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bbop-graph - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.2 to 0.0.3



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

* Purpose: Basic edged graph and operations.

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ *

var each = us.each;
var bbop = require('bbop-core');

@@ -116,3 +117,3 @@ ///

* Get a fresh new copy of the current node (using bbop.core.clone for
* Get a fresh new copy of the current node (using bbop.clone for
* metadata object).

@@ -126,3 +127,3 @@ *

return tmp_clone;

@@ -250,3 +251,3 @@ };

* Get a fresh new copy of the current edge (using bbop.core.clone for
* Get a fresh new copy of the current edge (using bbop.clone for
* metadata object).

@@ -261,3 +262,3 @@ *

// Metadata kind of needs to be duped separately.
return tmp_clone;

@@ -928,3 +929,3 @@ };

//if( nb_id_or_list.length && nb_id_or_list.index ){
if( bbop.core.is_array(nb_id_or_list) ){ // verify listy-ness
if( us.isArray(nb_id_or_list) ){ // verify listy-ness
for( var l = 0; l < nb_id_or_list.length; l++ ){

@@ -1011,5 +1012,3 @@ rec_up(nb_id_or_list[l]);

each(json_object.edges, function(edge_raw){
var e = new edge(edge_raw.sub,
var e = new edge(edge_raw.sub, edge_raw.obj, edge_raw.pred);
// Copy out meta.

@@ -1043,3 +1042,3 @@ if(edge_raw.meta){ e.metadata(edge_raw.meta); }

var node = bbop.core.clone(raw_node);
var node = bbop.clone(raw_node);
var ncopy = {};

@@ -1063,3 +1062,3 @@

var eset = [];
var ecopy = bbop.core.clone(anchor._edges['array']);
var ecopy = bbop.clone(anchor._edges['array']);
each(anchor.all_edges(), function(node){

@@ -1090,2 +1089,3 @@ var ecopy = {};

default_predicate: default_predicate,
node: node,

@@ -1092,0 +1092,0 @@ edge: edge,

"name": "bbop-graph",
"version": "0.0.2",
"license": "BSD",
"version": "0.0.3",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"description": "General purpose (mathematical) graph library in JavaScript.",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -6,3 +6,2 @@ ////

var assert = require('chai').assert;
var model = new require('..');

@@ -12,5 +11,5 @@

describe('trivial creations', function(){
describe('node', function(){
it('works at all (thingy)', function(){
it('works at all', function(){

@@ -32,277 +31,321 @@ // Setup.

