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aurumjs - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.9.4 to 0.9.5


"name": "aurumjs",
"version": "0.9.4",
"version": "0.9.5",
"main": "prebuilt/esnext/aurumjs.js",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "type": "module",

export * from './rendering/webcomponent.js';
export { Renderable, SingularAurumElement, ArrayAurumElement, AurumComponentAPI, ComponentLifeCycle, createAPI, createLifeCycle, createRenderSession, RenderSession, AurumElement, aurumElementModelIdentitiy, AurumElementModel, AurumComponent } from './rendering/aurum_element.js';
export { AProps, ProgressProps, ColProps, ImgProps, SvgProps, AreaProps, DataProps, FormProps, HtmlProps, LinkProps, MetaProps, SlotProps, TimeProps, ParamProps, AudioProps, LabelProps, StyleProps, TrackProps, VideoProps, ButtonProps, CanvasProps, IFrameProps, ObjectProps, OptionProps, OutputProps, ScriptProps, SourceProps, OptGroupProps, TableCellProps } from './nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';
export { AProps, ProgressProps, ColProps, ImgProps, SvgProps, AreaProps, DataProps, FormProps, HtmlProps, LinkProps, MetaProps, SlotProps, TimeProps, ParamProps, AudioProps, LabelProps, StyleProps, TrackProps, VideoProps, ButtonProps, CanvasProps, IFrameProps, ObjectProps, OptionProps, OutputProps, ScriptProps, SourceProps, OptGroupProps, TableCellProps, UseProps, PathProps, DefsProps, LineProps, MaskProps, RectProps, StopProps, TextProps, ImageProps, CircleProps, MarkerProps, SymbolProps, PolygonProps, EllipseProps, PolylineProps, SVGNodeProps, LinearGradientProps, RadialGradientProps, ClipPathProps, PatternProps, ForeignObjectProps } from './nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';
export { InputProps } from './nodes/input.js';

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ export { SelectProps } from './nodes/select.js';

@@ -556,8 +556,54 @@ import { HTMLNodeProps } from '../builtin_components/dom_adapter.js';

export declare const Script: (props: ScriptProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface SVGNodeProps extends HTMLNodeProps<SVGSVGElement> {
'clip-path'?: AttributeValue;
'clip-rule'?: AttributeValue;
color?: AttributeValue;
'color-interpolation'?: AttributeValue;
'color-rendering'?: AttributeValue;
cursor?: AttributeValue;
display?: AttributeValue;
fill?: AttributeValue;
'fill-opacity'?: AttributeValue;
'fill-rule'?: AttributeValue;
filter?: AttributeValue;
mask?: AttributeValue;
opacity?: AttributeValue;
'pointer-events'?: AttributeValue;
'shape-rendering'?: AttributeValue;
stroke?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-dasharray'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-dashoffset'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-linecap'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-linejoin'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-miterlimit'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-opacity'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-width'?: AttributeValue;
transform?: AttributeValue;
'vector-effect'?: AttributeValue;
visibility?: AttributeValue;
* @internal
export interface SvgProps extends HTMLNodeProps<HTMLOrSVGElement> {
export interface SvgProps extends SVGNodeProps {
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
xmlns?: AttributeValue;
version?: AttributeValue;
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
x1?: AttributeValue;
y1?: AttributeValue;
x2?: AttributeValue;
y2?: AttributeValue;
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
r?: AttributeValue;
rx?: AttributeValue;
ry?: AttributeValue;
d?: AttributeValue;
path?: AttributeValue;
points?: AttributeValue;
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;

