Security News
vlt Debuts New JavaScript Package Manager and Serverless Registry at NodeConf EU
vlt introduced its new package manager and a serverless registry this week, innovating in a space where npm has stagnated.
Advanced tools
The axobject-query package is a utility library that provides a set of queries to access AXObject information used for building accessibility tools, testing, and research. It can be used to query the relationship between ARIA roles and the corresponding Accessible Object Model (AOM) objects, which are part of the platform accessibility APIs.
Query AXObjects by Role
This feature allows you to query the AXObject information for a given ARIA role. In the code sample, we retrieve the AXObject information for the 'button' role.
const { AXObjects, elementAXObjectMap } = require('axobject-query');
const buttonAXObject = AXObjects.get('button');
Query AXObjects by DOM element
This feature enables querying the AXObject based on the DOM element type. The code sample demonstrates how to get the AXObject for a 'button' element.
const { elementAXObjectMap } = require('axobject-query');
const axObject = elementAXObjectMap.get('button');
List all AXObjects
This feature provides a way to list all available AXObjects. The code sample shows how to retrieve and log all the keys (roles) from the AXObjects map.
const { AXObjects } = require('axobject-query');
const allAXObjects = [...AXObjects.keys()];
aria-query is a package similar to axobject-query that provides mappings between ARIA roles, states, and properties to their respective values and types. It is used for similar purposes in accessibility tooling and testing. Unlike axobject-query, aria-query focuses more on the ARIA specification itself rather than the mapping to AXObjects.
dom-accessibility-api is a package that offers methods to calculate the accessible name and description of DOM elements, which is a part of the accessibility tree computation. It differs from axobject-query by focusing on accessible name and description computation rather than querying AXObject information.
NOTICE: The API for AXObject Query is very much under development until a major version release. Please be aware that data structures might change in minor version releases before 1.0.0 is released.
Approximate model of the Chrome AXObject.
The project attempts to map the AXObject concepts to the WAI-ARIA 1.1 Roles Model so that a complete representation of the semantic HTML layer, as it is exposed assistive technology, can be obtained.
import { AXObjects } from 'axobject-query';
AXObjects are mapped to their HTML and ARIA concepts in the relatedConcepts
The type
field is a loose association of an AXObject to the window
, structure
and widget
abstract roles in ARIA. The generic
value is given to DivRole
; it does not exist in ARIA. Divs are special in HTML in the way that they are used as generic containers. Span might have also been associated with a generic type except that there is no SpanRole
Map {
'AbbrRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'AlertDialogRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'window' },
'AlertRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'AnnotationRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ApplicationRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'window' },
'ArticleRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'AudioRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'BannerRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'BlockquoteRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'BusyIndicatorRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ButtonRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'CanvasRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'CaptionRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'CellRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'CheckBoxRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ColorWellRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ColumnHeaderRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ColumnRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ComboBoxRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ComplementaryRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'ContentInfoRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DateRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'DateTimeRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'DefinitionRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DescriptionListDetailRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DescriptionListRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DescriptionListTermRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DetailsRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DialogRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'window' },
'DirectoryRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'DisclosureTriangleRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' },
'DivRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'generic' },
'DocumentRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'EmbeddedObjectRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'FeedRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'FigcaptionRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'FigureRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'FooterRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'FormRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'GridRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'GroupRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'HeadingRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'IframePresentationalRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'window' },
'IframeRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'window' },
'IgnoredRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ImageMapLinkRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' },
'ImageMapRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'ImageRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'InlineTextBoxRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'InputTimeRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'LabelRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'LegendRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'LineBreakRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'LinkRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ListBoxOptionRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ListBoxRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'ListItemRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'ListMarkerRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ListRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'LogRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MainRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MarkRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MarqueeRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MathRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MenuBarRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MenuButtonRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' },
'MenuItemRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'MenuItemCheckBoxRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'MenuItemRadioRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'MenuListOptionRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' },
'MenuListPopupRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' },
'MenuRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'MeterRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'NavigationRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'NoneRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'NoteRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'OutlineRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ParagraphRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'PopUpButtonRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'widget' },
'PreRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'PresentationalRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'ProgressIndicatorRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'RadioButtonRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'RadioGroupRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'RegionRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'RootWebAreaRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'RowHeaderRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'RowRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'RubyRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'RulerRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ScrollAreaRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'ScrollBarRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'SeamlessWebAreaRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'SearchRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'SearchBoxRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'SliderRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'SliderThumbRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'SpinButtonRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'SpinButtonPartRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'SplitterRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'StaticTextRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'StatusRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'SVGRootRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'SwitchRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'TabGroupRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TabRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'TableHeaderContainerRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'TableRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TabListRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TabPanelRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TermRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TextFieldRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'TimeRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TimerRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'ToggleButtonRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'ToolbarRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'TreeRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'TreeGridRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'TreeItemRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'UserInterfaceTooltipRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'structure' },
'VideoRole' => { relatedConcepts: [ [Object] ], type: 'widget' },
'WebAreaRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'structure' },
'WindowRole' => { relatedConcepts: [], type: 'window' }
import { AXObjectElements } from 'axobject-query';
AXObjects are mapped to their related HTML concepts, which may require attributes (in the case of inputs) to obtain the correct association.
