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@@ -258,3 +258,3 @@ declare type AllowFixed<T> = T extends RxList<infer U> ? U[] | T : T extends RxMap<infer K, infer V> ? [K, V][] | T : T extends Atom<infer U> ? U | T : T;

export declare function createElementNS(type: string, props: AttributesArg, ...children: any[]): HTMLElement | SVGElement | DocumentFragment | ComponentNode;
export declare function createElementNS(type: string, props: AttributesArg, ...children: any[]): HTMLElement | ComponentNode | DocumentFragment | SVGElement;

@@ -336,5 +336,5 @@ /**

export declare class DataContext {
hostPath: Host[];
hostPath: LinkedNode<Host>;
valueByType: Map<any, any>;
constructor(hostPath: Host[]);
constructor(hostPath: LinkedNode<Host>);
get(contextType: any): any;

@@ -615,2 +615,7 @@ set(contextType: any, value: any): void;

declare type LinkedNode<T> = {
prev: LinkedNode<T> | null;
node: T;
declare class ListNode<T> {

@@ -1335,7 +1340,7 @@ item: T;

elToStyleId: WeakMap<HTMLElement, string>;
getStyleSheetId(hostPath: Host[], elementPath: number[], el: ExtendedElement | null): string;
getStyleSheetId(hostPath: LinkedNode<Host>, elementPath: number[], el: ExtendedElement | null): string;
stringifyStyleObject(styleObject: {
[k: string]: any;
}): string;
update(hostPath: Host[], elementPath: number[], styleObject: StyleObject | StyleObject[], el: ExtendedElement, isStatic?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
update(hostPath: LinkedNode<Host>, elementPath: number[], styleObject: StyleObject | StyleObject[], el: ExtendedElement, isStatic?: boolean): Promise<unknown>;
isNestedStyleObject(key: string, styleObject: any): boolean;

@@ -1342,0 +1347,0 @@ separateStyleObject(styleObject: StyleObject, transitionPropertyNames: string[]): [StyleObject?, StyleObject?, StyleObject?];

@@ -1,12 +0,12 @@

import { isAtom as q, atom as ee, RxList as _, RxSet as ne, RxMap as se, arrayComputed as ie, TrackOpTypes as I, TriggerOpTypes as $, destroyComputed as G, reactive as xe, ReactiveEffect as Le, computed as pe, autorun as me, Notifier as oe, isReactive as ye } from "data0";
import { isAtom as q, atom as Q, RxList as _, RxSet as rt, RxMap as nt, reactive as xt, ReactiveEffect as Tt, computed as pt, destroyComputed as mt, autorun as yt, Notifier as st, isReactive as vt, TrackOpTypes as it, TriggerOpTypes as ot } from "data0";
export * from "data0";
function He(t, e) {
for (let r in t)
e(t[r], r);
function Rt(e, t) {
for (let r in e)
t(e[r], r);
function ge(t, e, r = !1) {
if (t.parentElement !== e.parentElement)
function gt(e, t, r = !1) {
if (e.parentElement !== t.parentElement)
throw new Error("placeholder and element parentElement not same");
let n = t;
for (; n !== e; ) {
let n = e;
for (; n !== t; ) {
const s = n;

@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ if (n = s.nextSibling, !n) throw new Error("can not find nextSibling");

r && e.remove();
r && t.remove();
const W = (t) => (t == null ? void 0 : t.constructor) === Object;
function A(t, e) {
if (!t)
throw new Error(e);
const G = (e) => (e == null ? void 0 : e.constructor) === Object;
function b(e, t) {
if (!e)
throw new Error(t);
function z(t, e) {
if (t === e) return !0;
if (typeof t != "object" || typeof e != "object" || t === null || e === null) return !1;
const r = Object.keys(t), n = Object.keys(e);
function z(e, t) {
if (e === t) return !0;
if (typeof e != "object" || typeof t != "object" || e === null || t === null) return !1;
const r = Object.keys(e), n = Object.keys(t);
if (r.length !== n.length) return !1;
for (let s of r)
if (t[s] !== e[s]) return !1;
if (e[s] !== t[s]) return !1;
return !0;
function Re(t) {
return t.length ? new Promise((e) => {
function Lt(e) {
return e.length ? new Promise((t) => {
let r = 0;
const n = (s) => {
r < t.length ? (t[r++](s), requestAnimationFrame(n)) : e(!0);
r < e.length ? (e[r++](s), requestAnimationFrame(n)) : t(!0);

@@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ requestAnimationFrame(n);

const Oe = /^(width|height|top|left|right|bottom|margin|padding|border|fontSize|maxWidth|maxHeight|minHeight|minWidth|gap|flexBasis|columnGap|rowGap)/;
let Ee = "px";
function kt(t) {
Ee = t;
const $t = /^(width|height|top|left|right|bottom|margin|padding|border|fontSize|maxWidth|maxHeight|minHeight|minWidth|gap|flexBasis|columnGap|rowGap)/;
let Et = "px";
function Ve(e) {
Et = e;
function ve(t) {
return typeof t == "string" ? t : `${t}${Ee}`;
function kt(e) {
return typeof e == "string" ? e : `${e}${Et}`;
const Ie = /^(boxShadow|textShadow|transition|animation|backgroundImage)/;
function te(t, e) {
return e === void 0 ? "" : Array.isArray(e) ? Ie.test(t) ? e.join(",") : => te(t, r)).join(" ") : typeof e == "number" && Oe.test(t) ? ve(e) : e.toString();
const Ht = /^(boxShadow|textShadow|transition|animation|backgroundImage)/;
function tt(e, t) {
return t === void 0 ? "" : Array.isArray(t) ? Ht.test(e) ? t.join(",") : => tt(e, r)).join(" ") : typeof t == "number" && $t.test(e) ? kt(t) : t.toString();
function $e(t, e, r) {
function Ot(e, t, r) {
try {
t[e] = r;
e[t] = r;
} catch (n) {

@@ -62,156 +62,161 @@ console.error(n);

