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binance-api-node - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.4 to 0.5.5


"name": "binance-api-node",
"version": "0.5.4",
"version": "0.5.5",
"description": "A node API wrapper for Binance",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist",

@@ -0,79 +1,187 @@

// tslint:disable:interface-name
declare module 'binance-api-node' {
export default function(options?: { apiKey: string; apiSecret: string }): Binance
export default function (options?: { apiKey: string; apiSecret: string }): Binance;
export interface Account {
balances: Array<AssetBalance>
buyerCommission: number
canDeposit: boolean
canTrade: boolean
canWithdraw: boolean
makerCommission: number
sellerCommission: number
takerCommission: number
updateTime: number
export interface Account {
balances: AssetBalance[];
buyerCommission: number;
canDeposit: boolean;
canTrade: boolean;
canWithdraw: boolean;
makerCommission: number;
sellerCommission: number;
takerCommission: number;
updateTime: number;
export interface AssetBalance {
asset: string
free: string
locked: string
export interface AssetBalance {
asset: string;
free: string;
locked: string;
export interface Binance {
accountInfo(): Promise<Account>
order(options: NewOrder): Promise<Order>
prices(): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }>
time(): Promise<number>
export interface Binance {
accountInfo(): Promise<Account>;
order(options: NewOrder): Promise<Order>;
prices(): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }>;
time(): Promise<number>;
ws: WebSocket;
export interface NewOrder {
icebergQty?: string
newClientOrderId?: string
price?: string
quantity: string
recvWindow?: number
side: OrderSide
stopPrice?: string
symbol: string
timeInForce?: TimeInForce
type: OrderType
export interface WebSocket {
depth: (pair: string, callback: (depth: Depth) => void) => Function;
partialDepth: (options: { symbol: string, level: number }, callback: (depth: PartialDepth) => void) => Function;
ticker: (pair: string, callback: (ticker: Ticker) => void) => Function;
allTickers: (callback: (tickers: Ticker[]) => void) => Function;
candles: (pair: string, period: string, callback: (ticker: Candle) => void) => Function;
trades: (pairs: string[], callback: (trade: Trade) => void) => Function;
user: ( callback: (msg: Message) => void) => Function;
interface Order {
clientOrderId: string
executedQty: string
icebergQty?: string
orderId: number
origQty: string
price: string
side: OrderSide
status: OrderStatus
stopPrice?: string
symbol: string
timeInForce: TimeInForce
transactTime: number
type: OrderType
export interface NewOrder {
icebergQty?: string;
newClientOrderId?: string;
price?: string;
quantity: string;
recvWindow?: number;
side: OrderSide;
stopPrice?: string;
symbol: string;
timeInForce?: TimeInForce;
type: OrderType;
export type OrderSide = 'BUY' | 'SELL'
interface Order {
clientOrderId: string;
executedQty: string;
icebergQty?: string;
orderId: number;
origQty: string;
price: string;
side: OrderSide;
status: OrderStatus;
stopPrice?: string;
symbol: string;
timeInForce: TimeInForce;
transactTime: number;
type: OrderType;
export type OrderStatus =
| 'NEW'
export type OrderSide = 'BUY' | 'SELL';
export type OrderType =
export type OrderStatus =
| 'NEW'
export type TimeInForce = 'GTC' | 'IOC'
export type OrderType =
export type TimeInForce = 'GTC' | 'IOC';
interface Depth {
eventType: string;
eventTime: number;
symbol: string;
updateId: number;
bidDepth: BidDepth[];
askDepth: BidDepth[];
interface BidDepth {
price: string;
quantity: string;
interface PartialDepth {
symbol: string;
level: number;
bids: Bid[];
asks: Bid[];
interface Bid {
price: string;
quantity: string;
interface Ticker {
eventType: string;
eventTime: number;
symbol: string;
priceChange: string;
priceChangePercent: string;
weightedAvg: string;
prevDayClose: string;
curDayClose: string;
closeTradeQuantity: string;
bestBid: string;
bestBidQnt: string;
bestAsk: string;
bestAskQnt: string;
open: string;
high: string;
low: string;
volume: string;
volumeQuote: string;
openTime: number;
closeTime: number;
firstTradeId: number;
lastTradeId: number;
totalTrades: number;
interface Candle {
eventType: string;
eventTime: number;
symbol: string;
startTime: number;
closeTime: number;
firstTradeId: number;
lastTradeId: number;
open: string;
high: string;
low: string;
close: string;
volume: string;
trades: number;
interval: string;
isFinal: boolean;
quoteVolume: string;
buyVolume: string;
quoteBuyVolume: string;
interface Trade {
eventType: string;
eventTime: number;
symbol: string;
price: string;
quantity: string;
maker: boolean;
tradeId: number;
interface Message {
eventType: string;
eventTime: number;
balances: Balances;
interface Balances {
[key: string]: {
available: string;
locked: string;
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