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atom-keymap - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.3.2 to 6.3.3-beta0




@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ {

"filename": "src/",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"sections": [

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ {

"sectionName": "Class Methods",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -105,3 +105,3 @@ "summary": "Create a keydown DOM event for testing purposes.",

"sectionName": "Construction and Destruction",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -130,3 +130,3 @@ "summary": "Create a new KeymapManager.",

"sectionName": "Construction and Destruction",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -139,3 +139,3 @@ "summary": "Clear all registered key bindings and enqueued keystrokes. For use\nin tests. ",

"sectionName": "Construction and Destruction",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -148,3 +148,3 @@ "summary": "Unwatch all watched paths. ",

"sectionName": "Event Subscription",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -199,3 +199,3 @@ "summary": "Invoke the given callback when one or more keystrokes completely\nmatch a key binding.",

"sectionName": "Event Subscription",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -250,3 +250,3 @@ "summary": "Invoke the given callback when one or more keystrokes partially\nmatch a binding.",

"sectionName": "Event Subscription",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -295,3 +295,3 @@ "summary": "Invoke the given callback when one or more keystrokes fail to match\nany bindings.",

"sectionName": "Event Subscription",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -340,3 +340,3 @@ "summary": "Invoke the given callback when a keymap file not able to be loaded.",

"sectionName": "Adding and Removing Bindings",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -369,3 +369,3 @@ "summary": "Add sets of key bindings grouped by CSS selector.",

"sectionName": "Accessing Bindings",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -384,3 +384,3 @@ "summary": "Get all current key bindings.",

"sectionName": "Accessing Bindings",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -427,3 +427,3 @@ "summary": "Get the key bindings for a given command and optional target.",

"sectionName": "Managing Keymap Files",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -464,3 +464,3 @@ "summary": "Load the key bindings from the given path.",

"sectionName": "Managing Keymap Files",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -495,3 +495,3 @@ "summary": "Cause the keymap to reload the key bindings file at the given path\nwhenever it changes.",

"sectionName": "Managing Keyboard Events",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -512,3 +512,3 @@ "summary": "Dispatch a custom event associated with the matching key binding for\nthe given `KeyboardEvent` if one can be found.",

"sectionName": "Managing Keyboard Events",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -535,3 +535,3 @@ "summary": "Translate a keydown event to a keystroke string.",

"sectionName": "Managing Keyboard Events",
"srcUrl": "",
"srcUrl": "",
"visibility": "Public",

@@ -538,0 +538,0 @@ "summary": "Get the number of milliseconds allowed before pending states caused\nby partial matches of multi-keystroke bindings are terminated.",