function Ce(t) {
const e = this._listeners[t.type];
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach((r) => r == null ? void 0 : r(t, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || [])) : e == null ? void 0 : e(t, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || []);
function St(e) {
const t = this._listeners[e.type];
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.forEach((r) => r == null ? void 0 : r(e, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || [])) : t == null ? void 0 : t(e, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || []);
function Ne(t) {
const e = this._captureListeners[t.type];
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach((r) => r == null ? void 0 : r(t, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || [])) : e == null ? void 0 : e(t, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || []);
function Nt(e) {
const t = this._captureListeners[e.type];
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.forEach((r) => r == null ? void 0 : r(e, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || [])) : t == null ? void 0 : t(e, ...this.listenerBoundArgs || []);
const Y = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function De(t) {
return t[0] === "o" && t[1] === "n";
const X = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function Vt(e) {
return e[0] === "o" && e[1] === "n";
const Me = /^(strokeWidth|strokeLinecap|strokeLinejoin|strokeMiterlimit|strokeDashoffset|strokeDasharray|strokeOpacity|fillOpacity|stopOpacity)/;
function k(t, e, r, n) {
if (Array.isArray(r) && e !== "style" && e !== "className" && !De(e))
return k(t, e,, n);
if (e === "uuid") {
t.setAttribute("data-uuid", r);
const It = /^(strokeWidth|strokeLinecap|strokeLinejoin|strokeMiterlimit|strokeDashoffset|strokeDasharray|strokeOpacity|fillOpacity|stopOpacity)/;
function V(e, t, r, n) {
if (Array.isArray(r) && t !== "style" && t !== "className" && !Vt(t))
return V(e, t,, n);
if (t === "uuid") {
e.setAttribute("data-uuid", r);
if (e[0] === "o" && e[1] === "n") {
const s = e !== (e = e.replace(/Capture$/, ""));
let i = e.toLowerCase().substring(2);
if (t[0] === "o" && t[1] === "n") {
const s = t !== (t = t.replace(/Capture$/, ""));
let i = t.toLowerCase().substring(2);
i === "change" && (i = "input");
const o = s ? Ne : Ce;
r ? t.addEventListener(i, o, s) : t.removeEventListener(i, o, s);
const a = s ? t._captureListeners || (t._captureListeners = {}) : t._listeners || (t._listeners = {});
A((a == null ? void 0 : a[i]) === void 0, `${e} already listened`), a[i] = r;
const o = s ? Nt : St;
r ? e.addEventListener(i, o, s) : e.removeEventListener(i, o, s);
const a = s ? e._captureListeners || (e._captureListeners = {}) : e._listeners || (e._listeners = {});
b((a == null ? void 0 : a[i]) === void 0, `${t} already listened`), a[i] = r;
if (e === "style") {
(!r || Array.isArray(r) && !r.length) && ( = r || ""), (Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]).forEach((i) => {
typeof i == "string" ? = i : typeof i == "object" ? He(i, (o, a) => {[a] = te(a, o);
}) : A(!1, "style can only be string or object.");
if (t === "style") {
(!r || Array.isArray(r) && !r.length) && ( = r || ""), (Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]).forEach((i) => {
typeof i == "string" ? = i : typeof i == "object" ? Rt(i, (o, a) => {[a] = tt(a, o);
}) : b(!1, "style can only be string or object.");
if (e === "className") {
if (t === "className") {
const s = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r];
let i = "";
s.forEach((o) => {
typeof o == "object" ? Object.entries(o).forEach(([a, c]) => {
c && (i = `${i} ${a}`);
}) : typeof o == "string" ? i = `${i} ${o}` : A(!1, "className can only be string or {[k:string]:boolean}");
}), t.setAttribute("class", i);
if (typeof o == "object")
for (const a in o)
o[a] && (i = `${i} ${a}`);
else typeof o == "string" ? i = `${i} ${o}` : b(!1, "className can only be string or {[k:string]:boolean}");
}), e.setAttribute("class", i);
if (!(e === "key" || e === "ref")) if (e === "class" && !n)
t.className = r || "";
else if (e === "value")
t.value = r, t.tagName === "SELECT" ? Y.set(t, r) : t.tagName === "OPTION" ? Se(t) : t.tagName === "INPUT" && t.type === "checkbox" ? r ? t.setAttribute("checked", "true") : t.removeAttribute("checked") : t.tagName === "INPUT" && t.type === "text" && r === void 0 && (t.value = "");
else if (e === "checked" && t.tagName === "INPUT" && t.type === "checkbox")
r ? t.setAttribute("checked", "true") : t.removeAttribute("checked");
else if (e === "disabled")
r ? t.setAttribute("disabled", "true") : t.removeAttribute("disabled");
else if (e === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML")
t.innerHTML = r;
else if (e !== "list" && e !== "type" && !n && e in t)
$e(t, e, r === null ? "" : r), r == null && t.removeAttribute(e);
if (!(t === "key" || t === "ref")) if (t === "class" && !n)
e.className = r || "";
else if (t === "value")
e.value = r, e.tagName === "SELECT" ? X.set(e, r) : e.tagName === "OPTION" ? wt(e) : e.tagName === "INPUT" && e.type === "checkbox" ? r ? e.setAttribute("checked", "true") : e.removeAttribute("checked") : e.tagName === "INPUT" && e.type === "text" && r === void 0 && (e.value = "");
else if (t === "checked" && e.tagName === "INPUT" && e.type === "checkbox")
r ? e.setAttribute("checked", "true") : e.removeAttribute("checked");
else if (t === "disabled")
r ? e.setAttribute("disabled", "true") : e.removeAttribute("disabled");
else if (t === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML")
e.innerHTML = r;
else if (t !== "list" && t !== "type" && !n && t in e)
Ot(e, t, r === null ? "" : r), r == null && e.removeAttribute(t);
else {
const s = n && e !== (e = e.replace(/^xlink\:?/, ""));
const s = n && t !== (t = t.replace(/^xlink\:?/, ""));
if (r == null || r === !1)
s ? t.removeAttributeNS("", e.toLowerCase()) : e.toLowerCase() === "contenteditable" && r === !1 ? t.setAttribute(e, "false") : t.removeAttribute(e);
s ? e.removeAttributeNS("", t.toLowerCase()) : t.toLowerCase() === "contenteditable" && r === !1 ? e.setAttribute(t, "false") : e.removeAttribute(t);
else if (typeof r != "function" && s)
t.setAttributeNS("", e.toLowerCase(), r);
e.setAttributeNS("", t.toLowerCase(), r);
else {
const i = n && Me.test(e) ? e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() : e;
t.setAttribute(i, r);
const i = n && It.test(t) ? t.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() : t;
e.setAttribute(i, r);
function g(t, e, ...r) {
const { _isSVG: n, ...s } = e || {};
let i;
const o = r.length ? r : s.children || [];
if (t === we)
i = document.createDocumentFragment();
else if (typeof t == "string")
i = n ? document.createElementNS("", t) : document.createElement(t);
return { type: t, props: s, children: o };
const a = [], c = [], u = [], p = [];
o == null || o.forEach((l, h) => {
if (l != null)
if (typeof l == "string" || typeof l == "number")
else if (l instanceof HTMLElement || l instanceof DocumentFragment || l instanceof SVGElement) {
const f = l, y = f.unhandledChildren || [];
c.push( => ({ ...E, path: [h, ...E.path] })));
const m = f.unhandledAttr || [];
a.push( => ({ ...E, path: [h, ...E.path] })));
const C = f.refHandles || [];
u.push( => ({ ...E, path: [h, ...E.path] })));
const x = f.detachStyledChildren || [];
p.push( => ({ ...E, path: [h, ...E.path] }))), delete f.unhandledChildren, delete f.unhandledAttr, delete f.refHandles, delete f.detachStyledChildren;
} else {
const f = document.createComment("unhandledChild");
i.appendChild(f), c.push({ placeholder: f, child: l, path: [h] });
}), s && (s.ref && (u.push({ handle: s.ref, path: [], el: i }), delete s.ref), s.detachStyle && (p.push({ el: i, style: s.detachStyle, path: [] }), delete s.detachStyle), Object.entries(s).forEach(([l, h]) => {
g.isValidAttribute(l, h) ? k(i, l, h, n) : a.push({ el: i, key: l, value: h, path: [] });
const d = i;
return c.length && (d.unhandledChildren = c), a && (d.unhandledAttr = a), u.length && (d.refHandles = u), p.length && (d.detachStyledChildren = p), i;
function w(e, t, ...r) {
const { _isSVG: n, ref: s, detachStyle: i, children: o, ...a } = t || {};
if (typeof e != "string" && e !== F) {
const u = r.length ? r : o || [];
return { type: e, props: t || {}, children: u };
const c = e === F ? document.createDocumentFragment() : n ? document.createElementNS("", e) : document.createElement(e), h = [], p = [], f = [], m = [], d = r.length ? r : o || [];
if (e !== F && d.length === 1 && (typeof d[0] == "string" || typeof d[0] == "number"))
c.textContent = d[0].toString();
else if (d.length) {
const u = document.createDocumentFragment();
d.forEach((l, S) => {
var x, T, v, R;
if (l != null)
if (typeof l == "string" || typeof l == "number")
else if (l instanceof Node) {
const y = l;
(x = y.unhandledChildren) != null && x.length && (p.push( => ({ ...E, path: [S, ...E.path] }))), y.unhandledChildren = void 0), (T = y.unhandledAttr) != null && T.length && (h.push( => ({ ...E, path: [S, ...E.path] }))), y.unhandledAttr = void 0), (v = y.refHandles) != null && v.length && (f.push( => ({ ...E, path: [S, ...E.path] }))), y.refHandles = void 0), (R = y.detachStyledChildren) != null && R.length && (m.push( => ({ ...E, path: [S, ...E.path] }))), y.detachStyledChildren = void 0);
} else {
const y = document.createComment("unhandledChild");
u.appendChild(y), p.push({ placeholder: y, child: l, path: [S] });
}), c.appendChild(u);
if (t) {
s && f.push({ handle: s, path: [], el: c }), i && m.push({ el: c, style: i, path: [] });
for (const u in a) {
const l = a[u];
w.isValidAttribute(u, a) ? V(c, u, l, n) : h.push({ el: c, key: u, value: l, path: [] });
const g = c;
return p.length && (g.unhandledChildren = p), h.length && (g.unhandledAttr = h), f.length && (g.refHandles = f), m.length && (g.detachStyledChildren = m), c;
function ae(t) {
return typeof t == "string" || typeof t == "number" || t instanceof M;
function at(e) {
return typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number" || e instanceof N;
function ke(t) {
return W(t) && Object.entries(t).every(
([e, r]) => /[a-zA-Z\-]+/.test(e) && ae(r) || Array.isArray(r) && r.every(ae)
function Mt(e) {
return G(e) && Object.entries(e).every(
([t, r]) => /[a-zA-Z\-]+/.test(t) && at(r) || Array.isArray(r) && r.every(at)
g.isValidAttribute = function(t, e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.every((r) => g.isValidAttribute(t, r)) : !!(typeof e != "object" && typeof e != "function" || t[0] === "o" && t[1] === "n" && typeof e == "function" || (ke(e) || typeof e == "string") && t === "style" || W(e) && t === "className");
w.isValidAttribute = function(e, t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return t.every((n) => w.isValidAttribute(e, n));
const r = typeof t;
return !!(r !== "object" && r !== "function" || e[0] === "o" && e[1] === "n" && r === "function" || e === "style" && (Mt(t) || r === "string") || e === "className" && G(t));
g.attachRef = function(t, e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
e.forEach((r) => g.attachRef(t, r));
w.attachRef = function(e, t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
t.forEach((r) => w.attachRef(e, r));
typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : typeof e == "object" ? e.current = t : A(!1, "ref should be function or object with current property");
typeof t == "function" ? t(e) : typeof t == "object" ? t.current = e : b(!1, "ref should be function or object with current property");
g.detachRef = function(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
t.forEach((e) => g.detachRef(e));
w.detachRef = function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
e.forEach((t) => w.detachRef(t));
typeof t == "function" ? t(null) : typeof t == "object" ? t.current = null : A(!1, "ref should be function or object with current property");
typeof e == "function" ? e(null) : typeof e == "object" ? e.current = null : b(!1, "ref should be function or object with current property");
function we() {
function F() {
function Se(t) {
const e = t.parentElement;
Y.has(e) && (e.value = Y.get(e));
function wt(e) {
const t = e.parentElement;
X.has(t) && (t.value = X.get(t));
function S(t, e) {
const r = e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e);
return t.tagName === "OPTION" && Se(t), r;
function k(e, t) {
const r = t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t);
return e instanceof HTMLOptionElement && wt(e), r;
function Vt(t, e, ...r) {
return g(t, { _isSVG: !0, ...e || {} }, r);
function Ie(e, t, ...r) {
return w(e, { _isSVG: !0, ...t || {} }, r);
function Ve(t, e, ...r) {
return g(t, { _isSVG: !0, ...e || {} }, r);
function jt(e, t, ...r) {
return w(e, { _isSVG: !0, ...t || {} }, r);
function jt(t, e) {
return, e);
function Me(e, t) {
return, t);
class M {
constructor(e, r = "px") {
this.value = e, this.unit = r, typeof e == "string" && (this.unit = "mixed");
class N {
constructor(t, r = "px") {
this.value = t, this.unit = r, typeof t == "string" && (this.unit = "mixed");

@@ -222,3 +227,3 @@ toString() {

clone() {
return new M(this.value, this.unit);
return new N(this.value, this.unit);

@@ -228,15 +233,15 @@ valueOf() {

mul(e) {
return typeof this.value == "number" ? this.value = this.value * e : (this.value = `(${this.value}) * ${e}`, this.unit = "mixed"), this;
mul(t) {
return typeof this.value == "number" ? this.value = this.value * t : (this.value = `(${this.value}) * ${t}`, this.unit = "mixed"), this;
div(e) {
return typeof this.value == "number" ? this.value = this.value / e : (this.value = `(${this.value}) / ${e}`, this.unit = "mixed"), this;
div(t) {
return typeof this.value == "number" ? this.value = this.value / t : (this.value = `(${this.value}) / ${t}`, this.unit = "mixed"), this;
add(e, r) {
if (typeof this.value == "number" && typeof e == "number" && (!r || r === this.unit))
this.value = this.value + e;
else if (typeof this.value == "number" && e instanceof M && this.unit === e.unit)
this.value = this.value + e.value;
add(t, r) {
if (typeof this.value == "number" && typeof t == "number" && (!r || r === this.unit))
this.value = this.value + t;
else if (typeof this.value == "number" && t instanceof N && this.unit === t.unit)
this.value = this.value + t.value;
else {
const n = typeof this.value == "number" ? `${this.value}${this.unit}` : `(${this.value})`, s = typeof e == "number" ? `${e}${r || this.unit}` : e.unit === "mixed" ? `(${e.value})` : e.toString();
const n = typeof this.value == "number" ? `${this.value}${this.unit}` : `(${this.value})`, s = typeof t == "number" ? `${t}${r || this.unit}` : t.unit === "mixed" ? `(${t.value})` : t.toString();
this.value = `${n} + ${s}`, this.unit = "mixed";

@@ -246,9 +251,9 @@ }

sub(e, r) {
if (typeof this.value == "number" && typeof e == "number" && (!r || r === this.unit))
this.value = this.value - e;
else if (typeof this.value == "number" && e instanceof M && this.unit === e.unit)
this.value = this.value - e.value;
sub(t, r) {
if (typeof this.value == "number" && typeof t == "number" && (!r || r === this.unit))
this.value = this.value - t;
else if (typeof this.value == "number" && t instanceof N && this.unit === t.unit)
this.value = this.value - t.value;
else {
const n = typeof this.value == "number" ? `${this.value}${this.unit}` : `(${this.value})`, s = typeof e == "number" ? `${e}${r || this.unit}` : e.unit === "mixed" ? `(${e.value})` : e.toString();
const n = typeof this.value == "number" ? `${this.value}${this.unit}` : `(${this.value})`, s = typeof t == "number" ? `${t}${r || this.unit}` : t.unit === "mixed" ? `(${t.value})` : t.toString();
this.value = `${n} - ${s}`, this.unit = "mixed";

@@ -259,19 +264,19 @@ }

function Ft(t, { children: e, ...r }) {
return g(t, r, e);
function je(e, { children: t, ...r }) {
return w(e, r, t);
function _t(t, { children: e, ...r }) {
return g(t, r, [e]);
function De(e, { children: t, ...r }) {
return w(e, r, [t]);
function Gt(t, { children: e, ...r }) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? g(t, r, e) : g(t, r, e ? [e] : []);
function Fe(e, { children: t, ...r }) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? w(e, r, t) : w(e, r, t ? [t] : []);
function je() {
function Dt() {
function ce(t) {
const e = typeof t;
return e === "string" || e === "number";
function ct(e) {
const t = typeof e;
return t === "string" || t === "number";
function P(t) {
function e(...r) {
function C(e) {
function t(...r) {
var s, i, o;