Map {
'AbbrRole' => Set { { name: 'abbr' } },
'ArticleRole' => Set { { name: 'article' } },
'AudioRole' => Set { { name: 'audio' } },
'BlockquoteRole' => Set { { name: 'blockquote' } },
'ButtonRole' => Set { { name: 'button' } },
'CanvasRole' => Set { { name: 'canvas' } },
'CaptionRole' => Set { { name: 'caption' } },
'CellRole' => Set { { name: 'td' } },
'CheckBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'ColorWellRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'ColumnHeaderRole' => Set { { name: 'th' } },
'DateRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'DateTimeRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'DefinitionRole' => Set { { name: 'dfn' } },
'DescriptionListDetailRole' => Set { { name: 'dd' } },
'DescriptionListRole' => Set { { name: 'dl' } },
'DescriptionListTermRole' => Set { { name: 'dt' } },
'DetailsRole' => Set { { name: 'details' } },
'DialogRole' => Set { { name: 'dialog' } },
'DirectoryRole' => Set { { name: 'dir' } },
'DivRole' => Set { { name: 'div' } },
'EmbeddedObjectRole' => Set { { name: 'embed' } },
'FigcaptionRole' => Set { { name: 'figcaption' } },
'FigureRole' => Set { { name: 'figure' } },
'FooterRole' => Set { { name: 'footer' } },
'FormRole' => Set { { name: 'form' } },
'HeadingRole' => Set { { name: 'h1' }, { name: 'h2' }, { name: 'h3' }, { name: 'h4' }, { name: 'h5' }, { name: 'h6' } },
'IframeRole' => Set { { name: 'iframe' } },
'ImageMapRole' => Set { { name: 'img', attributes: [Object] } },
'ImageRole' => Set { { name: 'img' } },
'InlineTextBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'input' } },
'InputTimeRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'LabelRole' => Set { { name: 'label' } },
'LegendRole' => Set { { name: 'legend' } },
'LineBreakRole' => Set { { name: 'br' } },
'LinkRole' => Set { { name: 'a', attributes: [Object] } },
'ListBoxOptionRole' => Set { { name: 'option' } },
'ListItemRole' => Set { { name: 'li' } },
'ListRole' => Set { { name: 'ul' }, { name: 'ol' } },
'MainRole' => Set { { name: 'main' } },
'MarkRole' => Set { { name: 'mark' } },
'MarqueeRole' => Set { { name: 'marquee' } },
'MenuItemRole' => Set { { name: 'menuitem' } },
'MenuRole' => Set { { name: 'menu' } },
'MeterRole' => Set { { name: 'meter' } },
'NavigationRole' => Set { { name: 'nav' } },
'ParagraphRole' => Set { { name: 'p' } },
'PreRole' => Set { { name: 'pre' } },
'ProgressIndicatorRole' => Set { { name: 'progress' } },
'RadioButtonRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'RowHeaderRole' => Set { { name: 'th', attributes: [Object] } },
'RowRole' => Set { { name: 'tr' } },
'RubyRole' => Set { { name: 'ruby' } },
'SearchBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'SliderRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'SpinButtonRole' => Set { { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'TableRole' => Set { { name: 'table' } },
'TextFieldRole' => Set { { name: 'input' }, { name: 'input', attributes: [Object] } },
'TimeRole' => Set { { name: 'time' } },
'VideoRole' => Set { { name: 'video' }
import { AXObjectRoles } from 'axobject-query';
AXObjects are mapped to their related ARIA concepts..
