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bplustree - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.2 to 2.0.0




@@ -1,11 +0,3 @@

'use strict';
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
/** Class representing a B+ Tree. */
var BPlusTree = function () {
class BPlusTree {

@@ -17,16 +9,8 @@ * @param {Object} options

function BPlusTree() {
var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
_ref$order = _ref.order,
order = _ref$order === undefined ? 6 : _ref$order,
_ref$debug = _ref.debug,
debug = _ref$debug === undefined ? false : _ref$debug,
_ref$cmpFn = _ref.cmpFn,
cmpFn = _ref$cmpFn === undefined ? function (a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
} : _ref$cmpFn;
order = 6,
debug = false,
cmpFn = (a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0 // eslint-disable-line
_classCallCheck(this, BPlusTree);
// eslint-disable-line
} = {}) {
this.order = order;

@@ -39,2 +23,3 @@ this.debug = debug;

this.minKeys = Math.ceil(this.order / 2);

@@ -44,6 +29,9 @@ this.maxKeys = this.order - 1;

this.numVals = 0;
this.tree = { t: 'leaf', k: [], v: [], n: null };
this.tree = {
t: 'leaf',
k: [],
v: [],
n: null

@@ -60,477 +48,452 @@ * Get a {k1: v1, k2: v2, ...} object representing the stored data