@@ -282,6 +287,6 @@ function n(a) {

return n.argv = r, n.stringify = (s = t.stringify) == null ? void 0 : s.bind(n), n.parse = (i = t.parse) == null ? void 0 : i.bind(n), n.check = (o = t.check) == null ? void 0 : o.bind(n), = || ((a) => a === e), n.zeroValue = t.zeroValue, n.required = t.required, n.createDefaultValue = t.createDefaultValue, n.coerce = t.coerce, n.required || Object.defineProperty(n, "isRequired", {
return n.argv = r, n.stringify = (s = e.stringify) == null ? void 0 : s.bind(n), n.parse = (i = e.parse) == null ? void 0 : i.bind(n), n.check = (o = e.check) == null ? void 0 : o.bind(n), = || ((a) => a === t), n.zeroValue = e.zeroValue, n.required = e.required, n.createDefaultValue = e.createDefaultValue, n.coerce = e.coerce, n.required || Object.defineProperty(n, "isRequired", {
get() {
return P({
return C({
required: !0,

@@ -299,4 +304,4 @@ // CAUTION 注意这里 和之前一样

get() {
return (a) => P({
return (a) => C({
required: n.required,

@@ -309,5 +314,5 @@ createDefaultValue: a,

return e;
return t;
function T(t, e) {
function P(e, t) {
const {

@@ -319,12 +324,12 @@ stringify: r = JSON.stringify,

} = e, a = function(c) {
if (typeof t == "function" && !t(c))
} = t, a = function(c) {
if (typeof e == "function" && !e(c))
return new Error(`${c} type check failed`);
if (typeof t == "string" && typeof c !== t)
return new Error(`${c} is not ${t}`);
if (typeof e == "string" && typeof c !== e)
return new Error(`${c} is not ${e}`);
return a.stringify = r, a.parse = n, a.check = (c) => typeof t == "string" ? typeof c === t : t(c), = s || ((c) => c === a), a.required = !!i, Object.assign(a, o), a.required || Object.defineProperty(a, "isRequired", {
return a.stringify = r, a.parse = n, a.check = (c) => typeof e == "string" ? typeof c === e : e(c), = s || ((c) => c === a), a.required = !!i, Object.assign(a, o), a.required || Object.defineProperty(a, "isRequired", {
get() {
return T(t, {
return P(e, {
required: !0,

@@ -341,4 +346,4 @@ is:

get() {
return (c) => T(t, {
return (c) => P(e, {
required: a.required,

@@ -351,33 +356,33 @@ createDefaultValue: c,

const Fe = P({
stringify(t) {
return t === null ? "" : ce(this.argv[0][0]) ? t.toString() : JSON.stringify(t);
const Ft = C({
stringify(e) {
return e === null ? "" : ct(this.argv[0][0]) ? e.toString() : JSON.stringify(e);
parse(t) {
return ce(this.argv[0][0]) ? typeof this.argv[0][0] == "string" ? t : parseFloat(t) : JSON.parse(t);
parse(e) {
return ct(this.argv[0][0]) ? typeof this.argv[0][0] == "string" ? e : parseFloat(e) : JSON.parse(e);
check(t) {
return this.argv[0].includes(t);
check(e) {
return this.argv[0].includes(e);
zeroValue: []
}), _e = {
}), _t = {
zeroValue: ""
}, Ge = T("string", _e), ze = {
stringify(t) {
return t.toString();
}, zt = P("string", _t), Bt = {
stringify(e) {
return e.toString();
parse(t) {
if (/-?\d+(\.\d+)?/.test(t)) return parseFloat(t);
throw new Error(`${t} is not a number`);
parse(e) {
if (/-?\d+(\.\d+)?/.test(e)) return parseFloat(e);
throw new Error(`${e} is not a number`);
zeroValue: 0
}, Be = T("number", ze), qe = { zeroValue: null }, We = T((t) => typeof t == "object" && !Array.isArray(t), qe), Ke = T((t) => Array.isArray(t), {}), Xe = { zeroValue: !1 }, Ye = T("bool", Xe), Ue = {
stringify(t) {
return t.toString();
}, qt = P("number", Bt), Gt = { zeroValue: null }, Wt = P((e) => typeof e == "object" && !Array.isArray(e), Gt), Kt = P((e) => Array.isArray(e), {}), Xt = { zeroValue: !1 }, Yt = P("bool", Xt), Ut = {
stringify(e) {
return e.toString();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
parse(t) {
return new Function(t);
parse(e) {
return new Function(e);
}, Je = T("function", Ue), Ze = T("symbol", {}), Qe = {
}, Jt = P("function", Ut), Zt = P("symbol", {}), Qt = {
stringify() {

@@ -392,231 +397,114 @@ throw new Error("type any can not stringify");

}, K = T(() => !0, Qe), et = P({
check(t) {
return this.argv[0].some((e) => e.check(t));
}, W = P(() => !0, Qt), te = C({
check(e) {
return this.argv[0].some((t) => t.check(e));
stringify(t) {
return this.argv[0].find((r) => !(r(t) instanceof Error)).stringify(t);
stringify(e) {
return this.argv[0].find((r) => !(r(e) instanceof Error)).stringify(e);
parse(t) {
let e;
parse(e) {
let t;
if (!this.argv[0].some((n) => {
try {
const s = n.parse(t);
const s = n.parse(e);
if (this.check(s))
return e = s, !0;
return t = s, !0;
} catch {
return !1;
})) throw new Error(`can not parse ${t}`);
return e;
})) throw new Error(`can not parse ${e}`);
return t;
}), tt = P({
check(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.every((e) => this.argv[0].check(e)) : !1;
}), ee = C({
check(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.every((t) => this.argv[0].check(t)) : !1;
stringify(t) {
stringify(e) {
parse(t) {
parse(e) {
zeroValue: []
}), rt = P({
check(t) {
}), re = C({
check(e) {
return !0;
stringify(t) {
stringify(e) {
parse(t) {
parse(e) {
}), nt = P({
check(t) {
return Object.entries(this.argv[0]).every(([e, r]) => r.check(t[e]));
}), ne = C({
check(e) {
return Object.entries(this.argv[0]).every(([t, r]) => r.check(e[t]));
stringify(t) {
return `{${Object.entries(this.argv[0]).map(([e, r]) => `${e}:${JSON.stringify(r.stringify(t[e]))}`).join(",")}`;
stringify(e) {
return `{${Object.entries(this.argv[0]).map(([t, r]) => `${t}:${JSON.stringify(r.stringify(e[t]))}`).join(",")}`;
parse(t) {
const e = JSON.parse(t);
return Object.keys(e).forEach((r) => {
e[r] = this.argv[0][r].parse(e[r]);
}), e;
parse(e) {
const t = JSON.parse(e);
return Object.keys(t).forEach((r) => {
t[r] = this.argv[0][r].parse(t[r]);
}), t;
}), st = K, it = K, ot = K, at = je;
function ct() {
return P({
coerce: (t) => q(t) ? t : ee(t)
}), se = W, ie = W, oe = W, ae = Dt;
function ce() {
return C({
coerce: (e) => q(e) ? e : Q(e)
function lt() {
return P({
coerce: (t) => t instanceof _ ? t : new _(t)
function he() {
return C({
coerce: (e) => e instanceof _ ? e : new _(e)
function ht() {
return P({
coerce: (t) => t instanceof ne ? t : new ne(t)
function le() {
return C({
coerce: (e) => e instanceof rt ? e : new rt(e)
function ut() {
return P({
coerce: (t) => t instanceof se ? t : new se(t)
function ue() {
return C({
coerce: (e) => e instanceof nt ? e : new nt(e)
const v = {
string: Ge,
number: Be,
object: We,
array: Ke,
bool: Ye,
function: Je,
symbol: Ze,
node: st,
element: it,
elementType: ot,
const H = {
string: zt,
number: qt,
object: Wt,
array: Kt,
bool: Yt,
function: Jt,
symbol: Zt,
node: se,
element: ie,
elementType: oe,
// instanceOf
// 枚举值
oneOf: Fe,
oneOf: Ft,
// 枚举类型
oneOfType: et,
oneOfType: te,
// 数组类型,里面的值应该只能跟类型
arrayOf: tt,
arrayOf: ee,
// objectOf,
// 对象结构的嵌套类型。shape + arrayOf + oneOfType + any 可以描述任何 schema。
shapeOf: rt,
shapeOf: re,
// map 类型,就是简单的 kv,应该是 shape 的子集。
map: nt,
map: ne,
// exact,
// customProps/customArrayProps
any: K,
checkPropTypes: at,
any: W,
checkPropTypes: ae,
// reactive types
atom: ct,
rxList: lt,
rxSet: ht,
rxMap: ut
function ft(t, e) {
const r = t[1] === void 0 ? t.length < 2 ? 1 / 0 : 0 : t[1], n = r < 0 ? 0 : r;
return n !== 1 / 0 ? n : e - t[0];
class dt {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.createHost = ([s, i]) => R(s, i, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: [...this.pathContext.hostPath, this] });
createPlaceholder(e) {
return [e, document.createComment("frag item host")];
isOnlyChildrenOfParent() {
const e = this.placeholder.parentElement;
return (e == null ? void 0 : e.lastChild) === this.placeholder && e.firstChild === this.element;
get element() {
var e, r;
return ((r = (e = this.hostsComputed) == null ? void 0 : e[0]) == null ? void 0 : r.element) || this.placeholder;
render() {
const e = this;
this.placeholderAndItemComputed = ie(
function() {
if (this.manualTrack(e.source, I.METHOD, $.METHOD), this.manualTrack(e.source, I.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE, $.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE), e.hostsComputed)
throw new Error("should never recompute reactiveArray");
function(n, s) {
s.forEach(({ method: i, argv: o, result: a }) => {
var c, u, p;
if (i === "push") {
const d =;
} else if (i === "pop")
else if (i === "shift")
else if (i === "unshift") {
const d =;
} else if (i === "splice") {
const d = o.slice(2).map(e.createPlaceholder);
n.splice(o[0], o[1], ...d);
} else if (!i && a)
(c = a.add) == null || c.forEach(({}) => {
throw new Error("can not use obj[key] = value to add item to reactive array, use push instead.");
}), (u = a.remove) == null || u.forEach(({}) => {
throw new Error("can not use delete obj[key] to delete item, use splice instead.");
}), (p = a.update) == null || p.forEach(({ key: d, newValue: l }) => {
n[d] = e.createPlaceholder(l);
throw new Error("unknown trigger info");
function(n) {
), this.hostsComputed = ie(
function() {
var i;
if ((i = e.hostsComputed) != null && i.length) throw new Error("hostsComputed should not recompute");
this.manualTrack(e.placeholderAndItemComputed, I.METHOD, $.METHOD), this.manualTrack(e.placeholderAndItemComputed, I.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE, $.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE);
const n =[o, a]) => R(o, a, { ...e.pathContext, hostPath: [...e.pathContext.hostPath, e] })), s = document.createDocumentFragment();
return n.forEach((o) => {
s.appendChild(o.placeholder), o.render();
}), S(s, e.placeholder), n;
function(n, s) {
s.forEach(({ method: i, argv: o, result: a }) => {
var c, u, p, d;
if (i === "push") {
const l =, h = document.createDocumentFragment();
l.forEach((f) => {
h.appendChild(f.placeholder), f.render();
}), S(h, e.placeholder), n.push(...l);
} else if (i === "pop")
else if (i === "shift")
else if (i === "unshift") {
const l =, h = document.createDocumentFragment();
l.forEach((f) => {
h.appendChild(f.placeholder), f.render();
}), S(h, e.element), n.unshift(...l);
} else if (i === "splice") {
const l = document.createDocumentFragment(), h = o.slice(2).map(e.createHost);
if (h.forEach((f) => {
l.appendChild(f.placeholder), f.render();
}), o[0] === 0 && o[1] >= n.length && e.isOnlyChildrenOfParent()) {
const f = e.placeholder.parentNode;
!h.length && f instanceof HTMLElement ? (f.innerHTML = "", f.appendChild(l)) : f.replaceChildren(l), f.appendChild(e.placeholder), n.forEach((y) => y.destroy(!0)), n.splice(0, 1 / 0, ...h);
} else {
const f = ft(o, n.length);
S(l, ((c = n[o[0] + f]) == null ? void 0 : c.element) || e.placeholder), n.splice(o[0], f, ...h).forEach((m) => m.destroy());
} else if (!i && a)
(u = a.add) == null || u.forEach(({}) => {
throw new Error("should never occur");
}), (p = a.remove) == null || p.forEach(({}) => {
throw new Error("should never occur");
}), (d = a.update) == null || d.forEach(({ key: l, newValue: h }) => {
var f;
n[l].destroy(), n[l] = e.createHost(h), S(n[l].placeholder, ((f = n[parseInt(l, 10) + 1]) == null ? void 0 : f.element) || e.placeholder), n[l].render();
throw new Error("unknown trigger info");
destroy(e, r) {
r || (G(this.hostsComputed), G(this.placeholderAndItemComputed)), this.hostsComputed.forEach((n) => n.destroy(e)), e || this.placeholder.remove();
const le = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
function pt({ container: t, content: e, destroyOnUnmount: r }, { useEffect: n, pathContext: s }) {
typeof e != "function" && (le.has(e) && console.error("static portal content can only be rendered once. Use function content for content has reactive parts."), le.add(e));
const i = vt(t, s);
return i.render(e), n(() => () => {
atom: ce,
rxList: he,
rxSet: le,
rxMap: ue
}, ht = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
function fe({ container: e, content: t, destroyOnUnmount: r }, { useEffect: n, pathContext: s }) {
typeof t != "function" && (ht.has(t) && console.error("static portal content can only be rendered once. Use function content for content has reactive parts."), ht.add(t));
const i = Le(e, s);
return i.render(t), n(() => () => {
}), null;
function mt() {
function de() {
return {

