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autoNumeric is a standalone Javascript library that provides live *as-you-type* formatting for international numbers and currencies. It supports most International numeric formats and currencies including those used in Europe, Asia, and North and South Am

  • 4.0.0-beta.7
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  • npm
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What is autoNumeric?

autoNumeric is a standalone Javascript library that provides live as-you-type formatting for international numbers and currencies.

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The latest stable branch is 4.*.
For older stable versions, please take a look here, while for the latest development version, check the next branch.

Moreover, you can take a look at what could be the next features coming to autoNumeric on our project page (feel free to participate!).


autoNumeric main features are :

  • Easy to use and configure
// Initialization
new AutoNumeric('.myInput', { currencySymbol : '$' });
  • Very high configurability (more than 40 options available)
// The options are...optional :)
const autoNumericOptionsEuro = {
    digitGroupSeparator        : '.',
    decimalCharacter           : ',',
    decimalCharacterAlternative: '.',
    currencySymbol             : '\u202f€',
    currencySymbolPlacement    : AutoNumeric.options.currencySymbolPlacement.suffix,
    roundingMethod             : 'U',

// Initialization
new AutoNumeric(domElement, autoNumericOptionsEuro);
  • User experience oriented ; using autoNumeric just feels right and natural, specially with the new function chaining feature
         .update({ options })
  • Supports most international numeric formats and currencies
    (If the one you use is not supported yet, open an issue and we'll add it as soon as possible!)

And also:

  • Any number of different formats can be used at the same time on the same page.
    Each input can be configured by either setting the options as HTML5 data attributes, or directly passed as an argument in the Javascript code
  • The settings can easily be changed at any time using the update method or via a callback
  • autoNumeric supports input elements as well as most text elements with the contenteditable attribute, allowing you to place formatted numbers and currencies on just about any part of your pages
  • AutoNumeric elements can be linked together allowing you to perform one action on multiple elements at once
  • 8 pre-defined currency options as well as 31 common options allows you to directly use autoNumeric by skipping the option configuration step
  • 26 built-in methods gives you the flexibility needed to use autoNumeric to its maximum potential
  • 22 global methods that allows to control sets of AutoNumeric-managed elements at once
  • 21 additional methods specialized for managing form submission
  • 13 static functions provided by the AutoNumeric class
  • And more than 40 options allows you to customize the output format

With that said, autoNumeric supports most international numeric formats and currencies including those used in Europe, Asia, and North and South America.

Getting started


You can install autoNumeric with your preferred dependency manager:

# with `yarn` :
yarn add autonumeric
# or with `npm` :
npm install autonumeric

How to use?

In the browser

Simply include autoNumeric in your html <header> tag.
No other files or libraries are required ; autoNumeric has no dependency.

<script src="autoNumeric.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- ...or, you may also directly use a CDN :-->
<script src=""></script>
In another script

If you want to use AutoNumeric in your code, you can import the src/AutoNumeric.js file as an ES6 module using:

import AutoNumeric from 'AutoNumeric';

Then you can initialize autoNumeric with or without options :

// autoNumeric with the defaults options
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement);

// autoNumeric with specific options being passed
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, { options });

// autoNumeric with a css selector and a pre-defined language options
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input').french();

(See the available language list here)

You're done!

Note : an AutoNumeric object can be initialized in various ways, check those out here

On which elements can it be used?

autoNumeric can be used in two ways ;

  • with event listeners when used on <input> elements or on contenteditable-enabled elements making them reactive (in a read/write mode), or
  • without event listeners when used on DOM elements not having the contenteditable attribute set to true, essentially acting as a format-once-and-forget-read only mode.
On <input> elements

When used on an <input> element, you'll be able to interact with its value and get a formatted input value as-you-type, using the full power of autoNumeric.

Please note than due to browser constraints, only the following supported <input> types are supported :

  • text,
  • tel,
  • hidden, or
  • no type specified at all
<input type='text' value="1234.56">
<input type='tel' value="1234.56">
<input type='hidden' value="1234.56">
<input value="1234.56">

Note : the number type is not supported simply because autoNumeric formats numbers as strings (ie. '123.456.789,00 &#8364;') that this input type does not allow.

On contenteditable-enabled elements

Any element in the following allowedTagList that support the contenteditable attribute can be initialized by autoNumeric. This means that anywhere on a page, on any DOM element, you can harness the power of autoNumeric which will allow you to mask the user inputs.

Given the following html code...:

<p id="editableDom" contenteditable="true">12345678.9012</p>

you can initialize this <p> element with autoNumeric:

new AutoNumeric('#editableDom').french();

...and it will act exactly like an <input> element controlled by autoNumeric.