_createClass(BPlusTree, [{
key: 'repr',
value: function repr() {
var _ref2 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
_ref2$root = _ref2.root,
root = _ref2$root === undefined ? this.tree : _ref2$root,
_ref2$getKeys = _ref2.getKeys,
getKeys = _ref2$getKeys === undefined ? false : _ref2$getKeys,
_ref2$getValues = _ref2.getValues,
getValues = _ref2$getValues === undefined ? false : _ref2$getValues,
_ref2$descending = _ref2.descending,
descending = _ref2$descending === undefined ? false : _ref2$descending;
getKeys = false,
getValues = false,
descending = false
} = {}) {
const tree = root || this.tree;
let resultArray = [];
const resultObject = {};
var tree = root;
var result = getKeys || getValues ? [] : {};
function walk(node) {
if (node.t === 'branch') {
var kids = node.v;
for (var i = 0, kl = kids.length; i < kl; i++) {
function walk(node) {
if (node.t === 'branch') {
const kids = node.v;
for (let i = 0, kl = kids.length; i < kl; i++) {
} else if (node.t === 'leaf') {
for (let i = 0, nkl = node.k.length; i < nkl; i++) {
if (getKeys) {
} else if (getValues) {
} else {
resultObject[node.k[i]] = node.v[i];
} else if (node.t === 'leaf') {
for (var _i = 0, nkl = node.k.length; _i < nkl; _i++) {
if (getKeys) {
} else if (getValues) {
} else {
result[node.k[_i]] = node.v[_i];
var out = result.length && Array.isArray(result[0]) ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([], result) : result;
if ((getKeys || getValues) && descending) {
return out.reverse();
return out;
walk(tree); // if (Array.isArra)
if (resultArray.length && resultArray[0].length) {
resultArray = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], resultArray);
* Get all values between keys `lowerBound` and `upperBound`
* @param {number} lowerBound
* @param {number} upperBound
* @param {Object} options
* @param {boolean} [options.descending=false] - Get it reversed (only works if options.keys or options.values)
* @return {Values[]} A flat array of values, or empty array.
if (resultArray.length && descending) {
return resultArray.reverse();
}, {
key: 'fetchRange',
value: function fetchRange(lowerBound, upperBound) {
var _ref3 = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {},
_ref3$descending = _ref3.descending,
descending = _ref3$descending === undefined ? false : _ref3$descending;
if (resultArray.length) {
return resultArray;
var hi = upperBound;
var lo = lowerBound;
return resultObject;
* Get all values between keys `lowerBound` and `upperBound`
* @param {number} lowerBound
* @param {number} upperBound
* @param {Object} options
* @param {boolean} [options.descending=false] - Get it reversed (only works if options.keys or options.values)
* @return {Values[]} A flat array of values, or empty array.
var result = [];
var leaf = this.fetch(lo, { getLeaf: true });
if (!leaf) {
// look for a new lower bound, which is quite slow
// check if lo is bigger than highest key in tree
leaf = this.tree;
while (leaf.t === 'branch') {
leaf = leaf.v[leaf.v.length - 1];
if (this.cmpFn(lo, leaf.k[leaf.k.length - 1]) === 1) {
return [];
// ok, now this is REALLY suboptimal (and ugly)
var keys = this.repr({ getKeys: true });
for (var i = 0; i < this.numKeys; i++) {
if (this.cmpFn(keys[i], lo) === 1) {
lo = keys[i];
leaf = this.fetch(lo, { getLeaf: true });
fetchRange(lowerBound, upperBound, {
descending = false
} = {}) {
const hi = upperBound;
let lo = lowerBound;
let result = [];
let leaf = this.fetch(lo, {
getLeaf: true
if (!leaf) {
// look for a new lower bound, which is quite slow
// check if lo is bigger than highest key in tree
leaf = this.tree;
while (leaf.t === 'branch') {
leaf = leaf.v[leaf.v.length - 1];
var index = leaf.k.indexOf(lo);
if (this.cmpFn(lo, leaf.k[leaf.k.length - 1]) === 1) {
return [];
} // ok, now this is REALLY suboptimal (and ugly)
while (leaf.k[index] <= hi) {
if (this.cmpFn(leaf.k[index], hi) === 0) {
// if key at current index is upper bound, concat all vals and stop
const keys = this.repr({
getKeys: true
for (let i = 0; i < this.numKeys; i++) {
if (this.cmpFn(keys[i], lo) === 1) {
lo = keys[i];
leaf = this.fetch(lo, {
getLeaf: true
if (this.cmpFn(leaf.k[leaf.k.length - 1], hi) === 0) {
// if last key is upper bound, concat all vals and stop
} else if (this.cmpFn(leaf.k[leaf.k.length - 1], hi) === -1) {
// if last key is smaller than upper bound, fetch next leaf and iterate
if (leaf.n !== null) {
leaf = this.fetch(leaf.n, { getLeaf: true });
index = 0;
} else {
} else {
// if last key is bigger than upper bound, concat until upper bound
var _i2 = index;
for (; leaf.k[_i2] <= hi; _i2++) {}
result.push(leaf.v.slice(0, _i2));
if (Array.isArray(result[0])) {
result = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], Array.prototype.concat.apply([], result));
} else {
result = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], result);
let index = leaf.k.indexOf(lo);
if (descending) {
while (leaf.k[index] <= hi) {
if (this.cmpFn(leaf.k[index], hi) === 0) {
// if key at current index is upper bound, concat all vals and stop
return result;
if (this.cmpFn(leaf.k[leaf.k.length - 1], hi) === 0) {
// if last key is upper bound, concat all vals and stop
} else if (this.cmpFn(leaf.k[leaf.k.length - 1], hi) === -1) {
// if last key is smaller than upper bound, fetch next leaf and iterate
* Tree values generator. It will start generating values from a certain key
* until the end of the tree OR until `target` is found OR until `limit`
* is reached OR until there are no elements anymore.
* In other words:
* - if `target` is found before `limit`, it'll stop
* - if `limit` is reached before `target` was found, it'll stop
* - `target` and `limit` are both optional: use none of them, one of them, or both
* - `keyNotFound` is optional, it lets you decide which key to prefer when the key is not found
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Key} [options.key] - Key at which to start generating.
* @param {boolean} [] - Stop generating when this value is found.
* @param {number} [options.limit] - Generate at max this number of values.
* @param {string} [options.keyNotFound] - See `notFound` of `BPlusTree.fetch`
* @return {Generator} - e.g. `{ value: { k: 6, v: ['f', 'g'] }, done: false }`
if (leaf.n !== null) {
leaf = this.fetch(leaf.n, {
getLeaf: true
index = 0;
} else {
} else {
// if last key is bigger than upper bound, concat until upper bound
let i = index;
}, {
key: 'values',
value: regeneratorRuntime.mark(function values() {
