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bash-language-server - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.0 to 5.1.0


# Bash Language Server
## 5.1.0
- Support for renaming symbol!
## 5.0.0

@@ -4,0 +8,0 @@

import * as LSP from 'vscode-languageserver/node';
import { TextDocument } from 'vscode-languageserver-textdocument';
import * as Parser from 'web-tree-sitter';
import { FindDeclarationParams } from './util/declarations';

@@ -63,2 +64,10 @@ * The Analyzer uses the Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) that are provided by

* Find a symbol's original declaration and parent scope based on its original
* definition with respect to its scope.
findOriginalDeclaration(params: FindDeclarationParams['symbolInfo']): {
declaration: LSP.Location | null;
parent: LSP.Location | null;
* Find all the locations where the given word was defined or referenced.

@@ -81,2 +90,13 @@ * This will include commands, functions, variables, etc.

findOccurrences(uri: string, word: string): LSP.Location[];
* A more scope-aware version of findOccurrences that differentiates between
* functions and variables.
findOccurrencesWithin({ uri, word, kind, start, scope, }: {
uri: string;
word: string;
kind: LSP.SymbolKind;
start?: LSP.Position;
scope?: LSP.Range;
}): LSP.Range[];
getAllVariables({ position, uri, }: {

@@ -117,5 +137,16 @@ position: LSP.Position;

wordAtPointFromTextPosition(params: LSP.TextDocumentPositionParams): string | null;
symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(params: LSP.TextDocumentPositionParams): {
word: string;
range: LSP.Range;
kind: LSP.SymbolKind;
} | null;
setEnableSourceErrorDiagnostics(enableSourceErrorDiagnostics: boolean): void;
setIncludeAllWorkspaceSymbols(includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: boolean): void;
* If includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true, this returns all URIs from the
* background analysis, else, it returns the URIs of the files that are
* linked to `uri` via sourcing.
findAllLinkedUris(uri: string): string[];
* Returns all reachable URIs from the given URI based on sourced commands

@@ -126,2 +157,10 @@ * If no URI is given, all URIs from the background analysis are returned.

private getReachableUris;
* Returns all reachable URIs from `fromUri` based on source commands in
* descending order starting from the top of the sourcing tree, this list
* includes `fromUri`. If includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true, other URIs from
* the background analysis are also included after the ordered URIs in no
* particular order.
private getOrderedReachableUris;
private getAnalyzedReachableUris;

@@ -141,5 +180,13 @@ private ensureUrisAreAnalyzed;

* Returns the parent `subshell` or `function_definition` of the given `node`.
* To disambiguate between regular `subshell`s and `subshell`s that serve as a
* `function_definition`'s body, this only returns a `function_definition` if
* its body is a `compound_statement`.
private parentScope;
* Find the node at the given point.
private nodeAtPoint;
private nodeAtPoints;

@@ -186,2 +186,82 @@ "use strict";

* Find a symbol's original declaration and parent scope based on its original
* definition with respect to its scope.
findOriginalDeclaration(params) {
var _a;
const node = this.nodeAtPoint(params.uri, params.position.line, params.position.character);
if (!node) {
return { declaration: null, parent: null };
const otherInfo = {
currentUri: params.uri,
boundary: params.position.line,
let parent = this.parentScope(node);
let declaration;
let continueSearching = false;
// Search for local declaration within parents
while (parent) {
if (params.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
parent.type === 'function_definition' &&
parent.lastChild) {
({ declaration, continueSearching } = (0, declarations_1.findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics)({
baseNode: parent.lastChild,
symbolInfo: params,
else if (parent.type === 'subshell') {
({ declaration, continueSearching } = (0, declarations_1.findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics)({
baseNode: parent,
symbolInfo: params,
if (declaration && !continueSearching) {
// Update boundary since any other instance within or below the current
// parent can now be considered local to that parent or out of scope.
otherInfo.boundary = parent.startPosition.row;
parent = this.parentScope(parent);
// Search for global declaration within files
if (!parent && (!declaration || continueSearching)) {
for (const uri of this.getOrderedReachableUris({ fromUri: params.uri })) {
const root = (_a = this.uriToAnalyzedDocument[uri]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tree.rootNode;
if (!root) {
otherInfo.currentUri = uri;
otherInfo.boundary =
uri === params.uri
? // Reset boundary so globally defined variables within any
// functions already searched can be found.
: // Set boundary to EOF since any position taken from the original
// URI/file does not apply to other URIs/files.
({ declaration, continueSearching } = (0, declarations_1.findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics)({
baseNode: root,
symbolInfo: params,
if (declaration && !continueSearching) {
return {
declaration: declaration
? LSP.Location.create(otherInfo.currentUri, TreeSitterUtil.range(declaration))
: null,
parent: parent
? LSP.Location.create(params.uri, TreeSitterUtil.range(parent))
: null,
* Find all the locations where the given word was defined or referenced.

@@ -234,2 +314,92 @@ * This will include commands, functions, variables, etc.

* A more scope-aware version of findOccurrences that differentiates between
* functions and variables.
findOccurrencesWithin({ uri, word, kind, start, scope, }) {
var _a;
const scopeNode = scope
? this.nodeAtPoints(uri, { row: scope.start.line, column: scope.start.character }, { row: scope.end.line, column: scope.end.character })
: null;
const baseNode = scopeNode && (kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable || scopeNode.type === 'subshell')
? scopeNode
: (_a = this.uriToAnalyzedDocument[uri]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tree.rootNode;
if (!baseNode) {
return [];
const typeOfDescendants = kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable
? 'variable_name'
: ['function_definition', 'command_name'];
const startPosition = start
? { row: start.line, column: start.character }
: baseNode.startPosition;
const ignoredRanges = [];
const filterVariables = (n) => {
var _a;
if (n.text !== word) {
return false;
const definition = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'variable_assignment');
const definedVariable = definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.descendantsOfType('variable_name').at(0);
// For self-assignment `var=$var` cases; this decides whether `$var` is an
// occurrence or not.
if ((definedVariable === null || definedVariable === void 0 ? void 0 : definedVariable.text) === word && !n.equals(definedVariable)) {
// `start.line` is assumed to be the same as the variable's original
// declaration line; handles cases where `$var` shouldn't be considered
// an occurrence.
if ((definition === null || definition === void 0 ? void 0 : definition.startPosition.row) === (start === null || start === void 0 ? void 0 : start.line)) {
return false;
// Returning true here is a good enough heuristic for most cases. It
// breaks down when redeclaration happens in multiple nested scopes,
// handling those more complex situations can be done later on if use
// cases arise.
return true;
const parent = this.parentScope(n);
if (!parent || baseNode.equals(parent)) {
return true;
const includeDeclaration = !ignoredRanges.some((r) => n.startPosition.row > r.start.line && n.endPosition.row < r.end.line);
const declarationCommand = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'declaration_command');
const isLocal = ((definedVariable === null || definedVariable === void 0 ? void 0 : definedVariable.text) === word || !!(!definition && declarationCommand)) &&
(parent.type === 'subshell' ||
['local', 'declare', 'typeset'].includes((_a = declarationCommand === null || declarationCommand === void 0 ? void 0 : declarationCommand.firstChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text));
if (isLocal) {
if (includeDeclaration) {
return false;
return includeDeclaration;
const filterFunctions = (n) => {
var _a;
const text = n.type === 'function_definition' ? (_a = n.firstNamedChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text : n.text;
if (text !== word) {
return false;
const parentScope = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'subshell');
if (!parentScope || baseNode.equals(parentScope)) {
return true;
const includeDeclaration = !ignoredRanges.some((r) => n.startPosition.row > r.start.line && n.endPosition.row < r.end.line);
if (n.type === 'function_definition') {
if (includeDeclaration) {
return false;
return includeDeclaration;
return baseNode
.descendantsOfType(typeOfDescendants, startPosition)
.filter(kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable ? filterVariables : filterFunctions)
.map((n) => {
if (n.type === 'function_definition' && n.firstNamedChild) {
return TreeSitterUtil.range(n.firstNamedChild);
return TreeSitterUtil.range(n);
getAllVariables({ position, uri, }) {

@@ -373,2 +543,21 @@ return this.getAllDeclarations({ uri, position }).filter((symbol) => symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable);

symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(params) {
var _a;
const node = this.nodeAtPoint(params.textDocument.uri, params.position.line, params.position.character);
if (!node) {
return null;
if (node.type === 'variable_name' ||
(node.type === 'word' &&
['function_definition', 'command_name'].includes((_a = node.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type))) {
return {
word: node.text,
range: TreeSitterUtil.range(node),
kind: node.type === 'variable_name'
? LSP.SymbolKind.Variable
: LSP.SymbolKind.Function,
return null;
setEnableSourceErrorDiagnostics(enableSourceErrorDiagnostics) {

@@ -380,2 +569,32 @@ this.enableSourceErrorDiagnostics = enableSourceErrorDiagnostics;

* If includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true, this returns all URIs from the
* background analysis, else, it returns the URIs of the files that are
* linked to `uri` via sourcing.
findAllLinkedUris(uri) {
if (this.includeAllWorkspaceSymbols) {
return Object.keys(this.uriToAnalyzedDocument).filter((u) => u !== uri);
const uriToAnalyzedDocument = Object.entries(this.uriToAnalyzedDocument);
const uris = [];
let continueSearching = true;
while (continueSearching) {
continueSearching = false;
for (const [analyzedUri, analyzedDocument] of uriToAnalyzedDocument) {
if (!analyzedDocument) {
for (const sourcedUri of analyzedDocument.sourcedUris.values()) {
if ((sourcedUri === uri || uris.includes(sourcedUri)) &&
!uris.includes(analyzedUri)) {
continueSearching = true;
return uris;
// Private methods

@@ -402,2 +621,27 @@ /**

* Returns all reachable URIs from `fromUri` based on source commands in
* descending order starting from the top of the sourcing tree, this list
* includes `fromUri`. If includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true, other URIs from
* the background analysis are also included after the ordered URIs in no
* particular order.
getOrderedReachableUris({ fromUri }) {
let uris = this.findAllSourcedUris({ uri: fromUri });
for (const u1 of uris) {
for (const u2 of this.findAllSourcedUris({ uri: u1 })) {
if (uris.has(u2)) {
uris = Array.from(uris);
if (this.includeAllWorkspaceSymbols) {
uris.push(...Object.keys(this.uriToAnalyzedDocument).filter((u) => !uris.includes(u)));
return uris;
getAnalyzedReachableUris({ fromUri } = {}) {

@@ -497,2 +741,15 @@ return this.ensureUrisAreAnalyzed(this.getReachableUris({ fromUri }));

* Returns the parent `subshell` or `function_definition` of the given `node`.
* To disambiguate between regular `subshell`s and `subshell`s that serve as a
* `function_definition`'s body, this only returns a `function_definition` if
* its body is a `compound_statement`.
parentScope(node) {
return TreeSitterUtil.findParent(node, (n) => {
var _a;
return n.type === 'subshell' ||
(n.type === 'function_definition' && ((_a = n.lastChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) === 'compound_statement');
* Find the node at the given point.

