This module allows to use await
statements without being into an async function.
However, the execution of the await statements in the modules will be asynchronous.
'use strict';
const Assert = require('assert');
const mod = require('./module');
Assert(Object.keys(mod).length === 0);
console.log('Object.keys(mod).length === 0');
setTimeout(() => {
Assert(Object.keys(mod).length === 1);
console.log('Assert(Object.keys(mod).length === 1)');
Assert(mod.message === 'hello world');
console.log('Assert(mod.message === \'hello world\')');
'use strict';
const res = await Promise.resolve('hello world');
module.exports.message = res;
This module is a prank PoC. It is not to be used in production, nor by anyone really.
It aims at showing that it is not because a hack is possible in the node core that it should be used.
FYI, the source code of the module has only 12 LOC:
'use strict';
const Module = require('module');
const wrapper = [
'(async function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ',
Module.wrap = function (script) {
return wrapper[0] + script + wrapper[1];
Please, never mess with the internals of Node.js like that unless you have a very good reason.