@@ -626,54 +514,65 @@ current: null

function yt() {
const t = ee(null);
function pe() {
const e = Q(null);
return new Proxy({}, {
get: (e, r) => {
get: (t, r) => {
if (r === "current")
return t();
return e();
set: (e, r, n) => (r === "current" && t(n), !0)
set: (t, r, n) => (r === "current" && e(n), !0)
function H(t) {
return t ? Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t] : [];
function M(e, t) {
return {
prev: t,
node: e
function gt(t, e) {
const r = { ...t };
return Object.entries(e).forEach(([n, s]) => {
r[n] = U(n, t[n], s);
}), r;
function $(e) {
return e ? Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e] : [];
function U(t, e, r) {
return e && (t.startsWith("on") || t === "ref" || t === "style" || t === "classname" || t === "class") ? t === "style" ? H(e).concat(r) : H(r).concat(e) : r;
function me(e, t) {
const r = { ...e };
for (const n in t) {
const s = t[n];
r[n] = Y(n, e[n], s);
return r;
const X = "__config__", L = class L {
constructor({ type: e, props: r = {}, children: n }, s, i) {
this.placeholder = s, this.pathContext = i, this.layoutEffects = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.effects = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.destroyCallback = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.layoutEffectDestroyHandles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.refs = xe({}), this.itemConfig = {}, this.frame = [], = {}, this.createHTMLOrSVGElement = (o, a, c, ...u) => {
var x, E, N, D;
const p = typeof a == "function", d = c == null ? void 0 :;
if (c == null || delete, A(d !== "self", '"self" is reserved, please use another element name.'), d && ((x = this.itemConfig[d]) != null && x.use) && ((E = this.itemConfig[d]) == null ? void 0 : E.use) instanceof Element)
return this.itemConfig[d].use;
let l = u, { props: h, componentProps: f } = this.separateProps(c);
const y = this.itemConfig[d];
d && y && (y.props && (p ? h = { ...c, ...y.props } : h = gt(c, y.props)), y.propMergeHandles && Object.entries(y.propMergeHandles).forEach(([b, O]) => {
h[b] = O.reduce((Pe, Te) => Te(Pe, f), h[b]);
}), y.propsMergeHandle && (h = y.propsMergeHandle.reduce((b, O) => O(b, f), h)), y.children && (l = y.children));
const m = ((N = this.itemConfig[d]) == null ? void 0 : N.use) || a;
typeof m == "function" && !p && (f[Ct] = h, h = f), typeof m == "function" && ((D = y == null ? void 0 : y.configProps) != null && D.length) && Object.assign(h, { [X]: y.configProps }), d && (h.ref = H(h.ref).concat((b) => this.refs[d] = b));
const C = o ? Ve(m, h, ...l) : g(m, h, ...l);
if (typeof m != "function") {
const b = this.pathContext.hostPath.filter((O) => O instanceof L).map((O) => O.props).reverse();
C.listenerBoundArgs = [b, f];
function Y(e, t, r) {
return t && (e.startsWith("on") || e === "ref" || e === "style" || e === "classname" || e === "class") ? e === "style" ? $(t).concat(r) : $(r).concat(t) : r;
const K = "__config__", L = class L {
constructor({ type: t, props: r = {}, children: n }, s, i) {
this.placeholder = s, this.pathContext = i, this.layoutEffects = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.effects = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.destroyCallback = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.layoutEffectDestroyHandles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.refs = xt({}), this.itemConfig = {}, this.frame = [], = {}, this.createHTMLOrSVGElement = (o, a, c, ...h) => {
var x, T, v, R;
const p = typeof a == "function", f = c == null ? void 0 :;
if (c == null || delete, b(f !== "self", '"self" is reserved, please use another element name.'), f && ((x = this.itemConfig[f]) != null && x.use) && ((T = this.itemConfig[f]) == null ? void 0 : T.use) instanceof Element)
return this.itemConfig[f].use;
let m = h, { props: d, componentProps: g } = this.separateProps(c);
const u = this.itemConfig[f];
f && u && (u.props && (p ? d = { ...c, ...u.props } : d = me(c, u.props)), u.propMergeHandles && Object.entries(u.propMergeHandles).forEach(([y, E]) => {
d[y] = E.reduce((Ct, Pt) => Pt(Ct, g), d[y]);
}), u.propsMergeHandle && (d = u.propsMergeHandle.reduce((y, E) => E(y, g), d)), u.children && (m = u.children));
const l = ((v = this.itemConfig[f]) == null ? void 0 : v.use) || a;
typeof l == "function" && !p && (g[ge] = d, d = g), typeof l == "function" && ((R = u == null ? void 0 : u.configProps) != null && R.length) && Object.assign(d, { [K]: u.configProps }), f && (d.ref = $(d.ref).concat((y) => this.refs[f] = y));
const S = o ? jt(l, d, ...m) : w(l, d, ...m);
if (typeof l != "function") {
const y = [];
let E = this.pathContext.hostPath;
for (; E; )
E instanceof L && y.push(E.props), E = E.prev;
S.listenerBoundArgs = [y, g];
return C;
}, this.createElement = this.createHTMLOrSVGElement.bind(this, !1), this.createSVGElement = this.createHTMLOrSVGElement.bind(this, !0), this.createPortal = (o, a) => g(pt, { container: a, content: o }), this.useLayoutEffect = (o) => {
return S;
}, this.createElement = this.createHTMLOrSVGElement.bind(this, !1), this.createSVGElement = this.createHTMLOrSVGElement.bind(this, !0), this.createPortal = (o, a) => w(fe, { container: a, content: o }), this.useLayoutEffect = (o) => {
}, this.useEffect = (o) => {
}, this.createRef = mt, this.createRxRef = yt, this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.createStateFromRef = (o, a) => {
}, this.createRef = de, this.createRxRef = pe, this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.createStateFromRef = (o, a) => {
let c;
const u = (d) => {
a && c && this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.delete(c), c == null || c(), d !== null ? (c = o(d, p), a && c && this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.add(c)) : (c = void 0, p(null));
}, p = new Proxy(ee(null), {
get: (d, l) => l === "ref" ? u : d[l]
const h = (f) => {
a && c && this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.delete(c), c == null || c(), f !== null ? (c = o(f, p), a && c && this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.add(c)) : (c = void 0, p(null));
}, p = new Proxy(Q(null), {
get: (f, m) => m === "ref" ? h : f[m]

@@ -688,27 +587,27 @@ return a && p.ref(a), p;

}, L.typeIds.has(e) || L.typeIds.set(e, L.typeIds.size), =, this.type = e, this.props = {}, this.refProp = r.ref, this.thisProp = r.__this, this.inputProps = r, this.children = n;
}, L.typeIds.has(t) || L.typeIds.set(t, L.typeIds.size), =, this.type = t, this.props = {}, this.refProp = r.ref, this.thisProp = r.__this, this.inputProps = r, this.children = n;
parseItemConfigFromProp(e, r, n) {
parseItemConfigFromProp(t, r, n) {
if (r[0] === "$") {
const [s, i] = r.slice(1).split(":");
if (e[s] || (e[s] = {}), i === "_eventTarget")
e[s].eventTarget = H(e[s].eventTarget).concat(n);
if (t[s] || (t[s] = {}), i === "_eventTarget")
t[s].eventTarget = $(t[s].eventTarget).concat(n);
else if (i === "_use")
e[s].use = n;
t[s].use = n;
else if (i === "_props")
e[s].propsMergeHandle = H(e[s].propsMergeHandle).concat(n);
t[s].propsMergeHandle = $(t[s].propsMergeHandle).concat(n);
else if (i === "_children")
e[s].children = n;
t[s].children = n;
else if (i === void 0 || i === "")
e[s].configProps = H(e[s].configProps).concat(n);
t[s].configProps = $(t[s].configProps).concat(n);
else if ((i == null ? void 0 : i[0]) === "_")
A(!1, `unsupported config item: ${s}`);
b(!1, `unsupported config item: ${s}`);
else if (i.endsWith("_")) {
e[s].propMergeHandles || (e[s].propMergeHandles = {});
t[s].propMergeHandles || (t[s].propMergeHandles = {});
const o = i.slice(0, -1);
e[s].propMergeHandles[o] = H(e[s].propMergeHandles[o]).concat(n);
t[s].propMergeHandles[o] = $(t[s].propMergeHandles[o]).concat(n);
} else
e[s].props || (e[s].props = {}), e[s].props[i] = U(i, e[s].props[i], n);
t[s].props || (t[s].props = {}), t[s].props[i] = Y(i, t[s].props[i], n);
return e;
return t;

@@ -723,14 +622,14 @@ get typeId() {

get element() {
var e;
return ((e = this.innerHost) == null ? void 0 : e.element) || this.placeholder;
var t;
return ((t = this.innerHost) == null ? void 0 : t.element) || this.placeholder;
separateProps(e) {
separateProps(t) {
const r = {}, n = {}, s = {};
for (const i in e)
i.startsWith("prop:") ? n[i.slice(5)] = e[i] : i.startsWith("$self:") ? s[i.slice(6)] = e[i] : r[i] = e[i];
for (const i in t)
i.startsWith("prop:") ? n[i.slice(5)] = t[i] : i.startsWith("$self:") ? s[i.slice(6)] = t[i] : r[i] = t[i];
return this.parseAndMergeProps({ props: r, itemConfig: {}, componentProp: n }, s), { props: r, componentProps: n };
normalizePropsByPropTypes(e, r) {
normalizePropsByPropTypes(t, r) {
const n = { ...r };
return Object.entries(e).forEach(([s, i]) => {
return Object.entries(t).forEach(([s, i]) => {
var o;

@@ -740,5 +639,5 @@ r[s] !== void 0 ? n[s] = ((o = i.coerce) == null ? void 0 :, r[s])) || r[s] : n[s] = i.defaultValue;

normalizePropsWithCoerceValue(e, r) {
normalizePropsWithCoerceValue(t, r) {
const n = { ...r };
return Object.entries(e).forEach(([s, i]) => {
return Object.entries(t).forEach(([s, i]) => {
var o;

