Guess what? It's browser time! Fetch timings: Navigation Timing API, User Timing, HAR file,
Resource Timing, first paint & RUM Speed Index. And other data from your browser.
npm install browsertime -g
usage: browsertime [options]
-u the URL to test
-f Output the result as a file, give the name of the file. If no filename is given, the name will be the domain of the url
--harFile the HAR file name. If no filename, the name will be $domain.har
-b The browser to use. Supported values are:chrome,firefox,phantomjs, default being chrome.
-n the number of times to run the test, default being 3
--userAgent Set the user agent. Default is the one by the browser you use. Only works with Chrome and Firefox
-w The size of the browser window: <width>x<height>, e.g. 400x600. Only works with Chrome and Firefox
--scriptPath the path to an extra script folder.
--headers set request headers by setting a JSON of the format {name:value,name2:value2}
--basicAuth {username:$NAME, password:$password}
--useProxy use MobProxy or not. Use it to get a HAR file.
--connection the speed by simulating connection types, one of [mobile3g,mobile3gfast,cable,native], default is native
--connectionRaw the speed by simulating connection types by setting a JSON like {downstreamKbps: $X, upstreamKbps: $Y, latency: $Z}
--silent will not write anything on stdout
How to run
- Run browsertime
browsertime -h
Output JSON example
"url": "",
"runs": 2,
"browserName": "chrome",
"browserVersion": "38.0.2125.104",
"platform": "Mac OS X",
"userAgent": "",
"windowSize": "unknown",
"browserTimeVersion": "0.1.0",
"statistics": [{
"name": "backEndTime",
"min": "251",
"max": "704",
"p10": "251",
"p70": "704",
"p80": "704",
"p90": "704",
"p99": "704",
"median": "478",
"mean": "478"
}, {
"name": "domContentLoadedTime",
"min": "266",
"max": "780",
"p10": "266",
"p70": "780",
"p80": "780",
"p90": "780",
"p99": "780",
"median": "523",
"mean": "523"
}, {
"name": "domInteractiveTime",
"min": "266",
"max": "780",
"p10": "266",
"p70": "780",
"p80": "780",
"p90": "780",
"p99": "780",
"median": "523",
"mean": "523"
}, {
"name": "domainLookupTime",
"min": "0",
"max": "0",
"p10": "0",
"p70": "0",
"p80": "0",
"p90": "0",
"p99": "0",
"median": "0",
"mean": "0"
}, {
"name": "frontEndTime",
"min": "249",
"max": "763",
"p10": "249",
"p70": "763",
"p80": "763",
"p90": "763",
"p99": "763",
"median": "506",
"mean": "506"
}, {
"name": "pageDownloadTime",
"min": "2",
"max": "44",
"p10": "2",
"p70": "44",
"p80": "44",
"p90": "44",
"p99": "44",
"median": "23",
"mean": "23"
}, {
"name": "pageLoadTime",
"min": "502",
"max": "1511",
"p10": "502",
"p70": "1511",
"p80": "1511",
"p90": "1511",
"p99": "1511",
"median": "1007",
"mean": "1007"
}, {
"name": "redirectionTime",
"min": "154",
"max": "179",
"p10": "154",
"p70": "179",
"p80": "179",
"p90": "179",
"p99": "179",
"median": "167",
"mean": "167"
}, {
"name": "serverConnectionTime",
"min": "0",
"max": "0",
"p10": "0",
"p70": "0",
"p80": "0",
"p90": "0",
"p99": "0",
"median": "0",
"mean": "0"
}, {
"name": "serverResponseTime",
"min": "62",
"max": "583",
"p10": "62",
"p70": "583",
"p80": "583",
"p90": "583",
"p99": "583",
"median": "323",
"mean": "323"
}, {
"name": "speedIndex",
"min": "279",
"max": "991",
"p10": "279",
"p70": "991",
"p80": "991",
"p90": "991",
"p99": "991",
"median": "635",
"mean": "635"
}, {
"name": "firstPaint",
"min": "251",
"max": "704",
"p10": "251",
"p70": "704",
"p80": "704",
"p90": "704",
"p99": "704",
"median": "478",
"mean": "478"
}, {
"name": "headerTime",
"min": "287",
"max": "718",
"p10": "287",
"p70": "718",
"p80": "718",
"p90": "718",
"p99": "718",
"median": "502",
"mean": "502"
}, {
"name": "logoTime",
"min": "383",
"max": "1532",
"p10": "383",
"p70": "1532",
"p80": "1532",
"p90": "1532",
"p99": "1532",
"median": "958",
"mean": "958"
"data": [{
"firstPaint": 704,
"navigation": {
"connectEnd": 1414356675770,
"connectStart": 1414356675770,
