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badges - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.0 to 4.0.0-next.1585173540.e02ebab0f4ee6d0f7d4d059b0262d71412f5f965




@@ -1,776 +0,468 @@

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.badge = badge;
exports.shields = shields;
exports.npmversion = npmversion;
exports.npmdownloads = npmdownloads;
exports.daviddm = daviddm;
exports.daviddmdev = daviddmdev;
exports.nodeico = nodeico;
exports.saucelabsbm = saucelabsbm;
exports.saucelabs = saucelabs;
exports.travisci = travisci;
exports.codeship = codeship;
exports.coveralls = coveralls;
exports.codeclimate = codeclimate;
exports.bithound = bithound;
exports.waffle = waffle;
exports.sixtydevstips = sixtydevstips;
exports.githubsponsors = githubsponsors;
exports.patreon = patreon;
exports.opencollective = opencollective;
exports.gratipay = gratipay;
exports.flattr = flattr;
exports.paypal = paypal;
exports.crypto = crypto;
exports.bitcoin = bitcoin;
exports.wishlist = wishlist;
exports.buymeacoffee = buymeacoffee;
exports.liberapay = liberapay;
exports.thanksapp = thanksapp;
exports.boostlab = boostlab;
exports.slackinscript = slackinscript;
exports.slackin = slackin;
exports.gabeacon = gabeacon;
exports.googleplusone = googleplusone;
exports.redditsubmit = redditsubmit;
exports.hackernewssubmit = hackernewssubmit;
exports.facebooklike = facebooklike;
exports.facebookfollow = facebookfollow;
exports.twittertweet = twittertweet;
exports.twitterfollow = twitterfollow;
exports.githubfollow = githubfollow;
exports.githubstar = githubstar;
exports.quorafollow = quorafollow;
var _querystring = _interopRequireDefault(require("querystring"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
// Import
import querystring from 'querystring'
/** Generate a HTML badge */
function badge(_ref) {
var image = _ref.image,
alt = _ref.alt,
url = _ref.url,
title = _ref.title;
// Check
if (!image) throw new Error('image is missing'); // Create
var result = alt ? "<img src=\"".concat(image, "\" alt=\"").concat(alt, "\" />") : "<img src=\"".concat(image, "\" />");
if (url) {
result = (title ? "<a href=\"".concat(url, "\" title=\"").concat(title, "\">") : "<a href=\"".concat(url, "\">")) + result + '</a>';
return result;
export function badge({ image, alt, url, title }) {
// Check
if (!image) throw new Error('image is missing')
// Create
let result = alt
? `<img src="${image}" alt="${alt}" />`
: `<img src="${image}" />`
if (url) {
result =
(title ? `<a href="${url}" title="${title}">` : `<a href="${url}">`) +
result +
return result
badge.badgeCategory = 'custom';
badge.badgeCategory = 'custom'
/** Shields Custom Badge */
function shields(_ref2) {
var left = _ref2.left,
right = _ref2.right,
_ref2$color = _ref2.color,
color = _ref2$color === void 0 ? 'yellow' : _ref2$color,
alt = _ref2.alt,
url = _ref2.url,
title = _ref2.title;
// Check
if (!left) throw new Error('left is missing');
if (!right) throw new Error('right is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(left, "-").concat(right, "-").concat(color, ".svg");
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function shields({ left, right, color = 'yellow', alt, url, title }) {
// Check
if (!left) throw new Error('left is missing')
if (!right) throw new Error('right is missing')
// Create
const image = `${left}-${right}-${color}.svg`
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
shields.badgeCategory = 'custom'; // ====================================
// Development Badges
shields.badgeCategory = 'custom'
/** NPM Version Badge */
function npmversion(_ref3) {
var npmPackageName = _ref3.npmPackageName;
// Check
if (!npmPackageName) throw new Error('npmPackageName is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(npmPackageName, ".svg");
var url = "".concat(npmPackageName);
var alt = 'NPM version';
var title = 'View this project on NPM';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function npmversion({ npmPackageName }) {
// Check
if (!npmPackageName) throw new Error('npmPackageName is missing')
// Create
const image = `${npmPackageName}.svg`
const url = `${npmPackageName}`
const alt = 'NPM version'
const title = 'View this project on NPM'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
npmversion.badgeCategory = 'development';
npmversion.badgeCategory = 'development'
/** NPM Downloads Badge */
function npmdownloads(_ref4) {
var npmPackageName = _ref4.npmPackageName;
// Check
if (!npmPackageName) throw new Error('npmPackageName is missing');
var image = "".concat(npmPackageName, ".svg");
var url = "".concat(npmPackageName);
var alt = 'NPM downloads';
var title = 'View this project on NPM';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function npmdownloads({ npmPackageName }) {
// Check
if (!npmPackageName) throw new Error('npmPackageName is missing')
const image = `${npmPackageName}.svg`
const url = `${npmPackageName}`
const alt = 'NPM downloads'
const title = 'View this project on NPM'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
npmdownloads.badgeCategory = 'development';
npmdownloads.badgeCategory = 'development'
/** David DM Dependencies Badge */
function daviddm(_ref5) {
var githubSlug = _ref5.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(githubSlug, ".svg");
var url = "".concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'Dependency Status';
var title = "View the status of this project's dependencies on DavidDM";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function daviddm({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = `${githubSlug}.svg`
const url = `${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'Dependency Status'
const title = "View the status of this project's dependencies on DavidDM"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
daviddm.badgeCategory = 'development';
daviddm.badgeCategory = 'development'
/** David DM Dev Dependencies Badge */
function daviddmdev(_ref6) {
var githubSlug = _ref6.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(githubSlug, ".svg");
var url = "".concat(githubSlug, "#info=devDependencies");
var alt = 'Dev Dependency Status';
var title = "View the status of this project's development dependencies on DavidDM";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function daviddmdev({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = `${githubSlug}.svg`
const url = `${githubSlug}#info=devDependencies`
const alt = 'Dev Dependency Status'
const title =
"View the status of this project's development dependencies on DavidDM"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
daviddmdev.badgeCategory = 'development';
daviddmdev.badgeCategory = 'development'
/** Badge */
function nodeico(_ref7) {
var npmPackageName = _ref7.npmPackageName,
nodeicoQueryString = _ref7.nodeicoQueryString;
// Prepare
if (!npmPackageName) throw new Error('npmPackageName is missing');
if (nodeicoQueryString && typeof nodeicoQueryString !== 'string' && _typeof(nodeicoQueryString) !== 'object') {
throw new Error('nodeicoQueryString must be a string or an object');
} // Return
var url = "".concat(npmPackageName);
var alt = ' badge';
var title = ' badge';
var image = "".concat(npmPackageName, ".png");
var query = _typeof(nodeicoQueryString) === 'object' ? _querystring.default.stringify(nodeicoQueryString) : nodeicoQueryString;
if (query) image += "?".concat(query);
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function nodeico({ npmPackageName, nodeicoQueryString }) {
// Prepare
if (!npmPackageName) throw new Error('npmPackageName is missing')
if (
nodeicoQueryString &&
typeof nodeicoQueryString !== 'string' &&
typeof nodeicoQueryString !== 'object'
) {
throw new Error('nodeicoQueryString must be a string or an object')
// Return
const url = `${npmPackageName}`
const alt = ' badge'
const title = ' badge'
let image = `${npmPackageName}.png`
const query =
