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@@ -32,3 +32,3 @@ /*

outDir: "lib",
minify: !(mode === "development"),
minify: false,
target: "es2022",

@@ -35,0 +35,0 @@ sourcemap: (mode === "development"),

@@ -1,1 +0,681 @@

"use strict";class m extends GainNode{constructor(i,e=i){if(super(i.context),this._bypass=!1,this._targets=[],typeof i!="object"||!(i instanceof AudioNode))throw new Error("input has to be a valid AudioNode");const n=i.context;let t;if(i.numberOfInputs>0)t=n.createGain(),t.connect(i);else{const o=n.createBufferSource();o.buffer=null,t=o}t._targets=[],t._bypass=!1,t._connect=t.connect;const s=(...o)=>{t._targets.push(o);let l;return t._bypass?i.numberOfInputs>0?l=t._connect(...o):l=i.connect(...o):l=e.connect(...o),l};return t.connect=s,t._disconnect=t.disconnect,t.disconnect=(...o)=>{let l;return t._bypass?i.numberOfInputs>0?l=t._disconnect(...o):l=i.connect(...o):l=e.disconnect(...o),t._targets=t._targets.filter(c=>{if(c.length!==o.length)return!0;for(let u=0;u<o.length;u++)if(c[u]!==o[u])return!0;return!1}),l},t.bypass=o=>{if(t._bypass!==o)if(t._bypass=o,t._bypass){i.numberOfInputs>0&&t._disconnect(i);for(const l of t._targets)e.disconnect(...l),t._connect(...l)}else{for(const l of t._targets)t._disconnect.apply(null,l),e.connect(...l);i.numberOfInputs>0&&t._connect(i)}},t.input=i,t.output=e,t}static factory(i){if(i.length<1)throw new Error("at least one node has to be given");for(let e=0;e<i.length-1;e++)i[e].connect(i[e+1]);return new m(i[0],i[i.length-1])}}const N=d=>Math.pow(10,d/20),C=d=>20*Math.log10(d),V=(d,i,e)=>(d<i?d=i:d>e&&(d=e),d),v=(d,i,e,n)=>{const t=d.length<n?d.length:n;let s=0,o=0;for(let l=0;l<=e;l++){const c=l+(t-e);s+=c*d[l],o+=c}if(!i)for(let l=e+1;l<t;l++){const c=l-(e+1);s+=c*d[l],o+=c}return s/=o,s};class _{constructor(i){if(this.timer=NaN,this.timerStop=!1,window!==void 0){const e=()=>{i(),this.timerStop||window.requestAnimationFrame(e)};window.requestAnimationFrame(e)}else this.timer=setInterval(()=>i(),1e3/60)}clear(){window!==void 0?this.timerStop=!0:clearTimeout(this.timer)}}class G{constructor(i,e={}){e.type??="pink",e.channels??=1;const n=5*i.sampleRate,t=i.createBuffer(e.channels,n,i.sampleRate);if(e.type==="white")for(let o=0;o<n;o++){const l=Math.random()*2-1;for(let c=0;c<e.channels;c++){const u=t.getChannelData(c);u[o]=l}}else if(e.type==="pink"){const o=[];for(let h=0;h<e.channels;h++){o[h]=new Float32Array(n);const r=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0];for(let b=0;b<n;b++){const a=Math.random()*2-1;r[0]=.99886*r[0]+a*.0555179,r[1]=.99332*r[1]+a*.0750759,r[2]=.969*r[2]+a*.153852,r[3]=.8665*r[3]+a*.3104856,r[4]=.55*r[4]+a*.5329522,r[5]=-.7616*r[5]-a*.016898,o[h][b]=r[0]+r[1]+r[2]+r[3]+r[4]+r[5]+r[6]+a*.5362,r[6]=a*.115926}}const l=[],c=[];for(let h=0;h<o.length;h++)l.push(Math.min(...o[h])),c.push(Math.max(...o[h]));const u=Math.min(...l),g=Math.max(...c),f=2147483647/2147483648/Math.max(Math.abs(u),g);for(let h=0;h<e.channels;h++)for(let r=0;r<n;r++)t.getChannelData(h)[r]=o[h][r]*f}const s=i.createBufferSource();return s.buffer=t,s.loop=!0,s.start(0),new m(s)}}class j{constructor(i,e={}){e.muted??=!1;const n=i.createGain();n.gain.setValueAtTime(e.muted?0:1,i.currentTime);const t=new m(n);return t.mute=(s,o=10)=>{const l=s?0:1;console.log("FUCK",s,l),n.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(l,i.currentTime+o/1e3)},t}}class B{constructor(i,e={}){e.gain??=0;const n=i.createGain();n.gain.setValueAtTime(N(e.gain),i.currentTime);const t=new m(n);return t.adjustGainDecibel=(s,o=10)=>{t.input.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(N(s),i.currentTime+o/1e3)},t}}class R{constructor(i,e={}){e.threshold??=-16,e.attack??=.003,e.release??=.4,e.knee??=3,e.ratio??=2;const n=i.createDynamicsCompressor();return n.threshold.setValueAtTime(e.threshold,i.currentTime),n.knee.setValueAtTime(e.knee,i.currentTime),n.ratio.setValueAtTime(e.ratio,i.currentTime),n.attack.setValueAtTime(e.attack,i.currentTime),n.release.setValueAtTime(e.release,i.currentTime),new m(n)}}class z{constructor(i,e={}){e.threshold??=-3,e.attack??=.001,e.release??=.05,e.knee??=0,e.ratio??=20;const n=i.createDynamicsCompressor();return n.threshold.setValueAtTime(e.threshold,i.currentTime),n.knee.setValueAtTime(e.knee,i.currentTime),n.ratio.setValueAtTime(e.ratio,i.currentTime),n.attack.setValueAtTime(e.attack,i.currentTime),n.release.setValueAtTime(e.release,i.currentTime),new m(n)}}class M{constructor(i,e={}){e.bands??=[];const n=[];if(e.bands.length<1)throw new Error("at least one band has to be specified");for(let t=0;t<e.bands.length;t++){const s={type:"peaking",freq:64*Math.pow(2,t),q:1,gain:1,...e.bands[t]},o=i.createBiquadFilter();o.type=s.type,o.frequency.setValueAtTime(s.freq,i.currentTime),o.Q.setValueAtTime(s.q,i.currentTime),o.gain.setValueAtTime(s.gain,i.currentTime),n.push(o),t>0&&n[t-1].connect(n[t])}return e.bands.length===1?new m(n[0]):new m(n[0],n[n.length-1])}}class k{constructor(i,e={}){e.fftSize??=512,e.minDecibels??=-94,e.maxDecibels??=0,e.smoothingTimeConstant??=.8,e.intervalTime??=3,e.intervalCount??=100;const n=i.createAnalyser();n.fftSize=e.fftSize,n.minDecibels=e.minDecibels,n.maxDecibels=e.maxDecibels,n.smoothingTimeConstant=e.smoothingTimeConstant;const t={peak:-1/0,rms:-1/0,rmsM:-1/0,rmsS:-1/0},s=e.intervalCount;let o=!0,l=0;const c=[],u=new Float32Array(n.fftSize),g=new Float32Array(n.frequencyBinCount),f=()=>{n.getFloatTimeDomainData(u),n.getFloatFrequencyData(g);let r=0,b=-1/0;for(let a=0;a<u.length;a++){const w=u[a]*u[a];r+=w,b<w&&(b=w)}t.rms=V(C(Math.sqrt(r/u.length)),e.minDecibels,e.maxDecibels),t.peak=V(C(Math.sqrt(b)),e.minDecibels,e.maxDecibels),s>0&&(l===s-1&&o&&(o=!1),l=(l+1)%s,c[l]=t.rms,t.rmsM=v(c,o,l,s))};setInterval(f,e.intervalTime),f();const h=new m(n);return h.dataT=()=>u,h.dataF=()=>g,h.stat=()=>t,h}}class F{constructor(i,e={}){e.threshold??=-45,e.hysteresis??=-3,e.reduction??=-30,e.interval??=2,e.attack??=4,e.hold??=40,e.release??=200;const n=new k(i,{fftSize:512,minDecibels:-94,maxDecibels:0,smoothingTimeConstant:.8,intervalTime:2,intervalCount:25}),t=i.createGain();n.connect(t);let s="open",o=NaN;const l=1,c=N(e.reduction),u=()=>{const g=n.stat().rmsM;s==="closed"?g>=e.threshold&&(s="attack",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(l,i.currentTime+e.attack/1e3),Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="open"},e.attack)):s==="attack"?g<e.threshold+e.hysteresis&&(s="release",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c,i.currentTime+e.release/1e3),Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="closed"},e.release)):s==="open"?g<e.threshold+e.hysteresis&&(s="hold",Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="release",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c,i.currentTime+e.release/1e3),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="closed"},e.release)},e.hold)):s==="hold"?g>=e.threshold&&(s="open",Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o)):s==="release"&&g>=e.threshold&&(s="attack",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c,i.currentTime+e.attack/1e3),Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="open"},e.attack)),setTimeout(u,e.interval)};return setTimeout(u,e.interval),new m(n,t)}}class E{constructor(i,e={}){e.fftSize??=512,e.minDecibels??=-60,e.maxDecibels??=0,e.smoothingTimeConstant??=.8,e.intervalTime??=1e3/60,e.intervalCount??=Math.round(300/(1e3/60)),e.decibelBars??=[-60,-45,-21,-6],e.colorBars??=["#306090","#00b000","#e0d000","#e03030"],e.colorBarsDeactive??=["#606060","#808080","#a0a0a0","#c0c0c0"],e.colorRMS??="#ffffff",e.colorBackground??="#000000",e.horizontal??=!1;const n=new k(i,{fftSize:e.fftSize,minDecibels:e.minDecibels,maxDecibels:e.maxDecibels,smoothingTimeConstant:e.smoothingTimeConstant,intervalTime:e.intervalTime,intervalCount:e.intervalCount});let t=[],s,o=!1;n.deactive=c=>{o=c};const l=c=>{const u=n.stat().peak,g=n.stat().rmsM,f=c.getContext("2d");f.fillStyle=e.colorBackground,f.fillRect(0,0,c.width,c.height);const h=o?e.colorBarsDeactive:e.colorBars,r=T=>e.horizontal?T/(e.maxDecibels-e.minDecibels)*c.width:T/(e.maxDecibels-e.minDecibels)*c.height,b=(T,A,I)=>{const q=r(Math.abs(A-e.minDecibels)),S=r(Math.abs(A-T));f.fillStyle=I,e.horizontal?f.fillRect(q-S,0,S,c.height):f.fillRect(0,c.height-q,c.width,S)},a=Math.min(e.decibelBars.length,h.length);let w=e.minDecibels,y=h[0];for(let T=0;T<a&&!(u<e.decibelBars[T]);T++){const A=e.decibelBars[T];b(w,A,y),y=h[T],w=A}b(w,u,y);const D=r(Math.abs(g-e.minDecibels));f.fillStyle=e.colorRMS,e.horizontal?f.fillRect(D-1,0,1,c.height):f.fillRect(0,c.height-D,c.width,1)};return n.draw=function(c){t.push(c),t.length===1&&(s=new _(()=>{for(const u of t)l(u)}))},n.undraw=function(c){t=t.filter(u=>u!==c),t.length===0&&s.clear()},n}}class O{constructor(i,e={}){e.fftSize??=8192,e.minDecibels??=-144,e.maxDecibels??=0,e.smoothingTimeConstant??=.8,e.intervalTime??=1e3/60,e.layers??=[-120,-90,-60,-50,-40,-30,-20,-10],e.slices??=[40,80,160,320,640,1280,2560,5120,10240,20480],e.colorBackground??="#000000",e.colorBars??="#00cc00",e.colorLayers??="#009900",e.colorSlices??="#009900",e.logarithmic??=!0;const n=new k(i,{fftSize:e.fftSize,minDecibels:e.minDecibels,maxDecibels:e.maxDecibels,smoothingTimeConstant:e.smoothingTimeConstant,intervalTime:e.intervalTime,intervalCount:0});let t=[],s;const o=l=>{const c=n.dataF(),u=l.getContext("2d");u.fillStyle=e.colorBackground,u.fillRect(0,0,l.width,l.height);const g=f=>f/(e.maxDecibels-e.minDecibels)*l.height;u.fillStyle=e.colorLayers;for(const f of e.layers){const h=g(Math.abs(f-e.minDecibels));u.fillRect(0,l.height-h,l.width,1)}u.fillStyle=e.colorSlices;for(const f of e.slices){const h=Math.log2(f/20)*(l.width/10);u.fillRect(h,0,1,l.height)}if(u.fillStyle=e.colorBars,e.logarithmic)for(let f=0;f<l.width;f++){const r=20*Math.pow(2,f*10/l.width),b=20*Math.pow(2,(f+1)*10/l.width),a=Math.round(r*(c.length/(20*Math.pow(2,10))));let w=Math.round(b*(c.length/(20*Math.pow(2,10))))-1;w<a&&(w=a);let y=0;for(let T=a;T<=w;T++)y+=c[T];y/=w+1-a;const D=g(y-e.minDecibels);u.fillRect(f,l.height-D,1,D)}else{let f=0;const h=l.width/c.length;for(let r=0;r<c.length;r++){const b=c[r],a=g(b-e.minDecibels);u.fillRect(f,l.height-a,h-.5,a),f+=h}}};return n.draw=function(l){t.push(l),t.length===1&&(s=new _(()=>{for(const c of t)o(c)}))},n.undraw=function(l){t=t.filter(c=>c!==l),t.length===0&&s.clear()},n}}class L{constructor(i,e={}){e.equalizer??=!0,e.noisegate??=!0,e.compressor??=!0,e.limiter??=!0,e.gain??=0;const n=[];let t=0;const s=new j(i);if(n.push(s),e.equalizer){const c=new M(i,{bands:[{type:"highpass",freq:80,q:.25},{type:"highpass",freq:80,q:.5},{type:"notch",freq:50,q:.25},{type:"notch",freq:960,q:4},{type:"lowpass",freq:20480,q:.5},{type:"lowpass",freq:20480,q:.25}]});n.push(c)}if(e.noisegate){const c=new F(i);n.push(c)}if(e.compressor){const c=new R(i,{threshold:-16,attack:.003,release:.4,knee:3,ratio:2});n.push(c),t+=-2}if(e.equalizer){const c=new M(i,{bands:[{type:"peaking",freq:240,q:.75,gain:3},{type:"highshelf",freq:3840,q:.75,gain:6}]});n.push(c),t+=-1}const o=new B(i);if(n.push(o),e.limiter){const c=new z(i,{threshold:-3,attack:.001,release:.05,knee:0,ratio:20});n.push(c),t+=-1}const l=m.factory(n);return l.mute=c=>s.mute(c),l.adjustGainDecibel=(c,u=10)=>o.adjustGainDecibel(t+c,u),l.adjustGainDecibel(t+e.gain,0),l}}const W={AudioNodeComposite:m,AudioNodeNoise:G,AudioNodeGain:B,AudioNodeCompressor:R,AudioNodeLimiter:z,AudioNodeEqualizer:M,AudioNodeMeter:k,AudioNodeGate:F,AudioNodeAmplitude:E,AudioNodeSpectrum:O,AudioNodeVoice:L};module.exports=W;
"use strict";
class AudioNodeComposite extends GainNode {
/* tracked connected targets */
/* just pass-through construction */
constructor(context) {
this.input = null;
this.output = null;
this._bypass = false;
this._targets = [];
/* configure input/output chain */
chain(input, output = input) {
if (typeof input !== "object" || !(input instanceof AudioNode))
throw new Error("input has to be a valid AudioNode");
this.input = input;
this.output = output;
if (this._bypass) {
for (const _target of this._targets)
} else {
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
/* provide an overloaded Web API "connect" method */
connect(...args) {
let result;
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = super.connect(...args);
result = this.output.connect(...args);
return result;
/* provide an overloaded Web API "disconnect" method */
disconnect(...args) {
let result;
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = super.disconnect(...args);
result = this.output.disconnect(...args);
this._targets = this._targets.filter((_target) => {
if (_target.length !== args.length)
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (_target[i] !== args[i])
return true;
return false;
return result;
/* provide a custom "bypass" method */
bypass(bypass) {
if (this._bypass === bypass)
this._bypass = bypass;
if (this._bypass) {
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
} else {
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
/* provide convenient factory method */
static factory(context, nodes) {
if (nodes.length < 1)
throw new Error("at least one node has to be given");
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1]);
const composite = new AudioNodeComposite(context);
composite.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
return composite;
const dBFSToGain = (dbfs) => Math.pow(10, dbfs / 20);
const gainTodBFS = (gain) => 20 * Math.log10(gain);
const ensureWithin = (val, min, max) => {
if (val < min)
val = min;
else if (val > max)
val = max;
return val;
const weightedAverage = (arr, init, pos, len) => {
const max = arr.length < len ? arr.length : len;
let avg = 0;
let num = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= pos; i++) {
const w = i + (max - pos);
avg += w * arr[i];
num += w;
if (!init) {
for (let i = pos + 1; i < max; i++) {
const w = i - (pos + 1);
avg += w * arr[i];
num += w;
avg /= num;
return avg;
class AnimationFrameTimer {
constructor(cb) {
this.timer = NaN;
this.timerStop = false;
if (window !== void 0) {
const once = () => {
if (!this.timerStop)
} else
this.timer = setInterval(() => cb(), 1e3 / 60);
clear() {
if (window !== void 0)
this.timerStop = true;
class AudioNodeNoise extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.type ??= "pink";
params.channels ??= 1;
const lengthInSamples = 5 * context.sampleRate;