On other DOM elements

You can use autoNumeric to format a DOM element value once on load.
This means it will then not react to any user interaction.

The following elements are accepted :

const allowedTagList = [
    'b', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'const', 'dd', 'del', 'div', 'dfn', 'dt', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3',
    'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'ins', 'kdb', 'label', 'li', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'q', 's', 'sample',
    'span', 'strong', 'td', 'th', 'u'


Multiple options allow you to customize precisely how a form input will format your key strokes as you type :

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
allowDecimalPaddingAllow padding the decimal places with zeros. If set to 'floats', padding is only done when there are some decimals.true
createLocalListDetermine if a local list of AutoNumeric objects must be kept when initializing the elements and otherstrue
currencySymbolCurrency symbol''
currencySymbolPlacementPlacement of the currency sign, relative to the number (as a prefix or a suffix)'p'
decimalCharacterDecimal separator character'.'
decimalCharacterAlternativeAllow to declare alternative decimal separator which is automatically replaced by the real decimal character (useful in countries where the keyboard numeric pad have a period as the decimal character)null
decimalPlacesOverrideMaximum number of decimal places (used to override decimal places set by the minimumValue & maximumValue values)null
decimalPlacesShownOnFocusExpanded decimal places visible when input has focusnull
defaultValueOverrideHelper option for the ASP.NET-specific postback issuenull
digitalGroupSpacingDigital grouping for the thousand separator'3'
digitGroupSeparatorThousand separator character','
emptyInputBehaviorDefine what to display when the input value is empty (possible options are focus, press, always and zero)'focus'
failOnUnknownOption This option is the 'strict mode' (aka 'debug' mode), which allows autoNumeric to strictly analyse the options passed, and fails if an unknown options is used in the settings object.false
formatOnPageLoadDetermine if the default value will be formatted on initializationtrue
historySizeDetermine how many undo states an AutoNumeric object should keep in memory20
isCancellableDetermine if the user can 'cancel' the last modifications done to the element value when using the Escape keytrue
leadingZeroControls the leading zero behavior (possible options are allow, deny and keep)'deny'
maximumValueMaximum possible value'9999999999999.99'
minimumValueMinimum possible value'-9999999999999.99'
modifyValueOnWheelDetermine if the element value can be incremented / decremented with the mouse wheel. The wheel behavior is modified with the wheelStep option.true
negativeBracketsTypeOnBlurAdds brackets [], parenthesis (), curly braces {} or <> on negative values when unfocusednull
negativePositiveSignPlacementPlacement of negative/positive sign relative to the currency symbol (possible options are l (left), r (right), p (prefix) and s (suffix))null
noEventListenersDefines if the element should have event listeners activated on itfalse
noSeparatorOnFocusRemove the thousand separator, currency symbol and suffix on focusfalse
onInvalidPasteManage how autoNumeric react when the user tries to paste an invalid number (possible options are error, ignore, clamp, truncate or replace)'error'
outputFormatDefines the localized output format of the get, getString & getArray methodsnull
overrideMinMaxLimitsOverride minimum and maximum limits (possible options are ceiling, floor and ignore)null
readOnlyDefines if the <input> element should be set as read only on initializationfalse
roundingMethodMethod used for rounding (possible options are S, A, s, a, B, U, D, C, F, N05, U05 or D05)'S'
saveValueToSessionStorageAllow the decimalPlacesShownOnFocus value to be saved into session storagefalse
scaleDecimalPlacesThe number of decimal places when unfocusednull
scaleDivisorThis option decides the onfocus value and places the result in the input on focusoutnull
scaleSymbolSymbol placed as a suffix when unfocusednull
serializeSpacesDefines how the serialize functions should treat spaces when serializing (convert them to '%20' or '+')'+'
selectNumberOnlyDetermine if the select all keyboard command will select the complete input text, or only the input numeric valuefalse
showPositiveSignAllow the positive sign symbol + to be displayed for positive numbersfalse
showWarningsDefines if warnings should be showntrue
styleRulesDefines the rules that calculate the CSS class(es) to apply on the element, based on the raw unformatted value.
This can also be used to call callbacks whenever the rawValue is updated.
suffixTextAdditional text suffix that is added after the number''
unformatOnHoverDefines if the element value should be unformatted when the user hover his mouse over it while holding the Alt keytrue
unformatOnSubmitRemoves formatting on submit eventfalse
wheelStepUsed in conjonction with the modifyValueOnWheel option, this allow to either define a fixed step (ie. 1000), or a progressive one'progressive'

Using the noEventListeners option allow autoNumeric to only format without adding any event listeners to an input, or any other DOM elements (that the function would accept as a parameter). This would be useful for read-only values for instance.