(function() {
var AtomModifierRegex, AtomModifiers, ExactMatch, KeyboardEventModifiers, KeydownExactMatch, LowerCaseLetterRegex, NumPadToASCII, PartialMatch, UpperCaseLetterRegex, WhitespaceRegex, WindowsAndLinuxCharCodeTranslations, WindowsAndLinuxKeyIdentifierTranslations, calculateSpecificity, charCodeFromKeyIdentifier, isASCII, keyForKeyboardEvent, keyFromCharCode, keyboardEvent, modifier, normalizeKeystroke, numpadToASCII, parseKeystroke, translateCharCodeForWindowsAndLinuxChromiumBug, translateKeyIdentifierForWindowsAndLinuxChromiumBug, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;
var ENDS_IN_MODIFIER_REGEX, KeyboardLayout, MATCH_TYPES, MODIFIERS, NON_CHARACTER_KEY_NAMES_BY_KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEY, WHITESPACE_REGEX, buildKeyboardEvent, calculateSpecificity, isASCIICharacter, isLatinCharacter, isLowerCaseCharacter, isUpperCaseCharacter, normalizeKeystroke, parseKeystroke, usCharactersForKeyCode, usKeymap;
calculateSpecificity = require('clear-cut').calculateSpecificity;
AtomModifiers = new Set;
KeyboardLayout = require('keyboard-layout');
_ref = ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift', 'cmd'];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
modifier = _ref[_i];
MODIFIERS = new Set(['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift', 'cmd']);
AtomModifierRegex = /(ctrl|alt|shift|cmd)$/;
ENDS_IN_MODIFIER_REGEX = /(ctrl|alt|shift|cmd)$/;
WhitespaceRegex = /\s+/;
LowerCaseLetterRegex = /^[a-z]$/;
'Control': 'ctrl',
'Meta': 'cmd',
'ArrowDown': 'down',
'ArrowUp': 'up',
'ArrowLeft': 'left',
'ArrowRight': 'right'
UpperCaseLetterRegex = /^[A-Z]$/;
EXACT: 'exact',
KEYDOWN_EXACT: 'keydownExact',
PARTIAL: 'partial'
ExactMatch = 'exact';
isASCIICharacter = function(character) {
return (character != null) && character.length === 1 && character.charCodeAt(0) <= 127;
KeydownExactMatch = 'keydownExact';
isLatinCharacter = function(character) {
return (character != null) && character.length === 1 && character.charCodeAt(0) <= 0x024F;
PartialMatch = 'partial';
isUpperCaseCharacter = function(character) {
return (character != null) && character.length === 1 && character.toLowerCase() !== character;
KeyboardEventModifiers = new Set;
isLowerCaseCharacter = function(character) {
return (character != null) && character.length === 1 && character.toUpperCase() !== character;
_ref1 = ['Control', 'Alt', 'Shift', 'Meta'];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
modifier = _ref1[_j];
usKeymap = null;
WindowsAndLinuxKeyIdentifierTranslations = {
'U+00A0': 'Shift',
'U+00A1': 'Shift',
'U+00A2': 'Control',
'U+00A3': 'Control',
'U+00A4': 'Alt',
'U+00A5': 'Alt',
'Win': 'Meta'
WindowsAndLinuxCharCodeTranslations = {
48: {
shifted: 41,
unshifted: 48
49: {
shifted: 33,
unshifted: 49
50: {
shifted: 64,
unshifted: 50
51: {
shifted: 35,
unshifted: 51
52: {
shifted: 36,
unshifted: 52
53: {
shifted: 37,
unshifted: 53
54: {
shifted: 94,
unshifted: 54
55: {
shifted: 38,
unshifted: 55
56: {
shifted: 42,
unshifted: 56
57: {
shifted: 40,
unshifted: 57
186: {
shifted: 58,
unshifted: 59
187: {
shifted: 43,
unshifted: 61
188: {
shifted: 60,
unshifted: 44
189: {
shifted: 95,
unshifted: 45
190: {
shifted: 62,
unshifted: 46
191: {
shifted: 63,
unshifted: 47
192: {
shifted: 126,
unshifted: 96
219: {
shifted: 123,
unshifted: 91
220: {
shifted: 124,
unshifted: 92
221: {
shifted: 125,
unshifted: 93
222: {
shifted: 34,
unshifted: 39
usCharactersForKeyCode = function(code) {
if (usKeymap == null) {
usKeymap = require('./us-keymap');
return usKeymap[code];
NumPadToASCII = {
79: 47,
74: 42,
77: 45,
75: 43,
78: 46,
96: 48,
65: 49,
66: 50,
67: 51,
68: 52,
69: 53,
70: 54,
71: 55,
72: 56,
73: 57
exports.normalizeKeystrokes = function(keystrokes) {
var keystroke, normalizedKeystroke, normalizedKeystrokes, _k, _len2, _ref2;
var keystroke, normalizedKeystroke, normalizedKeystrokes, _i, _len, _ref;
normalizedKeystrokes = [];
_ref2 = keystrokes.split(WhitespaceRegex);
for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
keystroke = _ref2[_k];
_ref = keystrokes.split(WHITESPACE_REGEX);
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
keystroke = _ref[_i];
if (normalizedKeystroke = normalizeKeystroke(keystroke)) {

