5.0.0-alpha1 (2020-06-22)
- alerts: dismissible alerts height (a86753e
- alerts: icon sizes and alignment (a36c058)
- alerts: new variant for close icon in alerts (1da0abe)
- alerts: Orange branded :tada: (772d3da)
- badges: proper alignments and spacings (d93f738)
- badge: add sizes variants to badges and include a white info version when badge is large enough (859cc5e)
- badge: improve sizes variants' spacings (33b52e6)
- badge: restore Bootstrap defaults and unset letter-spacing (75ffee5)
- breadcrumb: matching the brand (8d9c6fa)
<summary>Button group</summary>
- button-group: Orange branded :tada: (3ec1cc6)
- button-group: ensure active and focus buttons displays outlines (68bc83b)
- buttons: ensure text is centered (aefea46)
- buttons: enhance focus with box-shadow alongside outline-offset (a66c567)
- buttons: Orange branded :tada: (c06e355)
- modal: Orange branded :tada: (7117d47)
- modal: get Bootstrap modal sizes back (7c377bc)
<summary>Close button</summary>
- close: Orange branded :tada: (2dab62d)
- close button: use Zeplin's defined cross for close button (332f4f3)
- close icon: get outline back on :hover (7deafac)
- form-checks: needed some tweaks after pulling Bootstrap's master (1e78211)
- forms: drop .form-control-sm leftover (00789c2)
- forms: feedback message should be small (cca3f1c)
- forms: remove label color change depending on status for #249 (f4a1b8d)
- forms: convey status using icon in feedback message to stop relying on color only, for #249 (95e6f6c)
- forms: custom select arrow sizing+position (3ac4187)
- forms: custom switch icons sizing+alignment (a2a2ffe)
- forms: get background-image back for custom checkboxes (edfdded)
- forms: get rid of form-*-sm things, forbidden by the brand (8d41b61)
- forms: labels positionning (5be3b52)
- forms: Orange branded :tada: (7c71cff)
- forms: remove info icon from invalid custom select (a4c82db)
- navbar: ensure logo's hit target is properly setup for master logo (de81a44)
- navbar: get padding back on containers (b7fe932)
- navbar: h2 → h6 unecessary in .navbar-brand (190e1ef)
- navbar: Orange branded :tada: (9bcbab0)
- navbar: restore navbar color schemes (fdf17a1)
- navs: Orange branded :tada: (3ac8c25)
- navs: Orange branded nav-tabs :tada: (af93f30)
- pagination: improve focus styles (e14c2dd)
- pagination: need at least intial size for #283 (aedf246)
- pagination: Orange branded :tada: (108e17c)
- pagination: remove pagination size variants forbidden by Orange Brand for #283 (cf70027)
- tables: more precise line-heights (553cb10)
- tables: vertical spacings were wrong (02c7b9a)
- tables: missing unit in table-cell-padding (acaf48a)
- tables: ensure tables match Orange Digital Guidelines (af31c78)
- tables: remove .thead-{dark|light} variants (dcd2bbd)
- tables: remove bordered+borderless tables (5c06087)
- tables: remove contextual classes for tables (3158486)
- tables: remove striped rows tables (38767c2)
- tables: remove table variants forbidden by Orange Brand for #283 (1ed8b39)
- tables: removed .table-lg and adjust default+sm sizes (ce13796)
- tables: simplify tables CSS and adjust sizings (1b3e641)
<summary>Other components</summary>
- cards: Orange branded :tada: (6340954)
- carousel: Orange branded :tada: (e90edb8)
- collapse: Orange branded :tada: (ee8b3ef)
- dropdowns: Orange branded :tada: (b0194a7)
- list group: Orange branded :tada: (0d90508)
- popovers: Orange branded :tada: (9c157f0)
- progress: Orange branded :tada: (c31b8ab)
- spinners: Orange branded :tada: (45bb26c)
- toasts: Orange branded :tada: (8f073ff)
- tooltips: Orange branded :tada: (090ad2a)
<summary>Deep branding</summary>
- fonts: use Helvetica Neue and document all the things (20ef6b9)
- type: set Orange's typescale (ea16528)
<summary>Colors and contrasts</summary>
- color-yiq: missing primary exception for Boosted… (a3e272f)
- contrast threshold: 4.5 instead of 3 (ed6aba7)
- color-yiq: use @ysds lookup table instead of pow polyfill (d07c67b)
- colored links: restrict to primary and light, and ensure contrasts (104e43c)
- colors: improve .text-body & .text-muted utilities to ensure proper contrasts, to close #274 (0d62c74)
- colors: lock color & background-color together in utilities, and use supporting colours for background utilities (5998d6a)
- colors: remove .text-{success|info|warning|danger} utilities (1ecdbe0)
- contrasts: set min-contrast-ratio to 4.5 (357448f)
<summary>Focus visibility</summary>
- focus-visible: default enhanced focus styles using outline-offset (0ab40fb)
- focus-visible: drop outline removals everywhere (982dcec)
- focus-visible: forms focus styles, almost matching v4-dev (a0522ea)
- focus-visible: increase focus visibility everywhere (7b4e6b3)
- focus-visible: raw implementation (64ad4b6)
- focus-visible: cleaner import (4175671)
- text: ensure reset-text() mixin uses our base letter-spacing (838c802)
- text-muted: opacity applies to children, which is undesired (a11fb13)
- utilities: ensure .lh-lg is bigger than .lh-base (bf85bd6)
- utilities: ensure transparent/inherit are avoided in utility generation when locking background w foreground (601b110)
- utilities: supporting colour for danger used to be purple, not pink (5bc6fee)
- utilities: remove useless aliases (d002cb3)
- bg-utilities: .bg-{success|warning|danger|info} now uses supporting colours instead of functionnal ones (f2b11dd)
- border-radius: ensure .rounded-circle interop with BS, thus prevent everything from being rounded… in #283 (b88a4ab)
- borders: add .border-sm utility (df95392)
- borders: add missing border utilities to match the brand (85e1bb7)
- utilities: add border-color utilities, looping through grays (bcd4b62)
- utilities: amend documentation for border-colors, including grays (5639866)
- utilities: remove .text-uppercase utility forbidden by Orange Brand for #283 (05c9bfa)
- utilities: remove border-radius utilities and values forbidden by Orange Brand for #283 (a94291b)
- utilities: remove box-shadow utilities and values forbidden by Orange Brand for #283 (fe3dfa4)
- utilities: remove font-weight utilities forbidden by Orange Brand for #283 (540ae47)
- variables: duplicated value made variable unused (67b0855)
- variables: unused -shadow-lg for #283 (b45e7b0)
- variables: apply Boosted variables, nullify unused Bootstrap ones — compiling without components for now (ab43d22)
- variables: comment unused variables — forbidden by Orange Brand — for #283 (82d844b)
- variables: use Boosted v4 values and make it compile + pass linter (56f9077)
- docs: linter for application.js (34ddf32)
- docs: main script was calling bootstrap instead of boosted (7217297)