@@ -509,4 +766,12 @@ */

nodeAtPoints(uri, start, end) {
var _a;
const rootNode = (_a = this.uriToAnalyzedDocument[uri]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tree.rootNode;
if (!rootNode) {
return null;
return rootNode.descendantForPosition(start, end);
exports.default = Analyzer;



@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ import { z } from 'zod';

explainshellEndpoint: string;
logLevel: "error" | "warning" | "debug" | "info";
logLevel: "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error";
shellcheckArguments: string[];

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@ shellcheckPath: string;

explainshellEndpoint?: string | undefined;
logLevel?: "error" | "warning" | "debug" | "info" | undefined;
logLevel?: "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | undefined;
includeAllWorkspaceSymbols?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -29,0 +29,0 @@ shellcheckArguments?: unknown;

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ "use strict";

logLevel: zod_1.z.enum(logger_1.LOG_LEVELS).default(logger_1.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL),
// Controls how symbols (e.g. variables and functions) are included and used for completion and documentation.
// Controls how symbols (e.g. variables and functions) are included and used for completion, documentation, and renaming.
// If false, then we only include symbols from sourced files (i.e. using non dynamic statements like 'source' or '.' or following ShellCheck directives).

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ // If true, then all symbols from the workspace are included.

@@ -41,2 +41,3 @@ import * as LSP from 'vscode-languageserver/node';

private getDocumentationForSymbol;
private throwResponseError;
private onCodeAction;

@@ -51,3 +52,5 @@ private onCompletion;

private onWorkspaceSymbol;
private onPrepareRename;
private onRenameRequest;
export declare function getCommandOptions(name: string, word: string): string[];

@@ -104,2 +104,3 @@ "use strict";

renameProvider: { prepareProvider: true },

@@ -139,2 +140,4 @@ }


@@ -292,2 +295,5 @@ * The initialized notification is sent from the client to the server after

throwResponseError(message, code = LSP.LSPErrorCodes.RequestFailed) {
throw new LSP.ResponseError(code, message);
// ==============================

@@ -556,2 +562,70 @@ // Language server event handlers

onPrepareRename(params) {
const symbol = this.analyzer.symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(params);
this.logRequest({ request: 'onPrepareRename', params, word: symbol === null || symbol === void 0 ? void 0 : symbol.word });
if (!symbol ||
(symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
(symbol.word === '_' || !/^[a-z_][\w]*$/i.test(symbol.word)))) {
return null;
return symbol.range;
onRenameRequest(params) {
const symbol = this.analyzer.symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(params);
this.logRequest({ request: 'onRenameRequest', params, word: symbol === null || symbol === void 0 ? void 0 : symbol.word });
if (!symbol) {
return null;
if (symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
(params.newName === '_' || !/^[a-z_][\w]*$/i.test(params.newName))) {
this.throwResponseError('Invalid variable name given.');
if (symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Function && params.newName.includes('$')) {
this.throwResponseError('Invalid function name given.');
const { declaration, parent } = this.analyzer.findOriginalDeclaration({
position: params.position,
uri: params.textDocument.uri,
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
// File-wide rename
if (!declaration || parent) {
return {
changes: {
[params.textDocument.uri]: this.analyzer
uri: params.textDocument.uri,
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
start: declaration === null || declaration === void 0 ? void 0 : declaration.range.start,
scope: parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.range,
.map((r) => LSP.TextEdit.replace(r, params.newName)),
// Workspace-wide rename
const edits = {};
edits.changes = {
[declaration.uri]: this.analyzer
uri: declaration.uri,
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
start: declaration.range.start,
.map((r) => LSP.TextEdit.replace(r, params.newName)),
for (const uri of this.analyzer.findAllLinkedUris(declaration.uri)) {
edits.changes[uri] = this.analyzer
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
.map((r) => LSP.TextEdit.replace(r, params.newName));
return edits;

@@ -558,0 +632,0 @@ exports.default = BashServer;

@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ import { z } from 'zod';

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ column: number;

}, {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ column: number;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ column: number;

}, {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -70,4 +70,4 @@ column: number;

replacements: {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ column: number;

replacements: {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -92,5 +92,4 @@ column: number;

}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
code: number;
message: string;
code: number;
file: string;
line: number;

@@ -100,7 +99,8 @@ endLine: number;

endColumn: number;
level: "error" | "warning" | "style" | "info";
file: string;
level: "info" | "warning" | "error" | "style";
fix: {
replacements: {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -114,5 +114,4 @@ column: number;

}, {
code: number;
message: string;
code: number;
file: string;
line: number;

@@ -122,7 +121,8 @@ endLine: number;

endColumn: number;
level: "error" | "warning" | "style" | "info";
file: string;
level: "info" | "warning" | "error" | "style";
fix: {
replacements: {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -138,5 +138,4 @@ column: number;

comments: {
code: number;
message: string;
code: number;
file: string;
line: number;

@@ -146,7 +145,8 @@ endLine: number;

endColumn: number;
level: "error" | "warning" | "style" | "info";
file: string;
level: "info" | "warning" | "error" | "style";
fix: {
replacements: {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -162,5 +162,4 @@ column: number;

comments: {
code: number;
message: string;
code: number;
file: string;
line: number;

@@ -170,7 +169,8 @@ endLine: number;

endColumn: number;
level: "error" | "warning" | "style" | "info";
file: string;
level: "info" | "warning" | "error" | "style";
fix: {
replacements: {
precedence: number;
line: number;
precedence: number;
endLine: number;

@@ -177,0 +177,0 @@ column: number;

@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ "use strict";

file: zod_1.z.string(),
line: zod_1.z.number(),
endLine: zod_1.z.number(),
column: zod_1.z.number(),
endColumn: zod_1.z.number(),
line: zod_1.z.number(), // 1-based
endLine: zod_1.z.number(), // 1-based
column: zod_1.z.number(), // 1-based
endColumn: zod_1.z.number(), // 1-based
level: LevelSchema,

@@ -27,0 +27,0 @@ code: zod_1.z.number(),

@@ -7,6 +7,4 @@ "use strict";

* - for Bash operators it's '<operator> operator'
* - for Bash parameter expansions it's '<expansion> expansion'
* - for Bash documentation it's 'documentation definition' or '"<documentation>" documentation definition'
* - for Bash functions it's 'function definition' or '"<function>" function definition'
* - for Bash builtins it's '"<builtin>" invocation'
* - for Bash character classes it's any string with optional mnemonics depicted via square brackets

@@ -17,3 +15,3 @@ * - for shell shebang it's 'shebang'

* Naming convention for `label`:
* - for shell shebang it's 'shebang'
* - for shell shebang it's 'shebang' or 'shebang-with-arguments'
* - for Bash operators it's '<operator>[<nested-operator>]', where:

@@ -29,9 +27,4 @@ * - <operator> is Bash operator

* - term delimiter: dash, like 'set-if-unset-or-null'
* - for Bash brace expansion it's 'range'
* - for Bash documentation it's one of 'documentation'/'<documentation>'
* - for Bash functions it's one of 'function'/'<function>'
* - for Bash builtins it's '<builtin>'
* - for Bash character classes it's '<character-class>'
* - for Sed it's 'sed:<expression>'
* - for Awk it's 'awk:<expression>'
* - for anything else it's any string

@@ -48,17 +41,38 @@ */

documentation: 'shebang-with-arguments',
label: 'shebang-with-arguments',
insertText: '#!/usr/bin/env ${1|-S,--split-string|} ${2|bash,sh|} ${3|argument ...|}',
label: 'and',
documentation: 'and operator',
insertText: '${1:first-expression} && ${2:second-expression}',
label: 'or',
documentation: 'or operator',
insertText: '${1:first-expression} || ${2:second-expression}',
label: 'if',
documentation: 'if operator',
label: 'if',
insertText: ['if ${1:command}; then', '\t$0', 'fi'].join('\n'),
insertText: ['if ${1:condition}; then', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'if else operator',
label: 'if-else',
insertText: ['if ${1:command}; then', '\t${2:echo}', 'else', '\t$0', 'fi'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'if-else operator',
insertText: [
'if ${1:condition}; then',
'\t${2:command ...}',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'if operator',
label: 'if-test',
label: 'if-less',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; then',
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" < "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -68,8 +82,7 @@ ].join('\n'),

documentation: 'if else operator',
label: 'if-else-test',
label: 'if-greater',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; then',
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" > "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -79,12 +92,88 @@ ].join('\n'),

label: 'if-less-or-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" <= "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-greater-or-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" >= "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-not-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-string-equal',
documentation: 'if with string comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" ]]; then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-string-not-equal',
documentation: 'if with string comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" ]]; then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-string-empty',
documentation: 'if with string comparison (has [z]ero length)',
insertText: ['if [[ -z "${1:expression}" ]]; then', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join('\n'),
label: 'if-string-not-empty',
documentation: 'if with string comparison ([n]ot empty)',
insertText: ['if [[ -n "${1:expression}" ]]; then', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join('\n'),
label: 'if-defined',
documentation: 'if with variable existence check',
insertText: ['if [[ -n "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join('\n'),
label: 'if-not-defined',
documentation: 'if with variable existence check',
insertText: ['if [[ -z "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join('\n'),
label: 'while',
documentation: 'while operator',
label: 'while',
insertText: ['while ${1:command}; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
insertText: ['while ${1:condition}; do', '\t${2:command ...}', 'done'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'while operator',
label: 'while-test',
label: 'while-else',
documentation: 'while-else operator',
insertText: [
'while [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; do',
'while ${1:condition}; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -94,12 +183,16 @@ ].join('\n'),

documentation: 'until operator',
label: 'until',
insertText: ['until ${1:command}; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-less',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" < "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'until operator',
label: 'until-test',
label: 'while-greater',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; do',
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" > "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -109,316 +202,457 @@ ].join('\n'),