typeof nodeicoQueryString === 'object'
? querystring.stringify(nodeicoQueryString)
: nodeicoQueryString
if (query) image += `?${query}`
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
nodeico.badgeCategory = 'development'; // ====================================
// Testing Badges
nodeico.badgeCategory = 'development'
/** Sauce Labs Browser Matrix Badge */
function saucelabsbm(_ref8) {
var saucelabsUsername = _ref8.saucelabsUsername,
saucelabsAuthToken = _ref8.saucelabsAuthToken;
// Check
if (!saucelabsUsername) throw new Error('saucelabsUsername is missing');
saucelabsAuthToken = saucelabsAuthToken || process.env.SAUCELABS_AUTH_TOKEN;
if (!saucelabsAuthToken) throw new Error('saucelabsAuthToken is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(saucelabsUsername, ".svg?auth=").concat(escape(saucelabsAuthToken));
var url = "".concat(saucelabsUsername);
var alt = 'Sauce Labs Browser Matrix';
var title = "Check this project's browser tests on Sauce Labs";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function saucelabsbm({ saucelabsUsername, saucelabsAuthToken }) {
// Check
if (!saucelabsUsername) throw new Error('saucelabsUsername is missing')
saucelabsAuthToken = saucelabsAuthToken || process.env.SAUCELABS_AUTH_TOKEN
if (!saucelabsAuthToken) throw new Error('saucelabsAuthToken is missing')
// Create
const image = `${saucelabsUsername}.svg?auth=${escape(
const url = `${saucelabsUsername}`
const alt = 'Sauce Labs Browser Matrix'
const title = "Check this project's browser tests on Sauce Labs"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
saucelabsbm.badgeCategory = 'testing';
saucelabsbm.badgeInline = false;
saucelabsbm.badgeCategory = 'testing'
saucelabsbm.badgeInline = false
/** Sauce Labs Badge */
function saucelabs(_ref9) {
var saucelabsUsername = _ref9.saucelabsUsername,
saucelabsAuthToken = _ref9.saucelabsAuthToken;
// Check
if (!saucelabsUsername) throw new Error('saucelabsUsername is missing');
saucelabsAuthToken = saucelabsAuthToken || process.env.SAUCELABS_AUTH_TOKEN;
if (!saucelabsAuthToken) throw new Error('saucelabsAuthToken is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(saucelabsUsername, ".svg?auth=").concat(escape(saucelabsAuthToken));
var url = "".concat(saucelabsUsername);
var alt = 'Sauce Labs Browser Matrix';
var title = "Check this project's browser tests on Sauce Labs";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function saucelabs({ saucelabsUsername, saucelabsAuthToken }) {
// Check
if (!saucelabsUsername) throw new Error('saucelabsUsername is missing')
saucelabsAuthToken = saucelabsAuthToken || process.env.SAUCELABS_AUTH_TOKEN
if (!saucelabsAuthToken) throw new Error('saucelabsAuthToken is missing')
// Create
const image = `${saucelabsUsername}.svg?auth=${escape(
const url = `${saucelabsUsername}`
const alt = 'Sauce Labs Browser Matrix'
const title = "Check this project's browser tests on Sauce Labs"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
saucelabs.badgeCategory = 'testing';
saucelabs.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** Travis CI Badge */
function travisci(_ref10) {
var githubSlug = _ref10.githubSlug,
_ref10$travisTLD = _ref10.travisTLD,
travisTLD = _ref10$travisTLD === void 0 ? 'org' : _ref10$travisTLD;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = ['', travisTLD === 'com' ? 'com' : '', githubSlug, 'master.svg'].filter(function (i) {
return Boolean(i);
var url = "http://travis-ci.".concat(travisTLD, "/").concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'Travis CI Build Status';
var title = "Check this project's build status on TravisCI";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function travisci({ githubSlug, travisTLD = 'org' }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = [
travisTLD === 'com' ? 'com' : '',
.filter((i) => Boolean(i))
const url = `http://travis-ci.${travisTLD}/${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'Travis CI Build Status'
const title = "Check this project's build status on TravisCI"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
travisci.badgeCategory = 'testing';
travisci.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** Codeship Badge */
function codeship(_ref11) {
var codeshipProjectUUID = _ref11.codeshipProjectUUID,
codeshipProjectID = _ref11.codeshipProjectID;
// Check
if (!codeshipProjectUUID) throw new Error('codeshipProjectUUID is missing');
if (!codeshipProjectID) throw new Error('codeshipProjectID is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(codeshipProjectUUID, "/master.svg");
var url = "".concat(codeshipProjectID);
var alt = 'Codeship Status';
var title = "Check this project's status on Codeship";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function codeship({ codeshipProjectUUID, codeshipProjectID }) {
// Check
if (!codeshipProjectUUID) throw new Error('codeshipProjectUUID is missing')
if (!codeshipProjectID) throw new Error('codeshipProjectID is missing')
// Create
const image = `${codeshipProjectUUID}/master.svg`
const url = `${codeshipProjectID}`
const alt = 'Codeship Status'
const title = "Check this project's status on Codeship"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
codeship.badgeCategory = 'testing';
codeship.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** Coveralls Badge */
function coveralls(_ref12) {
var githubSlug = _ref12.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(githubSlug, ".svg");
var url = "".concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'Coveralls Coverage Status';
var title = "View this project's coverage on Coveralls";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function coveralls({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = `${githubSlug}.svg`
const url = `${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'Coveralls Coverage Status'
const title = "View this project's coverage on Coveralls"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
coveralls.badgeCategory = 'testing';
coveralls.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** Code Climate Rating Badge */
function codeclimate(_ref13) {
var githubSlug = _ref13.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(githubSlug, ".svg");
var url = "".concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'Code Climate Rating';
var title = "View this project's rating on Code Climate";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function codeclimate({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = `${githubSlug}.svg`
const url = `${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'Code Climate Rating'
const title = "View this project's rating on Code Climate"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
codeclimate.badgeCategory = 'testing';
codeclimate.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** BitHound Score Badge */
function bithound(_ref14) {
var githubSlug = _ref14.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(githubSlug, "/badges/score.svg");
var url = "".concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'BitHound Score';
var title = "View this project's score on BitHound";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function bithound({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = `${githubSlug}/badges/score.svg`
const url = `${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'BitHound Score'
const title = "View this project's score on BitHound"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
bithound.badgeCategory = 'testing';
bithound.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** Waffle Badge */
function waffle(_ref15) {
var githubSlug = _ref15.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var label = 'ready';
var image = "".concat(githubSlug, ".png?label=").concat(escape(label));
var url = "".concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'Stories in Ready';