const buffer = context.createBuffer(params.channels, lengthInSamples, context.sampleRate);
if (params.type === "white") {
for (let i = 0; i < lengthInSamples; i++) {
const rand = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
for (let j = 0; j < params.channels; j++) {
const data = buffer.getChannelData(j);
data[i] = rand;
} else if (params.type === "pink") {
const pink = [];
for (let i = 0; i < params.channels; i++) {
pink[i] = new Float32Array(lengthInSamples);
const b = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let j = 0; j < lengthInSamples; j++) {
const white = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
b[0] = 0.99886 * b[0] + white * 0.0555179;
b[1] = 0.99332 * b[1] + white * 0.0750759;
b[2] = 0.969 * b[2] + white * 0.153852;
b[3] = 0.8665 * b[3] + white * 0.3104856;
b[4] = 0.55 * b[4] + white * 0.5329522;
b[5] = -0.7616 * b[5] - white * 0.016898;
pink[i][j] = b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3] + b[4] + b[5] + b[6] + white * 0.5362;
b[6] = white * 0.115926;
const minA = [];
const maxA = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pink.length; i++) {
const min = Math.min(...minA);
const max = Math.max(...maxA);
const coefficient = 2147483647 / 2147483648 / Math.max(Math.abs(min), max);
for (let i = 0; i < params.channels; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < lengthInSamples; j++)
buffer.getChannelData(i)[j] = pink[i][j] * coefficient;
const bs = context.createBufferSource();
bs.channelCount = params.channels;
bs.buffer = buffer;
bs.loop = true;
class AudioNodeMute extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.muted ??= false;
this.gain.setValueAtTime(params.muted ? 0 : 1, this.context.currentTime);
mute(_mute, ms = 10) {
const value = _mute ? 0 : 1;
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, this.context.currentTime + ms / 1e3);
class AudioNodeGain extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.gain ??= 0;
this.gain.setValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(params.gain), this.context.currentTime);
adjustGainDecibel(db, ms = 10) {
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(db), this.context.currentTime + ms / 1e3);
class AudioNodeCompressor extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -16;
params.attack ??= 3e-3;
params.release ??= 0.4;
params.knee ??= 3;
params.ratio ??= 2;
const compressor = context.createDynamicsCompressor();
compressor.threshold.setValueAtTime(params.threshold, context.currentTime);
compressor.knee.setValueAtTime(params.knee, context.currentTime);
compressor.ratio.setValueAtTime(params.ratio, context.currentTime);
compressor.attack.setValueAtTime(params.attack, context.currentTime);
compressor.release.setValueAtTime(params.release, context.currentTime);
class AudioNodeLimiter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -3;
params.attack ??= 1e-3;
params.release ??= 0.05;
params.knee ??= 0;
params.ratio ??= 20;
const limiter = context.createDynamicsCompressor();
limiter.threshold.setValueAtTime(params.threshold, context.currentTime);
limiter.knee.setValueAtTime(params.knee, context.currentTime);
limiter.ratio.setValueAtTime(params.ratio, context.currentTime);
limiter.attack.setValueAtTime(params.attack, context.currentTime);
limiter.release.setValueAtTime(params.release, context.currentTime);
class AudioNodeEqualizer extends AudioNodeComposite {
/* global BiquadFilterType */
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.bands ??= [];
const bands = [];
if (params.bands.length < 1)
throw new Error("at least one band has to be specified");
for (let i = 0; i < params.bands.length; i++) {
const options = {
type: "peaking",
freq: 64 * Math.pow(2, i),
q: 1,
gain: 1,
const band = context.createBiquadFilter();
band.type = options.type;
band.frequency.setValueAtTime(options.freq, context.currentTime);
band.Q.setValueAtTime(options.q, context.currentTime);
band.gain.setValueAtTime(options.gain, context.currentTime);
if (i > 0)
bands[i - 1].connect(bands[i]);
if (params.bands.length === 1)
this.chain(bands[0], bands[bands.length - 1]);
class AudioNodeMeter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.fftSize ??= 512;
params.minDecibels ??= -94;
params.maxDecibels ??= 0;
params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8;
params.intervalTime ??= 3;
params.intervalCount ??= 100;
const analyser = context.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = params.fftSize;
analyser.minDecibels = params.minDecibels;
analyser.maxDecibels = params.maxDecibels;
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = params.smoothingTimeConstant;
const stat = { peak: -Infinity, rms: -Infinity, rmsM: -Infinity, rmsS: -Infinity };
const rmsLen = params.intervalCount;
let rmsInit = true;
let rmsPos = 0;
const rmsArr = [];
const dataT = new Float32Array(analyser.fftSize);
const dataF = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
const measure = () => {
let rms = 0;
let peak = -Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < dataT.length; i++) {
const square = dataT[i] * dataT[i];
rms += square;
if (peak < square)
peak = square;
stat.rms = ensureWithin(
gainTodBFS(Math.sqrt(rms / dataT.length)),
stat.peak = ensureWithin(
if (rmsLen > 0) {
if (rmsPos === rmsLen - 1 && rmsInit)
rmsInit = false;
rmsPos = (rmsPos + 1) % rmsLen;
rmsArr[rmsPos] = stat.rms;
stat.rmsM = weightedAverage(rmsArr, rmsInit, rmsPos, rmsLen);
setInterval(measure, params.intervalTime);
this.dataT = () => dataT;
this.dataF = () => dataF;
this.stat = () => stat;
class AudioNodeGate extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -45;
params.hysteresis ??= -3;
params.reduction ??= -30;
params.interval ??= 2;
params.attack ??= 4;
params.hold ??= 40;
params.release ??= 200;
const meter = new AudioNodeMeter(context, {
fftSize: 512,
minDecibels: -94,
maxDecibels: 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: 0.8,
intervalTime: 2,
intervalCount: 25
const gain = context.createGain();
let state = "open";
let timer = NaN;
const gainOpen = 1;
const gainClosed = dBFSToGain(params.reduction);
const controlGain = () => {
const level = meter.stat().rmsM;
if (state === "closed") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "attack";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainOpen, context.currentTime + params.attack / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "open";
}, params.attack);
} else if (state === "attack") {
if (level < params.threshold + params.hysteresis) {
state = "release";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.release / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "closed";
}, params.release);
} else if (state === "open") {
if (level < params.threshold + params.hysteresis) {
state = "hold";
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "release";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.release / 1e3);
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "closed";
}, params.release);
}, params.hold);
} else if (state === "hold") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "open";
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
} else if (state === "release") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "attack";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.attack / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "open";
}, params.attack);
setTimeout(controlGain, params.interval);
setTimeout(controlGain, params.interval);
this.chain(meter, gain);
class AudioNodeAmplitude extends AudioNodeMeter {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize ??= 512,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels ??= -60,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels ??= 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60,
intervalCount: params.intervalCount ??= Math.round(300 / (1e3 / 60))
/* for 300ms RMS/m */
this._canvases = [];
this._timer = null;
this._deactive = false;
params.decibelBars ??= [-60, -45, -21, -6];
params.colorBars ??= ["#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030"];
params.colorBarsDeactive ??= ["#606060", "#808080", "#a0a0a0", "#c0c0c0"];
params.colorRMS ??= "#ffffff";
params.colorBackground ??= "#000000";
params.horizontal ??= false;
this._params = params;
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
_draw(canvas) {
const peak = this.stat().peak;
const rms = this.stat().rmsM;
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const colorBars = this._deactive ? this._params.colorBarsDeactive : this._params.colorBars;
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value) => {
if (this._params.horizontal)
return value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.width;
return value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.height;
const drawSeg = (from2, to, color2) => {
const b = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - this._params.minDecibels));
const h2 = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - from2));
canvasCtx.fillStyle = color2;
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx.fillRect(b - h2, 0, h2, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - b, canvas.width, h2);
const len = Math.min(this._params.decibelBars.length, colorBars.length);
let from = this._params.minDecibels;
let color = colorBars[0];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (peak < this._params.decibelBars[i])
else {
const to = this._params.decibelBars[i];
drawSeg(from, to, color);
color = colorBars[i];
from = to;
drawSeg(from, peak, color);
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(rms - this._params.minDecibels));
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorRMS;
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx.fillRect(h - 1, 0, 1, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - h, canvas.width, 1);
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw(canvas) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas2 of this._canvases)
undraw(canvas) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas);
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
/* allow deactivation control */
deactive(_deactive) {
this._deactive = _deactive;
class AudioNodeSpectrum extends AudioNodeMeter {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize ??= 8192,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels ??= -144,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels ??= 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60,
intervalCount: 0
this._canvases = [];
this._timer = null;
params.layers ??= [-120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10];
params.slices ??= [40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480];
params.colorBackground ??= "#000000";
params.colorBars ??= "#00cc00";
params.colorLayers ??= "#009900";
params.colorSlices ??= "#009900";
params.logarithmic ??= true;
this._params = params;
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
_draw(canvas) {
const data = this.dataF();
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value) => value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.height;
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorLayers;
for (const layer of this._params.layers) {
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(layer - this._params.minDecibels));
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - barHeight, canvas.width, 1);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorSlices;
for (const slice of this._params.slices) {
const x = Math.log2(slice / 20) * (canvas.width / 10);
canvasCtx.fillRect(x, 0, 1, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBars;
if (this._params.logarithmic) {
for (let posX = 0; posX < canvas.width; posX++) {
const barWidth = 1;
const f1 = 20 * Math.pow(2, posX * 10 / canvas.width);
const f2 = 20 * Math.pow(2, (posX + 1) * 10 / canvas.width);
const k1 = Math.round(f1 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10))));
let k2 = Math.round(f2 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10)))) - 1;
if (k2 < k1)
k2 = k1;
let db = 0;
for (let k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
db += data[k];
db /= k2 + 1 - k1;
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels);
canvasCtx.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight);
} else {
let posX = 0;
const barWidth = canvas.width / data.length;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const db = data[i];
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels);
canvasCtx.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth - 0.5, barHeight);
posX += barWidth;
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw(canvas) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas2 of this._canvases)
undraw(canvas) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas);
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
class AudioNodeVoice extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
this._compensate = 0;
params.equalizer ??= true;
params.noisegate ??= true;
params.compressor ??= true;
params.limiter ??= true;
params.gain ??= 0;
const nodes = [];
this._mute = new AudioNodeMute(context);
if (params.equalizer) {
const cutEQ = new AudioNodeEqualizer(context, {
bands: [
{ type: "highpass", freq: 80, q: 0.25 },
{ type: "highpass", freq: 80, q: 0.5 },
{ type: "notch", freq: 50, q: 0.25 },
{ type: "notch", freq: 960, q: 4 },
{ type: "lowpass", freq: 20480, q: 0.5 },
{ type: "lowpass", freq: 20480, q: 0.25 }
if (params.noisegate) {
const gate = new AudioNodeGate(context);
if (params.compressor) {
const comp = new AudioNodeCompressor(context, {
threshold: -16,
attack: 3e-3,
release: 0.4,
knee: 3,
ratio: 2
this._compensate += -2;
if (params.equalizer) {
const boostEQ = new AudioNodeEqualizer(context, {
bands: [
{ type: "peaking", freq: 240, q: 0.75, gain: 3 },
{ type: "highshelf", freq: 3840, q: 0.75, gain: 6 }
this._compensate += -1;
this._gain = new AudioNodeGain(context);
if (params.limiter) {
const limiter = new AudioNodeLimiter(context, {
threshold: -3,
attack: 1e-3,
release: 0.05,
knee: 0,
ratio: 20
this._compensate += -1;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1]);
this.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
this.adjustGainDecibel(params.gain, 0);
/* provide mute control */
mute(mute) {
/* provide gain adjustment */
adjustGainDecibel(db, ms = 10) {
this._gain.adjustGainDecibel(this._compensate + db, ms);
const audioNodeSuite = {
module.exports = audioNodeSuite;