// Initialize without setting up any event listeners
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789, { options }).remove(); // This is the default existing way of doing that...
// ...but you can also directly pass a special option `noEventListeners` to prevent the initial creation of those event listeners
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789, { noEventListeners: true });

In the latter case, it initialize the AutoNumeric element, except it does not add any event listeners. Which means it format the value only once and then let the user modify it freely.
Note: The value can then be formatted via a call to set.


AutoNumeric can initialize an <input> element with the readonly property by setting the readOnly option to true in the settings:

anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789, { readOnly: true });

For more detail on how to use each options, please take a look at the detailed comments in the source code for the defaultSettings object.

Predefined options

Sometimes you do not want to have to configure every single aspect of your format, specially if it's a common one.
Hence, we provide multiple default options for the most common currencies and number formats.

Predefined language options

autoNumeric provides predefined language options to format currencies.
You can set the pre-defined language option like so:

// Use the methods
new AutoNumeric('.mySelector > input').french();
// ...or just create the AutoNumeric object with the language option
new AutoNumeric('.mySelector > input', AutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions().French);

Currently, the predefined language options are:

Option name

If you feel a common currency option is missing, please create a pull request and we'll add it!

Predefined common options

Moreover, autoNumeric provides the following common options:

Option nameDescription
dotDecimalCharCommaSeparatorSet the decimal character as a dot . and the group separator as a comma ,
commaDecimalCharDotSeparatorSet the decimal character as a comma , and the group separator as a dot .
integerSet the minimum and maximum value so that only an integer can be entered, without any decimal places available
integerPosSet the minimum and maximum value so that only a positive integer can be entered
integerNegSet the minimum and maximum value so that only a negative integer can be entered
floatSet the minimum and maximum value so that a float can be entered, without the default 2 decimal places
floatPosSet the minimum and maximum value so that only a positive float can be entered
floatNegSet the minimum and maximum value so that only a negative float can be entered
numericFormat the value as a numeric string (with no digit group separator, and a dot for the decimal point)
numericPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
numericNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
euroSame configuration than French
euroPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
euroNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
euroSpaceSame configuration than French except a space is used for the group separator instead of the dot
euroSpacePosIdem above, but only allow positive values
euroSpaceNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
dollarSame configuration than NorthAmerican
dollarPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
dollarNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
percentageEU2decSame configuration than French, but display a percent % sign instead of the currency sign, with 2 decimal places
percentageEU2decPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
percentageEU2decNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
percentageEU3decSame configuration than French, but display a percent % sign instead of the currency sign, with 3 decimal places
percentageEU3decPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
percentageEU3decNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
percentageUS2decSame configuration than NorthAmerican, but display a percent % sign instead of the currency sign, with 2 decimal places
percentageUS2decPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
percentageUS2decNegIdem above, but only allow negative values
percentageUS3decSame configuration than NorthAmerican, but display a percent % sign instead of the currency sign, with 3 decimal places
percentageUS3decPosIdem above, but only allow positive values
percentageUS3decNegIdem above, but only allow negative values

You can set those pre-defined options like so:

new AutoNumeric('.mySelector > input', AutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions().integerPos);
Predefined style rules

With the styleRules option, you can define the rules that add or remove the CSS class(es) from the element, based on the raw unformatted value.
This option can also be used to define custom callbacks in the userDefined attribute, that will be called whenever the rawValue is updated.

Predefined styles are available so you do not have to create them:

Positive and negative

Sets the 'autoNumeric-positive' css class whenever the raw value is positive.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-negative' css class whenever the raw value is negative.

new AutoNumeric(domElement, { styleRules: AutoNumeric.options.styleRules.positiveNegative });
Range from 0 to 100, in 4 steps

Sets the 'autoNumeric-red' css class whenever the raw value is between 0 and 25 excluded.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-orange' css class whenever the raw value is between 25 and 50 excluded.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-yellow' css class whenever the raw value is between 50 and 75 excluded.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-green' css class whenever the raw value is between 75 and 100 excluded.

new AutoNumeric(domElement, { styleRules: AutoNumeric.options.styleRules.range0To100With4Steps });
Odd and even

Sets the 'autoNumeric-even' css class whenever the raw value is even.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-odd' css class whenever the raw value is odd.

new AutoNumeric(domElement, { styleRules: AutoNumeric.options.styleRules.evenOdd });
Small range around zero, from -1 to 1