var _ref4 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
key = _ref4.key,
target =,
_ref4$limit = _ref4.limit,
limit = _ref4$limit === undefined ? Infinity : _ref4$limit,
keyNotFound = _ref4.keyNotFound;
for (; leaf.k[i] <= hi; i++);
var returned, leaf, index, i, length, remainder;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function values$(_context) {
while (1) {
switch (_context.prev = {
case 0:
returned = 0;
leaf = void 0;
result.push(leaf.v.slice(0, i));
if (typeof key === 'undefined') {
key = -Infinity;
keyNotFound = 'right';
leaf = this.fetch(key, { getLeaf: true, notFound: keyNotFound });
if (Array.isArray(result[0])) {
result = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], Array.prototype.concat.apply([], result));
} else {
result = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], result);
if (leaf) { = 6;
if (descending) {
return _context.abrupt('return', false);
return result;
* Tree values generator. It will start generating values from a certain key
* until the end of the tree OR until `target` is found OR until `limit`
* is reached OR until there are no elements anymore.
* In other words:
* - if `target` is found before `limit`, it'll stop
* - if `limit` is reached before `target` was found, it'll stop
* - `target` and `limit` are both optional: use none of them, one of them, or both
* - `keyNotFound` is optional, it lets you decide which key to prefer when the key is not found
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Key} [options.key] - Key at which to start generating.
* @param {boolean} [] - Stop generating when this value is found.
* @param {number} [options.limit] - Generate at max this number of values.
* @param {string} [options.keyNotFound] - See `notFound` of `BPlusTree.fetch`
* @return {Generator} - e.g. `{ value: { k: 6, v: ['f', 'g'] }, done: false }`
case 6:
if (!true) { = 33;
index = leaf.k.indexOf(key);
limit = Infinity,
} = {}) {
let returned = 0;
let leaf;
let _key = key;
let _keyNotFound = keyNotFound;
if (index === -1) {
index = 0;
i = index;
if (typeof _key === 'undefined') {
_key = -Infinity;
_keyNotFound = 'right';
case 10:
if (!(i < leaf.v.length)) { = 26;
leaf = this.fetch(_key, {
getLeaf: true,
notFound: _keyNotFound
length = leaf.v[i].length;
if (!leaf) {
return undefined;
returned += length;
while (true) {
// eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
let index = leaf.k.indexOf(_key);
if (!(returned >= limit)) { = 17;
if (index === -1) {
index = 0;
remainder = length - (returned - limit);
for (let i = index; i < leaf.v.length; i++) {
const length = leaf.v[i].length;
returned += length;
if (!(remainder >= 0)) { = 17;
if (returned >= limit) {
const remainder = length - (returned - limit);
return _context.abrupt('return', { k: leaf.k[i], v: leaf.v[i].slice(0, remainder) });
if (remainder >= 0) {
return {
k: leaf.k[i],
v: leaf.v[i].slice(0, remainder)
case 17:
if (!(target === leaf.v[i][0])) { = 19;
if (target === leaf.v[i][0]) {
return {
k: leaf.k[i],
v: leaf.v[i]
return _context.abrupt('return', { k: leaf.k[i], v: leaf.v[i] });
if (leaf.n === null && i + 1 === leaf.v.length) {
return {
k: leaf.k[i],
v: leaf.v[i]
case 19:
if (!(leaf.n === null && i + 1 === leaf.v.length)) { = 21;
yield {
k: leaf.k[i],
v: leaf.v[i]
return _context.abrupt('return', { k: leaf.k[i], v: leaf.v[i] });
if (leaf.n !== null) {
leaf = this.fetch(leaf.n, {
getLeaf: true,
notFound: _keyNotFound
} else {
case 21: = 23;
return { k: leaf.k[i], v: leaf.v[i] };
return undefined;
* Get tree depth (or height)
* @param {Object} options
* @param {BPTree.tree} [options.root=this.tree] - Tree to use
* @return {number} Computed depth
case 23:
i++; = 10;
case 26:
if (!(leaf.n !== null)) { = 30;
root = this.tree
} = {}) {
let tree = root;
let d = 0;
leaf = this.fetch(leaf.n, { getLeaf: true, notFound: keyNotFound }); = 31;
while (tree.t === 'branch') {
tree = tree.v[0];
d += 1;
case 30:
return _context.abrupt('break', 33);
return d;
* Check tree invariants
* @param {Object} options
* @param {BPTree.tree} [options.root=this.tree] - Tree to check
* @return {boolean} Returns `true` or throws an `Error()`
case 31: = 6;
case 33:
case 'end':
return _context.stop();
}, values, this);
root = this.tree
} = {}) {
const depth = this.depth({
* Get tree depth (or height)
* @param {Object} options
* @param {BPTree.tree} [options.root=this.tree] - Tree to use
* @return {number} Computed depth
function assert(expr, msg) {
if (!expr) {
throw new Error(msg);
}, {
key: 'depth',
value: function depth() {
var _ref5 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
_ref5$root = _ref5.root,
root = _ref5$root === undefined ? this.tree : _ref5$root;
function checking(self, currentNode, currentDepth, lo, hi) {
const node = currentNode;
const keysLength = node.k.length;
assert(keysLength <= self.maxKeys, 'Overflowed node');
var tree = root;
var d = 0;
while (tree.t === 'branch') {
tree = tree.v[0];
d += 1;
for (let i = 0, kl = keysLength - 1; i < kl; i++) {
assert(self.cmpFn(node.k[i], node.k[i + 1]) === -1, 'Disordered or duplicate key');
return d;
* Check tree invariants
* @param {Object} options
* @param {BPTree.tree} [options.root=this.tree] - Tree to check
* @return {boolean} Returns `true` or throws an `Error()`
assert(lo.length === 0 || self.cmpFn(lo[0], node.k[0]) < 1, 'lo error');
assert(hi.length === 0 || self.cmpFn(node.k[keysLength - 1], hi[0]) === -1, 'hi error');
}, {
key: 'check',
value: function check() {
var _ref6 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
_ref6$root = _ref6.root,
root = _ref6$root === undefined ? this.tree : _ref6$root;
if (node.t === 'branch') {
const kids = node.v;
const kidsLength = kids.length;
var depth = this.depth({ root: root });
function assert(expr, msg) {
if (!expr) {
throw new Error(msg);
if (currentDepth === 0) {
assert(kidsLength >= 2, 'Underpopulated root');
} else {
assert(kidsLength >= self.minKeys, 'Underpopulated branch');
function checking(self, currentNode, currentDepth, lo, hi) {
var node = currentNode;
var keysLength = node.k.length;
assert(keysLength === kidsLength - 1, 'keys and kids don\'t correspond');
assert(keysLength <= self.maxKeys, 'Overflowed node');
for (let i = 0; i < kidsLength; i++) {
const newLo = i === 0 ? lo : [node.k[i - 1]];
const newHi = i === keysLength ? hi : [node.k[i]];
checking(self, kids[i], currentDepth + 1, newLo, newHi);
} else if (node.t === 'leaf') {
const v = node.v;