@@ -1,203 +0,347 @@

class m extends GainNode {
constructor(i, e = i) {
if (super(i.context), this._bypass = !1, this._targets = [], typeof i != "object" || !(i instanceof AudioNode))
class AudioNodeComposite extends GainNode {
/* tracked connected targets */
/* just pass-through construction */
constructor(context) {
this.input = null;
this.output = null;
this._bypass = false;
this._targets = [];
/* configure input/output chain */
chain(input, output = input) {
if (typeof input !== "object" || !(input instanceof AudioNode))
throw new Error("input has to be a valid AudioNode");
const n = i.context;
let t;
if (i.numberOfInputs > 0)
t = n.createGain(), t.connect(i);
else {
const o = n.createBufferSource();
o.buffer = null, t = o;
this.input = input;
this.output = output;
if (this._bypass) {
for (const _target of this._targets)
} else {
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
t._targets = [], t._bypass = !1, t._connect = t.connect;
const s = (...o) => {
let l;
return t._bypass ? i.numberOfInputs > 0 ? l = t._connect(...o) : l = i.connect(...o) : l = e.connect(...o), l;
return t.connect = s, t._disconnect = t.disconnect, t.disconnect = (...o) => {
let l;
return t._bypass ? i.numberOfInputs > 0 ? l = t._disconnect(...o) : l = i.connect(...o) : l = e.disconnect(...o), t._targets = t._targets.filter((c) => {
if (c.length !== o.length)
return !0;
for (let u = 0; u < o.length; u++)
if (c[u] !== o[u])
return !0;
return !1;
}), l;
}, t.bypass = (o) => {
if (t._bypass !== o)
if (t._bypass = o, t._bypass) {
i.numberOfInputs > 0 && t._disconnect(i);
for (const l of t._targets)
e.disconnect(...l), t._connect(...l);
} else {
for (const l of t._targets)
t._disconnect.apply(null, l), e.connect(...l);
i.numberOfInputs > 0 && t._connect(i);
}, t.input = i, t.output = e, t;
/* factory for Composite Web Audio API AudioNode */
static factory(i) {
if (i.length < 1)
/* provide an overloaded Web API "connect" method */
connect(...args) {
let result;
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = super.connect(...args);
result = this.output.connect(...args);
return result;
/* provide an overloaded Web API "disconnect" method */
disconnect(...args) {
let result;
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = super.disconnect(...args);
result = this.output.disconnect(...args);
this._targets = this._targets.filter((_target) => {
if (_target.length !== args.length)
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (_target[i] !== args[i])
return true;
return false;
return result;
/* provide a custom "bypass" method */
bypass(bypass) {
if (this._bypass === bypass)
this._bypass = bypass;
if (this._bypass) {
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
} else {
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
/* provide convenient factory method */
static factory(context, nodes) {
if (nodes.length < 1)
throw new Error("at least one node has to be given");
for (let e = 0; e < i.length - 1; e++)
i[e].connect(i[e + 1]);
return new m(i[0], i[i.length - 1]);
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1]);
const composite = new AudioNodeComposite(context);
composite.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
return composite;
const N = (d) => Math.pow(10, d / 20), C = (d) => 20 * Math.log10(d), V = (d, i, e) => (d < i ? d = i : d > e && (d = e), d), v = (d, i, e, n) => {
const t = d.length < n ? d.length : n;
let s = 0, o = 0;
for (let l = 0; l <= e; l++) {
const c = l + (t - e);
s += c * d[l], o += c;
const dBFSToGain = (dbfs) => Math.pow(10, dbfs / 20);
const gainTodBFS = (gain) => 20 * Math.log10(gain);
const ensureWithin = (val, min, max) => {
if (val < min)
val = min;
else if (val > max)
val = max;
return val;
const weightedAverage = (arr, init, pos, len) => {
const max = arr.length < len ? arr.length : len;
let avg = 0;
let num = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= pos; i++) {
const w = i + (max - pos);
avg += w * arr[i];
num += w;
if (!i)
for (let l = e + 1; l < t; l++) {
const c = l - (e + 1);
s += c * d[l], o += c;
if (!init) {
for (let i = pos + 1; i < max; i++) {
const w = i - (pos + 1);
avg += w * arr[i];
num += w;
return s /= o, s;
avg /= num;
return avg;
class _ {
constructor(i) {
if (this.timer = NaN, this.timerStop = !1, window !== void 0) {
const e = () => {
i(), this.timerStop || window.requestAnimationFrame(e);
class AnimationFrameTimer {
constructor(cb) {
this.timer = NaN;
this.timerStop = false;
if (window !== void 0) {
const once = () => {
if (!this.timerStop)
} else
this.timer = setInterval(() => i(), 1e3 / 60);
this.timer = setInterval(() => cb(), 1e3 / 60);
clear() {
window !== void 0 ? this.timerStop = !0 : clearTimeout(this.timer);
if (window !== void 0)
this.timerStop = true;
class G {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.type ??= "pink", e.channels ??= 1;
const n = 5 * i.sampleRate, t = i.createBuffer(e.channels, n, i.sampleRate);
if (e.type === "white")
for (let o = 0; o < n; o++) {
const l = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
for (let c = 0; c < e.channels; c++) {
const u = t.getChannelData(c);
u[o] = l;
class AudioNodeNoise extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.type ??= "pink";
params.channels ??= 1;
const lengthInSamples = 5 * context.sampleRate;
const buffer = context.createBuffer(params.channels, lengthInSamples, context.sampleRate);
if (params.type === "white") {
for (let i = 0; i < lengthInSamples; i++) {
const rand = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
for (let j = 0; j < params.channels; j++) {
const data = buffer.getChannelData(j);
data[i] = rand;
else if (e.type === "pink") {
const o = [];
for (let h = 0; h < e.channels; h++) {
o[h] = new Float32Array(n);
const r = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let b = 0; b < n; b++) {
const a = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
r[0] = 0.99886 * r[0] + a * 0.0555179, r[1] = 0.99332 * r[1] + a * 0.0750759, r[2] = 0.969 * r[2] + a * 0.153852, r[3] = 0.8665 * r[3] + a * 0.3104856, r[4] = 0.55 * r[4] + a * 0.5329522, r[5] = -0.7616 * r[5] - a * 0.016898, o[h][b] = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + r[3] + r[4] + r[5] + r[6] + a * 0.5362, r[6] = a * 0.115926;
} else if (params.type === "pink") {
const pink = [];
for (let i = 0; i < params.channels; i++) {
pink[i] = new Float32Array(lengthInSamples);
const b = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let j = 0; j < lengthInSamples; j++) {
const white = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
b[0] = 0.99886 * b[0] + white * 0.0555179;
b[1] = 0.99332 * b[1] + white * 0.0750759;
b[2] = 0.969 * b[2] + white * 0.153852;
b[3] = 0.8665 * b[3] + white * 0.3104856;
b[4] = 0.55 * b[4] + white * 0.5329522;
b[5] = -0.7616 * b[5] - white * 0.016898;
pink[i][j] = b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3] + b[4] + b[5] + b[6] + white * 0.5362;
b[6] = white * 0.115926;
const l = [], c = [];
for (let h = 0; h < o.length; h++)
l.push(Math.min(...o[h])), c.push(Math.max(...o[h]));
const u = Math.min(...l), g = Math.max(...c), f = 2147483647 / 2147483648 / Math.max(Math.abs(u), g);
for (let h = 0; h < e.channels; h++)
for (let r = 0; r < n; r++)
t.getChannelData(h)[r] = o[h][r] * f;
const minA = [];
const maxA = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pink.length; i++) {
const min = Math.min(...minA);
const max = Math.max(...maxA);
const coefficient = 2147483647 / 2147483648 / Math.max(Math.abs(min), max);
for (let i = 0; i < params.channels; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < lengthInSamples; j++)
buffer.getChannelData(i)[j] = pink[i][j] * coefficient;
const s = i.createBufferSource();
return s.buffer = t, s.loop = !0, s.start(0), new m(s);
const bs = context.createBufferSource();
bs.channelCount = params.channels;
bs.buffer = buffer;
bs.loop = true;
class j {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.muted ??= !1;
const n = i.createGain();
n.gain.setValueAtTime(e.muted ? 0 : 1, i.currentTime);
const t = new m(n);
return t.mute = (s, o = 10) => {
const l = s ? 0 : 1;
console.log("FUCK", s, l), n.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(l, i.currentTime + o / 1e3);
}, t;
class AudioNodeMute extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.muted ??= false;
this.gain.setValueAtTime(params.muted ? 0 : 1, this.context.currentTime);
mute(_mute, ms = 10) {
const value = _mute ? 0 : 1;
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, this.context.currentTime + ms / 1e3);
class B {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.gain ??= 0;
const n = i.createGain();
n.gain.setValueAtTime(N(e.gain), i.currentTime);
const t = new m(n);
return t.adjustGainDecibel = (s, o = 10) => {
t.input.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(N(s), i.currentTime + o / 1e3);
}, t;
class AudioNodeGain extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.gain ??= 0;
this.gain.setValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(params.gain), this.context.currentTime);
adjustGainDecibel(db, ms = 10) {
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(db), this.context.currentTime + ms / 1e3);
class R {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.threshold ??= -16, e.attack ??= 3e-3, e.release ??= 0.4, e.knee ??= 3, e.ratio ??= 2;
const n = i.createDynamicsCompressor();
return n.threshold.setValueAtTime(e.threshold, i.currentTime), n.knee.setValueAtTime(e.knee, i.currentTime), n.ratio.setValueAtTime(e.ratio, i.currentTime), n.attack.setValueAtTime(e.attack, i.currentTime), n.release.setValueAtTime(e.release, i.currentTime), new m(n);
class AudioNodeCompressor extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -16;
params.attack ??= 3e-3;
params.release ??= 0.4;
params.knee ??= 3;
params.ratio ??= 2;
const compressor = context.createDynamicsCompressor();
compressor.threshold.setValueAtTime(params.threshold, context.currentTime);
compressor.knee.setValueAtTime(params.knee, context.currentTime);
compressor.ratio.setValueAtTime(params.ratio, context.currentTime);
compressor.attack.setValueAtTime(params.attack, context.currentTime);
compressor.release.setValueAtTime(params.release, context.currentTime);
class z {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.threshold ??= -3, e.attack ??= 1e-3, e.release ??= 0.05, e.knee ??= 0, e.ratio ??= 20;
const n = i.createDynamicsCompressor();
return n.threshold.setValueAtTime(e.threshold, i.currentTime), n.knee.setValueAtTime(e.knee, i.currentTime), n.ratio.setValueAtTime(e.ratio, i.currentTime), n.attack.setValueAtTime(e.attack, i.currentTime), n.release.setValueAtTime(e.release, i.currentTime), new m(n);
class AudioNodeLimiter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -3;
params.attack ??= 1e-3;
params.release ??= 0.05;
params.knee ??= 0;
params.ratio ??= 20;
const limiter = context.createDynamicsCompressor();
limiter.threshold.setValueAtTime(params.threshold, context.currentTime);
limiter.knee.setValueAtTime(params.knee, context.currentTime);
limiter.ratio.setValueAtTime(params.ratio, context.currentTime);
limiter.attack.setValueAtTime(params.attack, context.currentTime);
limiter.release.setValueAtTime(params.release, context.currentTime);
class M {
class AudioNodeEqualizer extends AudioNodeComposite {
/* global BiquadFilterType */
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.bands ??= [];
const n = [];
if (e.bands.length < 1)
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.bands ??= [];
const bands = [];
if (params.bands.length < 1)
throw new Error("at least one band has to be specified");
for (let t = 0; t < e.bands.length; t++) {
const s = {
for (let i = 0; i < params.bands.length; i++) {
const options = {
type: "peaking",
freq: 64 * Math.pow(2, t),
freq: 64 * Math.pow(2, i),
q: 1,
gain: 1,
}, o = i.createBiquadFilter();
o.type = s.type, o.frequency.setValueAtTime(s.freq, i.currentTime), o.Q.setValueAtTime(s.q, i.currentTime), o.gain.setValueAtTime(s.gain, i.currentTime), n.push(o), t > 0 && n[t - 1].connect(n[t]);
const band = context.createBiquadFilter();
band.type = options.type;
band.frequency.setValueAtTime(options.freq, context.currentTime);
band.Q.setValueAtTime(options.q, context.currentTime);
band.gain.setValueAtTime(options.gain, context.currentTime);
if (i > 0)
bands[i - 1].connect(bands[i]);
return e.bands.length === 1 ? new m(n[0]) : new m(n[0], n[n.length - 1]);
if (params.bands.length === 1)
this.chain(bands[0], bands[bands.length - 1]);
class k {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.fftSize ??= 512, e.minDecibels ??= -94, e.maxDecibels ??= 0, e.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8, e.intervalTime ??= 3, e.intervalCount ??= 100;
const n = i.createAnalyser();
n.fftSize = e.fftSize, n.minDecibels = e.minDecibels, n.maxDecibels = e.maxDecibels, n.smoothingTimeConstant = e.smoothingTimeConstant;
const t = { peak: -1 / 0, rms: -1 / 0, rmsM: -1 / 0, rmsS: -1 / 0 }, s = e.intervalCount;
let o = !0, l = 0;
const c = [], u = new Float32Array(n.fftSize), g = new Float32Array(n.frequencyBinCount), f = () => {
n.getFloatTimeDomainData(u), n.getFloatFrequencyData(g);
let r = 0, b = -1 / 0;
for (let a = 0; a < u.length; a++) {
const w = u[a] * u[a];
r += w, b < w && (b = w);
class AudioNodeMeter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.fftSize ??= 512;
params.minDecibels ??= -94;
params.maxDecibels ??= 0;
params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8;
params.intervalTime ??= 3;
params.intervalCount ??= 100;
const analyser = context.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = params.fftSize;
analyser.minDecibels = params.minDecibels;
analyser.maxDecibels = params.maxDecibels;
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = params.smoothingTimeConstant;
const stat = { peak: -Infinity, rms: -Infinity, rmsM: -Infinity, rmsS: -Infinity };
const rmsLen = params.intervalCount;
let rmsInit = true;
let rmsPos = 0;
const rmsArr = [];
const dataT = new Float32Array(analyser.fftSize);
const dataF = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
const measure = () => {
let rms = 0;
let peak = -Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < dataT.length; i++) {
const square = dataT[i] * dataT[i];
rms += square;
if (peak < square)
peak = square;
t.rms = V(
C(Math.sqrt(r / u.length)),
), t.peak = V(
), s > 0 && (l === s - 1 && o && (o = !1), l = (l + 1) % s, c[l] = t.rms, t.rmsM = v(c, o, l, s));
stat.rms = ensureWithin(
gainTodBFS(Math.sqrt(rms / dataT.length)),
stat.peak = ensureWithin(
if (rmsLen > 0) {
if (rmsPos === rmsLen - 1 && rmsInit)
rmsInit = false;
rmsPos = (rmsPos + 1) % rmsLen;
rmsArr[rmsPos] = stat.rms;
stat.rmsM = weightedAverage(rmsArr, rmsInit, rmsPos, rmsLen);
setInterval(f, e.intervalTime), f();
const h = new m(n);
return h.dataT = () => u, h.dataF = () => g, h.stat = () => t, h;
setInterval(measure, params.intervalTime);
this.dataT = () => dataT;
this.dataF = () => dataF;
this.stat = () => stat;
class F {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.threshold ??= -45, e.hysteresis ??= -3, e.reduction ??= -30, e.interval ??= 2, e.attack ??= 4, e.hold ??= 40, e.release ??= 200;
const n = new k(i, {
class AudioNodeGate extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -45;
params.hysteresis ??= -3;
params.reduction ??= -30;
params.interval ??= 2;
params.attack ??= 4;
params.hold ??= 40;
params.release ??= 200;
const meter = new AudioNodeMeter(context, {
fftSize: 512,