var title = "View this project's stories on";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function waffle({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const label = 'ready'
const image = `${githubSlug}.png?label=${escape(
const url = `${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'Stories in Ready'
const title = "View this project's stories on"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
waffle.badgeCategory = 'testing'; // ====================================
// Funding Badges
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
waffle.badgeCategory = 'testing'
/** 60devs Tips Badge */
function sixtydevstips(_ref16) {
var sixtydevstipsID = _ref16.sixtydevstipsID,
sixtydevstipsURL = _ref16.sixtydevstipsURL;
// Check
if (!sixtydevstipsURL) {
if (!sixtydevstipsID) throw new Error('sixtydevstipsID is missing');
sixtydevstipsURL = "".concat(sixtydevstipsID);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = sixtydevstipsURL;
var alt = '60devs tips donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using 60devs tips';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function sixtydevstips({ sixtydevstipsID, sixtydevstipsURL }) {
// Check
if (!sixtydevstipsURL) {
if (!sixtydevstipsID) throw new Error('sixtydevstipsID is missing')
sixtydevstipsURL = `${sixtydevstipsID}`
// Create
const image = ''
const url = sixtydevstipsURL
const alt = '60devs tips donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using 60devs tips'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
sixtydevstips.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
sixtydevstips.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Github Sponsors Badge */
function githubsponsors(_ref17) {
var githubSponsorsURL = _ref17.githubSponsorsURL,
githubSponsorsUsername = _ref17.githubSponsorsUsername,
githubUsername = _ref17.githubUsername;
if (!githubSponsorsURL) {
if (!githubSponsorsUsername && !githubUsername) throw new Error('githubSponsorsUsername and githubUsername are missing');
githubSponsorsURL = "".concat(githubSponsorsUsername || githubUsername);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = githubSponsorsURL;
var alt = 'GitHub Sponsors donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using GitHub Sponsors';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function githubsponsors({
}) {
if (!githubSponsorsURL) {
if (!githubSponsorsUsername && !githubUsername)
throw new Error('githubSponsorsUsername and githubUsername are missing')
githubSponsorsURL = `${
githubSponsorsUsername || githubUsername
// Create
const image = ''
const url = githubSponsorsURL
const alt = 'GitHub Sponsors donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using GitHub Sponsors'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
githubsponsors.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
githubsponsors.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Patreon Badge */
function patreon(_ref18) {
var patreonUsername = _ref18.patreonUsername,
patreonURL = _ref18.patreonURL;
// Check
if (!patreonURL) {
if (!patreonUsername) throw new Error('patreonUsername is missing');
patreonURL = "".concat(patreonUsername);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = patreonURL;
var alt = 'Patreon donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Patreon';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function patreon({ patreonUsername, patreonURL }) {
// Check
if (!patreonURL) {
if (!patreonUsername) throw new Error('patreonUsername is missing')
patreonURL = `${patreonUsername}`
// Create
const image = ''
const url = patreonURL
const alt = 'Patreon donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Patreon'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
patreon.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
patreon.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Open Collective Badge */
function opencollective(_ref19) {
var opencollectiveUsername = _ref19.opencollectiveUsername,
opencollectiveURL = _ref19.opencollectiveURL;
// Check
if (!opencollectiveURL) {
if (!opencollectiveUsername) throw new Error('opencollectiveUsername is missing');
opencollectiveURL = "".concat(opencollectiveUsername);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = opencollectiveURL;
var alt = 'Open Collective donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Open Collective';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function opencollective({ opencollectiveUsername, opencollectiveURL }) {
// Check
if (!opencollectiveURL) {
if (!opencollectiveUsername)
throw new Error('opencollectiveUsername is missing')
opencollectiveURL = `${opencollectiveUsername}`
// Create
const image =
const url = opencollectiveURL
const alt = 'Open Collective donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Open Collective'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
opencollective.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
opencollective.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Gratipay Badge */
function gratipay(_ref20) {
var gratipayUsername = _ref20.gratipayUsername,
gratipayURL = _ref20.gratipayURL;
// Check
if (!gratipayURL) {
if (!gratipayUsername) throw new Error('gratipayUsername is missing');
gratipayURL = "".concat(gratipayUsername);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = gratipayURL;
var alt = 'Gratipay donate button';
var title = 'Donate weekly to this project using Gratipay';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function gratipay({ gratipayUsername, gratipayURL }) {
// Check
if (!gratipayURL) {
if (!gratipayUsername) throw new Error('gratipayUsername is missing')
gratipayURL = `${gratipayUsername}`
// Create
const image = ''
const url = gratipayURL
const alt = 'Gratipay donate button'
const title = 'Donate weekly to this project using Gratipay'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
gratipay.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
gratipay.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Flattr Badge */
function flattr(_ref21) {
var flattrCode = _ref21.flattrCode,
flattrUsername = _ref21.flattrUsername,
flattrURL = _ref21.flattrURL;
// Check
if (!flattrURL) {
if (flattrUsername) {
flattrURL = "".concat(flattrUsername);
} else if (flattrCode) {
flattrURL = "".concat(flattrCode);
} else {
throw new Error('flattrUsername/flattrCode is missing');
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = flattrURL;
var alt = 'Flattr donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Flattr';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function flattr({ flattrCode, flattrUsername, flattrURL }) {
// Check
if (!flattrURL) {
if (flattrUsername) {
flattrURL = `${flattrUsername}`
} else if (flattrCode) {
flattrURL = `${flattrCode}`
} else {
throw new Error('flattrUsername/flattrCode is missing')
// Create
const image = ''
const url = flattrURL
const alt = 'Flattr donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Flattr'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
flattr.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
flattr.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Paypal Badge */
function paypal(_ref22) {
var paypalURL = _ref22.paypalURL,
paypalButtonID = _ref22.paypalButtonID,
paypalUsername = _ref22.paypalUsername;
// Check
if (!paypalURL) {
if (paypalButtonID) {
paypalURL = ";hosted_button_id=".concat(escape(paypalButtonID));
} else if (paypalUsername) {
paypalURL = "".concat(paypalUsername);
} else {
throw new Error('paypalURL, paypalButtonID, or paypalUsername is missing, at least one must exist');
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = paypalURL;
var alt = 'PayPal donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Paypal';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function paypal({ paypalURL, paypalButtonID, paypalUsername }) {
// Check