Sets the 'autoNumeric-small-negative' css class whenever the raw value is between -1 and 0 excluded.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-zero' css class whenever the raw value is equal to 0.
Sets the 'autoNumeric-small-positive' css class whenever the raw value is between 0 excluded and 1.

new AutoNumeric(domElement, { styleRules: AutoNumeric.options.styleRules.rangeSmallAndZero });
Custom callbacks

Custom callbacks can be defined and will be called every time the raw value is updated.
You can add as many callbacks you want in the userDefined attribute of the styleRules object in the options.
Each userDefined array entry should at least provide a function as the callback attribute.
This callback function is passed the rawValue as the single parameter (except if classes is null or undefined, see below).

Depending of what type of data the callback function returns, and what the content of the classes attribute is, it will either uses CSS class names defined in the classes attribute, or just call the callback with the current AutoNumeric object passed as a parameter if classes is null or undefined.

#Callback return typeclasses contentResult
1a booleana single StringIf true, add the single class defined in classes. If false removes it.
2a booleanan Array with 2 values (array indexes)If true, add the first element of the array, otherwise the second
3an integeran Array with multiple values (array indexes)Will add the selected CSS class classes[index], and remove the others
4an Array of integeran Array with multiple values (array indexes)Will add all the given selected CSS classes, and remove the others
5null or undefinedThere, the callback have access to the current AutoNumeric object passed as its argument, which means you are free to do whatever you want from here!

See the following examples:

const options = {
    styleRules : {
        userDefined: [
            // 1) If 'classes' is a string, set it if `true`, remove it if `false`
            { callback: rawValue => { return true; }, classes: 'thisIsTrue' },
            // 2) If 'classes' is an array with only 2 elements, set the first class if `true`, the second if `false`
            { callback: rawValue => rawValue % 2 === 0, classes: ['autoNumeric-even', 'autoNumeric-odd'] },
            // 3) Return only one index to use on the `classes` array (here, 'class3')
            { callback: rawValue => { return 2; }, classes: ['class1', 'class2', 'class3'] },
            // 4) Return an array of indexes to use on the `classes` array (here, 'class1' and 'class3')
            { callback: rawValue => { return [0, 2]; }, classes: ['class1', 'class2', 'class3'] },
            // 5) If 'classes' is `undefined` or `null`, then the callback is called with the AutoNumeric object passed as a parameter
            { callback: anElement => { return anElement.getFormatted(); } },


An AutoNumeric object can be initialized in various ways.

Initialize one AutoNumeric object

It always takes either a DOM element reference as its first argument, or a css string selector.
Note: only one element can be selected this way, since under the hood document.querySelector is called, and this only return one element.
If you need to be able to select and initialize multiple elements in one call, then consider using the static AutoNumeric.multiple() function

anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement); // With the default options
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, { options }); // With one option object
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement).french(); // With one pre-defined language object
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement).french({ options });// With one pre-defined language object and additional options that will override those defaults

// ...or init and set the value in one call :
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789); // With the default options, and an initial value
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789, { options });
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, '12345.789', { options });
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, null, { options }); // With a null initial value
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789).french({ options });
anElement = new AutoNumeric(domElement, 12345.789, { options }).french({ options }); // Not really helpful, but possible

// The AutoNumeric constructor class can also accept a string as a css selector. Under the hood this use `QuerySelector` and limit itself to only the first element it finds.
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input');
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input', { options });
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input', 12345.789);
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input', 12345.789, { options });
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input', null, { options }); // With a null initial value
anElement = new AutoNumeric('.myCssClass > input', 12345.789).french({ options });

Note: AutoNumeric also accepts a limited tag list that it will format on page load, but without adding any event listeners if their contenteditable attribute is not set to true

Initialize multiple AutoNumeric objects at once

If you know you want to initialize multiple elements in one call, you must then use the static AutoNumeric.multiple() function:

// Init multiple DOM elements in one call (and possibly pass multiple values that will be mapped to each DOM element)
[anElement1, anElement2, anElement3] = AutoNumeric.multiple([domElement1, domElement2, domElement3], { options });
[anElement1, anElement2, anElement3] = AutoNumeric.multiple([domElement1, domElement2, domElement3], 12345.789, { options });
[anElement1, anElement2, anElement3] = AutoNumeric.multiple.french([domElement1, domElement2, domElement3], [12345.789, 234.78, null], { options });

