageInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/imagesConvert image file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputImagesExtractAsGifPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/gifExtract document images in GIF format to folder.
PdfApiputImagesExtractAsJpegPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/jpegExtract document images in JPEG format to folder.
PdfApiputImagesExtractAsPngPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/pngExtract document images in PNG format to folder.
PdfApiputImagesExtractAsTiffPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/images/extract/tiffExtract document images in TIFF format to folder.
PdfApiputLaTeXInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/latexConvert LaTeX file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputLineAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/line/{annotationId}Replace document line annotation
PdfApiputLinkAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/links/{linkId}Replace document page link annotations
PdfApiputMergeDocumentsPUT /pdf/{name}/mergeMerge a list of documents.
PdfApiputMhtInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/mhtConvert MHT file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPageAddStampPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/stampAdd page stamp.
PdfApiputPageConvertToBmpPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/bmpConvert document page to bmp image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPageConvertToEmfPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/emfConvert document page to emf image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPageConvertToGifPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/gifConvert document page to gif image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPageConvertToJpegPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/jpegConvert document page to Jpeg image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPageConvertToPngPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/pngConvert document page to png image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPageConvertToTiffPUT /pdf/{name}/pages/{pageNumber}/convert/tiffConvert document page to Tiff image and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPclInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/pclConvert PCL file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToDocPUT /pdf/convert/docConverts PDF document (in request content) to DOC format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToEpubPUT /pdf/convert/epubConverts PDF document (in request content) to EPUB format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToHtmlPUT /pdf/convert/htmlConverts PDF document (in request content) to Html format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToLaTeXPUT /pdf/convert/latexConverts PDF document (in request content) to LaTeX format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToMobiXmlPUT /pdf/convert/mobixmlConverts PDF document (in request content) to MOBIXML format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToPdfAPUT /pdf/convert/pdfaConverts PDF document (in request content) to PdfA format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToPptxPUT /pdf/convert/pptxConverts PDF document (in request content) to PPTX format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToSvgPUT /pdf/convert/svgConverts PDF document (in request content) to SVG format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToTiffPUT /pdf/convert/tiffConverts PDF document (in request content) to TIFF format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToXlsPUT /pdf/convert/xlsConverts PDF document (in request content) to XLS format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToXmlPUT /pdf/convert/xmlConverts PDF document (in request content) to XML format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInRequestToXpsPUT /pdf/convert/xpsConverts PDF document (in request content) to XPS format and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToDocPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/docConverts PDF document (located on storage) to DOC format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToEpubPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/epubConverts PDF document (located on storage) to EPUB format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToHtmlPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/htmlConverts PDF document (located on storage) to Html format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToLaTeXPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/latexConverts PDF document (located on storage) to LaTeX format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToMobiXmlPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/mobixmlConverts PDF document (located on storage) to MOBIXML format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToPdfAPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/pdfaConverts PDF document (located on storage) to PdfA format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToPptxPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/pptxConverts PDF document (located on storage) to PPTX format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToSvgPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/svgConverts PDF document (located on storage) to SVG format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToTiffPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/tiffConverts PDF document (located on storage) to TIFF format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToXlsPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xlsConverts PDF document (located on storage) to XLS format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToXmlPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xmlConverts PDF document (located on storage) to XML format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPdfInStorageToXpsPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xpsConverts PDF document (located on storage) to XPS format and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputPolygonAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/polygon/{annotationId}Replace document polygon annotation
PdfApiputPolyLineAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/polyline/{annotationId}Replace document polyline annotation
PdfApiputPrivilegesPUT /pdf/{name}/privilegesUpdate privilege document.
PdfApiputPsInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/psConvert PS file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputReplaceImagePUT /pdf/{name}/images/{imageId}Replace document image.
PdfApiputSearchableDocumentPUT /pdf/{name}/ocrCreate searchable PDF document. Generate OCR layer for images in input PDF document.
PdfApiputSetPropertyPUT /pdf/{name}/documentproperties/{propertyName}Add/update document property.
PdfApiputSquareAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/square/{annotationId}Replace document square annotation
PdfApiputSvgInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/svgConvert SVG file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputTextAnnotationPUT /pdf/{name}/annotations/text/{annotationId}Replace document text annotation
PdfApiputUpdateFieldPUT /pdf/{name}/fields/{fieldName}Update field.
PdfApiputUpdateFieldsPUT /pdf/{name}/fieldsUpdate fields.
PdfApiputWebInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/webConvert web page to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputXfaPdfInRequestToAcroFormPUT /pdf/convert/xfatoacroformConverts PDF document which contatins XFA form (in request content) to PDF with AcroForm and uploads resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputXfaPdfInStorageToAcroFormPUT /pdf/{name}/convert/xfatoacroformConverts PDF document which contatins XFA form (located on storage) to PDF with AcroForm and uploads resulting file to storage
PdfApiputXmlInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/xmlConvert XML file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputXpsInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/xpsConvert XPS file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.
PdfApiputXslFoInStorageToPdfPUT /pdf/{name}/create/xslfoConvert XslFo file (located on storage) to PDF format and upload resulting file to storage.