if (!paypalURL) {
if (paypalButtonID) {
paypalURL = `;hosted_button_id=${escape(
} else if (paypalUsername) {
paypalURL = `${paypalUsername}`
} else {
throw new Error(
'paypalURL, paypalButtonID, or paypalUsername is missing, at least one must exist'
// Create
const image = ''
const url = paypalURL
const alt = 'PayPal donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Paypal'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
paypal.badgeCategory = 'funding';
paypal.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Crypto Badge */
function crypto(_ref23) {
var cryptoURL = _ref23.cryptoURL,
bitcoinURL = _ref23.bitcoinURL;
// Check
var url = cryptoURL || bitcoinURL;
if (!url) throw new Error('cryptoURL is missing'); // Create
var image = '';
var alt = 'crypto donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Cryptocurrency';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function crypto({ cryptoURL, bitcoinURL }) {
// Check
const url = cryptoURL || bitcoinURL
if (!url) throw new Error('cryptoURL is missing')
// Create
const image = ''
const alt = 'crypto donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Cryptocurrency'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
crypto.badgeCategory = 'funding';
crypto.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** @deprecated */
function bitcoin(opts) {
return crypto(opts);
export function bitcoin(opts) {
return crypto(opts)
bitcoin.badgeCategory = 'funding';
bitcoin.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Wishlist Badge */
function wishlist(_ref24) {
var wishlistURL = _ref24.wishlistURL;
// Check
if (!wishlistURL) throw new Error('wishlistURL is missing'); // Create
var image = '';
var url = wishlistURL;
var alt = 'Wishlist browse button';
var title = 'Buy an item on our wishlist for us';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function wishlist({ wishlistURL }) {
// Check
if (!wishlistURL) throw new Error('wishlistURL is missing')
// Create
const image = ''
const url = wishlistURL
const alt = 'Wishlist browse button'
const title = 'Buy an item on our wishlist for us'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
wishlist.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
wishlist.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Buy Me A Coffee Badge */
function buymeacoffee(_ref25) {
var buymeacoffeeUsername = _ref25.buymeacoffeeUsername,
buymeacoffeeURL = _ref25.buymeacoffeeURL;
// Check
if (!buymeacoffeeURL) {
if (!buymeacoffeeUsername) throw new Error('buymeacoffeeUsername is missing');
buymeacoffeeURL = "".concat(buymeacoffeeUsername);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = buymeacoffeeURL;
var alt = 'Buy Me A Coffee donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Buy Me A Coffee';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function buymeacoffee({ buymeacoffeeUsername, buymeacoffeeURL }) {
// Check
if (!buymeacoffeeURL) {
if (!buymeacoffeeUsername)
throw new Error('buymeacoffeeUsername is missing')
buymeacoffeeURL = `${buymeacoffeeUsername}`
// Create
const image =
const url = buymeacoffeeURL
const alt = 'Buy Me A Coffee donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Buy Me A Coffee'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
buymeacoffee.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
buymeacoffee.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Liberapay Badge */
function liberapay(_ref26) {
var liberapayUsername = _ref26.liberapayUsername,
liberapayURL = _ref26.liberapayURL;
// Check
if (!liberapayURL) {
if (!liberapayUsername) throw new Error('liberapayUsername is missing');
liberapayURL = "".concat(liberapayUsername);
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = liberapayURL;
var alt = 'Liberapay donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Liberapay';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function liberapay({ liberapayUsername, liberapayURL }) {
// Check
if (!liberapayURL) {
if (!liberapayUsername) throw new Error('liberapayUsername is missing')
liberapayURL = `${liberapayUsername}`
// Create
const image = ''
const url = liberapayURL
const alt = 'Liberapay donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Liberapay'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
liberapay.badgeCategory = 'funding';
/** At least one of the properties must be provided */
liberapay.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Thanks App Badge */
function thanksapp(_ref27) {
var npmPackageName = _ref27.npmPackageName,
githubSlug = _ref27.githubSlug,
thanksappUsername = _ref27.thanksappUsername,
thanksappURL = _ref27.thanksappURL;
// Check
if (!thanksappURL) {
if (thanksappUsername) {
thanksappURL = "".concat(thanksappUsername);
} else if (npmPackageName) {
thanksappURL = "".concat(npmPackageName);
} else if (githubSlug) {
thanksappURL = "".concat(githubSlug);
} else {
throw new Error('at least one of these is required: thanksappUsername, npmPackageName, githubSlug');
} // Create
var image = '';
var url = thanksappURL;
var alt = 'Thanks App donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Thanks App';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function thanksapp({
}) {
// Check
if (!thanksappURL) {
if (thanksappUsername) {
thanksappURL = `${thanksappUsername}`
} else if (npmPackageName) {
thanksappURL = `${npmPackageName}`
} else if (githubSlug) {
thanksappURL = `${githubSlug}`
} else {
throw new Error(
'at least one of these is required: thanksappUsername, npmPackageName, githubSlug'
// Create
const image = ''
const url = thanksappURL
const alt = 'Thanks App donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Thanks App'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
thanksapp.badgeCategory = 'funding';
thanksapp.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Boost Lab Badge */
function boostlab(_ref28) {
var githubSlug = _ref28.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = '';
var url = "".concat(githubSlug);
var alt = 'Boost Lab donate button';
var title = 'Donate to this project using Boost Lab';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function boostlab({ githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = ''
const url = `${githubSlug}`
const alt = 'Boost Lab donate button'
const title = 'Donate to this project using Boost Lab'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
boostlab.badgeCategory = 'funding'; // ====================================
// Social Badges
boostlab.badgeCategory = 'funding'
/** Slackin Script Badge */
function slackinscript(_ref29) {
var slackinURL = _ref29.slackinURL;
// Check
if (!slackinURL) throw new Error('slackinURL is missing'); // Create
return "<script async defer src=\"".concat(slackinURL, "/slackin.js\"></script>");
export function slackinscript({ slackinURL }) {
// Check
if (!slackinURL) throw new Error('slackinURL is missing')
// Create
return `<script async defer src="${slackinURL}/slackin.js"></script>`
slackinscript.badgeCategory = 'social';
slackinscript.badgeScript = true;
slackinscript.badgeCategory = 'social'
slackinscript.badgeScript = true
/** Slackin Badge */
function slackin(_ref30) {
var slackinURL = _ref30.slackinURL;
// Check
if (!slackinURL) throw new Error('slackinURL is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(slackinURL, "/badge.svg");
var url = slackinURL;
var alt = 'Slack community badge';
var title = "Join this project's slack community";
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function slackin({ slackinURL }) {
// Check
if (!slackinURL) throw new Error('slackinURL is missing')
// Create
const image = `${slackinURL}/badge.svg`
const url = slackinURL
const alt = 'Slack community badge'
const title = "Join this project's slack community"
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
slackin.badgeCategory = 'social';
slackin.badgeCategory = 'social'

