CDK Construct for scheduling a cron job that periodically accesses a MediaTialor endpoint
- MediaTailor session initialization URL
- Cron schedule expression
- Fetch interval (seconds)
- Fetch count per cron job
- Email address for nortifying errors
- Lambda function for fetching MediaTailor HLS/DASH endpoint
- StepFunctions state-machine for invoking the Lambda function with a specified interval/count
- EventBridge rule for periodically running the state-machine
- SNS Topic for notifiying any errors
Below is an example of deploying a cron job that runs at 11:59 every Saturday. Once the job gets started, it fetches the manifest every 2 seconds until it's repeated 30 times.
import { Stack, StackProps, CfnOutput } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { FetchJob } from 'awscdk-construct-fetch-job';
export class ExampleStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const job = new FetchJob(this, 'FetchSchedule', {
emailAddr: 'Your email address',
sessionInitializationUrl: 'MediaTailor session initialization URL',
startTime: { hour: '11', minute: '59', weekDay: 'SAT' },
intervalInSeconds: 2,
fetchCount: 30,
new CfnOutput(this, "EventBridgeRuleARN", {
value: job.rule.ruleArn,
exportName: "EventBridgeRuleARN",
description: "ARN of EventBridge Rule - fetch",