assert(currentDepth === depth, 'Leaves at different depths');
assert(keysLength === v.length, 'keys and values don\'t correspond');
for (var i = 0, kl = keysLength - 1; i < kl; i++) {
assert(self.cmpFn(node.k[i], node.k[i + 1]) === -1, 'Disordered or duplicate key');
if (currentDepth > 0) {
assert(v.length >= self.minKeys, 'Underpopulated leaf');
} else {
assert(false, 'Bad type');
assert(lo.length === 0 || self.cmpFn(lo[0], node.k[0]) < 1, 'lo error');
assert(hi.length === 0 || self.cmpFn(node.k[keysLength - 1], hi[0]) === -1, 'hi error');
return true;
if (node.t === 'branch') {
var kids = node.v;
var kidsLength = kids.length;
return checking(this, root, 0, [], []);
* Fetch the value(s) stored at `key`.
* - `getLeaf` returns the whole leaf
* - `getPath` returns the path from the root to this leaf
* - when defined, `notFound` can be either 'left' or 'right', it controls which key to return when it wasn't found
* @param {Key} key
* @param {Object} options
* @param {BPTree.tree} [options.root=this.tree] - Tree to search in
* @param {boolean} [options.getLeaf=false] - Return the leaf containing the value(s)
* @param {boolean} [options.getPath=false] - Return {val: value(s), leaf: leaf, path: pathFromRootToLeaf}
* @param {string} [options.notFound] - either 'left' or 'right' - Return what was found left or right from key which doesn't exist
* @return {Value|Value[]|Leaf|Object|Boolean}
if (currentDepth === 0) {
assert(kidsLength >= 2, 'Underpopulated root');
} else {
assert(kidsLength >= self.minKeys, 'Underpopulated branch');
assert(keysLength === kidsLength - 1, 'keys and kids don\'t correspond');
fetch(key, {
root = this.tree,
getLeaf = false,
getPath = false,
} = {}) {
let node = root;
let index;
const path = [];
for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < kidsLength; _i3++) {
var newLo = _i3 === 0 ? lo : [node.k[_i3 - 1]];
var newHi = _i3 === keysLength ? hi : [node.k[_i3]];
checking(self, kids[_i3], currentDepth + 1, newLo, newHi);
} else if (node.t === 'leaf') {
var v = node.v;
assert(currentDepth === depth, 'Leaves at different depths');
assert(keysLength === v.length, 'keys and values don\'t correspond');
if (currentDepth > 0) {
assert(v.length >= self.minKeys, 'Underpopulated leaf');
} else {
assert(false, 'Bad type');
while (node.t === 'branch') {
index = 0;
let found = false;
for (let kl = node.k.length; index < kl; index++) {
if (this.cmpFn(node.k[index], key) === 1) {
found = true;
return true;
return checking(this, root, 0, [], []);
if (!found) {
index = node.v.length - 1;
node = node.v[index];
* Fetch the value(s) stored at `key`.
* - `getLeaf` returns the whole leaf
* - `getPath` returns the path from the root to this leaf
* - when defined, `notFound` can be either 'left' or 'right', it controls which key to return when it wasn't found
* @param {Key} key
* @param {Object} options
* @param {BPTree.tree} [options.root=this.tree] - Tree to search in
* @param {boolean} [options.getLeaf=false] - Return the leaf containing the value(s)
* @param {boolean} [options.getPath=false] - Return {val: value(s), leaf: leaf, path: pathFromRootToLeaf}
* @param {string} [options.notFound] - either 'left' or 'right' - Return what was found left or right from key which doesn't exist
* @return {Value|Value[]|Leaf|Object|Boolean}
for (let j = 0, kl = node.k.length; j < kl; j++) {
const cmp = this.cmpFn(key, node.k[j]);
}, {
key: 'fetch',
value: function fetch(key) {
var _ref7 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
_ref7$root = _ref7.root,
root = _ref7$root === undefined ? this.tree : _ref7$root,
_ref7$getLeaf = _ref7.getLeaf,
getLeaf = _ref7$getLeaf === undefined ? false : _ref7$getLeaf,
_ref7$getPath = _ref7.getPath,
getPath = _ref7$getPath === undefined ? false : _ref7$getPath,
notFound = _ref7.notFound;
if (cmp === 0) {
const val = node.v[j];
var node = root;
if (getPath) {
return {
leaf: node,
var index = void 0;
var path = [];
while (node.t === 'branch') {
index = 0;
var found = false;
for (var kl = node.k.length; index < kl; index++) {
if (this.cmpFn(node.k[index], key) === 1) {
found = true;
if (getLeaf) {
return node;
if (!found) {
index = node.v.length - 1;
node = node.v[index];
return val;
for (var j = 0, _kl = node.k.length; j < _kl; j++) {
var cmp = this.cmpFn(key, node.k[j]);
if (cmp === 0) {
var val = node.v[j];
if (notFound) {
if (notFound === 'right' && !(cmp < 0)) {
return this.fetch(node.n, {
node = this._get(path);
let val;
if (notFound === 'left' && !(cmp < 0)) {
val = node.v[node.v.length - 1];
} else if (notFound === 'right') {
val = node.v[0];
if (val) {
if (getPath) {
return { val: val, leaf: node, path: path };
return {
leaf: node,
if (getLeaf) {
return node;
return val;
} else if (notFound) {
if (notFound === 'right' && !(cmp < 0)) {
return this.fetch(node.n, { root: root, getLeaf: getLeaf, getPath: getPath });
node = this._get(path);
var _val = void 0;
if (notFound === 'left' && !(cmp < 0)) {
_val = node.v[node.v.length - 1];
} else if (notFound === 'right') {
_val = node.v[0];
if (_val) {
if (getPath) {
return { val: _val, leaf: node, path: path };
if (getLeaf) {
return node;
return _val;
} else if (this.cmpFn(node.k[j], key) === 1) {
break; // just to finish quicker; not needed for correctness
} else if (this.cmpFn(node.k[j], key) === 1) {
break; // just to finish quicker; not needed for correctness
return false;
}, {
key: '_doStore',
value: function _doStore(key, value) {
var path = [];
var node = this.tree;
// Find the leaf node for key, and the path down to it.
while (node.t === 'branch') {
var _i4 = 0;
var _found = false;
for (var _nkl = node.k.length; _i4 < _nkl; _i4++) {
if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[_i4]) === -1) {
_found = true;
if (!_found) {
_i4 = node.k.length;
path.push({ t: node.t, k: node.k, v: node.v, i: _i4 });
node = node.v[_i4];
return false;
// Find the index for key in the leaf node.
var i = 0;
var found = false;
var nkl = node.k.length;
for (; i < nkl; i++) {
if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === 0) {
// key isn't actually new, so the structure goes unchanged.
} else if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === -1) {
_doStore(key, value) {
const path = [];
let node = this.tree; // Find the leaf node for key, and the path down to it.
while (node.t === 'branch') {
let i = 0;
let found = false;
for (let nkl = node.k.length; i < nkl; i++) {
if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === -1) {
found = true;

