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brisky-stamp - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.6 to 3.0.0




@@ -1,23 +0,43 @@

if (global.briskystamp) {
module.exports = global.briskystamp
} else {
if (!global.briskystamp) {
const next = typeof setImmediate === void 0 ? setTimeout : setImmediate
const ts = exports.ts = 535673248076
var tsInProgress = false
var cnt = 0
var d
var on
global.briskystamp = exports
var on
exports.inProgress = false
exports.cnt = 0
// add timestamp option -- maybe allways use it
exports.offset = 0
const ms = () => {
if (!tsInProgress) {
cnt = 0
d = - ts + exports.offset
tsInProgress = true
next(() => { tsInProgress = false })
} else {
d += ++cnt / 9999
return (exports.cnt = d)
exports.create = (type, src, override) => {
var stamp = override || ++exports.cnt
if (override) override = override - ts
if (type) {
stamp = type + '-' + stamp
return [ override || ms(), src || 0, parseInt(type, 36) ]
} else if (src) {
return [ override || ms(), src ]
} else {
return override || ms()
if (src) {
stamp = src + '|' + stamp
return stamp
exports.src = stamp => stamp && stamp[1]
exports.val = stamp => stamp && ((stamp[0] || stamp) + ts)
exports.type = stamp => stamp[2] && stamp[2].toString(36)
exports.on = fn => {

@@ -31,2 +51,4 @@ if (!on) {

exports.clear = () => { on = false } // rename this to stop
exports.close = () => {

@@ -40,91 +62,16 @@ if (on && !exports.inProgress) {

exports.clear = () => { on = false }
exports.parse = stamp => {
const parsed = {}
const src = exports.src(stamp)
const type = exports.type(stamp)
if (src || type) {
if (src) {
parsed.src = src
if (type) {
parsed.type = type
parsed.val = stamp.slice(stamp.indexOf(type) + type.length + 1)
} else {
parsed.val = stamp.slice(stamp.indexOf('|') + 1)
} else {
parsed.type = type
parsed.val = stamp.slice(stamp.indexOf(type) + type.length + 1)
if (typeof stamp === 'object') {
const parsed = { val: stamp[0] + ts }
const src = stamp[1]
const type = exports.type(stamp)
if (src) parsed.src = src
if (type) parsed.type = type
return parsed
} else {
parsed.val = stamp
return { val: stamp + ts }
return parsed
exports.src = stamp => {
if (typeof stamp === 'string') {
for (let i = 1, len = stamp.length - 1; i < len; i++) {
if (stamp.charAt(i) === '|') {
return stamp.slice(0, i)
exports.val = stamp => {
if (typeof stamp === 'string') {
for (let i = stamp.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (stamp.charAt(i) === '-') {
return stamp.slice(i + 1)
for (let i = 1, len = stamp.length - 1; i < len; i++) {
if (stamp.charAt(i) === '|') {
return stamp.slice(i + 1)
return stamp
} else {
return stamp
exports.hasSrc = stamp => {
if (typeof stamp === 'string') {
for (let i = 1, len = stamp.length - 1; i < len; i++) {
if (stamp.charAt(i) === '|') {
return i
exports.setSrc = (stamp, val) => val + '|' + stamp
exports.type = (stamp, src) => {
if (typeof stamp === 'string') {
let index
if (!src) {
src = -1
for (let j = 1; j < stamp.length - 1; j++) {
if (stamp.charAt(j) === '|') {
src = j
for (let i = stamp.length - 1; i > src + 1; i--) {
let char = stamp.charAt(i)
if (char === '-') {
index = i
if (index) {
return stamp.slice(src + 1, index)
export default global.briskystamp
"name": "brisky-stamp",
"version": "2.1.6",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "Generate unique meta information for change in a system",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/",
"jsnext:main": "dist/",
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c",
"watch": "rollup -c -w",
"prepublish": "npm run build",
"pretest": "npm run build",
"test": "node test | tap-difflet && standard",
"dev": "nodemon test | tap-difflet",
"cover": "istanbul cover --report none --print detail test/index.js",
"docs": "node_modules/vigour-doc/bin/vdoc",
"travis": "npm run cover -s && istanbul report lcov && ((cat coverage/ | coveralls) || exit 0) && standard"

@@ -22,10 +27,2 @@ },

"dependencies": {
"bubleify": "0.5.1"
"browserify": {
"transform": [
"devDependencies": {

@@ -36,2 +33,4 @@ "coveralls": "^2.11.9",

"pre-commit": "^1.1.3",
"rollup": "^0.37.0",
"rollup-watch": "^2.5.0",
"standard": "^8.4.0",

@@ -38,0 +37,0 @@ "tap-difflet": "0.4.0",

# brisky-stamp
Generate unique meta information for change in a system
Generate unique meta information for change in a system, monotonic timestamps