@@ -568,2 +614,140 @@ /**

export declare const Svg: (props: SvgProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface CircleProps extends SVGNodeProps {
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
r?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Circle: (props: CircleProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface EllipseProps extends SVGNodeProps {
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
rx?: AttributeValue;
ry?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Ellipse: (props: EllipseProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface LineProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x1?: AttributeValue;
y1?: AttributeValue;
x2?: AttributeValue;
y2?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Line: (props: LineProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface PolygonProps extends SVGNodeProps {
points?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Polygon: (props: PolygonProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface PolylineProps extends SVGNodeProps {
points?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Polyline: (props: PolylineProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface PathProps extends SVGNodeProps {
d?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Path: (props: PathProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface RectProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Rect: (props: RectProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface TextProps extends SVGNodeProps {
dx?: AttributeValue;
dy?: AttributeValue;
rotate?: AttributeValue;
textLength?: AttributeValue;
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Text: (props: TextProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export declare const Tspan: (props: TextProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface ImageProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
href?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Image: (props: ImageProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface GProps extends SVGNodeProps {
export declare const G: (props: GProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface DefsProps extends SVGNodeProps {
export declare const Defs: (props: DefsProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface SymbolProps extends SVGNodeProps {
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Symbol: (props: SymbolProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface UseProps extends SVGNodeProps {
href?: AttributeValue;
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Use: (props: UseProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface MarkerProps extends SVGNodeProps {
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;
refX?: AttributeValue;
refY?: AttributeValue;
markerWidth?: AttributeValue;
markerHeight?: AttributeValue;
orient?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Marker: (props: MarkerProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface MaskProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Mask: (props: MaskProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface LinearGradientProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x1?: AttributeValue;
y1?: AttributeValue;
x2?: AttributeValue;
y2?: AttributeValue;
export declare const LinearGradient: (props: LinearGradientProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface RadialGradientProps extends SVGNodeProps {
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
r?: AttributeValue;
fx?: AttributeValue;
fy?: AttributeValue;
fr?: AttributeValue;
export declare const RadialGradient: (props: RadialGradientProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface StopProps extends SVGNodeProps {
offset?: AttributeValue;
'stop-color'?: AttributeValue;
'stop-opacity'?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Stop: (props: StopProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface ClipPathProps extends SVGNodeProps {
clipPathUnits?: AttributeValue;
export declare const ClipPath: (props: ClipPathProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface ForeignObjectProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export declare const ForeignObject: (props: ForeignObjectProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;
export interface PatternProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
patternUnits?: AttributeValue;
patternContentUnits?: AttributeValue;
patternTransform?: AttributeValue;
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;
export declare const Pattern: (props: PatternProps, children: import("../aurumjs.js").Renderable[], api: import("../aurumjs.js").AurumComponentAPI) => HTMLElement;

@@ -570,0 +754,0 @@ * @internal

@@ -402,6 +402,98 @@ import { DomNodeCreator } from '../builtin_components/dom_adapter.js';

const commonSvgProps = [
* @internal
export const Svg = DomNodeCreator('svg', ['width', 'height']);
export const Svg = DomNodeCreator('svg', [
export const Circle = DomNodeCreator('circle', ['cx', 'cy', 'r', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Ellipse = DomNodeCreator('ellipse', ['cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Line = DomNodeCreator('line', ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Polygon = DomNodeCreator('polygon', ['points', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Polyline = DomNodeCreator('polyline', ['points', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Path = DomNodeCreator('path', ['d', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Rect = DomNodeCreator('rect', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Text = DomNodeCreator('text', ['dx', 'dy', 'rotate', 'textLength', 'x', 'y', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Tspan = DomNodeCreator('tspan', ['dx', 'dy', 'rotate', 'textLength', 'x', 'y', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Image = DomNodeCreator('image', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'href', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const G = DomNodeCreator('g', [...commonSvgProps]);
export const Defs = DomNodeCreator('defs', [...commonSvgProps]);
export const Symbol = DomNodeCreator('symbol', ['viewBox', 'preserveAspectRatio', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Use = DomNodeCreator('use', ['href', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Marker = DomNodeCreator('marker', [
export const Mask = DomNodeCreator('mask', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const LinearGradient = DomNodeCreator('linearGradient', ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const RadialGradient = DomNodeCreator('radialGradient', ['cx', 'cy', 'r', 'fx', 'fy', 'fr', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Stop = DomNodeCreator('stop', ['offset', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const ClipPath = DomNodeCreator('clipPath', ['clipPathUnits', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const ForeignObject = DomNodeCreator('foreignObject', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Pattern = DomNodeCreator('pattern', [

