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babyparse - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.1 to 0.4.0


Baby Parse
based on Papa Parse v3.0.1
Created by Rich Harris
Maintained by Matt Holt
Based on Papa Parse v4.0.7 by Matt Holt
(function ( global ) {
// A configuration object from which to draw default settings
var DEFAULTS = {
delimiter: "", // empty: auto-detect
newline: "", // empty: auto-detect
header: false,

@@ -22,3 +25,4 @@ dynamicTyping: false,

complete: undefined,
keepEmptyRows: false
skipEmptyLines: false,
fastMode: false

@@ -33,2 +37,5 @@

Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS = ["\r", "\n", "\"", Baby.BYTE_ORDER_MARK];
Baby.DefaultDelimiter = ","; // Used if not specified and detection fails
Baby.Parser = Parser; // For testing/dev only
Baby.ParserHandle = ParserHandle; // For testing/dev only

@@ -175,3 +182,3 @@

if (typeof str === "undefined")
if (typeof str === "undefined" || str === null)
return "";

@@ -211,2 +218,7 @@

var self = this;
var _stepCounter = 0; // Number of times step was called (number of rows parsed)
var _input; // The input being parsed
var _parser; // The core parser being used
var _paused = false; // Whether we are paused or not
var _delimiterError; // Temporary state between delimiter detection and processing results

@@ -219,6 +231,34 @@ var _fields = []; // Fields are from the header row of the input, if there is one

_config = copy(_config);
if (isFunction(_config.step))
var userStep = _config.step;
_config.step = function(results)
_results = results;
if (needsHeaderRow())
else // only call user's step function after header row
// It's possbile that this line was empty and there's no row here after all
if ( == 0)
_stepCounter +=;
if (_config.preview && _stepCounter > _config.preview)
userStep(_results, self);
this.parse = function(input)
if (!_config.newline)
_config.newline = guessLineEndings(input);
_delimiterError = false;

@@ -233,3 +273,3 @@ if (!_config.delimiter)

_delimiterError = true; // add error after parsing (otherwise it would be overwritten)
_config.delimiter = ",";
_config.delimiter = Baby.DefaultDelimiter;

@@ -239,17 +279,42 @@ _results.meta.delimiter = _config.delimiter;

if (isFunction(_config.step))
var parserConfig = copy(_config);
if (_config.preview && _config.header)
parserConfig.preview++; // to compensate for header row
_input = input;
_parser = new Parser(parserConfig);
_results = _parser.parse(_input);
if (isFunction(_config.complete) && !_paused && (!self.streamer || self.streamer.finished()))
return _paused ? { meta: { paused: true } } : (_results || { meta: { paused: false } });
this.pause = function()
_paused = true;
_input = _input.substr(_parser.getCharIndex());
this.resume = function()
_paused = false;
_parser = new Parser(_config);
if (!_paused)
var userStep = _config.step;
_config.step = function(results, parser)
_results = results;
if (needsHeaderRow())
userStep(processResults(), parser);
if (self.streamer && !self.streamer.finished())
self.streamer.resume(); // more of the file yet to come
else if (isFunction(_config.complete))
_results = new Parser(_config).parse(input);
return processResults();
this.abort = function()
if (isFunction(_config.complete))
_input = "";

@@ -261,6 +326,13 @@

addError("Delimiter", "UndetectableDelimiter", "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to comma");
addError("Delimiter", "UndetectableDelimiter", "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to '"+Baby.DefaultDelimiter+"'");
_delimiterError = false;
if (_config.skipEmptyLines)
for (var i = 0; i <; i++)
if ([i].length == 1 &&[i][0] == ""), 1);
if (needsHeaderRow())

@@ -295,2 +367,3 @@ fillHeaderFields();

var row = {};
for (var j = 0; j <[i].length; j++)

@@ -317,3 +390,4 @@ {

row[_fields[j]] =[i][j];
row[_fields[j]] =[i][j];

@@ -332,5 +406,4 @@ }

if (_config.header && _results.meta);
if (_config.header && _results.meta)
_results.meta.fields = _fields;
return _results;

@@ -390,2 +463,21 @@ }

function guessLineEndings(input)
input = input.substr(0, 1024*1024); // max length 1 MB
var r = input.split('\r');
if (r.length == 1)
return '\n';
var numWithN = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
if (r[i][0] == '\n')
return numWithN >= r.length / 2 ? '\r\n' : '\r';
function tryParseFloat(val)