@@ -166,11 +69,128 @@ normalizedKeystrokes.push(normalizedKeystroke);

exports.keystrokeForKeyboardEvent = function(event, dvorakQwertyWorkaroundEnabled) {
var key, keystroke;
key = keyForKeyboardEvent(event, dvorakQwertyWorkaroundEnabled);
normalizeKeystroke = function(keystroke) {
var i, isKeyup, key, keys, modifiers, primaryKey, _i, _len;
if (isKeyup = keystroke.startsWith('^')) {
keystroke = keystroke.slice(1);
keys = parseKeystroke(keystroke);
if (!keys) {
return false;
primaryKey = null;
modifiers = new Set;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = keys.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
key = keys[i];
if (MODIFIERS.has(key)) {
} else {
if (i === keys.length - 1) {
primaryKey = key;
} else {
return false;
if (isKeyup) {
if (primaryKey != null) {
primaryKey = primaryKey.toLowerCase();
} else {
if (isUpperCaseCharacter(primaryKey)) {
if (modifiers.has('shift') && isLowerCaseCharacter(primaryKey)) {
primaryKey = primaryKey.toUpperCase();
keystroke = [];
if (!isKeyup || (isKeyup && (primaryKey == null))) {
if (modifiers.has('ctrl')) {
if (modifiers.has('alt')) {
if (modifiers.has('shift')) {
if (modifiers.has('cmd')) {
if (primaryKey != null) {
keystroke = keystroke.join('-');
if (isKeyup) {
keystroke = "^" + keystroke;
return keystroke;
parseKeystroke = function(keystroke) {
var character, index, keyStart, keys, _i, _len;
keys = [];
keyStart = 0;
for (index = _i = 0, _len = keystroke.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
character = keystroke[index];
if (character === '-') {
if (index > keyStart) {
keys.push(keystroke.substring(keyStart, index));
keyStart = index + 1;
if (keyStart === keystroke.length) {
return false;
if (keyStart < keystroke.length) {
return keys;
exports.keystrokeForKeyboardEvent = function(event) {
var altKey, characters, ctrlKey, isNonCharacterKey, key, keystroke, metaKey, nonAltModifiedKey, shiftKey, _ref;
ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey, altKey = event.altKey, shiftKey = event.shiftKey, metaKey = event.metaKey;
isNonCharacterKey = event.key.length > 1;
if (isNonCharacterKey) {
key = (_ref = NON_CHARACTER_KEY_NAMES_BY_KEYBOARD_EVENT_KEY[event.key]) != null ? _ref : event.key.toLowerCase();
} else {
key = event.key;
if (altKey) {
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
if (event.code && (characters = KeyboardLayout.getCurrentKeymap()[event.code])) {
if (shiftKey) {
nonAltModifiedKey = characters.withShift;
} else {
nonAltModifiedKey = characters.unmodified;
if (!ctrlKey && !metaKey && isASCIICharacter(key) && key !== nonAltModifiedKey) {
altKey = false;
} else {
key = nonAltModifiedKey;
} else {
if (event.getModifierState('AltGraph')) {
altKey = false;
if ((!isLatinCharacter(key) && (ctrlKey || altKey || metaKey)) || (metaKey && KeyboardLayout.getCurrentKeyboardLayout() === '')) {
if (characters = usCharactersForKeyCode(event.code)) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
key = characters.withShift;
} else {
key = characters.unmodified;
keystroke = '';
if (event.ctrlKey || key === 'Control') {
if (key === 'ctrl' || ctrlKey) {
keystroke += 'ctrl';
if (event.altKey || key === 'Alt') {
if (keystroke) {
if (key === 'alt' || altKey) {
if (keystroke.length > 0) {
keystroke += '-';