@@ -408,0 +500,0 @@ * @internal

import { HTMLNodeProps } from '../builtin_components/dom_adapter.js';
import { InputProps } from '../nodes/input.js';
import { SelectProps } from '../nodes/select.js';
import { AProps, AreaProps, AudioProps, ButtonProps, CanvasProps, ColProps, DataProps, FormProps, HtmlProps, IFrameProps, ImgProps, LabelProps, LinkProps, MetaProps, ObjectProps, OptGroupProps, OptionProps, OutputProps, ParamProps, ProgressProps, ScriptProps, SlotProps, SourceProps, StyleProps, SvgProps, TableCellProps, TimeProps, TrackProps, VideoProps } from '../nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';
import { AProps, AreaProps, AudioProps, ButtonProps, CanvasProps, ColProps, DataProps, FormProps, HtmlProps, IFrameProps, ImgProps, LabelProps, LinkProps, MetaProps, ObjectProps, OptGroupProps, OptionProps, OutputProps, ParamProps, ProgressProps, ScriptProps, SlotProps, SourceProps, StyleProps, SvgProps, TableCellProps, TimeProps, TrackProps, VideoProps, CircleProps, EllipseProps, ImageProps, LineProps, PathProps, PolygonProps, PolylineProps, RectProps, SymbolProps, UseProps, LinearGradientProps, RadialGradientProps, StopProps, MaskProps, ClipPathProps, PatternProps, ForeignObjectProps, MarkerProps } from '../nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';
import { TextAreaProps } from '../nodes/textarea.js';

@@ -102,2 +102,24 @@ import { AurumComponentAPI, AurumElementModel, Renderable } from '../rendering/aurum_element.js';

caption: HTMLNodeProps<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
line: LineProps;
rect: RectProps;
defs: HTMLNodeProps<SVGDefsElement>;
g: HTMLNodeProps<SVGGElement>;
text: HTMLNodeProps<SVGTextElement>;
tspan: HTMLNodeProps<SVGTSpanElement>;
circle: CircleProps;
ellipse: EllipseProps;
polygon: PolygonProps;
polyline: PolylineProps;
path: PathProps;
image: ImageProps;
symbol: SymbolProps;
use: UseProps;
stop: StopProps;
linearGradient: LinearGradientProps;
radialGradient: RadialGradientProps;
clipPath: ClipPathProps;
pattern: PatternProps;
mask: MaskProps;
foreignObject: ForeignObjectProps;
marker: MarkerProps;

@@ -104,0 +126,0 @@ }

import { Input } from '../nodes/input.js';
import { Select } from '../nodes/select.js';
import { A, Abbr, Address, Area, Article, Aside, Audio, B, Body, Br, Button, Canvas, Caption, Code, Col, Colgroup, Data, Details, Div, Em, Footer, Form, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, Head, Header, Heading, Hr, Html, I, IFrame, Img, Kbd, Label, Li, Link, Meta, Nav, NoScript, Object, Ol, OptGroup, Option, Output, P, Param, Picture, Pre, Progress, Q, Samp, Script, Slot, Source, Span, Strong, Style, Sub, Summary, Sup, Svg, Table, TBody, Td, Template, TFoot, Th, THead, Time, Title, Tr, Track, Ul, Var, Video, Wbr } from '../nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';
import { A, Abbr, Address, Area, Article, Aside, Audio, B, Body, Br, Button, Canvas, Caption, Code, Col, Colgroup, Data, Defs, Details, Div, Em, Footer, Form, G, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, Head, Header, Heading, Hr, Html, I, IFrame, Img, Kbd, Label, Li, Line, Link, Meta, Nav, NoScript, Object, Ol, OptGroup, Option, Output, P, Param, Picture, Pre, Progress, Q, Rect, Samp, Script, Slot, Source, Span, Strong, Style, Sub, Summary, Sup, Svg, Table, TBody, Td, Template, TFoot, Th, THead, Time, Title, Tr, Track, Ul, Var, Video, Wbr, Text, Tspan, Circle, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline, Path, Image, Symbol, Mask, Use, Stop, LinearGradient, RadialGradient, Marker, ClipPath, ForeignObject, Pattern } from '../nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';
import { TextArea } from '../nodes/textarea.js';

@@ -90,3 +90,25 @@ import { ArrayAurumElement, AurumElement, aurumElementModelIdentitiy, createAPI, createRenderSession, renderInternal } from '../rendering/aurum_element.js';

colgroup: Colgroup,
caption: Caption
caption: Caption,
line: Line,
rect: Rect,
defs: Defs,
g: G,
text: Text,
tspan: Tspan,
circle: Circle,
ellipse: Ellipse,
polygon: Polygon,
polyline: Polyline,
path: Path,
image: Image,
symbol: Symbol,
use: Use,
stop: Stop,
lineargradient: LinearGradient,
radialgradient: RadialGradient,
clippath: ClipPath,
pattern: Pattern,
mask: Mask,
foreignobject: ForeignObject,
marker: Marker