@@ -540,394 +503,426 @@ break;

if (!found) {
i = nkl;
i = node.k.length;
// We'll have to insert it in the leaf at i. If there's room, just do it:
node.k.splice(i, 0, key);
node.v.splice(i, 0, [value]);
this.numKeys += 1;
this.numVals += 1;
t: node.t,
k: node.k,
v: node.v,
node = node.v[i];
} // Find the index for key in the leaf node.
if (node.k.length < this.order) {
let i = 0;
let found = false;
const nkl = node.k.length;
for (; i < nkl; i++) {
if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === 0) {
// key isn't actually new, so the structure goes unchanged.
// Otherwise split the now-overpacked leaf...
var mid = Math.floor(this.order / 2);
var tween = node.k[mid];
var left = { t: 'leaf', k: node.k.slice(0, mid), v: node.v.slice(0, mid), n: node.k[mid] };
var right = { t: 'leaf', k: node.k.slice(mid), v: node.v.slice(mid), n: node.n };
if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === -1) {
found = true;
// ...and propagate the split back up the path.
while (path.length) {
node = path.pop();
node.k.splice(node.i, 0, tween);
node.v[node.i] = left;
node.v.splice(node.i + 1, 0, right);
if (node.k.length < this.maxKeys) {
tween = node.k[mid - 1];
left = { t: 'branch', k: node.k.slice(0, mid - 1), v: node.v.slice(0, mid), n: node.k[mid] };
right = { t: 'branch', k: node.k.slice(mid), v: node.v.slice(mid), n: null };
if (!found) {
i = nkl;
} // We'll have to insert it in the leaf at i. If there's room, just do it:
node.k.splice(i, 0, key);
node.v.splice(i, 0, [value]);
this.numKeys += 1;
this.numVals += 1;
if (node.k.length < this.order) {
} // Otherwise split the now-overpacked leaf...
const mid = Math.floor(this.order / 2);
let tween = node.k[mid];
let left = {
t: 'leaf',
k: node.k.slice(0, mid),
v: node.v.slice(0, mid),
n: node.k[mid]
let right = {
t: 'leaf',
k: node.k.slice(mid),
v: node.v.slice(mid),
n: node.n
}; // ...and propagate the split back up the path.
while (path.length) {
node = path.pop();
node.k.splice(node.i, 0, tween);
node.v[node.i] = left;
node.v.splice(node.i + 1, 0, right);
if (node.k.length < this.maxKeys) {
// If we got here, we need a new root.
this.tree = { t: 'branch', k: [tween], v: [left, right], n: null };
tween = node.k[mid - 1];
left = {
t: 'branch',
k: node.k.slice(0, mid - 1),
v: node.v.slice(0, mid),
n: node.k[mid]
right = {
t: 'branch',
k: node.k.slice(mid),
v: node.v.slice(mid),
n: null
} // If we got here, we need a new root.
this.tree = {
t: 'branch',
k: [tween],
v: [left, right],
n: null
* Insert value at key key
* @param {Key} key
* @param {Value} value
* @return {boolean} true
store(key, value) {
this._doStore(key, value);
if (this.debug) {
* Insert value at key key
* @param {Key} key
* @param {Value} value
* @return {boolean} true
return true;
}, {
key: 'store',
value: function store(key, value) {
this._doStore(key, value);
if (this.debug) {
return true;
_get(path, node = this.tree) {
let object = node;
let index = 0;
const length = path.length;
while (object && index < length) {
object = object.v[path[index++]];
}, {
key: '_get',
value: function _get(path) {
var node = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this.tree;
var object = node;
var index = 0;
var length = path.length;
return object;
while (object && index < length) {
object = object.v[path[index++]];
return object;
_genGetKeyFn(driller, depth) {
if (depth === 0) {
return o => driller(o).k[0];
}, {
key: '_genGetKeyFn',
value: function _genGetKeyFn(driller, depth) {
if (depth === 0) {
return function (o) {
return driller(o).k[0];
return this._genGetKeyFn(function (o) {
return driller(o).v[0];
}, depth - 1);
}, {
key: '_getFirstKeyFn',
value: function _getFirstKeyFn(depth) {
var fn = [function (o) {
return o;
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
}, function (o) {
return o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0];
var length = fn.length;
return depth < length - 1 && function (o) {
return fn[depth](o).k[0];
} || this._genGetKeyFn(fn[length - 1], depth - length + 1);
}, {
key: '_fixKeys',
value: function _fixKeys() {
var _this = this;
var result = [];
function walk(node, depth, path) {
if (node.t === 'branch') {
var kids = node.v;
for (var i = 0, kl = kids.length; i < kl; i++) {
if (kids[i].t === 'branch') {
var newPath = path.slice(0, depth).concat([i]);
walk(kids[i], depth + 1, newPath);
return this._genGetKeyFn(o => driller(o).v[0], depth - 1);
_getFirstKeyFn(depth) {
const fn = [o => o, o => o.v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0], o => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0]];
const length = fn.length;
return depth < length - 1 && (o => fn[depth](o).k[0]) || this._genGetKeyFn(fn[length - 1], depth - length + 1);
_fixKeys() {
const result = [];
function walk(node, depth, path) {
if (node.t === 'branch') {
const kids = node.v;
for (let i = 0, kl = kids.length; i < kl; i++) {
if (kids[i].t === 'branch') {
const newPath = path.slice(0, depth).concat([i]);
walk(kids[i], depth + 1, newPath);
walk(this.tree, 0, []);
result.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.length > b.length ? -1 : a.length < b.length ? 1 : 0;
}); // eslint-disable-line
result.forEach(function (path) {
var sub = _this._get(path);
sub.k = sub.v.slice(1).map(_this._getFirstKeyFn(result[0].length - path.length));
walk(this.tree, 0, []);
result.sort((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? -1 : a.length < b.length ? 1 : 0); // eslint-disable-line
if (this.tree.t !== 'leaf') {
this.tree.k = this.tree.v.slice(1).map(this._getFirstKeyFn(result.length ? result[0].length : 0));
result.forEach(path => {
const sub = this._get(path);
return result;
sub.k = sub.v.slice(1).map(this._getFirstKeyFn(result[0].length - path.length));
if (this.tree.t !== 'leaf') {
this.tree.k = this.tree.v.slice(1).map(this._getFirstKeyFn(result.length ? result[0].length : 0));
}, {
key: '_removeKey',
value: function _removeKey(key, val) {
var fetched = this.fetch(key, { getPath: true });
if (!fetched) {
return false;
return result;
var keyIndex = fetched.leaf.k.indexOf(key);
var valIndex = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex].indexOf(val);
_removeKey(key, val) {
const fetched = this.fetch(key, {
getPath: true
// key does not contain val
if (val !== undefined && valIndex === -1) {
return false;
if (!fetched) {
return false;
var valCount = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex].length;
var removed = void 0;
const keyIndex = fetched.leaf.k.indexOf(key);
const valIndex = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex].indexOf(val); // key does not contain val
// we only have one val, remove it together with its key
if (valCount === 1 && keyIndex !== -1) {
fetched.leaf.k.splice(keyIndex, 1);
removed = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex][0];
fetched.leaf.v.splice(keyIndex, 1);
} else if (val !== undefined) {
// key contains val, but we have other vals, only remove this val
removed = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex][valIndex];
fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex].splice(valIndex, 1);
} else {
// key has several vals, we don't remove anything
return false;
if (val !== undefined && valIndex === -1) {
return false;
// we lost one val
return { val: removed, leaf: fetched.leaf, path: fetched.path };
const valCount = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex].length;
let removed; // we only have one val, remove it together with its key
if (valCount === 1 && keyIndex !== -1) {
fetched.leaf.k.splice(keyIndex, 1);
removed = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex][0];
fetched.leaf.v.splice(keyIndex, 1);
} else if (val !== undefined) {
// key contains val, but we have other vals, only remove this val
removed = fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex][valIndex];
fetched.leaf.v[keyIndex].splice(valIndex, 1);
} else {
// key has several vals, we don't remove anything
return false;
} // we lost one val
return {
val: removed,
leaf: fetched.leaf,
path: fetched.path
_doRemove(key, val) {
// get leaf for key, remove key from leaf
const removed = this._removeKey(key, val);
if (typeof removed === 'boolean') {
return false;
}, {
key: '_doRemove',
value: function _doRemove(key, val) {
// get leaf for key, remove key from leaf
var removed = this._removeKey(key, val);
if (!removed) {
return false;
var leaf = removed.leaf;
var path = removed.path;
// if key in branch.k, replace it with new smallest key in leaf
var parentPath = path.slice(0, path.length - 1);
var parent = this._get(parentPath);
var index = parent.k.indexOf(key);
const leaf = removed.leaf;
const path = removed.path; // if key in branch.k, replace it with new smallest key in leaf
// if leaf is at least half full, terminate
if (leaf.v.length >= this.minKeys) {
return removed.val;
const parentPath = path.slice(0, path.length - 1);
let parent = this._get(parentPath);
let index = parent.k.indexOf(key); // if leaf is at least half full, terminate
if (leaf.v.length >= this.minKeys) {
return removed.val;
const leafIndex = path[path.length - 1]; // else borrow
// if rightSibling is more than half full, borrow leftmost value