@@ -209,128 +353,253 @@ minDecibels: -94,

intervalCount: 25
}), t = i.createGain();
let s = "open", o = NaN;
const l = 1, c = N(e.reduction), u = () => {
const g = n.stat().rmsM;
s === "closed" ? g >= e.threshold && (s = "attack", t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime), t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(l, i.currentTime + e.attack / 1e3), Number.isNaN(o) || clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(() => {
s = "open";
}, e.attack)) : s === "attack" ? g < e.threshold + e.hysteresis && (s = "release", t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime), t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c, i.currentTime + e.release / 1e3), Number.isNaN(o) || clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(() => {
s = "closed";
}, e.release)) : s === "open" ? g < e.threshold + e.hysteresis && (s = "hold", Number.isNaN(o) || clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(() => {
s = "release", t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime), t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c, i.currentTime + e.release / 1e3), o = setTimeout(() => {
s = "closed";
}, e.release);
}, e.hold)) : s === "hold" ? g >= e.threshold && (s = "open", Number.isNaN(o) || clearTimeout(o)) : s === "release" && g >= e.threshold && (s = "attack", t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime), t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c, i.currentTime + e.attack / 1e3), Number.isNaN(o) || clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(() => {
s = "open";
}, e.attack)), setTimeout(u, e.interval);
const gain = context.createGain();
let state = "open";
let timer = NaN;
const gainOpen = 1;
const gainClosed = dBFSToGain(params.reduction);
const controlGain = () => {
const level = meter.stat().rmsM;
if (state === "closed") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "attack";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainOpen, context.currentTime + params.attack / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "open";
}, params.attack);
} else if (state === "attack") {
if (level < params.threshold + params.hysteresis) {
state = "release";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.release / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "closed";
}, params.release);
} else if (state === "open") {
if (level < params.threshold + params.hysteresis) {
state = "hold";
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "release";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.release / 1e3);
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "closed";
}, params.release);
}, params.hold);
} else if (state === "hold") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "open";
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
} else if (state === "release") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "attack";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.attack / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "open";
}, params.attack);
setTimeout(controlGain, params.interval);
return setTimeout(u, e.interval), new m(n, t);
setTimeout(controlGain, params.interval);
this.chain(meter, gain);
class E {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.fftSize ??= 512, e.minDecibels ??= -60, e.maxDecibels ??= 0, e.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8, e.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60, e.intervalCount ??= Math.round(300 / (1e3 / 60)), e.decibelBars ??= [-60, -45, -21, -6], e.colorBars ??= ["#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030"], e.colorBarsDeactive ??= ["#606060", "#808080", "#a0a0a0", "#c0c0c0"], e.colorRMS ??= "#ffffff", e.colorBackground ??= "#000000", e.horizontal ??= !1;
const n = new k(i, {
fftSize: e.fftSize,
minDecibels: e.minDecibels,
maxDecibels: e.maxDecibels,
smoothingTimeConstant: e.smoothingTimeConstant,
intervalTime: e.intervalTime,
intervalCount: e.intervalCount
class AudioNodeAmplitude extends AudioNodeMeter {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize ??= 512,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels ??= -60,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels ??= 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60,
intervalCount: params.intervalCount ??= Math.round(300 / (1e3 / 60))
/* for 300ms RMS/m */
let t = [], s, o = !1;
n.deactive = (c) => {
o = c;
this._canvases = [];
this._timer = null;
this._deactive = false;
params.decibelBars ??= [-60, -45, -21, -6];
params.colorBars ??= ["#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030"];
params.colorBarsDeactive ??= ["#606060", "#808080", "#a0a0a0", "#c0c0c0"];
params.colorRMS ??= "#ffffff";
params.colorBackground ??= "#000000";
params.horizontal ??= false;
this._params = params;
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
_draw(canvas) {
const peak = this.stat().peak;
const rms = this.stat().rmsM;
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const colorBars = this._deactive ? this._params.colorBarsDeactive : this._params.colorBars;
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value) => {
if (this._params.horizontal)
return value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.width;
return value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.height;
const l = (c) => {
const u = n.stat().peak, g = n.stat().rmsM, f = c.getContext("2d");
f.fillStyle = e.colorBackground, f.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
const h = o ? e.colorBarsDeactive : e.colorBars, r = (T) => e.horizontal ? T / (e.maxDecibels - e.minDecibels) * c.width : T / (e.maxDecibels - e.minDecibels) * c.height, b = (T, A, I) => {
const q = r(Math.abs(A - e.minDecibels)), S = r(Math.abs(A - T));
f.fillStyle = I, e.horizontal ? f.fillRect(q - S, 0, S, c.height) : f.fillRect(0, c.height - q, c.width, S);
}, a = Math.min(e.decibelBars.length, h.length);
let w = e.minDecibels, y = h[0];
for (let T = 0; T < a && !(u < e.decibelBars[T]); T++) {
const A = e.decibelBars[T];
b(w, A, y), y = h[T], w = A;
const drawSeg = (from2, to, color2) => {
const b = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - this._params.minDecibels));
const h2 = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - from2));
canvasCtx.fillStyle = color2;
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx.fillRect(b - h2, 0, h2, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - b, canvas.width, h2);
const len = Math.min(this._params.decibelBars.length, colorBars.length);
let from = this._params.minDecibels;
let color = colorBars[0];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (peak < this._params.decibelBars[i])
else {
const to = this._params.decibelBars[i];
drawSeg(from, to, color);
color = colorBars[i];
from = to;
b(w, u, y);
const D = r(Math.abs(g - e.minDecibels));
f.fillStyle = e.colorRMS, e.horizontal ? f.fillRect(D - 1, 0, 1, c.height) : f.fillRect(0, c.height - D, c.width, 1);
return n.draw = function(c) {
t.push(c), t.length === 1 && (s = new _(() => {
for (const u of t)
}, n.undraw = function(c) {
t = t.filter((u) => u !== c), t.length === 0 && s.clear();
}, n;
drawSeg(from, peak, color);
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(rms - this._params.minDecibels));
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorRMS;
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx.fillRect(h - 1, 0, 1, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - h, canvas.width, 1);
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw(canvas) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas2 of this._canvases)
undraw(canvas) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas);
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
/* allow deactivation control */
deactive(_deactive) {
this._deactive = _deactive;
class O {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.fftSize ??= 8192, e.minDecibels ??= -144, e.maxDecibels ??= 0, e.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8, e.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60, e.layers ??= [-120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10], e.slices ??= [40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480], e.colorBackground ??= "#000000", e.colorBars ??= "#00cc00", e.colorLayers ??= "#009900", e.colorSlices ??= "#009900", e.logarithmic ??= !0;
const n = new k(i, {
fftSize: e.fftSize,
minDecibels: e.minDecibels,
maxDecibels: e.maxDecibels,
smoothingTimeConstant: e.smoothingTimeConstant,
intervalTime: e.intervalTime,
class AudioNodeSpectrum extends AudioNodeMeter {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize ??= 8192,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels ??= -144,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels ??= 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60,
intervalCount: 0
let t = [], s;
const o = (l) => {
const c = n.dataF(), u = l.getContext("2d");
u.fillStyle = e.colorBackground, u.fillRect(0, 0, l.width, l.height);
const g = (f) => f / (e.maxDecibels - e.minDecibels) * l.height;
u.fillStyle = e.colorLayers;
for (const f of e.layers) {
const h = g(Math.abs(f - e.minDecibels));
u.fillRect(0, l.height - h, l.width, 1);
this._canvases = [];
this._timer = null;
params.layers ??= [-120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10];
params.slices ??= [40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480];
params.colorBackground ??= "#000000";
params.colorBars ??= "#00cc00";
params.colorLayers ??= "#009900";
params.colorSlices ??= "#009900";
params.logarithmic ??= true;
this._params = params;
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
_draw(canvas) {
const data = this.dataF();
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value) => value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.height;
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorLayers;
for (const layer of this._params.layers) {
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(layer - this._params.minDecibels));
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - barHeight, canvas.width, 1);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorSlices;
for (const slice of this._params.slices) {
const x = Math.log2(slice / 20) * (canvas.width / 10);
canvasCtx.fillRect(x, 0, 1, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBars;
if (this._params.logarithmic) {
for (let posX = 0; posX < canvas.width; posX++) {
const barWidth = 1;
const f1 = 20 * Math.pow(2, posX * 10 / canvas.width);
const f2 = 20 * Math.pow(2, (posX + 1) * 10 / canvas.width);
const k1 = Math.round(f1 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10))));
let k2 = Math.round(f2 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10)))) - 1;
if (k2 < k1)
k2 = k1;
let db = 0;
for (let k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
db += data[k];
db /= k2 + 1 - k1;
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels);
canvasCtx.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight);
u.fillStyle = e.colorSlices;
for (const f of e.slices) {
const h = Math.log2(f / 20) * (l.width / 10);
u.fillRect(h, 0, 1, l.height);
} else {
let posX = 0;
const barWidth = canvas.width / data.length;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const db = data[i];
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels);
canvasCtx.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth - 0.5, barHeight);
posX += barWidth;
if (u.fillStyle = e.colorBars, e.logarithmic)
for (let f = 0; f < l.width; f++) {
const r = 20 * Math.pow(2, f * 10 / l.width), b = 20 * Math.pow(2, (f + 1) * 10 / l.width), a = Math.round(r * (c.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10))));
let w = Math.round(b * (c.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10)))) - 1;
w < a && (w = a);
let y = 0;
for (let T = a; T <= w; T++)
y += c[T];
y /= w + 1 - a;
const D = g(y - e.minDecibels);
u.fillRect(f, l.height - D, 1, D);
else {
let f = 0;
const h = l.width / c.length;
for (let r = 0; r < c.length; r++) {
const b = c[r], a = g(b - e.minDecibels);
u.fillRect(f, l.height - a, h - 0.5, a), f += h;
return n.draw = function(l) {
t.push(l), t.length === 1 && (s = new _(() => {
for (const c of t)
}, n.undraw = function(l) {
t = t.filter((c) => c !== l), t.length === 0 && s.clear();
}, n;
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw(canvas) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas2 of this._canvases)
undraw(canvas) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas);
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
class L {
constructor(i, e = {}) {
e.equalizer ??= !0, e.noisegate ??= !0, e.compressor ??= !0, e.limiter ??= !0, e.gain ??= 0;
const n = [];
let t = 0;
const s = new j(i);
if (n.push(s), e.equalizer) {
const c = new M(i, {
class AudioNodeVoice extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
this._compensate = 0;
params.equalizer ??= true;
params.noisegate ??= true;
params.compressor ??= true;
params.limiter ??= true;
params.gain ??= 0;
const nodes = [];
this._mute = new AudioNodeMute(context);
if (params.equalizer) {
const cutEQ = new AudioNodeEqualizer(context, {
bands: [

@@ -345,10 +614,10 @@ { type: "highpass", freq: 80, q: 0.25 },

if (e.noisegate) {
const c = new F(i);
if (params.noisegate) {
const gate = new AudioNodeGate(context);
if (e.compressor) {
const c = new R(i, {
if (params.compressor) {
const comp = new AudioNodeCompressor(context, {
threshold: -16,

@@ -360,6 +629,7 @@ attack: 3e-3,

n.push(c), t += -2;
this._compensate += -2;
if (e.equalizer) {
const c = new M(i, {
if (params.equalizer) {
const boostEQ = new AudioNodeEqualizer(context, {
bands: [

@@ -370,7 +640,9 @@ { type: "peaking", freq: 240, q: 0.75, gain: 3 },

n.push(c), t += -1;
this._compensate += -1;
const o = new B(i);
if (n.push(o), e.limiter) {
const c = new z(i, {
this._gain = new AudioNodeGain(context);
if (params.limiter) {
const limiter = new AudioNodeLimiter(context, {
threshold: -3,

@@ -382,23 +654,34 @@ attack: 1e-3,

n.push(c), t += -1;
this._compensate += -1;
const l = m.factory(n);
return l.mute = (c) => s.mute(c), l.adjustGainDecibel = (c, u = 10) => o.adjustGainDecibel(t + c, u), l.adjustGainDecibel(t + e.gain, 0), l;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1]);
this.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
this.adjustGainDecibel(params.gain, 0);
/* provide mute control */
mute(mute) {
/* provide gain adjustment */
adjustGainDecibel(db, ms = 10) {
this._gain.adjustGainDecibel(this._compensate + db, ms);
const W = {
AudioNodeComposite: m,
AudioNodeNoise: G,
AudioNodeGain: B,
AudioNodeCompressor: R,
AudioNodeLimiter: z,
AudioNodeEqualizer: M,
AudioNodeMeter: k,
AudioNodeGate: F,
AudioNodeAmplitude: E,
AudioNodeSpectrum: O,
AudioNodeVoice: L
const audioNodeSuite = {
export {
W as default
audioNodeSuite as default