// // Edges.
// (function(){
describe('edges', function(){
// // Setup.
// var n1 = new bbop.model.node('a');
// var n2 = new bbop.model.node('b');
// var n3 = new bbop.model.node('c');
// Setup.
var n1 = null;
var n2 = null;
var n3 = null;
var e1 = null;
var e2 = null;
var e3 = null;
// Pre-run.
before(function() {
// Setup.
n1 = new model.node('a');
n2 = new model.node('b');
n3 = new model.node('c');
e1 = new model.edge(n1, n2);
e2 = new model.edge(n2, n3, 'foo');
e3 = new model.edge('d', 'e', 'bar');
// var e1 = new bbop.model.edge(n1, n2);
// var e2 = new bbop.model.edge(n2, n3, 'foo');
// var e3 = new bbop.model.edge('d', 'e', 'bar');
it('basically functional', function(){
assert.isDefined(e1, 'at least this would be nice (edge 1)');
assert.isDefined(e2, 'at least this would be nice (edge 2)');
assert.isDefined(e2, 'at least this would be nice (edge 3)');
assert.equal('a', e1.subject_id(), 'is a');
assert.equal('b', e1.object_id(), 'is b');
assert.equal('e', e3.object_id(), 'is e');
assert.equal(model.default_predicate, e1.predicate_id(), 'is p');
assert.equal('foo', e2.predicate_id(), 'is p 2');
// mr_t.is_defined(e1, 'at least this would be nice (edge 1)');
// mr_t.is_defined(e2, 'at least this would be nice (edge 2)');
// mr_t.is_defined(e2, 'at least this would be nice (edge 3)');
describe('simple model', function(){
// mr_t.is_same_atom('a', e1.subject_id(), 'is a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('b', e1.object_id(), 'is b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('e', e3.object_id(), 'is e');
var g = null;
var dpred = null;
// mr_t.is_same_atom(bbop.model.default_predicate, e1.predicate_id(), 'is p');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('foo', e2.predicate_id(), 'is p 2');
// Pre-run.
before(function() {
// Create graph described below.
// a n x z
// / \ | |
// b c | y? <-- y is not extant, just referenced
// || / \|
// || e d
// \\___// <-- non-default relationship (d is_a b)
// \---/
g = new model.graph();
g.add_node(new model.node('a'));
g.add_node(new model.node('b'));
g.add_node(new model.node('c'));
g.add_node(new model.node('d'));
g.add_node(new model.node('e'));
g.add_node(new model.node('n'));
g.add_node(new model.node('x'));
g.add_node(new model.node('z'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('b', 'a'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('c', 'a'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('d', 'c'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('e', 'c'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('d', 'n'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('d', 'b', 'is_a'));
g.add_edge(new model.edge('y', 'x'));
// })();
dpred = model.default_predicate;
it('graph construction', function(){
// // Check simple modelling.
// (function(){
assert.isDefined(g, 'at least this would be nice (graph)');
assert.equal(8, g.all_nodes().length, '7 nodes');
assert.equal(7, g.all_edges().length, '7 edges');
assert.equal(7, g.all_edges().length, '7 edges');
assert.equal(1, g.get_singleton_nodes().length, 'just one single');
assert.equal('z', g.get_singleton_nodes()[0].id(), 'z alone');
assert.equal(1, g.all_dangling().length, 'just one dangle');
assert.equal(false, g.is_complete(), 'nope');
it('leaf correctness', function(){
// // Create graph described below.
// //
// // a n x z
// // / \ | |
// // b c | y? <-- y is not extant, just referenced
// // || / \|
// // || e d
// // \\___// <-- non-default relationship (d is_a b)
// // \---/
// //
// var g = new bbop.model.graph();
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('a'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('b'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('c'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('d'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('e'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('n'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('x'));
// g.add_node(new bbop.model.node('z'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('b', 'a'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('c', 'a'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('d', 'c'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('e', 'c'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('d', 'n'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('d', 'b', 'is_a'));
// g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('y', 'x'));
assert.equal(false, g.is_leaf_node('a'), '! leaf a');
assert.equal(false, g.is_leaf_node('b'), '! leaf b');
assert.equal(false, g.is_leaf_node('c'), '! leaf c');
assert.equal(true, g.is_leaf_node('d'), 'leaf d');
assert.equal(true, g.is_leaf_node('e'), 'leaf e');
assert.equal(false, g.is_leaf_node('n'), '! leaf n');
