The Augmented Web
Augmented Reality on the web. For everyone.
Note: This library is based on aruco, you can see this as an extension of aruco.
Why augmented-web.js?
Because it's easy to use.
I needed to make an augmented reality application under pressure, but I didn't find any easy way to realize it. Therefore I decided to understand aruco to simplify it then for developers.
Because everyone can use it
All you need to use the augmented reality applications is a browser (and a cam).
How to use augmented-web.js?
There's only one simple function:
container: DOMElement,
height: Number || 'FULL',
width: Number || 'FULL',
detectedMarkers: Function
1. container
Pass a valid DOM-Element. This element will then be filled with the camera + the augmented content.
2. height
The height of the element. This can be 'FULL' (exported by the package as a constant) or a number.
3. width
The width of the element. This can be 'FULL' (exported by the package as a constant) or a number.
4. detectedMarkers
This must be a function with one parameter: markers.
This function is always called, when aruco-markers were detected. Markers is an array of objects with the following structure:
id: Number,
setVideo: Function,
setModel: Function
Call the 'setVideo'-function with a valid video url as the first parameter to set an augmented-reality video.
Call the 'setModel'-function with a valid three-js mesh as the first parameter to set an augmented-reality program.