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Pipe any file through any binary with webpack.
Usage Examples
- You could transform any
to .mp3
using ffmpeg - You could transform any
to single JPGs ImageMagick - This list could go on indefinitely...
$ npm install bin-exec-loader --save
In your webpack.config.js
add the bin-exec-loader
Let's say you would like to use imagemagick convert
to scale all your images down by 50%
In plain bash you would do like this:
$ convert input/image.png -resize 50% output/image.png
Then if you wish to execute the same command but as a webpack-loader you would do:
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'file-loader', options: { name: '[name].[ext]' } },
loader: 'bin-exec-loader',
options: {
binary: 'convert',
prefix: '-',
export: false,
emitFile: false,
args: {
$1: '[input]',
resize: '50%',
$2: '[output]'
You can also set dynamic args like this:
const smallImage = require('./test/sample-files/sample.png?resize=50%25')
test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
loader: 'bin-exec-loader',
options: {
binary: 'convert',
prefix: '-',
args: {
$1: '[input]',
resize: '[resize]',
$2: '[output]'
if your binary produces multiple outputs you can grab those like this:
convert each page of a pdf to jpg and retrieve an array of paths as result
test: /\.pdf$/,
loader: 'bin-exec-loader',
options: {
binary: 'convert',
prefix: '-',
multiple: true,
emitFile: /\d\.jpg$/
name: '[name].jpg'
args: {
$1: '[input]',
$2: '[output]'
How about a loader over http? optimizing your image using tinypng api?
$ curl --user api:YOUR_API_KEY --data-binary @unoptimized.png
test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
use: 'bin-exec-loader',
options: {
binary: 'curl',
export: true,
args: {
user: 'api:YOUR_API_KEY',
dataBinary: '@[input]',
$0: ''
Then in some file in your bundle..
const file = require('some-file.png')
You can also chain it with pretty much with any loader, you just need to understand the use of the option export, e.g: in the example above you could also archive the same result chaining it with json-loader
test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'json-loader' },
loader: 'bin-exec-loader',
options: {
binary: 'curl',
args: {
user: 'api:YOUR_API_KEY',
dataBinary: '@[input]',
$0: ''
Options | Type | Default | Description |
binary | string | - | The binary you want to execute, could be a string to some executable available in your PATH or a npm module. |
export | boolean | false | Determines if the output should be read from the [output] placeholder or it should be exported as a module.exports = data |
quote | boolean | false | Whether the params should be wrapped with quotes --param "one" |
equals | boolean | false | Whether the params should be assigned with a equal sign --param=one |
emitFile | boolean|regExp | true | Whether if the output should be emitted |
name | string | [name].[ext] | The output file name, you can use [name] ,[hash] ,[ext] and for images only: [width] , [height] |
prefix | string|function | standard | The prefix used to on the args key. standard will act like most CLI does, single letter gets - more than one gets -- |
enable | boolean | true | Enable/Disable this loader, good to use when you don't want to run it on process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' for example. |
cache | boolean | true | Tell webpack if the output of this loader should be cached. |
multiple | boolean | false |
Determine if the binary will produce multiple outputs. If true the result will always be an array of path of the resulting files. you can control what gets emitted with using emitFile: regExp
args | object | {} |
The args you want to invoke your command with.
$ will be replaced - $0...N will be removed. e.g { $2: "hello" } will become my-cli hello
You can also use [input] and [output] on the values as placeholders for the the real resource path.
e.g { $0:"[input]" } will become open an/absolute/path/file.extension
To run the tests locally it's necessary to have installed ImageMagick and GhostScript
MIT © Rafael Milewski