Babel preset used by @thebespokepixel/cordial
@thebespokepixel/cordial is a gulp4 and git-flow based build mastering tool that can create multi-personality npm/CommonJS/ES6+ packages from the CLI or within Tower 2 automatically up to ES2016/ES7 (stage-3). Handy for when you need to optimise against as much as is natively supported.
Includes transformers:
for node.js < v6.0.0
- es2015: Spread operator ()
- es2015: Parameters
- es2015: Sticky regex
- es2015: Unicode regex
for node.js < v6.5.0
- es2015: Destructuring
- es2015: Function name
for all node versions
- es2015: Modules to CommonJS
- es2016: Exponentiantion operator
- es2017: Trailing function commas (stage-3)
- es2017: Async functions-to-generator (stage-3)
Shimmed elements
Also adds corejs shims for the following 'untransformable' es2016/7 features missing in node.js v4.0.0 to v6.1.0, but only when used in sources:
for node.js < v6.0.0
- es2015: Reflect (corejs subset)
for node.js < v6.3.0
- es2016: Array.prototype.includes()
for all node versions
- es2017: Object.entries()
- es2017: Object.values()
- es2017: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors() (stage-3)
- es2017: String.prototype.padStart() (stage-3)
- es2017: String.prototype.padEnd() (stage-3)
Unhandled es2015+ language constructs:
- Array.prototype.values()
- Iterator closing (Destructuring, Map, Set etc)
- Symbol.species
- Tail call optimisation
- Correct prototype chains
- Proxy (node.js v6.0+ only)
- Refer to
Based on babel-preset-modern-node by Michael Contento.
Unlike babel-preset-modern-node
, the builtin Array
is extended to allow Array.prototype.includes
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-cordial
- Read "Configuring Babel 6" article for more information about babel@6
- Decide which version of node you want to support
- Use
['cordial', {version: $VERSION}]
(e.g. ['cordial', {version: '6.8'}]
) as your preset, or ['cordial', {version: 'es2015|es2016|es2017'}]
for standards based output for rollup/tree shaking. - By default, import and export commands will NOT be transpiled to CommonJS' require in the output, enabling it's use with Rollup which requires es2015 module syntax. If you need CommonJS output, add
{modules: 'commonjs'}
to the presets array. Also supported are amd
, umd
and systemjs
module syntaxes.
Via .babelrc
"presets": [
["cordial", {
"version": "6.8",
"modules": "commonjs"
Via Node API
require('babel-core').transform('code', {
presets: [
['cordial', {
version: '6.8',
modules: 'commonjs'
loose: true