@@ -780,155 +472,140 @@ * Google Analytics Beacon Badge

function gabeacon(_ref31) {
var gaTrackingID = _ref31.gaTrackingID,
githubSlug = _ref31.githubSlug;
// Check
if (!gaTrackingID) throw new Error('gaTrackingID is missing');
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing'); // Create
var image = "".concat(gaTrackingID, "/").concat(githubSlug);
var url = '';
var alt = 'Google Analytics beacon image';
var title = 'Get Google Analytics for your project';
return badge({
image: image,
alt: alt,
url: url,
title: title
export function gabeacon({ gaTrackingID, githubSlug }) {
// Check
if (!gaTrackingID) throw new Error('gaTrackingID is missing')
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
// Create
const image = `${gaTrackingID}/${githubSlug}`
const url = ''
const alt = 'Google Analytics beacon image'
const title = 'Get Google Analytics for your project'
return badge({ image, alt, url, title })
gabeacon.badgeCategory = 'social';
gabeacon.badgeCategory = 'social'
/** Google Plus One Button */
function googleplusone(_ref32) {
var homepage = _ref32.homepage;
// Check
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing'); // Create
return "<span class=\"g-plusone\" data-size=\"medium\" data-href=\"".concat(homepage, "\"></span><script>(function() {var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);})();</script>");
export function googleplusone({ homepage }) {
// Check
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing')
// Create
return `<span class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-href="${homepage}"></span><script>(function() {var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);})();</script>`
googleplusone.badgeCategory = 'social';
googleplusone.badgeScript = true;
googleplusone.badgeCategory = 'social'
googleplusone.badgeScript = true
/** Reddit Submit Button */
function redditsubmit(_ref33) {
var homepage = _ref33.homepage;
// Check
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing'); // Create
return "<script>reddit_url=\"".concat(homepage, "\"</script><script src=\"\"></script>");
export function redditsubmit({ homepage }) {
// Check
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing')
// Create
return `<script>reddit_url="${homepage}"</script><script src=""></script>`
redditsubmit.badgeCategory = 'social';
redditsubmit.badgeScript = true;
redditsubmit.badgeCategory = 'social'
redditsubmit.badgeScript = true
/** Hacker News Submit Button */
function hackernewssubmit(_ref34) {
var homepage = _ref34.homepage;
// Check
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing'); // Create
return "<a href=\"\" class=\"hn-button\" data-url=\"".concat(homepage, "\" data-count=\"horizontal\">Vote on Hacker News</a><script>var HN=[];HN.factory=function(e){return function(){HN.push([e].concat(,0)))};},HN.on=HN.factory(\"on\"),HN.once=HN.factory(\"once\"),\"off\"),HN.emit=HN.factory(\"emit\"),HN.load=function(){var e=\"hn-button.js\";if(document.getElementById(e))return;var t=document.createElement(\"script\");,t.src=\"\";var n=document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(t,n)},HN.load();</script>");
export function hackernewssubmit({ homepage }) {
// Check
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing')
// Create
return `<a href="" class="hn-button" data-url="${homepage}" data-count="horizontal">Vote on Hacker News</a><script>var HN=[];HN.factory=function(e){return function(){HN.push([e].concat(,0)))};},HN.on=HN.factory("on"),HN.once=HN.factory("once"),"off"),HN.emit=HN.factory("emit"),HN.load=function(){var e="hn-button.js";if(document.getElementById(e))return;var t=document.createElement("script");,t.src="";var n=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(t,n)},HN.load();</script>`
hackernewssubmit.badgeCategory = 'social';
hackernewssubmit.badgeScript = true;
hackernewssubmit.badgeCategory = 'social'
hackernewssubmit.badgeScript = true
/** Facebook Like Button */
function facebooklike(_ref35) {
var homepage = _ref35.homepage,
facebookApplicationID = _ref35.facebookApplicationID;
// Prepare
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing');
facebookApplicationID = facebookApplicationID || process.env.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID;
if (!facebookApplicationID) throw new Error('facebookApplicationID is missing'); // Return
return "<iframe src=\"".concat(escape(homepage), "&amp;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=450&amp;show_faces=false&amp;font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;action=like&amp;height=21&amp;appId=").concat(escape(facebookApplicationID), "\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;\" allowTransparency=\"true\"></iframe>");
export function facebooklike({ homepage, facebookApplicationID }) {
// Prepare
if (!homepage) throw new Error('homepage is missing')
facebookApplicationID =
facebookApplicationID || process.env.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID
if (!facebookApplicationID)
throw new Error('facebookApplicationID is missing')
// Return
return `<iframe src="${escape(
)}" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>`
facebooklike.badgeCategory = 'social';
facebooklike.badgeScript = true;
facebooklike.badgeCategory = 'social'
facebooklike.badgeScript = true
/** Facebook Follow Button */
function facebookfollow(_ref36) {
var facebookUsername = _ref36.facebookUsername,
facebookApplicationID = _ref36.facebookApplicationID;
// Prepare
if (!facebookUsername) throw new Error('facebookUsername is missing');
facebookApplicationID = facebookApplicationID || process.env.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID;
if (!facebookApplicationID) throw new Error('facebookApplicationID is missing'); // Return
return "<iframe src=\"".concat(escape(facebookUsername), "&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font&amp;width=450&amp;appId=").concat(escape(facebookApplicationID), "\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height: 20px;\" allowTransparency=\"true\"></iframe>");
export function facebookfollow({ facebookUsername, facebookApplicationID }) {
// Prepare
if (!facebookUsername) throw new Error('facebookUsername is missing')
facebookApplicationID =
facebookApplicationID || process.env.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID
if (!facebookApplicationID)
throw new Error('facebookApplicationID is missing')
// Return
return `<iframe src="${escape(
)}" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height: 20px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>`
facebookfollow.badgeCategory = 'social';
facebookfollow.badgeScript = true;
facebookfollow.badgeCategory = 'social'
facebookfollow.badgeScript = true
/** Twitter Tweet Button */
function twittertweet(_ref37) {
var twitterUsername = _ref37.twitterUsername;
// Prepare
if (!twitterUsername) throw new Error('twitterUsername is missing'); // Return
return "<a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\" data-via=\"".concat(twitterUsername, "\" data-related=\"").concat(twitterUsername, "\">Tweet</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=\"\";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,\"script\",\"twitter-wjs\");</script>");
export function twittertweet({ twitterUsername }) {
// Prepare
if (!twitterUsername) throw new Error('twitterUsername is missing')
// Return
return `<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="${twitterUsername}" data-related="${twitterUsername}">Tweet</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>`
twittertweet.badgeCategory = 'social';
twittertweet.badgeScript = true;
twittertweet.badgeCategory = 'social'
twittertweet.badgeScript = true
/** Twitter Follow Button */
function twitterfollow(_ref38) {
var twitterUsername = _ref38.twitterUsername;
// Prepare
if (!twitterUsername) throw new Error('twitterUsername is missing'); // Return
return "<a href=\"".concat(escape(twitterUsername), "\" class=\"twitter-follow-button\" data-show-count=\"false\">Follow @").concat(twitterUsername, "</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=\"\";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,\"script\",\"twitter-wjs\");</script>");
export function twitterfollow({ twitterUsername }) {
// Prepare
if (!twitterUsername) throw new Error('twitterUsername is missing')
// Return
return `<a href="${escape(
)}" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @${twitterUsername}</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>`
twitterfollow.badgeCategory = 'social';
twitterfollow.badgeScript = true;
twitterfollow.badgeCategory = 'social'
twitterfollow.badgeScript = true
/** Github Follow Button */
function githubfollow(_ref39) {
var githubUsername = _ref39.githubUsername;
// Prepare
if (!githubUsername) throw new Error('githubUsername is missing'); // Return
return "<iframe src=\"".concat(escape(githubUsername), "&amp;type=follow&amp;count=true\" allowtransparency=\"true\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"0\" width=\"165\" height=\"20\"></iframe>");
export function githubfollow({ githubUsername }) {
// Prepare
if (!githubUsername) throw new Error('githubUsername is missing')
// Return
return `<iframe src="${escape(
)}&amp;type=follow&amp;count=true" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="165" height="20"></iframe>`
githubfollow.badgeCategory = 'social';
githubfollow.badgeScript = true;
githubfollow.badgeCategory = 'social'
githubfollow.badgeScript = true
/** GitHub Star Button */
function githubstar(_ref40) {
var githubSlug = _ref40.githubSlug;
// Prepare
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing');
var split = githubSlug.split('/');
var githubUsername = split[0];
var githubRepository = split[1];
if (!githubUsername || !githubRepository) throw new Error('githubSlug is invalid'); // Return
return "<iframe src=\"".concat(escape(githubUsername), "&amp;repo=").concat(escape(githubRepository), "&amp;type=watch&amp;count=true\" allowtransparency=\"true\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"0\" width=\"110\" height=\"20\"></iframe>");
export function githubstar({ githubSlug }) {
// Prepare
if (!githubSlug) throw new Error('githubSlug is missing')
const split = githubSlug.split('/')
const githubUsername = split[0]
const githubRepository = split[1]
if (!githubUsername || !githubRepository)
throw new Error('githubSlug is invalid')
// Return
return `<iframe src="${escape(
)}&amp;type=watch&amp;count=true" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="110" height="20"></iframe>`
githubstar.badgeCategory = 'social';
githubstar.badgeScript = true;
githubstar.badgeCategory = 'social'
githubstar.badgeScript = true
/** Quora Follow Button */
function quorafollow(_ref41) {
var quoraUsername = _ref41.quoraUsername,
quoraRealname = _ref41.quoraRealname,
quoraCode = _ref41.quoraCode;
// Prepare
if (!quoraUsername) throw new Error('quoraUsername is missing');
quoraRealname = quoraRealname || quoraUsername.replace(/-/g, ' ');
quoraCode = quoraCode || '7N31XJs'; // Return
return "\n\t\t<span data-name=\"".concat(quoraUsername, "\">\n\t\t\tFollow <a href=\"").concat(quoraUsername, "\">").concat(quoraRealname, "</a> on <a href=\"\">Quora</a>\n\t\t\t<script src=\"").concat(escape(quoraCode), "\"></script>\n\t\t</span>").replace(/\n\s*/g, '');
export function quorafollow({ quoraUsername, quoraRealname, quoraCode }) {
// Prepare
if (!quoraUsername) throw new Error('quoraUsername is missing')
quoraRealname = quoraRealname || quoraUsername.replace(/-/g, ' ')
quoraCode = quoraCode || '7N31XJs'
// Return
return `
<span data-name="${quoraUsername}">
Follow <a href="${quoraUsername}">${quoraRealname}</a> on <a href="">Quora</a>
<script src="${escape(
</span>`.replace(/\n\s*/g, '')
quorafollow.badgeCategory = 'social';
quorafollow.badgeScript = true;
quorafollow.badgeCategory = 'social'
quorafollow.badgeScript = true