@@ -413,284 +505,277 @@ {

// The core parser implements speedy and correct CSV parsing
function Parser(config)
var self = this;
var EMPTY = /^\s*$/;
var _input; // The input text being parsed
var _delimiter; // The delimiting character
var _comments; // Comment character (default '#') or boolean
var _step; // The step (streaming) function
var _callback; // The callback to invoke when finished
var _preview; // Maximum number of lines (not rows) to parse
var _ch; // Current character
var _i; // Current character's positional index
var _inQuotes; // Whether in quotes or not
var _lineNum; // Current line number (1-based indexing)
var _data; // Parsed data (results)
var _errors; // Parse errors
var _rowIdx; // Current row index within results (0-based)
var _colIdx; // Current col index within result row (0-based)
var _runningRowIdx; // Cumulative row index, used by the preview feature
var _aborted = false; // Abort flag
var _paused = false; // Pause flag
// Unpack the config object
config = config || {};
_delimiter = config.delimiter;
_comments = config.comments;
_step = config.step;
_preview = config.preview;
var delim = config.delimiter;
var newline = config.newline;
var comments = config.comments;
var step = config.step;
var preview = config.preview;
var fastMode = config.fastMode;
// Delimiter integrity check
if (typeof _delimiter !== 'string'
|| _delimiter.length != 1
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(_delimiter) > -1)
_delimiter = ",";
// Delimiter must be valid
if (typeof delim !== 'string'
|| delim.length != 1
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(delim) > -1)
delim = ",";
// Comment character integrity check
if (_comments === true)
_comments = "#";
else if (typeof _comments !== 'string'
|| _comments.length != 1
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(_comments) > -1
|| _comments == _delimiter)
_comments = false;
// Comment character must be valid
if (comments === delim)
throw "Comment character same as delimiter";
else if (comments === true)
comments = "#";
else if (typeof comments !== 'string'
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(comments) > -1)
comments = false;
// Newline must be valid: \r, \n, or \r\n
if (newline != '\n' && newline != '\r' && newline != '\r\n')
newline = '\n';
// We're gonna need these at the Parser scope
var cursor = 0;
var aborted = false;
this.parse = function(input)
// For some reason, in Chrome, this speeds things up (!?)
if (typeof input !== 'string')
throw "Input must be a string";
return parserLoop();
this.abort = function()
_aborted = true;
// We don't need to compute some of these every time parse() is called,
// but having them in a more local scope seems to perform better
var inputLen = input.length,
delimLen = delim.length,
newlineLen = newline.length,
commentsLen = comments.length;
var stepIsFunction = typeof step === 'function';
function parserLoop()
while (_i < _input.length)
if (_aborted) break;
if (_preview > 0 && _runningRowIdx >= _preview) break;
if (_paused) return finishParsing();
// Establish starting state
cursor = 0;
var data = [], errors = [], row = [];
if (_ch == '"')
else if (_inQuotes)
if (!input)
return returnable();
if (fastMode)
// Fast mode assumes there are no quoted fields in the input
var rows = input.split(newline);
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (comments && rows[i].substr(0, commentsLen) == comments)
if (stepIsFunction)
data = [ rows[i].split(delim) ];
if (aborted)
return returnable();
if (preview && i >= preview)
data = data.slice(0, preview);
return returnable(true);
return returnable();
return finishParsing();
var nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor);
var nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor);
function nextChar()
_ch = _input[_i];
// Parser loop
for (;;)
// Field has opening quote
if (input[cursor] == '"')
// Start our search for the closing quote where the cursor is
var quoteSearch = cursor;
function finishParsing()
if (_aborted)
addError("Abort", "ParseAbort", "Parsing was aborted by the user's step function");
if (_inQuotes)
addError("Quotes", "MissingQuotes", "Unescaped or mismatched quotes");
endRow(); // End of input is also end of the last row
if (!isFunction(_step))
return returnable();
// Skip the opening quote
function parseQuotes()
if (quotesOnBoundary() && !quotesEscaped())
_inQuotes = !_inQuotes;
if (_inQuotes && quotesEscaped())
addError("Quotes", "UnexpectedQuotes", "Unexpected quotes");
for (;;)
// Find closing quote
var quoteSearch = input.indexOf('"', quoteSearch+1);
function parseInQuotes()
if (twoCharLineBreak(_i) || oneCharLineBreak(_i))
if (quoteSearch === -1)
// No closing quote... what a pity
type: "Quotes",
code: "MissingQuotes",
message: "Quoted field unterminated",
row: data.length, // row has yet to be inserted
index: cursor
return finish();
function parseNotInQuotes()
if (_ch == _delimiter)
else if (twoCharLineBreak(_i))