@@ -1,1 +0,685 @@

(function(g,y){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?module.exports=y():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(y):(g=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:g||self,g.AudioNodeSuite=y())})(this,function(){"use strict";class g extends GainNode{constructor(i,e=i){if(super(i.context),this._bypass=!1,this._targets=[],typeof i!="object"||!(i instanceof AudioNode))throw new Error("input has to be a valid AudioNode");const n=i.context;let t;if(i.numberOfInputs>0)t=n.createGain(),t.connect(i);else{const o=n.createBufferSource();o.buffer=null,t=o}t._targets=[],t._bypass=!1,t._connect=t.connect;const s=(...o)=>{t._targets.push(o);let l;return t._bypass?i.numberOfInputs>0?l=t._connect(...o):l=i.connect(...o):l=e.connect(...o),l};return t.connect=s,t._disconnect=t.disconnect,t.disconnect=(...o)=>{let l;return t._bypass?i.numberOfInputs>0?l=t._disconnect(...o):l=i.connect(...o):l=e.disconnect(...o),t._targets=t._targets.filter(c=>{if(c.length!==o.length)return!0;for(let u=0;u<o.length;u++)if(c[u]!==o[u])return!0;return!1}),l},t.bypass=o=>{if(t._bypass!==o)if(t._bypass=o,t._bypass){i.numberOfInputs>0&&t._disconnect(i);for(const l of t._targets)e.disconnect(...l),t._connect(...l)}else{for(const l of t._targets)t._disconnect.apply(null,l),e.connect(...l);i.numberOfInputs>0&&t._connect(i)}},t.input=i,t.output=e,t}static factory(i){if(i.length<1)throw new Error("at least one node has to be given");for(let e=0;e<i.length-1;e++)i[e].connect(i[e+1]);return new g(i[0],i[i.length-1])}}const y=d=>Math.pow(10,d/20),q=d=>20*Math.log10(d),C=(d,i,e)=>(d<i?d=i:d>e&&(d=e),d),I=(d,i,e,n)=>{const t=d.length<n?d.length:n;let s=0,o=0;for(let l=0;l<=e;l++){const c=l+(t-e);s+=c*d[l],o+=c}if(!i)for(let l=e+1;l<t;l++){const c=l-(e+1);s+=c*d[l],o+=c}return s/=o,s};class V{constructor(i){if(this.timer=NaN,this.timerStop=!1,window!==void 0){const e=()=>{i(),this.timerStop||window.requestAnimationFrame(e)};window.requestAnimationFrame(e)}else this.timer=setInterval(()=>i(),1e3/60)}clear(){window!==void 0?this.timerStop=!0:clearTimeout(this.timer)}}class v{constructor(i,e={}){e.type??="pink",e.channels??=1;const n=5*i.sampleRate,t=i.createBuffer(e.channels,n,i.sampleRate);if(e.type==="white")for(let o=0;o<n;o++){const l=Math.random()*2-1;for(let c=0;c<e.channels;c++){const u=t.getChannelData(c);u[o]=l}}else if(e.type==="pink"){const o=[];for(let f=0;f<e.channels;f++){o[f]=new Float32Array(n);const r=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0];for(let T=0;T<n;T++){const a=Math.random()*2-1;r[0]=.99886*r[0]+a*.0555179,r[1]=.99332*r[1]+a*.0750759,r[2]=.969*r[2]+a*.153852,r[3]=.8665*r[3]+a*.3104856,r[4]=.55*r[4]+a*.5329522,r[5]=-.7616*r[5]-a*.016898,o[f][T]=r[0]+r[1]+r[2]+r[3]+r[4]+r[5]+r[6]+a*.5362,r[6]=a*.115926}}const l=[],c=[];for(let f=0;f<o.length;f++)l.push(Math.min(...o[f])),c.push(Math.max(...o[f]));const u=Math.min(...l),b=Math.max(...c),h=2147483647/2147483648/Math.max(Math.abs(u),b);for(let f=0;f<e.channels;f++)for(let r=0;r<n;r++)t.getChannelData(f)[r]=o[f][r]*h}const s=i.createBufferSource();return s.buffer=t,s.loop=!0,s.start(0),new g(s)}}class G{constructor(i,e={}){e.muted??=!1;const n=i.createGain();n.gain.setValueAtTime(e.muted?0:1,i.currentTime);const t=new g(n);return t.mute=(s,o=10)=>{const l=s?0:1;console.log("FUCK",s,l),n.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(l,i.currentTime+o/1e3)},t}}class _{constructor(i,e={}){e.gain??=0;const n=i.createGain();n.gain.setValueAtTime(y(e.gain),i.currentTime);const t=new g(n);return t.adjustGainDecibel=(s,o=10)=>{t.input.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(y(s),i.currentTime+o/1e3)},t}}class B{constructor(i,e={}){e.threshold??=-16,e.attack??=.003,e.release??=.4,e.knee??=3,e.ratio??=2;const n=i.createDynamicsCompressor();return n.threshold.setValueAtTime(e.threshold,i.currentTime),n.knee.setValueAtTime(e.knee,i.currentTime),n.ratio.setValueAtTime(e.ratio,i.currentTime),n.attack.setValueAtTime(e.attack,i.currentTime),n.release.setValueAtTime(e.release,i.currentTime),new g(n)}}class R{constructor(i,e={}){e.threshold??=-3,e.attack??=.001,e.release??=.05,e.knee??=0,e.ratio??=20;const n=i.createDynamicsCompressor();return n.threshold.setValueAtTime(e.threshold,i.currentTime),n.knee.setValueAtTime(e.knee,i.currentTime),n.ratio.setValueAtTime(e.ratio,i.currentTime),n.attack.setValueAtTime(e.attack,i.currentTime),n.release.setValueAtTime(e.release,i.currentTime),new g(n)}}class N{constructor(i,e={}){e.bands??=[];const n=[];if(e.bands.length<1)throw new Error("at least one band has to be specified");for(let t=0;t<e.bands.length;t++){const s={type:"peaking",freq:64*Math.pow(2,t),q:1,gain:1,...e.bands[t]},o=i.createBiquadFilter();o.type=s.type,o.frequency.setValueAtTime(s.freq,i.currentTime),o.Q.setValueAtTime(s.q,i.currentTime),o.gain.setValueAtTime(s.gain,i.currentTime),n.push(o),t>0&&n[t-1].connect(n[t])}return e.bands.length===1?new g(n[0]):new g(n[0],n[n.length-1])}}class S{constructor(i,e={}){e.fftSize??=512,e.minDecibels??=-94,e.maxDecibels??=0,e.smoothingTimeConstant??=.8,e.intervalTime??=3,e.intervalCount??=100;const n=i.createAnalyser();n.fftSize=e.fftSize,n.minDecibels=e.minDecibels,n.maxDecibels=e.maxDecibels,n.smoothingTimeConstant=e.smoothingTimeConstant;const t={peak:-1/0,rms:-1/0,rmsM:-1/0,rmsS:-1/0},s=e.intervalCount;let o=!0,l=0;const c=[],u=new Float32Array(n.fftSize),b=new Float32Array(n.frequencyBinCount),h=()=>{n.getFloatTimeDomainData(u),n.getFloatFrequencyData(b);let r=0,T=-1/0;for(let a=0;a<u.length;a++){const w=u[a]*u[a];r+=w,T<w&&(T=w)}t.rms=C(q(Math.sqrt(r/u.length)),e.minDecibels,e.maxDecibels),t.peak=C(q(Math.sqrt(T)),e.minDecibels,e.maxDecibels),s>0&&(l===s-1&&o&&(o=!1),l=(l+1)%s,c[l]=t.rms,t.rmsM=I(c,o,l,s))};setInterval(h,e.intervalTime),h();const f=new g(n);return f.dataT=()=>u,f.dataF=()=>b,f.stat=()=>t,f}}class z{constructor(i,e={}){e.threshold??=-45,e.hysteresis??=-3,e.reduction??=-30,e.interval??=2,e.attack??=4,e.hold??=40,e.release??=200;const n=new S(i,{fftSize:512,minDecibels:-94,maxDecibels:0,smoothingTimeConstant:.8,intervalTime:2,intervalCount:25}),t=i.createGain();n.connect(t);let s="open",o=NaN;const l=1,c=y(e.reduction),u=()=>{const b=n.stat().rmsM;s==="closed"?b>=e.threshold&&(s="attack",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(l,i.currentTime+e.attack/1e3),Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="open"},e.attack)):s==="attack"?b<e.threshold+e.hysteresis&&(s="release",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c,i.currentTime+e.release/1e3),Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="closed"},e.release)):s==="open"?b<e.threshold+e.hysteresis&&(s="hold",Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="release",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c,i.currentTime+e.release/1e3),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="closed"},e.release)},e.hold)):s==="hold"?b>=e.threshold&&(s="open",Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o)):s==="release"&&b>=e.threshold&&(s="attack",t.gain.cancelScheduledValues(i.currentTime),t.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(c,i.currentTime+e.attack/1e3),Number.isNaN(o)||clearTimeout(o),o=setTimeout(()=>{s="open"},e.attack)),setTimeout(u,e.interval)};return setTimeout(u,e.interval),new g(n,t)}}class j{constructor(i,e={}){e.fftSize??=512,e.minDecibels??=-60,e.maxDecibels??=0,e.smoothingTimeConstant??=.8,e.intervalTime??=1e3/60,e.intervalCount??=Math.round(300/(1e3/60)),e.decibelBars??=[-60,-45,-21,-6],e.colorBars??=["#306090","#00b000","#e0d000","#e03030"],e.colorBarsDeactive??=["#606060","#808080","#a0a0a0","#c0c0c0"],e.colorRMS??="#ffffff",e.colorBackground??="#000000",e.horizontal??=!1;const n=new S(i,{fftSize:e.fftSize,minDecibels:e.minDecibels,maxDecibels:e.maxDecibels,smoothingTimeConstant:e.smoothingTimeConstant,intervalTime:e.intervalTime,intervalCount:e.intervalCount});let t=[],s,o=!1;n.deactive=c=>{o=c};const l=c=>{const u=n.stat().peak,b=n.stat().rmsM,h=c.getContext("2d");h.fillStyle=e.colorBackground,h.fillRect(0,0,c.width,c.height);const f=o?e.colorBarsDeactive:e.colorBars,r=m=>e.horizontal?m/(e.maxDecibels-e.minDecibels)*c.width:m/(e.maxDecibels-e.minDecibels)*c.height,T=(m,k,L)=>{const F=r(Math.abs(k-e.minDecibels)),M=r(Math.abs(k-m));h.fillStyle=L,e.horizontal?h.fillRect(F-M,0,M,c.height):h.fillRect(0,c.height-F,c.width,M)},a=Math.min(e.decibelBars.length,f.length);let w=e.minDecibels,D=f[0];for(let m=0;m<a&&!(u<e.decibelBars[m]);m++){const k=e.decibelBars[m];T(w,k,D),D=f[m],w=k}T(w,u,D);const A=r(Math.abs(b-e.minDecibels));h.fillStyle=e.colorRMS,e.horizontal?h.fillRect(A-1,0,1,c.height):h.fillRect(0,c.height-A,c.width,1)};return n.draw=function(c){t.push(c),t.length===1&&(s=new V(()=>{for(const u of t)l(u)}))},n.undraw=function(c){t=t.filter(u=>u!==c),t.length===0&&s.clear()},n}}class E{constructor(i,e={}){e.fftSize??=8192,e.minDecibels??=-144,e.maxDecibels??=0,e.smoothingTimeConstant??=.8,e.intervalTime??=1e3/60,e.layers??=[-120,-90,-60,-50,-40,-30,-20,-10],e.slices??=[40,80,160,320,640,1280,2560,5120,10240,20480],e.colorBackground??="#000000",e.colorBars??="#00cc00",e.colorLayers??="#009900",e.colorSlices??="#009900",e.logarithmic??=!0;const n=new S(i,{fftSize:e.fftSize,minDecibels:e.minDecibels,maxDecibels:e.maxDecibels,smoothingTimeConstant:e.smoothingTimeConstant,intervalTime:e.intervalTime,intervalCount:0});let t=[],s;const o=l=>{const c=n.dataF(),u=l.getContext("2d");u.fillStyle=e.colorBackground,u.fillRect(0,0,l.width,l.height);const b=h=>h/(e.maxDecibels-e.minDecibels)*l.height;u.fillStyle=e.colorLayers;for(const h of e.layers){const f=b(Math.abs(h-e.minDecibels));u.fillRect(0,l.height-f,l.width,1)}u.fillStyle=e.colorSlices;for(const h of e.slices){const f=Math.log2(h/20)*(l.width/10);u.fillRect(f,0,1,l.height)}if(u.fillStyle=e.colorBars,e.logarithmic)for(let h=0;h<l.width;h++){const r=20*Math.pow(2,h*10/l.width),T=20*Math.pow(2,(h+1)*10/l.width),a=Math.round(r*(c.length/(20*Math.pow(2,10))));let w=Math.round(T*(c.length/(20*Math.pow(2,10))))-1;w<a&&(w=a);let D=0;for(let m=a;m<=w;m++)D+=c[m];D/=w+1-a;const A=b(D-e.minDecibels);u.fillRect(h,l.height-A,1,A)}else{let h=0;const f=l.width/c.length;for(let r=0;r<c.length;r++){const T=c[r],a=b(T-e.minDecibels);u.fillRect(h,l.height-a,f-.5,a),h+=f}}};return n.draw=function(l){t.push(l),t.length===1&&(s=new V(()=>{for(const c of t)o(c)}))},n.undraw=function(l){t=t.filter(c=>c!==l),t.length===0&&s.clear()},n}}class O{constructor(i,e={}){e.equalizer??=!0,e.noisegate??=!0,e.compressor??=!0,e.limiter??=!0,e.gain??=0;const n=[];let t=0;const s=new G(i);if(n.push(s),e.equalizer){const c=new N(i,{bands:[{type:"highpass",freq:80,q:.25},{type:"highpass",freq:80,q:.5},{type:"notch",freq:50,q:.25},{type:"notch",freq:960,q:4},{type:"lowpass",freq:20480,q:.5},{type:"lowpass",freq:20480,q:.25}]});n.push(c)}if(e.noisegate){const c=new z(i);n.push(c)}if(e.compressor){const c=new B(i,{threshold:-16,attack:.003,release:.4,knee:3,ratio:2});n.push(c),t+=-2}if(e.equalizer){const c=new N(i,{bands:[{type:"peaking",freq:240,q:.75,gain:3},{type:"highshelf",freq:3840,q:.75,gain:6}]});n.push(c),t+=-1}const o=new _(i);if(n.push(o),e.limiter){const c=new R(i,{threshold:-3,attack:.001,release:.05,knee:0,ratio:20});n.push(c),t+=-1}const l=g.factory(n);return l.mute=c=>s.mute(c),l.adjustGainDecibel=(c,u=10)=>o.adjustGainDecibel(t+c,u),l.adjustGainDecibel(t+e.gain,0),l}}return{AudioNodeComposite:g,AudioNodeNoise:v,AudioNodeGain:_,AudioNodeCompressor:B,AudioNodeLimiter:R,AudioNodeEqualizer:N,AudioNodeMeter:S,AudioNodeGate:z,AudioNodeAmplitude:j,AudioNodeSpectrum:E,AudioNodeVoice:O}});
(function(global, factory) {
typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global || self, global.AudioNodeSuite = factory());
})(this, function() {
"use strict";
class AudioNodeComposite extends GainNode {
/* tracked connected targets */
/* just pass-through construction */
constructor(context) {
this.input = null;
this.output = null;
this._bypass = false;
this._targets = [];
/* configure input/output chain */
chain(input, output = input) {
if (typeof input !== "object" || !(input instanceof AudioNode))
throw new Error("input has to be a valid AudioNode");
this.input = input;
this.output = output;
if (this._bypass) {
for (const _target of this._targets)
} else {
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
/* provide an overloaded Web API "connect" method */
connect(...args) {
let result;
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = super.connect(...args);
result = this.output.connect(...args);
return result;
/* provide an overloaded Web API "disconnect" method */
disconnect(...args) {
let result;
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = super.disconnect(...args);
result = this.output.disconnect(...args);
this._targets = this._targets.filter((_target) => {
if (_target.length !== args.length)
return true;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (_target[i] !== args[i])
return true;
return false;
return result;
/* provide a custom "bypass" method */
bypass(bypass) {
if (this._bypass === bypass)
this._bypass = bypass;
if (this._bypass) {
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
} else {
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
/* provide convenient factory method */
static factory(context, nodes) {
if (nodes.length < 1)
throw new Error("at least one node has to be given");
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1]);
const composite = new AudioNodeComposite(context);
composite.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
return composite;
const dBFSToGain = (dbfs) => Math.pow(10, dbfs / 20);
const gainTodBFS = (gain) => 20 * Math.log10(gain);
const ensureWithin = (val, min, max) => {
if (val < min)
val = min;
else if (val > max)
val = max;
return val;
const weightedAverage = (arr, init, pos, len) => {
const max = arr.length < len ? arr.length : len;
let avg = 0;
let num = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= pos; i++) {
const w = i + (max - pos);
avg += w * arr[i];
num += w;
if (!init) {
for (let i = pos + 1; i < max; i++) {
const w = i - (pos + 1);
avg += w * arr[i];
num += w;
avg /= num;
return avg;
class AnimationFrameTimer {
constructor(cb) {
this.timer = NaN;
this.timerStop = false;
if (window !== void 0) {
const once = () => {
if (!this.timerStop)
} else
this.timer = setInterval(() => cb(), 1e3 / 60);
clear() {
if (window !== void 0)
this.timerStop = true;
class AudioNodeNoise extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.type ??= "pink";
params.channels ??= 1;
const lengthInSamples = 5 * context.sampleRate;
const buffer = context.createBuffer(params.channels, lengthInSamples, context.sampleRate);
if (params.type === "white") {
for (let i = 0; i < lengthInSamples; i++) {