@@ -180,11 +200,9 @@ }

if (event.shiftKey || key === 'Shift') {
if (!/^[^A-Za-z]$/.test(key)) {
if (keystroke) {
keystroke += '-';
keystroke += 'shift';
if (key === 'shift' || (shiftKey && (isNonCharacterKey || (isLatinCharacter(key) && isUpperCaseCharacter(key))))) {
if (keystroke) {
keystroke += '-';
keystroke += 'shift';
if (event.metaKey || key === 'Meta') {
if (key === 'cmd' || metaKey) {
if (keystroke) {

@@ -195,3 +213,3 @@ keystroke += '-';

if ((key != null) && !KeyboardEventModifiers.has(key)) {
if (!MODIFIERS.has(key)) {
if (keystroke) {

@@ -208,10 +226,5 @@ keystroke += '-';

exports.characterForKeyboardEvent = function(event, dvorakQwertyWorkaroundEnabled) {
var key;
if (!(event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey)) {
if (key = keyForKeyboardEvent(event, dvorakQwertyWorkaroundEnabled)) {
if (key.length === 1) {
return key;
exports.characterForKeyboardEvent = function(event) {
if (!(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
return event.key;

@@ -222,60 +235,32 @@ };

exports.isAtomModifier = function(keystroke) {
return AtomModifiers.has(keystroke) || AtomModifierRegex.test(keystroke);
exports.isBareModifier = function(keystroke) {
return ENDS_IN_MODIFIER_REGEX.test(keystroke);
exports.keydownEvent = function(key, options) {
return keyboardEvent(key, 'keydown', options);
return buildKeyboardEvent(key, 'keydown', options);
exports.keyupEvent = function(key, options) {
return keyboardEvent(key, 'keyup', options);
return buildKeyboardEvent(key, 'keyup', options);
keyboardEvent = function(key, eventType, _arg) {
var alt, bubbles, cancelable, cmd, ctrl, event, keyCode, keyIdentifier, location, shift, target, view, _ref2;
_ref2 = _arg != null ? _arg : {}, ctrl = _ref2.ctrl, shift = _ref2.shift, alt = _ref2.alt, cmd = _ref2.cmd, keyCode = _ref2.keyCode, target =, location = _ref2.location;
event = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent');
buildKeyboardEvent = function(key, eventType, _arg) {
var alt, altKey, bubbles, cancelable, cmd, ctrl, ctrlKey, event, keyCode, location, metaKey, shift, shiftKey, target, _ref;
_ref = _arg != null ? _arg : {}, ctrl = _ref.ctrl, shift = _ref.shift, alt = _ref.alt, cmd = _ref.cmd, keyCode = _ref.keyCode, target =, location = _ref.location;
ctrlKey = ctrl != null ? ctrl : false;
altKey = alt != null ? alt : false;
shiftKey = shift != null ? shift : false;
metaKey = cmd != null ? cmd : false;
bubbles = true;
cancelable = true;
view = null;
if (LowerCaseLetterRegex.test(key)) {
key = key.toUpperCase();
if (key.length === 1) {
keyIdentifier = "U+" + (key.charCodeAt(0).toString(16));
} else {
switch (key) {
case 'ctrl':
keyIdentifier = 'Control';
if (eventType !== 'keyup') {
ctrl = true;
case 'alt':
keyIdentifier = 'Alt';
if (eventType !== 'keyup') {
alt = true;
case 'shift':
keyIdentifier = 'Shift';
if (eventType !== 'keyup') {
shift = true;
case 'cmd':
keyIdentifier = 'Meta';
if (eventType !== 'keyup') {
cmd = true;
keyIdentifier = key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1);
if (location == null) {
location = KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD;
event.initKeyboardEvent(eventType, bubbles, cancelable, view, keyIdentifier, location, ctrl, alt, shift, cmd);
event = new KeyboardEvent(eventType, {
key: key,
ctrlKey: ctrlKey,
altKey: altKey,
shiftKey: shiftKey,
metaKey: metaKey,
bubbles: bubbles,
cancelable: cancelable
if (target != null) {

@@ -293,12 +278,2 @@ Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', {

Object.defineProperty(event, 'keyCode', {
get: function() {
return keyCode;
Object.defineProperty(event, 'which', {
get: function() {
return keyCode;
return event;

