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aug-compile - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.2 to 2.0.0



@@ -6,2 +6,6 @@ /**

const augWebkitPrefix = typeof CSS !== "undefined" && CSS.supports && CSS.supports(
"((--foo: , 0 0) and (-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%)) and (not (clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%))))"
) ? "-webkit-" : ""
const augCompileSheet = (() => {

@@ -15,4 +19,5 @@ const d = document

`[data-augmented-ui-compiled]::after {
`[data-augmented-ui-border-compiled], [data-augmented-ui-compiled]::after {
position: absolute;

@@ -27,3 +32,3 @@ top: 0px;

`[data-augmented-ui-compiled]::before {
`[data-augmented-ui-inlay-compiled], [data-augmented-ui-compiled]::before {
position: absolute;

@@ -44,12 +49,40 @@ top: 0px;

const augCompileEl = function (augEl) {
let x = augCompileSheet.cssRules.length
const augCompileFeatureWrites = function (augEl, id, pseudoSelector, type, x, writes) {
const cs = getComputedStyle(augEl, pseudoSelector)
const clip = cs.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs.getPropertyValue(`--aug-${type}-bg`) || `var(--aug-${type}-bg)`};`
writes.push({ fn: "css", css: `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"]${pseudoSelector} { content: ""; ${augWebkitPrefix}clip-path: ${clip}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x })
return x
const augCompileDelegatesWrites = function (augEl, id, type, x, writes) {
const daut = "data-augmented-ui-" + type
augEl.querySelectorAll("[" + daut + "]").forEach(el => {
if (el.closest("[data-augmented-ui]") === augEl) {
const cs = getComputedStyle(el)
const clip = cs.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs.getPropertyValue(`--aug-${type}-bg`) || `var(--aug-${type}-bg)`};`
writes.push({ fn: "css", css: `[${daut}-compiled~="${id}"] { ${augWebkitPrefix}clip-path: ${clip}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x })
writes.push({ fn: "setAttribute", target: el, prop: daut + "-compiled", val: id + " " + (augEl.getAttribute(daut) || "") })
writes.push({ fn: "removeAttribute", target: el, prop: daut })
return x
const augCompileElWrites = function (augEl, x, writes) {
const id = "compile-" + x.toString(36)
const val = (id + " " + augEl.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui")).trim()
const hasAllAug = /\ball-./.test(val)
const cs1 = getComputedStyle(augEl)
const clip1 = cs1.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
const usewebkit = CSS.supports("((--foo: , 0 0) and (-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%)) and (not (clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%))))")
const webkit = usewebkit ? "-webkit-" : ""
if (clip1.length > 20) {
const augs = (id + " " + augEl.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui")).trim()
const hasAllAug = /\ball-./.test(augs)
const cs = getComputedStyle(augEl)
const clip = cs.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip.length > 20) {
// augmented-ui internal static minification map