else if (oneCharLineBreak(_i))
else if (isCommentStart())
if (quoteSearch === inputLen-1)
// Closing quote at EOF
row.push(input.substring(cursor, quoteSearch).replace(/""/g, '"'));
if (stepIsFunction)
return returnable();
function isCommentStart()
if (!_comments)
return false;
// If this quote is escaped, it's part of the data; skip it
if (input[quoteSearch+1] == '"')
var firstCharOfLine = _i == 0
|| oneCharLineBreak(_i-1)
|| twoCharLineBreak(_i-2);
return firstCharOfLine && _input[_i] === _comments;
if (input[quoteSearch+1] == delim)
// Closing quote followed by delimiter
row.push(input.substring(cursor, quoteSearch).replace(/""/g, '"'));
cursor = quoteSearch + 1 + delimLen;
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor);
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor);
function skipLine()
while (!twoCharLineBreak(_i)
&& !oneCharLineBreak(_i)
&& _i < _input.length)
if (input.substr(quoteSearch+1, newlineLen) === newline)
// Closing quote followed by newline
row.push(input.substring(cursor, quoteSearch).replace(/""/g, '"'));
saveRow(quoteSearch + 1 + newlineLen);
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor); // because we may have skipped the nextDelim in the quoted field
function saveChar()
_data[_rowIdx][_colIdx] += _ch;
if (stepIsFunction)
if (aborted)
return returnable();
if (preview && data.length >= preview)
return returnable(true);
function newField()
_colIdx = _data[_rowIdx].length - 1;
function newRow()
_rowIdx = _data.length - 1;
// Comment found at start of new line
if (comments && row.length === 0 && input.substr(cursor, commentsLen) === comments)
if (nextNewline == -1) // Comment ends at EOF
return returnable();
cursor = nextNewline + newlineLen;
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor);
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor);
function endRow()
if (isFunction(_step))
if (_data[_rowIdx])
_step(returnable(), self);
// Next delimiter comes before next newline, so we've reached end of field
if (nextDelim !== -1 && (nextDelim < nextNewline || nextNewline === -1))
row.push(input.substring(cursor, nextDelim));
cursor = nextDelim + delimLen;
nextDelim = input.indexOf(delim, cursor);
function trimEmptyLastRow()
if (_data[_rowIdx].length == 1 && EMPTY.test(_data[_rowIdx][0]))
if (config.keepEmptyRows)
_data[_rowIdx].splice(0, 1); // leave row, but no fields
_data.splice(_rowIdx, 1); // cut out row entirely
_rowIdx = _data.length - 1;
// End of row
if (nextNewline !== -1)
row.push(input.substring(cursor, nextNewline));
saveRow(nextNewline + newlineLen);
function twoCharLineBreak(i)
return i < _input.length - 1 &&
((_input[i] == "\r" && _input[i+1] == "\n")
|| (_input[i] == "\n" && _input[i+1] == "\r"))
if (stepIsFunction)
if (aborted)
return returnable();
function oneCharLineBreak(i)
return _input[i] == "\r" || _input[i] == "\n";
if (preview && data.length >= preview)
return returnable(true);
function quotesEscaped()
// Quotes as data cannot be on boundary, for example: ,"", are not escaped quotes
return !quotesOnBoundary() && _i < _input.length - 1 && _input[_i+1] == '"';
function quotesOnBoundary()
return (!_inQuotes && isBoundary(_i-1)) || isBoundary(_i+1);
function isBoundary(i)
if (typeof i != 'number')
i = _i;
var ch = _input[i];
return finish();
return (i <= -1 || i >= _input.length)
|| (ch == _delimiter
|| ch == "\r"
|| ch == "\n");
function addError(type, code, msg)
type: type,
code: code,
message: msg,
line: _lineNum,
row: _rowIdx,
index: _i
// Appends the remaining input from cursor to the end into
// row, saves the row, calls step, and returns the results.
function finish()
cursor = inputLen; // important in case parsing is paused
if (stepIsFunction)
return returnable();
function reset(input)
_input = input;
_inQuotes = false;
_i = 0, _runningRowIdx = 0, _lineNum = 1;
_data = [ [""] ]; // starting parsing requires an empty field
_ch = _input[_i];
// Appends the current row to the results. It sets the cursor
// to newCursor and finds the nextNewline. The caller should
// take care to execute user's step function and check for
// preview and end parsing if necessary.
function saveRow(newCursor)
row = [];
cursor = newCursor;
nextNewline = input.indexOf(newline, cursor);
function clearErrorsAndData()
// Returns an object with the results, errors, and meta.
function returnable(stopped)
return {
data: data,
errors: errors,
meta: {
delimiter: delim,
linebreak: newline,
aborted: aborted,
truncated: !!stopped
// Executes the user's step function and resets data & errors.
function doStep()
data = [], errors = [];
// Sets the abort flag
this.abort = function()
_data = [];
_errors = [];
_rowIdx = 0;
_colIdx = 0;
aborted = true;
function returnable()
// Gets the cursor position
this.getCharIndex = function()
return {
data: _data,
errors: _errors,
meta: {
lines: _lineNum,
delimiter: _delimiter,
aborted: _aborted
return cursor;
// Replaces bad config values with good, default ones