assert.equal(false, g.is_leaf_node('x'), '! leaf z');
assert.equal(false, g.is_leaf_node('y'), '! leaf y');
assert.equal(true, g.is_leaf_node('z'), 'leaf z');
assert.equal(3, g.get_leaf_nodes().length, '3 leaves');
it('root correctness', function(){
// var dpred = bbop.model.default_predicate;
assert.equal(true, g.is_root_node('a'), 'root a');
assert.equal(false, g.is_root_node('b'), '! root b');
assert.equal(false, g.is_root_node('c'), '! root c');
assert.equal(false, g.is_root_node('d'), '! root d');
assert.equal(false, g.is_root_node('e'), '! root e');
assert.equal(true, g.is_root_node('n'), 'root n');
assert.equal(true, g.is_root_node('x'), 'root z');
assert.equal(false, g.is_root_node('y'), '! root y');
assert.equal(true, g.is_root_node('z'), 'root z');
assert.equal(4, g.get_root_nodes().length, '4 roots');
it('graph structure up', function(){
// // Test graph construction.
// mr_t.is_defined(g, 'at least this would be nice (graph)');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(8, g.all_nodes().length, '7 nodes');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(7, g.all_edges().length, '7 edges');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(7, g.all_edges().length, '7 edges');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, g.get_singleton_nodes().length, 'just one single');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('z', g.get_singleton_nodes()[0].id(), 'z alone');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, g.all_dangling().length, 'just one dangle');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_complete(), 'nope');
assert.equal(0, g.get_parent_nodes('a').length, 'a is root');
assert.equal(1, g.get_parent_nodes('b').length, 'b under a (1)');
assert.equal('a', g.get_parent_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b under a (2)');
assert.equal(3, g.get_parent_nodes('d').length, 'd: b c n');
assert.equal(2, g.get_parent_nodes('d', dpred).length, 'd: c n');
assert.equal(1, g.get_parent_nodes('d', 'is_a').length, 'd: b');
it('graph structure down', function(){
// // Test leaf correctness.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_leaf_node('a'), '! leaf a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_leaf_node('b'), '! leaf b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_leaf_node('c'), '! leaf c');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_leaf_node('d'), 'leaf d');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_leaf_node('e'), 'leaf e');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_leaf_node('n'), '! leaf n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_leaf_node('x'), '! leaf z');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_leaf_node('y'), '! leaf y');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_leaf_node('z'), 'leaf z');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(3, g.get_leaf_nodes().length, '3 leaves');
assert.equal(2, g.get_child_nodes('a').length, 'a has 2');
assert.equal(1, g.get_child_nodes('b').length, 'b has 1');
assert.equal('d', g.get_child_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b: d 1');
assert.equal(0, g.get_child_nodes('b', dpred).length, 'b: d 2');
assert.equal('d', g.get_child_nodes('b', 'is_a')[0].id(), 'b: d 3');
assert.equal(0, g.get_child_nodes('d').length, 'd: -');
assert.equal(0, g.get_child_nodes('z').length, 'z: -');
assert.equal(0, g.get_child_nodes('x').length, 'x: -');
it('edges and predicates', function(){
// // Test roots.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_root_node('a'), 'root a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_root_node('b'), '! root b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_root_node('c'), '! root c');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_root_node('d'), '! root d');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_root_node('e'), '! root e');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_root_node('n'), 'root n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_root_node('x'), 'root z');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g.is_root_node('y'), '! root y');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g.is_root_node('z'), 'root z');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(4, g.get_root_nodes().length, '4 roots');
//g.add_edge(new model.edge('d', 'b', 'is_a'));
var med = g.get_edges('d', 'b');
assert.equal(med.length, 1, 'one edge');
assert.equal(med[0].predicate_id(), 'is_a', 'one edge is_a');
var mrel = g.get_predicates('d', 'b');
assert.equal(mrel.length, 1, 'one pred');
assert.equal(mrel[0], 'is_a', 'one pred is_a');
it('subgraph test 1', function(){