const rand = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
for (let j = 0; j < params.channels; j++) {
const data = buffer.getChannelData(j);
data[i] = rand;
} else if (params.type === "pink") {
const pink = [];
for (let i = 0; i < params.channels; i++) {
pink[i] = new Float32Array(lengthInSamples);
const b = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let j = 0; j < lengthInSamples; j++) {
const white = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
b[0] = 0.99886 * b[0] + white * 0.0555179;
b[1] = 0.99332 * b[1] + white * 0.0750759;
b[2] = 0.969 * b[2] + white * 0.153852;
b[3] = 0.8665 * b[3] + white * 0.3104856;
b[4] = 0.55 * b[4] + white * 0.5329522;
b[5] = -0.7616 * b[5] - white * 0.016898;
pink[i][j] = b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3] + b[4] + b[5] + b[6] + white * 0.5362;
b[6] = white * 0.115926;
const minA = [];
const maxA = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pink.length; i++) {
const min = Math.min(...minA);
const max = Math.max(...maxA);
const coefficient = 2147483647 / 2147483648 / Math.max(Math.abs(min), max);
for (let i = 0; i < params.channels; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < lengthInSamples; j++)
buffer.getChannelData(i)[j] = pink[i][j] * coefficient;
const bs = context.createBufferSource();
bs.channelCount = params.channels;
bs.buffer = buffer;
bs.loop = true;
class AudioNodeMute extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.muted ??= false;
this.gain.setValueAtTime(params.muted ? 0 : 1, this.context.currentTime);
mute(_mute, ms = 10) {
const value = _mute ? 0 : 1;
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, this.context.currentTime + ms / 1e3);
class AudioNodeGain extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.gain ??= 0;
this.gain.setValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(params.gain), this.context.currentTime);
adjustGainDecibel(db, ms = 10) {
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(db), this.context.currentTime + ms / 1e3);
class AudioNodeCompressor extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -16;
params.attack ??= 3e-3;
params.release ??= 0.4;
params.knee ??= 3;
params.ratio ??= 2;
const compressor = context.createDynamicsCompressor();
compressor.threshold.setValueAtTime(params.threshold, context.currentTime);
compressor.knee.setValueAtTime(params.knee, context.currentTime);
compressor.ratio.setValueAtTime(params.ratio, context.currentTime);
compressor.attack.setValueAtTime(params.attack, context.currentTime);
compressor.release.setValueAtTime(params.release, context.currentTime);
class AudioNodeLimiter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -3;
params.attack ??= 1e-3;
params.release ??= 0.05;
params.knee ??= 0;
params.ratio ??= 20;
const limiter = context.createDynamicsCompressor();
limiter.threshold.setValueAtTime(params.threshold, context.currentTime);
limiter.knee.setValueAtTime(params.knee, context.currentTime);
limiter.ratio.setValueAtTime(params.ratio, context.currentTime);
limiter.attack.setValueAtTime(params.attack, context.currentTime);
limiter.release.setValueAtTime(params.release, context.currentTime);
class AudioNodeEqualizer extends AudioNodeComposite {
/* global BiquadFilterType */
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.bands ??= [];
const bands = [];
if (params.bands.length < 1)
throw new Error("at least one band has to be specified");
for (let i = 0; i < params.bands.length; i++) {
const options = {
type: "peaking",
freq: 64 * Math.pow(2, i),
q: 1,
gain: 1,
const band = context.createBiquadFilter();
band.type = options.type;
band.frequency.setValueAtTime(options.freq, context.currentTime);
band.Q.setValueAtTime(options.q, context.currentTime);
band.gain.setValueAtTime(options.gain, context.currentTime);
if (i > 0)
bands[i - 1].connect(bands[i]);
if (params.bands.length === 1)
this.chain(bands[0], bands[bands.length - 1]);
class AudioNodeMeter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.fftSize ??= 512;
params.minDecibels ??= -94;
params.maxDecibels ??= 0;
params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8;
params.intervalTime ??= 3;
params.intervalCount ??= 100;
const analyser = context.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = params.fftSize;
analyser.minDecibels = params.minDecibels;
analyser.maxDecibels = params.maxDecibels;
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = params.smoothingTimeConstant;
const stat = { peak: -Infinity, rms: -Infinity, rmsM: -Infinity, rmsS: -Infinity };
const rmsLen = params.intervalCount;
let rmsInit = true;
let rmsPos = 0;
const rmsArr = [];
const dataT = new Float32Array(analyser.fftSize);
const dataF = new Float32Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
const measure = () => {
let rms = 0;
let peak = -Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < dataT.length; i++) {
const square = dataT[i] * dataT[i];
rms += square;
if (peak < square)
peak = square;
stat.rms = ensureWithin(
gainTodBFS(Math.sqrt(rms / dataT.length)),
stat.peak = ensureWithin(
if (rmsLen > 0) {
if (rmsPos === rmsLen - 1 && rmsInit)
rmsInit = false;
rmsPos = (rmsPos + 1) % rmsLen;
rmsArr[rmsPos] = stat.rms;
stat.rmsM = weightedAverage(rmsArr, rmsInit, rmsPos, rmsLen);
setInterval(measure, params.intervalTime);
this.dataT = () => dataT;
this.dataF = () => dataF;
this.stat = () => stat;
class AudioNodeGate extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
params.threshold ??= -45;
params.hysteresis ??= -3;
params.reduction ??= -30;
params.interval ??= 2;
params.attack ??= 4;
params.hold ??= 40;
params.release ??= 200;
const meter = new AudioNodeMeter(context, {
fftSize: 512,
minDecibels: -94,
maxDecibels: 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: 0.8,
intervalTime: 2,
intervalCount: 25
const gain = context.createGain();
let state = "open";
let timer = NaN;
const gainOpen = 1;
const gainClosed = dBFSToGain(params.reduction);
const controlGain = () => {
const level = meter.stat().rmsM;
if (state === "closed") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "attack";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainOpen, context.currentTime + params.attack / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "open";
}, params.attack);
} else if (state === "attack") {
if (level < params.threshold + params.hysteresis) {
state = "release";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.release / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "closed";
}, params.release);
} else if (state === "open") {
if (level < params.threshold + params.hysteresis) {
state = "hold";
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "release";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.release / 1e3);
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "closed";
}, params.release);
}, params.hold);
} else if (state === "hold") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "open";
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
} else if (state === "release") {
if (level >= params.threshold) {
state = "attack";
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gainClosed, context.currentTime + params.attack / 1e3);
if (!Number.isNaN(timer))
timer = setTimeout(() => {
state = "open";
}, params.attack);
setTimeout(controlGain, params.interval);
setTimeout(controlGain, params.interval);
this.chain(meter, gain);
class AudioNodeAmplitude extends AudioNodeMeter {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize ??= 512,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels ??= -60,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels ??= 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60,
intervalCount: params.intervalCount ??= Math.round(300 / (1e3 / 60))
/* for 300ms RMS/m */
this._canvases = [];
this._timer = null;
this._deactive = false;
params.decibelBars ??= [-60, -45, -21, -6];
params.colorBars ??= ["#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030"];
params.colorBarsDeactive ??= ["#606060", "#808080", "#a0a0a0", "#c0c0c0"];
params.colorRMS ??= "#ffffff";
params.colorBackground ??= "#000000";
params.horizontal ??= false;
this._params = params;
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
_draw(canvas) {
const peak = this.stat().peak;
const rms = this.stat().rmsM;
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const colorBars = this._deactive ? this._params.colorBarsDeactive : this._params.colorBars;
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value) => {
if (this._params.horizontal)
return value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.width;
return value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.height;
const drawSeg = (from2, to, color2) => {
const b = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - this._params.minDecibels));
const h2 = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - from2));
canvasCtx.fillStyle = color2;
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx.fillRect(b - h2, 0, h2, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - b, canvas.width, h2);
const len = Math.min(this._params.decibelBars.length, colorBars.length);
let from = this._params.minDecibels;
let color = colorBars[0];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (peak < this._params.decibelBars[i])
else {
const to = this._params.decibelBars[i];
drawSeg(from, to, color);
color = colorBars[i];
from = to;
drawSeg(from, peak, color);
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(rms - this._params.minDecibels));
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorRMS;
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx.fillRect(h - 1, 0, 1, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - h, canvas.width, 1);
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw(canvas) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas2 of this._canvases)
undraw(canvas) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas);
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
/* allow deactivation control */
deactive(_deactive) {
this._deactive = _deactive;
class AudioNodeSpectrum extends AudioNodeMeter {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize ??= 8192,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels ??= -144,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels ??= 0,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.8,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime ??= 1e3 / 60,
intervalCount: 0
this._canvases = [];
this._timer = null;
params.layers ??= [-120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10];
params.slices ??= [40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480];
params.colorBackground ??= "#000000";
params.colorBars ??= "#00cc00";
params.colorLayers ??= "#009900";
params.colorSlices ??= "#009900";
params.logarithmic ??= true;
this._params = params;
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
_draw(canvas) {
const data = this.dataF();
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value) => value / (this._params.maxDecibels - this._params.minDecibels) * canvas.height;
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorLayers;
for (const layer of this._params.layers) {
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(layer - this._params.minDecibels));
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, canvas.height - barHeight, canvas.width, 1);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorSlices;
for (const slice of this._params.slices) {
const x = Math.log2(slice / 20) * (canvas.width / 10);
canvasCtx.fillRect(x, 0, 1, canvas.height);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = this._params.colorBars;
if (this._params.logarithmic) {
for (let posX = 0; posX < canvas.width; posX++) {
const barWidth = 1;
const f1 = 20 * Math.pow(2, posX * 10 / canvas.width);
const f2 = 20 * Math.pow(2, (posX + 1) * 10 / canvas.width);
const k1 = Math.round(f1 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10))));
let k2 = Math.round(f2 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10)))) - 1;
if (k2 < k1)
k2 = k1;
let db = 0;
for (let k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
db += data[k];
db /= k2 + 1 - k1;
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels);
canvasCtx.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight);
} else {
let posX = 0;
const barWidth = canvas.width / data.length;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const db = data[i];
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels);
canvasCtx.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth - 0.5, barHeight);
posX += barWidth;
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw(canvas) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas2 of this._canvases)
undraw(canvas) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas);
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
class AudioNodeVoice extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor(context, params = {}) {
this._compensate = 0;
params.equalizer ??= true;
params.noisegate ??= true;
params.compressor ??= true;
params.limiter ??= true;
params.gain ??= 0;
const nodes = [];
this._mute = new AudioNodeMute(context);
if (params.equalizer) {
const cutEQ = new AudioNodeEqualizer(context, {
bands: [
{ type: "highpass", freq: 80, q: 0.25 },
{ type: "highpass", freq: 80, q: 0.5 },
{ type: "notch", freq: 50, q: 0.25 },
{ type: "notch", freq: 960, q: 4 },
{ type: "lowpass", freq: 20480, q: 0.5 },
{ type: "lowpass", freq: 20480, q: 0.25 }
if (params.noisegate) {
const gate = new AudioNodeGate(context);
if (params.compressor) {
const comp = new AudioNodeCompressor(context, {
threshold: -16,
attack: 3e-3,
release: 0.4,
knee: 3,
ratio: 2
this._compensate += -2;
if (params.equalizer) {
const boostEQ = new AudioNodeEqualizer(context, {
bands: [
{ type: "peaking", freq: 240, q: 0.75, gain: 3 },
{ type: "highshelf", freq: 3840, q: 0.75, gain: 6 }
this._compensate += -1;
this._gain = new AudioNodeGain(context);
if (params.limiter) {
const limiter = new AudioNodeLimiter(context, {
threshold: -3,
attack: 1e-3,
release: 0.05,
knee: 0,
ratio: 20
this._compensate += -1;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1]);
this.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1]);
this.adjustGainDecibel(params.gain, 0);
/* provide mute control */
mute(mute) {
/* provide gain adjustment */
adjustGainDecibel(db, ms = 10) {
this._gain.adjustGainDecibel(this._compensate + db, ms);
const audioNodeSuite = {
return audioNodeSuite;
"name": "audio-node-suite",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "Audio-Node-Suite -- Web Audio API AudioNode Suite",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [ "web", "audio", "api", "audionode", "suite" ],

