A simple Javascript library to append and prepend up to 25 bits at a time to a bitstream. It will group bits together into bytes whenever possible. Useful for compression and stream algorithms. More documentation and a lot of information about this project is available here.
npm install bitconcat
bower install bitconcat
<script src="bitconcat.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Begin by creating an instance of bitconcat.
var bitconcat = require("bitconcat");
var bc = new bitconcat();
That instance can now be thought of as the efficient, mathematical equivalent of a string containing ones and zeroes.
Now append or prepend data to it:
bc.append(9, 4);
That appends 1001 to the stream. That's 4 bits, repesenting the number 9 in binary.
Our string would be "1001".
bc.prepend(15, 4);
Now the instance contains 11111001, which is enough to form a full byte. getData() is used to retrieve all the available full bytes.
Calling pad() will append just enough zeroes to create an additional full byte, only if there's a number of bits not divisible by 8.
getNbBits() returns the number of bits in the instance.
Note: Due to Javascript's limitations, it is not possible to append or prepend more than 25 bits at a time without losing data. Call prepend() and append() multiple times instead.
Note: For optimal performance, when prepending bits, only call getData() once after prepending everything. Basically, do not alternate between calling prepend() and getData().
bc = new bitconcat();
bc.append(46, 6);
bc.append(5, 4);
bc.append(0, 4);
bc.append(819, 10);
The instance now contains 24 bits (6+4+4+10). Calling getData() will return an array containing 3 bytes.
A lot more examples and documentation is available here.