documentation: 'for operator',
label: 'for',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in ${2:list}; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-less-or-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" <= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'for operator',
label: 'for.range',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in $(seq ${2:to}); do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-greater-or-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" >= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'for operator',
label: 'for.file',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in *; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'for operator',
label: '',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in */; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-not-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'function definition',
label: 'function',
insertText: ['${1:function_name}() {', '\t$0', '}'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-string-equal',
documentation: 'while with string comparison',
insertText: [
'while [[ "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '"main" function definition',
label: 'main',
insertText: ['main() {', '\t$0', '}'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-string-not-equal',
documentation: 'while with string comparison',
insertText: [
'while [[ "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'documentation definition',
label: 'documentation',
label: 'while-string-empty',
documentation: 'while with string comparison (has [z]ero length)',
insertText: [
'# ${1:function_name} ${2:function_parameters}',
'# ${3:function_description}',
'# Output:',
'# ${4:function_output}',
'# Return:',
'# - ${5:0} when ${6:all parameters are correct}',
'# - ${7:1} ${8:otherwise}',
'while [[ -z "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: ':- expansion',
label: 'if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:-${2:default}}"',
label: 'while-string-not-empty',
documentation: 'while with string comparison ([n]ot empty)',
insertText: [
'while [[ -n "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '- expansion',
label: 'if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}-${2:default}}"',
label: 'while-defined',
documentation: 'while with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'while [[ -n "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: ':= expansion',
label: 'set-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:=${2:default}}"',
label: 'while-not-defined',
documentation: 'while with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'while [[ -z "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '= expansion',
label: 'set-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}=${2:default}}"',
label: 'until',
documentation: 'until operator',
insertText: ['until ${1:condition}; do', '\t${2:command ...}', 'done'].join('\n'),
documentation: ':? expansion',
label: 'error-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:?${2:error_message}}"',
label: 'until-else',
documentation: 'until-else operator',
insertText: [
'until ${1:condition}; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '? expansion',
label: 'error-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}?${2:error_message}}"',
label: 'until-less',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" < "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: ':+ expansion',
label: 'if-set-or-not-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:+${2:alternative}}"',
label: 'until-greater',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" > "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '+ expansion',
label: 'if-set',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}+${2:alternative}}"',
label: 'until-less-or-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" <= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '# expansion',
label: 'without-shortest-leading-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}#${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-greater-or-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" >= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '## expansion',
label: 'without-longest-leading-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}##${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '% expansion',
label: 'without-shortest-trailing-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}%${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-not-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '%% expansion',
label: 'without-longest-trailing-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}%%${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-string-equal',
documentation: 'until with string comparison',
insertText: [
'until [[ "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '.. expansion',
label: 'range',
insertText: '{${1:from}..${2:to}}',
label: 'until-string-not-equal',
documentation: 'until with string comparison',
insertText: [
'until [[ "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '"echo" invocation',
label: 'echo',
insertText: 'echo "${1:message}"',
label: 'until-string-empty',
documentation: 'until with string comparison (has [z]ero length)',
insertText: [
'until [[ -z "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"printf" invocation',
label: 'printf',
insertText: 'printf \'${1|%c,%s,%d,%f,%15c,%15s,%15d,%15f,%.5s,%.5d,%.5f|}\' "${2:message}"',
label: 'until-string-not-empty',
documentation: 'until with string comparison ([n]ot empty)',
insertText: [
'until [[ -n "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"source" invocation',
label: 'source',
insertText: '${1|source,.|} "${2:path/to/file}"',
label: 'until-defined',
documentation: 'until with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'until [[ -n "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"alias" invocation',
label: 'alias',
insertText: 'alias ${1:name}=${2:value}',
label: 'until-not-defined',
documentation: 'until with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'until [[ -z "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"cd" invocation',
label: 'cd',
insertText: 'cd "${1:path/to/directory}"',
label: 'for',
documentation: 'for operator',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in ${2:expression}; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '"getopts" invocation',
label: 'getopts',
insertText: 'getopts ${1:optstring} ${2:name}',
label: 'for-range',
documentation: 'for with range',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in $(seq ${2:from} ${3:to}); do',
'\t${4:command ...}',
documentation: '"jobs" invocation',
label: 'jobs',
insertText: 'jobs -x ${1:command}',
label: 'for-stepped-range',
documentation: 'for with stepped range',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in $(seq ${2:from} ${3:step} ${4:to}); do',
'\t${5:command ...}',
documentation: '"kill" invocation',
label: 'kill',
insertText: 'kill ${1|-l,-L|}',
label: 'for-files',
documentation: 'for with files',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in *.${2:extension}; do',
'\t${4:command ...}',
documentation: '"let" invocation',
label: 'let',
insertText: 'let ${1:argument}',
label: 'case',
documentation: 'case operator',
insertText: [
'case "${1:expression}" in',
'\t\t${3:command ...}',
'\t\t${4:command ...}',
documentation: '"test" invocation',
label: 'test',
insertText: '[[ ${1:argument1} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=,!=,=~,<,>,-eq,-ne,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:argument2} ]]',
label: 'function',
documentation: 'function definition',
insertText: ['${1:name}() {', '\t${2:command ...}', '}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'line print',
label: 'sed:print',
insertText: "sed '' ${1:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'documentation definition',
label: 'documentation',
insertText: [
'# ${1:function_name} ${2:function_parameters}',
'# ${3:function_description}',
'# Output:',
'# ${4:function_output}',
'# Return:',
'# - ${5:0} when ${6:all parameters are correct}',
'# - ${7:1} ${8:otherwise}',
documentation: 'line pattern filter',
label: 'sed:filter-by-line-pattern',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '/${3:pattern}/p' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'block',
label: 'block',
insertText: ['{', '\t${1:command ...}', '}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'sed:filter-by-line-number',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '${3:number}p' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'block redirected',
label: 'block-redirected',
insertText: ['{', '\t${1:command ...}', '} > ${2:file}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'sed:filter-by-line-numbers',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '${3:from},${4:to}p' ${5:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'block stderr redirected',
label: 'block-stderr-redirected',
insertText: ['{', '\t${1:command ...}', '} 2> ${2:file}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'single replacement',
label: 'sed:replace-first',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable',
label: 'variable',
insertText: 'declare ${1:variable}=${2:value}',
documentation: 'global replacement',
label: 'sed:replace-all',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/g' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable index',
label: 'variable-index',
insertText: '${1:variable}[${2:index}]=${3:value}',
documentation: 'transliteration',
label: 'sed:transliterate',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 'y/${2:source-characters}/${3:replacement-characters}/g' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable append',
label: 'variable-append',
insertText: '${1:variable}+=${2:value}',
documentation: 'whole file read',
label: 'sed:read-all',
insertText: "sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ':${2:x} N $! b$2 ${3:command}' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable-prepend',
label: 'variable-prepend',
insertText: '${1:variable}=${2:value}\\$$1',
documentation: 'line print',
label: 'awk:print',
insertText: "awk '/./' ${1:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if unset or null',
label: 'if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:-${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'line pattern filter',
label: 'awk:filter-by-line-pattern',
insertText: "awk '/${1:pattern}/' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if unset',
label: 'if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}-${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'awk:filter-by-line-number',
insertText: "awk 'NR == ${1:number}' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'set if unset or null',
label: 'set-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:=${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'awk:filter-by-line-numbers',
insertText: "awk 'NR >= ${1:from} && NR <= ${2:to}' ${3:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'set if unset',
label: 'set-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}=${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'single replacement',
label: 'awk:replace-first',
insertText: 'awk \'{ sub("${1:pattern}", "${2:replacement}") }\' ${3:path/to/file}',
documentation: 'error if unset or null',
label: 'error-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:?${2:error_message}}"',
documentation: 'global replacement',
label: 'awk:replace-all',
insertText: 'awk \'{ gsub("${1:pattern}", "${2:replacement}") }\' ${3:path/to/file}',
documentation: 'error if unset',
label: 'error-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}?${2:error_message}}"',
documentation: 'whole file read',
label: 'awk:read-all',
insertText: "awk RS='^$' '{ ${1:command} }' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if set or not null',
label: 'if-set-or-not-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:+${2:alternative}}"',
documentation: 'node print',
label: 'jq:print',
insertText: "jq '.${1:path/to/node}' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if set',
label: 'if-set',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}+${2:alternative}}"',
documentation: 'node print',
label: 'yq:print',
insertText: "yq '.${1:path/to/node}' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'string shortest leading replacement',
label: 'string-remove-leading',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}#${2:pattern}}"',
documentation: 'home directory',
label: '~',
insertText: '$HOME',
documentation: 'string shortest trailing replacement',
label: 'string-remove-trailing',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}%${2:pattern}}"',
documentation: '[dev]ice name',
label: 'dev',
insertText: '/dev/${1|null,stdin,stdout,stderr|}',
documentation: 'string filtering',
label: 'string-match',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E -n,--regexp-extended --quiet|} '/${2:pattern}/p'",
documentation: '[al]pha[num]eric characters',
label: 'alnum',
insertText: '[[:alnum:]]',
documentation: 'string replacement',
label: 'string-replace',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/'",
documentation: '[alpha]betic characters',
label: 'alpha',
insertText: '[[:alpha:]]',
documentation: 'string replacement',
label: 'string-replace-all',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/g'",
documentation: '[blank] characters',
label: 'blank',
insertText: '[[:blank:]]',
documentation: 'string transliterate',
label: 'string-transliterate',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} 'y/${2:source-characters}/${3:replacement-characters}/g'",
documentation: '[c]o[nt]ro[l] characters',
label: 'cntrl',
insertText: '[[:cntrl:]]',
documentation: 'file print',
label: 'file-print',
insertText: "sed '' ${1:file}",
documentation: '[digit] characters',
label: 'digit',
insertText: '[[:digit:]]',
documentation: 'file read',
label: 'file-read',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} ':${2:x} N $! b$2 ${3:command}' ${4:file}",
documentation: '[graph]ical characters',
label: 'graph',
insertText: '[[:graph:]]',
documentation: 'skip first',
label: 'skip-first',
insertText: 'tail ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} +${2:count}',
documentation: '[lower] characters',
label: 'lower',
insertText: '[[:lower:]]',
documentation: 'skip last',
label: 'skip-last',
insertText: 'head ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} -${2:count}',
documentation: '[print]able characters',
label: 'print',
insertText: '[[:print:]]',
documentation: 'take first',
label: 'take-first',
insertText: 'head ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} ${2:count}',
documentation: '[punct]uation characters',
label: 'punct',
insertText: '[[:punct:]]',
documentation: 'take last',
label: 'take-last',
insertText: 'tail ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} ${2:count}',
documentation: '[space] characters',
label: 'space',
insertText: '[[:space:]]',
documentation: 'take range',
label: 'take-range',
insertText: "sed ${1|-n,--quiet|} '${2:from},${3:to}p'",
documentation: '[upper] characters',
label: 'upper',
insertText: '[[:upper:]]',
documentation: 'take stepped range',
label: 'take-stepped-range',
insertText: "sed ${1|-n,--quiet|} '${2:from},${3:to}p' | sed $1 '1~${4:step}p'",
documentation: 'hexadecimal characters',
label: 'xdigit',
insertText: '[[:xdigit:]]',
documentation: 'json print',
label: 'json-print',
insertText: "jq '.${1:node}' ${2:file}",
documentation: 'device',
label: 'device',
insertText: '/dev/${1|null,stdin,stdout,stderr|}',
documentation: 'completion',
label: 'completion definition',
insertText: [
'\treadarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "-h --help -v --version" "\\${COMP_WORDS[1]}")',
'complete -F _$1_completions ${1:command}',
documentation: 'comment',
label: 'comment definition',
insertText: '# ${1:description}',
].map((item) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, item), { documentation: {