@@ -308,3 +283,3 @@ };

exports.keystrokesMatch = function(bindingKeystrokes, userKeystrokes) {
var bindingKeystroke, bindingKeystrokeIndex, bindingRemainderContainsOnlyKeyups, doesMatch, isPartialMatch, matchesNextUserKeystroke, userKeystrokeIndex, userKeystrokesHasKeydownEvent, _k, _len2;
var bindingKeystroke, bindingKeystrokeIndex, bindingRemainderContainsOnlyKeyups, doesMatch, isPartialMatch, matchesNextUserKeystroke, userKeystrokeIndex, userKeystrokesHasKeydownEvent, _i, _len;
userKeystrokeIndex = -1;

@@ -332,4 +307,4 @@ userKeystrokesHasKeydownEvent = false;

bindingKeystrokeIndex = 0;
for (_k = 0, _len2 = bindingKeystrokes.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
bindingKeystroke = bindingKeystrokes[_k];
for (_i = 0, _len = bindingKeystrokes.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
bindingKeystroke = bindingKeystrokes[_i];
if (!isPartialMatch) {

@@ -357,187 +332,10 @@ doesMatch = matchesNextUserKeystroke(bindingKeystroke);

if (isPartialMatch && bindingRemainderContainsOnlyKeyups) {
return KeydownExactMatch;
} else if (isPartialMatch) {
return PartialMatch;
} else {
return ExactMatch;
normalizeKeystroke = function(keystroke) {
var i, isKeyup, key, keys, modifiers, primaryKey, _k, _len2;
if (isKeyup = keystroke.startsWith('^')) {
keystroke = keystroke.slice(1);
keys = parseKeystroke(keystroke);
if (!keys) {
return false;
primaryKey = null;
modifiers = new Set;
for (i = _k = 0, _len2 = keys.length; _k < _len2; i = ++_k) {
key = keys[i];
if (AtomModifiers.has(key)) {
} else {
if (i === keys.length - 1) {
primaryKey = key;
} else {
return false;
if (isKeyup) {
if (primaryKey != null) {
primaryKey = primaryKey.toLowerCase();
} else {
if (UpperCaseLetterRegex.test(primaryKey)) {
if (modifiers.has('shift') && LowerCaseLetterRegex.test(primaryKey)) {
primaryKey = primaryKey.toUpperCase();
keystroke = [];
if (!isKeyup || (isKeyup && (primaryKey == null))) {
if (modifiers.has('ctrl')) {
if (modifiers.has('alt')) {
if (modifiers.has('shift')) {
if (modifiers.has('cmd')) {
if (primaryKey != null) {
keystroke = keystroke.join('-');
if (isKeyup) {
keystroke = "^" + keystroke;
return keystroke;
parseKeystroke = function(keystroke) {
var character, index, keyStart, keys, _k, _len2;
keys = [];
keyStart = 0;
for (index = _k = 0, _len2 = keystroke.length; _k < _len2; index = ++_k) {
character = keystroke[index];
if (character === '-') {
if (index > keyStart) {
keys.push(keystroke.substring(keyStart, index));
keyStart = index + 1;
if (keyStart === keystroke.length) {
return false;
if (keyStart < keystroke.length) {
return keys;
keyForKeyboardEvent = function(event, dvorakQwertyWorkaroundEnabled) {
var charCode, key, keyIdentifier, _ref2, _ref3;
keyIdentifier = event.keyIdentifier;
if ((_ref2 = process.platform) === 'linux' || _ref2 === 'win32') {
keyIdentifier = translateKeyIdentifierForWindowsAndLinuxChromiumBug(keyIdentifier);
if (KeyboardEventModifiers.has(keyIdentifier)) {
return keyIdentifier;
charCode = charCodeFromKeyIdentifier(keyIdentifier);
if (dvorakQwertyWorkaroundEnabled && typeof charCode === 'number') {
if (event.keyCode === 46) {
charCode = 127;
} else {
