This is an implementation of Facebook's invariant()
function built on top of Boom, a library for constructing error
objects with HTTP status codes. Usage and behavior are similar to the original, but with two noteworthy changes:
- Error messages are not formatted for you. You should use ES6 template literals to format your error message when calling the function.
- The third argument is an optional HTTP status code. By default the status code is
400 Bad Request
If you're using npm
npm i --save boom-invariant
If you're using yarn
yarn add boom-invariant`
invariant(someCondition, 'Uh oh! Condition was not met!');
invariant(someCondition, 'Uh oh! Condition was not met because I\'m a teapot!', 418);
Or if you don't enjoy recalling HTTP status codes:
invariant(someCondition, 'Uh oh! I can\'t find the resource!', Boom.notFound);
Note that the error message argument is required.