@@ -59,39 +92,101 @@ // "--aug__elwidth": "--aug_at",

// reading the vars instead of width/height directly mantains the author's (possibly flexible) units instead of forcing px
const wd = hasAllAug ? `width: calc(${cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug_at") || cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug__elwidth")});` : ""
const ht = hasAllAug ? `height: calc(${cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug_au") || cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug__elheight")});` : ""
augCompileSheet.insertRule( `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"] { ${webkit}clip-path: ${clip1}; ${wd} ${ht} }`, x )
const wd = hasAllAug ? `width: calc(${cs.getPropertyValue("--aug_at") || cs.getPropertyValue("--aug__elwidth")});` : ""
const ht = hasAllAug ? `height: calc(${cs.getPropertyValue("--aug_au") || cs.getPropertyValue("--aug__elheight")});` : ""
writes.push({ fn: "css", css: `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"] { ${augWebkitPrefix}clip-path: ${clip}; ${wd} ${ht} }`, x })
const cs2 = getComputedStyle(augEl, "::before")
const clip2 = cs2.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip2.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs2.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs2.getPropertyValue("background") || cs2.getPropertyValue("--aug-inlay-bg") || "var(--aug-inlay-bg)"};`
augCompileSheet.insertRule( `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"]::before { content: ""; ${webkit}clip-path: ${clip2}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x )
if (cs.getPropertyValue("--aug-delegated-inlay") === "") { // initial in js land is an empty string
x = augCompileDelegatesWrites(augEl, id, "inlay", x, writes)
} else {
x = augCompileFeatureWrites(augEl, id, "::before", "inlay", x, writes)
const cs3 = getComputedStyle(augEl, "::after")
const clip3 = cs3.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip3.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs3.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs3.getPropertyValue("background") || cs3.getPropertyValue("--aug-border-bg") || "var(--aug-border-bg)"};`
augCompileSheet.insertRule( `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"]::after { content: ""; ${webkit}clip-path: ${clip3}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x )
if (cs.getPropertyValue("--aug-delegated-border") === "") { // initial in js land is an empty string
x = augCompileDelegatesWrites(augEl, id, "border", x, writes)
} else {
x = augCompileFeatureWrites(augEl, id, "::after", "border", x, writes)
augEl.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui-compiled", val)
writes.push({ fn: "removeAttribute", target: augEl, prop: "data-augmented-ui" })
writes.push({ fn: "setAttribute", target: augEl, prop: "data-augmented-ui-compiled", val: augs })
return x
const augCompileAll = function (qs) {
const augWriteAll = function (writes) {
let cssCount = 0
for (let i = 0; i < writes.length; i++) {
const write = writes[i]
switch (write.fn) {
case "css": {
augCompileSheet.insertRule(write.css, write.x)
case "setAttribute": {, write.val)
case "removeAttribute": {
return cssCount
const augCompileElSync = function (augEl) {
// gather writes for the end of the frame, do all reads first
const writes = []
augCompileElWrites(augEl, augCompileSheet.cssRules.length, writes)
return augWriteAll(writes)
const augCompileEl = function (augEl) {
const onFrame = ts => augCompileElSync(augEl)
return (new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)).then(onFrame)
const augCompileAllSync = function (qs) {
// gather writes for the end of the frame, do all reads first
const writes = []
const targets = document.querySelectorAll(qs || '[data-augmented-ui~="compile"]')
let x = augCompileSheet.cssRules.length
targets.forEach(el => {
x = augCompileElWrites(el, x, writes)
return augWriteAll(writes)
const augCompileAll = function (qs) {
const onFrame = ts => augCompileAllSync(qs, ts)
return (new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)).then(onFrame)
const augCompileRevertEl = function (el) {
const val = el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, "")
let id
const augs = el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, _ => ((id = _), ""))
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui", val)
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui", augs)
el.querySelectorAll("[data-augmented-ui-inlay-compiled~=" + id + "]").forEach(el => {
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui-inlay", el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-inlay-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, ""))
el.querySelectorAll("[data-augmented-ui-border-compiled~=" + id + "]").forEach(el => {
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui-border", el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-border-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, ""))
const idTest = new RegExp("\\b" + id + "\\b")
const rules = augCompileSheet.cssRules
const rlen = rules.length
let deleted = 0
for (let i = rlen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const r = rules[i]
if (idTest.test(r.selectorText)) {
return deleted
export { augCompileEl, augCompileAll, augCompileRevertEl }
export { augCompileEl, augCompileElSync, augCompileAll, augCompileAllSync, augCompileRevertEl }
export default augCompileAll

@@ -6,2 +6,6 @@ /**

const augWebkitPrefix = typeof CSS !== "undefined" && CSS.supports && CSS.supports(
"((--foo: , 0 0) and (-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%)) and (not (clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%))))"
) ? "-webkit-" : ""
const augCompileSheet = (() => {

@@ -15,4 +19,5 @@ const d = document

`[data-augmented-ui-compiled]::after {
`[data-augmented-ui-border-compiled], [data-augmented-ui-compiled]::after {
position: absolute;

@@ -27,3 +32,3 @@ top: 0px;

`[data-augmented-ui-compiled]::before {
`[data-augmented-ui-inlay-compiled], [data-augmented-ui-compiled]::before {
position: absolute;

@@ -44,12 +49,40 @@ top: 0px;