"domComplete": 1414356677115,
"domContentLoadedEventEnd": 1414356676385,
"domContentLoadedEventStart": 1414356676385,
"domInteractive": 1414356676385,
"domLoading": 1414356676311,
"domainLookupEnd": 1414356675759,
"domainLookupStart": 1414356675759,
"fetchStart": 1414356675759,
"loadEventEnd": 1414356677124,
"loadEventStart": 1414356677116,
"navigationStart": 1414356675605,
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 1414356675770,
"responseEnd": 1414356676353,
"responseStart": 1414356676309,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"unloadEventEnd": 0,
"unloadEventStart": 0
"resources": [{
"connectEnd": 0,
"connectStart": 0,
"domainLookupEnd": 0,
"domainLookupStart": 0,
"duration": 98.1000000028871,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 717.517999990378,
"initiatorType": "script",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 0,
"responseEnd": 815.617999993265,
"responseStart": 0,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 717.517999990378
}, {
"connectEnd": 718.656000011833,
"connectStart": 718.355999997584,
"domainLookupEnd": 717.780000006314,
"domainLookupStart": 717.780000006314,
"duration": 516.322000010405,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 717.780000006314,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 718.75299999374,
"responseEnd": 1234.10200001672,
"responseStart": 1233.18400001153,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 717.780000006314
}, {
"connectEnd": 771.379999991041,
"connectStart": 771.379999991041,
"domainLookupEnd": 771.379999991041,
"domainLookupStart": 771.379999991041,
"duration": 300.935000006575,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 771.379999991041,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 772.471000003861,
"responseEnd": 1072.31499999762,
"responseStart": 1071.31999998819,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 771.379999991041
}, {
"connectEnd": 772.682999988319,
"connectStart": 772.277999989456,
"domainLookupEnd": 771.590999996988,
"domainLookupStart": 771.590999996988,
"duration": 738.581000012346,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 771.590999996988,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 772.816999990027,
"responseEnd": 1510.17200000933,
"responseStart": 1456.76999998977,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 771.590999996988
}, {
"connectEnd": 781.151000002865,
"connectStart": 780.881999991834,
"domainLookupEnd": 780.308000015793,
"domainLookupStart": 780.308000015793,
"duration": 305.884000001242,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 780.308000015793,
"initiatorType": "script",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 781.191999994917,
"responseEnd": 1086.19200001704,
"responseStart": 936.469000007492,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 780.308000015793
}, {
"connectEnd": 0,
"connectStart": 0,
"domainLookupEnd": 0,
"domainLookupStart": 0,
"duration": 42.7489999856334,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 844.729000004008,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 0,
"responseEnd": 887.477999989642,
"responseStart": 0,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 844.729000004008
"speedIndex": 990.912020896956,
"timings": {
"backEndTime": 704,
"domContentLoadedTime": 780,
"domInteractiveTime": 780,
"domainLookupTime": 0,
"frontEndTime": 763,
"pageDownloadTime": 44,
"pageLoadTime": 1511,
"redirectionTime": 154,
"serverConnectionTime": 0,
"serverResponseTime": 583
"userTiming": {
"marks": [{
"duration": 0,
"entryType": "mark",
"name": "headerTime",
"startTime": 718.075000011595
}, {
"duration": 0,
"entryType": "mark",
"name": "logoTime",
"startTime": 1532.01500000432
"measures": []
}, {
"firstPaint": 251,
"navigation": {
"connectEnd": 1414356678190,
"connectStart": 1414356678190,
"domComplete": 1414356678501,
"domContentLoadedEventEnd": 1414356678265,