@@ -709,2 +794,7 @@ function copyAndValidateConfig(origConfig)

if (config.newline != '\n'
&& config.newline != '\r'
&& config.newline != '\r\n')
config.newline = DEFAULTS.newline;
if (typeof config.header !== 'boolean')

@@ -725,5 +815,8 @@ config.header = DEFAULTS.header;

if (typeof config.keepEmptyRows !== 'boolean')
config.keepEmptyRows = DEFAULTS.keepEmptyRows;
if (typeof config.skipEmptyLines !== 'boolean')
config.skipEmptyLines = DEFAULTS.skipEmptyLines;
if (typeof config.fastMode !== 'boolean')
config.fastMode = DEFAULTS.fastMode;
return config;

@@ -767,4 +860,2 @@ }

}( typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this ));
})(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);
"name": "babyparse",
"version": "0.2.1",
"version": "0.4.0",
"title": "BabyParse",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"description": "Fast and reliable CSV parser based on PapaParse",

@@ -17,5 +21,2 @@ "keywords": [


@@ -22,0 +23,0 @@ ],

var RECORD_SEP = String.fromCharCode(30);
var UNIT_SEP = String.fromCharCode(31);
// Tests for Papa.parse() function (CSV to JSON)
// Tests for the core parser using new Baby.Parser().parse() (CSV to JSON)

@@ -17,3 +16,3 @@ description: "One row",

description: "Two rows",
input: 'A,b,c\r\nd,E,f',
input: 'A,b,c\nd,E,f',
expected: {

@@ -25,6 +24,6 @@ data: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'E', 'f']],

description: "Two rows, just \\r",
input: 'A,b,c\rd,E,f',
description: "Three rows",
input: 'A,b,c\nd,E,f\nG,h,i',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'E', 'f']],
data: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'E', 'f'], ['G', 'h', 'i']],
errors: []

@@ -34,10 +33,2 @@ }

description: "Two rows, just \\n",
input: 'A,b,c\nd,E,f',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'E', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Whitespace at edges of unquoted field",

@@ -76,6 +67,6 @@ input: 'a, b ,c',

description: "Quoted field with \\r\\n",
input: 'A,"B\r\nB",C',
description: "Quoted field with line break",
input: 'A,"B\nB",C',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B\r\nB', 'C']],
data: [['A', 'B\nB', 'C']],
errors: []

@@ -85,6 +76,6 @@ }

description: "Quoted field with \\r",
input: 'A,"B\rB",C',
description: "Quoted fields with line breaks",
input: 'A,"B\nB","C\nC\nC"',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B\rB', 'C']],
data: [['A', 'B\nB', 'C\nC\nC']],
errors: []

@@ -94,6 +85,6 @@ }

description: "Quoted field with \\n",
input: 'A,"B\nB",C',
description: "Quoted fields at end of row with delimiter and line break",
input: 'a,b,"c,c\nc"\nd,e,f',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B\nB', 'C']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c,c\nc'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -119,2 +110,11 @@ }

description: "Unquoted field with quotes at end of field",
notes: "The quotes character is misplaced, but shouldn't generate an error or break the parser",
input: 'A,B",C',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B"', 'C']],
errors: []
description: "Quoted field with quotes around delimiter",

@@ -129,5 +129,5 @@ input: 'A,""",""",C',

description: "Quoted field with quotes on one side of delimiter",
description: "Quoted field with quotes on right side of delimiter",
input: 'A,",""",C',
notes: "Similar to the test above but with quotes only after the delimiter",
notes: "Similar to the test above but with quotes only after the comma",
expected: {

@@ -139,19 +139,34 @@ data: [['A', ',"', 'C']],

description: "Quoted field with quotes on left side of delimiter",
input: 'A,""",",C',
notes: "Similar to the test above but with quotes only before the comma",
expected: {
data: [['A', '",', 'C']],
errors: []
description: "Quoted field with 5 quotes in a row and a delimiter in there, too",
input: '"1","cnonce="""",nc=""""","2"',
notes: "Actual input reported in issue #121",
expected: {
data: [['1', 'cnonce="",nc=""', '2']],
errors: []
description: "Quoted field with whitespace around quotes",
input: 'A, "B" ,C',
notes: "This is malformed input, but it should be parsed gracefully (with errors)",
notes: "The quotes must be immediately adjacent to the delimiter to indicate a quoted field",
expected: {
data: [['A', ' "B" ', 'C']],
errors: [
{"type": "Quotes", "code": "UnexpectedQuotes", "message": "Unexpected quotes", "line": 1, "row": 0, "index": 3},
{"type": "Quotes", "code": "UnexpectedQuotes", "message": "Unexpected quotes", "line": 1, "row": 0, "index": 5}
errors: []
description: "Tab delimiter",
input: 'a\tb\tc\r\nd\te\tf',
config: { delimiter: "\t" },
description: "Misplaced quotes in data, not as opening quotes",
input: 'A,B "B",C',
notes: "The input is technically malformed, but this syntax should not cause an error",
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['A', 'B "B"', 'C']],
errors: []

@@ -161,6 +176,19 @@ }

description: "Pipe delimiter",
input: 'a|b|c\r\nd|e|f',
config: { delimiter: "|" },
description: "Quoted field has no closing quote",
input: 'a,"b,c\nd,e,f',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b,c\nd,e,f']],
errors: [{
"type": "Quotes",
"code": "MissingQuotes",
"message": "Quoted field unterminated",
"row": 0,
"index": 3
description: "Line starts with quoted field",
input: 'a,b,c\n"d",e,f',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],

@@ -171,7 +199,6 @@ errors: []

description: "ASCII 30 delimiter",
input: 'a'+RECORD_SEP+'b'+RECORD_SEP+'c\r\nd'+RECORD_SEP+'e'+RECORD_SEP+'f',
config: { delimiter: RECORD_SEP },
description: "Line ends with quoted field",
input: 'a,b,c\nd,e,f\n"g","h","i"\n"j","k","l"',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i'], ['j', 'k', 'l']],
errors: []