@@ -748,3 +647,3 @@ r[s] !== void 0 && (n[s] = ((o = i.coerce) == null ? void 0 :, r[s])) || r[s]);

attachRef(e) {
attachRef(t) {
const r = {

@@ -754,25 +653,25 @@,

typeof e == "function" ? e(r) : e.current = r;
typeof t == "function" ? t(r) : t.current = r;
attachThis(e) {
typeof e == "function" ? e(this) : e.current = this;
attachThis(t) {
typeof t == "function" ? t(this) : t.current = this;
detachRef(e) {
typeof e == "function" ? e(null) : e.current = null;
detachRef(t) {
typeof t == "function" ? t(null) : t.current = null;
evaluateBoundProps(e, r) {
return (this.type.boundProps || []).map((n) => typeof n == "function" ? n(e, r) : n);
evaluateBoundProps(t, r) {
return (this.type.boundProps || []).map((n) => typeof n == "function" ? n(t, r) : n);
parseAndMergeProps(e, r) {
parseAndMergeProps(t, r) {
return Object.entries(r).forEach(([n, s]) => {
n === X || (n[0] === "$" ? e.itemConfig = this.parseItemConfigFromProp(e.itemConfig, n, s) : e.props[n] = U(n, e.props[n], s));
}), e;
n === K || (n[0] === "$" ? t.itemConfig = this.parseItemConfigFromProp(t.itemConfig, n, s) : t.props[n] = Y(n, t.props[n], s));
}), t;
getFinalPropsAndItemConfig() {
const e = this.type.propTypes ? this.normalizePropsByPropTypes(this.type.propTypes, this.inputProps) : this.inputProps;
return this.evaluateBoundProps(e, this.renderContext).concat(e, ...this.inputProps[X] || []).reduce((s, i) => this.parseAndMergeProps(s, i), { props: {}, itemConfig: {}, componentProp: {} });
const t = this.type.propTypes ? this.normalizePropsByPropTypes(this.type.propTypes, this.inputProps) : this.inputProps;
return this.evaluateBoundProps(t, this.renderContext).concat(t, ...this.inputProps[K] || []).reduce((s, i) => this.parseAndMergeProps(s, i), { props: {}, itemConfig: {}, componentProp: {} });
render() {
this.element !== this.placeholder && A(!1, "should never rerender"), this.renderContext = {
Fragment: we,
this.element !== this.placeholder && b(!1, "should never rerender"), this.renderContext = {
Fragment: F,
createElement: this.createElement,

@@ -784,3 +683,3 @@ createSVGElement: this.createSVGElement,

pathContext: this.pathContext,
context: new Et(this.pathContext.hostPath),
context: new ye(this.pathContext.hostPath),
createPortal: this.createPortal,

@@ -793,3 +692,3 @@ createRef: this.createRef,

const e = Le.collectEffect(), { props: r, itemConfig: n } = this.getFinalPropsAndItemConfig();
const t = Tt.collectEffect(), { props: r, itemConfig: n } = this.getFinalPropsAndItemConfig();
this.itemConfig = n, this.props = r;

@@ -799,3 +698,3 @@ const s = this.type.propTypes ? this.normalizePropsWithCoerceValue(this.type.propTypes, r) : r;

const i = this.type(s, this.renderContext);
this.frame = e(), this.innerHost = R(i, this.placeholder, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: [...this.pathContext.hostPath, this] }), this.innerHost.render(), this.refProp && this.attachRef(this.refProp), this.thisProp && this.attachThis(this.thisProp), this.effects.forEach((o) => {
this.frame = t(), this.innerHost = O(i, this.placeholder, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: M(this, this.pathContext.hostPath) }), this.innerHost.render(), this.refProp && this.attachRef(this.refProp), this.thisProp && this.attachThis(this.thisProp), this.effects.forEach((o) => {
const a = o();

@@ -805,37 +704,38 @@ typeof a == "function" && this.destroyCallback.add(a);

destroy(e, r) {
destroy(t, r) {
var n, s;
this.refProp && this.detachRef(this.refProp), r || (n = this.frame) == null || n.forEach(
(i) => i.destroy()
), this.innerHost.destroy(e, r), this.layoutEffectDestroyHandles.forEach((i) => i()), this.destroyCallback.forEach((i) => i()), this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.forEach((i) => i()), this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.clear(), e || this.placeholder.remove(), (s = this.deleteLayoutEffectCallback) == null ||;
), this.innerHost.destroy(t, r), this.layoutEffectDestroyHandles.forEach((i) => i()), this.destroyCallback.forEach((i) => i()), this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.forEach((i) => i()), this.cleanupsOfExternalTarget.clear(), t || this.placeholder.remove(), (s = this.deleteLayoutEffectCallback) == null ||;
L.typeIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let V = L;
class Et {
constructor(e) {
this.hostPath = e, this.valueByType = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let I = L;
class ye {
constructor(t) {
this.hostPath = t, this.valueByType = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
get(e) {
for (let r = this.hostPath.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
const n = this.hostPath[r];
if (n instanceof V && n.renderContext.context.valueByType.has(e))
return n.renderContext.context.valueByType.get(e);
get(t) {
let r = this.hostPath;
for (; r; ) {
if (r.node instanceof I && r.node.renderContext.context.valueByType.has(t))
return r.node.renderContext.context.valueByType.get(t);
r = r.prev;
set(e, r) {
this.valueByType.set(e, r);
set(t, r) {
this.valueByType.set(t, r);
const Ct = "__nativeAttrs";
function zt(t, e) {
const r = t.bind(null);
return r.propTypes = t.propTypes, r.boundProps = H(r.boundProps).concat(e), r;
const ge = "__nativeAttrs";
function _e(e, t) {
const r = e.bind(null);
return r.propTypes = e.propTypes, r.boundProps = $(r.boundProps).concat(t), r;
function he(t) {
return t != null && t.toString ? t.toString() : t === void 0 ? "undefined" : JSON.stringify(t);
function lt(e) {
return e != null && e.toString ? e.toString() : e === void 0 ? "undefined" : JSON.stringify(e);
class wt {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.stopAutoRun = () => {
class Ee {
constructor(t, r, n) {
this.source = t, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.stopAutoRun = () => {
}, this.element = this.placeholder;

@@ -846,11 +746,11 @@ }

replace(e) {
replace(t) {
if (this.element === this.placeholder) {
const r = document.createTextNode(he(e));
const r = document.createTextNode(lt(t));
this.parentElement.replaceChild(r, this.placeholder), this.element = r;
} else
this.element.nodeValue = he(e);
this.element.nodeValue = lt(t);
render() {
this.computed = pe(
this.computed = pt(
() => {

@@ -866,9 +766,9 @@ this.replace(this.source());

destroy(e, r) {
r || G(this.computed), e || (this.element.remove(), this.placeholder.remove());
destroy(t, r) {
r || mt(this.computed), t || (this.element.remove(), this.placeholder.remove());
class St {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.fragmentParent = document.createDocumentFragment();
class Se {
constructor(t, r, n) {
this.source = t, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.fragmentParent = document.createDocumentFragment();

@@ -879,62 +779,80 @@ get parentElement() {

get element() {
var e;
return ((e = this.innerHost) == null ? void 0 : || this.placeholder;
var t;
return ((t = this.innerHost) == null ? void 0 : || this.placeholder;
render() {
let e = !1;
this.stopAutoRender = me(({ onCleanup: r }) => {
let t = !1;
this.stopAutoRender = yt(({ onCleanup: r }) => {
const n = this.source(), s = document.createComment("computed node");
S(s, this.placeholder);
const i = R(n, s, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: [...this.pathContext.hostPath, this] });
oe.instance.pauseTracking(), i.render(), oe.instance.resetTracking(), r(() => {
k(s, this.placeholder);
const i = O(n, s, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: M(this, this.pathContext.hostPath) });
st.instance.pauseTracking(), i.render(), st.instance.resetTracking(), r(() => {
i.destroy(!1, !1);
}, (r) => {
e || (e = !0, queueMicrotask(() => {
r(), e = !1;
t || (t = !0, queueMicrotask(() => {
r(), t = !1;
destroy(e, r) {
r || this.stopAutoRender(), e || this.placeholder.remove();
destroy(t, r) {
r || this.stopAutoRender(), t || this.placeholder.remove();
const bt = g.isValidAttribute;
g.isValidAttribute = function(t, e) {
return t.startsWith("on") ? !0 : Array.isArray(e) && e.some(ue) || ue(e) ? !1 : bt(t, e);
const we = w.isValidAttribute;
w.isValidAttribute = function(e, t) {
return e.startsWith("on") ? !0 : Array.isArray(t) && t.some(ut) || ut(t) ? !1 : we(e, t);
function ue(t) {
return ye(t) || q(t) || typeof t == "function";
function ut(e) {
return vt(e) || q(e) || typeof e == "function";
function j(t) {
return q(t) || typeof t == "function";
function j(e) {
return q(e) || typeof e == "function";
function be(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.some(be) : Object.entries(t).some(([e, r]) => e.startsWith(":") || W(r));
function At(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
return e.some(At);
for (const t in e)
if (t.startsWith(":") || G(e[t]))
return !0;
return !1;
function re(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.some(re) : t.transition || t.transitionProperty;
function et(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.some(et) : e.transition || e.transitionProperty;
function J(t) {
var e, r;
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.flatMap(J) : ((e = t.transitionProperty) == null ? void 0 : e.split(",").map((n) => n.trim())) ?? ((r = t.transition) == null ? void 0 : r.split(",").map((n) => n.split(/\s+/)[0])) ?? [];
function U(e) {
var t, r;
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.flatMap(U) : ((t = e.transitionProperty) == null ? void 0 : t.split(",").map((n) => n.trim())) ?? ((r = e.transition) == null ? void 0 : r.split(",").map((n) => n.split(/\s+/)[0])) ?? [];
function Ae(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t.some(Ae) : t["@keyframes"] !== void 0;
function bt(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? e.some(bt) : e["@keyframes"] !== void 0;
function fe(t) {
function ft(e) {
function At(t, e) {
return `${ => r.pathContext.elementPath.join("_")).join("-")}-${e.join("_")}`;
function Ae(e, t) {
const r = [];
let n = e;
for (; n; )
r.unshift(n.node), n = n.prev;
return `${ => s.pathContext.elementPath.join("_")).join("-")}-${t.join("_")}`;
function Pt(t, e) {
const r = t.findLastIndex((i) => i instanceof V), n = r === -1 ? void 0 : t[r], s = r === -1 ? t : t.slice(r + 1);
return `gen-${(n == null ? void 0 : n.typeId) ?? "global"}-${ => i.pathContext.elementPath.join("_")).join("-")}-${e.join("_")}`;
function be(e, t) {
let r;
const n = [];
let s = e;
for (; s; ) {
if (s.node instanceof I) {
r = s.node;
n.unshift(s.node), s = s.prev;
return `gen-${(r == null ? void 0 : r.typeId) ?? "global"}-${ => i.pathContext.elementPath.join("_")).join("-")}-${t.join("_")}`;
class Tt {
class Ce {
constructor() {
this.styleScripts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.elToStyleId = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
getStyleSheetId(e, r, n) {
getStyleSheetId(t, r, n) {
if (n) {