@@ -1,22 +0,4 @@

"use strict";
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.renderBadge = renderBadge;
exports.renderBadges = renderBadges;
exports.badges = void 0;
var badges = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./badges.js"));
exports.badges = badges;
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
// Import
import * as badges from './badges.js'
export { badges }

@@ -29,22 +11,18 @@ * Render a specified badge with the appropriate wrapping (div if block badge, span if inline badge)

function renderBadge(badgeName) {
var config = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
if (badgeName === '---') {
return '<br class="badge-separator" />';
} // Fetch
// @ts-ignore
var badgeMethod = badges[badgeName]; // Send the badge value and options to the render method
var badgeResult = badgeMethod(config).trim();
if (!badgeResult) return ''; // We have a result, so let's wrap it
var elementName = badgeMethod.badgeInline === false ? 'div' : 'span';
var wrappedResult = "<".concat(elementName, " class=\"badge-").concat(badgeName, "\">").concat(badgeResult, "</").concat(elementName, ">"); // Done
return wrappedResult;
export function renderBadge(badgeName, config = {}) {
if (badgeName === '---') {
return '<br class="badge-separator" />'
// Fetch
// @ts-ignore
const badgeMethod = badges[badgeName]
// Send the badge value and options to the render method
const badgeResult = badgeMethod(config).trim()
if (!badgeResult) return ''
// We have a result, so let's wrap it
const elementName = badgeMethod.badgeInline === false ? 'div' : 'span'
const wrappedResult = `<${elementName} class="badge-${badgeName}">${badgeResult}</${elementName}>`
// Done
return wrappedResult

@@ -57,47 +35,49 @@ * Render specified badges with wrapping

function renderBadges(list) {
var config = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {
filterCategory: false,
filterScripts: true
// Prepare
var results = []; // Render the badges
list.forEach(function (badgeName) {
var badgeConfig = config; // Custom Config?
if (Array.isArray(badgeName)) {
badgeConfig = badgeName[1];
badgeName = badgeName[0];
} // Seperator?
if (badgeName === '---') {
// Do not render seperators if we only wanted a single category
if (options.filterCategory) return;
} // Exists?
else {
// @ts-ignore
var badge = badges[badgeName];
if (badge) {
// Category?
if (options.filterCategory && options.filterCategory !== badge.badgeCategory) return; // Script?
if (options.filterScripts && badge.badgeScript) return;
} // Doesn't exist
else {
throw new Error("the badge ".concat(badgeName, " does not exist"));
} // Render
var badgeResult = renderBadge(badgeName, badgeConfig).trim();
if (!badgeResult) return; // Rendered successfully, add the result
}); // Return
return results.join('\n');
export function renderBadges(
config = {},
options = { filterCategory: false, filterScripts: true }
) {
// Prepare
const results = []
// Render the badges
list.forEach(function (badgeName) {
let badgeConfig = config
// Custom Config?
if (Array.isArray(badgeName)) {
badgeConfig = badgeName[1]
badgeName = badgeName[0]
// Seperator?
if (badgeName === '---') {
// Do not render seperators if we only wanted a single category
if (options.filterCategory) return
// Exists?
else {
// @ts-ignore
const badge = badges[badgeName]
if (badge) {
// Category?
if (
options.filterCategory &&
options.filterCategory !== badge.badgeCategory
// Script?
if (options.filterScripts && badge.badgeScript) return
// Doesn't exist
else {
throw new Error(`the badge ${badgeName} does not exist`)
// Render
const badgeResult = renderBadge(badgeName, badgeConfig).trim()
if (!badgeResult) return
// Rendered successfully, add the result
// Return
return results.join('\n')
# History
## v4.0.0 2020 March 26
- Updated dependencies, [base files](, and [editions]( using [boundation](
- Minimum required node version changed from `node: >=8` to `node: >=10` to keep up with mandatory ecosystem changes
## v3.1.0 2019 December 9

