What is base64id?
The base64id npm package is a simple utility for generating unique IDs in a base64 format. It is often used in scenarios where unique identifiers are needed, such as session IDs, tokens, or other unique keys.
What are base64id's main functionalities?
Generate Unique ID
This feature allows you to generate a unique ID encoded in base64. The generated ID can be used for various purposes such as session identifiers or unique tokens.
const base64id = require('base64id');
const uniqueId = base64id.generateId();
Other packages similar to base64id
The uuid package is a popular library for generating RFC4122 UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers). Unlike base64id, which generates base64-encoded IDs, uuid generates standard UUIDs which are widely used in many applications for unique identification.
The nanoid package is a small, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator. It is similar to base64id in that it generates unique IDs, but nanoid focuses on being more secure and URL-friendly, making it suitable for use in web applications.
The shortid package is used to generate short, non-sequential, URL-friendly unique IDs. It is similar to base64id but focuses on creating shorter IDs that are easier to use in URLs and other contexts where shorter identifiers are beneficial.
Node.js module that generates a base64 id.
Uses crypto.randomBytes when available, falls back to unsafe methods for node.js <= 0.4.
To increase performance, random bytes are buffered to minimize the number of synchronous calls to crypto.randomBytes.
$ npm install base64id
var base64id = require('base64id');
var id = base64id.generateId();