let canBorrowRight = false;
if (leafIndex < parent.v.length - 1) {
const rightSibling = parent.v[leafIndex + 1];
if (rightSibling && rightSibling.k.length > this.minKeys) {
// can borrow from right because it is more than half full
canBorrowRight = true;
const keyToBorrow = rightSibling.k.shift();
const valBorrowed = rightSibling.v.shift();
leaf.n = rightSibling.k[0];
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map(o => o.k[0]);
parent.v[leafIndex] = leaf;
parent.v[leafIndex + 1] = rightSibling;
} // if leftSibling is more than half full, borrow rightmost value
var leafIndex = path[path.length - 1];
// else borrow
let canBorrowLeft = false;
// if rightSibling is more than half full, borrow leftmost value
var canBorrowRight = false;
if (leafIndex < parent.v.length - 1) {
var rightSibling = parent.v[leafIndex + 1];
if (rightSibling && rightSibling.k.length > this.minKeys) {
// can borrow from right because it is more than half full
canBorrowRight = true;
var keyToBorrow = rightSibling.k.shift();
var valBorrowed = rightSibling.v.shift();
leaf.n = rightSibling.k[0];
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map(function (o) {
return o.k[0];
parent.v[leafIndex] = leaf;
parent.v[leafIndex + 1] = rightSibling;
if (leafIndex > 0) {
const leftSibling = parent.v[leafIndex - 1];
if (leftSibling && leftSibling.k.length > this.minKeys) {
// can borrow from left because it is more than half full
canBorrowLeft = true;
const keyToBorrow = leftSibling.k.pop();
const valBorrowed = leftSibling.v.pop();
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map(o => o.k[0]);
parent.v[leafIndex] = leaf;
parent.v[leafIndex - 1] = leftSibling;
// if leftSibling is more than half full, borrow rightmost value
var canBorrowLeft = false;
if (leafIndex > 0) {
var leftSibling = parent.v[leafIndex - 1];
if (leftSibling && leftSibling.k.length > this.minKeys) {
// can borrow from left because it is more than half full
canBorrowLeft = true;
var _keyToBorrow = leftSibling.k.pop();
var _valBorrowed = leftSibling.v.pop();
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map(function (o) {
return o.k[0];
parent.v[leafIndex] = leaf;
parent.v[leafIndex - 1] = leftSibling;
if (!canBorrowRight && !canBorrowLeft) {
let again = true;
let lastIndex = -1;
while (again) {
parent = this._get(path);
lastIndex = index;
if (path.length) {
index = path.pop();
} else {
index = 0;
again = false;
if (!canBorrowRight && !canBorrowLeft) {
var again = true;
var lastIndex = void 0;
while (again) {
parent = this._get(path);
lastIndex = index;
if (path.length) {
index = path.pop();
} else {
index = 0;
again = false;
const mergeNeeded = parent.t !== 'leaf' && parent.v[lastIndex].k.length < this.minKeys;
var mergeNeeded = parent.t !== 'leaf' && parent.v[lastIndex].k.length < this.minKeys;
if (mergeNeeded) {
const leftExists = parent.v[lastIndex - 1];
let leftSum = leftExists && parent.v[lastIndex - 1].k.length + parent.v[lastIndex].k.length;
leftSum += parent.v[lastIndex].t === 'leaf' ? 0 : 1;
const roomOnLeft = leftExists && leftSum && leftSum <= this.maxKeys;
const rightExists = parent.v[lastIndex + 1];
let rightSum = rightExists && parent.v[lastIndex + 1].k.length + parent.v[lastIndex].k.length;
rightSum += parent.v[lastIndex].t === 'leaf' ? 0 : 1;
const roomOnRight = rightExists && rightSum && rightSum <= this.maxKeys;
let splitIndex = false;
if (mergeNeeded) {
var leftExists = parent.v[lastIndex - 1];
var leftSum = leftExists && parent.v[lastIndex - 1].k.length + parent.v[lastIndex].k.length;
leftSum += parent.v[lastIndex].t === 'leaf' ? 0 : 1;
var roomOnLeft = leftExists && leftSum && leftSum <= this.maxKeys;
if (leftExists && roomOnLeft || leftExists && !roomOnRight) {
if (!roomOnLeft) {
splitIndex = lastIndex - 1;
} // merging with left, deleting sibling
// node becomes (sibling merged with node)
var rightExists = parent.v[lastIndex + 1];
var rightSum = rightExists && parent.v[lastIndex + 1].k.length + parent.v[lastIndex].k.length;
rightSum += parent.v[lastIndex].t === 'leaf' ? 0 : 1;
var roomOnRight = rightExists && rightSum && rightSum <= this.maxKeys;
var splitIndex = false;
parent.v[lastIndex] = BPlusTree._mergeLeft(parent.v[lastIndex - 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v.splice(lastIndex, 1); // delete now merged sibling
} else if (rightExists) {
if (!roomOnRight) {
splitIndex = lastIndex;
} // merging with right, deleting sibling
// node becomes (node merged with sibling)
if (leftExists && roomOnLeft || leftExists && !roomOnRight) {
if (!roomOnLeft) {
splitIndex = lastIndex - 1;
// merging with left, deleting sibling
// node becomes (sibling merged with node)
parent.v[lastIndex] = this._mergeLeft(parent.v[lastIndex - 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v.splice(lastIndex, 1); // delete now merged sibling
} else if (rightExists) {
if (!roomOnRight) {
splitIndex = lastIndex;
// merging with right, deleting sibling
// node becomes (node merged with sibling)
parent.v[lastIndex] = this._mergeRight(parent.v[lastIndex + 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v.splice(lastIndex + 1, 1); // delete now merged sibling
if (splitIndex !== false) {
var branchToSplit = parent.v[splitIndex];
var mid = this.minKeys;
var leftContent = branchToSplit.v.slice(0, mid);
var rightContent = branchToSplit.v.slice(mid);
var childType = parent.t;
var left = { t: childType, k: leftContent.slice(1).map(function (o) {
return o.k[0];
}), v: leftContent };
var right = { t: childType, k: rightContent.slice(1).map(function (o) {
return o.k[0];
}), v: rightContent };
parent.v.splice.apply(parent.v, [splitIndex, 1].concat([left, right]));
parent.v[lastIndex] = BPlusTree._mergeRight(parent.v[lastIndex + 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v.splice(lastIndex + 1, 1); // delete now merged sibling
if (splitIndex !== false) {
const branchToSplit = parent.v[splitIndex];
const mid = this.minKeys;
const leftContent = branchToSplit.v.slice(0, mid);
const rightContent = branchToSplit.v.slice(mid);
const childType = parent.t;
const left = {
t: childType,
k: leftContent.slice(1).map(o => o.k[0]),
v: leftContent
const right = {
t: childType,
k: rightContent.slice(1).map(o => o.k[0]),
v: rightContent
parent.v.splice(splitIndex, 1, left, right);
if (this.tree.v.length < 2 && this.tree.t !== 'leaf') {
// underpopulated root
if (this.tree.v[index].v.length > this.maxKeys) {
// need to split
var _mid = this.minKeys;
var _leftContent = this.tree.v[index].v.slice(0, _mid);
var _rightContent = this.tree.v[index].v.slice(_mid);
var _left = { t: 'branch', k: [_leftContent[_leftContent.length - 1].k[0]], v: _leftContent };
var _right = { t: 'branch', k: [_rightContent[_rightContent.length - 1].k[0]], v: _rightContent };
this.tree.t = 'branch';
this.tree.n = null;
this.tree.k = [_right.v[0].k[0]];
this.tree.v = [_left, _right];
} else {
// need to hoist
this.tree.t = 'leaf';
this.tree = this.tree.v[index];
var slice = this.tree.v.slice(1);
if (slice.length && slice[0].t) {
this.tree.k = (n) {
return n.k[0];
if (this.tree.v.length < 2 && this.tree.t !== 'leaf') {
// underpopulated root
if (this.tree.v[index].v.length > this.maxKeys) {
// need to split
const mid = this.minKeys;
const leftContent = this.tree.v[index].v.slice(0, mid);
const rightContent = this.tree.v[index].v.slice(mid);
const left = {
t: 'branch',
k: [leftContent[leftContent.length - 1].k[0]],
v: leftContent
const right = {
t: 'branch',
k: [rightContent[rightContent.length - 1].k[0]],
v: rightContent
this.tree.t = 'branch';
this.tree.n = null;
this.tree.k = [right.v[0].k[0]];
this.tree.v = [left, right];
} else {
// need to hoist
this.tree.t = 'leaf';
this.tree = this.tree.v[index];
const slice = this.tree.v.slice(1);
if (slice.length && slice[0].t) {
this.tree.k = => o.k[0]);
return removed.val;
* Remove value from key key, or remove key and its value if key only has one value
* @param {Key} key
* @param {Value?} value
* @return {Value} The removed value
return removed.val;
* Remove value from key key, or remove key and its value if key only has one value
* @param {Key} key
* @param {Value?} value
* @return {Value} The removed value
}, {
key: 'remove',
value: function remove(key, value) {
var removed = this._doRemove(key, value);
if (this.debug) {
return removed;
remove(key, value) {
const removed = this._doRemove(key, value);
if (this.debug) {
}, {
key: '_mergeLeft',
value: function _mergeLeft(dest, src) {
dest.k = dest.k.concat(src.k);
dest.v = dest.v.concat(src.v);
dest.n = src.n;
return dest;
return removed;
static _mergeLeft(dest, src) {
const node = dest;
node.k = node.k.concat(src.k);
node.v = node.v.concat(src.v);
node.n = src.n;
return node;
static _mergeRight(dest, _src) {
const node = dest;
const src = _src;
if (src.t !== 'leaf') {
src.v[src.v.length - 1].n = node.v[0].k[0];
}, {
key: '_mergeRight',
value: function _mergeRight(dest, src) {
if (src.t !== 'leaf') {
src.v[src.v.length - 1].n = dest.v[0].k[0];
dest.k = src.k.concat(dest.k);
dest.v = src.v.concat(dest.v);
return dest;
return BPlusTree;
node.k = src.k.concat(node.k);
node.v = src.v.concat(node.v);
return node;
module.exports = BPlusTree;