@@ -425,0 +659,0 @@ value: [

@@ -46,1 +46,44 @@ import * as LSP from 'vscode-languageserver/node';

}): Declarations;
export type FindDeclarationParams = {
* The node where the search will start.
baseNode: Parser.SyntaxNode;
symbolInfo: {
position: LSP.Position;
uri: string;
word: string;
kind: LSP.SymbolKind;
otherInfo: {
* The current URI being searched.
currentUri: string;
* The line (LSP semantics) or row (tree-sitter semantics) at which to stop
* searching.
boundary: LSP.uinteger;
* Searches for the original declaration of `symbol`. Global semantics here
* means that the symbol is not local to a function, hence, `baseNode` should
* either be a `subshell` or a `program` and `symbolInfo` should contain data
* about a variable or a function.
export declare function findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics({ baseNode, symbolInfo: { position, uri, word, kind }, otherInfo: { currentUri, boundary }, }: FindDeclarationParams): {
declaration: Parser.SyntaxNode | null | undefined;
continueSearching: boolean;
* Searches for the original declaration of `symbol`. Local semantics here
* means that the symbol is local to a function, hence, `baseNode` should
* be the `compound_statement` of a `function_definition` and `symbolInfo`
* should contain data about a variable.
export declare function findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics({ baseNode, symbolInfo: { position, word }, otherInfo: { boundary }, }: FindDeclarationParams): {
declaration: Parser.SyntaxNode | null | undefined;
continueSearching: boolean;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getLocalDeclarations = exports.getAllDeclarationsInTree = exports.getGlobalDeclarations = void 0;
exports.findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics = exports.findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics = exports.getLocalDeclarations = exports.getAllDeclarationsInTree = exports.getGlobalDeclarations = void 0;
const LSP = require("vscode-languageserver/node");

@@ -160,2 +160,131 @@ const TreeSitterUtil = require("./tree-sitter");

* Searches for the original declaration of `symbol`. Global semantics here
* means that the symbol is not local to a function, hence, `baseNode` should
* either be a `subshell` or a `program` and `symbolInfo` should contain data
* about a variable or a function.
function findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics({ baseNode, symbolInfo: { position, uri, word, kind }, otherInfo: { currentUri, boundary }, }) {
let declaration;
let continueSearching = false;
TreeSitterUtil.forEach(baseNode, (n) => {
var _a, _b, _c;
if ((declaration && !continueSearching) ||
n.startPosition.row > boundary ||
(n.type === 'subshell' && !n.equals(baseNode))) {
return false;
// `declaration_command`s are handled separately from `variable_assignment`s
// because `declaration_command`s can declare variables without defining
// them, while `variable_assignment`s require both declaration and
// definition, so, there can be `variable_name`s within
// `declaration_command`s that are not children of `variable_assignment`s.
if (kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable && n.type === 'declaration_command') {
const functionDefinition = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'function_definition');
const isLocalDeclaration = !!functionDefinition &&
((_a = functionDefinition.lastChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) === 'compound_statement' &&
['local', 'declare', 'typeset'].includes((_b = n.firstChild) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.text) &&
(baseNode.type !== 'subshell' ||
baseNode.startPosition.row < functionDefinition.startPosition.row);
for (const v of n.descendantsOfType('variable_name')) {
if (v.text !== word ||
TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(v, ['simple_expansion', 'expansion'])) {
if (isLocalDeclaration) {
// Update boundary since any other instance below `n` can now be
// considered local to a function or out of scope.
boundary = n.startPosition.row;
if (uri !== currentUri || !isDefinedVariableInExpression(n, v, position)) {
declaration = v;
continueSearching = false;
// This return is important as it makes sure that the next if statement
// only catches `variable_assignment`s outside of `declaration_command`s.
return false;
if (kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
(['variable_assignment', 'for_statement'].includes(n.type) ||
(n.type === 'command' && n.text.includes(':=')))) {
const definedVariable = n.descendantsOfType('variable_name').at(0);
const definedVariableInExpression = uri === currentUri &&
n.type === 'variable_assignment' &&
!!definedVariable &&
isDefinedVariableInExpression(n, definedVariable, position);
if ((definedVariable === null || definedVariable === void 0 ? void 0 : definedVariable.text) === word && !definedVariableInExpression) {
declaration = definedVariable;
continueSearching = baseNode.type === 'subshell' && n.type === 'command';
// The original declaration could be inside a `for_statement`, so only
// return false when the original declaration is found.
return false;
return true;
if (kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Function &&
n.type === 'function_definition' &&
((_c = n.firstNamedChild) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.text) === word) {
declaration = n.firstNamedChild;
continueSearching = false;
return false;
return true;
return { declaration, continueSearching };
exports.findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics = findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics;
* Searches for the original declaration of `symbol`. Local semantics here
* means that the symbol is local to a function, hence, `baseNode` should
* be the `compound_statement` of a `function_definition` and `symbolInfo`
* should contain data about a variable.
function findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics({ baseNode, symbolInfo: { position, word }, otherInfo: { boundary }, }) {
let declaration;
let continueSearching = false;
TreeSitterUtil.forEach(baseNode, (n) => {
var _a;
if ((declaration && !continueSearching) ||
n.startPosition.row > boundary ||
['function_definition', 'subshell'].includes(n.type)) {
return false;
if (n.type !== 'declaration_command') {
return true;
if (!['local', 'declare', 'typeset'].includes((_a = n.firstChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text)) {
return false;
for (const v of n.descendantsOfType('variable_name')) {
if (v.text !== word ||
TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(v, ['simple_expansion', 'expansion'])) {
if (!isDefinedVariableInExpression(n, v, position)) {
declaration = v;
continueSearching = false;
return false;
return { declaration, continueSearching };
exports.findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics = findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics;
* This is used in checking self-assignment `var=$var` edge cases where
* `position` is within `$var`. Based on the `definition` node (should be
* `declaration_command` or `variable_assignment`) and `variable` node (should
* be `variable_name`) given, estimates if `position` is within the expressiion
* (after the equals sign) of an assignment. If it is, then `var` should be
* skipped and a higher scope should be checked for the original declaration.
function isDefinedVariableInExpression(definition, variable, position) {
return (definition.endPosition.row >= position.line &&
(variable.endPosition.column < position.character ||
variable.endPosition.row < position.line));

@@ -14,1 +14,2 @@ import * as LSP from 'vscode-languageserver/node';

export declare function findParent(start: SyntaxNode, predicate: (n: SyntaxNode) => boolean): SyntaxNode | null;
export declare function findParentOfType(start: SyntaxNode, type: string | string[]): SyntaxNode | null;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.findParent = exports.isReference = exports.isDefinition = exports.range = exports.forEach = void 0;
exports.findParentOfType = exports.findParent = exports.isReference = exports.isDefinition = exports.range = exports.forEach = void 0;
const LSP = require("vscode-languageserver/node");

@@ -53,2 +53,9 @@ /**

exports.findParent = findParent;
function findParentOfType(start, type) {
if (typeof type === 'string') {
return findParent(start, (n) => n.type === type);
return findParent(start, (n) => type.includes(n.type));
exports.findParentOfType = findParentOfType;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ {

"license": "MIT",
"version": "5.0.0",
"version": "5.1.0",
"main": "./out/server.js",

@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ "typings": "./out/server.d.ts",

"dependencies": {
"fast-glob": "3.3.0",
"fast-glob": "3.3.2",
"fuzzy-search": "3.2.1",
"node-fetch": "2.6.12",
"node-fetch": "2.7.0",
"turndown": "7.1.2",
"vscode-languageserver": "8.0.2",
"vscode-languageserver-textdocument": "1.0.8",
"vscode-languageserver-textdocument": "1.0.11",
"web-tree-sitter": "0.20.8",
"zod": "3.21.4"
"zod": "3.22.4"

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ "scripts": {

"devDependencies": {
"@types/fuzzy-search": "2.1.2",
"@types/node-fetch": "2.6.4",
"@types/turndown": "5.0.1",
"@types/urijs": "1.19.19"
"@types/fuzzy-search": "2.1.5",
"@types/node-fetch": "2.6.9",
"@types/turndown": "5.0.4",
"@types/urijs": "1.19.25"

@@ -5,4 +5,2 @@ # Bash Language Server

We strongly recommend that you install [shellcheck][shellcheck] to enable linting:
Documentation around configuration variables can be found in the [config.ts]( file.

@@ -20,6 +18,6 @@

- Workspace symbols
- Rename symbol
To be implemented:
- Rename symbol
- Better jump to declaration and find references based on scope

@@ -29,5 +27,11 @@

### Dependencies
As a dependency, we recommend that you first install shellcheck [shellcheck][shellcheck] to enable linting: . If shellcheck is installed, bash-language-server will automatically call it to provide linting and code analysis each time the file is updated (with debounce time or 500ms).
### Bash language server
Usually you want to install a client for your editor (see the section below).
But if you want to install the server binary:
But if you want to install the server binary (for examples for editors, like helix, where a generic LSP client is built in), you can install from npm registry as:

@@ -38,3 +42,3 @@ ```bash

On Fedora based distros:
Alternatively, bash-language-server may also be distributed directly by your Linux distro, for example on Fedora based distros:

@@ -45,2 +49,8 @@ ```bash

Or on Ubuntu with snap:
sudo snap install bash-language-server --classic
To verify that everything is working:

@@ -47,0 +57,0 @@

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'

// if you add a .sh file to testing/fixtures, update this value

@@ -466,2 +466,19 @@ const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfiguration()

"kind": 13,
"location": {
"range": {
"end": {
"character": 26,
"line": 97,
"start": {
"character": 0,
"line": 97,
"uri": "file://__REPO_ROOT_FOLDER__/testing/fixtures/",
"name": "npm_config_loglevel",

@@ -468,0 +485,0 @@ `)

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { join } from 'node:path'
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'

@@ -91,2 +92,5 @@

"referencesProvider": true,
"renameProvider": {
"prepareProvider": true,
"textDocumentSync": 1,

@@ -110,2 +114,4 @@ "workspaceSymbolProvider": true,


@@ -1245,2 +1251,28 @@

"end": {
"character": 19,
"line": 97,
"start": {
"character": 0,
"line": 97,
"uri": "file://__REPO_ROOT_FOLDER__/testing/fixtures/",
"range": {
"end": {
"character": 25,
"line": 98,
"start": {
"character": 6,
"line": 98,
"uri": "file://__REPO_ROOT_FOLDER__/testing/fixtures/",
"range": {
"end": {
"character": 26,