@@ -93,0 +115,0 @@ export class Aurum {

@@ -47,3 +47,24 @@ export * from './rendering/webcomponent.js';

} from './nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';

@@ -50,0 +71,0 @@

@@ -737,8 +737,83 @@ import { DomNodeCreator, HTMLNodeProps } from '../builtin_components/dom_adapter.js';

const commonSvgProps = [
export interface SVGNodeProps extends HTMLNodeProps<SVGSVGElement> {
'clip-path'?: AttributeValue;
'clip-rule'?: AttributeValue;
color?: AttributeValue;
'color-interpolation'?: AttributeValue;
'color-rendering'?: AttributeValue;
cursor?: AttributeValue;
display?: AttributeValue;
fill?: AttributeValue;
'fill-opacity'?: AttributeValue;
'fill-rule'?: AttributeValue;
filter?: AttributeValue;
mask?: AttributeValue;
opacity?: AttributeValue;
'pointer-events'?: AttributeValue;
'shape-rendering'?: AttributeValue;
stroke?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-dasharray'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-dashoffset'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-linecap'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-linejoin'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-miterlimit'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-opacity'?: AttributeValue;
'stroke-width'?: AttributeValue;
transform?: AttributeValue;
'vector-effect'?: AttributeValue;
visibility?: AttributeValue;
* @internal
export interface SvgProps extends HTMLNodeProps<HTMLOrSVGElement> {
export interface SvgProps extends SVGNodeProps {
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
xmlns?: AttributeValue;
version?: AttributeValue;
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
x1?: AttributeValue;
y1?: AttributeValue;
x2?: AttributeValue;
y2?: AttributeValue;
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
r?: AttributeValue;
rx?: AttributeValue;
ry?: AttributeValue;
d?: AttributeValue;
path?: AttributeValue;
points?: AttributeValue;
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;