// // Test graph structure up.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, g.get_parent_nodes('a').length, 'a is root');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, g.get_parent_nodes('b').length, 'b under a (1)');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('a', g.get_parent_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b under a (2)');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(3, g.get_parent_nodes('d').length, 'd: b c n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, g.get_parent_nodes('d', dpred).length, 'd: c n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, g.get_parent_nodes('d', 'is_a').length, 'd: b');
var sub1 = g.get_ancestor_subgraph('d');
// Roots.
assert.equal(true, sub1.is_root_node('a'), 'root a');
assert.equal(true, sub1.is_root_node('n'), 'root n');
assert.equal(false, sub1.is_root_node('x'), '! root x');
assert.equal(2, sub1.get_root_nodes().length, '2 roots');
// Leaves.
assert.equal(1, sub1.get_leaf_nodes().length, '1 leaf');
assert.equal('d', sub1.get_leaf_nodes()[0].id(), 'd leaf');
// Graph structure up.
assert.equal(0, sub1.get_parent_nodes('a').length, 'a is root');
assert.equal(1, sub1.get_parent_nodes('b').length, 'b under a (1)');
assert.equal('a', sub1.get_parent_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b under a (2)');
assert.equal(3, sub1.get_parent_nodes('d').length, 'd: b c n');
assert.equal(2, sub1.get_parent_nodes('d', dpred).length, 'd: c n');
assert.equal(1, sub1.get_parent_nodes('d', 'is_a').length, 'd: b');
// Graph structure down.
assert.equal(2, sub1.get_child_nodes('a').length, 'a has 2');
assert.equal(1, sub1.get_child_nodes('b').length, 'b has 1');
assert.equal('d', sub1.get_child_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b: d 1');
assert.equal(0, sub1.get_child_nodes('b', dpred).length, 'b: d 2');
assert.equal('d', sub1.get_child_nodes('b', 'is_a')[0].id(), 'b: d 3');
assert.equal(0, sub1.get_child_nodes('d').length, 'd: -');
it('subgraph test 2', function(){
// // Test graph structure down.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, g.get_child_nodes('a').length, 'a has 2');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, g.get_child_nodes('b').length, 'b has 1');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', g.get_child_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b: d 1');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, g.get_child_nodes('b', dpred).length, 'b: d 2');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', g.get_child_nodes('b', 'is_a')[0].id(), 'b: d 3');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, g.get_child_nodes('d').length, 'd: -');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, g.get_child_nodes('z').length, 'z: -');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, g.get_child_nodes('x').length, 'x: -');
var sub2 = g.get_ancestor_subgraph('d', 'is_a');
// Roots.
assert.equal(false, sub2.is_root_node('a'), '! root a');
assert.equal(false, sub2.is_root_node('d'), '! root d');
assert.equal(true, sub2.is_root_node('b'), 'root b');
// Leaves.
assert.equal(1, sub2.get_leaf_nodes().length, '1 leaf');
assert.equal('d', sub2.get_leaf_nodes()[0].id(), 'd leaf');
// Graph structure up.
assert.equal(0, sub2.get_parent_nodes('b').length, 'b root');
assert.equal(1, sub2.get_parent_nodes('d').length, 'd: b');
assert.equal(0, sub2.get_parent_nodes('d', dpred).length, 'd: -');
assert.equal(1, sub2.get_parent_nodes('d', 'is_a').length, 'd: b');
// Graph structure down.
assert.equal('d', sub2.get_child_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b: d 1');
assert.equal(0, sub2.get_child_nodes('b', dpred).length, 'b: d 2');
assert.equal('d', sub2.get_child_nodes('b', 'is_a')[0].id(), 'b:d 3');
assert.equal(0, sub2.get_child_nodes('d').length, 'd: -');
// // Test edges and predicates.
// //g.add_edge(new bbop.model.edge('d', 'b', 'is_a'));
// var med = g.get_edges('d', 'b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(med.length, 1, 'one edge');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(med[0].predicate_id(), 'is_a', 'one edge is_a');
// var mrel = g.get_predicates('d', 'b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(mrel.length, 1, 'one pred');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(mrel[0], 'is_a', 'one pred is_a');
// ///
// /// Test subgraphs.
// ///
// Test cases from owltools.graph.shunt junit test cases.
describe('loading from JSON (good with Solr/GOlr)', function(){
// var sub1 = g.get_ancestor_subgraph('d');
// // Roots.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, sub1.is_root_node('a'), 'root a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, sub1.is_root_node('n'), 'root n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, sub1.is_root_node('x'), '! root x');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, sub1.get_root_nodes().length, '2 roots');