@@ -181,7 +208,6 @@ }

description: "ASCII 31 delimiter",
input: 'a'+UNIT_SEP+'b'+UNIT_SEP+'c\r\nd'+UNIT_SEP+'e'+UNIT_SEP+'f',
config: { delimiter: UNIT_SEP },
description: "Quoted field at end of row (but not at EOF) has quotes",
input: 'a,b,"c""c"""\nd,e,f',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c"c"'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -191,8 +217,6 @@ }

description: "Bad delimiter",
input: 'a,b,c',
config: { delimiter: "DELIM" },
notes: "Should silently default to comma",
description: "Multiple consecutive empty fields",
input: 'a,b,,,c,d\n,,e,,,f',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c']],
data: [['a', 'b', '', '', 'c', 'd'], ['', '', 'e', '', '', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -202,4 +226,36 @@ }

description: "Commented line at beginning (comments: true)",
input: '# Comment!\r\na,b,c',
description: "Empty input string",
input: '',
expected: {
data: [],
errors: []
description: "Input is just the delimiter (2 empty fields)",
input: ',',
expected: {
data: [['', '']],
errors: []
description: "Input is just empty fields",
input: ',,\n,,,',
expected: {
data: [['', '', ''], ['', '', '', '']],
errors: []
description: "Input is just a string (a single field)",
input: 'Abc def',
expected: {
data: [['Abc def']],
errors: []
description: "Commented line at beginning",
input: '# Comment!\na,b,c',
config: { comments: true },

@@ -212,4 +268,4 @@ expected: {

description: "Commented line in middle (comments: true)",
input: 'a,b,c\r\n# Comment\r\nd,e,f',
description: "Commented line in middle",
input: 'a,b,c\n# Comment\nd,e,f',
config: { comments: true },

@@ -222,6 +278,24 @@ expected: {

description: "Commented line at end (comments: true)",
input: 'a,b,c\r\n# Comment',
description: "Commented line at end",
input: 'a,true,false\n# Comment',
config: { comments: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'true', 'false']],
errors: []
description: "Two comment lines consecutively",
input: 'a,b,c\n#comment1\n#comment2\nd,e,f',
config: { comments: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Two comment lines consecutively at end of file",
input: 'a,b,c\n#comment1\n#comment2',
config: { comments: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c']],

@@ -232,4 +306,22 @@ errors: []

description: "Comment with non-default character (comments: '!')",
input: 'a,b,c\r\n!Comment goes here\r\nd,e,f',
description: "Three comment lines consecutively at beginning of file",
input: '#comment1\n#comment2\n#comment3\na,b,c',
config: { comments: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c']],
errors: []
description: "Entire file is comment lines",
input: '#comment1\n#comment2\n#comment3',
config: { comments: true },
expected: {
data: [],
errors: []
description: "Comment with non-default character",
input: 'a,b,c\n!Comment goes here\nd,e,f',
config: { comments: '!' },

@@ -242,8 +334,8 @@ expected: {

description: "Comment, but bad char specified (comments: \"=N(\")",
input: 'a,b,c\r\n=N(Comment)\r\nd,e,f',
config: { comments: '=N(' },
description: "Bad comments value specified",
notes: "Should silently disable comment parsing",
input: 'a,b,c\n5comment\nd,e,f',
config: { comments: 5 },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['=N(Comment)'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['5comment'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -253,4 +345,13 @@ }

description: "Input with only a commented line (comments: true)",
input: '#commented line\r\n',
description: "Multi-character comment string",
input: 'a,b,c\n=N(Comment)\nd,e,f',
config: { comments: "=N(" },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Input with only a commented line",
input: '#commented line',
config: { comments: true, delimiter: ',' },

@@ -263,3 +364,12 @@ expected: {

description: "Input with comment without comments enabled",
description: "Input with only a commented line and blank line after",
input: '#commented line\n',
config: { comments: true, delimiter: ',' },
expected: {
data: [['']],
errors: []
description: "Input with only a commented line, without comments enabled",
input: '#commented line',

@@ -274,3 +384,3 @@ config: { delimiter: ',' },

description: "Input without comments with line starting with whitespace",
input: 'a\r\n b\r\nc',
input: 'a\n b\nc',
config: { delimiter: ',' },

@@ -284,8 +394,6 @@ notes: "\" \" == false, but \" \" !== false, so === comparison is required",

description: "Comment char same as delimiter",
input: 'a#b#c\r\n# Comment',
config: { delimiter: '#', comments: '#' },
notes: "Comment parsing should automatically be silently disabled in this case",
description: "Multiple rows, one column (no delimiter found)",
input: 'a\nb\nc\nd\ne',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['', ' Comment']],
data: [['a'], ['b'], ['c'], ['d'], ['e']],
errors: []