Documentation for Models

AnnotationProvides annotation.
AnnotationFlagsA set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation.
AnnotationInfoProvides annotation.
AnnotationsInfoList of annotations.
AnnotationStateThe enumeration of states to which the original annotation can be set.
AntialiasingProcessingTypeThis enum describes possible antialiasing measures during conversion
AppendDocumentClass for appendDocument service request building.
AsposeResponseBase class for all responses.
AttachmentProvides link to attachment.
AttachmentsList of attachment.
CaptionPositionEnumeration of the annotation?s caption positioning.
CircleAnnotationProvides CircleAnnotation.
CircleAnnotationsList of annotations.
ColorRepresents color DTO.
ColorDepthUsed to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device.
CommonFigureAnnotationProvides CommonFigureAnnotation.
CompressionTypeUsed to specify the parameter value passed to a Tiff image device.
DocFormatAllows to specify .doc or .docx file format.
DocRecognitionModeAllows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document.
DocumentRepresents document DTO.
DocumentPrivilegeRepresents the privileges for accessing Pdf file./>.
DocumentPropertiesPdf document properties.
DocumentPropertyPdf document property.
EpubRecognitionModeWhen PDF file (that usually has fixed layout) is being converted, the conversion engine tries to perform grouping and multi-level analysis to restore the original document author's intent and produce result in flow layout. This property tunes that conversion for this or that desirable method of recognition of content.
FieldRepresents form field.
FieldsList of form fields.
FieldTypeRepresents an enumeration of available field types.
FileRepresents file DTO.
FontEncodingRulesThis enumeration defines rules which tune encoding logic
FontSavingModesEnumerates modes that can be used for saving of fonts referenced in saved PDF
FontStylesSpecifies style information applied to text.
FreeTextAnnotationProvides FreeTextAnnotation.
FreeTextAnnotationsList of annotations.
FreeTextIntentEnumerates the intents of the free text annotation.
HtmlDocumentTypeRepresents enumeration of the Html document types.
HtmlMarkupGenerationModesSometimes specific reqirments to created HTML are present. This enum defines HTML preparing modes that can be used during conversion of PDF to HTML to match such specific requirments.
ImageRepresents image DTO.
ImagesList of page images.
ImageSrcTypeAllows to specify image file format.
ImageTemplateTemplate of image.
ImageTemplatesRequestCreate document from images request.
JustificationEnumerates the forms of quadding (justification) to be used in displaying the annotation?s text.
LettersPositioningMethodsIt enumerates possible modes of positioning of letters in words in result HTML
LineAnnotationProvides LineAnnotation.
LineAnnotationsList of annotations.
LineEndingEnumerates the line ending styles to be used in drawing the line.
LineIntentEnumerates the intents of the line annotation.
LinkProvides information for the object link. This is supposed to be an atom:link, therefore it should have all attributes specified here
LinkActionTypeRepresents list of link action types.
LinkAnnotationProvides link to linkAnnotation.
LinkAnnotationsList of LinkAnnotations.
LinkElementRepresents base DTO object.
LinkHighlightingModeEnumerates the annotation?s highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area.
MarkupAnnotationProvides MarkupAnnotation.
MergeDocumentsDocuments for merging.
OptimizeOptionsRepresents Pdf optimize options.
PageProvides link to page.
PagesList of pages.
PageWordCountPage words count.
ParagraphParagraph DTO for add text functionality.
PartsEmbeddingModesThis enum enumerates possible modes of embedding of files referenced in HTML It allows to control whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts,Images, CSSes) will be embedded into main HTML file or will be generated as apart binary entities
PdfATypeAllows to specify PdfA file format.
PointRepresent point with fractional coordinates.
PolyAnnotationProvides PolyAnnotation.
PolygonAnnotationProvides PolygonAnnotation.
PolygonAnnotationsList of annotations.
PolyIntentEnumerates the intents of the polygon or polyline annotation.
PolyLineAnnotationProvides PolyLineAnnotation.
PolyLineAnnotationsList of annotations.
RasterImagesSavingModesConverted PDF can contain raster images(.png, *.jpeg etc.) This enum defines methods of how raster images can be handled during conversion of PDF to HTML
RectanglePdfRepresents rectangle DTO.
RotationEnumeration of possible rotation values.
ShapeTypeThis enum represents shape type for the extracted images.
SignatureVerifyResponseReturns also a message.
SplitResultRepresents split result object.
SplitResultDocumentRepresents split result document,
SplitResultResponseRepresents split result object.
SquareAnnotationProvides SquareAnnotation.
SquareAnnotationsList of annotations.
StampRepresents Pdf stamps.
StampTypeRepresents enumeration of the stamp types.
TextAnnotationProvides TextAnnotation.
TextAnnotationsList of annotations.
TextIconEnumerates the icons to be used in displaying the annotation.
TextLineA line of text to be inserted into .
TextRectRepresents text DTO.
TextRectsRepresents text items DTO.
TextReplaceSingle text replacement setting.
TextReplaceListRequestMultiple text replacements request.
TextStateRepresents a text state of a text
TextStyleRepresents a text style of a text
VerticalAlignmentEnumeration of possible vertical alignment values.
WordCountNumber of words per document pages.
WordCountResponseNumber of words per document pages.



Package last updated on 14 Nov 2018

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