// Special case, if a <form> element is passed (or any other 'parent' (or 'root') DOM element), then autoNumeric will initialize each child `<input>` elements recursively, ignoring those referenced in the `exclude` attribute
[anElement1, anElement2] = AutoNumeric.multiple({ rootElement: formElement }, { options });
[anElement1, anElement2] = AutoNumeric.multiple({ rootElement: formElement, exclude : [hiddenElement, tokenElement] }, { options });
[anElement1, anElement2] = AutoNumeric.multiple({ rootElement: formElement, exclude : [hiddenElement, tokenElement] }, [12345.789, null], { options });

// If you want to select multiple elements via a css selector, then you must use the `multiple` function. Under the hood `QuerySelectorAll` is used.
[anElement1, anElement2] = AutoNumeric.multiple('.myCssClass > input', { options }); // This always return an Array, even if there is only one element selected
[anElement1, anElement2] = AutoNumeric.multiple('.myCssClass > input', [null, 12345.789], { options }); // Idem above, but with passing the initial values too

Options update

Options can be added and/or modified after the initialization has been done.

Either by passing an options object that contains multiple options...

anElement.update({ moreOptions });
anElement.update(AutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions().NorthAmerican); // Update the settings (and immediately reformat the element accordingly)

...or by changing the options one by one (or by calling a pre-defined option object)


At any point, you can reset the options by calling the options.reset() method. This effectively drop any previous options you could have set, then load back the default settings.


Lastly, the option object can be accessed directly, thus allowing to query each options globally too

anElement.getSettings(); // Return the options object containing all the current autoNumeric settings in effect


autoNumeric provides numerous methods to access and modify the element value, formatted or unformatted, at any point in time.
It does so by providing access to those methods via the AutoNumeric object class (declared as an ES6 Module).

First. you need to get a reference to the AutoNumeric module that you need to import:

import AutoNumeric from 'autoNumeric.min';

Then you'll be able to access either the methods on the instantiated AutoNumeric object, or the static functions directly by using the AutoNumeric class.

Instantiated methods
Usual functions on each autoNumeric-managed element
MethodDescriptionCall example
setSet the value (that will be formatted immediately)anElement.set(42.76);
setSet the value and update the setting in one goanElement.set(42.76, { options });
setSet the value, but do not save the new state in the history table (used for undo/redo actions)anElement.set(42.76, { options }, false);
setUnformattedSet the value (that will not be formatted immediately)anElement.setUnformatted(42.76);
setUnformattedSet the value and update the setting in one go (the value will not be formatted immediately)anElement.setUnformatted(42.76, { options });
getNumericStringReturn the unformatted number as a stringanElement.getNumericString();
getAlias for the .getNumericString() methodanElement.get();
getFormattedReturn the formatted stringanElement.getFormatted();
getNumberReturn the unformatted number as a numberanElement.getNumber();
getLocalizedReturn the localized unformatted number as a stringanElement.getLocalized();
getLocalizedReturn the localized unformatted number as a string, using the outputFormat option override passed as a parameteranElement.getLocalized(forcedOutputFormat);
reformatForce the element to reformat its value again (in case the formatting has been lost)anElement.reformat();
unformatRemove the formatting and keep only the raw unformatted value in the element (as a numeric string)anElement.unformat();
unformatLocalizedRemove the formatting and keep only the localized unformatted value in the elementanElement.unformatLocalized();
unformatLocalizedIdem above, but using the outputFormat option override passed as a parameteranElement.unformatLocalized(forcedOutputFormat);
isPristineReturn true if the current value is the same as when the element got initializedanElement.isPristine();
selectSelect the formatted element content, based on the selectNumberOnly;
selectNumberSelect only the numbers in the formatted element content, leaving out the currency symbol, whatever the value of the selectNumberOnly optionanElement.selectNumber();
selectIntegerSelect only the integer part in the formatted element content, whatever the value of selectNumberOnlyanElement.selectInteger();
selectDecimalSelect only the decimal part in the formatted element content, whatever the value of selectNumberOnlyanElement.selectDecimal();
clearReset the element value to the empty string '' (or the currency sign, depending on the emptyInputBehavior option value)anElement.clear();
clearReset the element value to the empty string '' as above, no matter the emptyInputBehavior option valueanElement.clear(true);
Un-initialize the AutoNumeric element with the following methods
MethodDescriptionCall example
removeRemove the autoNumeric listeners from the element (previous name : 'destroy'). Keep the element content intact.anElement.remove();
wipeRemove the autoNumeric listeners from the element, and reset its value to ''anElement.wipe();
nukeRemove the autoNumeric listeners from the element, and delete the DOM element altogetheranElement.nuke();
Node manipulation
MethodDescriptionCall example
nodeReturn the DOM element reference of the autoNumeric-managed elementanElement.node();
parentReturn the DOM element reference of the parent node of the autoNumeric-managed elementanElement.parent();
detachDetach the current AutoNumeric element from the shared 'init' list (which means any changes made on that local shared list will not be transmitted to that element anymore)anElement.detach();
detachIdem above, but detach the given AutoNumeric element, not the current oneanElement.detach(otherAnElement);
attachAttach the given AutoNumeric element to the shared local 'init' list. When doing that, by default the DOM content is left untouched. The user can force a reformat with the new shared list options by passing a second argument to true.anElement.attach(otherAnElement, reFormat = true);
Use any AutoNumeric element to format/unformat other numbers or DOM elements