@@ -1290,2 +1322,28 @@ "line": 42,

"end": {
"character": 19,
"line": 97,
"start": {
"character": 0,
"line": 97,
"uri": "file://__REPO_ROOT_FOLDER__/testing/fixtures/",
"range": {
"end": {
"character": 25,
"line": 98,
"start": {
"character": 6,
"line": 98,
"uri": "file://__REPO_ROOT_FOLDER__/testing/fixtures/",
"range": {
"end": {
"character": 26,

@@ -1333,2 +1391,13 @@ "line": 42,

kind: expect.any(Number),
location: {
range: {
end: { character: 26, line: 97 },
start: { character: 0, line: 97 },
uri: expect.stringContaining('/testing/fixtures/'),
name: 'npm_config_loglevel',

@@ -1342,2 +1411,385 @@ }

describe('onPrepareRename', () => {
async function getPrepareRenameResult(line: LSP.uinteger, character: LSP.uinteger) {
const { connection } = await initializeServer()
return connection.onPrepareRename.mock.calls[0][0](
{ textDocument: { uri: FIXTURE_URI.RENAMING }, position: { line, character } },
{} as any,
['comment', 0, 17],
['empty line', 1, 0],
['special variable', 4, 7],
['underscore', 5, 0],
['positional parameter', 6, 7],
['invalidly named variable', 7, 2],
['string', 32, 24],
['reserved word', 32, 33],
['regular word', 88, 11],
// Documents some of tree-sitter-bash's limitations when parsing
// constructs that affect renaming; these may fail in the future when
// parsing gets better.
['variable in let expression', 110, 4],
['variable in binary expression', 111, 9],
['variable in postfix expression', 111, 17],
['variable in arithmetic expansion', 112, 14],
])('returns null for non-renamable symbol: %s', async (_, line, character) => {
expect(await getPrepareRenameResult(line, character)).toBeNull()
it('returns Range for renamable symbol', async () => {
const HOME = await getPrepareRenameResult(23, 10)
"end": {
"character": 11,
"line": 23,
"start": {
"character": 7,
"line": 23,
const ls = await getPrepareRenameResult(24, 0)
"end": {
"character": 2,
"line": 24,
"start": {
"character": 0,
"line": 24,
const somefunc = await getPrepareRenameResult(28, 6)
"end": {
"character": 8,
"line": 28,
"start": {
"character": 0,
"line": 28,
describe('onRenameRequest', () => {
async function getRenameRequestResult(
line: LSP.uinteger,
character: LSP.uinteger,
rootPath = '',
includeAllWorkspaceSymbols = false,
newName = 'newName',
} = {},
) {
const { connection } = await initializeServer({
rootPath: rootPath ? rootPath : undefined,
capabilities: { workspace: { configuration: true } },
configurationObject: { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols },
return updateSnapshotUris(
await connection.onRenameRequest.mock.calls[0][0](
textDocument: { uri },
position: { line, character },
{} as any,
{} as any,
async function getFirstChangeRanges(
promise: ReturnType<typeof getRenameRequestResult>,
) {
return Object.values(
((await promise) as LSP.WorkspaceEdit).changes as {
[uri: LSP.DocumentUri]: LSP.TextEdit[]
)[0].map((c) => c.range)
async function getChangeUris(promise: ReturnType<typeof getRenameRequestResult>) {
return Object.keys(
((await promise) as LSP.WorkspaceEdit).changes as {
[uri: LSP.DocumentUri]: LSP.TextEdit[]
function getRenameRequestResults(
...args: Parameters<typeof getRenameRequestResult>[]
) {
return Promise.all( => getRenameRequestResult(...a)))
it.each(['_', '2', '1abc', 'ab%c'])(
'throws an error for invalid variable name: %s',
async (newName) => {
await expect(getRenameRequestResult(11, 7, { newName })).rejects.toThrow()
it.each(['$', 'new$name'])(
'throws an error for invalid function name: %s',
async (newName) => {
await expect(getRenameRequestResult(12, 24, { newName })).rejects.toThrow()
it('differentiates between variables and functions with the same name', async () => {
const variableRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(getRenameRequestResult(11, 7))
const functionRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(getRenameRequestResult(12, 24))
describe('File-wide rename', () => {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for undeclared symbols', async () => {
const [HOME, ...HOMEs] = await getRenameRequestResults([23, 10], [24, 5])
for (const h of HOMEs) {
const [ls, ...lss] = await getRenameRequestResults([24, 0], [29, 12], [30, 18])
for (const l of lss) {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for globally scoped declarations', async () => {
const [somefunc, ...somefuncs] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[28, 5],
[32, 11],
[46, 8],
[49, 3],
for (const s of somefuncs) {
const [somevar, ...somevars] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[29, 2],
[33, 12],
[40, 9],
[41, 7],
[43, 23],
[44, 9],
[64, 10],
[65, 13],
[66, 3],
for (const s of somevars) {
const [othervar, ...othervars] = await getRenameRequestResults([30, 9], [34, 12])
for (const o of othervars) {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for function-scoped declarations', async () => {
const [somevar, ...somevars] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[43, 11],
[47, 2],
[52, 15],
[58, 14],
for (const s of somevars) {
const [somevarInsideSubshell, ...somevarsInsideSubshell] =
await getRenameRequestResults([53, 17], [54, 13])
for (const s of somevarsInsideSubshell) {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for subshell-scoped declarations', async () => {
const [somevar, ...somevars] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[65, 3],
[68, 7],
[76, 18],
[83, 8],
for (const s of somevars) {
const [somevarInsideSubshell, ...somevarsInsideSubshell] =
await getRenameRequestResults([71, 4], [72, 11])
for (const s of somevarsInsideSubshell) {
const [somefunc, ...somefuncs] = await getRenameRequestResults([75, 10], [81, 5])
for (const s of somefuncs) {
const [somevarInsideSomefunc, ...somevarsInsideSomefunc] =
await getRenameRequestResults([77, 16], [78, 17])
for (const s of somevarsInsideSomefunc) {
describe('Workspace-wide rename', () => {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for sourced symbols', async () => {
const [RED, ...REDs] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[90, 0],
[91, 8],
[4, 7, { uri: FIXTURE_URI.SOURCING }],
[22, 3, { uri: FIXTURE_URI.EXTENSION_INC }],
for (const r of REDs) {
const [tagRelease, ...tagReleases] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[93, 6, { rootPath: REPO_ROOT_FOLDER }],
[94, 7, { rootPath: REPO_ROOT_FOLDER }],
[18, 1, { rootPath: REPO_ROOT_FOLDER, uri: FIXTURE_URI.SOURCING }],
uri: `file://${join(REPO_ROOT_FOLDER, 'scripts', '')}`,
for (const t of tagReleases) {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for unsourced symbols when includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is false', async () => {
const [npm_config_loglevel, ...npm_config_loglevels] =
await getRenameRequestResults([97, 3], [98, 16])
for (const n of npm_config_loglevels) {
const [f, ...fs] = await getRenameRequestResults([101, 0], [102, 0])
for (const instance of fs) {
it('returns correct WorkspaceEdits for unsourced symbols when includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true', async () => {
const [npm_config_loglevel, ...npm_config_loglevels] =
await getRenameRequestResults(
[97, 3, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true }],
[98, 16, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true }],
[42, 9, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true, uri: FIXTURE_URI.SCOPE }],
[40, 6, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true, uri: FIXTURE_URI.INSTALL }],
[48, 14, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true, uri: FIXTURE_URI.INSTALL }],
[50, 24, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true, uri: FIXTURE_URI.INSTALL }],
for (const n of npm_config_loglevels) {
const [f, ...fs] = await getRenameRequestResults(
[101, 0, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true }],
[102, 0, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true }],
[7, 0, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true, uri: FIXTURE_URI.SCOPE }],
[33, 0, { includeAllWorkspaceSymbols: true, uri: FIXTURE_URI.SCOPE }],
for (const instance of fs) {
// These may fail in the future when tree-sitter-bash's parsing gets better
// or when the rename symbol implementation is improved.
describe('Edge or not covered cases', () => {
it('only includes variables typed as variable_name', async () => {
const iRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(getRenameRequestResult(106, 4))
// This should be 6 if all instances within let and arithmetic
// expressions are included.
const lineRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(getRenameRequestResult(118, 10))
// This should be 2 if the declaration of `line` is included.
it('includes incorrect number of symbols for complex scopes and nesting', async () => {
const varRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(getRenameRequestResult(124, 8))
// This should only be 2 if `$var` from `3` is not included.
const localFuncRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(getRenameRequestResult(144, 5))
// This should be 2 if the instance of `localFunc` in `callerFunc` is
// also included.
it('only takes into account subshells created with ( and )', async () => {
const pipelinevarRanges = await getFirstChangeRanges(
getRenameRequestResult(150, 7),
// This should only be 1 if pipeline subshell scoping is recognized.
it('does not take into account sourcing location and scope', async () => {
const FOOUris = await getChangeUris(getRenameRequestResult(154, 8))
// This should only be 1 if sourcing after a symbol does not affect it.
const hello_worldUris = await getChangeUris(getRenameRequestResult(160, 6))
// This should only be 1 if sourcing inside an uncalled function does
// not affect symbols outside of it.
const PATH_INPUTUris = await getChangeUris(getRenameRequestResult(163, 9))
// This should only be 1 if sourcing inside a subshell does not affect
// symbols outside of it.

@@ -12,2 +12,5 @@ import * as fs from 'fs'

import {

@@ -280,2 +283,98 @@ getGlobalDeclarations,

* Find a symbol's original declaration and parent scope based on its original
* definition with respect to its scope.
public findOriginalDeclaration(params: FindDeclarationParams['symbolInfo']): {
declaration: LSP.Location | null
parent: LSP.Location | null
} {
const node = this.nodeAtPoint(
if (!node) {
return { declaration: null, parent: null }
const otherInfo: FindDeclarationParams['otherInfo'] = {
currentUri: params.uri,
boundary: params.position.line,
let parent = this.parentScope(node)
let declaration: Parser.SyntaxNode | null | undefined
let continueSearching = false
// Search for local declaration within parents
while (parent) {
if (
params.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
parent.type === 'function_definition' &&
) {
;({ declaration, continueSearching } = findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics({
baseNode: parent.lastChild,
symbolInfo: params,
} else if (parent.type === 'subshell') {
;({ declaration, continueSearching } = findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics({
baseNode: parent,
symbolInfo: params,
if (declaration && !continueSearching) {
// Update boundary since any other instance within or below the current
// parent can now be considered local to that parent or out of scope.
otherInfo.boundary = parent.startPosition.row
parent = this.parentScope(parent)
// Search for global declaration within files
if (!parent && (!declaration || continueSearching)) {
for (const uri of this.getOrderedReachableUris({ fromUri: params.uri })) {
const root = this.uriToAnalyzedDocument[uri]?.tree.rootNode
if (!root) {
otherInfo.currentUri = uri
otherInfo.boundary =
uri === params.uri
? // Reset boundary so globally defined variables within any
// functions already searched can be found.
: // Set boundary to EOF since any position taken from the original
// URI/file does not apply to other URIs/files.
;({ declaration, continueSearching } = findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics({
baseNode: root,
symbolInfo: params,
if (declaration && !continueSearching) {
return {
declaration: declaration
? LSP.Location.create(otherInfo.currentUri, TreeSitterUtil.range(declaration))
: null,
parent: parent
? LSP.Location.create(params.uri, TreeSitterUtil.range(parent))
: null,
* Find all the locations where the given word was defined or referenced.

@@ -337,2 +436,135 @@ * This will include commands, functions, variables, etc.

* A more scope-aware version of findOccurrences that differentiates between
* functions and variables.
public findOccurrencesWithin({
}: {
uri: string
word: string
kind: LSP.SymbolKind
start?: LSP.Position
scope?: LSP.Range
}): LSP.Range[] {
const scopeNode = scope
? this.nodeAtPoints(
{ row: scope.start.line, column: scope.start.character },
{ row: scope.end.line, column: scope.end.character },
: null
const baseNode =
scopeNode && (kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable || scopeNode.type === 'subshell')
? scopeNode
: this.uriToAnalyzedDocument[uri]?.tree.rootNode
if (!baseNode) {
return []
const typeOfDescendants =
kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable
? 'variable_name'
: ['function_definition', 'command_name']
const startPosition = start
? { row: start.line, column: start.character }
: baseNode.startPosition
const ignoredRanges: LSP.Range[] = []
const filterVariables = (n: Parser.SyntaxNode) => {
if (n.text !== word) {
return false
const definition = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'variable_assignment')
const definedVariable = definition?.descendantsOfType('variable_name').at(0)
// For self-assignment `var=$var` cases; this decides whether `$var` is an
// occurrence or not.
if (definedVariable?.text === word && !n.equals(definedVariable)) {
// `start.line` is assumed to be the same as the variable's original
// declaration line; handles cases where `$var` shouldn't be considered
// an occurrence.
if (definition?.startPosition.row === start?.line) {
return false
// Returning true here is a good enough heuristic for most cases. It
// breaks down when redeclaration happens in multiple nested scopes,
// handling those more complex situations can be done later on if use
// cases arise.
return true
const parent = this.parentScope(n)
if (!parent || baseNode.equals(parent)) {
return true
const includeDeclaration = !ignoredRanges.some(
(r) => n.startPosition.row > r.start.line && n.endPosition.row < r.end.line,
const declarationCommand = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'declaration_command')
const isLocal =
(definedVariable?.text === word || !!(!definition && declarationCommand)) &&
(parent.type === 'subshell' ||
['local', 'declare', 'typeset'].includes(
declarationCommand?.firstChild?.text as any,
if (isLocal) {
if (includeDeclaration) {
return false
return includeDeclaration
const filterFunctions = (n: Parser.SyntaxNode) => {
const text = n.type === 'function_definition' ? n.firstNamedChild?.text : n.text
if (text !== word) {
return false
const parentScope = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'subshell')
if (!parentScope || baseNode.equals(parentScope)) {
return true
const includeDeclaration = !ignoredRanges.some(
(r) => n.startPosition.row > r.start.line && n.endPosition.row < r.end.line,
if (n.type === 'function_definition') {
if (includeDeclaration) {
return false
return includeDeclaration
return baseNode
.descendantsOfType(typeOfDescendants, startPosition)
.filter(kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable ? filterVariables : filterFunctions)
.map((n) => {
if (n.type === 'function_definition' && n.firstNamedChild) {
return TreeSitterUtil.range(n.firstNamedChild)
return TreeSitterUtil.range(n)
public getAllVariables({

@@ -531,2 +763,33 @@ position,

public symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(
params: LSP.TextDocumentPositionParams,
): { word: string; range: LSP.Range; kind: LSP.SymbolKind } | null {
const node = this.nodeAtPoint(
if (!node) {
return null
if (
node.type === 'variable_name' ||
(node.type === 'word' &&
['function_definition', 'command_name'].includes(node.parent?.type as any))
) {
return {
word: node.text,
range: TreeSitterUtil.range(node),
node.type === 'variable_name'
? LSP.SymbolKind.Variable
: LSP.SymbolKind.Function,
return null
public setEnableSourceErrorDiagnostics(enableSourceErrorDiagnostics: boolean): void {

@@ -540,2 +803,40 @@ this.enableSourceErrorDiagnostics = enableSourceErrorDiagnostics

* If includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true, this returns all URIs from the
* background analysis, else, it returns the URIs of the files that are
* linked to `uri` via sourcing.
public findAllLinkedUris(uri: string): string[] {
if (this.includeAllWorkspaceSymbols) {
return Object.keys(this.uriToAnalyzedDocument).filter((u) => u !== uri)
const uriToAnalyzedDocument = Object.entries(this.uriToAnalyzedDocument)
const uris: string[] = []
let continueSearching = true
while (continueSearching) {
continueSearching = false
for (const [analyzedUri, analyzedDocument] of uriToAnalyzedDocument) {
if (!analyzedDocument) {
for (const sourcedUri of analyzedDocument.sourcedUris.values()) {
if (
(sourcedUri === uri || uris.includes(sourcedUri)) &&
) {
continueSearching = true
return uris
// Private methods

@@ -567,2 +868,36 @@

* Returns all reachable URIs from `fromUri` based on source commands in
* descending order starting from the top of the sourcing tree, this list
* includes `fromUri`. If includeAllWorkspaceSymbols is true, other URIs from
* the background analysis are also included after the ordered URIs in no
* particular order.
private getOrderedReachableUris({ fromUri }: { fromUri: string }): string[] {
let uris: Set<string> | string[] = this.findAllSourcedUris({ uri: fromUri })
for (const u1 of uris) {
for (const u2 of this.findAllSourcedUris({ uri: u1 })) {
if (uris.has(u2)) {
uris = Array.from(uris)
if (this.includeAllWorkspaceSymbols) {
(u) => !(uris as string[]).includes(u),
return uris
private getAnalyzedReachableUris({ fromUri }: { fromUri?: string } = {}): string[] {

@@ -682,2 +1017,17 @@ return this.ensureUrisAreAnalyzed(this.getReachableUris({ fromUri }))

* Returns the parent `subshell` or `function_definition` of the given `node`.
* To disambiguate between regular `subshell`s and `subshell`s that serve as a
* `function_definition`'s body, this only returns a `function_definition` if
* its body is a `compound_statement`.
private parentScope(node: Parser.SyntaxNode): Parser.SyntaxNode | null {
return TreeSitterUtil.findParent(
(n) =>
n.type === 'subshell' ||
(n.type === 'function_definition' && n.lastChild?.type === 'compound_statement'),
* Find the node at the given point.

@@ -699,2 +1049,16 @@ */

private nodeAtPoints(
uri: string,
start: Parser.Point,
end: Parser.Point,
): Parser.SyntaxNode | null {
const rootNode = this.uriToAnalyzedDocument[uri]?.tree.rootNode
if (!rootNode) {
return null
return rootNode.descendantForPosition(start, end)

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ import { z } from 'zod'

// Controls how symbols (e.g. variables and functions) are included and used for completion and documentation.
// Controls how symbols (e.g. variables and functions) are included and used for completion, documentation, and renaming.
// If false, then we only include symbols from sourced files (i.e. using non dynamic statements like 'source' or '.' or following ShellCheck directives).

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ // If true, then all symbols from the workspace are included.

@@ -132,2 +132,3 @@ import { spawnSync } from 'node:child_process'

renameProvider: { prepareProvider: true },

@@ -173,2 +174,4 @@ }


@@ -394,2 +397,6 @@ /**

private throwResponseError(message: string, code = LSP.LSPErrorCodes.RequestFailed) {
throw new LSP.ResponseError(code, message)
// ==============================

@@ -723,2 +730,84 @@ // Language server event handlers

private onPrepareRename(params: LSP.PrepareRenameParams): LSP.Range | null {
const symbol = this.analyzer.symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(params)
this.logRequest({ request: 'onPrepareRename', params, word: symbol?.word })
if (
!symbol ||
(symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
(symbol.word === '_' || !/^[a-z_][\w]*$/i.test(symbol.word)))
) {
return null
return symbol.range
private onRenameRequest(params: LSP.RenameParams): LSP.WorkspaceEdit | null {
const symbol = this.analyzer.symbolAtPointFromTextPosition(params)
this.logRequest({ request: 'onRenameRequest', params, word: symbol?.word })
if (!symbol) {
return null
if (
symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
(params.newName === '_' || !/^[a-z_][\w]*$/i.test(params.newName))
) {
this.throwResponseError('Invalid variable name given.')
if (symbol.kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Function && params.newName.includes('$')) {
this.throwResponseError('Invalid function name given.')
const { declaration, parent } = this.analyzer.findOriginalDeclaration({
position: params.position,
uri: params.textDocument.uri,
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
// File-wide rename
if (!declaration || parent) {
return <LSP.WorkspaceEdit>{
changes: {
[params.textDocument.uri]: this.analyzer
uri: params.textDocument.uri,
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
start: declaration?.range.start,
scope: parent?.range,
.map((r) => LSP.TextEdit.replace(r, params.newName)),
// Workspace-wide rename
const edits: LSP.WorkspaceEdit = {}
edits.changes = {
[declaration.uri]: this.analyzer
uri: declaration.uri,
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
start: declaration.range.start,
.map((r) => LSP.TextEdit.replace(r, params.newName)),
for (const uri of this.analyzer.findAllLinkedUris(declaration.uri)) {
edits.changes[uri] = this.analyzer
word: symbol.word,
kind: symbol.kind,
.map((r) => LSP.TextEdit.replace(r, params.newName))
return edits

@@ -725,0 +814,0 @@

* Naming convention for `documentation`:
* - for Bash operators it's '<operator> operator'
* - for Bash parameter expansions it's '<expansion> expansion'
* - for Bash documentation it's 'documentation definition' or '"<documentation>" documentation definition'
* - for Bash functions it's 'function definition' or '"<function>" function definition'
* - for Bash builtins it's '"<builtin>" invocation'
* - for Bash character classes it's any string with optional mnemonics depicted via square brackets

@@ -13,3 +11,3 @@ * - for shell shebang it's 'shebang'

* Naming convention for `label`:
* - for shell shebang it's 'shebang'
* - for shell shebang it's 'shebang' or 'shebang-with-arguments'
* - for Bash operators it's '<operator>[<nested-operator>]', where:

@@ -25,9 +23,4 @@ * - <operator> is Bash operator

* - term delimiter: dash, like 'set-if-unset-or-null'
* - for Bash brace expansion it's 'range'
* - for Bash documentation it's one of 'documentation'/'<documentation>'
* - for Bash functions it's one of 'function'/'<function>'
* - for Bash builtins it's '<builtin>'
* - for Bash character classes it's '<character-class>'
* - for Sed it's 'sed:<expression>'
* - for Awk it's 'awk:<expression>'
* - for anything else it's any string

@@ -46,17 +39,38 @@ */

documentation: 'shebang-with-arguments',
label: 'shebang-with-arguments',
insertText: '#!/usr/bin/env ${1|-S,--split-string|} ${2|bash,sh|} ${3|argument ...|}',
label: 'and',
documentation: 'and operator',
insertText: '${1:first-expression} && ${2:second-expression}',
label: 'or',
documentation: 'or operator',
insertText: '${1:first-expression} || ${2:second-expression}',
label: 'if',
documentation: 'if operator',
label: 'if',
insertText: ['if ${1:command}; then', '\t$0', 'fi'].join('\n'),
insertText: ['if ${1:condition}; then', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'if else operator',
label: 'if-else',
insertText: ['if ${1:command}; then', '\t${2:echo}', 'else', '\t$0', 'fi'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'if-else operator',
insertText: [
'if ${1:condition}; then',
'\t${2:command ...}',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'if operator',
label: 'if-test',
label: 'if-less',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; then',
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" < "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -66,8 +80,7 @@ ].join('\n'),

documentation: 'if else operator',
label: 'if-else-test',
label: 'if-greater',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; then',
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" > "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -77,12 +90,96 @@ ].join('\n'),

label: 'if-less-or-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" <= "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-greater-or-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" >= "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-not-equal',
documentation: 'if with number comparison',
insertText: [
'if (( "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" )); then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-string-equal',
documentation: 'if with string comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" ]]; then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-string-not-equal',
documentation: 'if with string comparison',
insertText: [
'if [[ "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" ]]; then',
'\t${3:command ...}',
label: 'if-string-empty',
documentation: 'if with string comparison (has [z]ero length)',
insertText: ['if [[ -z "${1:expression}" ]]; then', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join(
label: 'if-string-not-empty',
documentation: 'if with string comparison ([n]ot empty)',
insertText: ['if [[ -n "${1:expression}" ]]; then', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join(
label: 'if-defined',
documentation: 'if with variable existence check',
insertText: ['if [[ -n "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join(
label: 'if-not-defined',
documentation: 'if with variable existence check',
insertText: ['if [[ -z "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]', '\t${2:command ...}', 'fi'].join(
label: 'while',
documentation: 'while operator',
label: 'while',
insertText: ['while ${1:command}; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
insertText: ['while ${1:condition}; do', '\t${2:command ...}', 'done'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'while operator',
label: 'while-test',
label: 'while-else',
documentation: 'while-else operator',
insertText: [
'while [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; do',
'while ${1:condition}; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -92,12 +189,16 @@ ].join('\n'),

documentation: 'until operator',
label: 'until',
insertText: ['until ${1:command}; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-less',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" < "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'until operator',
label: 'until-test',
label: 'while-greater',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until [[ ${1:variable} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=~,!=,<,>,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:variable} ]]; do',
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" > "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',

@@ -107,325 +208,459 @@ ].join('\n'),

documentation: 'for operator',
label: 'for',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in ${2:list}; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-less-or-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" <= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'for operator',
label: 'for.range',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in $(seq ${2:to}); do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-greater-or-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" >= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'for operator',
label: 'for.file',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in *; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'for operator',
label: '',
insertText: ['for ${1:variable} in */; do', '\t$0', 'done'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-not-equal',
documentation: 'while with number comparison',
insertText: [
'while (( "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'function definition',
label: 'function',
insertText: ['${1:function_name}() {', '\t$0', '}'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-string-equal',
documentation: 'while with string comparison',
insertText: [
'while [[ "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '"main" function definition',
label: 'main',
insertText: ['main() {', '\t$0', '}'].join('\n'),
label: 'while-string-not-equal',
documentation: 'while with string comparison',
insertText: [
'while [[ "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: 'documentation definition',
label: 'documentation',
label: 'while-string-empty',
documentation: 'while with string comparison (has [z]ero length)',
insertText: [
'# ${1:function_name} ${2:function_parameters}',
'# ${3:function_description}',
'# Output:',
'# ${4:function_output}',
'# Return:',
'# - ${5:0} when ${6:all parameters are correct}',
'# - ${7:1} ${8:otherwise}',
'while [[ -z "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: ':- expansion',
label: 'if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:-${2:default}}"',
label: 'while-string-not-empty',
documentation: 'while with string comparison ([n]ot empty)',
insertText: [
'while [[ -n "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '- expansion',
label: 'if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}-${2:default}}"',
label: 'while-defined',
documentation: 'while with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'while [[ -n "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: ':= expansion',
label: 'set-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:=${2:default}}"',
label: 'while-not-defined',
documentation: 'while with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'while [[ -z "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '= expansion',
label: 'set-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}=${2:default}}"',
label: 'until',
documentation: 'until operator',
insertText: ['until ${1:condition}; do', '\t${2:command ...}', 'done'].join('\n'),
documentation: ':? expansion',
label: 'error-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:?${2:error_message}}"',
label: 'until-else',
documentation: 'until-else operator',
insertText: [
'until ${1:condition}; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '? expansion',
label: 'error-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}?${2:error_message}}"',
label: 'until-less',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" < "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: ':+ expansion',
label: 'if-set-or-not-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:+${2:alternative}}"',
label: 'until-greater',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" > "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '+ expansion',
label: 'if-set',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}+${2:alternative}}"',
label: 'until-less-or-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" <= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '# expansion',
label: 'without-shortest-leading-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}#${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-greater-or-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" >= "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '## expansion',
label: 'without-longest-leading-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}##${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '% expansion',
label: 'without-shortest-trailing-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}%${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-not-equal',
documentation: 'until with number comparison',
insertText: [
'until (( "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" )); do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '%% expansion',
label: 'without-longest-trailing-pattern',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}%%${2:pattern}}"',
label: 'until-string-equal',
documentation: 'until with string comparison',
insertText: [
'until [[ "${1:first-expression}" == "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '.. expansion',
label: 'range',
insertText: '{${1:from}..${2:to}}',
label: 'until-string-not-equal',
documentation: 'until with string comparison',
insertText: [
'until [[ "${1:first-expression}" != "${2:second-expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '"echo" invocation',
label: 'echo',
insertText: 'echo "${1:message}"',
label: 'until-string-empty',
documentation: 'until with string comparison (has [z]ero length)',
insertText: [
'until [[ -z "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"printf" invocation',
label: 'printf',
'printf \'${1|%c,%s,%d,%f,%15c,%15s,%15d,%15f,%.5s,%.5d,%.5f|}\' "${2:message}"',
label: 'until-string-not-empty',
documentation: 'until with string comparison ([n]ot empty)',
insertText: [
'until [[ -n "${1:expression}" ]]; do',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"source" invocation',
label: 'source',
insertText: '${1|source,.|} "${2:path/to/file}"',
label: 'until-defined',
documentation: 'until with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'until [[ -n "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"alias" invocation',
label: 'alias',
insertText: 'alias ${1:name}=${2:value}',
label: 'until-not-defined',
documentation: 'until with variable existence check',
insertText: [
'until [[ -z "${${1:variable}+x}" ]]',
'\t${2:command ...}',
documentation: '"cd" invocation',
label: 'cd',
insertText: 'cd "${1:path/to/directory}"',
label: 'for',
documentation: 'for operator',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in ${2:expression}; do',
'\t${3:command ...}',
documentation: '"getopts" invocation',
label: 'getopts',
insertText: 'getopts ${1:optstring} ${2:name}',
label: 'for-range',
documentation: 'for with range',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in $(seq ${2:from} ${3:to}); do',
'\t${4:command ...}',
documentation: '"jobs" invocation',
label: 'jobs',
insertText: 'jobs -x ${1:command}',
label: 'for-stepped-range',
documentation: 'for with stepped range',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in $(seq ${2:from} ${3:step} ${4:to}); do',
'\t${5:command ...}',
documentation: '"kill" invocation',
label: 'kill',
insertText: 'kill ${1|-l,-L|}',
label: 'for-files',
documentation: 'for with files',
insertText: [
'for ${1:item} in *.${2:extension}; do',
'\t${4:command ...}',
documentation: '"let" invocation',
label: 'let',
insertText: 'let ${1:argument}',
label: 'case',
documentation: 'case operator',
insertText: [
'case "${1:expression}" in',
'\t\t${3:command ...}',
'\t\t${4:command ...}',
documentation: '"test" invocation',
label: 'test',
'[[ ${1:argument1} ${2|-ef,-nt,-ot,==,=,!=,=~,<,>,-eq,-ne,-lt,-le,-gt,-ge|} ${3:argument2} ]]',
label: 'function',
documentation: 'function definition',
insertText: ['${1:name}() {', '\t${2:command ...}', '}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'line print',
label: 'sed:print',
insertText: "sed '' ${1:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'documentation definition',
label: 'documentation',
insertText: [
'# ${1:function_name} ${2:function_parameters}',
'# ${3:function_description}',
'# Output:',
'# ${4:function_output}',
'# Return:',
'# - ${5:0} when ${6:all parameters are correct}',
'# - ${7:1} ${8:otherwise}',
documentation: 'line pattern filter',
label: 'sed:filter-by-line-pattern',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '/${3:pattern}/p' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'block',
label: 'block',
insertText: ['{', '\t${1:command ...}', '}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'sed:filter-by-line-number',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '${3:number}p' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'block redirected',
label: 'block-redirected',
insertText: ['{', '\t${1:command ...}', '} > ${2:file}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'sed:filter-by-line-numbers',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ${2|--quiet,-n|} '${3:from},${4:to}p' ${5:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'block stderr redirected',
label: 'block-stderr-redirected',
insertText: ['{', '\t${1:command ...}', '} 2> ${2:file}'].join('\n'),
documentation: 'single replacement',
label: 'sed:replace-first',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable',
label: 'variable',
insertText: 'declare ${1:variable}=${2:value}',
documentation: 'global replacement',
label: 'sed:replace-all',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/g' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable index',
label: 'variable-index',
insertText: '${1:variable}[${2:index}]=${3:value}',
documentation: 'transliteration',
label: 'sed:transliterate',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} 'y/${2:source-characters}/${3:replacement-characters}/g' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable append',
label: 'variable-append',
insertText: '${1:variable}+=${2:value}',
documentation: 'whole file read',
label: 'sed:read-all',
"sed ${1|--regexp-extended,-E|} ':${2:x} N $! b$2 ${3:command}' ${4:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'variable-prepend',
label: 'variable-prepend',
insertText: '${1:variable}=${2:value}\\$$1',
documentation: 'line print',
label: 'awk:print',
insertText: "awk '/./' ${1:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if unset or null',
label: 'if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:-${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'line pattern filter',
label: 'awk:filter-by-line-pattern',
insertText: "awk '/${1:pattern}/' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if unset',
label: 'if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}-${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'awk:filter-by-line-number',
insertText: "awk 'NR == ${1:number}' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'set if unset or null',
label: 'set-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:=${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'line number filter',
label: 'awk:filter-by-line-numbers',
insertText: "awk 'NR >= ${1:from} && NR <= ${2:to}' ${3:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'set if unset',
label: 'set-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}=${2:default}}"',
documentation: 'single replacement',
label: 'awk:replace-first',
insertText: 'awk \'{ sub("${1:pattern}", "${2:replacement}") }\' ${3:path/to/file}',
documentation: 'error if unset or null',
label: 'error-if-unset-or-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:?${2:error_message}}"',
documentation: 'global replacement',
label: 'awk:replace-all',
insertText: 'awk \'{ gsub("${1:pattern}", "${2:replacement}") }\' ${3:path/to/file}',
documentation: 'error if unset',
label: 'error-if-unset',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}?${2:error_message}}"',
documentation: 'whole file read',
label: 'awk:read-all',
insertText: "awk RS='^$' '{ ${1:command} }' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if set or not null',
label: 'if-set-or-not-null',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}:+${2:alternative}}"',
documentation: 'node print',
label: 'jq:print',
insertText: "jq '.${1:path/to/node}' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'if set',
label: 'if-set',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}+${2:alternative}}"',
documentation: 'node print',
label: 'yq:print',
insertText: "yq '.${1:path/to/node}' ${2:path/to/file}",
documentation: 'string shortest leading replacement',
label: 'string-remove-leading',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}#${2:pattern}}"',
documentation: 'home directory',
label: '~',
insertText: '$HOME',
documentation: 'string shortest trailing replacement',
label: 'string-remove-trailing',
insertText: '"\\${${1:variable}%${2:pattern}}"',
documentation: '[dev]ice name',
label: 'dev',
insertText: '/dev/${1|null,stdin,stdout,stderr|}',
documentation: 'string filtering',
label: 'string-match',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E -n,--regexp-extended --quiet|} '/${2:pattern}/p'",
documentation: '[al]pha[num]eric characters',
label: 'alnum',
insertText: '[[:alnum:]]',
documentation: 'string replacement',
label: 'string-replace',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/'",
documentation: '[alpha]betic characters',
label: 'alpha',
insertText: '[[:alpha:]]',
documentation: 'string replacement',
label: 'string-replace-all',
insertText: "sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} 's/${2:pattern}/${3:replacement}/g'",
documentation: '[blank] characters',
label: 'blank',
insertText: '[[:blank:]]',
documentation: 'string transliterate',
label: 'string-transliterate',
"sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} 'y/${2:source-characters}/${3:replacement-characters}/g'",
documentation: '[c]o[nt]ro[l] characters',
label: 'cntrl',
insertText: '[[:cntrl:]]',
documentation: 'file print',
label: 'file-print',
insertText: "sed '' ${1:file}",
documentation: '[digit] characters',
label: 'digit',
insertText: '[[:digit:]]',
documentation: 'file read',
label: 'file-read',
"sed ${1|-E,--regexp-extended|} ':${2:x} N $! b$2 ${3:command}' ${4:file}",
documentation: '[graph]ical characters',
label: 'graph',
insertText: '[[:graph:]]',
documentation: 'skip first',
label: 'skip-first',
insertText: 'tail ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} +${2:count}',
documentation: '[lower] characters',
label: 'lower',
insertText: '[[:lower:]]',
documentation: 'skip last',
label: 'skip-last',
insertText: 'head ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} -${2:count}',
documentation: '[print]able characters',
label: 'print',
insertText: '[[:print:]]',
documentation: 'take first',
label: 'take-first',
insertText: 'head ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} ${2:count}',
documentation: '[punct]uation characters',
label: 'punct',
insertText: '[[:punct:]]',
documentation: 'take last',
label: 'take-last',
insertText: 'tail ${1|-n,-c,--lines,--bytes|} ${2:count}',
documentation: '[space] characters',
label: 'space',
insertText: '[[:space:]]',
documentation: 'take range',
label: 'take-range',
insertText: "sed ${1|-n,--quiet|} '${2:from},${3:to}p'",
documentation: '[upper] characters',
label: 'upper',
insertText: '[[:upper:]]',
documentation: 'take stepped range',
label: 'take-stepped-range',
insertText: "sed ${1|-n,--quiet|} '${2:from},${3:to}p' | sed $1 '1~${4:step}p'",
documentation: 'hexadecimal characters',
label: 'xdigit',
insertText: '[[:xdigit:]]',
documentation: 'json print',
label: 'json-print',
insertText: "jq '.${1:node}' ${2:file}",
documentation: 'device',
label: 'device',
insertText: '/dev/${1|null,stdin,stdout,stderr|}',
documentation: 'completion',
label: 'completion definition',
insertText: [
'\treadarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "-h --help -v --version" "\\${COMP_WORDS[1]}")',
'complete -F _$1_completions ${1:command}',
documentation: 'comment',
label: 'comment definition',
insertText: '# ${1:description}',
].map((item) => ({

@@ -432,0 +667,0 @@ ...item,

@@ -248,1 +248,204 @@ import * as LSP from 'vscode-languageserver/node'

// The functions that follow search for a single declaration based on the
// original definition NOT the latest.
export type FindDeclarationParams = {
* The node where the search will start.
baseNode: Parser.SyntaxNode
symbolInfo: {
position: LSP.Position
uri: string
word: string
kind: LSP.SymbolKind
otherInfo: {
* The current URI being searched.
currentUri: string
* The line (LSP semantics) or row (tree-sitter semantics) at which to stop
* searching.
boundary: LSP.uinteger
* Searches for the original declaration of `symbol`. Global semantics here
* means that the symbol is not local to a function, hence, `baseNode` should
* either be a `subshell` or a `program` and `symbolInfo` should contain data
* about a variable or a function.
export function findDeclarationUsingGlobalSemantics({
symbolInfo: { position, uri, word, kind },
otherInfo: { currentUri, boundary },
}: FindDeclarationParams) {
let declaration: Parser.SyntaxNode | null | undefined
let continueSearching = false
TreeSitterUtil.forEach(baseNode, (n) => {
if (
(declaration && !continueSearching) ||
n.startPosition.row > boundary ||
(n.type === 'subshell' && !n.equals(baseNode))
) {
return false
// `declaration_command`s are handled separately from `variable_assignment`s
// because `declaration_command`s can declare variables without defining
// them, while `variable_assignment`s require both declaration and
// definition, so, there can be `variable_name`s within
// `declaration_command`s that are not children of `variable_assignment`s.
if (kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable && n.type === 'declaration_command') {
const functionDefinition = TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(n, 'function_definition')
const isLocalDeclaration =
!!functionDefinition &&
functionDefinition.lastChild?.type === 'compound_statement' &&
['local', 'declare', 'typeset'].includes(n.firstChild?.text as any) &&
(baseNode.type !== 'subshell' ||
baseNode.startPosition.row < functionDefinition.startPosition.row)
for (const v of n.descendantsOfType('variable_name')) {
if (
v.text !== word ||
TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(v, ['simple_expansion', 'expansion'])
) {
if (isLocalDeclaration) {
// Update boundary since any other instance below `n` can now be
// considered local to a function or out of scope.
boundary = n.startPosition.row
if (uri !== currentUri || !isDefinedVariableInExpression(n, v, position)) {
declaration = v
continueSearching = false
// This return is important as it makes sure that the next if statement
// only catches `variable_assignment`s outside of `declaration_command`s.
return false
if (
kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Variable &&
(['variable_assignment', 'for_statement'].includes(n.type) ||
(n.type === 'command' && n.text.includes(':=')))
) {
const definedVariable = n.descendantsOfType('variable_name').at(0)
const definedVariableInExpression =
uri === currentUri &&
n.type === 'variable_assignment' &&
!!definedVariable &&
isDefinedVariableInExpression(n, definedVariable, position)
if (definedVariable?.text === word && !definedVariableInExpression) {
declaration = definedVariable
continueSearching = baseNode.type === 'subshell' && n.type === 'command'
// The original declaration could be inside a `for_statement`, so only
// return false when the original declaration is found.
return false
return true
if (
kind === LSP.SymbolKind.Function &&
n.type === 'function_definition' &&
n.firstNamedChild?.text === word
) {
declaration = n.firstNamedChild
continueSearching = false
return false
return true
return { declaration, continueSearching }
* Searches for the original declaration of `symbol`. Local semantics here
* means that the symbol is local to a function, hence, `baseNode` should
* be the `compound_statement` of a `function_definition` and `symbolInfo`
* should contain data about a variable.
export function findDeclarationUsingLocalSemantics({
symbolInfo: { position, word },
otherInfo: { boundary },
}: FindDeclarationParams) {
let declaration: Parser.SyntaxNode | null | undefined
let continueSearching = false
TreeSitterUtil.forEach(baseNode, (n) => {
if (
(declaration && !continueSearching) ||
n.startPosition.row > boundary ||
['function_definition', 'subshell'].includes(n.type)
) {
return false
if (n.type !== 'declaration_command') {
return true
if (!['local', 'declare', 'typeset'].includes(n.firstChild?.text as any)) {
return false
for (const v of n.descendantsOfType('variable_name')) {
if (
v.text !== word ||
TreeSitterUtil.findParentOfType(v, ['simple_expansion', 'expansion'])
) {
if (!isDefinedVariableInExpression(n, v, position)) {
declaration = v
continueSearching = false
return false
return { declaration, continueSearching }
* This is used in checking self-assignment `var=$var` edge cases where
* `position` is within `$var`. Based on the `definition` node (should be
* `declaration_command` or `variable_assignment`) and `variable` node (should
* be `variable_name`) given, estimates if `position` is within the expressiion
* (after the equals sign) of an assignment. If it is, then `var` should be
* skipped and a higher scope should be checked for the original declaration.
function isDefinedVariableInExpression(
definition: Parser.SyntaxNode,
variable: Parser.SyntaxNode,
position: LSP.Position,
): boolean {
return (
definition.endPosition.row >= position.line &&
(variable.endPosition.column < position.character ||
variable.endPosition.row < position.line)

@@ -59,1 +59,9 @@ import * as LSP from 'vscode-languageserver/node'

export function findParentOfType(start: SyntaxNode, type: string | string[]) {
if (typeof type === 'string') {
return findParent(start, (n) => n.type === type)
return findParent(start, (n) => type.includes(n.type))

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