const augCompileEl = function (augEl) {
let x = augCompileSheet.cssRules.length
const augCompileFeatureWrites = function (augEl, id, pseudoSelector, type, x, writes) {
const cs = getComputedStyle(augEl, pseudoSelector)
const clip = cs.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs.getPropertyValue(`--aug-${type}-bg`) || `var(--aug-${type}-bg)`};`
writes.push({ fn: "css", css: `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"]${pseudoSelector} { content: ""; ${augWebkitPrefix}clip-path: ${clip}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x })
return x
const augCompileDelegatesWrites = function (augEl, id, type, x, writes) {
const daut = "data-augmented-ui-" + type
augEl.querySelectorAll("[" + daut + "]").forEach(el => {
if (el.closest("[data-augmented-ui]") === augEl) {
const cs = getComputedStyle(el)
const clip = cs.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs.getPropertyValue(`--aug-${type}-bg`) || `var(--aug-${type}-bg)`};`
writes.push({ fn: "css", css: `[${daut}-compiled~="${id}"] { ${augWebkitPrefix}clip-path: ${clip}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x })
writes.push({ fn: "setAttribute", target: el, prop: daut + "-compiled", val: id + " " + (augEl.getAttribute(daut) || "") })
writes.push({ fn: "removeAttribute", target: el, prop: daut })
return x
const augCompileElWrites = function (augEl, x, writes) {
const id = "compile-" + x.toString(36)
const val = (id + " " + augEl.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui")).trim()
const hasAllAug = /\ball-./.test(val)
const cs1 = getComputedStyle(augEl)
const clip1 = cs1.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
const usewebkit = CSS.supports("((--foo: , 0 0) and (-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%)) and (not (clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 50% 50%))))")
const webkit = usewebkit ? "-webkit-" : ""
if (clip1.length > 20) {
const augs = (id + " " + augEl.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui")).trim()
const hasAllAug = /\ball-./.test(augs)
const cs = getComputedStyle(augEl)
const clip = cs.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip.length > 20) {
// augmented-ui internal static minification map

@@ -59,36 +92,98 @@ // "--aug__elwidth": "--aug_at",

// reading the vars instead of width/height directly mantains the author's (possibly flexible) units instead of forcing px
const wd = hasAllAug ? `width: calc(${cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug_at") || cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug__elwidth")});` : ""
const ht = hasAllAug ? `height: calc(${cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug_au") || cs1.getPropertyValue("--aug__elheight")});` : ""
augCompileSheet.insertRule( `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"] { ${webkit}clip-path: ${clip1}; ${wd} ${ht} }`, x )
const wd = hasAllAug ? `width: calc(${cs.getPropertyValue("--aug_at") || cs.getPropertyValue("--aug__elwidth")});` : ""
const ht = hasAllAug ? `height: calc(${cs.getPropertyValue("--aug_au") || cs.getPropertyValue("--aug__elheight")});` : ""
writes.push({ fn: "css", css: `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"] { ${augWebkitPrefix}clip-path: ${clip}; ${wd} ${ht} }`, x })
const cs2 = getComputedStyle(augEl, "::before")
const clip2 = cs2.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip2.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs2.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs2.getPropertyValue("background") || cs2.getPropertyValue("--aug-inlay-bg") || "var(--aug-inlay-bg)"};`
augCompileSheet.insertRule( `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"]::before { content: ""; ${webkit}clip-path: ${clip2}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x )
if (cs.getPropertyValue("--aug-delegated-inlay") === "") { // initial in js land is an empty string
x = augCompileDelegatesWrites(augEl, id, "inlay", x, writes)
} else {
x = augCompileFeatureWrites(augEl, id, "::before", "inlay", x, writes)
const cs3 = getComputedStyle(augEl, "::after")
const clip3 = cs3.getPropertyValue("clip-path")
if (clip3.length > 20) {
const op = `opacity: ${cs3.getPropertyValue("opacity")};`
const bg = `background: ${cs3.getPropertyValue("background") || cs3.getPropertyValue("--aug-border-bg") || "var(--aug-border-bg)"};`
augCompileSheet.insertRule( `[data-augmented-ui-compiled~="${id}"]::after { content: ""; ${webkit}clip-path: ${clip3}; ${op} ${bg} }`, x )
if (cs.getPropertyValue("--aug-delegated-border") === "") { // initial in js land is an empty string
x = augCompileDelegatesWrites(augEl, id, "border", x, writes)
} else {
x = augCompileFeatureWrites(augEl, id, "::after", "border", x, writes)
augEl.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui-compiled", val)
writes.push({ fn: "removeAttribute", target: augEl, prop: "data-augmented-ui" })
writes.push({ fn: "setAttribute", target: augEl, prop: "data-augmented-ui-compiled", val: augs })
return x
const augCompileAll = function (qs) {
const augWriteAll = function (writes) {
let cssCount = 0
for (let i = 0; i < writes.length; i++) {
const write = writes[i]
switch (write.fn) {
case "css": {
augCompileSheet.insertRule(write.css, write.x)
case "setAttribute": {, write.val)
case "removeAttribute": {
return cssCount
const augCompileElSync = function (augEl) {
// gather writes for the end of the frame, do all reads first
const writes = []
augCompileElWrites(augEl, augCompileSheet.cssRules.length, writes)
return augWriteAll(writes)
const augCompileEl = function (augEl) {
const onFrame = ts => augCompileElSync(augEl)
return (new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)).then(onFrame)
const augCompileAllSync = function (qs) {
// gather writes for the end of the frame, do all reads first
const writes = []
const targets = document.querySelectorAll(qs || '[data-augmented-ui~="compile"]')
let x = augCompileSheet.cssRules.length
targets.forEach(el => {
x = augCompileElWrites(el, x, writes)
return augWriteAll(writes)
const augCompileAll = function (qs) {
const onFrame = ts => augCompileAllSync(qs, ts)
return (new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)).then(onFrame)
const augCompileRevertEl = function (el) {
const val = el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, "")
let id
const augs = el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, _ => ((id = _), ""))
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui", val)
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui", augs)
el.querySelectorAll("[data-augmented-ui-inlay-compiled~=" + id + "]").forEach(el => {
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui-inlay", el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-inlay-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, ""))
el.querySelectorAll("[data-augmented-ui-border-compiled~=" + id + "]").forEach(el => {
el.setAttribute("data-augmented-ui-border", el.getAttribute("data-augmented-ui-border-compiled").replace(/compile-[a-z0-9]+/gi, ""))
const idTest = new RegExp("\\b" + id + "\\b")
const rules = augCompileSheet.cssRules
const rlen = rules.length
let deleted = 0
for (let i = rlen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const r = rules[i]
if (idTest.test(r.selectorText)) {
return deleted
"name": "aug-compile",
"version": "1.0.2",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Get the most out of your runtime performance by compiling static augmented-ui configurations up front",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "aug-compile-es6.js",