This allows to format or unformat numbers, strings or directly other DOM elements without having to specify the options each time, since the current AutoNumeric object already has those settings set.

MethodDescriptionCall example
formatOtherThis use the same function signature that when using the static AutoNumeric method directly (cf. below: AutoNumeric.format), but without having to pass the optionsanElement.formatOther(12345, { options });
formatOtherIdem above, but apply the formatting to the DOM element content directlyanElement.formatOther(domElement5, { options });
unformatOtherThis use the same function signature that when using the static AutoNumeric method directly (cf. below: AutoNumeric.unformat), but without having to pass the optionsanElement.unformatOther('1.234,56 €', { options });
unformatOtherIdem above, but apply the unformatting to the DOM element content directlyanElement.unformatOther(domElement5, { options });
Initialize other DOM Elements

Once you have an AutoNumeric element already setup correctly with the right options, you can use it as many times you want to initialize as many other DOM elements as needed (this works only on elements that can be managed by autoNumeric).

Whenever init is used to initialize other DOM element, a shared 'local' list of those elements is stored in the AutoNumeric objects.
This allows for neat things like modifying all those linked AutoNumeric elements globally, with one call.

MethodDescriptionCall example
initUse an existing AutoNumeric element to initialize another DOM element with the same optionsconst anElement2 = anElement.init(domElement2);
initIf true is set as the second argument, then the newly generated AutoNumeric element will not share the same local element list as anElementconst anElement2 = anElement.init(domElement2, true);
Perform actions globally on a shared list of AutoNumeric elements

This local list can be used to perform global operations on all those AutoNumeric elements, with one function call.
To do so, you must call the wanted function by prefixing .global before the method name (ie.
Below are listed all the supported methods than can be called globally:; // Set the value 2000 in all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are shared on this element;
[result1, result2, result3] =; // Return an array of results
[result1, result2, result3] =; // Return an array of results
[result1, result2, result3] =; // Return an array of results
[result1, result2, result3] =; // Return an array of results
[result1, result2, result3] =; // Return an array of results;;;;{ options }); // Update the settings of each autoNumeric-managed elements; // Return `true` is *all* the autoNumeric-managed elements are pristine, if their raw value hasn't changed; // Idem as above, but also checks that the formatted value hasn't changed; // Clear the value in all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are shared on this element;;;

The shared local list also provide list-specific methods to manipulate it:; // Return `true` if the given AutoNumeric object (or DOM element) is in the local AutoNumeric element list; // Add an existing AutoNumeric object (or DOM element) to the local AutoNumeric element list, using the DOM element as the key; // Remove the given AutoNumeric object (or DOM element) from the local AutoNumeric element list, using the DOM element as the key, true); // Idem above, but keep the current AutoNumeric object in the local list if it's removed by itself; // Remove all elements from the shared list, effectively emptying it; // Idem above, but instead of completely emptying the local list of each AutoNumeric objects, each one of those keeps itself in its own local list
[anElement0, anElement1, anElement2, anElement3] =; // Return an array containing all the AutoNumeric elements that have been initialized by each other; // Return the `Map` object directly; // Return the number of elements in the local AutoNumeric element list
Form functions

autoNumeric elements provide special functions to manipulate the form they are a part of. Those special functions really work on the parent <form> element, instead of the <input> element itself.