charCode = event.keyCode;
if (charCode != null) {
if ((_ref3 = process.platform) === 'linux' || _ref3 === 'win32') {
charCode = translateCharCodeForWindowsAndLinuxChromiumBug(charCode, event.shiftKey);
if (event.location === KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD) {
charCode = numpadToASCII(charCode);
if (!isASCII(charCode) && isASCII(event.keyCode)) {
charCode = event.which;
key = keyFromCharCode(charCode);
} else {
key = keyIdentifier.toLowerCase();
if (event.shiftKey) {
if (LowerCaseLetterRegex.test(key)) {
key = key.toUpperCase();
} else {
if (UpperCaseLetterRegex.test(key)) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
return key;
charCodeFromKeyIdentifier = function(keyIdentifier) {
if (keyIdentifier.indexOf('U+') === 0) {
return parseInt(keyIdentifier.slice(2), 16);
translateKeyIdentifierForWindowsAndLinuxChromiumBug = function(keyIdentifier) {
var _ref2;
return (_ref2 = WindowsAndLinuxKeyIdentifierTranslations[keyIdentifier]) != null ? _ref2 : keyIdentifier;
translateCharCodeForWindowsAndLinuxChromiumBug = function(charCode, shift) {
var translation;
if (translation = WindowsAndLinuxCharCodeTranslations[charCode]) {
if (shift) {
return translation.shifted;
} else {
return translation.unshifted;
} else {
return charCode;
keyFromCharCode = function(charCode) {
switch (charCode) {
case 8:
return 'backspace';
case 9:
return 'tab';
case 13:
return 'enter';
case 27:
return 'escape';
case 32:
return 'space';
case 127:
return 'delete';
return String.fromCharCode(charCode);
isASCII = function(charCode) {
return (0 <= charCode && charCode <= 127);
numpadToASCII = function(charCode) {
var _ref2;
return (_ref2 = NumPadToASCII[charCode]) != null ? _ref2 : charCode;
(function() {
var CSON, CommandEvent, CompositeDisposable, Disposable, Emitter, File, KeyBinding, KeymapManager, OtherPlatforms, Platforms, characterForKeyboardEvent, fs, isAtomModifier, isSelectorValid, keydownEvent, keystrokeForKeyboardEvent, keystrokesMatch, keyupEvent, normalizeKeystrokes, observeCurrentKeyboardLayout, path, _ref, _ref1,
var CSON, CommandEvent, CompositeDisposable, Disposable, Emitter, File, KeyBinding, KeymapManager, OtherPlatforms, Platforms, characterForKeyboardEvent, fs, isBareModifier, isSelectorValid, keydownEvent, keystrokeForKeyboardEvent, keystrokesMatch, keyupEvent, normalizeKeystrokes, observeCurrentKeyboardLayout, path, _ref, _ref1,
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@

_ref1 = require('./helpers'), normalizeKeystrokes = _ref1.normalizeKeystrokes, keystrokeForKeyboardEvent = _ref1.keystrokeForKeyboardEvent, isAtomModifier = _ref1.isAtomModifier, keydownEvent = _ref1.keydownEvent, keyupEvent = _ref1.keyupEvent, characterForKeyboardEvent = _ref1.characterForKeyboardEvent, keystrokesMatch = _ref1.keystrokesMatch;
_ref1 = require('./helpers'), normalizeKeystrokes = _ref1.normalizeKeystrokes, keystrokeForKeyboardEvent = _ref1.keystrokeForKeyboardEvent, isBareModifier = _ref1.isBareModifier, keydownEvent = _ref1.keydownEvent, keyupEvent = _ref1.keyupEvent, characterForKeyboardEvent = _ref1.characterForKeyboardEvent, keystrokesMatch = _ref1.keystrokesMatch;