@@ -6,2 +6,4 @@ ![James0x57](!-blueviolet.svg?labelColor=222222)

![Compiled Animation Speed Gains](
If you've got animations or other dynamic content that causes augmented-ui elements to be repainted unnecessarily (like setting any --css-var on any ancestor in the dom), you can use `aug-compile` to remove all the customizable overhead (and the associated memory overhead) from static augmented-ui elements for an as-fast-as-possible repaint.

@@ -22,3 +24,3 @@

import { augCompileEl, augCompileAll, augCompileRevertEl } from "aug-compile"
import { augCompileEl, augCompileElSync, augCompileAll, augCompileAllSync, augCompileRevertEl } from "aug-compile"

@@ -64,4 +66,6 @@

The `augCompileRevertEl(compiledAugEl)` function takes a compiled element and restores it to the original state. This does not remove the compiled rule that was generated originally. (you could compile one as a template and copy the data-augmented-ui-compiled attribute to other elements to re-use the compiled state)
The `augCompileRevertEl(compiledAugEl)` function takes a compiled element and restores it to the original state. This also removes the compiled rules that were generated originally. (if you compile one as a template and copy the data-augmented-ui-compiled attribute to other elements to re-use the compiled state, be sure not to revert any of them unless you revert all of them!)
`augCompileRevertEl` runs synchronously and returns the number of rules removed.

@@ -81,2 +85,6 @@ augCompileRevertEl(document.querySelector("[data-augmented-ui-compiled]"))

`augCompileAll` and `augCompileEl` run on the next animation frame and return a promise that resolves to the number of rules inserted. To optimize DOM manipulation, all reads are done first, all writes are grouped together and done last.
`augCompileAllSync` and `augCompileElSync` do the same as their counterparts but do not wait for the next animation frame and return the values directly.
The stylesheet generated for this is inserted as the first child of the `<head>` and has a `data-aug-compile-styles` attribute to make it easier to find and query. You can access the styles and manually manage them if you wish:

@@ -88,1 +96,14 @@

If you're using delegates for your augmented inlay or augmented border, they will be compiled/reverted along with the augmented parent element. No further setup is required to compile/revert delegates.
# Changelog
Version 2.0.0 - 11/09/2020
* `augCompileAll` and `augCompileEl` run asynchronously on requestAnimationFrame
* `augCompileAll` and `augCompileEl` resolve with the number of rules inserted
* `augCompileAll` and `augCompileEl` group writes for the end of the call so all reads happen first to optimize DOM manipulation
* `augCompileAllSync` and `augCompileElSync` added
* `augCompileRevertEl` removes the rules now
* Augmented delegates now supported automatically
* Multiple (informal) tests added, including animation FPS measurements of uncompiled vs compiled

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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