feature: CodeGuruSecurity: This release includes minor model updates and documentation updates.
feature: LaunchWizard: This release adds support for describing workload deployment specifications, deploying additional workload types, and managing tags for Launch Wizard resources with API operations.
feature: ACM: add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing.
feature: BedrockAgent: With this release, Knowledge bases for Bedrock adds support for Titan Text Embedding v2.
feature: BedrockRuntime: This release adds Converse and ConverseStream APIs to Bedrock Runtime
feature: CloudTrail: CloudTrail Lake returns PartitionKeys in the GetEventDataStore API response. Events are grouped into partitions based on these keys for better query performance. For example, the calendarday key groups events by day, while combining the calendarday key with the hour key groups them by day and hour.
feature: Connect: Adding associatedQueueIds as a SearchCriteria and response field to the SearchRoutingProfiles API
feature: EMRServerless: The release adds support for spark structured streaming.
feature: SageMaker: Adds Model Card information as a new component to Model Package. Autopilot launches algorithm selection for TimeSeries modality to generate AutoML candidates per algorithm.
feature: Athena: Throwing validation errors on CreateNotebook with Name containing /,:,\
feature: CodeBuild: AWS CodeBuild now supports manually creating GitHub webhooks
feature: Connect: This release includes changes to DescribeContact API's response by including ConnectedToSystemTimestamp, RoutingCriteria, Customer, Campaign, AnsweringMachineDetectionStatus, CustomerVoiceActivity, QualityMetrics, DisconnectDetails, and SegmentAttributes information from a contact in Amazon Connect.
feature: Glue: Add optional field JobMode to CreateJob and UpdateJob APIs.
feature: SecurityHub: Add ROOT type for TargetType model
feature: IoTFleetWise: AWS IoT FleetWise now supports listing vehicles with attributes filter, ListVehicles API is updated to support additional attributes filter.
feature: Chatbot: This change adds support for tagging Chatbot configurations.
feature: CloudFormation: Added DeletionMode FORCE_DELETE_STACK for deleting a stack that is stuck in DELETE_FAILED state due to resource deletion failure.
feature: KMS: This release includes feature to import customer's asymmetric (RSA, ECC and SM2) and HMAC keys into KMS in China.
feature: OpenSearch: This release adds support for enabling or disabling a data source configured as part of Zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3, by setting its status.
feature: WAFV2: You can now use Security Lake to collect web ACL traffic data.
feature: CloudFront: Model update; no change to SDK functionality.
feature: Glue: Add Maintenance window to CreateJob and UpdateJob APIs and JobRun response. Add a new Job Run State for EXPIRED.
feature: Lightsail: This release adds support for Amazon Lightsail instances to switch between dual-stack or IPv4 only and IPv6-only public IP address types.
feature: MailManager: This release includes a new Amazon SES feature called Mail Manager, which is a set of email gateway capabilities designed to help customers strengthen their organization's email infrastructure, simplify email workflow management, and streamline email compliance control.
feature: PI: Performance Insights added a new input parameter called AuthorizedActions to support the fine-grained access feature. Performance Insights also restricted the acceptable input characters.
feature: StorageGateway: Added new SMBSecurityStrategy enum named MandatoryEncryptionNoAes128, new mode enforces encryption and disables AES 128-bit algorithums.
feature: BedrockAgent: This release adds support for using Guardrails with Bedrock Agents.
feature: BedrockAgentRuntime: This release adds support for using Guardrails with Bedrock Agents.
feature: ControlTower: Added ListControlOperations API and filtering support for ListEnabledControls API. Updates also includes added metadata for enabled controls and control operations.
feature: OSIS: Add support for creating an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline that is attached to a provided VPC. Add information about the destinations of an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline to the GetPipeline and ListPipelines APIs.
feature: RDS: This release adds support for EngineLifecycleSupport on DBInstances, DBClusters, and GlobalClusters.
feature: SecretsManager: add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing