This module generates customizable swagger definitions for your Baucis API. Use this module in conjunction with Baucis.
npm install --save baucis baucis-swagger
It is very easy to use. Include the package after baucis is included, and before your API is built.
var express = require('express');
var baucis = require('baucis');
var swagger = require('baucis-swagger');
var app = express();
// ... Set up a mongoose schema ...'vegetable');
app.use('/api', baucis());
Then, access e.g. GET http://localhost:3333/api/documentation
. See the Baucis repo for more information about building REST APIs with Baucis.
If you want to modify the swagger definition, generate the definition first. (This will happen automatically otherwise.)
controller.generateSwagger(); = '123';
© 2014-2015 William P. Riley-Land