MethodDescriptionCall example
formReturn a reference to the parent element, null if it does not existanElement.form();
formNumericStringReturn a string in standard URL-encoded notation with the form input values being unformattedanElement.formNumericString();
formFormattedReturn a string in standard URL-encoded notation with the form input values being formattedanElement.formFormatted();
formLocalizedReturn a string in standard URL-encoded notation with the form input values, with localized valuesanElement.formLocalized();
formLocalized(forcedOutputFormat)Idem above, but with the possibility of overriding the outputFormat optionanElement.formLocalized(forcedOutputFormat);
formArrayNumericStringReturn an array containing an object for each form <input> element, with the values as numeric stringsanElement.formArrayNumericString();
formArrayFormattedReturn an array containing an object for each form <input> element, with the values as formatted stringsanElement.formArrayFormatted();
formArrayLocalizedReturn an array containing an object for each form <input> element, with the values as localized numeric stringsanElement.formArrayLocalized();
formArrayLocalized(forcedOutputFormat)Idem above, but with the possibility of overriding the outputFormat optionanElement.formArrayLocalized(forcedOutputFormat);
formJsonNumericStringReturn a JSON string containing an object representing the form input values. This is based on the result of the formArrayNumericString() function.anElement.formJsonNumericString();
formJsonFormattedReturn a JSON string containing an object representing the form input values. This is based on the result of the formArrayFormatted() function.anElement.formJsonFormatted();
formJsonLocalizedReturn a JSON string containing an object representing the form input values. This is based on the result of the formArrayLocalized() function.anElement.formJsonLocalized();
formJsonLocalized(forcedOutputFormat)Idem above, but with the possibility of overriding the outputFormat optionanElement.formJsonLocalized(forcedOutputFormat);
formUnformatUnformat all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the parent element of this anElement input, to numeric stringsanElement.formUnformat();
formUnformatLocalizedUnformat all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the parent element of this anElement input, to localized stringsanElement.formUnformatLocalized();
formReformatReformat all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the parent element of this anElement inputanElement.formReformat();

The following functions can either take a callback, or not. If they don't, the default form.submit() function will be called.

MethodDescriptionCall example
formSubmitNumericString(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formNumericString()anElement.formSubmitNumericString(callback);
formSubmitFormatted(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formFormatted()anElement.formSubmitFormatted(callback);
formSubmitLocalized(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formLocalized()anElement.formSubmitLocalized(callback);
formSubmitLocalized(forcedOutputFormat, callback)Idem above, but with the possibility of overriding the outputFormat optionanElement.formSubmitLocalized(forcedOutputFormat, callback);

For the following methods, the callback is mandatory:

MethodDescriptionCall example
formSubmitArrayNumericString(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formArrayNumericString()anElement.formSubmitArrayNumericString(callback);
formSubmitArrayFormatted(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formArrayFormatted()anElement.formSubmitArrayFormatted(callback);
formSubmitArrayLocalized(callback, forcedOutputFormat)Idem above, but with the possibility of overriding the outputFormat optionanElement.formSubmitArrayLocalized(callback, forcedOutputFormat);
formSubmitJsonNumericString(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formJsonNumericString()anElement.formSubmitJsonNumericString(callback);
formSubmitJsonFormatted(callback)Run the callback(value) with value being equal to the result of formJsonFormatted()anElement.formSubmitJsonFormatted(callback);
formSubmitJsonLocalized(callback, forcedOutputFormat)Idem above, but with the possibility of overriding the outputFormat optionanElement.formSubmitJsonLocalized(callback, forcedOutputFormat);
Function chaining

Most of those functions can be chained which allow to be less verbose and more concise.

// On one element
         .update({ options })

// On multiple elements
Static methods

Without having to initialize any AutoNumeric object, you can directly use the static AutoNumeric class functions.

MethodDescriptionCall example
validateCheck if the given option object is valid, and that each option is valid as well. This throws an error if it's not.AutoNumeric.validate({ options })
areSettingsValidReturn true in the settings are validAutoNumeric.areSettingsValid({ options })
getDefaultConfigReturn the default autoNumeric settingsAutoNumeric.getDefaultConfig()
getPredefinedOptionsReturn all the predefined options in one objectAutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions()
getPredefinedOptionsReturn a specific pre-defined language option objectAutoNumeric.getPredefinedOptions().French
formatFormat the given number with the given options. This returns the formatted value as a string.AutoNumeric.format(12345.21, { options });
formatIdem above, but using a numeric string as the first parameterAutoNumeric.format('12345.21', { options });
formatFormat the domElement value (or textContent) with the given options and returns the formatted value as a string. This does not update that element value.AutoNumeric.format(domElement, { options });
formatAndSetFormat the domElement value with the given options and returns the formatted value as a string. This function does update that element value with the newly formatted value in the process.AutoNumeric.formatAndSet(domElement, { options });
unformatUnformat the given formatted string with the given options. This returns a numeric string.AutoNumeric.unformat('1.234,56 €', { options });
unformatUnformat the domElement value with the given options and returns the unformatted numeric string. This does not update that element value.AutoNumeric.unformat(domElement, { options });
unformatAndSetUnformat the domElement value with the given options and returns the unformatted value as a numeric string. This function does update that element value with the newly unformatted value in the process.AutoNumeric.unformatAndSet(domElement, { options });
unformatAndSetRecursively unformat all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the referenceToTheDomElement element given as a parameter (this is usually the parent <form> element)AutoNumeric.unformatAndSet(referenceToTheDomElement);
reformatAndSetRecursively format all the autoNumeric-managed elements that are a child to the referenceToTheDomElement element given as a parameter (this is usually the parent <form> element), with the settings of each AutoNumeric elements.AutoNumeric.reformatAndSet(referenceToTheDomElement);
localizeUnformat and localize the given formatted string with the given options. This returns a string.AutoNumeric.localize('1.234,56 €', { options });
localizeIdem as above, but return the localized DOM element value. This does not update that element value.AutoNumeric.localize(domElement, { options });
localizeAndSetUnformat and localize the domElement value with the given options and returns the localized value as a string. This function does update that element value with the newly localized value in the process.AutoNumeric.localizeAndSet(domElement, { options });
testTest if the given domElement is already managed by AutoNumeric (if it is initialized)AutoNumeric.test(domElement);
versionReturn the AutoNumeric version number (for debugging purpose)AutoNumeric.version();