"domContentLoadedEventStart": 1414356678265,
"domInteractive": 1414356678265,
"domLoading": 1414356678252,
"domainLookupEnd": 1414356678178,
"domainLookupStart": 1414356678178,
"fetchStart": 1414356678178,
"loadEventEnd": 1414356678507,
"loadEventStart": 1414356678501,
"navigationStart": 1414356677999,
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"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 1414356678190,
"responseEnd": 1414356678252,
"responseStart": 1414356678250,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"unloadEventEnd": 0,
"unloadEventStart": 0
"resources": [{
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"connectStart": 0,
"domainLookupEnd": 0,
"domainLookupStart": 0,
"duration": 30.0609999976587,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 264.595000015106,
"initiatorType": "script",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 0,
"responseEnd": 294.656000012765,
"responseStart": 0,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 264.595000015106
}, {
"connectEnd": 264.871999999741,
"connectStart": 264.871999999741,
"domainLookupEnd": 264.871999999741,
"domainLookupStart": 264.871999999741,
"duration": 58.084999996936,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 264.871999999741,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 265.555999998469,
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"responseStart": 322.332999989158,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 264.871999999741
}, {
"connectEnd": 266.935999999987,
"connectStart": 266.258999996353,
"domainLookupEnd": 265.244999987772,
"domainLookupStart": 265.244999987772,
"duration": 61.4460000069812,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 265.244999987772,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 267.078000004403,
"responseEnd": 326.690999994753,
"responseStart": 325.586999999359,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 265.244999987772
}, {
"connectEnd": 266.984000016237,
"connectStart": 266.392999998061,
"domainLookupEnd": 265.393000008771,
"domainLookupStart": 265.393000008771,
"duration": 61.1309999949299,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 265.393000008771,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 267.099999997299,
"responseEnd": 326.524000003701,
"responseStart": 325.024999998277,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 265.393000008771
}, {
"connectEnd": 266.815999988467,
"connectStart": 266.681000008248,
"domainLookupEnd": 265.806000010343,
"domainLookupStart": 265.806000010343,
"duration": 204.44599998882,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 265.806000010343,
"initiatorType": "script",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 267.04899998731,
"responseEnd": 470.251999999164,
"responseStart": 320.991000015056,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 265.806000010343
}, {
"connectEnd": 0,
"connectStart": 0,
"domainLookupEnd": 0,
"domainLookupStart": 0,
"duration": 36.9839999766555,
"entryType": "resource",
"fetchStart": 382.742000016151,
"initiatorType": "img",
"name": "",
"redirectEnd": 0,
"redirectStart": 0,
"requestStart": 0,
"responseEnd": 419.725999992806,
"responseStart": 0,
"secureConnectionStart": 0,
"startTime": 382.742000016151
"speedIndex": 279.375857895886,
"timings": {
"backEndTime": 251,
"domContentLoadedTime": 266,
"domInteractiveTime": 266,
"domainLookupTime": 0,
"frontEndTime": 249,
"pageDownloadTime": 2,
"pageLoadTime": 502,
"redirectionTime": 179,
"serverConnectionTime": 0,
"serverResponseTime": 62
"userTiming": {
"marks": [{
"duration": 0,
"entryType": "mark",
"name": "headerTime",
"startTime": 286.812000005739
}, {
"duration": 0,
"entryType": "mark",
"name": "logoTime",
"startTime": 383.376999991015
"measures": []
Tobias Lidskog - -
Peter Hedenskog - -
Copyright and license
Copyright 2014 Tobias Lidskog & Peter Hedenskog under the Apache 2.0 license.