@@ -949,10 +867,10 @@ const s = this.elToStyleId.get(n);

return Pt(e, r);
return be(t, r);
stringifyStyleObject(e) {
return Object.entries(e).map(([r, n]) => `${r.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()}:${te(r, n)};`).join(`
stringifyStyleObject(t) {
return Object.entries(t).map(([r, n]) => `${r.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()}:${tt(r, n)};`).join(`
update(e, r, n, s, i = !1) {
const o = this.getStyleSheetId(e, r, i ? null : s);
update(t, r, n, s, i = !1) {
const o = this.getStyleSheetId(t, r, i ? null : s);
let a = this.styleScripts.get(o);

@@ -963,27 +881,27 @@ a || (a = new CSSStyleSheet(), document.adoptedStyleSheets = [...document.adoptedStyleSheets, a], this.styleScripts.set(o, a)), s.classList.add(o);

const u = J(c[0]);
return u.length && fe(s), Re(c.slice(1).map((p) => () => {
const [d, l, h] = this.separateStyleObject(p, u);
if (l && this.generateStyleContent(`.${o}`, l).forEach((f) => {
a.insertRule(f, a.cssRules.length);
}), d) {
const f = J(d);
u.push(...f), this.generateStyleContent(`.${o}`, d).forEach((y) => {
a.insertRule(y, a.cssRules.length);
const h = U(c[0]);
return h.length && ft(s), Lt(c.slice(1).map((p) => () => {
const [f, m, d] = this.separateStyleObject(p, h);
if (m && this.generateStyleContent(`.${o}`, m).forEach((g) => {
a.insertRule(g, a.cssRules.length);
}), f) {
const g = U(f);
h.push(...g), this.generateStyleContent(`.${o}`, f).forEach((u) => {
a.insertRule(u, a.cssRules.length);
h && k(s, "style", h), re(p) && fe(s);
d && V(s, "style", d), et(p) && ft(s);
isNestedStyleObject(e, r) {
return e !== "@keyframes" && W(r);
isNestedStyleObject(t, r) {
return t !== "@keyframes" && G(r);
separateStyleObject(e, r) {
separateStyleObject(t, r) {
let n, s, i;
for (const o in e)
this.isNestedStyleObject(o, e[o]) || o === "animation" && e.keyframes ? (s || (s = {}), s[o] = e[o]) : r.includes(o) ? (i || (i = {}), i[o] = e[o]) : (n || (n = {}), n[o] = e[o]);
for (const o in t)
this.isNestedStyleObject(o, t[o]) || o === "animation" && t.keyframes ? (s || (s = {}), s[o] = t[o]) : r.includes(o) ? (i || (i = {}), i[o] = t[o]) : (n || (n = {}), n[o] = t[o]);
return [n, s, i];
stringifyKeyFrameObject(e) {
return Object.entries(e).map(([r, n]) => `${r} {
stringifyKeyFrameObject(t) {
return Object.entries(t).map(([r, n]) => `${r} {

@@ -993,3 +911,3 @@ }`).join(`

generateInlineAnimationContent(e, r) {
generateInlineAnimationContent(t, r) {
const n = [];

@@ -1006,3 +924,3 @@ let s = "";

${e} {
${t} {
animation: ${i};

@@ -1014,168 +932,152 @@ }

generateStyleContent(e, r) {
generateStyleContent(t, r) {
const n = { ...r }, s = [], i = {};
for (const c in n)
c === "@keyframes" || c === "animation" ? (i[c] = n[c], delete n[c]) : this.isNestedStyleObject(c, n[c]) && (s.push([c, n[c]]), delete n[c]);
const o = [`${e} {
const o = [`${t} {
}`], a = this.generateInlineAnimationContent(e, i);
return o.push(...a), s.reduce((c, [u, p]) => {
if (u.startsWith("@"))
return c.concat(`${u} {
${this.generateStyleContent(e, p)}
}`], a = this.generateInlineAnimationContent(t, i);
return o.push(...a), s.reduce((c, [h, p]) => {
if (h.startsWith("@"))
return c.concat(`${h} {
${this.generateStyleContent(t, p)}
const d = /^(\s?)+&/.test(u) ? u.replace("&", e) : `${e} ${u}`;
return c.concat(this.generateStyleContent(d, p));
const f = /^(\s?)+&/.test(h) ? h.replace("&", t) : `${t} ${h}`;
return c.concat(this.generateStyleContent(f, p));
}, o);
const xt = {
const Pe = {
autoGenerateTestId: !1
}, B = class B {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.forceHandleElement = !1, this.computed = void 0, this.element = this.placeholder, this.attachRefs = () => {
constructor(t, r, n) {
this.source = t, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.forceHandleElement = !1, this.computed = void 0, this.element = this.placeholder, this.attachRefs = () => {
var s;
(s = this.refHandles) == null || s.forEach(({ handle: i, el: o }) => {
g.attachRef(o, i);
w.attachRef(o, i);
}, this.parentElement = r.parentElement;
get parentElement() {
return this.placeholder.parentElement;
render() {
var e;
A(this.element === this.placeholder, "should never rerender"), this.element = this.source instanceof DocumentFragment ? document.createComment("fragment start") : this.source, S(this.element, this.placeholder), this.source instanceof DocumentFragment && S(this.source, this.placeholder), this.collectInnerHost(), this.collectReactiveAttr(), this.collectRefHandles(), this.collectDetachStyledChildren(), (e = this.detachStyledChildren) != null && e.length && (this.forceHandleElement = !0), this.reactiveHosts.forEach((r) => r.render()), this.pathContext.root.attached ? this.attachRefs() : this.pathContext.root.on("attach", this.attachRefs);
var t, r, n;
b(this.element === this.placeholder, "should never rerender"), this.element = this.source instanceof DocumentFragment ? document.createComment("fragment start") : this.source, this.collectInnerHost(), this.collectReactiveAttr(), this.collectRefHandles(), this.collectDetachStyledChildren(), (t = this.detachStyledChildren) != null && t.length && (this.forceHandleElement = !0), (r = this.reactiveHosts) == null || r.forEach((s) => s.render()), k(this.element, this.placeholder), this.source instanceof DocumentFragment && k(this.source, this.placeholder), (n = this.refHandles) != null && n.length && (this.pathContext.root.attached ? this.attachRefs() : this.removeAttachListener = this.pathContext.root.on("attach", this.attachRefs));
collectInnerHost() {
const e = this.source;
if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof DocumentFragment || e instanceof SVGElement)) return;
const { unhandledChildren: r } = e;
this.reactiveHosts = r ?
({ placeholder: n, child: s, path: i }) => R(s, n, {
const t = this.source, { unhandledChildren: r } = t;
r && (this.reactiveHosts =
({ placeholder: n, child: s, path: i }) => O(s, n, {
hostPath: [...this.pathContext.hostPath, this],
hostPath: M(this, this.pathContext.hostPath),
elementPath: i
) : [], delete e.unhandledChildren;
), t.unhandledChildren = void 0);
collectReactiveAttr() {
const e = this.source;
if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof DocumentFragment || e instanceof SVGElement)) return;
const r = e instanceof SVGElement, { unhandledAttr: n } = e;
this.attrAutoruns = [], n == null || n.forEach(({ el: s, key: i, value: o, path: a }) => {
s.hasAttribute("data-testid") || this.generateTestId(s, a), i.includes(":") || this.attrAutoruns.push(me(() => {
const t = this.source, r = t instanceof SVGElement, { unhandledAttr: n } = t;
n && (this.attrAutoruns = [], n.forEach(({ el: s, key: i, value: o, path: a }) => {
s.hasAttribute("data-testid") || this.generateTestId(s, a), i.includes(":") || this.attrAutoruns.push(yt(() => {
this.updateAttribute(s, i, o, a, r);
}, !0));
}), t.unhandledAttr = void 0);
updateAttribute(e, r, n, s, i) {
updateAttribute(t, r, n, s, i) {
const o = Array.isArray(n) ? => j(a) ? a() : a) : j(n) ? n() : n;
if (r === "style" && (be(o) || re(o) || Ae(o)))
return B.styleManager.update(this.pathContext.hostPath, s, o, e, !1);
k(e, r, o, i);
if (r === "style" && (At(o) || et(o) || bt(o)))
return B.styleManager.update(this.pathContext.hostPath, s, o, t, !1);
V(t, r, o, i);
collectRefHandles() {
const e = this.source;
if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof DocumentFragment || e instanceof SVGElement)) return;
const { refHandles: r } = e;
this.refHandles = r;
this.refHandles = this.source.refHandles;
collectDetachStyledChildren() {
const e = this.source;
if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof DocumentFragment || e instanceof SVGElement)) return;
const { detachStyledChildren: r } = e;
this.detachStyledChildren = r;
this.detachStyledChildren = this.source.detachStyledChildren;
generateTestId(e, r) {
if (!xt.autoGenerateTestId) return;
const n = At(this.pathContext.hostPath, r);
k(e, "data-testid", n);
generateTestId(t, r) {
if (!Pe.autoGenerateTestId) return;
const n = Ae(this.pathContext.hostPath, r);
V(t, "data-testid", n);
destroy(e, r) {
var n, s, i;
r || (n = this.attrAutoruns) == null || n.forEach((o) => o()), (s = this.reactiveHosts) == null || s.forEach((o) => o.destroy(!0, r)), (i = this.refHandles) == null || i.forEach(({ handle: o }) => {
}), this.removeElements(e);
destroy(t, r) {
var n, s, i, o;
r || (n = this.attrAutoruns) == null || n.forEach((a) => a()), (s = this.removeAttachListener) == null ||, (i = this.reactiveHosts) == null || i.forEach((a) => a.destroy(!0, r)), (o = this.refHandles) == null || o.forEach(({ handle: a }) => {
}), this.removeElements(t);
async removeElements(e) {
async removeElements(t) {
var r, n, s;
if (!e) {
if (!t) {
if ((r = this.detachStyledChildren) != null && r.length) {
const i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
(n = this.detachStyledChildren) == null || n.forEach(({ el: u, style: p }) => {
const d = getComputedStyle(u).transitionProperty.split(",").map((y) => y.trim()), l = Array.isArray(p) ? Object.assign({}, => j(y) ? y() : y)) : j(p) ? p() : p, h = Object.keys(l);
(d.includes("all") || h.some((y) => d.includes(y))) && i.add(u), l.animation && o.add(u);
}), await Promise.all(((s = this.detachStyledChildren) == null ? void 0 :{ el: u, style: p, path: d }) => this.updateAttribute(u, "style", p, d, u instanceof SVGElement))) || []);
(n = this.detachStyledChildren) == null || n.forEach(({ el: h, style: p }) => {
const f = getComputedStyle(h).transitionProperty.split(",").map((u) => u.trim()), m = Array.isArray(p) ? Object.assign({}, => j(u) ? u() : u)) : j(p) ? p() : p, d = Object.keys(m);
(f.includes("all") || d.some((u) => f.includes(u))) && i.add(h), m.animation && o.add(h);
}), await Promise.all(((s = this.detachStyledChildren) == null ? void 0 :{ el: h, style: p, path: f }) => this.updateAttribute(h, "style", p, f, h instanceof SVGElement))) || []);
const a = Array.from(i), c = Array.from(o);
await Promise.all([ => F(u, "transitionrun")), => F(u, "transitionend")), => F(u, "animationrun")), => F(u, "animationend")) => D(h, "transitionrun")), => D(h, "transitionend")), => D(h, "animationrun")), => D(h, "animationend"))
ge(this.element, this.placeholder, !0);
gt(this.element, this.placeholder, !0);
B.styleManager = new Tt();
let Z = B;
function F(t, e) {
B.styleManager = new Ce();
let J = B;
function D(e, t) {
return new Promise((r) => {
t.addEventListener(e, r, { once: !0 });
e.addEventListener(t, r, { once: !0 });
class Lt {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.computed = void 0, this.childHosts = [];
class xe {
constructor(t, r, n) {
this.source = t, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.computed = void 0, this.childHosts = [], this.parentElement = r.parentElement;
get parentElement() {
return this.placeholder.parentElement;
get element() {
var e;
return ((e = this.firstChild) == null ? void 0 : e.element) || this.firstChild || this.placeholder;
var t;
return ((t = this.firstChild) == null ? void 0 : t.element) || this.firstChild || this.placeholder;
render() {
if (this.element === this.placeholder) {
const e = document.createDocumentFragment();
const t = document.createDocumentFragment();
this.source.forEach((r, n) => {
if (typeof r == "string" || typeof r == "number") {
const s = document.createTextNode(r.toString());
e.appendChild(s), n === 0 && (this.firstChild = s);
t.appendChild(s), n === 0 && (this.firstChild = s);
} else if (r instanceof Text)
e.appendChild(r), n === 0 && (this.firstChild = r);
t.appendChild(r), n === 0 && (this.firstChild = r);
else {
const s = document.createComment("array item");
const i = R(r, s, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: [...this.pathContext.hostPath, this] });
const i = O(r, s, { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: M(this, this.pathContext.hostPath) });
this.childHosts.push(i), n === 0 && (this.firstChild = i);
}), this.childHosts.forEach((r) => r.render()), S(e, this.placeholder);
}), this.childHosts.forEach((r) => r.render()), k(t, this.placeholder);
} else
throw new Error("should never rerender");
destroy(e, r) {
e || (ge(this.element, this.placeholder, !0), this.childHosts.forEach((n) => n.destroy(!0, r)));
destroy(t, r) {
t || (gt(this.element, this.placeholder, !0), this.childHosts.forEach((n) => n.destroy(!0, r)));
class Ht {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n;
class Te {
constructor(t, r, n) {
this.source = t, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n;
createPlaceholder(e) {
return [e, document.createComment("frag item host")];
createPlaceholder(t) {
return [t, document.createComment("frag item host")];
isOnlyChildrenOfParent() {
const e = this.placeholder.parentElement;
return (e == null ? void 0 : e.lastChild) === this.placeholder && e.firstChild === this.element;
const t = this.placeholder.parentElement;
return (t == null ? void 0 : t.lastChild) === this.placeholder && t.firstChild === this.element;
get element() {
var e, r;
return ((r = (e = this.hosts) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : r.element) || this.placeholder;
var t, r;
return ((r = (t = this.hosts) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : r.element) || this.placeholder;
renderNewHosts(e) {
renderNewHosts(t) {
const r = document.createDocumentFragment();
return e.forEach((n) => {
return t.forEach((n) => {
r.appendChild(n.placeholder), n.render();