Map {
'AlertDialogRole' => Set { { name: 'alertdialog' } },
'AlertRole' => Set { { name: 'alert' } },
'ApplicationRole' => Set { { name: 'application' } },
'ArticleRole' => Set { { name: 'article' } },
'BannerRole' => Set { { name: 'banner' } },
'BusyIndicatorRole' => Set { { attributes: [Object] } },
'ButtonRole' => Set { { name: 'button' } },
'CellRole' => Set { { name: 'cell' }, { name: 'gridcell' } },
'CheckBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'checkbox' } },
'ColumnHeaderRole' => Set { { name: 'columnheader' } },
'ComboBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'combobox' } },
'ComplementaryRole' => Set { { name: 'complementary' } },
'ContentInfoRole' => Set { { name: 'structureinfo' } },
'DialogRole' => Set { { name: 'dialog' } },
'DirectoryRole' => Set { { name: 'directory' } },
'DocumentRole' => Set { { name: 'document' } },
'FeedRole' => Set { { name: 'feed' } },
'FigureRole' => Set { { name: 'figure' } },
'FormRole' => Set { { name: 'form' } },
'GridRole' => Set { { name: 'grid' } },
'GroupRole' => Set { { name: 'group' } },
'HeadingRole' => Set { { name: 'heading' } },
'ImageRole' => Set { { name: 'img' } },
'LinkRole' => Set { { name: 'link' } },
'ListBoxOptionRole' => Set { { name: 'option' } },
'ListBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'listbox' } },
'ListItemRole' => Set { { name: 'listitem' } },
'ListRole' => Set { { name: 'list' } },
'LogRole' => Set { { name: 'log' } },
'MainRole' => Set { { name: 'main' } },
'MarqueeRole' => Set { { name: 'marquee' } },
'MathRole' => Set { { name: 'math' } },
'MenuBarRole' => Set { { name: 'menubar' } },
'MenuItemRole' => Set { { name: 'menuitem' } },
'MenuItemCheckBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'menuitemcheckbox' } },
'MenuItemRadioRole' => Set { { name: 'menuitemradio' } },
'MenuRole' => Set { { name: 'menu' } },
'NavigationRole' => Set { { name: 'navigation' } },
'NoneRole' => Set { { name: 'none' } },
'NoteRole' => Set { { name: 'note' } },
'PresentationalRole' => Set { { name: 'presentation' } },
'ProgressIndicatorRole' => Set { { name: 'progressbar' } },
'RadioButtonRole' => Set { { name: 'radio' } },
'RadioGroupRole' => Set { { name: 'radiogroup' } },
'RegionRole' => Set { { name: 'region' } },
'RowHeaderRole' => Set { { name: 'rowheader' } },
'RowRole' => Set { { name: 'row' } },
'ScrollBarRole' => Set { { name: 'scrollbar' } },
'SearchRole' => Set { { name: 'search' } },
'SearchBoxRole' => Set { { name: 'searchbox' } },
'SliderRole' => Set { { name: 'slider' } },
'SpinButtonRole' => Set { { name: 'spinbutton' } },
'SplitterRole' => Set { { name: 'separator' } },
'StatusRole' => Set { { name: 'status' } },
'SwitchRole' => Set { { name: 'switch' } },
'TabGroupRole' => Set { { name: 'tablist' } },
'TabRole' => Set { { name: 'tab' } },
'TableRole' => Set { { name: 'table' } },
'TabListRole' => Set { { name: 'tablist' } },
'TabPanelRole' => Set { { name: 'tabpanel' } },
'TermRole' => Set { { name: 'term' } },
'TextFieldRole' => Set { { name: 'textbox' } },
'TimerRole' => Set { { name: 'timer' } },
'ToggleButtonRole' => Set { { attributes: [Object] } },
'ToolbarRole' => Set { { name: 'toolbar' } },
'TreeRole' => Set { { name: 'tree' } },
'TreeGridRole' => Set { { name: 'treegrid' } },
'TreeItemRole' => Set { { name: 'treeitem' } },
'UserInterfaceTooltipRole' => Set { { name: 'tooltip' } }
import { elementAXObjects } from 'axobject-query';
HTML elements are mapped to their related AXConcepts concepts.
