Safely evaluate a JavaScript-like expression in given context.
In Buttonwood, we heavily use meta-data (JSON format) to deliver business logic from backend to front-end. We don't want to design a meta-data format too complex to maintain, this tool allows us to define some light logic in pure string, way more flexible than rigid meta-data, much safer and more maintainable than passing js function as string (we did that) from backend to front-end.
This tool was mainly extracted, modified and extended from the expression parser of aurelia-binding.
npm install --save bcx-expression-evaluator
function evaluate(expression, context, helper, opts)
: the expression string to be evaluatedcontext
: the input model objecthelper
: optional helper objectopts
: optional hashmap, currently only support rejectAssignment
and stringInterpolationMode
rejects assignment in expressionstringInterpolationMode
treats the whole expression like if it's in backticks `expression`
function evaluateStringInterpolation
is a short-cut to call evaluate with stringInterpolationMode option.
Usage (in es6 syntax)
import {evaluate, evaluateStringInterpolation} from 'bcx-expression-evaluator';
const context = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: {
one: 'one',
two: 'two'
avg: function() { return (this.a + this.b) / 2; }
evaluate('avg() > a ? c.one : c.two', context);
use some helper
const helper = {
limit: 5,
sum: (v1, v2) => v1 + v2
evaluate('sum(a, b) > limit', context, helper);
access context object itself with special $this
evaluate('$this', context);
evaluate('$this.a', context);
explicitly access helper object with special $parent
(carried over from aurelia-binding, might change $parent to $helper in future releases.)
evaluate('a', {a:1}, {a:2});
evaluate('$this.a', {a:1}, {a:2});
evaluate('$parent.a', {a:1}, {a:2});
support es6 string interpolation
evaluate('`${a+1}`', {a:1});
You can evaluate a string interpolation without backtick "`"
evaluate('${a+1}', {a:1}, null, {stringInterpolationMode: true});
evaluateStringInterpolation('${a+1}', {a:1});
You don't have to escape backtick in stringInterpolationMode
evaluate('`\\`${a+1}\\``', {a:1});
evaluate('`${a+1}`', {a:1}, null, {stringInterpolationMode: true});
evaluateStringInterpolation('`${a+1}`', {a:1});
safe. It is not an eval in JavaScript, doesn't have access to global JavaScript objects
evaluate('parseInt(a, 10)', {a:"7"})
evaluate('parseInt(a, 10)', {a:"7"}, {parseInt: parseInt})
silent most of the time
evaluate('a.b', {})
evaluate('a.b || c', {c: 'lorem'})
you can use assignment to mutate context object (or even helper object)
let obj = {a: 1, b: 2};
evaluate('a = 3', obj);
evaluate('b > 3 ? (a = true) : (a = false)', obj);
disable assignment if you don't need it
This doesn't eliminate side effect, it would not prevent any function you called in bcx-expression to mutate something.
evaluate('a=1', {a:0}, null, {rejectAssignment: true});
Difference from real JavaScript expression
bcx-expression looks like JavaScript expression, but there are some difference.
wrong reference results undefined instead of error
let obj = {a: 1};
evaluate('b.a', obj);
default result for +/- operators
Behaviour carried over from aurelia-binding.
undefined + 1
1 + undefined
null + 1
1 + null
undefined + undefined
null + null
evaluate('undefined + 1');
evaluate('1 + undefined');
evaluate('null + 1');
evaluate('1 + null');
evaluate('undefined + undefined');
evaluate('null + null');
no function expression
(function(){return 1})()
(() => 1)()
arr.sort((a, b) => a > b)
no regular expression support
Regex syntax is too complex to be supported for our AST (abstract syntax tree).
One way to bypass this is to supply regex literal in helper object.
evaluate('tester.test(str)', {str: '%'}, {tester: /\w/});
some JavaScript operators would not work
, instanceof
, delete
would not work, because bcx-expression is not real JavaScript.