@@ -10,26 +10,29 @@ [![Build Status](](

const briskyStamp = require('brisky-stamp')
const stamp = require('brisky-stamp')
// briskyStamp.create(type, source, override)
// results in click-1
const stamp = briskyStamp.create('click')
// stamp.create(type, source, override)
// results in [ 946725040140, 0, 21158948 ]
// only lowercase letters from the alphabet are supported (base(36))
// fires when a stamp closes (is handled)
briskyStamp.on(() => console.log('closing'))
stamp.on(() => console.log('closing'))
// fires stamp listeners, usefull for debugging (all stamps need to be closed)
// fires stamp listeners
const parsed = briskyStamp.parse(stamp)
const parsed = stamp.parse(stamp)
// returns a parsed stamp { type: 'click', val: 1 }
// remove all listeners
// to debug use
const debug = require('brisky-stamp/debug')
// this will throw errors when stamps are created while others are still open
// idea is that stamps are synchronous, so you never have 2 stamps in progress at the same time in one thread
briskyStamp.create(type, source, override, true) // ignores stamp creation for debugging
// offset internal clock
stamp.offset = 100 // add 100 ms to timestamps
// check if listeners are in progress
stamp.inProgress // true or false
**note** Types only support base 36 characters - beware! (lowercase letters from the alphabet)
'use strict'
// require('./perf')

@@ -1,18 +0,4 @@

'use strict'
const test = require('tape')
var bstamp
var bstamp = require('../')
test('create stamps', t => {
bstamp = require('../')
const gbstamp = global.briskystamp
stamp('default', gbstamp.cnt + 1, bstamp.create())
stamp('type', 'click-' + (gbstamp.cnt + 1), bstamp.create('click'))
stamp('source', 'mac|' + (gbstamp.cnt + 1), bstamp.create(void 0, 'mac'))
stamp('all', 'mac|click-override', bstamp.create('click', 'mac', 'override'))
function stamp (label, result, val) {
t.equal(val, result, label + ' stamp generates "' + result + '"')
test('parse src', t => {

@@ -22,8 +8,4 @@ var stamp = bstamp.create('click', 'mac')

stamp = bstamp.create('click')
stamp = bstamp.setSrc(stamp, 'iphone')
t.equal(bstamp.src(stamp), 'iphone', 'extracts src after setSrc')
t.equal(bstamp.hasSrc(stamp), 6, 'correct hasSrc')
t.equal(bstamp.src('client|8'), 'client')
t.equal(bstamp.hasSrc('client|8'), 6)
t.same(bstamp.parse('client|8'), { val: '8', src: 'client' })
t.equal(bstamp.src(bstamp.create(false, 'client')), 'client')
t.same(bstamp.parse(bstamp.create(false, 'client', 8)), { val: 8, src: 'client' })

@@ -40,30 +22,24 @@ })

const stamp = bstamp.create('special-type-of-stamp', 1, 222132123123.001)
t.equal(bstamp.type(stamp), 'special-type-of-stamp', 'correct type')
t.equal(bstamp.parse(stamp).type, 'special-type-of-stamp', 'correct type (from parse)')
t.equal(bstamp.parse(stamp).val, '222132123123.001', 'correct val')
t.equal(bstamp.val(stamp), '222132123123.001', 'correct val')
t.equal(bstamp.val(100), 100, 'correct val when not a string')
t.equal(bstamp.val('hello'), 'hello', 'correct val when a string but no src and no type')
const stamp2 = bstamp.create(void 0, 1, 222132123123.001)
t.equal(bstamp.val(stamp2), '222132123123.001', 'correct val when no type')
const stamp3 = bstamp.create('special-type-of-stamp', void 0, 222132123123.001)
t.equal(bstamp.val(stamp3), '222132123123.001', 'correct .val when no src')
t.equal(bstamp.parse(stamp3).val, '222132123123.001', 'correct parse.val when no src')
const stamp = bstamp.create('special', 1, 222132123123.01)
t.equal(bstamp.type(stamp), 'special', 'correct type')
t.equal(bstamp.parse(stamp).type, 'special', 'correct type (from parse)')
t.equal(bstamp.parse(stamp).val, 222132123123.01, 'correct val')
t.equal(bstamp.val(stamp), 222132123123.01, 'correct val')
t.equal(bstamp.val(100 - bstamp.ts), 100, 'correct val when not a string')
t.equal(bstamp.val(222 - bstamp.ts), 222, 'correct val when a string but no src and no type')
const stamp2 = bstamp.create(void 0, 1, 222132123123.01)
t.equal(bstamp.val(stamp2), 222132123123.01, 'correct val when no type')
const stamp3 = bstamp.create('special-type-of-stamp', void 0, 222132123123.01)
t.equal(bstamp.val(stamp3), 222132123123.01, 'correct .val when no src')
t.equal(bstamp.parse(stamp3).val, 222132123123.01, 'correct parse.val when no src')
test('parse stamps', t => {
parse('source|type-val', { src: 'source', type: 'type', val: 'val' })
parse('source|val', { src: 'source', val: 'val' })
{ src: 'source-source', val: 'val|val', type: 'type|type-val' }
parse('source-source|val', { src: 'source-source', val: 'val' })
parse('val', { val: 'val' })
parse('type-val', { type: 'type', val: 'val' })
parse(bstamp.create('type', 'source', 1), { src: 'source', type: 'type', val: 1 })
parse(bstamp.create(false, 'source', 1), { src: 'source', val: 1 })
parse(bstamp.create(false, false, 1), { val: 1 })
function parse (val, result) {
t.deepEqual(bstamp.parse(val), result, '"' + val + '" parsed correctly')

@@ -70,0 +46,0 @@

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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