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@

`AudioNode`. As an additional goodie, the class provides a useful
`bypass()` method for temporarily bypassing the effect of the
"by-pass" functionality for temporarily by-passing the effect of the
underlying `AudioNode` instances.

@@ -29,0 +29,0 @@

@@ -33,9 +33,2 @@ /*

/* get the value at a certain frequency in a bucket of frequencies (as returned by "getFloatFrequencyData" */
export const getFrequencyValue = (ctx: AudioContext, freq: number, buckets: Float32Array) => {
const nyquist = ctx.sampleRate / 2
const index = Math.round(freq / nyquist * buckets.length)
return buckets[index]
/* ensure a value is within min/max boundaries */

@@ -42,0 +35,0 @@ export const ensureWithin = (val: number, min: number, max: number) => {

@@ -25,15 +25,23 @@ /*

/* internal signature of connect/disconnect methods */
type connect = (...args: any[]) => any
type disconnect = (...args: any[]) => any
/* Composite Web Audio API AudioNode */
export class AudioNodeComposite extends GainNode {
private _bypass = false
private _connect: any
private _disconnect: any
private _targets = [] as any[]
declare public context: BaseAudioContext
declare public input: AudioNode
declare public output: AudioNode
declare public bypass: (bypass: boolean) => void
constructor (input: AudioNode, output: AudioNode = input) {
/* configured input/output nodes of composed chain */
public input: AudioNode | null = null
public output: AudioNode | null = null
/* internal state */
private _bypass = false /* whether to bypass node */
private _targets = [] as any[] /* tracked connected targets */
/* just pass-through construction */
constructor (context: AudioContext) {
/* configure input/output chain */
chain (input: AudioNode, output: AudioNode = input) {
/* require at least a wrapped input node */

@@ -43,107 +51,90 @@ if (typeof input !== "object" || !(input instanceof AudioNode))

/* determine AudioContext via input node */
const context = input.context
/* configure chain */
this.input = input
this.output = output
/* use a no-op AudioNode node to represent us */
let node: AudioNodeComposite
if (input.numberOfInputs > 0) {
node = context.createGain() as unknown as AudioNodeComposite
if (this._bypass) {
/* bypass mode: connect us to targets directly */
for (const _target of this._targets)
(super.connect as connect)(..._target)
else {
const bs = context.createBufferSource()
bs.buffer = null
node = bs as unknown as AudioNodeComposite
/* regular mode: connect us to to targets via input/output nodes */
for (const _target of this._targets) {
(super.disconnect as disconnect)(..._target);
(this.output.connect as connect)(..._target)
if (this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
(super.connect as connect)(this.input)
/* track the connected targets and bypass state */
node._targets = [] as AudioNode[]
node._bypass = false
/* provide an overloaded Web API "connect" method */
connect (...args: any[]): any {
/* track target */
/* provide an overloaded Web API "connect" method */
node._connect = node.connect
const connect = (...args: any[]): any => {
/* track target */
/* connect us to target node */
let result: any
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = (super.connect as connect)(...args)
result = (this.output.connect as connect)(...args)
return result
/* connect us to target node */
let result: any
if (node._bypass) {
if (input.numberOfInputs > 0)
result = node._connect(...args)
result = (input.connect as (...args: any[]) => any)(...args)
result = (output.connect as (...args: any[]) => any)(...args)
/* provide an overloaded Web API "disconnect" method */
disconnect (...args: any[]): any {
/* disconnect us from target node */
let result: any
if (this._bypass || this.output === null)
result = (super.disconnect as disconnect)(...args)
result = (this.output.disconnect as disconnect)(...args)
return result
node.connect = connect
/* provide an overloaded Web API "disconnect" method */
node._disconnect = node.disconnect
node.disconnect = (...args: any[]): any => {
/* disconnect us from target node */
let result: any
if (node._bypass) {
if (input.numberOfInputs > 0)
result = node._disconnect(...args)
result = (input.connect as (...args: any[]) => any)(...args)
result = (output.disconnect as (...args: any[]) => any)(...args)
/* untrack target */
node._targets = node._targets.filter((_target: any[]) => {
if (_target.length !== args.length)
/* untrack target */
this._targets = this._targets.filter((_target: any[]) => {
if (_target.length !== args.length)
return true
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (_target[i] !== args[i])
return true
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (_target[i] !== args[i])
return true
return false
return false
return result
return result
/* provide a custom "bypass" method */
node.bypass = (bypass: boolean) => {
/* short-circuit no operations */
if (node._bypass === bypass)
/* provide a custom "bypass" method */
bypass (bypass: boolean) {
/* short-circuit no operations */
if (this._bypass === bypass)
/* take over new state and dispatch according to it */
node._bypass = bypass
if (node._bypass) {
/* bypass mode: connect us to targets directly */
if (input.numberOfInputs > 0)
for (const _target of node._targets) {
(output.disconnect as (...args: any[]) => any)(..._target)
/* take over new state and dispatch according to it */
this._bypass = bypass
if (this._bypass) {
/* bypass mode: connect us to targets directly */
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
(super.disconnect as disconnect)(this.input)
for (const _target of this._targets) {
if (this.output !== null)
(this.output.disconnect as disconnect)(..._target);
(super.connect as connect)(..._target)
else {
/* regular mode: connect us to to targets via input/output nodes */
for (const _target of node._targets) {
node._disconnect.apply(null, _target);
(output.connect as (...args: any[]) => any)(..._target)
if (input.numberOfInputs > 0)
else {
/* regular mode: connect us to to targets via input/output nodes */
for (const _target of this._targets) {
(super.disconnect as disconnect)(..._target)
if (this.output !== null)
(this.output.connect as connect)(..._target)
if (this.input !== null && this.input.numberOfInputs > 0)
(super.connect as connect)(this.input)
/* pass-through input and output nodes */
node.input = input
node.output = output
/* return our "AudioNode" representation (instead of ourself) */
return node
/* factory for Composite Web Audio API AudioNode */
static factory (nodes: AudioNode[]) {
/* provide convenient factory method */
static factory (context: AudioContext, nodes: AudioNode[]) {
if (nodes.length < 1)

@@ -153,5 +144,7 @@ throw new Error("at least one node has to be given")

nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1])
return new AudioNodeComposite(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1])
const composite = new AudioNodeComposite(context)
composite.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1])
return composite

@@ -30,9 +30,12 @@ /*

/* custom AudioNode: silence */
export class AudioNodeSilence {
export class AudioNodeSilence extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { channels?: number } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */
params.channels ??= 1
/* create underlying BufferSource node */
/* configure the underlying BufferSource node */
const bs = context.createBufferSource()
bs.channelCount = params.channels
bs.buffer = null

@@ -42,4 +45,3 @@ bs.loop = true

/* return convenient composite */
return (new AudioNodeComposite(bs) as unknown as AudioNodeSilence)

@@ -49,4 +51,6 @@ }

/* custom AudioNode: noise */
export class AudioNodeNoise {
export class AudioNodeNoise extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { type?: string, channels?: number } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -110,8 +114,7 @@ params.type ??= "pink"

const bs = context.createBufferSource()
bs.channelCount = params.channels
bs.buffer = buffer
bs.loop = true
/* return convenient composite */
return (new AudioNodeComposite(bs) as unknown as AudioNodeNoise)

@@ -121,6 +124,6 @@ }

/* custom AudioNode: mute */
export class AudioNodeMute {
declare public mute: (mute: boolean, ms?: number) => void
declare public muted: () => boolean
export class AudioNodeMute extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { muted?: boolean } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -130,20 +133,15 @@ params.muted ??= false

/* create and configure underlying Gain node */
const gain = context.createGain()
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(params.muted ? 0.0 : 1.0, context.currentTime)
/* create and return convenient composite */
const node = (new AudioNodeComposite(gain) as unknown as AudioNodeMute)
node.mute = (_mute: boolean, ms = 10) => {
const value = _mute ? 0.0 : 1.0
console.log("FUCK", _mute, value)
gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, context.currentTime + ms / 1000)
return node
this.gain.setValueAtTime(params.muted ? 0.0 : 1.0, this.context.currentTime)
mute (_mute: boolean, ms = 10) {
const value = _mute ? 0.0 : 1.0
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, this.context.currentTime + ms / 1000)
/* custom AudioNode: gain */
export class AudioNodeGain {
declare public adjustGainDecibel: (db: number, ms: number) => void
export class AudioNodeGain extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { gain?: number } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -153,19 +151,15 @@ params.gain ??= 0

/* create and configure underlying Gain node */
const gain = context.createGain()
gain.gain.setValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(params.gain), context.currentTime)
/* create and return convenient composite */
const node = (new AudioNodeComposite(gain) as unknown as AudioNodeGain)
node.adjustGainDecibel = (db: number, ms = 10) => {
((node as unknown as AudioNodeComposite).input as GainNode)
.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(db), context.currentTime + ms / 1000)
return node
this.gain.setValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(params.gain), this.context.currentTime)
adjustGainDecibel (db: number, ms = 10) {
this.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(dBFSToGain(db), this.context.currentTime + ms / 1000)
/* custom AudioNode: compressor */
export class AudioNodeCompressor {
export class AudioNodeCompressor extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { threshold?: number, attack?: number,
release?: number, knee?: number, ratio?: number } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -186,4 +180,4 @@ params.threshold ??= -16.0

/* return convenient composite */
return (new AudioNodeComposite(compressor) as unknown as AudioNodeCompressor)
/* configure compressor as sub-chain */

@@ -193,5 +187,7 @@ }

/* custom AudioNode: limiter */
export class AudioNodeLimiter {
export class AudioNodeLimiter extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { threshold?: number, attack?: number,
release?: number, knee?: number, ratio?: number } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -212,6 +208,6 @@ params.threshold ??= -3.0

/* return convenient composite */
return (new AudioNodeComposite(limiter) as unknown as AudioNodeLimiter)
/* configure limiter as sub-chain */

@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ /*

/* custom AudioNode: parametric equalizer */
export class AudioNodeEqualizer {
export class AudioNodeEqualizer extends AudioNodeComposite {
/* global BiquadFilterType */
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: { bands?:
Array<{ type?: BiquadFilterType, freq?: number, q?: number, gain?: number }> } = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ params.bands ??= []

if (params.bands.length === 1)
return new AudioNodeComposite(bands[0])
return new AudioNodeComposite(bands[0], bands[bands.length - 1])
this.chain(bands[0], bands[bands.length - 1])

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ /*

/* custom AudioNode: meter */
export class AudioNodeMeter {
export class AudioNodeMeter extends AudioNodeComposite {
declare public dataT: () => Float32Array

@@ -43,2 +43,4 @@ declare public dataF: () => Float32Array

} = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -58,2 +60,3 @@ params.fftSize ??= 512

analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = params.smoothingTimeConstant

@@ -104,9 +107,7 @@ /* initialize internal state */

/* wrap node into a composite and allow caller to access internals */
const composite = (new AudioNodeComposite(analyser) as unknown as AudioNodeMeter)
composite.dataT = () => dataT
composite.dataF = () => dataF
composite.stat = () => stat
return composite
this.dataT = () => dataT
this.dataF = () => dataF
this.stat = () => stat

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ /*

/* custom AudioNode: (noise) gate */
export class AudioNodeGate {
export class AudioNodeGate extends AudioNodeComposite {
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: {

@@ -42,2 +42,4 @@ threshold?: number, /* open above threshold (dbFS) */

} = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -63,4 +65,4 @@ params.threshold ??= -45

/* leverage Gain node for changing the gain */
const gain = context.createGain() as GainNode
(meter as unknown as AudioNode).connect(gain)
const gain = context.createGain()

@@ -150,6 +152,6 @@ /* continuously control gain */

/* return compose node */
return (new AudioNodeComposite(meter as unknown as AudioNode, gain)) as unknown as AudioNodeGate
/* configure chain */
this.chain(meter, gain)

@@ -26,31 +26,38 @@ /*

/* internal requirements */
import { AnimationFrameTimer } from "./audio-node-suite-1-util.js"
import { AudioNodeMeter } from "./audio-node-suite-5-meter.js"
import { AnimationFrameTimer } from "./audio-node-suite-1-util.js"
import { AudioNodeMeter } from "./audio-node-suite-5-meter.js"
/* parameter pre-definition */
type AudioNodeAmplitudeParams = {
fftSize?: number, /* FFT size (default: 512) */
minDecibels?: number, /* FFT minimum decibels (default: -60) */
maxDecibels?: number, /* FFT maximum decibels (default: 0) */
smoothingTimeConstant?: number, /* FFT smoothing time constant (default: 0.8) */
intervalTime?: number, /* interval time in milliseconds to act (default: 1000 / 60) */
intervalCount?: number, /* interval length for average calculations (default: 300 / (1000 / 60)) */
decibelBars?: number[], /* list of decibel layers to draw (default: [ -60, -45, -21, -6 ]) */
colorBars?: string[], /* list of color layers to draw (default: [ "#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030" ]) */
colorBarsDeactive?: string[], /* list of color layers to draw (default: [ "#606060", "#808080", "#a0a0a0", "#c0c0c0" ]) */
colorRMS?: string, /* color of the RMS decibel (default: "#ffffff") */
colorBackground?: string, /* color of the background (default: "#000000") */
horizontal?: boolean /* whether to draw horizontall instead of vertically (default: false) */
/* custom AudioNode: amplitude visualizer */
export class AudioNodeAmplitude {
declare public deactive: (deactive: boolean) => void
declare public draw: (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => void
declare public undraw: (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => void
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: {
fftSize?: number, /* FFT size (default: 512) */
minDecibels?: number, /* FFT minimum decibels (default: -60) */
maxDecibels?: number, /* FFT maximum decibels (default: 0) */
smoothingTimeConstant?: number, /* FFT smoothing time constant (default: 0.8) */
intervalTime?: number, /* interval time in milliseconds to act (default: 1000 / 60) */
intervalCount?: number /* interval length for average calculations (default: 300 / (1000 / 60)) */
decibelBars?: number[], /* list of decibel layers to draw (default: [ -60, -45, -21, -6 ]) */
colorBars?: string[], /* list of color layers to draw (default: [ "#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030" ]) */
colorBarsDeactive?: string[], /* list of color layers to draw (default: [ "#606060", "#808080", "#a0a0a0", "#c0c0c0" ]) */
colorRMS?: string, /* color of the RMS decibel (default: "#ffffff") */
colorBackground?: string, /* color of the background (default: "#000000") */
horizontal?: boolean /* whether to draw horizontall instead of vertically (default: false) */
} = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */
params.fftSize ??= 512
params.minDecibels ??= -60
params.maxDecibels ??= 0
params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.80
params.intervalTime ??= 1000 / 60
params.intervalCount ??= Math.round(300 / (1000 / 60)) /* for 300ms RMS/m */
export class AudioNodeAmplitude extends AudioNodeMeter {
private _canvases = [] as HTMLCanvasElement[]
private _timer: AnimationFrameTimer | null = null
private _deactive = false
private _params: AudioNodeAmplitudeParams
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: AudioNodeAmplitudeParams = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: (params.fftSize ??= 512),
minDecibels: (params.minDecibels ??= -60),
maxDecibels: (params.maxDecibels ??= 0),
smoothingTimeConstant: (params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.80),
intervalTime: (params.intervalTime ??= 1000 / 60),
intervalCount: (params.intervalCount ??= Math.round(300 / (1000 / 60))) /* for 300ms RMS/m */
/* provide parameter defaults (remaining ones) */
params.decibelBars ??= [ -60, -45, -21, -6 ]

@@ -63,89 +70,76 @@ params.colorBars ??= [ "#306090", "#00b000", "#e0d000", "#e03030" ]

