Easy way to deploy web app to S3/CF
This plugin dose two thing:
- Upload build
to S3 bucket. - Invalidate CloudFront
Example for config JSON:
"S3Bucket": "my-bucket-name-dev", // required
"releaseVersion": null,
"distFolder": null, // can be as folder
"version": "version",
"sourceFolder": "./dist", // required
"region": "eu-west-1", // required
"DistributionId": "E1ZKF9G******", // required
"ItemsToInvalidate": [
], // required
"AWSProfile": "My-aws-cli-profile",
"ApplicationName": "My-Cool-APP-NAME",
"EnvironmentName": "Production" //
Important notes:
- Content in destination folder (or in bucket if 'distFolder' not provided) will be removed!!!
- S3 bucket and CF Distribution should to be in same region.
##Quick Start
Install package:
npm install aws-fed-deployment --save-dev
yarn add aws-fed-deployment
Command run:
aws-fed-deployment --dpl-config <path/to/config/json>
Any feedback would be highly appreciated