// // Leaves.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub1.get_leaf_nodes().length, '1 leaf');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', sub1.get_leaf_nodes()[0].id(), 'd leaf');
// // Graph structure up.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub1.get_parent_nodes('a').length, 'a is root');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub1.get_parent_nodes('b').length, 'b under a (1)');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('a', sub1.get_parent_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b under a (2)');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(3, sub1.get_parent_nodes('d').length, 'd: b c n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, sub1.get_parent_nodes('d', dpred).length, 'd: c n');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub1.get_parent_nodes('d', 'is_a').length, 'd: b');
// // Graph structure down.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, sub1.get_child_nodes('a').length, 'a has 2');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub1.get_child_nodes('b').length, 'b has 1');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', sub1.get_child_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b: d 1');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub1.get_child_nodes('b', dpred).length, 'b: d 2');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', sub1.get_child_nodes('b', 'is_a')[0].id(), 'b: d 3');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub1.get_child_nodes('d').length, 'd: -');
var g1 = null;
var g2 = null;
// var sub2 = g.get_ancestor_subgraph('d', 'is_a');
// // Roots.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, sub2.is_root_node('a'), '! root a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, sub2.is_root_node('d'), '! root d');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, sub2.is_root_node('b'), 'root b');
// // Leaves.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub2.get_leaf_nodes().length, '1 leaf');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', sub2.get_leaf_nodes()[0].id(), 'd leaf');
// // Graph structure up.
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub2.get_parent_nodes('b').length, 'b root');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub2.get_parent_nodes('d').length, 'd: b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub2.get_parent_nodes('d', dpred).length, 'd: -');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, sub2.get_parent_nodes('d', 'is_a').length, 'd: b');
// // Graph structure down.
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', sub2.get_child_nodes('b')[0].id(), 'b: d 1');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub2.get_child_nodes('b', dpred).length, 'b: d 2');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('d', sub2.get_child_nodes('b', 'is_a')[0].id(), 'b:d 3');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(0, sub2.get_child_nodes('d').length, 'd: -');
// Pre-run.
before(function() {
// })();
var jo = {"nodes":[{"id":"a","lbl":"A"},{"id":"b","lbl":"B"}],"edges":[{"sub":"a","obj":"b","pred":"is_a"}]};
g1 = new model.graph();
// // Check loading from JSON (good with Solr/GOlr).
// // Test cases from owltools.graph.shunt junit test cases.
// (function(){
// A bit of GO.
// Generate from:
// cd ~/local/src/svn/owltools/OWLTools-Runner
// ./bin/owltools --solr-shunt-test
var go = {"nodes":[{"id":"GO:0009987","lbl":"cellular process"},{"id":"GO:0048869","lbl":"cellular developmental process"},{"id":"GO:0048731","lbl":"system development"},{"id":"GO:0007275","lbl":"multicellular organismal development"},{"id":"GO:0030154","lbl":"cell differentiation"},{"id":"GO:0007399","lbl":"nervous system development"},{"id":"GO:0048856","lbl":"anatomical structure development"},{"id":"GO:0008150","lbl":"biological_process"},{"id":"GO:0022008","lbl":"neurogenesis"},{"id":"GO:0042063","lbl":"gliogenesis"},{"id":"GO:0032502","lbl":"developmental process"},{"id":"GO:0032501","lbl":"multicellular organismal process"},{"id":"GO:0048699","lbl":"generation of neurons"}],"edges":[{"sub":"GO:0022008","obj":"GO:0007399","pred":"part_of"},{"sub":"GO:0042063","obj":"GO:0022008","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0022008","obj":"GO:0030154","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0032501","obj":"GO:0008150","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0032502","obj":"GO:0008150","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048731","obj":"GO:0048856","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0007399","obj":"GO:0048731","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0007275","obj":"GO:0032501","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0007275","obj":"GO:0032502","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048856","obj":"GO:0032502","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048869","obj":"GO:0009987","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048699","obj":"GO:0022008","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048869","obj":"GO:0032502","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0009987","obj":"GO:0008150","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0030154","obj":"GO:0048869","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048731","obj":"GO:0007275","pred":"part_of"}]};