@@ -749,4 +824,225 @@

export const Svg = DomNodeCreator<SvgProps>('svg', ['width', 'height']);
export const Svg = DomNodeCreator<SvgProps>('svg', [
export interface CircleProps extends SVGNodeProps {
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
r?: AttributeValue;
export const Circle = DomNodeCreator<CircleProps>('circle', ['cx', 'cy', 'r', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface EllipseProps extends SVGNodeProps {
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
rx?: AttributeValue;
ry?: AttributeValue;
export const Ellipse = DomNodeCreator<EllipseProps>('ellipse', ['cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface LineProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x1?: AttributeValue;
y1?: AttributeValue;
x2?: AttributeValue;
y2?: AttributeValue;
export const Line = DomNodeCreator<LineProps>('line', ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface PolygonProps extends SVGNodeProps {
points?: AttributeValue;
export const Polygon = DomNodeCreator<PolygonProps>('polygon', ['points', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface PolylineProps extends SVGNodeProps {
points?: AttributeValue;
export const Polyline = DomNodeCreator<PolylineProps>('polyline', ['points', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface PathProps extends SVGNodeProps {
d?: AttributeValue;
export const Path = DomNodeCreator<PathProps>('path', ['d', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface RectProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export const Rect = DomNodeCreator<RectProps>('rect', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface TextProps extends SVGNodeProps {
dx?: AttributeValue;
dy?: AttributeValue;
rotate?: AttributeValue;
textLength?: AttributeValue;
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
export const Text = DomNodeCreator<TextProps>('text', ['dx', 'dy', 'rotate', 'textLength', 'x', 'y', ...commonSvgProps]);
export const Tspan = DomNodeCreator<TextProps>('tspan', ['dx', 'dy', 'rotate', 'textLength', 'x', 'y', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface ImageProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
href?: AttributeValue;
export const Image = DomNodeCreator<ImageProps>('image', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'href', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface GProps extends SVGNodeProps {}
export const G = DomNodeCreator<GProps>('g', [...commonSvgProps]);
export interface DefsProps extends SVGNodeProps {}
export const Defs = DomNodeCreator<DefsProps>('defs', [...commonSvgProps]);
export interface SymbolProps extends SVGNodeProps {
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;
export const Symbol = DomNodeCreator<SymbolProps>('symbol', ['viewBox', 'preserveAspectRatio', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface UseProps extends SVGNodeProps {
href?: AttributeValue;
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export const Use = DomNodeCreator<UseProps>('use', ['href', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface MarkerProps extends SVGNodeProps {
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;
refX?: AttributeValue;
refY?: AttributeValue;
markerWidth?: AttributeValue;
markerHeight?: AttributeValue;
orient?: AttributeValue;
export const Marker = DomNodeCreator<MarkerProps>('marker', [
export interface MaskProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export const Mask = DomNodeCreator<MaskProps>('mask', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface LinearGradientProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x1?: AttributeValue;
y1?: AttributeValue;
x2?: AttributeValue;
y2?: AttributeValue;
export const LinearGradient = DomNodeCreator<LinearGradientProps>('linearGradient', ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface RadialGradientProps extends SVGNodeProps {
cx?: AttributeValue;
cy?: AttributeValue;
r?: AttributeValue;
fx?: AttributeValue;
fy?: AttributeValue;
fr?: AttributeValue;
export const RadialGradient = DomNodeCreator<RadialGradientProps>('radialGradient', ['cx', 'cy', 'r', 'fx', 'fy', 'fr', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface StopProps extends SVGNodeProps {
offset?: AttributeValue;
'stop-color'?: AttributeValue;
'stop-opacity'?: AttributeValue;
export const Stop = DomNodeCreator<StopProps>('stop', ['offset', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface ClipPathProps extends SVGNodeProps {
clipPathUnits?: AttributeValue;
export const ClipPath = DomNodeCreator<ClipPathProps>('clipPath', ['clipPathUnits', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface ForeignObjectProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
export const ForeignObject = DomNodeCreator<ForeignObjectProps>('foreignObject', ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', ...commonSvgProps]);
export interface PatternProps extends SVGNodeProps {
x?: AttributeValue;
y?: AttributeValue;
width?: AttributeValue;
height?: AttributeValue;
patternUnits?: AttributeValue;
patternContentUnits?: AttributeValue;
patternTransform?: AttributeValue;
viewBox?: AttributeValue;
preserveAspectRatio?: AttributeValue;
export const Pattern = DomNodeCreator<PatternProps>('pattern', [

@@ -753,0 +1049,0 @@ * @internal

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ import { HTMLNodeProps } from '../builtin_components/dom_adapter.js';


@@ -36,2 +37,3 @@ Div,


@@ -58,2 +60,3 @@ H2,


@@ -82,2 +85,3 @@ LinkProps,


@@ -117,3 +121,39 @@ Script,

} from '../nodes/simple_dom_nodes.js';

@@ -219,3 +259,25 @@ import { TextArea, TextAreaProps } from '../nodes/textarea.js';

colgroup: Colgroup,
caption: Caption
caption: Caption,
line: Line,
rect: Rect,
defs: Defs,
g: G,
text: Text,
tspan: Tspan,
circle: Circle,
ellipse: Ellipse,
polygon: Polygon,
polyline: Polyline,
path: Path,
image: Image,
symbol: Symbol,
use: Use,
stop: Stop,
lineargradient: LinearGradient,
radialgradient: RadialGradient,
clippath: ClipPath,
pattern: Pattern,
mask: Mask,
foreignobject: ForeignObject,
marker: Marker

@@ -378,4 +440,26 @@

caption: HTMLNodeProps<HTMLTableCaptionElement>;
line: LineProps;
rect: RectProps;
defs: HTMLNodeProps<SVGDefsElement>;
g: HTMLNodeProps<SVGGElement>;
text: HTMLNodeProps<SVGTextElement>;
tspan: HTMLNodeProps<SVGTSpanElement>;
circle: CircleProps;
ellipse: EllipseProps;
polygon: PolygonProps;
polyline: PolylineProps;
path: PathProps;
image: ImageProps;
symbol: SymbolProps;
use: UseProps;
stop: StopProps;
linearGradient: LinearGradientProps;
radialGradient: RadialGradientProps;
clipPath: ClipPathProps;
pattern: PatternProps;
mask: MaskProps;
foreignObject: ForeignObjectProps;
marker: MarkerProps;

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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