@@ -1185,22 +1087,22 @@ }), r;

render() {
const e = this;
this.hosts = => R(r, document.createComment("rx list item"), { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: [...this.pathContext.hostPath, this] })), this.hostRenderComputed = pe(
const t = this;
this.hosts = => O(r, document.createComment("rx list item"), { ...this.pathContext, hostPath: M(this, this.pathContext.hostPath) })), this.hostRenderComputed = pt(
function() {
return this.manualTrack(e.hosts, I.METHOD, $.METHOD), this.manualTrack(e.hosts, I.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE, $.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE), S(e.renderNewHosts(e.hosts), e.placeholder), null;
return this.manualTrack(t.hosts, it.METHOD, ot.METHOD), this.manualTrack(t.hosts, it.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE, ot.EXPLICIT_KEY_CHANGE), k(t.renderNewHosts(t.hosts), t.placeholder), null;
function(n, s) {
s.forEach(({ method: i, argv: o, result: a, key: c, newValue: u, methodResult: p }, d) => {
var l;
s.forEach(({ method: i, argv: o, result: a, key: c, newValue: h, methodResult: p }, f) => {
var m;
if (i === "splice") {
const h =[0] + o.slice(2).length).find((m) => m.element.parentNode), f = o.slice(2);
if (f.length) {
const m = e.renderNewHosts(f);
S(m, (h == null ? void 0 : h.element) || e.placeholder);
const d =[0] + o.slice(2).length).find((l) => l.element.parentNode), g = o.slice(2);
if (g.length) {
const l = t.renderNewHosts(g);
k(l, (d == null ? void 0 : d.element) || t.placeholder);
p.forEach((m) => m.destroy());
p.forEach((l) => l.destroy());
} else if (i === void 0 && c !== void 0) {
const h = p;
h == null || h.destroy();
const f = c;
S(, ((l = + 1)) == null ? void 0 : l.element) || e.placeholder),;
const d = p;
d == null || d.destroy();
const g = c;
k(, ((m = + 1)) == null ? void 0 : m.element) || t.placeholder),;
} else

@@ -1213,41 +1115,41 @@ throw new Error("unknown trigger info");

destroy(e, r) {
destroy(t, r) {
var n;
r || ((n = this.hosts) == null || n.destroy(), G(this.hostRenderComputed)), this.hosts.forEach((s) => s.destroy(e)), e || this.placeholder.remove();
r || ((n = this.hosts) == null || n.destroy(), mt(this.hostRenderComputed)), this.hosts.forEach((s) => s.destroy(t)), t || this.placeholder.remove();
class Rt {
constructor(e, r) {
this.pathContext = e, this.placeholder = r, this.element = document.createComment("empty");
class ve {
constructor(t, r) {
this.pathContext = t, this.placeholder = r, this.element = document.createComment("empty");
render() {
var e;
(e = this.placeholder.parentNode) == null || e.insertBefore(this.element, this.placeholder);
var t;
(t = this.placeholder.parentNode) == null || t.insertBefore(this.element, this.placeholder);
destroy(e) {
e || (this.element.remove(), this.placeholder.remove());
destroy(t) {
t || (this.element.remove(), this.placeholder.remove());
class Ot {
constructor(e, r, n) {
this.source = e, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.element = this.placeholder;
class Re {
constructor(t, r, n) {
this.source = t, this.placeholder = r, this.pathContext = n, this.element = this.placeholder;
render() {
this.element = document.createTextNode(this.source.toString()), S(this.element, this.placeholder);
this.element = document.createTextNode(this.source.toString()), k(this.element, this.placeholder);
destroy(e) {
e || this.placeholder.remove(), this.element.remove();
destroy(t) {
t || this.placeholder.remove(), this.element.remove();
function R(t, e, r) {
if (!(e instanceof Comment)) throw new Error("incorrect placeholder type");
function O(e, t, r) {
if (!(t instanceof Comment)) throw new Error("incorrect placeholder type");
let n;
return t instanceof _ ? n = new Ht(t, e, r) : Array.isArray(t) ? ye(t) ? n = new dt(t, e, r) : n = new Lt(t, e, r) : typeof t == "object" && typeof (t == null ? void 0 : t.type) == "function" ? n = new V(t, e, r) : q(t) ? n = new wt(t, e, r) : typeof t == "function" ? n = new St(t, e, r) : t instanceof HTMLElement || t instanceof SVGElement || t instanceof DocumentFragment ? n = new Z(t, e, r) : t == null ? n = new Rt(r, e) : typeof t == "string" || typeof t == "number" || typeof t == "boolean" ? n = new Ot(t, e, r) : A(!1, `unknown child type ${t}`), n;
return e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof SVGElement || e instanceof DocumentFragment ? n = new J(e, t, r) : typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number" || typeof e == "boolean" ? n = new Re(e, t, r) : Array.isArray(e) ? n = new xe(e, t, r) : e == null ? n = new ve(r, t) : e instanceof _ ? n = new Te(e, t, r) : typeof e == "object" && typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) == "function" ? n = new I(e, t, r) : q(e) ? n = new Ee(e, t, r) : typeof e == "function" ? n = new Se(e, t, r) : b(!1, `unknown child type ${e}`), n;
function vt(t, e) {
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = e || {
function Le(e, t) {
const r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = t || {
hostPath: [],
elementPath: []
}, s = {
element: t,
element: e,
pathContext: n,

@@ -1257,4 +1159,4 @@ host: void 0,

render(i) {
const o = document.createComment("root");
return t.appendChild(o), = R(i, o, n),, document.body.contains(t) && (s.dispatch("attach"), s.attached = !0),;
const o = document.createComment("root"), a = document.createDocumentFragment();
return a.appendChild(o), = O(i, o, n),, e.appendChild(a), e.isConnected && (s.dispatch("attach"), s.attached = !0),;

@@ -1279,19 +1181,19 @@ destroy() {

function w(t) {
return (e) => (r) => {
if (t(r))
return e(r);
function A(e) {
return (t) => (r) => {
if (e(r))
return t(r);
const Bt = w((t) => t.key === "ArrowUp"), qt = w((t) => t.key === "ArrowDown"), Wt = w((t) => t.key === "ArrowLeft"), Kt = w((t) => t.key === "ArrowRight"), Xt = w((t) => t.key === "Enter"), Yt = w((t) => t.key === "Tab"), Ut = w((t) => t.key === "Escape"), Jt = w((t) => t.key === "Backspace"), Zt = w((t) => t.key === "Space"), Qt = w((t) => t.button === 0), er = w((t) => t.button === 2), tr = w((t) => t.button === 1), rr = (t, e) => w((r) => e != null && e.meta && !r.metaKey || e != null && e.ctrl && !r.ctrlKey || e != null && e.alt && !r.altKey || e != null && e.shift && !r.shiftKey ? !1 : r.key === t), nr = w((t) => === t.currentTarget);
function sr(t) {
let e;
const ze = A((e) => e.key === "ArrowUp"), Be = A((e) => e.key === "ArrowDown"), qe = A((e) => e.key === "ArrowLeft"), Ge = A((e) => e.key === "ArrowRight"), We = A((e) => e.key === "Enter"), Ke = A((e) => e.key === "Tab"), Xe = A((e) => e.key === "Escape"), Ye = A((e) => e.key === "Backspace"), Ue = A((e) => e.key === "Space"), Je = A((e) => e.button === 0), Ze = A((e) => e.button === 2), Qe = A((e) => e.button === 1), tr = (e, t) => A((r) => t != null && t.meta && !r.metaKey || t != null && t.ctrl && !r.ctrlKey || t != null && t.alt && !r.altKey || t != null && t.shift && !r.shiftKey ? !1 : r.key === e), er = A((e) => === e.currentTarget);
function rr(e) {
let t;
function r(s) {
if (e !== void 0)
if (t !== void 0)
throw new Error("event transfer can only have one target");
e = s;
t = s;
function n(s) {
if (e) {
let i = t ? t(s) : s;
if (t) {
let i = e ? e(s) : s;
if (i === s) {