@@ -295,6 +403,224 @@ }

description: "One column input with empty fields",
input: 'a\nb\n\n\nc\nd\ne\n',
expected: {
data: [['a'], ['b'], [''], [''], ['c'], ['d'], ['e'], ['']],
errors: []
description: "Fast mode, basic",
input: 'a,b,c\nd,e,f',
config: { fastMode: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Fast mode with comments",
input: '// Commented line\na,b,c',
config: { fastMode: true, comments: "//" },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c']],
errors: []
description: "Fast mode with preview",
input: 'a,b,c\nd,e,f\nh,j,i\n',
config: { fastMode: true, preview: 2 },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Fast mode with blank line at end",
input: 'a,b,c\n',
config: { fastMode: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['']],
errors: []
// Tests for Baby.parse() function -- high-level wrapped parser (CSV to JSON)
description: "Two rows, just \\r",
input: 'A,b,c\rd,E,f',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'E', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Two rows, \\r\\n",
input: 'A,b,c\r\nd,E,f',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'E', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Quoted field with \\r\\n",
input: 'A,"B\r\nB",C',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B\r\nB', 'C']],
errors: []
description: "Quoted field with \\r",
input: 'A,"B\rB",C',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B\rB', 'C']],
errors: []
description: "Quoted field with \\n",
input: 'A,"B\nB",C',
expected: {
data: [['A', 'B\nB', 'C']],
errors: []
description: "Header row with one row of data",
input: 'A,B,C\r\na,b,c',
config: { header: true },
expected: {
data: [{"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c"}],
errors: []
description: "Header row only",
input: 'A,B,C',
config: { header: true },
expected: {
data: [],
errors: []
description: "Row with too few fields",
input: 'A,B,C\r\na,b',
config: { header: true },
expected: {
data: [{"A": "a", "B": "b"}],
errors: [{
"type": "FieldMismatch",
"code": "TooFewFields",
"message": "Too few fields: expected 3 fields but parsed 2",
"row": 0
description: "Row with too many fields",
input: 'A,B,C\r\na,b,c,d,e\r\nf,g,h',
config: { header: true },
expected: {
data: [{"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": "c", "__parsed_extra": ["d", "e"]}, {"A": "f", "B": "g", "C": "h"}],
errors: [{
"type": "FieldMismatch",
"code": "TooManyFields",
"message": "Too many fields: expected 3 fields but parsed 5",
"row": 0
description: "Row with enough fields but blank field at end",
input: 'A,B,C\r\na,b,',
config: { header: true },
expected: {
data: [{"A": "a", "B": "b", "C": ""}],
errors: []
description: "Tab delimiter",
input: 'a\tb\tc\r\nd\te\tf',
config: { delimiter: "\t" },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Pipe delimiter",
input: 'a|b|c\r\nd|e|f',
config: { delimiter: "|" },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "ASCII 30 delimiter",
input: 'a'+RECORD_SEP+'b'+RECORD_SEP+'c\r\nd'+RECORD_SEP+'e'+RECORD_SEP+'f',
config: { delimiter: RECORD_SEP },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "ASCII 31 delimiter",
input: 'a'+UNIT_SEP+'b'+UNIT_SEP+'c\r\nd'+UNIT_SEP+'e'+UNIT_SEP+'f',
config: { delimiter: UNIT_SEP },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Bad delimiter",
input: 'a,b,c',
config: { delimiter: "DELIM" },
notes: "Should silently default to comma",
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c']],
errors: []
description: "Dynamic typing converts numeric literals",
input: '1,2.2,1e3\r\n-4,-4.5,-4e-5\r\n-,5a,5-2',
config: { dynamicTyping: true },
expected: {
data: [[1, 2.2, 1000], [-4, -4.5, -0.00004], ["-", "5a", "5-2"]],
errors: []
description: "Dynamic typing converts boolean literals",
input: 'true,false,T,F,TRUE,False',
config: { dynamicTyping: true },
expected: {
data: [[true, false, "T", "F", "TRUE", "False"]],
errors: []
description: "Dynamic typing doesn't convert other types",
input: 'A,B,C\r\nundefined,null,[\r\nvar,float,if',
config: { dynamicTyping: true },
expected: {
data: [["A", "B", "C"], ["undefined", "null", "["], ["var", "float", "if"]],
errors: []
description: "Blank line at beginning",
input: '\r\na,b,c\r\nd,e,f',
config: { newline: '\r\n' },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [[''], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -306,4 +632,5 @@ }

input: 'a,b,c\r\n\r\nd,e,f',
config: { newline: '\r\n' },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], [''], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -314,5 +641,5 @@ }

description: "Blank lines at end",
input: 'a,b,c\r\nd,e,f\r\n\r\n',
input: 'a,b,c\nd,e,f\n\n',
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f'], [''], ['']],
errors: []

@@ -325,3 +652,3 @@ }

expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], [" "], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -362,3 +689,3 @@ }

"code": "UndetectableDelimiter",
"message": "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to comma"
"message": "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to ','"

@@ -384,3 +711,3 @@ }

"code": "UndetectableDelimiter",
"message": "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to comma"
"message": "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to ','"