g2 = new model.graph();
// ///
// /// Trivial.
// ///
it('graph one okay', function(){
// var jo = {"nodes":[{"id":"a","lbl":"A"},{"id":"b","lbl":"B"}],"edges":[{"sub":"a","obj":"b","pred":"is_a"}]};
// var g1 = new bbop.model.graph();
// var result1 = g1.load_json(jo);
assert.isTrue(g1.is_root_node('b'), 'root b');
assert.isFalse(g1.is_root_node('a'), '! root a');
assert.equal('b', g1.get_parent_nodes('a')[0].id(), 'b under a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(true, g1.is_root_node('b'), 'root b');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(false, g1.is_root_node('a'), '! root a');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('b', g1.get_parent_nodes('a')[0].id(), 'b under a');
// ///
// /// A bit of GO.
// /// Generate from:
// /// cd ~/local/src/svn/owltools/OWLTools-Runner
// /// ./bin/owltools --solr-shunt-test
// ///
it('graph two okay', function(){
var leaves = g2.get_child_nodes('GO:0022008');
assert.equal(leaves.length, 2, 'two children for GO:0022008');
var leaf1 = leaves[0];
var leaf2 = leaves[1];
assert.includeMembers(['GO:0042063', 'GO:0048699'], [],
'either of the two kids (1)');
assert.includeMembers(['GO:0042063', 'GO:0048699'], [],
'either of the two kids (2)');
'the children are different');
assert.equal(g2.get_child_nodes('GO:0022008', 'part_of').length, 0,
'no part_of kids');
assert.equal(g2.get_child_nodes('GO:0022008', 'is_a').length, 2,
'two is_a kids');
// var go = {"nodes":[{"id":"GO:0009987","lbl":"cellular process"},{"id":"GO:0048869","lbl":"cellular developmental process"},{"id":"GO:0048731","lbl":"system development"},{"id":"GO:0007275","lbl":"multicellular organismal development"},{"id":"GO:0030154","lbl":"cell differentiation"},{"id":"GO:0007399","lbl":"nervous system development"},{"id":"GO:0048856","lbl":"anatomical structure development"},{"id":"GO:0008150","lbl":"biological_process"},{"id":"GO:0022008","lbl":"neurogenesis"},{"id":"GO:0042063","lbl":"gliogenesis"},{"id":"GO:0032502","lbl":"developmental process"},{"id":"GO:0032501","lbl":"multicellular organismal process"},{"id":"GO:0048699","lbl":"generation of neurons"}],"edges":[{"sub":"GO:0022008","obj":"GO:0007399","pred":"part_of"},{"sub":"GO:0042063","obj":"GO:0022008","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0022008","obj":"GO:0030154","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0032501","obj":"GO:0008150","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0032502","obj":"GO:0008150","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048731","obj":"GO:0048856","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0007399","obj":"GO:0048731","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0007275","obj":"GO:0032501","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0007275","obj":"GO:0032502","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048856","obj":"GO:0032502","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048869","obj":"GO:0009987","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048699","obj":"GO:0022008","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048869","obj":"GO:0032502","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0009987","obj":"GO:0008150","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0030154","obj":"GO:0048869","pred":"is_a"},{"sub":"GO:0048731","obj":"GO:0007275","pred":"part_of"}]};
describe('failing case from the taxslim', function(){
// var g2 = new bbop.model.graph();
// var result2 = g2.load_json(go);
// Pre-run.
before(function() {
// var leaves = g2.get_child_nodes('GO:0022008');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, leaves.length, 'two children for GO:0022008');
it('check', function(){
// var leaf1 = leaves[0];
// var leaf2 = leaves[1];
// mr_t.is_in_list(, ['GO:0042063', 'GO:0048699'],
// 'either of the two kids (1)');
// mr_t.is_in_list(, ['GO:0042063', 'GO:0048699'],
// 'either of the two kids (2)');
// mr_t.is_different_atom(,,
// 'the children are different');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(g2.get_child_nodes('GO:0022008', 'part_of').length,