/* create meter */
const meter = new AudioNodeMeter(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime,
intervalCount: params.intervalCount
this._params = params
/* internal state */
let canvases = [] as HTMLCanvasElement[]
let timer: AnimationFrameTimer
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
private _draw (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
/* determine meter information */
const peak = this.stat().peak
const rms = this.stat().rmsM
/* allow caller to adjust our mute state */
let deactive = false;
(meter as unknown as AudioNodeAmplitude).deactive = (_deactive) => { deactive = _deactive }
/* prepare canvas */
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d")
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground!
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
const _draw = (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => {
/* determine meter information */
const peak = meter.stat().peak
const rms = meter.stat().rmsM
/* prepare canvas */
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d")
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = params.colorBackground!
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
const colorBars = deactive ? params.colorBarsDeactive! : params.colorBars!
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value: number) => {
if (params.horizontal)
return (value / (params.maxDecibels! - params.minDecibels!)) * canvas.width
return (value / (params.maxDecibels! - params.minDecibels!)) * canvas.height
const drawSeg = (from: number, to: number, color: string) => {
const b = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - params.minDecibels!))
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - from))
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = color
if (params.horizontal)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(b - h, 0, h, canvas.height)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, canvas.height - b, canvas.width, h)
const len = Math.min(params.decibelBars!.length, colorBars.length)
let from = params.minDecibels!
let color = colorBars[0]
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (peak < params.decibelBars![i])
else {
const to = params.decibelBars![i]
drawSeg(from, to, color)
color = colorBars[i]
from = to
drawSeg(from, peak, color)
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(rms - params.minDecibels!))
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = params.colorRMS!
if (params.horizontal!)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(h - 1, 0, 1, canvas.height)
const colorBars = this._deactive ? this._params.colorBarsDeactive! : this._params.colorBars!
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value: number) => {
if (this._params.horizontal)
return (value / (this._params.maxDecibels! - this._params.minDecibels!)) * canvas.width
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, canvas.height - h, canvas.width, 1)
return (value / (this._params.maxDecibels! - this._params.minDecibels!)) * canvas.height
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
(meter as unknown as AudioNodeAmplitude).draw = function (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
if (canvases.length === 1) {
timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas of canvases)
const drawSeg = (from: number, to: number, color: string) => {
const b = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - this._params.minDecibels!))
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(to - from))
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = color
if (this._params.horizontal)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(b - h, 0, h, canvas.height)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, canvas.height - b, canvas.width, h)
const len = Math.min(this._params.decibelBars!.length, colorBars.length)
let from = this._params.minDecibels!
let color = colorBars[0]
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (peak < this._params.decibelBars![i])
else {
const to = this._params.decibelBars![i]
drawSeg(from, to, color)
color = colorBars[i]
from = to
(meter as unknown as AudioNodeAmplitude).undraw = function (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
canvases = canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas)
if (canvases.length === 0)
drawSeg(from, peak, color)
return (meter as unknown as AudioNodeAmplitude)
const h = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(rms - this._params.minDecibels!))
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = this._params.colorRMS!
if (this._params.horizontal!)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(h - 1, 0, 1, canvas.height)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, canvas.height - h, canvas.width, 1)
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas of this._canvases)
undraw (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas)
if (this._canvases.length === 0)
/* allow deactivation control */
deactive (_deactive: boolean) {
this._deactive = _deactive

@@ -29,26 +29,34 @@ /*

/* parameter pre-definition */
type AudioNodeSpectrumParams = {
fftSize?: number, /* FFT size (default: 8192) */
minDecibels?: number, /* FFT minimum decibels (default: -144) */
maxDecibels?: number, /* FFT maximum decibels (default: 0) */
smoothingTimeConstant?: number, /* FFT smoothing time constant (default: 0.8) */
intervalTime?: number, /* interval time in milliseconds to act (default: 1000 / 60) */
layers?: number[], /* list of decibel layers to draw (default: [ -120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10 ]) */
slices?: number[], /* list of frequency slices to draw (default: [ 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480 ]) */
colorBackground?: string, /* color of the background (default: "#000000") */
colorBars?: string, /* color of the spectrum bars (default: "#00cc00") */
colorLayers?: string, /* color of the decibel layer lines (default: "#009900") */
colorSlices?: string, /* color of the frequency slice lines (default: "#009900") */
logarithmic?: boolean /* whether to use logarithmic scale for frequencies (default: true) */
/* custom AudioNode: spectrum visualizer */
export class AudioNodeSpectrum {
declare public draw: (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => void
declare public undraw: (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => void
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: {
fftSize?: number, /* FFT size (default: 8192) */
minDecibels?: number, /* FFT minimum decibels (default: -144) */
maxDecibels?: number, /* FFT maximum decibels (default: 0) */
smoothingTimeConstant?: number, /* FFT smoothing time constant (default: 0.8) */
intervalTime?: number, /* interval time in milliseconds to act (default: 1000 / 60) */
layers?: number[], /* list of decibel layers to draw (default: [ -120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10 ]) */
slices?: number[], /* list of frequency slices to draw (default: [ 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480 ]) */
colorBackground?: string, /* color of the background (default: "#000000") */
colorBars?: string, /* color of the spectrum bars (default: "#00cc00") */
colorLayers?: string, /* color of the decibel layer lines (default: "#009900") */
colorSlices?: string, /* color of the frequency slice lines (default: "#009900") */
logarithmic?: boolean /* whether to use logarithmic scale for frequencies (default: true) */
} = {}) {
export class AudioNodeSpectrum extends AudioNodeMeter {
private _canvases = [] as HTMLCanvasElement[]
private _timer: AnimationFrameTimer | null = null
private _params: AudioNodeSpectrumParams
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: AudioNodeSpectrumParams = {}) {
super(context, {
fftSize: (params.fftSize ??= 8192),
minDecibels: (params.minDecibels ??= -144),
maxDecibels: (params.maxDecibels ??= 0),
smoothingTimeConstant: (params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.80),
intervalTime: (params.intervalTime ??= 1000 / 60),
intervalCount: 0
/* provide parameter defaults */
params.fftSize ??= 8192
params.minDecibels ??= -144
params.maxDecibels ??= 0
params.smoothingTimeConstant ??= 0.80
params.intervalTime ??= 1000 / 60
params.layers ??= [ -120, -90, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10 ]

@@ -62,109 +70,95 @@ params.slices ??= [ 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480 ]

/* create meter */
const meter = new AudioNodeMeter(context, {
fftSize: params.fftSize!,
minDecibels: params.minDecibels!,
maxDecibels: params.maxDecibels!,
smoothingTimeConstant: params.smoothingTimeConstant!,
intervalTime: params.intervalTime!,
intervalCount: 0
this._params = params
/* internal state */
let canvases = [] as HTMLCanvasElement[]
let timer: AnimationFrameTimer
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
private _draw (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
/* determine meter information */
const data = this.dataF()
/* draw spectrum into canvas */
const _draw = (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => {
/* determine meter information */
const data = meter.dataF()
/* prepare canvas */
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d")
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = this._params.colorBackground!
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
/* prepare canvas */
const canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d")
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = params.colorBackground!
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
/* helper function for scaling decibel to canvas units */
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value: number) =>
(value / (this._params.maxDecibels! - this._params.minDecibels!)) * canvas.height
/* helper function for scaling decibel to canvas units */
const scaleToCanvasUnits = (value: number) =>
(value / (params.maxDecibels! - params.minDecibels!)) * canvas.height
/* draw horizontal decibel layers */
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = this._params.colorLayers!
for (const layer of this._params.layers!) {
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(layer - this._params.minDecibels!))
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, canvas.height - barHeight, canvas.width, 1)
/* draw horizontal decibel layers */
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = params.colorLayers!
for (const layer of params.layers!) {
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(Math.abs(layer - params.minDecibels!))
canvasCtx!.fillRect(0, canvas.height - barHeight, canvas.width, 1)
/* draw vertical frequency slices */
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = this._params.colorSlices!
for (const slice of this._params.slices!) {
/* project from logarithmic frequency to canvas x-position */
const x = Math.log2(slice / 20) * (canvas.width / 10)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(x, 0, 1, canvas.height)
/* draw vertical frequency slices */
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = params.colorSlices!
for (const slice of params.slices!) {
/* project from logarithmic frequency to canvas x-position */
const x = Math.log2(slice / 20) * (canvas.width / 10)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(x, 0, 1, canvas.height)
/* draw the decibel per frequency bars */
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = this._params.colorBars!
if (this._params.logarithmic!) {
/* iterate over all canvas x-positions */
for (let posX = 0; posX < canvas.width; posX++) {
const barWidth = 1
/* draw the decibel per frequency bars */
canvasCtx!.fillStyle = params.colorBars!
if (params.logarithmic!) {
/* iterate over all canvas x-positions */
for (let posX = 0; posX < canvas.width; posX++) {
const barWidth = 1
/* project from canvas x-position to logarithmic frequency */
const f1 = 20 * Math.pow(2, posX * 10 / canvas.width)
const f2 = 20 * Math.pow(2, (posX + 1) * 10 / canvas.width)
/* project from canvas x-position to logarithmic frequency */
const f1 = 20 * Math.pow(2, posX * 10 / canvas.width)
const f2 = 20 * Math.pow(2, (posX + 1) * 10 / canvas.width)
/* project from logarithmic frequency to linear FFT decibel value */
const k1 = Math.round(f1 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10))))
let k2 = Math.round(f2 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10)))) - 1
if (k2 < k1)
k2 = k1
/* project from logarithmic frequency to linear FFT decibel value */
const k1 = Math.round(f1 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10))))
let k2 = Math.round(f2 * (data.length / (20 * Math.pow(2, 10)))) - 1
if (k2 < k1)
k2 = k1
/* calculate the average decibel in case multiple FFT decibel values are in the range */
let db = 0
for (let k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
db += data[k]
db /= (k2 + 1) - k1
/* calculate the average decibel in case multiple FFT decibel values are in the range */
let db = 0
for (let k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
db += data[k]
db /= (k2 + 1) - k1
/* draw the bar */
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - params.minDecibels!)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight)
/* draw the bar */
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels!)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight)
else {
let posX = 0
const barWidth = (canvas.width / data.length)
else {
let posX = 0
const barWidth = (canvas.width / data.length)
/* iterate over all FFT decibel values */
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const db = data[i]
/* iterate over all FFT decibel values */
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const db = data[i]
/* draw the bar */
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - params.minDecibels!)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth - 0.5, barHeight)
/* draw the bar */
const barHeight = scaleToCanvasUnits(db - this._params.minDecibels!)
canvasCtx!.fillRect(posX, canvas.height - barHeight, barWidth - 0.5, barHeight)
posX += barWidth
posX += barWidth
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
(meter as unknown as AudioNodeSpectrum).draw = function (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
if (canvases.length === 1) {
timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas of canvases)
(meter as unknown as AudioNodeSpectrum).undraw = function (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
canvases = canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas)
if (canvases.length === 0)
/* add/remove canvas for spectrum visualization */
draw (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
if (this._canvases.length === 1) {
this._timer = new AnimationFrameTimer(() => {
for (const canvas of this._canvases)
return (meter as unknown as AudioNodeSpectrum)
undraw (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
this._canvases = this._canvases.filter((c) => c !== canvas)
if (this._canvases.length === 0)

@@ -43,5 +43,6 @@ /*

/* custom AudioNode: voice filter */
export class AudioNodeVoice {
declare public mute: (mute: boolean) => void
declare public adjustGainDecibel: (db: number, ms?: number) => void
export class AudioNodeVoice extends AudioNodeComposite {
private _mute: AudioNodeMute
private _gain: AudioNodeGain
private _compensate = 0
constructor (context: AudioContext, params: {

@@ -54,2 +55,4 @@ equalizer?: boolean, /* whether to enable equalizer */

} = {}) {
/* provide parameter defaults */

@@ -63,8 +66,7 @@ params.equalizer ??= true

/* initialize aggregation input */
const nodes = [] as any[]
let compensate = 0
const nodes = [] as AudioNode[]
/* 0. create: mute controller */
const mute = new AudioNodeMute(context)
this._mute = new AudioNodeMute(context)

@@ -84,3 +86,2 @@ /* 1. create: cutting equalizer */

/* compensate += 0 */

@@ -92,3 +93,2 @@

/* compensate += 0 */

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@

compensate += -2.0
this._compensate += -2.0

@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@

compensate += -1.0
this._compensate += -1.0
/* 5. create: gain control */
const gain = new AudioNodeGain(context)
this._gain = new AudioNodeGain(context)

@@ -137,21 +137,24 @@ /* 6. create: limiter */

compensate += -1.0
this._compensate += -1.0
/* create composite node */
const composite = AudioNodeComposite.factory(nodes as AudioNode[]) as unknown as AudioNodeVoice
/* configure composite node chain */
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++)
nodes[i].connect(nodes[i + 1])
this.chain(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.length - 1])
/* provide mute control */
composite.mute = (_mute: boolean) =>
/* pre-set gain */
this.adjustGainDecibel(params.gain, 0)
/* provide gain adjustment */
composite.adjustGainDecibel = (db, ms = 10) =>
gain.adjustGainDecibel(compensate + db, ms)
composite.adjustGainDecibel(compensate + params.gain, 0)
/* provide mute control */
mute (mute: boolean) {
/* create return a composite node */
return composite
/* provide gain adjustment */
adjustGainDecibel (db: number, ms = 10) {
this._gain.adjustGainDecibel(this._compensate + db, ms)

@@ -27,16 +27,18 @@ /*!

/* Composite `AudioNode` subclass by wrapping the node chain from an
input node to an output node (if not given, it is the same as the
input node). The `AudioContext` for the node is taken over from the
input node. */
input node to an output node */
export class AudioNodeComposite extends AudioNode {
public input: AudioNode /* the underlying input node */
public output: AudioNode /* the underlying output node */
public constructor(
context: AudioContext /* context to associate */
input: AudioNode, /* input node to wrap */
output?: AudioNode /* output node to wrap */
): void
enable: boolean /* whether to bypass the effects of the node chain */
bypass: boolean /* whether to bypass the effects of the node chain */
): void
get input(): AudioNode /* getter for underlying input node */
get output(): AudioNode /* getter for underlying output node */
static factory (
context: AudioContext, /* context to associate */
nodes: Array<AudioNode> /* (still unlinked) list of nodes to chain sequentially */

@@ -82,4 +84,2 @@ ): AudioNodeComposite

): void
): boolean

@@ -231,5 +231,9 @@

mute: boolean, /* whether to mute or unmute */
ms?: number /* linear adjust time in milliseconds (default: 10) */
): void
db: number, /* target decibel */
ms?: number /* linear adjust time in milliseconds */
db: number, /* target decibel */
ms?: number /* linear adjust time in milliseconds */
): void

@@ -236,0 +240,0 @@ }

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