@@ -445,7 +772,8 @@ ]

description: "Keep empty rows",
input: 'a,b,c\r\n\r\nd,e,f',
config: { keepEmptyRows: true },
description: "Preview with header row",
notes: "Preview is defined to be number of rows of input not including header row",
input: 'a,b,c\r\nd,e,f\r\ng,h,i\r\nj,k,l',
config: { header: true, preview: 2 },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], [], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
data: [{"a": "d", "b": "e", "c": "f"}, {"a": "g", "b": "h", "c": "i"}],
errors: []

@@ -455,7 +783,25 @@ }

description: "Keep empty rows, with newline at end of input",
description: "Empty lines",
input: '\na,b,c\n\nd,e,f\n\n',
config: { delimiter: ',' },
expected: {
data: [[''], ['a', 'b', 'c'], [''], ['d', 'e', 'f'], [''], ['']],
errors: []
description: "Skip empty lines",
input: 'a,b,c\n\nd,e,f',
config: { skipEmptyLines: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []
description: "Skip empty lines, with newline at end of input",
input: 'a,b,c\r\n\r\nd,e,f\r\n',
config: { keepEmptyRows: true },
config: { skipEmptyLines: true },
expected: {
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], [], ['d', 'e', 'f'], []],
data: [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']],
errors: []

@@ -465,7 +811,7 @@ }

description: "Keep empty rows, with empty input",
description: "Skip empty lines, with empty input",
input: '',
config: { keepEmptyRows: true },
config: { skipEmptyLines: true },
expected: {
data: [[]],
data: [],
errors: [

@@ -475,3 +821,3 @@ {

"code": "UndetectableDelimiter",
"message": "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to comma"
"message": "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to ','"

@@ -482,8 +828,8 @@ ]

description: "Keep empty rows, with first line only whitespace empty",
notes: "Even with keepEmptyRows enabled, rows with just a single field,<br>being whitespace, should be stripped of that field",
input: ' \r\na,b,c',
config: { keepEmptyRows: true },
description: "Skip empty lines, with first line only whitespace",
notes: "A line must be absolutely empty to be considered empty",
input: ' \na,b,c',
config: { skipEmptyLines: true, delimiter: ',' },
expected: {
data: [[], ['a', 'b', 'c']],
data: [[" "], ['a', 'b', 'c']],
errors: []

@@ -494,41 +840,3 @@ }

description: "Simple worker",
input: "A,B,C\nX,Y,Z",
config: {
worker: true,
expected: {
data: [['A','B','C'],['X','Y','Z']],
errors: []
// These tests aren't applicable to BabyParse
description: "Simple download",
input: "/tests/sample.csv",
config: {
download: true
expected: {
data: [['A','B','C'],['X','Y','Z']],
errors: []
description: "Simple download + worker",
input: "/tests/sample.csv",
config: {
worker: true,
download: true
expected: {
data: [['A','B','C'],['X','Y','Z']],
errors: []

@@ -542,3 +850,5 @@

// Tests for Papa.unparse() function (JSON to CSV)
// Tests for Baby.unparse() function (JSON to CSV)

@@ -589,3 +899,3 @@ {

description: "Specifying column names only (no data)",
notes: "Papa should add a data property that is an empty array to prevent errors (no copy is made)",
notes: "Baby should add a data property that is an empty array to prevent errors (no copy is made)",
input: { fields: ["Col1", "Col2", "Col3"] },

@@ -596,3 +906,3 @@ expected: 'Col1,Col2,Col3'

description: "Specifying data only (no field names), improperly",
notes: "A single array for a single row is wrong, but it can be compensated.<br>Papa should add empty fields property to prevent errors.",
notes: "A single array for a single row is wrong, but it can be compensated.<br>Baby should add empty fields property to prevent errors.",
input: { data: ["abc", "d", "ef"] },

@@ -603,3 +913,3 @@ expected: 'abc,d,ef'

description: "Specifying data only (no field names), properly",
notes: "An array of arrays, even if just a single row.<br>Papa should add empty fields property to prevent errors.",
notes: "An array of arrays, even if just a single row.<br>Baby should add empty fields property to prevent errors.",
input: { data: [["a", "b", "c"]] },

@@ -684,3 +994,8 @@ expected: 'a,b,c'

expected: 'a,b,c\r\nd,e\r\nf'
description: "JSON null is treated as empty value",
input: [{ "Col1": "a", "Col2": null, "Col3": "c" }],
expected: 'Col1,Col2,Col3\r\na,,c'

@@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ var passCount = 0;

function asyncDone() {
function allDone()
// Finally, show the overall status.

@@ -48,3 +49,4 @@ if (failCount == 0)

// Next, run tests and render results!