// 0, 'no part_of kids');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(g2.get_child_nodes('GO:0022008', 'is_a').length,
// 2, 'two is_a kids');
// })();
var tax =
{"nodes": [
{"id":"NCBITaxon:33154","lbl":"Fungi/Metazoa group"},
{"id":"NCBITaxon:131567","lbl":"cellular organisms"},
"edges": [
var g = new model.graph();
var result2 = g.load_json(tax);
assert.isTrue(g.is_complete(), 'tax is complete');
var leaves = g.get_child_nodes('NCBITaxon:89593');
assert.equal(2, leaves.length, 'two children for NCBITaxon:89593');
var root_kids = g.get_child_nodes('NCBITaxon:1');
assert.equal(1, root_kids.length, 'one kid for root');
assert.equal('NCBITaxon:131567', root_kids[0].id(),
'and the one root kid is NCBITaxon:131567');
describe('roundtrip', function(){
// // Here is a failing case from the taxslim
// (function(){
// Pre-run.
before(function() {
// var tax =
// {"nodes":
// [
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:33316","lbl":"Coelomata"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:2759","lbl":"Eukaryota"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:117565","lbl":"Hyperotreti"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:33154","lbl":"Fungi/Metazoa group"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:1","lbl":"root"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:7742","lbl":"Vertebrata"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:7711","lbl":"Chordata"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:89593","lbl":"Craniata"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:6072","lbl":"Eumetazoa"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:131567","lbl":"cellular organisms"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:33511","lbl":"Deuterostomia"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:33213","lbl":"Bilateria"},
// {"id":"NCBITaxon:33208","lbl":"Metazoa"}
// ],
// "edges":
// [
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:33208","obj":"NCBITaxon:33154","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:33154","obj":"NCBITaxon:2759","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:6072","obj":"NCBITaxon:33208","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:33316","obj":"NCBITaxon:33213","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:2759","obj":"NCBITaxon:131567","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:89593","obj":"NCBITaxon:7711","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:33511","obj":"NCBITaxon:33316","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:7711","obj":"NCBITaxon:33511","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:33213","obj":"NCBITaxon:6072","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:7742","obj":"NCBITaxon:89593","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:131567","obj":"NCBITaxon:1","pred":"is_a"},
// {"sub":"NCBITaxon:117565","obj":"NCBITaxon:89593","pred":"is_a"}
// ]
// };
it('original obj and json', function(){
var simp = {"nodes":[{"id":"a","lbl":"A"},{"id":"b","lbl":"B"}],"edges":[{"sub":"a","obj":"b","pred":"is_a"}]};
var g = new model.graph();
var l = g.load_json(simp);
var r = g.to_json();
assert.deepEqual(simp, r, 'round trip');
// var g = new bbop.model.graph();
// var result2 = g.load_json(tax);
// mr_t.is_true(g.is_complete(), 'tax is complete');
// var leaves = g.get_child_nodes('NCBITaxon:89593');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(2, leaves.length, 'two children for NCBITaxon:89593');
// var root_kids = g.get_child_nodes('NCBITaxon:1');
// mr_t.is_same_atom(1, root_kids.length, 'one kid for root');
// mr_t.is_same_atom('NCBITaxon:131567', root_kids[0].id(),
// 'and the one root kid is NCBITaxon:131567');
// })();
// // Here is a failing case from the taxslim
// // TODO: Cannot test until I get a better object testing function.
// (function(){
// var simp = {"nodes":[{"id":"a","lbl":"A"},{"id":"b","lbl":"B"}],"edges":[{"sub":"a","obj":"b","pred":"is_a"}]};
// var g = new bbop.model.graph();
// var l = g.load_json(simp);
// var r = g.to_json();
// //mr_t.is_same_hash(simp, r, 'round trip');
// //var dump = bbop.core.dump;
// });

@@ -8,7 +8,2 @@ ////

// Remember, we are running from the project root, so relative to
// there (?).
var go_nodes = require('./go.nodes.json');
var go_edges = require('./go.edges.json');

@@ -20,3 +15,15 @@ /// Start unit testing.

var go_nodes = null;
var go_edges = null;
// Pre-run.
before(function() {
// Remember, we are running from the project root, so relative
// to there (?).
go_nodes = require('./go.nodes.json');
go_edges = require('./go.edges.json');
it('all good', function(){
this.timeout(30000); // 30s

@@ -23,0 +30,0 @@ // Global testing graph.

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