@@ -4,0 +9,0 @@

"name": "badges",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "4.0.0-next.1585173540.e02ebab0f4ee6d0f7d4d059b0262d71412f5f965",
"description": "The definitive collection of badges for rendering",

@@ -8,67 +8,72 @@ "homepage": "",

"keywords": [
"sauce labs",
"travis ci",
"npm version",
"npm downloads",
"boost lab",
"buy me a coffee",
"david dm",
"buy me a coffee",
"boost lab",
"give thanks",
"thanks app",
"google plus",
"hacker news",
"facebook follow",
"facebook like",
"facebook follow",
"twitter follow",
"github follow",
"github sponsors",
"github follow",
"github star",
"give thanks",
"google plus",
"hacker news",
"npm downloads",
"npm version",
"open collective",
"plus one",
"quora follow",
"plus one",
"sauce labs",
"thanks app",
"open collective"
"travis ci",
"twitter follow",

@@ -113,4 +118,3 @@ "badges": {

"Benjamin Lupton <> (",
"Richard Walker <> (",
"dependabot-preview[bot] ("
"Richard Walker <> ("

@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ "bugs": {

"engines": {
"node": ">=8"
"node": ">=10"
"editions": [
"description": "typescript source code with import for modules",
"description": "TypeScript source code with Import for modules",
"directory": "source",

@@ -140,3 +144,3 @@ "entry": "index.ts",

"description": "typescript compiled for browsers with import for modules",
"description": "TypeScript compiled against ESNext for web browsers with Import for modules",
"directory": "edition-browsers",

@@ -154,11 +158,12 @@ "entry": "index.js",

"description": "typescript compiled for node.js 12 with require for modules",
"directory": "edition-node-12",
"description": "TypeScript compiled against ESNext for Node.js with Require for modules",
"directory": "edition-esnext",
"entry": "index.js",
"tags": [
"engines": {
"node": "8 || 10 || 12",
"node": "10 || 12",
"browsers": false

@@ -170,34 +175,27 @@ }

"type": "commonjs",
"main": "edition-node-12/index.js",
"main": "edition-esnext/index.js",
"browser": "edition-browsers/index.js",
"module": "edition-browsers/index.js",
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.7.5",
"@babel/core": "^7.7.5",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.7.4",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.7.4",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining": "^7.7.5",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.7.6",
"@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.7.4",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.10.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.10.0",
"assert-helpers": "^5.7.0",
"babel-plugin-add-module-exports": "^1.0.2",
"eslint": "^6.7.2",
"eslint-config-bevry": "^2.2.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^6.7.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.1",
"kava": "^4.3.0",
"prettier": "^1.19.1",
"projectz": "^1.15.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.25.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.25.0",
"assert-helpers": "^5.8.0",
"eslint": "^6.8.0",
"eslint-config-bevry": "^2.3.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^6.10.1",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.2",
"kava": "^4.4.0",
"prettier": "^2.0.2",
"projectz": "^1.19.0",
"surge": "^0.21.3",
"typedoc": "^0.15.4",
"typescript": "^3.7.3",
"valid-directory": "^1.5.0"
"typedoc": "^0.17.3",
"typescript": "^3.8.3",
"valid-directory": "^1.6.0",
"valid-module": "^1.0.0"
"scripts": {
"our:clean": "rm -Rf ./docs ./edition* ./es2015 ./es5 ./out ./.next",
"our:compile": "npm run our:compile:edition-browsers && npm run our:compile:edition-node-12",
"our:compile:edition-browsers": "env BABEL_ENV=edition-browsers babel --extensions \".ts,.tsx\" --out-dir ./edition-browsers ./source",
"our:compile:edition-node-12": "env BABEL_ENV=edition-node-12 babel --extensions \".ts,.tsx\" --out-dir ./edition-node-12 ./source",
"our:compile": "npm run our:compile:edition-browsers && npm run our:compile:edition-esnext",
"our:compile:edition-browsers": "tsc --module ESNext --target ESNext --outDir ./edition-browsers --project tsconfig.json && test -d edition-browsers/source && ( mv edition-browsers/source edition-temp && rm -Rf edition-browsers && mv edition-temp edition-browsers ) || true",
"our:compile:edition-esnext": "tsc --module commonjs --target ESNext --outDir ./edition-esnext --project tsconfig.json && test -d edition-esnext/source && ( mv edition-esnext/source edition-temp && rm -Rf edition-esnext && mv edition-temp edition-esnext ) || true",
"our:deploy": "echo no need for this project",

@@ -217,8 +215,9 @@ "our:meta": "npm run our:meta:docs && npm run our:meta:projectz",

"our:test": "npm run our:verify && npm test",
"our:verify": "npm run our:verify:directory && npm run our:verify:eslint && npm run our:verify:prettier && npm run our:verify:typescript",
"our:verify:directory": "npx valid-directory",
"our:verify": "npm run our:verify:directory && npm run our:verify:eslint && npm run our:verify:module && npm run our:verify:prettier && npm run our:verify:typescript",
"our:verify:directory": "valid-directory",
"our:verify:eslint": "eslint --fix --ignore-pattern '**/*.d.ts' --ignore-pattern '**/vendor/' --ignore-pattern '**/node_modules/' --ext .mjs,.js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx ./source",
"our:verify:prettier": "prettier --write ./source/**",
"our:verify:module": "valid-module",
"our:verify:prettier": "prettier --write .",
"our:verify:typescript": "tsc --noEmit --project tsconfig.json",
"test": "node ./edition-node-12/test.js"
"test": "node ./edition-esnext/test.js"

@@ -233,47 +232,3 @@ "eslintConfig": {

"singleQuote": true
"babel": {
"env": {
"edition-browsers": {
"sourceType": "module",
"presets": [
"targets": "defaults",
"modules": "commonjs"
"plugins": [
"edition-node-12": {
"sourceType": "module",
"presets": [
"targets": {
"node": "12"
"modules": "commonjs"
"plugins": [