Event lifecycle

AutoNumeric elements are transparent to the native input and change events, which means those are correctly sent when using an <input> element managed by AutoNumeric.
In addition to the native events, custom events sent by AutoNumeric elements allows you to hook into the formatting lifecycle, as you see fit.

Following are listed how AutoNumeric react to different types of key inputs.

By default a 'normal' printable character input (ie. '2' or ',') will result in those events, in that specific order:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'autoNumeric:minExceeded' or 'autoNumeric:maxExceeded' if there was a range problem
  3. 'keypress' (this is deprecated and will be removed soon)
  4. 'input'
  5. 'keyup'
  6. 'autoNumeric:formatted' when all the formatting is done

When inputting a modifier key (ie. Control), we get:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keyup'
  3. 'autoNumeric:formatted' if a change as been detected and that all the formatting is done

If Delete or backspace is entered, the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'input'
  3. 'keyup'
  4. 'autoNumeric:formatted' if a change as been detected and that all the formatting is done

If Enter is entered and the value has not changed, the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keypress'
  3. 'keyup'
  4. 'autoNumeric:formatted' if a change as been detected and that all the formatting is done

If Enter is entered and the value has been changed, the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keypress'
  3. 'change'
  4. 'keyup'
  5. 'autoNumeric:formatted' if a change as been detected and that all the formatting is done

When a paste is done with the mouse, the following events are sent:

  1. 'input'
  2. 'keydown'
  3. 'input'
  4. 'keyup'
  5. 'keyup'
  6. 'autoNumeric:formatted' if a change as been detected and that all the formatting is done

And when a paste is done with the keyboard shortcut (ie ctrl+v), the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keydown'
  3. 'input'
  4. 'keyup'
  5. 'keyup'
  6. 'autoNumeric:formatted' if a change as been detected and that all the formatting is done

Finally, the 'change' event is sent on blur if the value has been changed since the focus one.

Note: the AutoNumeric.format() static function does trigger an 'autoNumeric:formatted' event if the value that the user is trying to format is outside the minimumValue and maximumValue range, with the detail attribute containing the range error message.


For questions and support please use the Gitter chat room or IRC on Freenode #autoNumeric.
The issue list of this repository is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests.

How to contribute?

Contributors and pull requests are welcome.
Feel free to contact us for any questions.
For more information about how to contribute, please check the CONTRIBUTING file which has more details about it.

In a nutshell :

  • Get the latest source git clone -b next && cd autoNumeric && yarn install
  • Make you changes
  • Lint, build, and run tests yarn lint && yarn build && yarn test
  • Create a pull request, and we'll check it out as soon as possible!

Again, be sure to check the CONTRIBUTING file for more details.
Also, feel free to follow our RSS feeds on master and next to keep up with the latest commits.



Older versions

The previous stable autoNumeric version v1.9.46 can be found here, and the v2 branch can be found here.

For integration into Rails projects, you can use the autonumeric-rails project.


The old and outdated documentation can be found in the Documentation file.
For some examples and an option code generator for the old v1.9.* version, take a look here.


autoNumeric is an MIT-licensed open source project, and its authors are credited in

Feel free to donate via Paypal Donate (Robert) or Patreon Donate (Alexandre) to support autoNumeric development.



Package last updated on 02 Apr 2017

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