Map {
{ name: 'abbr' } => Set { 'AbbrRole' },
{ name: 'article' } => Set { 'ArticleRole' },
{ name: 'audio' } => Set { 'AudioRole' },
{ name: 'blockquote' } => Set { 'BlockquoteRole' },
{ name: 'button' } => Set { 'ButtonRole' },
{ name: 'canvas' } => Set { 'CanvasRole' },
{ name: 'caption' } => Set { 'CaptionRole' },
{ name: 'td' } => Set { 'CellRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'CheckBoxRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'ColorWellRole' },
{ name: 'th' } => Set { 'ColumnHeaderRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'DateRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'DateTimeRole' },
{ name: 'dfn' } => Set { 'DefinitionRole' },
{ name: 'dd' } => Set { 'DescriptionListDetailRole' },
{ name: 'dl' } => Set { 'DescriptionListRole' },
{ name: 'dt' } => Set { 'DescriptionListTermRole' },
{ name: 'details' } => Set { 'DetailsRole' },
{ name: 'dialog' } => Set { 'DialogRole' },
{ name: 'dir' } => Set { 'DirectoryRole' },
{ name: 'div' } => Set { 'DivRole' },
{ name: 'embed' } => Set { 'EmbeddedObjectRole' },
{ name: 'figcaption' } => Set { 'FigcaptionRole' },
{ name: 'figure' } => Set { 'FigureRole' },
{ name: 'footer' } => Set { 'FooterRole' },
{ name: 'form' } => Set { 'FormRole' },
{ name: 'h1' } => Set { 'HeadingRole' },
{ name: 'h2' } => Set { 'HeadingRole' },
{ name: 'h3' } => Set { 'HeadingRole' },
{ name: 'h4' } => Set { 'HeadingRole' },
{ name: 'h5' } => Set { 'HeadingRole' },
{ name: 'h6' } => Set { 'HeadingRole' },
{ name: 'iframe' } => Set { 'IframeRole' },
{ name: 'img', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'ImageMapRole' },
{ name: 'img' } => Set { 'ImageRole' },
{ name: 'input' } => Set { 'InlineTextBoxRole', 'TextFieldRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'InputTimeRole' },
{ name: 'label' } => Set { 'LabelRole' },
{ name: 'legend' } => Set { 'LegendRole' },
{ name: 'br' } => Set { 'LineBreakRole' },
{ name: 'a', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'LinkRole' },
{ name: 'option' } => Set { 'ListBoxOptionRole' },
{ name: 'li' } => Set { 'ListItemRole' },
{ name: 'ul' } => Set { 'ListRole' },
{ name: 'ol' } => Set { 'ListRole' },
{ name: 'main' } => Set { 'MainRole' },
{ name: 'mark' } => Set { 'MarkRole' },
{ name: 'marquee' } => Set { 'MarqueeRole' },
{ name: 'menuitem' } => Set { 'MenuItemRole' },
{ name: 'menu' } => Set { 'MenuRole' },
{ name: 'meter' } => Set { 'MeterRole' },
{ name: 'nav' } => Set { 'NavigationRole' },
{ name: 'p' } => Set { 'ParagraphRole' },
{ name: 'pre' } => Set { 'PreRole' },
{ name: 'progress' } => Set { 'ProgressIndicatorRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'RadioButtonRole' },
{ name: 'th', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'RowHeaderRole' },
{ name: 'tr' } => Set { 'RowRole' },
{ name: 'ruby' } => Set { 'RubyRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'SearchBoxRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'SliderRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'SpinButtonRole' },
{ name: 'table' } => Set { 'TableRole' },
{ name: 'input' } => Set { 'InlineTextBoxRole', 'TextFieldRole' },
{ name: 'input', attributes: [ [Object] ] } => Set { 'TextFieldRole' },
{ name: 'time' } => Set { 'TimeRole' },
{ name: 'video' } => Set { 'VideoRole' }
Programmatic access to information about the AXObject Model
The npm package axobject-query receives a total of 13,192,245 weekly downloads. As such, axobject-query popularity was classified as popular.
We found that axobject-query demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 2 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
vlt introduced its new package manager and a serverless registry this week, innovating in a space where npm has stagnated.
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The Socket Research Team uncovered a malicious Python package typosquatting the popular 'fabric' SSH library, silently exfiltrating AWS credentials from unsuspecting developers.
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At its inaugural meeting, the JSR Working Group outlined plans for an open governance model and a roadmap to enhance JavaScript package management.