@@ -55,6 +57,29 @@

// Executes all tests in CORE_PARSER_TESTS from test-cases.js
// and renders results in the table.
function runCoreParserTests()
for (var i = 0; i < CORE_PARSER_TESTS.length; i++)
var test = CORE_PARSER_TESTS[i];
var passed = runTest(test);
if (passed)
function runTest(test)
var actual = new Baby.Parser(test.config).parse(test.input);
var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected);
displayResults('#tests-for-core-parser', test, actual, results);
return && results.errors.passed
// Executes all tests in PARSE_TESTS from test-cases.js
// and renders results in the table.
function runParseTests(asyncDone)
function runParseTests(allDone)

@@ -71,136 +96,108 @@ for (var i = 0; i < PARSE_TESTS.length; i++)

var asyncRemaining = PARSE_ASYNC_TESTS.length;
PARSE_ASYNC_TESTS.forEach(function(test) {
var config = test.config;
config.complete = function(actual) {
var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected);
function runTest(test)
var actual = Baby.parse(test.input, test.config);
var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected);
displayResults('#tests-for-parse', test, actual, results);
return && results.errors.passed
displayResults(test, actual, results);
if ( && results.errors.passed) {
} else {
if (--asyncRemaining === 0) {
config.error = function(err) {
displayResults(test, {data:[],errors:err}, test.expected);
if (--asyncRemaining === 0) {
Baby.parse(test.input, test.config);
function runTest(test) {
var actual;
function displayResults(tableId, test, actual, results)
var testId = testCount++;
try {
actual = Baby.parse(test.input, test.config);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
throw e;
} = [];
actual.errors = [e];
var testDescription = (test.description || "");
if (testDescription.length > 0)
testDescription += '<br>';
if (test.notes)
testDescription += '<span class="notes">' + test.notes + '</span>';
var results = compare(, actual.errors, test.expected);
var tr = '<tr class="collapsed" id="test-'+testId+'">'
+ '<td class="rvl">+</td>'
+ '<td>' + testDescription + '</td>'
+ passOrFailTd(
+ passOrFailTd(results.errors)
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">' + JSON.stringify(test.config, null, 2) + '</div></td>'
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">' + revealChars(test.input) + '</div></td>'
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 4) + '\r\nerrors: ' + JSON.stringify(test.expected.errors, null, 4) + '</div></td>'
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 4) + '\r\nerrors: ' + JSON.stringify(actual.errors, null, 4) + '</div></td>'
+ '</tr>';
displayResults(test, actual, results);
$(tableId+' .results').append(tr);
return && results.errors.passed
if (! || !results.errors.passed)
$('#test-'+testId+' td.rvl').click();
function displayResults(test, actual, results) {
var testId = testCount++;
var testDescription = (test.description || "");
if (testDescription.length > 0)
testDescription += '<br>';
if (test.notes)
testDescription += '<span class="notes">' + test.notes + '</span>';
var tr = '<tr class="collapsed" id="test-'+testId+'">'
+ '<td class="rvl">+</td>'
+ '<td>' + testDescription + '</td>'
+ passOrFailTd(
+ passOrFailTd(results.errors)
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">' + JSON.stringify(test.config, null, 2) + '</div></td>'
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">' + revealChars(test.input) + '</div></td>'
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 4) + '\r\nerrors: ' + JSON.stringify(test.expected.errors, null, 4) + '</div></td>'
+ '<td class="revealable pre"><div class="revealer">condensed</div><div class="hidden">data: ' + JSON.stringify(, null, 4) + '\r\nerrors: ' + JSON.stringify(actual.errors, null, 4) + '</div></td>'
+ '</tr>';
function compare(actualData, actualErrors, expected)
var data = compareData(actualData,;
var errors = compareErrors(actualErrors, expected.errors);
$('#tests-for-parse .results').append(tr);
if (! || !results.errors.passed)
$('#test-' + testId + ' td.rvl').click();
return {
data: data,
errors: errors
function compare(actualData, actualErrors, expected)
function compareData(actual, expected)
var data = compareData(actualData,;
var errors = compareErrors(actualErrors, expected.errors);
var passed = true;
return {
data: data,
errors: errors
function compareData(actual, expected)
if (actual.length != expected.length)
passed = false;
var passed = true;
// The order is important, so we go through manually before using stringify to check everything else
for (var row = 0; row < expected.length; row++)
if (actual[row].length != expected[row].length)
passed = false;
if (actual.length != expected.length) {
passed = false;
} else {
for (var row = 0; row < expected.length; row++) {
if (actual[row].length != expected[row].length) {
passed = false;
for (var col = 0; col < expected[row].length; col++)
var expectedVal = expected[row][col];
var actualVal = actual[row][col];
var expectedVal = expected[row][col];
var actualVal = actual[row][col];
if (actualVal !== expectedVal)
passed = false;
passed = false;
// We pass back an object right now, even though it only contains
// one value, because we might add details to the test results later
// (same with compareErrors below)
return {
passed: passed
if (passed) // final check will catch any other differences
passed = JSON.stringify(actual) == JSON.stringify(expected);
function compareErrors(actual, expected)
var passed = JSON.stringify(actual) == JSON.stringify(expected);
// We pass back an object right now, even though it only contains
// one value, because we might add details to the test results later
// (same with compareErrors below)
return {
passed: passed
return {
passed: passed
function compareErrors(actual, expected)
var passed = JSON.stringify(actual) == JSON.stringify(expected);
return {
passed: passed

@@ -213,3 +210,2 @@ }

// Executes all tests in UNPARSE_TESTS from test-cases.js

@@ -322,2 +318,2 @@ // and renders results in the table.

return txt;

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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