@@ -1,5 +0,17 @@

import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
// @flow
type Tree = { t: string; k: number[]; v: any[]; n?: ?number };
type CmpFn = ((a: any, b: any) => number);
/** Class representing a B+ Tree. */
class BPlusTree {
order: number;
debug: boolean;
cmpFn: CmpFn;
minKeys: number;
maxKeys: number;
numKeys: number;
numVals: number;
tree: Tree;

@@ -11,3 +23,11 @@ * @param {Object} options

constructor({ order = 6, debug = false, cmpFn = ((a, b) => (a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0)) } = {}) { // eslint-disable-line
order = 6,
debug = false,
cmpFn = ((a: any, b: any): number => ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0))) // eslint-disable-line
}: {
order?: number;
debug?: boolean;
cmpFn?: CmpFn
} = {}) {
this.order = order;

@@ -25,3 +45,8 @@ this.debug = debug;

this.tree = { t: 'leaf', k: [], v: [], n: null };
this.tree = {
t: 'leaf',
k: [],
v: [],
n: null,

@@ -38,6 +63,10 @@

repr({ root = this.tree, getKeys = false, getValues = false, descending = false } = {}) {
const tree = root;
const result = (getKeys || getValues) ? [] : {};
function walk(node) {
root, getKeys = false, getValues = false, descending = false,
}: { root?: Tree; getKeys?: boolean; getValues?: boolean; descending?: boolean } = {}): Object | any[] {
const tree = root || this.tree;
let resultArray = [];
const resultObject = {};
function walk(node: Tree) {
if (node.t === 'branch') {

@@ -51,7 +80,7 @@ const kids = node.v;

if (getKeys) {
} else if (getValues) {
} else {
result[node.k[i]] = node.v[i];
resultObject[node.k[i]] = node.v[i];

@@ -62,9 +91,14 @@ }

const out = (result.length && Array.isArray(result[0])) ?
Array.prototype.concat.apply([], result) : result;
// if (Array.isArra)
if (resultArray.length && resultArray[0].length) {
resultArray = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], resultArray);
if ((getKeys || getValues) && descending) {
return out.reverse();
if (resultArray.length && descending) {
return resultArray.reverse();
return out;
if (resultArray.length) {
return resultArray;
return resultObject;

@@ -80,3 +114,3 @@

fetchRange(lowerBound, upperBound, { descending = false } = {}) {
fetchRange(lowerBound: number, upperBound: number, { descending = false }: { descending: boolean } = {}): any[] {
const hi = upperBound;

@@ -170,17 +204,21 @@ let lo = lowerBound;

* values({ key, target, limit = Infinity, keyNotFound } = {}) {
* values({
key, target, limit = Infinity, keyNotFound,
}: { key: any; target: any; limit: number; keyNotFound: ?string } = {}): Generator<any, ?Object, void> {
let returned = 0;
let leaf;
if (typeof key === 'undefined') {
key = -Infinity;
keyNotFound = 'right';
let _key = key;
let _keyNotFound = keyNotFound;
if (typeof _key === 'undefined') {
_key = -Infinity;
_keyNotFound = 'right';
leaf = this.fetch(key, { getLeaf: true, notFound: keyNotFound });
leaf = this.fetch(_key, { getLeaf: true, notFound: _keyNotFound });
if (!leaf) {
return false;
return undefined;
while (true) {
let index = leaf.k.indexOf(key);
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
let index = leaf.k.indexOf(_key);
if (index === -1) {

@@ -207,3 +245,3 @@ index = 0;

if (leaf.n !== null) {
leaf = this.fetch(leaf.n, { getLeaf: true, notFound: keyNotFound });
leaf = this.fetch(leaf.n, { getLeaf: true, notFound: _keyNotFound });
} else {

@@ -213,2 +251,3 @@ break;

return undefined;

@@ -222,3 +261,3 @@

depth({ root = this.tree } = {}) {
depth({ root = this.tree }: { root: Tree } = {}): number {
let tree = root;

@@ -239,6 +278,6 @@ let d = 0;

check({ root = this.tree } = {}) {
check({ root = this.tree }: { root: Tree } = {}): boolean {
const depth = this.depth({ root });
function assert(expr, msg) {
function assert(expr: boolean, msg: string) {
if (!expr) {

@@ -249,3 +288,3 @@ throw new Error(msg);

function checking(self, currentNode, currentDepth, lo, hi) {
function checking(self: BPlusTree, currentNode: Tree, currentDepth: number, lo: any[], hi: any[]): boolean {
const node = currentNode;

@@ -311,3 +350,5 @@ const keysLength = node.k.length;

fetch(key, { root = this.tree, getLeaf = false, getPath = false, notFound } = {}) {
fetch(key: any, {
root = this.tree, getLeaf = false, getPath = false, notFound,
}: { root?: Tree; getLeaf?: boolean; getPath?: boolean; notFound?: ?string } = {}): any {
let node = root;

@@ -344,3 +385,4 @@

return val;
} else if (notFound) {
if (notFound) {
if (notFound === 'right' && !(cmp < 0)) {

@@ -372,3 +414,3 @@ return this.fetch(node.n, { root, getLeaf, getPath });

_doStore(key, value) {
_doStore(key: any, value: any) {
const path = [];

@@ -390,3 +432,8 @@ let node = this.tree;

path.push({ t: node.t, k: node.k, v: node.v, i: i });
t: node.t,
k: node.k,
v: node.v,
node = node.v[i];

@@ -404,3 +451,4 @@ }

} else if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === -1) {
if (this.cmpFn(key, node.k[i]) === -1) {
found = true;

@@ -427,4 +475,14 @@ break;

let tween = node.k[mid];
let left = { t: 'leaf', k: node.k.slice(0, mid), v: node.v.slice(0, mid), n: node.k[mid] };
let right = { t: 'leaf', k: node.k.slice(mid), v: node.v.slice(mid), n: node.n };
let left = {
t: 'leaf',
k: node.k.slice(0, mid),
v: node.v.slice(0, mid),
n: node.k[mid],
let right = {
t: 'leaf',
k: node.k.slice(mid),
v: node.v.slice(mid),
n: node.n,

@@ -441,8 +499,20 @@ // ...and propagate the split back up the path.

tween = node.k[mid - 1];
left = { t: 'branch', k: node.k.slice(0, mid - 1), v: node.v.slice(0, mid), n: node.k[mid] };
right = { t: 'branch', k: node.k.slice(mid), v: node.v.slice(mid), n: null };
left = {
t: 'branch',
k: node.k.slice(0, mid - 1),
v: node.v.slice(0, mid),
n: node.k[mid],
right = {
t: 'branch',
k: node.k.slice(mid),
v: node.v.slice(mid),
n: null,
// If we got here, we need a new root.
this.tree = { t: 'branch', k: [tween], v: [left, right], n: null };
this.tree = {
t: 'branch', k: [tween], v: [left, right], n: null,

@@ -456,3 +526,3 @@

store(key, value) {
store(key: any, value: any): boolean {
this._doStore(key, value);

@@ -465,3 +535,3 @@ if (this.debug) {

_get(path, node = this.tree) {
_get(path: number[], node?: Tree = this.tree): Object {
let object = node;

@@ -477,36 +547,36 @@ let index = 0;

_genGetKeyFn(driller, depth) {
_genGetKeyFn(driller: (tree: Tree) => any, depth: number): (tree: Tree) => any {
if (depth === 0) {
return (o) => driller(o).k[0];
return (o: Tree): any => driller(o).k[0];
return this._genGetKeyFn((o) => driller(o).v[0], depth - 1);
return this._genGetKeyFn((o: Tree): any => driller(o).v[0], depth - 1);
_getFirstKeyFn(depth) {
_getFirstKeyFn(depth: number): (tree: Tree) => any {
const fn = [
(o) => o,
(o) => o.v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o) => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o,
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
(o: Tree): any => o.v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0].v[0],
const length = fn.length;
return (depth < length - 1 && ((o) => fn[depth](o).k[0])) || this._genGetKeyFn(fn[length - 1], depth - length + 1);
return (depth < length - 1 && ((o: Tree): any => fn[depth](o).k[0])) || this._genGetKeyFn(fn[length - 1], (depth - length) + 1);
_fixKeys() {
_fixKeys(): any {
const result = [];
function walk(node, depth, path) {
function walk(node: Tree, depth: number, path: any) {
if (node.t === 'branch') {

