Bootstrap Class Props
A decorator which adds props like textMuted
to components
With external components
import addBootstrapClassProps from 'bootstrap-class-props';
import SomeExistingComponent from './MyComponent';
export default addBootstrapClassProps(SomeExistingComponent);
With components defined in the file
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import addBootstrapClassProps from 'bootstrap-class-props';
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
static propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string, // make sure your component accepts a className propType
Now, MyComponent
and SomeExistingComponent
have props like bgSuccess
, etc. These props, if present and truthy,
add the appropriate className to the component.
Help! It's not working with a particular component
Make sure the component accepts a className
Full list of props and utility classes
The keys in this object are the prop names. The values are the classes applied.
"textMuted": "text-muted",
"textPrimary": "text-primary",
"textSuccess": "text-success",
"textInfo": "text-info",
"textWarning": "text-warning",
"textDanger": "text-danger",
"bgPrimary": "bg-primary",
"bgSuccess": "bg-success",
"bgInfo": "bg-info",
"bgWarning": "bg-warning",
"bgDanger": "bg-danger",
"pullLeft": "pull-left",
"pullRight": "pull-right",
"navbarLeft": "navbar-left",
"navbarRight": "navbar-right",
"centerBlock": "center-block",
"clearfix": "clearfix",
"invisible": "invisible",
"srOnly": "sr-only",
"srOnlyFocusable": "sr-only sr-only-focusable",
"textHide": "text-hide",
"visibleXsBlock": "visible-xs-block",
"visibleXsInline": "visible-xs-inline",
"visibleXsInlineBlock": "visible-xs-inline-block",
"hiddenXs": "hidden-xs",
"visibleSmBlock": "visible-sm-block",
"visibleSmInline": "visible-sm-inline",
"visibleSmInlineBlock": "visible-sm-inline-block",
"hiddenSm": "hidden-sm",
"visibleMdBlock": "visible-md-block",
"visibleMdInline": "visible-md-inline",
"visibleMdInlineBlock": "visible-md-inline-block",
"hiddenMd": "hidden-md",
"visibleLgBlock": "visible-lg-block",
"visibleLgInline": "visible-lg-inline",
"visibleLgInlineBlock": "visible-lg-inline-block",
"hiddenLg": "hidden-lg",
"visiblePrintBlock": "visible-print-block",
"visiblePrintInline": "visible-print-inline",
"visiblePrintInlineBlock": "visible-print-inline-block",
"hiddenPrint": "hidden-print",
"textLeft": "text-left",
"textCenter": "text-center",
"textRight": "text-right",
"textJustify": "text-justify",
"textNowrap": "text-nowrap",
"textLowercase": "text-lowercase",
"textUppercase": "text-uppercase",
"textCapitalize": "text-capitalize",
"initialism": "initialism"
My favorite bootstrap classes are omitted!
I omitted classes like show
, hidden
, caret
and close
because they are way too generic and will conflict with existing props.
I omitted classes like lead
, blockquote-reverse
, etc. because they are too component-specific.
If you want to add these back, a future release will give you that ability!
- Expose an easy way of adding props for classes you custom-defined.
- Tests
- Typescript bindings?
Please, feel free to reach out and contribute!