@@ -329,3 +329,3 @@ Platforms = ['darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'sunos', 'win32'];

keystroke = this.keystrokeForKeyboardEvent(event);
if (event.type === 'keydown' && this.queuedKeystrokes.length > 0 && isAtomModifier(keystroke)) {
if (event.type === 'keydown' && this.queuedKeystrokes.length > 0 && isBareModifier(keystroke)) {

@@ -332,0 +332,0 @@ return;

"name": "atom-keymap",
"version": "6.3.2",
"version": "6.3.3-beta0",
"description": "Atom's DOM-aware keymap module",
"main": "./lib/keymap-manager",
"scripts": {
"prepublish": "grunt prepublish",
"test": "grunt test",
"benchmark": "coffee --nodejs --harmony_collections benchmark/"
"prepublish": "npm run clean && npm run compile && npm run lint && npm run atomdoc",
"clean": "rimraf lib && rimraf api.json",
"compile": "coffee --no-header --output lib --compile src && babel src --out-dir lib",
"lint": "coffeelint -r src spec && eslint src spec",
"test": "devtool --quit --console node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --colors spec/helpers/setup.js spec/*",
"test-drive": "SUPPRESS_EXIT=true devtool --quit node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --no-colors spec/helpers/setup.js spec/*",
"ci": "npm run compile && npm run lint && npm run test",
"atomdoc": "grunt shell:update-atomdoc atomdoc"

@@ -25,3 +30,3 @@ "repository": {

"grim": "^1.2.1",
"keyboard-layout": "^1.0",
"keyboard-layout": "^1.1.0",
"pathwatcher": "^6.2",

@@ -32,15 +37,42 @@ "property-accessors": "^1",

"devDependencies": {
"coffee-script": "^1.7.0",
"jasmine-focused": "^1.0.4",
"grunt-contrib-coffee": "^0.9.0",
"grunt-cli": "^0.1.8",
"grunt": "^0.4.1",
"grunt-shell": "^0.2.2",
"grunt-coffeelint": "^0.0.6",
"rimraf": "^2.2.2",
"coffee-cache": "^0.2.0",
"temp": "^0.6.0",
"space-pencil": "^0.3.0",
"grunt-atomdoc": "^1.0.0"
"babel-cli": "6.5.1",
"babel-eslint": "5.0.0-beta10",
"babel-preset-es2015": "6.5.0",
"babel-preset-stage-0": "6.5.0",
"babel-register": "6.5.2",
"chai": "3.5.0",
"coffee-cache": "0.2.0",
"coffee-script": "1.7.0",
"coffeelint": "1.14.2",
"debounce": "1.0.0",
"devtool": "2.2.0",
"electron-rebuild": "1.2.1",
"eslint": "2.2.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "5.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "1.0.8",
"eslint-plugin-standard": "1.3.1",
"grunt": "0.4.1",
"grunt-atomdoc": "1.0.0",
"grunt-cli": "0.1.8",
"grunt-coffeelint": "0.0.6",
"grunt-contrib-coffee": "0.9.0",
"grunt-shell": "0.2.2",
"lolex": "1.4.0",
"mocha": "2.4.5",
"rimraf": "2.2.2",
"sinon": "1.17.3",
"space-pencil": "0.3.0",
"temp": "0.8.3"
"coffeelintConfig": {
"no_empty_param_list": {
"level": "error"
"max_line_length": {
"level": "ignore"
"indentation": {
"level": "ignore"

@@ -31,1 +31,10 @@ # atom-keymap [![Build Status](](

## Development
The tests for this module *must* be run in Electron because they depend on browser APIs.
* [`devtool`]( is bundled as a development dependency to run the tests.
* Native modules need to be compiled against the version of Electron included with `devtool`. **Be sure to run `electron-rebuild` be sure recompile native dependencies before running tests.**
* Tests can be run in batch mode with `npm test`
* If you want to use the debugger, profiler, etc or just speed up your flow by being able to refresh the `devtool` window to re-run tests, use the `npm run test-drive` script. This will keep `devtool` open instead of exiting after the test run.
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