@@ -36,35 +36,9 @@ <!-- TITLE/ -->

<!-- INSTALL/ -->
## Usage
[Complete API Documentation.](
<a href="" title="npm is a package manager for javascript"><h3>npm</h3></a>
<li>Install: <code>npm install --save badges</code></li>
<li>Require: <code>require('badges')</code></li>
import { renderBadges } from 'badges'
<a href="" title="Native ES Modules CDN"><h3>jspm</h3></a>
``` html
<script type="module">
import * as pkg from '//'
<h3><a href="" title="Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.">Editions</a></h3>
<p>This package is published with the following editions:</p>
<ul><li><code>badges/source/index.ts</code> is typescript source code with import for modules</li>
<li><code>badges/edition-browsers/index.js</code> is typescript compiled for browsers with import for modules</li>
<li><code>badges</code> aliases <code>badges/edition-node-12/index.js</code></li>
<li><code>badges/edition-node-12/index.js</code> is typescript compiled for node.js 12 with require for modules</li></ul>
<!-- /INSTALL -->
## Usage
// Listing of badges to output

@@ -77,3 +51,9 @@ const list = [

{ left: 'left', right: 'right', alt: 'alt', url: 'url', title: 'title' }
left: 'left',
right: 'right',
alt: 'alt',
url: 'url',
title: 'title',

@@ -88,4 +68,4 @@ [

url: 'url',
title: 'title'
title: 'title',

@@ -133,3 +113,3 @@ '---',


@@ -167,3 +147,3 @@

quoraUsername: 'Benjamin-Lupton',
quoraRealname: 'Benjamin Arthur Lupton' // optional, will extract from username
quoraRealname: 'Benjamin Arthur Lupton', // optional, will extract from username

@@ -181,7 +161,7 @@

// When true, do not render any badges from the list that are scripts
filterScripts: false
filterScripts: false,
// Render the badges to a string
const result = require('badges').renderBadges(list, config, options)
const result = renderBadges(list, config, options)

@@ -196,2 +176,49 @@ // Output the result

<!-- INSTALL/ -->
<a href="" title="npm is a package manager for javascript"><h3>npm</h3></a>
<li>Install: <code>npm install --save badges</code></li>
<li>Import: <code>import * as pkg from ('badges')</code></li>
<li>Require: <code>const pkg = require('badges')</code></li>
<a href="" title="100% Native ES Modules CDN"><h3>pika</h3></a>
``` html
<script type="module">
import * as pkg from '//^4.0.0'
<a href="" title="unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm"><h3>unpkg</h3></a>
``` html
<script type="module">
import * as pkg from '//^4.0.0'
<a href="" title="Native ES Modules CDN"><h3>jspm</h3></a>
``` html
<script type="module">
import * as pkg from '//'
<h3><a href="" title="Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.">Editions</a></h3>
<p>This package is published with the following editions:</p>
<ul><li><code>badges/source/index.ts</code> is <a href="" title="TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ">TypeScript</a> source code with <a href="" title="ECMAScript Modules">Import</a> for modules</li>
<li><code>badges/edition-browsers/index.js</code> is <a href="" title="TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ">TypeScript</a> compiled against <a href="" title="ECMAScript Next">ESNext</a> for web browsers with <a href="" title="ECMAScript Modules">Import</a> for modules</li>
<li><code>badges</code> aliases <code>badges/edition-esnext/index.js</code></li>
<li><code>badges/edition-esnext/index.js</code> is <a href="" title="TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ">TypeScript</a> compiled against <a href="" title="ECMAScript Next">ESNext</a> for <a href="" title="Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine">Node.js</a> with <a href="" title="Node/CJS Modules">Require</a> for modules</li></ul>
<!-- /INSTALL -->
<!-- HISTORY/ -->

@@ -236,3 +263,3 @@

<ul><li><a href="">Benjamin Lupton</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Benjamin Lupton on repository bevry/badges">view contributions</a></li></ul>
<ul><li><a href="">Benjamin Lupton</a></li></ul>

@@ -257,5 +284,4 @@ <h3>Sponsors</h3>

<ul><li><a href="">Benjamin Lupton</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Benjamin Lupton on repository bevry/badges">view contributions</a></li>
<li><a href="">Richard Walker</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Richard Walker on repository bevry/badges">view contributions</a></li>
<li><a href="">dependabot-preview[bot]</a> — <a href="[bot]" title="View the GitHub contributions of dependabot-preview[bot] on repository bevry/badges">view contributions</a></li></ul>
<ul><li><a href="">Benjamin Lupton</a></li>
<li><a href="">Richard Walker</a> — <a href="" title="View the GitHub contributions of Richard Walker on repository bevry/badges">view contributions</a></li></ul>

@@ -262,0 +288,0 @@ <a href="">Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the <code></code> file.</a>

@@ -83,3 +83,3 @@ // Import

}: shieldsOptions): string {

@@ -168,3 +168,3 @@ // Check

}: nodeicoOptions): string {

@@ -207,3 +207,3 @@ // Prepare

}: saucelabsOptions): string {

@@ -230,3 +230,3 @@ // Check

}: saucelabsOptions): string {

@@ -256,3 +256,3 @@ // Check

travisTLD = 'org'
travisTLD = 'org',
}: travisOptions): string {

@@ -267,5 +267,5 @@ // Check

.filter(i => Boolean(i))
.filter((i) => Boolean(i))

@@ -288,3 +288,3 @@ const url = `http://travis-ci.${travisTLD}/${githubSlug}`

}: codeshipOptions): string {

@@ -377,3 +377,3 @@ // Check

}: sixtydevOptions): string {

@@ -408,3 +408,3 @@ // Check

}: githubsponsorsOptions): string {

@@ -414,4 +414,5 @@ if (!githubSponsorsURL) {

throw new Error('githubSponsorsUsername and githubUsername are missing')
githubSponsorsURL = `${githubSponsorsUsername ||
githubSponsorsURL = `${
githubSponsorsUsername || githubUsername

@@ -438,3 +439,3 @@

}: patreonOptions): string {

@@ -466,3 +467,3 @@ // Check

}: opencollectiveOptions): string {

@@ -496,3 +497,3 @@ // Check

}: gratipayOptions): string {

@@ -527,3 +528,3 @@ // Check

}: flattrOptions): string {

@@ -564,3 +565,3 @@ // Check

}: paypalOptions): string {

@@ -647,3 +648,3 @@ // Check

}: buymeacoffeeOptions): string {

@@ -678,3 +679,3 @@ // Check

}: liberapayOptions): string {

@@ -713,3 +714,3 @@ // Check

}: thanksappOptions): string {

@@ -798,3 +799,3 @@ // Check

}: gabeaconOptions): string {

@@ -854,3 +855,3 @@ // Check

}: facebooklikeOptions): string {

@@ -883,3 +884,3 @@ // Prepare

}: facebookfollowOptions): string {

@@ -929,3 +930,3 @@ // Prepare

export function githubfollow({
}: githubUsernameOptions): string {

@@ -975,3 +976,3 @@ // Prepare

}: quoraOptions): string {

@@ -978,0 +979,0 @@ // Prepare

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ // Import

// Render the badges
list.forEach(function(badgeName) {
list.forEach(function (badgeName) {
let badgeConfig = config

@@ -63,0 +63,0 @@

@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ {

"moduleResolution": "node",
"noEmit": true,
"strict": true,
"target": "esnext"
"include": [
"include": ["source"]
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