Bitcore Client
A helper to create a wallet using the bitcore-v8 infrastructure.
This repo should allow you to create a wallet using the bitcore-v8 infrastructure.
Currently we have the following features
- Wallet Creation
- Importing Addresses to the Wallet
- View Only
- Send Enabled by including the privKey
- Instant balance checking
- Transaction Creation
- Transaction Signing
- Transaction Broadcasting
- Multi-Sig address derive/importing
Wallet Create
No baseUrl flag will automatically create a wallet that points to
./wallet-create --name TestWalletBTC --chain BTC --network mainnet
To create a wallet to point to local bitcore-node.
./wallet-create --name myregtestwallet --chain BCH --network regtest --baseUrl http://localhost:3000/api
Register an Existing Wallet
Register an existing wallet to point to custom Bitcore API url.
./wallet-register --name myregtestwallet --baseUrl
Or a local Bitcore-node
./wallet-register --name myregtestwallet --baseUrl http://localhost:3000/api
Wallet Address Import
You can import a jsonl file. privKey and pubKey are optional.
If you provide privKey, pubKey must be provided as well.
{"address": "mXy1234", privKey: "xxxxxxx", pubKey: "yyyyyyyy"}
{"address": "mXy1234", privKey: "xxxxxxx", pubKey: "yyyyyyyy"}
{"address": "mXy1234", privKey: "xxxxxxx", pubKey: "yyyyyyyy"}
./wallet-import --name TestWalletBTC --file ~/Desktop/export.jsonl
You can also import an address in json format in the command line.
./wallet-import --name myregtestwallet --parse '[{"address":"mXy1234"}]'
Balance Checking
./wallet-balance --name TestWalletBTC
Balance Checking at Specific Date or Time
./wallet-balance --name TestWalletBTC --time 01-15-2019
Valid types of time (no slash marks allowed):
"Wed Jan 16 2019 13:34:20 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)"
Wallet UTXOS
./bin/wallet-utxos --name TestWalletBTC
Transaction Creation
./bin/wallet-tx --addresses '[{"address": "moVf5Rf1r4Dn3URQHumEzvq3vtrFbaRvNr", "satoshis": 2500000000}]' --fee 100 --utxos '[{"txid":"28321f501ce47db1fd40d9ad461624bf9fe6cb581ac0177d17304ff128b86d61","vout":0,"address":"mhwfzHhBdpUKLTzGkUEUpJWa3ipTYZHjF8","script":"21033a3c1aa3fb35e07fe7ff44423c8d378c2d4610ffac8b08c4e6747d7573566937ac","value":5000000000}]' --change "mz21R16FYXfA6G4EJdCrTsduvX9BHHecvv" --name TestWalletBTC --amount 2500000000
Transaction Signing
./bin/wallet-sign --name TestWalletBTC --tx 0100000001616db828f14f30177d17c01a58cbe69fbf241646add940fdb17de41c501f32280000000000ffffffff0200f90295000000001976a914578237b9848cc709ced0e098417e0494415add1488ac9cf80295000000001976a914caf0ee682de3daa9b3640da1f6d47cc04ce2c99e88ac00000000
Transaction Broadcast
./bin/wallet-broadcast --name TestWalletBTC --tx 0100000001616db828f14f30177d17c01a58cbe69fbf241646add940fdb17de41c501f32280000000048473044022052cf595274c422c37d140989c8cc31c95b39d326b5eac8d4feb8bcceebdebc3f02205635c798c24ae1d44d0871e6938dbfd76293e695131d890838654816f28b942401ffffffff0200f90295000000001976a914578237b9848cc709ced0e098417e0494415add1488ac9cf80295000000001976a914caf0ee682de3daa9b3640da1f6d47cc04ce2c99e88ac00000000
Paypro Payment
./bin/wallet-paypro --name TestWalletBTC --payProUri ''
See on the main bitcore repo for information about how to contribute.
Code released under the MIT license.
Copyright 2013-2019 BitPay, Inc. Bitcore is a trademark maintained by BitPay, Inc.