@@ -1301,3 +1203,3 @@ const o = s.constructor;

i && e.dispatchEvent(i);
i && t.dispatchEvent(i);
} else

@@ -1311,75 +1213,75 @@ console.warn("target is not ready");

function ir(t) {
return (e) => {
function nr(e) {
return (t) => {
var n;
const r = document.getSelection() && document.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 ? (n = document.getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : n.getRangeAt(0) : void 0;
t(e, r);
e(t, r);
function or(t) {
return (e) => {
e.preventDefault(), t(e);
function sr(e) {
return (t) => {
t.preventDefault(), e(t);
function ar(t) {
return (e) => {
e.stopPropagation(), t(e);
function ir(e) {
return (t) => {
t.stopPropagation(), e(t);
function cr({ contextType: t, value: e, children: r }, { context: n }) {
return n.set(t, e), r;
function or({ contextType: e, value: t, children: r }, { context: n }) {
return n.set(e, t), r;
function It(t) {
const e = {
name: t,
function $e(e) {
const t = {
name: e,
Provider({ value: r, children: n }, { context: s }) {
return s.set(e, r), n;
return s.set(t, r), n;
valueType: null
return e;
return t;
const $t = It("Form");
function Nt({ name: t, children: e, onChange: r, onSubmit: n, onClear: s, onReset: i, values: o }, {
const ke = $e("Form");
function He({ name: e, children: t, onChange: r, onSubmit: n, onClear: s, onReset: i, values: o }, {
createElement: a,
context: c
}) {
const u = {}, p = (m, C, x) => {
x ? (o.get(m) || o.set(m, new _([])), u[m] || (u[m] = []), o.get(m).push(C.value)(u[m]).push(C)) : (o.set(m, C.value), u[m] = C);
}, d = (m, C, x) => {
const h = {}, p = (l, S, x) => {
x ? (o.get(l) || o.set(l, new _([])), h[l] || (h[l] = []), o.get(l).push(S.value)(h[l]).push(S)) : (o.set(l, S.value), h[l] = S);
}, f = (l, S, x) => {
if (x) {
const E = o.get(m), N = E.findIndex((b) => b === C.value);
N() > -1 && E.splice(N(), 1);
const D = u[m].findIndex((b) => b === C);
D > -1 && u[m].splice(D, 1);
const T = o.get(l), v = T.findIndex((y) => y === S.value);
v() > -1 && T.splice(v(), 1);
const R = h[l].findIndex((y) => y === S);
R > -1 && h[l].splice(R, 1);
} else
o.delete(m), delete u[m];
}, l = () => {
o.delete(l), delete h[l];
}, m = () => {
n == null || n(o);
}, h = () => {
Object.values(u).forEach((m) => {
Array.isArray(m) ? m.forEach((C) => C.reset()) : m.reset();
}, d = () => {
Object.values(h).forEach((l) => {
Array.isArray(l) ? l.forEach((S) => S.reset()) : l.reset();
}), i == null || i();
}, f = () => {
Object.values(u).forEach((m) => {
Array.isArray(m) ? m.forEach((C) => C.clear()) : m.clear();
}, g = () => {
Object.values(h).forEach((l) => {
Array.isArray(l) ? l.forEach((S) => S.clear()) : l.clear();
}), s == null || s();
}, y = () => {
}, u = () => {
r == null || r(o);
return c.set($t, { name: t, register: p, unregister: d, onChange: y, submit: l, reset: h, clear: f }), e;
return c.set(ke, { name: e, register: p, unregister: f, onChange: u, submit: m, reset: d, clear: g }), t;
Nt.propTypes = {
name: v.string.isRequired,
values: v.rxMap(),
children: v.any.isRequired,
onChange: v.function,
onSubmit: v.function,
onClear: v.function,
onReset: v.function
He.propTypes = {
name: H.string.isRequired,
values: H.rxMap(),
children: H.any.isRequired,
onChange: H.function,
onSubmit: H.function,
onClear: H.function,
onReset: H.function
const lr = Symbol("ModalContext");
function hr(t) {
return (e, r) => {
if (e === window) {
const ar = Symbol("ModalContext");
function cr(e) {
return (t, r) => {
if (t === window) {
(() => {

@@ -1396,3 +1298,3 @@ const o = {

const n = e, s = () => {
const n = t, s = () => {
const i = n.getBoundingClientRect(), o = {

@@ -1406,5 +1308,5 @@ top:,

if (Array.isArray(t)) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
const i = [];
return t.forEach((o) => {
return e.forEach((o) => {
const a = () => s();

@@ -1415,3 +1317,3 @@, a), i.push(() =>, a));

} else if (t === "requestAnimationFrame") {
} else if (e === "requestAnimationFrame") {
const i = window.requestAnimationFrame(s);

@@ -1421,3 +1323,3 @@ return () => {

} else if (t === "requestIdleCallback") {
} else if (e === "requestIdleCallback") {
const i = window.requestIdleCallback(s);

@@ -1427,4 +1329,4 @@ return () => {

} else if (t.type === "interval") {
const i = window.setInterval(s, t.duration || 1e3);
} else if (e.type === "interval") {
const i = window.setInterval(s, e.duration || 1e3);
return () => {

@@ -1434,16 +1336,16 @@ window.clearInterval(i);

} else
A(!1, "invalid options.position");
b(!1, "invalid options.position");
const Q = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), de = new ResizeObserver((t) => {
t.forEach((e) => {
const r =, n = Q.get(r);
const Z = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), dt = new ResizeObserver((e) => {
e.forEach((t) => {
const r =, n = Z.get(r);
if (n) {
const s = {
width: e.contentRect.width,
height: e.contentRect.height,
borderBoxWidth: e.borderBoxSize[0].inlineSize,
borderBoxHeight: e.borderBoxSize[0].blockSize,
contentBoxWidth: e.contentBoxSize[0].inlineSize,
contentBoxHeight: e.contentBoxSize[0].blockSize
width: t.contentRect.width,
height: t.contentRect.height,
borderBoxWidth: t.borderBoxSize[0].inlineSize,
borderBoxHeight: t.borderBoxSize[0].blockSize,
contentBoxWidth: t.contentBoxSize[0].inlineSize,
contentBoxHeight: t.contentBoxSize[0].blockSize

@@ -1454,4 +1356,4 @@ z(s, n()) || n(s);

function ur(t, e) {
if (t === window) {
function hr(e, t) {
if (e === window) {
const r = () => {

@@ -1462,48 +1364,48 @@ const n = {

return z(n, e()) || e(n), n;
return z(n, t()) || t(n), n;
return window.addEventListener("resize", r), r(), () => {
e(null), window.removeEventListener("resize", r);
t(null), window.removeEventListener("resize", r);
} else {
de.observe(t), Q.set(t, e);
const r = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return e({
dt.observe(e), Z.set(e, t);
const r = e.getBoundingClientRect();
return t({
width: r.width,
height: r.height
}), () => {
de.unobserve(t), Q.delete(t), e(null);
dt.unobserve(e), Z.delete(e), t(null);
function fr(t, e) {
function lr(e, t) {
const r = () => {
}, n = () => {
return t.addEventListener("focusin", r), t.addEventListener("focusout", n), () => {
t.removeEventListener("focusin", r), t.removeEventListener("focusout", n);
return e.addEventListener("focusin", r), e.addEventListener("focusout", n), () => {
e.removeEventListener("focusin", r), e.removeEventListener("focusout", n);
const Dt = "dragmove";
function dr(t) {
const e = (t == null ? void 0 : t.container) || document.body, r = (t == null ? void 0 : t.customEventName) || Dt;
const Oe = "dragmove";
function ur(e) {
const t = (e == null ? void 0 : e.container) || document.body, r = (e == null ? void 0 : e.customEventName) || Oe;
return function(s) {
const i = (o) => {
const a = o.clientX, c = o.clientY;
let u = a, p = c;
const d = (l) => {
const h = {
clientX: l.clientX,
clientY: l.clientY,
deltaXFromStart: l.clientX - a,
deltaYFromStart: l.clientY - c,
deltaX: l.clientX - u,
deltaY: l.clientY - p
let h = a, p = c;
const f = (m) => {
const d = {
clientX: m.clientX,
clientY: m.clientY,
deltaXFromStart: m.clientX - a,
deltaYFromStart: m.clientY - c,
deltaX: m.clientX - h,
deltaY: m.clientY - p
s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(r, { detail: h }));
s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(r, { detail: d }));
e.addEventListener("mousemove", d), e.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
e.removeEventListener("mousemove", d);
t.addEventListener("mousemove", f), t.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
t.removeEventListener("mousemove", f);
}, { once: !0 });

@@ -1516,6 +1418,6 @@ };

function pr(t) {
function fr(e) {
return function(r, n) {
const s = (i) => {
if (!t())
if (!e())

@@ -1539,6 +1441,6 @@ const o = { clientX: i.clientX, offsetX: 0, clientY: i.clientY, offsetY: 0 }, a = (c) => {

function mr(t) {
function dr(e) {
return function(r, n) {
const s = (i) => {
n(t(r)), document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {
n(e(r)), document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => {

@@ -1552,73 +1454,73 @@ }, { once: !0 });

function yr(t, e) {
function pr(e, t) {
const r = () => {
scrollTop: t.scrollTop,
scrollLeft: t.scrollLeft,
scrollWidth: t.scrollWidth,
scrollHeight: t.scrollHeight
scrollTop: e.scrollTop,
scrollLeft: e.scrollLeft,
scrollWidth: e.scrollWidth,
scrollHeight: e.scrollHeight
return t.addEventListener("scroll", r), () => {
t.removeEventListener("scroll", r);
return e.addEventListener("scroll", r), () => {
e.removeEventListener("scroll", r);
export {
V as ComponentHost,
cr as ContextProvider,
Et as DataContext,
Nt as Form,
$t as FormContext,
we as Fragment,
lr as ModalContext,
Ct as N_ATTR,
pt as Portal,
v as PropTypes,
Z as StaticHost,
xt as StaticHostConfig,
M as StyleSize,
ve as autoUnit,
zt as bindProps,
It as createContext,
g as createElement,
Vt as createElementNS,
sr as createEventTransfer,
R as createHost,
dr as createOnDragMove,
pr as createReactiveDragPosition,
mr as createReactiveDragTarget,
hr as createReactivePosition,
mt as createRef,
vt as createRoot,
yt as createRxRef,
jt as dispatchEvent,
w as eventAlias,
_t as jsx,
Gt as jsxDEV,
Ft as jsxs,
U as mergeProp,
gt as mergeProps,
Jt as onBackspaceKey,
qt as onDownKey,
Ut as onESCKey,
Xt as onEnterKey,
rr as onKey,
Wt as onLeftKey,
Qt as onLeftMouseDown,
tr as onMiddleMouseDown,
Kt as onRightKey,
er as onRightMouseDown,
nr as onSelf,
Zt as onSpaceKey,
Yt as onTabKey,
Bt as onUpKey,
fr as reactiveFocused,
yr as reactiveScrollPosition,
ur as reactiveSize,
kt as setAutoUnitType,
ir as withCurrentRange,
or as withPreventDefault,
ar as withStopPropagation
I as ComponentHost,
or as ContextProvider,
ye as DataContext,
He as Form,
ke as FormContext,
F as Fragment,
ar as ModalContext,
ge as N_ATTR,
fe as Portal,
H as PropTypes,
J as StaticHost,
Pe as StaticHostConfig,
N as StyleSize,
kt as autoUnit,
_e as bindProps,
$e as createContext,
w as createElement,
Ie as createElementNS,
rr as createEventTransfer,
O as createHost,
ur as createOnDragMove,
fr as createReactiveDragPosition,
dr as createReactiveDragTarget,
cr as createReactivePosition,
de as createRef,
Le as createRoot,
pe as createRxRef,
Me as dispatchEvent,
A as eventAlias,
De as jsx,
Fe as jsxDEV,
je as jsxs,
Y as mergeProp,
me as mergeProps,
Ye as onBackspaceKey,
Be as onDownKey,
Xe as onESCKey,
We as onEnterKey,
tr as onKey,
qe as onLeftKey,
Je as onLeftMouseDown,
Qe as onMiddleMouseDown,
Ge as onRightKey,
Ze as onRightMouseDown,
er as onSelf,
Ue as onSpaceKey,
Ke as onTabKey,
ze as onUpKey,
lr as reactiveFocused,
pr as reactiveScrollPosition,
hr as reactiveSize,
Ve as setAutoUnitType,
nr as withCurrentRange,
sr as withPreventDefault,
ir as withStopPropagation
"name": "axii",
"version": "2.6.63",
"version": "2.6.64",
"description": "",

@@ -38,2 +38,3 @@ "main": "index.js",

"devDependencies": {
"@playwright/test": "^1.49.1",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^14.5.2",

@@ -40,0 +41,0 @@ "@types/node": "^22.9.3",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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