@@ -526,3 +596,3 @@ const kids = node.v;

result.forEach((path) => {
result.forEach((path: any) => {
const sub = this._get(path);

@@ -539,3 +609,3 @@ sub.k = sub.v.slice(1).map(this._getFirstKeyFn(result[0].length - path.length));

_removeKey(key, val) {
_removeKey(key: any, val: any): boolean | Object {
const fetched = this.fetch(key, { getPath: true });

@@ -574,10 +644,10 @@

// we lost one val
return { val: removed, leaf: fetched.leaf, path: fetched.path };
_doRemove(key, val) {
_doRemove(key: any, val: any): boolean | any {
// get leaf for key, remove key from leaf
const removed = this._removeKey(key, val);
if (!removed) {
if (typeof removed === 'boolean') {
return false;

@@ -599,3 +669,2 @@ }

const leafIndex = path[path.length - 1];
// else borrow

@@ -615,3 +684,3 @@

leaf.n = rightSibling.k[0];
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map((o) => o.k[0]);
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map((o: Object): any => o.k[0]);
parent.v[leafIndex] = leaf;

@@ -633,3 +702,3 @@ parent.v[leafIndex + 1] = rightSibling;

parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map((o) => o.k[0]);
parent.k = parent.v.slice(1).map((o: Object): any => o.k[0]);
parent.v[leafIndex] = leaf;

@@ -642,3 +711,3 @@ parent.v[leafIndex - 1] = leftSibling;

let again = true;
let lastIndex;
let lastIndex = -1;
while (again) {

@@ -675,3 +744,3 @@ parent = this._get(path);

// node becomes (sibling merged with node)
parent.v[lastIndex] = this._mergeLeft(parent.v[lastIndex - 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v[lastIndex] = BPlusTree._mergeLeft(parent.v[lastIndex - 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v.splice(lastIndex, 1); // delete now merged sibling

@@ -684,3 +753,3 @@ } else if (rightExists) {

// node becomes (node merged with sibling)
parent.v[lastIndex] = this._mergeRight(parent.v[lastIndex + 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v[lastIndex] = BPlusTree._mergeRight(parent.v[lastIndex + 1], parent.v[lastIndex]);
parent.v.splice(lastIndex + 1, 1); // delete now merged sibling

@@ -694,5 +763,5 @@ }

const childType = parent.t;
const left = { t: childType, k: leftContent.slice(1).map((o) => o.k[0]), v: leftContent };
const right = { t: childType, k: rightContent.slice(1).map((o) => o.k[0]), v: rightContent };
parent.v.splice.apply(parent.v, [splitIndex, 1].concat([left, right]));
const left = { t: childType, k: leftContent.slice(1).map((o: Object): any => o.k[0]), v: leftContent };
const right = { t: childType, k: rightContent.slice(1).map((o: Object): any => o.k[0]), v: rightContent };
parent.v.splice(splitIndex, 1, left, right);

@@ -721,3 +790,3 @@ }

if (slice.length && slice[0].t) {
this.tree.k = => n.k[0]);
this.tree.k = Object): any => o.k[0]);

@@ -738,3 +807,3 @@ }

remove(key, value) {
remove(key: any, value: any): any {
const removed = this._doRemove(key, value);

@@ -747,16 +816,19 @@ if (this.debug) {

_mergeLeft(dest, src) {
dest.k = dest.k.concat(src.k);
dest.v = dest.v.concat(src.v);
dest.n = src.n;
return dest;
static _mergeLeft(dest: Tree, src: Tree): Tree {
const node = dest;
node.k = node.k.concat(src.k);
node.v = node.v.concat(src.v);
node.n = src.n;
return node;
_mergeRight(dest, src) {
static _mergeRight(dest: Tree, _src: Tree): Tree {
const node = dest;
const src = _src;
if (src.t !== 'leaf') {
src.v[src.v.length - 1].n = dest.v[0].k[0];
src.v[src.v.length - 1].n = node.v[0].k[0];
dest.k = src.k.concat(dest.k);
dest.v = src.v.concat(dest.v);
return dest;
node.k = src.k.concat(node.k);
node.v = src.v.concat(node.v);
return node;

@@ -763,0 +835,0 @@ }

"name": "bplustree",
"version": "1.2.2",
"version": "2.0.0",
"engines": {
"node": ">=8.0.0"
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register --check-leaks test/bplustree.js && npm run build",
"test-full": "mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register --check-leaks test/bplustree.js test/full.js",
"test-travis": "npm run build && npm run test-full && npm run coverage-full",
"coverage": "babel-node node_modules/isparta/bin/isparta cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- test/bplustree.js",
"coverage-full": "./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/babel-istanbul cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- test/bplustree.js test/full.js",
"coveralls": "npm run coverage-full && cat /home/travis/build/vhf/bplustree/coverage/ | coveralls",
"test": "jest && npm run build",
"test-travis": "npm run build && npm run test && npm run coverage",
"coverage": "jest --coverage",
"coveralls": "npm run coverage && cat /home/travis/build/vhf/bplustree/coverage/ | coveralls",
"doc": "jsdoc -c .jsdoc lib -d docs",
"build": "babel lib -d dist"
"build": "babel lib -d dist",
"eslint": "eslint .",
"flow": "flow check",
"lint": "npm run eslint && npm run flow"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-cli": "^6.3.15",
"babel-core": "^6.3.15",
"babel-eslint": "^7.1.0",
"babel-istanbul": "^0.11.0",
"babel-plugin-transform-regenerator": "^6.16.1",
"babel-preset-latest": "^6.16.0",
"coveralls": "^2.11.6",
"eslint": "^3.9.1",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^10.0.1",
"@babel/cli": "^7.1.5",
"@babel/core": "^7.1.6",
"async": "^2.1.4",
"babel-eslint": "^10.0.1",
"babel-plugin-syntax-flow": "^6.18.0",
"babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types": "^6.18.0",
"benchmark": "^2.1.2",
"colors": "^1.1.2",
"coveralls": "^3.0.2",
"eslint": "^5.9.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^13.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-flowtype": "^3.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-flowtype-errors": "^3.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-jest": "^22.0.0",
"faker": "^4.1.0",
"flow-bin": "^0.86.0",
"istanbul": "^0.4.5",
"mocha": "^3.1.2",
"mocha-lcov-reporter": "^1.0.0"
"jest": "^23.6.0",
"jsdoc": "^3.5.5",
"jsdoc-babel": "^0.5.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.2"
"description": "B+ tree",
"main": "dist/bplustree.js",
"dependencies": {
"babel-polyfill": "^6.16.0",
"regenerator-runtime": "^0.9.6"
"dependencies": {},
"repository": {

@@ -42,3 +52,6 @@ "type": "git",

"B+ tree",
"b plus",
"b plus tree"

@@ -45,0 +58,0 @@ "author": "Victor Felder",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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